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J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210024, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340183


The Malayan blue coral snake, Calliophis bivirgata flaviceps, is a medically important venomous snake in Southeast Asia. However, the complexity and diversity of its venom genes remain little explored. Methods: To address this, we applied high-throughput next-generation sequencing to profile the venom gland cDNA libraries of C. bivirgata flaviceps. The transcriptome was de novo assembled, followed by gene annotation, multiple sequence alignment and analyses of the transcripts. Results: A total of 74 non-redundant toxin-encoding genes from 16 protein families were identified, with 31 full-length toxin transcripts. Three-finger toxins (3FTx), primarily delta-neurotoxins and cardiotoxin-like/cytotoxin-like proteins, were the most diverse and abundantly expressed. The major 3FTx (Cb_FTX01 and Cb_FTX02) are highly similar to calliotoxin, a delta-neurotoxin previously reported in the venom of C. bivirgata. This study also revealed a conserved tyrosine residue at position 4 of the cardiotoxin-like/cytotoxin-like protein genes in the species. These variants, proposed as Y-type CTX-like proteins, are similar to the H-type CTX from cobras. The substitution is conservative though, preserving a less toxic form of elapid CTX-like protein, as indicated by the lack of venom cytotoxicity in previous laboratory and clinical findings. The ecological role of these toxins, however, remains unclear. The study also uncovered unique transcripts that belong to phospholipase A2 of Groups IA and IB, and snake venom metalloproteinases of PIII subclass, which show sequence variations from those of Asiatic elapids. Conclusion: The venom gland transcriptome of C. bivirgata flaviceps from Malaysia was de novo assembled and annotated. The diversity and expression profile of toxin genes provide insights into the biological and medical importance of the species.(AU)

Animais , Fosfolipases , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Venenos de Víboras/toxicidade , Expressão Gênica , Elapidae/fisiologia
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 27: e20210024, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33362


The Malayan blue coral snake, Calliophis bivirgata flaviceps, is a medically important venomous snake in Southeast Asia. However, the complexity and diversity of its venom genes remain little explored. Methods: To address this, we applied high-throughput next-generation sequencing to profile the venom gland cDNA libraries of C. bivirgata flaviceps. The transcriptome was de novo assembled, followed by gene annotation, multiple sequence alignment and analyses of the transcripts. Results: A total of 74 non-redundant toxin-encoding genes from 16 protein families were identified, with 31 full-length toxin transcripts. Three-finger toxins (3FTx), primarily delta-neurotoxins and cardiotoxin-like/cytotoxin-like proteins, were the most diverse and abundantly expressed. The major 3FTx (Cb_FTX01 and Cb_FTX02) are highly similar to calliotoxin, a delta-neurotoxin previously reported in the venom of C. bivirgata. This study also revealed a conserved tyrosine residue at position 4 of the cardiotoxin-like/cytotoxin-like protein genes in the species. These variants, proposed as Y-type CTX-like proteins, are similar to the H-type CTX from cobras. The substitution is conservative though, preserving a less toxic form of elapid CTX-like protein, as indicated by the lack of venom cytotoxicity in previous laboratory and clinical findings. The ecological role of these toxins, however, remains unclear. The study also uncovered unique transcripts that belong to phospholipase A2 of Groups IA and IB, and snake venom metalloproteinases of PIII subclass, which show sequence variations from those of Asiatic elapids. Conclusion: The venom gland transcriptome of C. bivirgata flaviceps from Malaysia was de novo assembled and annotated. The diversity and expression profile of toxin genes provide insights into the biological and medical importance of the species.(AU)

Animais , Fosfolipases , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Venenos de Víboras/toxicidade , Expressão Gênica , Elapidae/fisiologia
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 24(2, cont.): e2406, jul-dez. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1352311


The Elapidae family comprises 35 snake species in Brazil, with Micrurus ibiboboca being widely distributed in the northeast of the country. Despite the high number of Micrurus species in Brazil, there are few cases of human envenomation in literature. This study describes a clinical report of envenomation due to the bite of M. ibiboboca in the State of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil, that took place in 2017. The patient presented symptoms of muscle paralysis and sweating. He was admitted to the intensive care unit. A total of 10 ampoules of anti-elapidic serum were administered. The patient complained of local pain that extended through the arm, paresthesia in the lower limbs, headache, and chest pain. Changes in the visual, respiratory, and neurological systems were not observed. This clinical case report on coral snake poisoning is useful for increasing the knowledge on the toxicological action of snake poison and its effect on injured individuals, thereby helping in the clinical evaluation and treatment.(AU)

A família Elapidae compreende 35 espécies de serpentes no Brasil, com Micrurus ibiboboca amplamente distribuída no Nordeste. Apesar do elevado número de espécies de Micrurus no Brasil, são poucos os casos de envenenamento humano na literatura. Descrevemos aqui um relato clínico de envenenamento por picada de M. ibiboboca no Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, ocorrido em 2017. O paciente apresentava sintomas de paralisia muscular e sudorese. Ele foi internado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Um total de 10 ampolas de soro anti-elapídico foi administrado. O paciente queixava-se de dor local que se estendia pelo braço, parestesia em membros inferiores, cefaleia e dor torácica. Não foram observados alterações nos sistemas de visão, respiratório e neurológico. Este relato de caso clínico de intoxicação por cobra coral é útil para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a ação toxicológica da peçonha da serpente e seu efeito sobre os acidentados, auxiliando na avaliação clínica e no tratamento.(AU)

La familia Elapidae comprende 35 especies de serpientes en Brasil como la Micrurus ibiboboca ampliamente distribuidas en el Noreste. A pesar de lo alto número de especies de Micrurus en Brasil, hay pocos casos de envenenamiento humano en la literatura. Describimos aquí un informe clínico de envenenamiento por mordedura de M. ibiboboca en el estado de Pernambuco, Noreste de Brasil, ocurrido en 2017. El paciente presentaba síntomas de parálisis muscular y sudoración. Fue ingresado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Se administraron un total de 10 ampollas de suero antielapídico. El paciente se quejaba de dolor local que se extendía por el brazo, parestesias en las extremidades inferiores, cefalea y dolor torácico. No se observaron cambios en los sistemas visual, respiratorio y neurológico. Este informe de caso clínico sobre la intoxicación por serpiente coral es útil para aumentar el conocimiento sobre la acción toxicológica del veneno de serpientes y su efecto en los individuos lesionados, ayudando así en la evaluación clínica y el tratamiento.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Cobras Corais
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06639, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1250494


In Brazil, snakes from the Bothrops genus are responsible for thousands of accidents, and their venoms are mainly composed of proteolytic enzymes. Although the antibothropic serum produced by the Brazilian Institutes is remarkably efficient, more studies are necessary, especially in veterinary medicine. The venom contain enzymes and non-enzymatic proteins that interfere with hemostasis leading to hemorrhage or even thrombosis. Possible treatment associations with known bothropic antivenom were the reason for the development of the present study. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemostasis alterations caused by Bothrops alternatus venom in rabbits followed by treatments with anti-bothropic serum, tranexamic acid and desmopressin. Twenty New Zealand rabbits were distributed into five groups (n=4) that were experimentally envenomed with 150mcg/kg of B. alternatus venom via intramuscular injection and treated as follow: Group 1 (G1) was the positive control and received venom and PBS/BSA; Group 2 (G2) was treated with tranexamic acid; Group 3 (G3) with desmopressin; Group 4 (G4) with tranexamic acid and anti-bothropic serum; and Group 5 (G5) with anti-bothropic serum and desmopressin. Blood samples were collected before venom administration, and one, four, eight and 12 hours after, for Partial activated partial thromboplastin time, Prothrombin Time, Thrombin Time and fibrinogen evaluation. Thrombin generation (TG) test was carried out with a pool of samples from final times (8 and 12h). At the end of 12h, all animals were euthanized and necropsy was conducted. Samples from muscle tissue, heart, lungs and kidney were analyzed. Classic coagulation tests showed no significant differences amongst groups and times. However, TG indicated that the venom causes a hypocoagulability state, which was not reversed by proposed treatments. Histology showed muscle inflammation, hemorrhage and necrosis, as well as hemorrhage in other tissues with no differences amongst groups. B. alternatus envenomation causes hypocoagulability detected by TG assay, but not through classical coagulation tests. The use of tranexamic acid and desmopressin for hemostasis stabilization after inoculation of the venom did not show advantage in coagulation restoration.(AU)

No Brasil, as serpentes do gênero Bothrops são responsáveis por milhares de acidentes, e seus venenos são compostos principalmente de enzimas proteolíticas. Embora o soro antiofídico produzido pelos institutos brasileiros seja notavelmente eficiente, mais estudos são necessários, especialmente na medicina veterinária. O veneno contem enzimas e proteínas não-enzimáticas que interferem com a hemostasia levando a hemorragias ou trombose. A associação de outros tratamentos ao soro antibotrópico foi a razão para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações da hemostasia causadas pelo veneno de Bothrops alternatus em coelhos, após tratamento com soro antibotrópico, ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina. Vinte coelhos da Nova Zelândia foram distribuídos em cinco grupos (n = 4) que foram submetidos a experimentos com 150mcg/kg de veneno de B. alternatus por injeção intramuscular. O Grupo 1 (G1) foi o controle positivo e recebeu veneno e PBS / BSA, enquanto o Grupo 2 (G2) foi tratado com ácido tranexâmico, o Grupo 3 (G3) com desmopressina, o Grupo 4 (G4) com ácido tranexâmico e soro antibotrópico, e o Grupo 5 (G5) com soro antibotrópico e desmopressina. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes da administração do veneno, e uma, quatro, oito e 12 horas após os tratamentos para realização de tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada parcial (TTPa), tempo de protrombina (TP), tempo de trombina (TT) e mensuração de fibrinogênio. Para o ensaio de geração de trombina (TG) foi realizado com um pool de amostras nos tempos finais (8 e 12h). Ao final das 12h, todos os animais foram sacrificados e a necropsia foi realizada. Amostras de tecido muscular, coração, pulmões e rins foram analisadas. Os testes TTPa, TP, TT e fibrinogênio não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos e os tempos. No entanto, o TG indicou que o veneno causa um estado de hipocoagulabilidade, que não foi revertido pelos tratamentos propostos. Na histologia, foram observadas inflamação muscular, hemorragia e necrose, além de hemorragia em outros tecidos, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O envenenamento por B. alternatus causa hipocoagulabilidade detectada mais precocemente pelo teste de geração de trombina. O uso de ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina para estabilização da hemostasia após a inoculação do veneno não mostrou vantagem na restauração da coagulação.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Serpentes , Bothrops , Hemostasia , Técnicas Hemostáticas
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06639, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33432


In Brazil, snakes from the Bothrops genus are responsible for thousands of accidents, and their venoms are mainly composed of proteolytic enzymes. Although the antibothropic serum produced by the Brazilian Institutes is remarkably efficient, more studies are necessary, especially in veterinary medicine. The venom contain enzymes and non-enzymatic proteins that interfere with hemostasis leading to hemorrhage or even thrombosis. Possible treatment associations with known bothropic antivenom were the reason for the development of the present study. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemostasis alterations caused by Bothrops alternatus venom in rabbits followed by treatments with anti-bothropic serum, tranexamic acid and desmopressin. Twenty New Zealand rabbits were distributed into five groups (n=4) that were experimentally envenomed with 150mcg/kg of B. alternatus venom via intramuscular injection and treated as follow: Group 1 (G1) was the positive control and received venom and PBS/BSA; Group 2 (G2) was treated with tranexamic acid; Group 3 (G3) with desmopressin; Group 4 (G4) with tranexamic acid and anti-bothropic serum; and Group 5 (G5) with anti-bothropic serum and desmopressin. Blood samples were collected before venom administration, and one, four, eight and 12 hours after, for Partial activated partial thromboplastin time, Prothrombin Time, Thrombin Time and fibrinogen evaluation. Thrombin generation (TG) test was carried out with a pool of samples from final times (8 and 12h). At the end of 12h, all animals were euthanized and necropsy was conducted. Samples from muscle tissue, heart, lungs and kidney were analyzed. Classic coagulation tests showed no significant differences amongst groups and times. However, TG indicated that the venom causes a hypocoagulability state, which was not reversed by proposed treatments. Histology showed muscle inflammation, hemorrhage and necrosis, as well as hemorrhage in other tissues with no differences amongst groups. B. alternatus envenomation causes hypocoagulability detected by TG assay, but not through classical coagulation tests. The use of tranexamic acid and desmopressin for hemostasis stabilization after inoculation of the venom did not show advantage in coagulation restoration.(AU)

No Brasil, as serpentes do gênero Bothrops são responsáveis por milhares de acidentes, e seus venenos são compostos principalmente de enzimas proteolíticas. Embora o soro antiofídico produzido pelos institutos brasileiros seja notavelmente eficiente, mais estudos são necessários, especialmente na medicina veterinária. O veneno contem enzimas e proteínas não-enzimáticas que interferem com a hemostasia levando a hemorragias ou trombose. A associação de outros tratamentos ao soro antibotrópico foi a razão para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações da hemostasia causadas pelo veneno de Bothrops alternatus em coelhos, após tratamento com soro antibotrópico, ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina. Vinte coelhos da Nova Zelândia foram distribuídos em cinco grupos (n = 4) que foram submetidos a experimentos com 150mcg/kg de veneno de B. alternatus por injeção intramuscular. O Grupo 1 (G1) foi o controle positivo e recebeu veneno e PBS / BSA, enquanto o Grupo 2 (G2) foi tratado com ácido tranexâmico, o Grupo 3 (G3) com desmopressina, o Grupo 4 (G4) com ácido tranexâmico e soro antibotrópico, e o Grupo 5 (G5) com soro antibotrópico e desmopressina. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes da administração do veneno, e uma, quatro, oito e 12 horas após os tratamentos para realização de tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada parcial (TTPa), tempo de protrombina (TP), tempo de trombina (TT) e mensuração de fibrinogênio. Para o ensaio de geração de trombina (TG) foi realizado com um pool de amostras nos tempos finais (8 e 12h). Ao final das 12h, todos os animais foram sacrificados e a necropsia foi realizada. Amostras de tecido muscular, coração, pulmões e rins foram analisadas. Os testes TTPa, TP, TT e fibrinogênio não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos e os tempos. No entanto, o TG indicou que o veneno causa um estado de hipocoagulabilidade, que não foi revertido pelos tratamentos propostos. Na histologia, foram observadas inflamação muscular, hemorragia e necrose, além de hemorragia em outros tecidos, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O envenenamento por B. alternatus causa hipocoagulabilidade detectada mais precocemente pelo teste de geração de trombina. O uso de ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina para estabilização da hemostasia após a inoculação do veneno não mostrou vantagem na restauração da coagulação.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos , Serpentes , Bothrops , Hemostasia , Técnicas Hemostáticas
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200018, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135146


Variability in snake venoms is a well-studied phenomenon. However, sex-based variation of Bothrops atrox snake venom using siblings is poorly investigated. Bothrops atrox is responsible for the majority of snakebite accidents in the Brazilian Amazon region. Differences in the venom composition of Bothrops genus have been linked to several factors such as ontogeny, geographical distribution, prey preferences and sex. Thus, in the current study, venom samples of Bothrops atrox male and female siblings were analyzed in order to compare their biochemical and biological characteristics. Methods: Venoms were collected from five females and four males born from a snake captured from the wild in São Bento (Maranhão, Brazil), and kept in the Laboratory of Herpetology of Butantan Intitute. The venoms were analyzed individually and as a pool of each gender. The assays consisted in protein quantification, 1-DE, mass spectrometry, proteolytic, phospholipase A2, L-amino acid oxidase activities, minimum coagulant dose upon plasma, minimum hemorrhagic dose and lethal dose 50%. Results: Electrophoretic profiles of male's and female's venom pools were quite similar, with minor sex-based variation. Male venom showed higher LAAO, PLA2 and hemorrhagic activities, while female venom showed higher coagulant activity. On the other hand, the proteolytic activities did not show statistical differences between pools, although some individual variations were observed. Meanwhile, proteomic profile revealed 112 different protein compounds; of which 105 were common proteins of female's and male's venom pools and seven were unique to females. Despite individual variations, lethality of both pools showed similar values. Conclusion: Although differences between female and male venoms were observed, our results show that individual variations are significant even between siblings, highlighting that biological activities of venoms and its composition are influenced by other factors beyond gender.(AU)

Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Venenos de Serpentes , Espectrometria de Massas , Bothrops , L-Aminoácido Oxidase , Fosfolipases A2 , Produtos Biológicos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.521-4 jan. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458348


Background: South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) envenomation is rarely reported in small animals andlivestock in Brazil. Minor swelling at the snakebite site, skeletal muscle, and renal damage, and severe neurological signscharacterize the crotalic envenomation. This case report aims to present epidemiological, clinical, and pathological dataof two cases of Crotalus durissus spp envenomation in dogs in the Northeast of Brazil.Cases: Envenomation by Crotalus durissus spp. was recorded in two dogs in Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil. In Case 1,the dog presented flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, a deficit of cranial nerves, epistaxis, and gingival hemorrhages. Laboratory assay showed proteinuria, myoglobinuria, regenerative thrombocytopenia, and increased serum activities of creatinekinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The dogwas medicated with crotalic antivenom and wholly recovered from local and systemic clinical signs. In Case 2, the dogdied and was detected fang marks at the ventral region of the left mandible (two small parallel perforations spaced 2.0 cmapart) at the snakebite site. Cyanosis of the oral cavity, congestion, and hemorrhages in several organs were observed atnecropsy. Tubular nephrosis, muscular necrosis, hepatocytes swelling were observed. The owners witnessed snakebites,and the rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus spp.) identified by the rattle at the end portion of the tail in both cases.Discussion: Natural South American rattlesnake envenomation presents complex clinical signs that makes diagnosis achallenge for veterinary practitioners. The criteria for the correct diagnosis and observed in the two dogs include witness ofthe snakebite, identification of the snake, detection of fang marks, clinical-pathological findings, and therapeutic responseto treatment with specific anti-venom....

Animais , Cães , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/patologia , Venenos de Crotalídeos , Brasil , Crotalus
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 26: e20200018, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32319


Variability in snake venoms is a well-studied phenomenon. However, sex-based variation of Bothrops atrox snake venom using siblings is poorly investigated. Bothrops atrox is responsible for the majority of snakebite accidents in the Brazilian Amazon region. Differences in the venom composition of Bothrops genus have been linked to several factors such as ontogeny, geographical distribution, prey preferences and sex. Thus, in the current study, venom samples of Bothrops atrox male and female siblings were analyzed in order to compare their biochemical and biological characteristics. Methods: Venoms were collected from five females and four males born from a snake captured from the wild in São Bento (Maranhão, Brazil), and kept in the Laboratory of Herpetology of Butantan Intitute. The venoms were analyzed individually and as a pool of each gender. The assays consisted in protein quantification, 1-DE, mass spectrometry, proteolytic, phospholipase A2, L-amino acid oxidase activities, minimum coagulant dose upon plasma, minimum hemorrhagic dose and lethal dose 50%. Results: Electrophoretic profiles of male's and female's venom pools were quite similar, with minor sex-based variation. Male venom showed higher LAAO, PLA2 and hemorrhagic activities, while female venom showed higher coagulant activity. On the other hand, the proteolytic activities did not show statistical differences between pools, although some individual variations were observed. Meanwhile, proteomic profile revealed 112 different protein compounds; of which 105 were common proteins of female's and male's venom pools and seven were unique to females. Despite individual variations, lethality of both pools showed similar values. Conclusion: Although differences between female and male venoms were observed, our results show that individual variations are significant even between siblings, highlighting that biological activities of venoms and its composition are influenced by other factors beyond gender.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Serpentes/análise , Venenos de Serpentes/toxicidade , Variação Biológica Individual , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Bothrops
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 521, July 19, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31873


Background: South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) envenomation is rarely reported in small animals andlivestock in Brazil. Minor swelling at the snakebite site, skeletal muscle, and renal damage, and severe neurological signscharacterize the crotalic envenomation. This case report aims to present epidemiological, clinical, and pathological dataof two cases of Crotalus durissus spp envenomation in dogs in the Northeast of Brazil.Cases: Envenomation by Crotalus durissus spp. was recorded in two dogs in Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil. In Case 1,the dog presented flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, a deficit of cranial nerves, epistaxis, and gingival hemorrhages. Laboratory assay showed proteinuria, myoglobinuria, regenerative thrombocytopenia, and increased serum activities of creatinekinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The dogwas medicated with crotalic antivenom and wholly recovered from local and systemic clinical signs. In Case 2, the dogdied and was detected fang marks at the ventral region of the left mandible (two small parallel perforations spaced 2.0 cmapart) at the snakebite site. Cyanosis of the oral cavity, congestion, and hemorrhages in several organs were observed atnecropsy. Tubular nephrosis, muscular necrosis, hepatocytes swelling were observed. The owners witnessed snakebites,and the rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus spp.) identified by the rattle at the end portion of the tail in both cases.Discussion: Natural South American rattlesnake envenomation presents complex clinical signs that makes diagnosis achallenge for veterinary practitioners. The criteria for the correct diagnosis and observed in the two dogs include witness ofthe snakebite, identification of the snake, detection of fang marks, clinical-pathological findings, and therapeutic responseto treatment with specific anti-venom....(AU)

Animais , Cães , Venenos de Crotalídeos , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/patologia , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Brasil , Crotalus
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200059, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143217


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication of snakebite envenomation, which is still little known in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to describe the clinical, biological and ultrasonographic aspects of AKI following severe snakebite envenomation managed in the intensive care unit. Method: A prospective observational survey was performed in Benin over a period of 18 months. All patients suffering severe snakebite envenomation (SBE) were included. The diagnosis of AKI was made using the KDIGO criteria. Kidney ultrasound exam was performed in all patients to assess internal bleeding and morphological and structural abnormalities of the kidneys. Results: Fifty-one cases of severe SBE were included. All patients presented inflammatory syndrome and showed abnormal WBCT whereas bleeding was found in 46 of them (90%). The median time to hospital presentation was three days. The majority of patients were male (M/F sex ratio = 1.55) and the median age was 26. Sixteen patients (31%) showed AKI according to the KDIGO criteria. Severe AKI (KDIGO stage 2 and 3) was observed in three patients, including one stage 2 and two stage 3. Kidney ultrasound revealed three cases of kidney capsular hematoma (6%), two cases of kidney hypertrophy (3%), three cases of kidney injury (4%), two stage 1 KDIGO and one stage 2 KDIGO. Only one patient benefited from hemodialysis. All patients showing AKI recovered without sequels. The median duration of hospital stays was four days. Seven patients died (14%) including four among the 16 AKI patients. Antivenom has been administered to 41 patients (80%). The comparison between patients without and with AKI did not show any significant difference except gender (p = 10-2). Conclusion: AKI is a common complication of severe snakebite envenomation. Resulting from inflammatory and hemorrhagic disorders, AKI may prove to be a short-term life-threatening factor.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Víboras , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Insuficiência Renal , Antivenenos , Fatores Biológicos
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 26: e20200059, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32057


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication of snakebite envenomation, which is still little known in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to describe the clinical, biological and ultrasonographic aspects of AKI following severe snakebite envenomation managed in the intensive care unit. Method: A prospective observational survey was performed in Benin over a period of 18 months. All patients suffering severe snakebite envenomation (SBE) were included. The diagnosis of AKI was made using the KDIGO criteria. Kidney ultrasound exam was performed in all patients to assess internal bleeding and morphological and structural abnormalities of the kidneys. Results: Fifty-one cases of severe SBE were included. All patients presented inflammatory syndrome and showed abnormal WBCT whereas bleeding was found in 46 of them (90%). The median time to hospital presentation was three days. The majority of patients were male (M/F sex ratio = 1.55) and the median age was 26. Sixteen patients (31%) showed AKI according to the KDIGO criteria. Severe AKI (KDIGO stage 2 and 3) was observed in three patients, including one stage 2 and two stage 3. Kidney ultrasound revealed three cases of kidney capsular hematoma (6%), two cases of kidney hypertrophy (3%), three cases of kidney injury (4%), two stage 1 KDIGO and one stage 2 KDIGO. Only one patient benefited from hemodialysis. All patients showing AKI recovered without sequels. The median duration of hospital stays was four days. Seven patients died (14%) including four among the 16 AKI patients. Antivenom has been administered to 41 patients (80%). The comparison between patients without and with AKI did not show any significant difference except gender (p = 10-2). Conclusion: AKI is a common complication of severe snakebite envenomation. Resulting from inflammatory and hemorrhagic disorders, AKI may prove to be a short-term life-threatening factor.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Víboras/análise , Insuficiência Renal/diagnóstico , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Ultrassonografia
Ci. Rural ; 50(5): e20190940, Apr. 17, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26020


Bee envenomation is frequent in humans and dogs, but uncommon in horses. This study aimed to describe a case of acute renal failure following mass envenomation in a horse. A mare was attacked by a swarm of bees and showed reluctance to move, epistaxis, and dark-brown urine. Biochemical exams revealed increase in urea and creatine serum levels. The mare did not respond to treatment and euthanasia was elected after four days of clinical course. At the necropsy, there were multifocal pinpoint to elevated skin lesions associated with edema and hemorrhage, which extended to the subcutaneous tissue and skeletal muscle, and the kidneys were diffusely dark-brown and friable. Microscopically, renal tubules were distended and filled with an orange-red, hyaline globular material, and had severe epithelial tubular cell necrosis. The diagnosis was established based on clinical and histological analysis, and pathological evaluation was essential to confirm acute renal failure due to bee sting toxicity.(AU)

Acidentes por picada de abelhas são frequentemente descritos em humanos e cães, entretanto relatos em cavalos são escassos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever um caso de insuficiência renal aguda em um equino após múltiplas picadas de abelhas. Uma égua foi atacada por um enxame de abelhas desenvolvendo quadro clínico de relutância em se movimentar, epistaxe e urina marrom-escura. Exames bioquímicos demonstraram aumento nos níveis séricos de ureia e creatina. O equino não respondeu ao tratamento e a eutanásia foi realizada após quatro dias de curso clínico. Na necropsia havia múltiplas elevações cutâneas, que ao corte exibiam edema e hemorragia, os quais se estendiam ao subcutâneo e musculatura adjacente. Os rins estavam difusamente marrom-escuros e havia friáveis. Microscopicamente, os túbulos renais estavam distendidos e preenchidos por um material hialino, globular, laranja-avermelhado e havia acentuada necrose das células epiteliais tubulares. O diagnóstico foi obtido por meio da análise clínica e histológica, e a avaliação patológica foi essencial para confirmar a insuficiência renal aguda por picada de abelha.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/complicações , Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal/veterinária , Intoxicação/veterinária , Abelhas
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 25: e20190017, 2019. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1012637


Traditional medicine plays an important role in the daily lives of people living in rural parts of Ethiopia. Despite the fact that Ethiopia has a long history of using traditional medicinal plants as an alternative medicine source, there is no checklist compiling these plants used for snakebite treatment. This review collected and compiled available knowledge on and practical usage of such plants in the country. A literature review on medicinal plants used to treat snakebites was conducted from 67 journal articles, PhD dissertation and MSc theses available online. Data that summarize scientific and folk names, administration methods, plant portion used for treatment and method of preparation of recipes were organized and analyzed based on citation frequency. The summarized results revealed the presence of 184 plant species distributed among 67 families that were cited for treating snakebite in Ethiopia. In this literature search, no single study was entirely dedicated to the study of traditional medicinal plants used for the treatment of snakebite in Ethiopia. Most of the species listed as a snakebite remedy were shrubs and climbers (44%) followed by herbs (33%) and trees (23%). Fabaceae was the most predominant family with the greatest number of species, followed by Solanaceae and Vitaceae. Remedies are mainly prepared from roots and leaves, through decoctions, infusions, powders and juices. Most remedies were administered orally (69%). The six most frequently mentioned therapeutically important plants were Nicotiana tabacum, Solanum incanum, Carissa spinanrum, Calpurnia aurea, Croton macrostachyus and Cynodon dactylon. Authors reviewed the vegetal substances involved in snakebite management and their action mode. In addition to screening the biologically active ingredients and pharmacological activities of these plant materials, future studies are needed to emphasize the conservation and cultivation of important medicinal plants of the country.(AU)

Animais , Plantas Medicinais , Mordeduras de Serpentes/terapia , Etnobotânica , Medicina Tradicional
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 25: e20190017, Aug. 5, 2019. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21448


Traditional medicine plays an important role in the daily lives of people living in rural parts of Ethiopia. Despite the fact that Ethiopia has a long history of using traditional medicinal plants as an alternative medicine source, there is no checklist compiling these plants used for snakebite treatment. This review collected and compiled available knowledge on and practical usage of such plants in the country. A literature review on medicinal plants used to treat snakebites was conducted from 67 journal articles, PhD dissertation and MSc theses available online. Data that summarize scientific and folk names, administration methods, plant portion used for treatment and method of preparation of recipes were organized and analyzed based on citation frequency. The summarized results revealed the presence of 184 plant species distributed among 67 families that were cited for treating snakebite in Ethiopia. In this literature search, no single study was entirely dedicated to the study of traditional medicinal plants used for the treatment of snakebite in Ethiopia. Most of the species listed as a snakebite remedy were shrubs and climbers (44%) followed by herbs (33%) and trees (23%). Fabaceae was the most predominant family with the greatest number of species, followed by Solanaceae and Vitaceae. Remedies are mainly prepared from roots and leaves, through decoctions, infusions, powders and juices. Most remedies were administered orally (69%). The six most frequently mentioned therapeutically important plants were Nicotiana tabacum, Solanum incanum, Carissa spinanrum, Calpurnia aurea, Croton macrostachyus and Cynodon dactylon. Authors reviewed the vegetal substances involved in snakebite management and their action mode. In addition to screening the biologically active ingredients and pharmacological activities of these plant materials, future studies are needed to emphasize the conservation and cultivation of important medicinal plants of the country.(AU)

Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes/terapia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/tratamento farmacológico , Medicinas Tradicionais Africanas , Plantas Medicinais/química , África Subsaariana , Etiópia
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 25: e.20190083, Dec. 2, 2019. mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24636


Snakebite is a critical public health issue in tropical countries, particularly in Africa, where 20% of snakebites globally occur. In 2017, the WHO added snakebite envenoming to the category A of neglected tropical diseases. In 2019, thanks to broad institutional and international NGO support, including strong mobilization of African experts and governments, WHO launched a strategy for prevention and control of snakebite envenoming with more ambitious goals. In sub-Saharan Africa, accessibility of antivenoms and symptomatic, adjuvant or replacement therapy is a priority. Several antivenoms are available but their evaluation has not been properly carried out and they remain expensive. To date, there are no manufacturers of antivenom in sub-Saharan Africa (except in South Africa), which requires their importation from other continents. The lack of experience in antivenom choice and its use by health authorities, health personnel and population largely explains the shortage in sub-Saharan Africa. The deficiency of epidemiological data does not allow the implementation of appropriate and efficient care. It is crucial to strengthen the health system which does not have the necessary means for emergency management in general and envenoming in particular. Providing peripheral health centers with antivenoms would decrease complications and deaths. The motivation of communities at risk, identified through the epidemiological data, would be to reduce the delay in consultation that is detrimental to the efficiency of treatment. Partnerships need to be coordinated to optimize resources from international institutions, particularly African ones, and share the burden of treatment costs among all stakeholders. We propose here a project of progressive implementation of antivenom manufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa. The various steps, from the supply of...(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes/prevenção & controle , Antivenenos/administração & dosagem , Doenças Negligenciadas , África Subsaariana
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 25: e.20190083, 2019. map
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484763


Snakebite is a critical public health issue in tropical countries, particularly in Africa, where 20% of snakebites globally occur. In 2017, the WHO added snakebite envenoming to the category A of neglected tropical diseases. In 2019, thanks to broad institutional and international NGO support, including strong mobilization of African experts and governments, WHO launched a strategy for prevention and control of snakebite envenoming with more ambitious goals. In sub-Saharan Africa, accessibility of antivenoms and symptomatic, adjuvant or replacement therapy is a priority. Several antivenoms are available but their evaluation has not been properly carried out and they remain expensive. To date, there are no manufacturers of antivenom in sub-Saharan Africa (except in South Africa), which requires their importation from other continents. The lack of experience in antivenom choice and its use by health authorities, health personnel and population largely explains the shortage in sub-Saharan Africa. The deficiency of epidemiological data does not allow the implementation of appropriate and efficient care. It is crucial to strengthen the health system which does not have the necessary means for emergency management in general and envenoming in particular. Providing peripheral health centers with antivenoms would decrease complications and deaths. The motivation of communities at risk, identified through the epidemiological data, would be to reduce the delay in consultation that is detrimental to the efficiency of treatment. Partnerships need to be coordinated to optimize resources from international institutions, particularly African ones, and share the burden of treatment costs among all stakeholders. We propose here a project of progressive implementation of antivenom manufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa. The various steps, from the supply of...

Humanos , Animais , Antivenenos/administração & dosagem , Doenças Negligenciadas , Mordeduras de Serpentes/prevenção & controle , África Subsaariana
Revista Brasileira de Zoociências (Online) ; 20(1): 14-ago. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494744


Os casos de envenenamentos aumentaram consideravelmente no Brasil, no entanto, para o estado do Piauí apenas dois estudos foram realizados até o momento. Aqui, investigamos, através dos formulários de notificação, as características epidemiológicas dos casos de envenenamentos ocorridos durante 11 anos na macrorregião de Picos, estado do Piauí, Nordeste do Brasil. Além disso, também verificamos se as espécies registradas nos formulários de notificação correspondem às espécies que ocorrem na região. Registramos 1.249 casos de envenenamentos, sendo 41% causados por escorpiões, 35% causados por serpentes e 24% causados por aranhas. Na maioria dos casos (aracnídeos = 99%, escorpiões = 93%, serpentes = 52%) não houve a identificação da espécie causadora do acidente. A maioria das vítimas dos acidentes (66%) eram indivíduos do sexo masculino entre 18 e 24 anos de áreas rurais, picadas durante atividades de campo na estação chuvosa (janeiro a março). Os locais de lesão mais comuns foram os membros inferiores (37%) e a maioria (53%) dos acidentes foi do tipo leve. Este é o primeiro estudo que reporta o perfil epidemiológico de uma série de envenenamentos (incluindo aracnídeos e serpentes) durante 11 anos de ocorrência no estado do Piauí. Além disso, também apresentamos a primeira lista de espécies de aracnídeos e serpentes de importância médica para o estado. Nossos resultados demonstram que houve uma alta incidência de acidentes por animais peçonhentos na região centro-sul do estado, a maioria dos registros não foi notificada no SINAN, a maioria dos registros não apresentou a identificação das espécies responsáveis pelo acidente, e há registros cujas espécies foram identificadas incorretamente.

Cases of poisoning have increased considerably in Brazil, however for state of Piauí only two studies were carried out so far. Here, we investigated, through the notification forms, the epidemiological characteristics of cases of poisoning that occurred during 11 years in a macro-region of Picos, state of Piauí, Northeastern Brazil. Furthermore, we also check whether the species recorded in the notification forms correspond to the species that occur in the region. We recorded 1.249 cases of envenomations, being 41% caused by scorpions, 35% caused by snakes and 24% caused by spiders. Most cases (arachnids = 99%, scorpions = 93%, snakes = 52%) there was no identification of species causing the accident. Most of the victims of the accidents (66%) were male individuals between 18 and 24 years from rural areas, stung during field activities in the rainy season (January-March). The most common injury sites were the lower limbs (37%) and the majority (53%) of the accidents was the mild type. This is the first study that reports the epidemiological profile of a series of envenomations (including arachnids and snakes) during 11 years of records in the state of Piauí. Furthermore, we also present the first list of species of arachnids and snakes of medical importance to the state. Our results demonstrate that there was a high incidence of accidents by venomous animals in the Center-South region of the state, most of the records was not notified in SINAN, most records does not present the identification of the species responsible for the accident, and there are records whose species was incorrectly identified.

Animais , Animais Peçonhentos , Intoxicação/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 25: e147018, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1002495


Lachesis muta rhombeata is one of the venomous snakes of medical importance in Brazil whose envenoming is characterized by local and systemic effects which may produce even shock and death. Its venom is mainly comprised of serine and metalloproteinases, phospholipases A2 and bradykinin-potentiating peptides. Based on a previously reported fractionation of L. m. rhombeata venom (LmrV), we decided to perform a subproteome analysis of its major fraction and investigated a novel component present in this venom. Methods: LmrV was fractionated through molecular exclusion chromatography and the main fraction (S5) was submitted to fibrinogenolytic activity assay and fractionated by reversed-phase chromatography. The N-terminal sequences of the subfractions eluted from reversed-phase chromatography were determined by automated Edman degradation. Enzyme activity of LmrSP-4 was evaluated upon chromogenic substrates for thrombin (S-2238), plasma kallikrein (S-2302), plasmin and streptokinase-activated plasminogen (S-2251) and Factor Xa (S-2222) and upon fibrinogen. All assays were carried out in the presence or absence of possible inhibitors. The fluorescence resonance energy transfer substrate Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp was used to determine the optimal conditions for LmrSP-4 activity. Molecular mass of LmrSP-4 was determined by MALDI-TOF and digested peptides after trypsin and Glu-C treatments were analyzed by high resolution MS/MS using different fragmentation modes. Results: Fraction S5 showed strong proteolytic activity upon fibrinogen. Its fractionation by reversed-phase chromatography gave rise to 6 main fractions (S5C1-S5C6). S5C1-S5C5 fractions correspond to serine proteinases whereas S5C6 represents a C-type lectin. S5C4 (named LmrSP-4) had its N-terminal determined by Edman degradation up to the 53rd amino acid residue and was chosen for characterization studies. LmrSP-4 is a fibrinogenolytic serine proteinase with high activity against S-2302, being inhibited by PMSF and benzamidine, but not by 1,10-phenantroline. In addition, this enzyme exhibited maximum activity within the pH range from neutral to basic and between 40 and 50 °C. About 68% of the LmrSP-4 primary structure was covered, and its molecular mass is 28,190 Da. Conclusions: Novel serine proteinase isoforms and a lectin were identified in LmrV. Additionally, a kallikrein-like serine proteinase that might be useful as molecular tool for investigating bradykinin-involving process was isolated and partially characterized.(AU)

Plasminogênio , Venenos de Serpentes , Lachesis muta , Serina Proteases , Calicreínas , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz , Fosfolipases A2
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 25: e147018, Apr. 15, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19286


Background:Lachesis muta rhombeata is one of the venomous snakes of medical importance in Brazil whose envenoming is characterized by local and systemic effects which may produce even shock and death. Its venom is mainly comprised of serine and metalloproteinases, phospholipases A2 and bradykinin-potentiating peptides. Based on a previously reported fractionation of L. m. rhombeata venom (LmrV), we decided to perform a subproteome analysis of its major fraction and investigated a novel component present in this venom.Methods:LmrV was fractionated through molecular exclusion chromatography and the main fraction (S5) was submitted to fibrinogenolytic activity assay and fractionated by reversed-phase chromatography. The N-terminal sequences of the subfractions eluted from reversed-phase chromatography were determined by automated Edman degradation. Enzyme activity of LmrSP-4 was evaluated upon chromogenic substrates for thrombin (S-2238), plasma kallikrein (S-2302), plasmin and streptokinase-activated plasminogen (S-2251) and Factor Xa (S-2222) and upon fibrinogen. All assays were carried out in the presence or absence of possible inhibitors. The fluorescence resonance energy transfer substrate Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp was used to determine the optimal conditions for LmrSP-4 activity. Molecular mass of LmrSP-4 was determined by MALDI-TOF and digested peptides after trypsin and Glu-C treatments were analyzed by high resolution MS/MS using different fragmentation modes.Results:Fraction S5 showed strong proteolytic activity upon fibrinogen. Its fractionation by reversed-phase chromatography gave rise to 6 main fractions (S5C1-S5C6). S5C1-S5C5 fractions correspond to serine proteinases whereas S5C6 represents a C-type lectin. S5C4 (named LmrSP-4) had its N-terminal determined by Edman degradation up to the 53rd amino acid residue and was chosen for characterization studies. LmrSP-4 is a fibrinogenolytic...(AU)

R. bras. Zoo. ; 20(1): 14, ago. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25890


Os casos de envenenamentos aumentaram consideravelmente no Brasil, no entanto, para o estado do Piauí apenas dois estudos foram realizados até o momento. Aqui, investigamos, através dos formulários de notificação, as características epidemiológicas dos casos de envenenamentos ocorridos durante 11 anos na macrorregião de Picos, estado do Piauí, Nordeste do Brasil. Além disso, também verificamos se as espécies registradas nos formulários de notificação correspondem às espécies que ocorrem na região. Registramos 1.249 casos de envenenamentos, sendo 41% causados por escorpiões, 35% causados por serpentes e 24% causados por aranhas. Na maioria dos casos (aracnídeos = 99%, escorpiões = 93%, serpentes = 52%) não houve a identificação da espécie causadora do acidente. A maioria das vítimas dos acidentes (66%) eram indivíduos do sexo masculino entre 18 e 24 anos de áreas rurais, picadas durante atividades de campo na estação chuvosa (janeiro a março). Os locais de lesão mais comuns foram os membros inferiores (37%) e a maioria (53%) dos acidentes foi do tipo leve. Este é o primeiro estudo que reporta o perfil epidemiológico de uma série de envenenamentos (incluindo aracnídeos e serpentes) durante 11 anos de ocorrência no estado do Piauí. Além disso, também apresentamos a primeira lista de espécies de aracnídeos e serpentes de importância médica para o estado. Nossos resultados demonstram que houve uma alta incidência de acidentes por animais peçonhentos na região centro-sul do estado, a maioria dos registros não foi notificada no SINAN, a maioria dos registros não apresentou a identificação das espécies responsáveis pelo acidente, e há registros cujas espécies foram identificadas incorretamente.(AU)

Cases of poisoning have increased considerably in Brazil, however for state of Piauí only two studies were carried out so far. Here, we investigated, through the notification forms, the epidemiological characteristics of cases of poisoning that occurred during 11 years in a macro-region of Picos, state of Piauí, Northeastern Brazil. Furthermore, we also check whether the species recorded in the notification forms correspond to the species that occur in the region. We recorded 1.249 cases of envenomations, being 41% caused by scorpions, 35% caused by snakes and 24% caused by spiders. Most cases (arachnids = 99%, scorpions = 93%, snakes = 52%) there was no identification of species causing the accident. Most of the victims of the accidents (66%) were male individuals between 18 and 24 years from rural areas, stung during field activities in the rainy season (January-March). The most common injury sites were the lower limbs (37%) and the majority (53%) of the accidents was the mild type. This is the first study that reports the epidemiological profile of a series of envenomations (including arachnids and snakes) during 11 years of records in the state of Piauí. Furthermore, we also present the first list of species of arachnids and snakes of medical importance to the state. Our results demonstrate that there was a high incidence of accidents by venomous animals in the Center-South region of the state, most of the records was not notified in SINAN, most records does not present the identification of the species responsible for the accident, and there are records whose species was incorrectly identified.(AU)

Animais , Animais Peçonhentos , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia , Intoxicação/epidemiologia