The effect of using natural growth promoters (NGP) to replace traditional antimicrobials on performance, biometry of digestive and reproductive organs, sexual maturity and bone characteristics of replacement pullets was evaluated; and the relationship between these variables according to the diets was verified. Eight-week-old birds were randomly assigned to a completely randomized design and fed different diets: negative control (without growth promoters); positive control - conventional growth promoter; organic acids (OA); symbiotic (S); essential oil (EO); OA + S; and EO + S. The performance, relative weight of digestive and reproductive organs and length intestines, height and crest length, sternum length, bone quality and sexual maturity of birds were similar (p>0.05) between treatments. The heat map combined with cluster analysis showed a uniform static pattern with the formation of three horizontal groups formed by the treatments: 1) negative control, S and OA + S; 2) positive control and OE and 3) OA and OE + S. A null relationship between the treatments and the variables under study was observed. The principal components analysis revealed an association of variables in three components with 60.55% of variation. NGP can replace traditional promoters, as they do not interfere with performance, biometrics or sexual maturity. Height and length are predictive variables for the development of reproductive organs, especially the oviduct. A similarity was identified through multivariate techniques between symbiotic and organic + symbiotic acids; positive control and essential oils; and organic and symbiotic acids + essential oils.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos Voláteis/química , Anti-Infecciosos/análiseResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of eubiotics on the intestinal morphology of broilers. For this purpose, 125 birds were divided into six groups with two replicates each (10 birds in each replicate). Group A was given a Basal diet. All groups except group A were challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Group B was provided the basal diet, group C was fed a Probiotic-added diet; group D was fed a Prebiotics-based diet; group E was given essential oils plus the basal diet; and group F was provided with organic acids plus the basal diet. Two separate experiments were carried out for Salmonella recovery, checking the cecal tonsils and conducting an intestinal pathomorphic evaluation. Villus length, villus width, villus surface area, and crypt depth were measured by micrometry. There was an overall improvement (p<0.05) in intestinal morphometric parameters for all the treatment groups except for the negative control group, which showed the lowest villus height and villus depth values. Maximum villus height (p<0.05) of the duodenum was achieved by group E, which was fed a diet containing essential oils, whereas a maximum villus surface area index (p<0.05) was recorded for the birds of Group D, which were fed a diet containing prebiotics. Maximum villus height (p<0.05) and surface area index in ileum mucosa was recorded (p<0.05) in the birds of group D (treated with prebiotics). It is concluded that there is an overall increase in the gut histology of broilers fed non-antibiotic based feed.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Salmonella enterica/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Ortho-eugenol is a synthetic derivative from eugenol, the major compound of clove essential oil, which has demonstrated antidepressant and antinociceptive effects in pioneering studies. Additionally, its effects appear to be dependent on the noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems. Depression and anxiety disorders are known to share a great overlap in their pathophysiology, and many drugs are effective in the treatment of both diseases. Furthermore, high levels of anxiety are related to working memory deficits and increased oxidative stress. Thus, in this study we investigated the effects of acute treatment of ortho-eugenol, at 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg, on anxiety, working memory and oxidative stress in male Swiss mice. Our results show that the 100 mg/kg dose increased the number of head-dips and reduced the latency in the hole-board test. The 50 mg/kg dose reduced malondialdehyde levels in the prefrontal cortex and the number of Y-maze entries compared to the MK-801-induced hyperlocomotion group. All doses reduced nitrite levels in the hippocampus. It was also possible to assess a statistical correlation between the reduction of oxidative stress and hyperlocomotion after the administration of ortho-eugenol. However, acute treatment was not able to prevent working memory deficits. Therefore, the present study shows that ortho-eugenol has an anxiolytic and antioxidant effect, and was able to prevent substance-induced hyperlocomotion. Our results contribute to the elucidation of the pharmacological profile of ortho-eugenol, as well as to direct further studies that seek to investigate its possible clinical applications.
Ortho-eugenol é um derivado sintético do eugenol, composto principal do óleo essencial de cravo, que demonstrou efeitos antidepressivos e antinociceptivos em estudos pioneiros. Além disso, seus efeitos parecem ser dependentes dos sistemas noradrenérgico e dopaminérgico. Sabe-se que os transtornos de depressão e ansiedade compartilham uma grande sobreposição em sua fisiopatologia, e muitas drogas são eficazes no tratamento de ambas as doenças. Além disso, altos níveis de ansiedade estão relacionados a déficits de memória de trabalho e aumento do estresse oxidativo. Assim, o presente estudo investigou os efeitos do tratamento agudo de orto-eugenol, nas doses de 50, 75 e 100 mg/kg, na ansiedade, memória de trabalho e estresse oxidativo em camundongos Swiss machos. Nossos resultados mostram que a dose de 100 mg/kg aumentou o número de mergulhos e reduziu a latência no teste da placa perfurada. A dose de 50 mg/kg reduziu os níveis de malondialdeído no córtex pré-frontal e o número de entradas no labirinto em Y em comparação com o grupo de hiperlocomoção induzida por MK-801. Todas as doses reduziram os níveis de nitrito no hipocampo. Também foi possível avaliar uma correlação estatística entre a redução do estresse oxidativo e a hiperlocomoção após a administração do orto-eugenol. No entanto, o tratamento agudo não foi capaz de prevenir os déficits de memória de trabalho. Portanto, o presente estudo mostra que o orto-eugenol tem efeito ansiolítico e antioxidante, sendo capaz de prevenir a hiperlocomoção induzida pela substância. Nossos resultados contribuem para a elucidação do perfil farmacológico do orto-eugenol, bem como para direcionar novos estudos que busquem investigar suas possíveis aplicações clínicas.
Animais , Camundongos , Ansiedade/tratamento farmacológico , Eugenol , Óleos Voláteis , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacosResumo
Terpenoids, also named terpenes or isoprenoids, are a family of natural products found in all living organisms. Many plants produce terpenoids as secondary metabolites, and these make up a large part of essential oils. One of most important characteristic is that the compounds are volatile, have odor and can be used in a variety of applications in different industrial segments and traditional medicine. Brazil has a rich and diverse flora that can be used as a source of research for obtaining new molecules. Within the Brazilian flora, it is worth mentioning the Caatinga as an exclusively Brazilian biome where plants adapt to a specific series of weather conditions and therefore become a great storehouse of the terpenoid compounds to be described herein. Fungal infections have become increasingly common, and a great demand for new agents with low toxicity and side effects has thus emerged. Scientists must search for new molecules exhibiting antifungal activity to develop new drugs. This review aims to analyze scientific data from the principal published studies describing the use of terpenes and their biological applications as antifungals.
Os terpenóides, também chamados terpenos ou isoprenóides, são uma família de produtos naturais encontrados em todos os organismos vivos. Muitas plantas são produtoras destes metabolitos secundários, que constituem uma grande parte dos óleos essenciais. Uma das características mais importantes é que os compostos são voláteis, têm odor e podem ser utilizados numa variedade de aplicações em diferentes segmentos industriais ou na medicina tradicional. O Brasil tem uma flora rica e diversificada que pode ser utilizada como fonte de pesquisa para a obtenção de novas moléculas. Dentro desta flora, vale a pena mencionar a Caatinga como um bioma exclusivamente brasileiro que possui plantas adaptadas a uma série de condições climáticas e, portanto, um armazém de compostos a serem descritos. As infecções fúngicas são doenças cada vez mais comuns, devido a isso existe uma grande procura de novos agentes com baixa toxicidade e efeitos secundários. Os cientistas devem procurar novas moléculas que exibam atividade antifúngica para o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos contra as infecções fúngicas. Esta revisão visa analisar dados científicos dos principais estudos publicados que descrevem o uso de terpenóides e as suas aplicações biológicas como antifúngicos.
Terpenos , Óleos Voláteis , AntifúngicosResumo
Around the world, the main problems of livestock are caused by ectoparasites, however, commercial acaracide are toxic to the environment and detrimental to One Health. Therefore, research has increasingly focused on development of natural products as alternatives for tick control. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal effect on Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, through use of essential oils (EOs) extracted from the leaves, flower buds and stems of Tetradenia riparia. The chemical composition of these EOs was determined through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). They were tested on larvae at concentrations of 100.000 to 40 µg/mL, using the larval packet test and under semi-natural conditions. The main class of compounds in the chemical composition was sesquiterpenes (both oxygenates and hydrocarbons), whereas the predominant compounds in the leaves, flower buds and stems were 14-hydroxy-9-epi-caryophyllene, T-cadinol and 6-7-dehydroroyleanone, respectively. The leaves proved to be the most effective, with highest larvicidal activity (LC99.9 = 83.53 µg/mL). When tested under semi-natural conditions, the oils obtained efficiency above 98% in all compound tests. The results indicated that these EOs were effective against R. (B.) microplus larvae in vitro and ex-situ, proving that this plant has bioactive molecules with significant larvicidal activity.(AU)
Os principais problemas para a pecuária estão relacionados às ectoparasitoses, e ao fato dos carrapaticidas apresentarem elevada toxicidade ao meio ambiente e à saúde única. Surgem, então, demandas na busca por inovações e desenvolvimento de produtos naturais, como alternativas para o controle dos carrapatos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da atividade larvicida sobre Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus a partir dos óleos essenciais de Tetradenia riparia (TrOEs) extraídos das folhas, botões florais e caules. A composição química foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). Os TrOEs foram testados sobre larvas nas concentrações de 100.000 a 40 µg/mL pelo teste de pacote de larvas e em condições seminaturais. Na composição química, a classe majoritária foi os sesquiterpenos (oxigenados e hidrocarbonetos); já os compostos em destaques foram 14-hidroxy-9-epi-caryophyllene, T-cadinol e 6-7-dehidroroyleanone para folhas, botões florais e caules, respectivamente. As folhas demonstraram ser mais eficientes e com maior poder larvicida (CL99.9 = 83.53 µg/mL). Quando testado em condições seminaturais os óleos obtiveram eficiência acima de 98% em todos os compostos testados. Os resultados indicaram que os TrOEs, foram eficazes sobre as larvas de R. (B.) microplus in vitro e ex-situ, evidenciando que esta planta possui moléculas bioativas com ação larvicidas significativas.(AU)
Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversos , Rhipicephalus/imunologia , Larvicidas , Acaricidas/análise , Espectrometria de Massas/métodos , Cromatografia Gasosa/métodos , Lamiaceae/químicaResumo
Este estudo teve como intuito apresentar pesquisas e dados relacionados à inclusão de óleos essenciais microencapsulados na dieta de vacas leiteiras, realizando, assim, levantamento de dados sobre a produtividade do leite e também sobre a sua composição e qualidade, efetuando comparações entre vacas suplementadas e não suplementadas. A pesquisa foi realizada no setor de bovinocultura leiteira do IFMG - Campus Bambuí, utilizando-se 40 vacas com diferentes graus de sangue e com variações entre 27 e 300 dias em lactação. As vacas foram mantidas em sistema semi-intensivo, pois tinham acesso aos piquetes rotacionados e recebiam suplementação de silagem de milho e concentrado antes de se iniciar as ordenhas. O trabalho baseia-se em uma comparação de antes e após o uso de óleos essenciais. Diante disso, o estudo teve duração total de 82 dias, com as coletas de dados diárias sobre o consumo alimentar das vacas, produtividade e coleta de amostras de leite destinadas à análise no LaQal (Laboratório de Análise de Qualidade de Água e Leite) do IFMG - Campus Bambuí. Os animais receberam 5 g/vaca/dia de óleos essenciais microepsulados, um produto comercial com os seguintes princípios ativos: carvacrol, cinamaldeido, eugenol, oleoresina e veículo. Os dados foram tabulados e transformados em valores nominais e percentuais para, a partir daí, serem construídos os gráficos com a finalidade de facilitar a interpretação dos resultados. Portanto, no presente trabalho, realizou-se uma análise exploratória dos dados de grau de sangue, produção de leite diária, composição do leite, contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e consumo alimentar de silagem de milho e concentrado. Ademais, o nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05% (valor-p=0,05). Utilizou-se o pacote dplyr, do programa estatístico R (R CORE TEAM, 2022), e, para análises, o teste-t de Student, utilizando-se a função t.test do pacote stats do programa estatístico R. Não foram obtidos resultados significantes sobre a produtividade do leite, nem sobre sua composição, CCS e consumo. Embora o produto comercial não tenha demonstrado influência sobre as análises realizadas, são necessários mais estudos para melhor conhecimento da sua ação e de seus beneficios para a produção animal.
This study aimed to present research and data related to the inclusion of microencapsulated essential oils in the diet of dairy cows, thus performing a survey of data on milk productivity and also on its composition and quality, making comparisons between supplemented and non-supplemented cows. The research was carried out the dairy cattle sector of the IFMG - Campus Bambuí, using 40 cows with different degrees of blood and with variations between 27 and 300 days in lactation. Cows were kept in a semi-intensive system, as they had access to rotated paddocks and received supplementation with corn silage and concentrate before starting milking. The work is based on a comparison of before and after the use of essential oils. Therefore, the study lasted a total of 82 days, with daily data collection on the cows' food consumption, productivity and collection of milk samples destined for analysis in the IFMG's LaQal (Laboratory for the Analysis of Water and Milk Quality) - Campus Bambui. The animals received 5 g/cow/day of microencapsulated essential oils, a commercial product with the following active ingredients: carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, oleoresin and vehicle. The data were tabulated and transformed into nominal values and percentages so that, from there, graphs could be constructed in order to facilitate the interpretation of the results. Therefore, in the present work, an exploratory analysis of blood grade data, daily milk production, milk composition, somatic cell count (SCC) and food consumption of corn silage and concentrate was carried out. Furthermore, the significance level adopted was 0.05% (p-value = 0.05). The dplyr package, from the R statistical program (R CORE TEAM, 2022), was used and, for analyses, Student's t-test, using the t.test function from the stats package of the R statistical program. significant results on milk productivity, nor on its composition, CCS and consumption. Although the commercial product has not shown influence on the analyzes carried out, further studies are needed to better understand its action and its benefits for animal production.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar investigaciones y datos relacionados con la inclusión de aceites esenciales microencapsulados en la dieta de las vacas lecheras, realizando así un levantamiento de datos sobre la productividad de la leche y también sobre su composición y calidad, haciendo comparaciones entre vacas suplementadas y no suplementadas. investigación se realizó en el sector de ganado lechero de la IFMG - Campus Bambuí, utilizando 40 vacas con diferentes grados de sangre y con variaciones entre 27 y 300 días en lactación. Las vacas se mantuvieron en un sistema semi-intensivo, ya que tenían acceso a potreros rotados y recibieron suplementación con ensilado de maíz y concentrado antes de iniciar el ordeño. El trabajo se basa en una comparación del antes y el después del uso de los aceites esenciales. Por lo tanto, el estudio duró un total de 82 días, con la recolección diaria de datos sobre el consumo de alimentos de las vacas, la productividad y la recolección de muestras de leche destinadas para análisis en el LaQal (Laboratorio de Análisis de Calidad de Agua y Leche) de la IFMG - Campus Bambuí. Los animales recibieron 5 g/vaca/día de aceites esenciales microencapsulados, producto comercial con los siguientes principios activos: carvacrol, cinamaldehído, eugenol, oleorresina y vehículo. Los datos fueron tabulados y transformados en valores nominales y porcentajes para que, a partir de ahí, se construyeran gráficas para facilitar la interpretación de los resultados. Por lo tanto, en el presente trabajo se realizó un análisis exploratorio de los datos de grado sanguíneo, producción diaria de leche, composición de la leche, conteo de células somáticas (RCS) y consumo alimentario de ensilado y concentrado de maíz. Además, el nivel de significancia adoptado fue de 0,05% (p-valor = 0,05). Se utilizó el paquete dplyr, del programa estadístico R (R CORE TEAM, 2022), y para los análisis, la prueba t de Student, utilizando la función t.test del paquete stats del programa estadístico R. No hubo resultados significativos en la productividad lechera, ni sobre su composición, CCS y consumo. Aunque el producto comercial no ha mostrado influencia en los análisis realizados, se necesitan más estudios para comprender mejor su acción y sus beneficios para la producción animal.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Eugenol , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Origanum/química , Leite/química , Composição de Medicamentos , Composição de AlimentosResumo
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge® with different additives on intake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance. There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p > 0.05). As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogen and nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p > 0.05). However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor® treatment (p < 0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge® with different additives on intake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance. There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p > 0.05). As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogen and nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p > 0.05). However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor® treatment (p < 0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge® with different additives on intake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance. There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p > 0.05). As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogen and nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p > 0.05). However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor® treatment (p < 0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Taninos/efeitos adversos , Leveduras , Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversos , Virginiamicina/efeitos adversos , Ionóforos/efeitos adversosResumo
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge®with different additives onintake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin and purified inactive yeast). The design was in randomized blocks. The means were contrasted by SNK test, and the fecal score was tested by the Kruskal Wallis test (1952), at 5% significance.There was no difference in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen, water, water in relation to dry matter, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (p>0.05).As well as the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, the fecal weight, fecal nitrogen, retained nitrogenand nitrogen retained in relation to nitrogen ingested (p>0.05).However, dry matter intake as a function of body weight and metabolic weight, urinary nitrogen, hemicellulose intake, and hemicellulose as a function of NDF, were higher in the Foragge Factor®treatment (p<0.05). The inclusion of different additives in the extruded roughage improved nutritional parameters, without causing disturbances.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Aditivos Alimentares , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos VoláteisResumo
The current study evaluates the antiparasitic effect of thymol on reducing parasite burden, especially Cryptosporidium load, in poultry drinking water and in improving zootechnical performances of chicks. The first experiment assessed in vitro the anti-cryptosporidiumactivity of NP (thymol-based product) on drinking water samples using microscopic counting. Samples were treated by increasing concentrations of thymol (1, 2 and 4 g L-1of NP). In vivo, chicken wererandomly assigned to three groups (control and chicks consuming treated water with two concentration of thymol (1 and 2 g L-1of NP). Water treatment efficiency was evaluated on the intestinal parasitic load and zootechnical performances of animals (Body weight, body weight gain, food intake and the consumption index). In vitro the anti-cryptosporidium effect was dose dependent (p <0.05; p <0.01; p <0.001). The in vivo test showed that the intestinal parasitic load was significantly lower (p <0.05; p <0.01; p <0.001) in the group treated with 2 g L-1of NP. Additionally, results showed a significant increase (p <0.05; p <0.1; p <0.001) in the body weight and the body weight gain of treated groups during the whole rearing period compared to the control. Furthermore, treated groups represent a lower consumption index compared to the control.(AU)
Animais , Água Potável , Peso Corporal , Cryptosporidium , Ingestão de Líquidos , Antiparasitários , Técnicas In VitroResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth performance and meat quality of feedlot Aberdeen Angus steers fed high-concentrate diets with or without a natural feed additive composed of a mixture of yeasts and essential oils (EO). A completely randomized design with two diets (with or without natural feed additive) and 12 replicates was used. Twenty-four steers with initial shrunk body weight of 402.62±48.2 kg and average age of 18±2.0 months were used. Steers were fed ad libitum a diet containing 777.3 g of concentrate/kg dry matter (DM) and 222.7 g of corn silage/kg DM for 74 days. The mixture of yeast and EO was supplied at the rate of 10.0 and 0.117 g/animal/day, respectively. Average daily weight gain and feed efficiency in the adaptation period was greater in animals fed natural feed additive; however, there was no difference for the total experimental period. Dry matter intake, carcass weight, carcass yield, proportion of carcass bone, carcass muscle + fat:bone ratio, round thickness, and arm length were not altered by treatments. The inclusion of a natural feed additive in the diet increased the cooling loss (0.98 vs. 1.25%), proportion of carcass muscle (51.32 vs. 54.56%), carcass muscle:fat ratio (1.70 vs. 2.11%), leg length (68.79 vs. 70.71 cm), and arm perimeter (36.70 vs. 37.88 cm) and reduced the proportion of carcass fat (30.17 vs. 25.92%). Carcass length was greater in animals fed the diet with a natural feed additive. Meat color, texture, and marbling were not altered by treatments. The addition of natural feed additive to high concentrate diets does not alter the productive performance of feedlot Aberdeen Angus steers, although it can increase the proportion of lean meat of carcasses.(AU)
Animais , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Carne/análise , Leveduras/química , Bovinos/fisiologia , Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversos , Espaços ConfinadosResumo
Pasteurella spp. have been identified predominantly in the oral microbiota of domestic cats. However, Pasteurella spp. was significantly more prevalent in cats with inflammatory oral disease; and consequently, it was considered as part of the etiology in this disease. In addition, in animals, Pasteurella spp. have become increasingly resistant to a large number of antimicrobials. Natural products, especially essential oils, could contribute to minimizing this issue. This study determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of six essential oils against Pasteurella spp. isolates from the oral cavity of domestic cats. Our results showed that essential oils with better antimicrobial effectiveness against most of the Pasteurella isolates were lemongrass, tea tree and clove, with inhibition values between 50 to 800 µg mL-¹. All essential oils showed bacteriostatic activity against the species of Pasteurella isolated from the domestic cats. These results suggested that lemongrass, tea tree and clove oils have potential to be used in products for oral hygiene and treatment of oral infections in domestic cats.
O gênero Pasteurella spp., considerado um comensal da cavidade bucal de gatos domésticos, vem sendo, nos últimos anos, apontado como possível agente etiológico de quadros inflamatórios crônicos bucais em felinos. Ademais, em animais, as espécies de Pasteurella têm apresentado cada vez mais resistência a um grande número de antimicrobianos de uso rotineiro. Nesse contexto, os produtos naturais, como óleos essenciais com potencial antimicrobiano tem sido alvo de estudos e apontados como alternativa terapêutica. Neste estudo, objetivou-se determinar a Concentração Mínima Inibitória (CMI) e da Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CBM) de seis óleos essenciais frente a isolados de Pasteurella spp. oriundos da cavidade bucal de gatos domésticos. Dos óleos essenciais testados, o capim-limão, tea tree, cravo e a camomila romana apresentaram ação bacteriostática frente aos isolados de Pasteurella spp. Contudo, os óleos de capim-limão, tea-tree e cravo apresentaram os melhores resultados, com valores de inibitórios entre 50 a 800 µg mL-¹. Esses resultados sugerem que os óleos de capim-limão, tea tree e cravo têm potencial para serem utilizados como produtos para higiene bucal e para o tratamento de infecções da cavidade bucal de gatos domésticos.
Animais , Gatos , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Óleos Voláteis/análise , Doenças do Gato/patologia , Pasteurella/isolamento & purificação , Camomila , Óleo de Melaleuca/uso terapêutico , Cymbopogon , Óleo de Cravo/uso terapêutico , Boca/patologia , Anti-InfecciososResumo
This research assessed the fumigant activity of the essential oil from Piper sancti-felicis Trel and five of its components on the Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) biological model. Hydrodistillation was used for extraction of the essential oil, with separation and identification of the compounds through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The fumigant was evaluated through gas dispersion on the T. castaneum. The majority compounds found in the EO were b-nerolidol (15.4%), 3-carene (14.9%), p-cymene (9.1%), spathulenol (8.2%), a-cubebene (6.2%) and calamenene (5.2%). Piper sancti-felicis displayed fumigant activity with a LC50 = 108.5 & 956;g L-1 air, and other individual monoterpenes tested such as & 945;-terpinolene (LC50 = 110.1 & 956;g L-1 air), p-cymene (LC50 = 120.3 & 956;g L-1 air), 3-carene (LC50 = 130.6 & 956;g L-1 air), (R) -limonene (CL50 = 189.6 & 956;g L-1 air), and a-pinene (LC50 = 213.1 & 956;g L-1 air), were significantly less toxic than methyl pyrimiphos used as a positive control, CL50 = 87.4 & 956;g L-1 air. The essential oil of P. sancti-felicis can be considered as a natural source of biocides.
Espectrometria de Massas , Piper/química , Tribolium/química , Óleos Voláteis/químicaResumo
This research assessed the fumigant activity of the essential oil from Piper sancti-felicis Trel and five of its components on the Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) biological model. Hydrodistillation was used for extraction of the essential oil, with separation and identification of the compounds through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The fumigant was evaluated through gas dispersion on the T. castaneum. The majority compounds found in the EO were b-nerolidol (15.4%), 3-carene (14.9%), p-cymene (9.1%), spathulenol (8.2%), a-cubebene (6.2%) and calamenene (5.2%). Piper sancti-felicis displayed fumigant activity with a LC50 = 108.5 & 956;g L-1 air, and other individual monoterpenes tested such as & 945;-terpinolene (LC50 = 110.1 & 956;g L-1 air), p-cymene (LC50 = 120.3 & 956;g L-1 air), 3-carene (LC50 = 130.6 & 956;g L-1 air), (R) -limonene (CL50 = 189.6 & 956;g L-1 air), and a-pinene (LC50 = 213.1 & 956;g L-1 air), were significantly less toxic than methyl pyrimiphos used as a positive control, CL50 = 87.4 & 956;g L-1 air. The essential oil of P. sancti-felicis can be considered as a natural source of biocides.(AU)
Óleos Voláteis/química , Piper/química , Tribolium/química , Espectrometria de MassasResumo
The utilization of antimicrobials in animal production, causes selection of resistant bacteria. The objective of this study was to compare the utilization of alternatives in association with preventive antibiotic therapy in swine feed during the growing and finishing phases. 1,045 animals were used from 60 to 190 days of age and were subjected to six treatments with 16 repetitions as follows: 1) antibiotic free; 2) antibiotics; 3) prebiotic; 4) probiotic; 5) essential oils; and 6) organic acid. Animals were weighted, and clinical history was recorded including mortality and diarrhea. At the abattoir, pneumonia index and gastric ulcers were investigated. The cost for each treatment was discussed. No difference between treatments were observed (P>0.05) regarding feed conversion rate (2.64±0.03), overall average weight gain (107.06±0.9kg), average daily weight gain (856.49±7.7g) and carcass weight (92.4±0.7kg). The application injectable drugs in animals presenting clinical symptoms, represented US$ 0.56/intervention, without difference between the treatments (P>0.05). Furthermore, independently of the treatment, high frequency of pneumonia was observed (>0.90). No difference for the degree of gastric ulcer nor feces consistency were observed (P>0.05). The utilization of antibiotic therapy and alternatives to antibiotics in feed did not produce benefits to the production indices and sanitary performances of the animals.(AU)
A utilização de antimicrobianos na produção animal provoca seleção de bactérias resistentes. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a utilização de alternativas associadas à antibioticoterapia preventiva na alimentação de suínos nas fases de recria e de terminação. Foram utilizados 1.045 animais de 60 a 190 dias de idade, submetidos a seis tratamentos com 16 repetições, como segue: 1) sem antibióticos; 2) com antibióticos; 3) prebióticos; 4) probióticos; 5) óleos essenciais; e 6) ácidos orgânicos. Os animais foram pesados, e a história clínica foi registrada, incluindo mortalidade e diarreia. No abatedouro, foram investigados índices de pneumonia e úlceras gástricas. O custo de cada tratamento foi discutido. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos (P>0,05) em relação à taxa de conversão alimentar (2,64 ± 0,03), ao ganho de peso médio geral (107,06 ± 0,9kg), ao ganho de peso médio diário (856,49 ± 7,7g) e ao peso de carcaça (92,4 ± 0,7kg). A aplicação de medicamentos injetáveis em animais com quadro clínico representou US$ 0,56/intervenção, sem diferença entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). Além disso, independentemente do tratamento, foi observada alta frequência de pneumonia (>0,90). Não foi observada diferença para o grau de úlcera gástrica nem na consistência das fezes (P>0,05). A utilização de antibioticoterapia e de alternativas aos antibióticos na ração não trouxe benefícios aos desempenhos zootécnico e sanitário dos animais.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Probióticos/administração & dosagem , Prebióticos/administração & dosagem , Gestão de Antimicrobianos/métodos , Ração Animal/análise , Antibacterianos/administração & dosagem , Óleos Voláteis/uso terapêuticoResumo
The objective of the present study was to ascertain the effect of sucupira oil in diets of broilers on gut development, dry matter and nitrogen metabolizability and broilers performance. A total of 350 one-d-old, male, Cobb500® broiler were allotted in seven treatments with five replicates, totaling 35 experimental units with 10 birds each. The dietary treatments consisted of a negative control diet, four diets with different levels of sucupira oil (100; 500; 900 and 1,300 mg/kg), diet with mannanoligosaccharide and control diet with antibiotic. The inclusion of 900 and 1,300 mg of sucupira oil impaired gut development and metabolizability of nutrients (P<0.05). The inclusion of 100 or 500 mg of sucupira oil in broiler feed was similar to negative control, MOS and antibiotic treatments for performance variables (all phases studied) and also for nutrient metabolizability (P<0.05). It can be concluded that high levels of sucupira oil is not recommended in broilers diet.(AU)
Objetivou-se verificar o efeito do óleo de sucupira em dietas para frangos de corte sobre o desenvolvimento intestinal, metabolizabilidade da matéria seca e do nitrogênio e desempenho de frangos de corte. Um total de 350 frangos de corte Cobb500® de um dia de idade, machos, foram distribuídos em sete tratamentos com cinco repetições, totalizando 35 unidades experimentais com 10 aves cada. Os tratamentos consistiram em dieta controle negativo, quatro dietas com diferentes níveis de óleo de sucupira (100; 500; 900 e 1.300 mg/kg), dieta com mananoligossacarídeo e dieta controle positivo com antibiótico. A inclusão de 900 e 1.300 mg de óleo de sucupira prejudicou o desenvolvimento intestinal e a metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes (P <0,05). A inclusão de 100 ou 500 mg de óleo de sucupira na ração para frangos de corte foi semelhante aos tratamentos controle negativo, MOS e antibiótico para as variáveis de desempenho (todas as fases estudadas) e também para a metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes (P <0,05). Pode-se concluir que níveis elevados de óleo de sucupira não são recomendados na dieta de frangos de corte.(AU)
Animais , Óleos Voláteis/análise , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Fabaceae/químicaResumo
The objective of the present study was to ascertain the effect of sucupira oil in diets of broilers on gut development, dry matter and nitrogen metabolizability and broilers performance. A total of 350 one-d-old, male, Cobb500® broiler were allotted in seven treatments with five replicates, totaling 35 experimental units with 10 birds each. The dietary treatments consisted of a negative control diet, four diets with different levels of sucupira oil (100; 500; 900 and 1,300 mg/kg), diet with mannanoligosaccharide and control diet with antibiotic. The inclusion of 900 and 1,300 mg of sucupira oil impaired gut development and metabolizability of nutrients (P<0.05). The inclusion of 100 or 500 mg of sucupira oil in broiler feed was similar to negative control, MOS and antibiotic treatments for performance variables (all phases studied) and also for nutrient metabolizability (P<0.05). It can be concluded that high levels of sucupira oil is not recommended in broilers diet.(AU)
Objetivou-se verificar o efeito do óleo de sucupira em dietas para frangos de corte sobre o desenvolvimento intestinal, metabolizabilidade da matéria seca e do nitrogênio e desempenho de frangos de corte. Um total de 350 frangos de corte Cobb500® de um dia de idade, machos, foram distribuídos em sete tratamentos com cinco repetições, totalizando 35 unidades experimentais com 10 aves cada. Os tratamentos consistiram em dieta controle negativo, quatro dietas com diferentes níveis de óleo de sucupira (100; 500; 900 e 1.300 mg/kg), dieta com mananoligossacarídeo e dieta controle positivo com antibiótico. A inclusão de 900 e 1.300 mg de óleo de sucupira prejudicou o desenvolvimento intestinal e a metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes (P <0,05). A inclusão de 100 ou 500 mg de óleo de sucupira na ração para frangos de corte foi semelhante aos tratamentos controle negativo, MOS e antibiótico para as variáveis de desempenho (todas as fases estudadas) e também para a metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes (P <0,05). Pode-se concluir que níveis elevados de óleo de sucupira não são recomendados na dieta de frangos de corte.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos Voláteis/análise , Fabaceae/químicaResumo
ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to ascertain the effect of sucupira oil in diets of broilers on gut development, dry matter and nitrogen metabolizability and broilers performance. A total of 350 one-d-old, male, Cobb500® broiler were allotted in seven treatments with five replicates, totaling 35 experimental units with 10 birds each. The dietary treatments consisted of a negative control diet, four diets with different levels of sucupira oil (100; 500; 900 and 1,300 mg/kg), diet with mannanoligosaccharide and control diet with antibiotic. The inclusion of 900 and 1,300 mg of sucupira oil impaired gut development and metabolizability of nutrients (P 0.05). The inclusion of 100 or 500 mg of sucupira oil in broiler feed was similar to negative control, MOS and antibiotic treatments for performance variables (all phases studied) and also for nutrient metabolizability (P 0.05). It can be concluded that high levels of sucupira oil is not recommended in broilers diet.
RESUMO Objetivou-se verificar o efeito do óleo de sucupira em dietas para frangos de corte sobre o desenvolvimento intestinal, metabolizabilidade da matéria seca e do nitrogênio e desempenho de frangos de corte. Um total de 350 frangos de corte Cobb500® de um dia de idade, machos, foram distribuídos em sete tratamentos com cinco repetições, totalizando 35 unidades experimentais com 10 aves cada. Os tratamentos consistiram em dieta controle negativo, quatro dietas com diferentes níveis de óleo de sucupira (100; 500; 900 e 1.300 mg/kg), dieta com mananoligossacarídeo e dieta controle positivo com antibiótico. A inclusão de 900 e 1.300 mg de óleo de sucupira prejudicou o desenvolvimento intestinal e a metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes (P 0,05). A inclusão de 100 ou 500 mg de óleo de sucupira na ração para frangos de corte foi semelhante aos tratamentos controle negativo, MOS e antibiótico para as variáveis de desempenho (todas as fases estudadas) e também para a metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes (P 0,05). Pode-se concluir que níveis elevados de óleo de sucupira não são recomendados na dieta de frangos de corte.
The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the use of phytogenics in broiler nutrition. A bibliographic survey was conducted for the years between 2009 and 2019, using the keywords eubiotics, phytobiotics, essential oils, phytogenic extracts, and corresponding wordsassociated with the terms broiler and poultry. The selected articles were grouped into the categories: animal performance, histomorphology of the intestinal wall, biochemical profile, carcass characteristics, and the effect on bacteria found in the intestine. After comparisons of several parameters on the use or non-use of phytogenics, it was found that replacing antibiotics with phytogenics contributes positively to performance, the histomorphology of the intestinal wall, the biochemical profile, carcass characteristics, and the number of bacteria found in the gut. In conclusion, based on several studies found in the literature, replacing antibiotics with phytogenic additives in broiler nutrition may be viable due to their lower residual impact on the final product, in addition to their positive effect on the parameters of animal production.
Objetivou-se realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o uso de fitogênicos na nutrição de frangos de corte. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico do período de 2009 a 2019. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chave utilizadas foram eubióticos, fitobióticos, óleos essenciais e extratos fitogênicos e suas correspondentes em inglês, eubiotics e phytobiotics, essential oils e phytogenic extractsassociada a palavra frango de corte, e poultry em inglês. Os artigos selecionados foram agrupados nas categorias: desempenho zootécnico, histomorfologia da parede intestinal, perfil bioquímico do sangue, característica de carcaça e o efeito nas bactérias encontradas no intestino. Após comparações de diversos parâmetros sobre o uso ou não uso de fitogênicos, percebeu- se que a substituição dos antibióticos pelos fitogênicos pode ser considerado positiva para o desempenho, histomorfologia da parede intestinal, perfil bioquímico do sangue, característica de carcaça e número de bactérias encontradas no intestino. Sendo assim, foi concluído com base nos diversos trabalhos encontrados na literatura que a substituição dos antibióticos pelos aditivos fitogênicos na nutrição de frangos de corte pode ser viável, devido ao seu menor impacto residual no produto final, além de influenciar positivamente nos parâmetros de produção animal.
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Galinhas/imunologia , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos Voláteis , Extratos VegetaisResumo
The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature on the use of phytogenics in broiler nutrition. A bibliographic survey was conducted for the years between 2009 and 2019, using the keywords eubiotics, phytobiotics, essential oils, phytogenic extracts, and corresponding wordsassociated with the terms broiler and poultry. The selected articles were grouped into the categories: animal performance, histomorphology of the intestinal wall, biochemical profile, carcass characteristics, and the effect on bacteria found in the intestine. After comparisons of several parameters on the use or non-use of phytogenics, it was found that replacing antibiotics with phytogenics contributes positively to performance, the histomorphology of the intestinal wall, the biochemical profile, carcass characteristics, and the number of bacteria found in the gut. In conclusion, based on several studies found in the literature, replacing antibiotics with phytogenic additives in broiler nutrition may be viable due to their lower residual impact on the final product, in addition to their positive effect on the parameters of animal production.(AU)
Objetivou-se realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o uso de fitogênicos na nutrição de frangos de corte. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico do período de 2009 a 2019. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chave utilizadas foram eubióticos, fitobióticos, óleos essenciais e extratos fitogênicos e suas correspondentes em inglês, eubiotics e phytobiotics, essential oils e phytogenic extractsassociada a palavra frango de corte, e poultry em inglês. Os artigos selecionados foram agrupados nas categorias: desempenho zootécnico, histomorfologia da parede intestinal, perfil bioquímico do sangue, característica de carcaça e o efeito nas bactérias encontradas no intestino. Após comparações de diversos parâmetros sobre o uso ou não uso de fitogênicos, percebeu- se que a substituição dos antibióticos pelos fitogênicos pode ser considerado positiva para o desempenho, histomorfologia da parede intestinal, perfil bioquímico do sangue, característica de carcaça e número de bactérias encontradas no intestino. Sendo assim, foi concluído com base nos diversos trabalhos encontrados na literatura que a substituição dos antibióticos pelos aditivos fitogênicos na nutrição de frangos de corte pode ser viável, devido ao seu menor impacto residual no produto final, além de influenciar positivamente nos parâmetros de produção animal.(AU)