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Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363004, 2023. mapas, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1424792


Bioinvasions are one of the main causes of the decline of native biodiversity. Indothais lacera (Born, 1778) is a car-nivorous gastropod, native to the Indo-Pacific. We present the first records of I. lacera on the Brazilian coast and the first re-cord of this invasive species in the Western Atlantic. The specimens were found in two locations in the Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia state, northeast of Brazil. Live specimens were collected in the Itapagipe Peninsula, in Ribeira, Salvador, and dry samples (empty shells) were collected in the extreme north of Itaparica Island. Molecular analyses indicate that there was more than one event of introduction of I. lacera in the bay and alert to the potential impacts that this species can have on the benthic com-munity in the region. We suspect that this exotic species is affecting a native population of Thaisella, which was previously lo-cally abundant but has since become rare.(AU)

Animais , Ecossistema , Gastrópodes/classificação , Espécies Introduzidas , Brasil , Biodiversidade
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487505


Abstract Frugivory is a plant-animal mutualistic interaction carried out mostly by birds. It consists in the bird consumption of fruits with later dispersion of the plants seeds, helping in the vegetation regeneration. Frugivory can be affected by the habitat fragmentation and introduction of exotic species, which may alter the species interaction by extinction or competitor introduction. This study aimed to compare the structure of the network of frugivorous interactions between birds and plants in native forest and eucalyptus plantation. Birds were captured by mist nets and had their feces collected. Later, the seeds were identified in laboratory. The records of fruit consumption by birds in the zoochoric plant species present in the study area were also conducted. The data collected was used to build a network of interactions and identify the most important network metrics, species, and ecological functional groups in the studied environments. The results showed that the species composition, the connectivity of the relationships, the importance of the species for the interaction networks and the number of subgroups within the networks were highly similar between the native forest and the eucalyptus plantation. This could be explained by the favorable conditions that the studied eucalyptus plantations presented, such as the lack of anthropogenic activities, well-developed understory, and the presence of native surrounding vegetation, allowing practically the same seed dispersal capacity in both types of environments.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216191, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351193


Abstract Frugivory is a plant-animal mutualistic interaction carried out mostly by birds. It consists in the bird consumption of fruits with later dispersion of the plants' seeds, helping in the vegetation regeneration. Frugivory can be affected by the habitat fragmentation and introduction of exotic species, which may alter the species interaction by extinction or competitor introduction. This study aimed to compare the structure of the network of frugivorous interactions between birds and plants in native forest and eucalyptus plantation. Birds were captured by mist nets and had their feces collected. Later, the seeds were identified in laboratory. The records of fruit consumption by birds in the zoochoric plant species present in the study area were also conducted. The data collected was used to build a network of interactions and identify the most important network metrics, species, and ecological functional groups in the studied environments. The results showed that the species composition, the connectivity of the relationships, the importance of the species for the interaction networks and the number of subgroups within the networks were highly similar between the native forest and the eucalyptus plantation. This could be explained by the favorable conditions that the studied eucalyptus plantations presented, such as the lack of anthropogenic activities, well-developed understory, and the presence of native surrounding vegetation, allowing practically the same seed dispersal capacity in both types of environments.

Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 61: e20216191, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32858


Frugivory is a plant-animal mutualistic interaction carried out mostly by birds. It consists in the bird consumption of fruits with later dispersion of the plants seeds, helping in the vegetation regeneration. Frugivory can be affected by the habitat fragmentation and introduction of exotic species, which may alter the species interaction by extinction or competitor introduction. This study aimed to compare the structure of the network of frugivorous interactions between birds and plants in native forest and eucalyptus plantation. Birds were captured by mist nets and had their feces collected. Later, the seeds were identified in laboratory. The records of fruit consumption by birds in the zoochoric plant species present in the study area were also conducted. The data collected was used to build a network of interactions and identify the most important network metrics, species, and ecological functional groups in the studied environments. The results showed that the species composition, the connectivity of the relationships, the importance of the species for the interaction networks and the number of subgroups within the networks were highly similar between the native forest and the eucalyptus plantation. This could be explained by the favorable conditions that the studied eucalyptus plantations presented, such as the lack of anthropogenic activities, well-developed understory, and the presence of native surrounding vegetation, allowing practically the same seed dispersal capacity in both types of environments.(AU)

Animais , Aves , Comportamento Animal , Eucalyptus , Áreas Protegidas/análise
Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216111, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487408


The introduction of non-indigenous marine species in new habitats is generally associated with ships arriving at ports, driven by species transported in ballast water and sediment and biofouling communities on ship hulls, drifting object and underwater surfaces in dock areas. The present paper reports the record of the specie Sternaspis aff. nana in the Atlantic Ocean, discussing its possible conservation status and method of arrival to Brazil. Sediments samples were collected in the external area (11 m depth) of the Suape Harbor (Brazil) in February 2018. Two individuals of Sternaspis aff. nana were recorded, representing the first record of this species in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. The way S. aff. nana arrived in Brazilian waters cannot be easily determined, the short-lived lecithotrophic larvae of sternaspids suggest that the specimens found in Suape have arrived in ballast sediment. An increase in trade between Brazil and Asian countries since the 2000s has led to that more ships coming from China having arrived in Brazilian harbors. The arrival of S. aff. nana, originally described in the South China Sea, in the Suape harbor area may have resulted from this intense movement of ships between China and Brazil.

Animais , Anelídeos/classificação , Ecossistema
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487425


Abstract The introduction of non-indigenous marine species in new habitats is generally associated with ships arriving at ports, driven by species transported in ballast water and sediment and biofouling communities on ship hulls, drifting object and underwater surfaces in dock areas. The present paper reports the record of the specie Sternaspis aff. nana in the Atlantic Ocean, discussing its possible conservation status and method of arrival to Brazil. Sediments samples were collected in the external area (11 m depth) of the Suape Harbor (Brazil) in February 2018. Two individuals of Sternaspis aff. nana were recorded, representing the first record of this species in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. The way S. aff. nana arrived in Brazilian waters cannot be easily determined, the short-lived lecithotrophic larvae of sternaspids suggest that the specimens found in Suape have arrived in ballast sediment. An increase in trade between Brazil and Asian countries since the 2000s has led to that more ships coming from China having arrived in Brazilian harbors. The arrival of S. aff. nana, originally described in the South China Sea, in the Suape harbor area may have resulted from this intense movement of ships between China and Brazil.

Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 61: e20216111, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765676


The introduction of non-indigenous marine species in new habitats is generally associated with ships arriving at ports, driven by species transported in ballast water and sediment and biofouling communities on ship hulls, drifting object and underwater surfaces in dock areas. The present paper reports the record of the specie Sternaspis aff. nana in the Atlantic Ocean, discussing its possible conservation status and method of arrival to Brazil. Sediments samples were collected in the external area (11 m depth) of the Suape Harbor (Brazil) in February 2018. Two individuals of Sternaspis aff. nana were recorded, representing the first record of this species in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. The way S. aff. nana arrived in Brazilian waters cannot be easily determined, the short-lived lecithotrophic larvae of sternaspids suggest that the specimens found in Suape have arrived in ballast sediment. An increase in trade between Brazil and Asian countries since the 2000s has led to that more ships coming from China having arrived in Brazilian harbors. The arrival of S. aff. nana, originally described in the South China Sea, in the Suape harbor area may have resulted from this intense movement of ships between China and Brazil.(AU)

Animais , Anelídeos/classificação , Ecossistema
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487510


Abstract The introduction of alien species can carry negative consequences to the areas in which they appear. Early detection of introduced species is key if management practices are to be effectively implemented. Here, based on specimens from collections and citizen science observations, we document the recent introduction of two alien Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) species in Colombia: Brachyplatys subaenus (Westwood, 1837) (Plataspidae) and Thaumastocoris peregrinusCarpintero & Dellapé, 2006 (Thaumastocoridae). Brachyplatys subaenus was found in two localities (Bolívar and Valle del Cauca), whereas T. peregrinus was found in a single locality (Bogotá) so far. Future research activities should establish the geographic range of these species, as well as document their host plant associations, in Colombia.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216196, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351187


Abstract The introduction of alien species can carry negative consequences to the areas in which they appear. Early detection of introduced species is key if management practices are to be effectively implemented. Here, based on specimens from collections and citizen science observations, we document the recent introduction of two alien Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) species in Colombia: Brachyplatys subaenus (Westwood, 1837) (Plataspidae) and Thaumastocoris peregrinusCarpintero & Dellapé, 2006 (Thaumastocoridae). Brachyplatys subaenus was found in two localities (Bolívar and Valle del Cauca), whereas T. peregrinus was found in a single locality (Bogotá) so far. Future research activities should establish the geographic range of these species, as well as document their host plant associations, in Colombia.

Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 61: e20216196, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32727


The introduction of alien species can carry negative consequences to the areas in which they appear. Early detection of introduced species is key if management practices are to be effectively implemented. Here, based on specimens from collections and citizen science observations, we document the recent introduction of two alien Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) species in Colombia: Brachyplatys subaenus (Westwood, 1837) (Plataspidae) and Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero & Dellapé, 2006 (Thaumastocoridae). Brachyplatys subaenus was found in two localities (Bolívar and Valle del Cauca), whereas T. peregrinus was found in a single locality (Bogotá) so far. Future research activities should establish the geographic range of these species, as well as document their host plant associations, in Colombia.(AU)

Animais , Heterópteros/anatomia & histologia , Heterópteros/classificação , Cimicidae , Animais Exóticos
Revista Brasileira de Zoociências (Online) ; 21(1): 1-8, 2020. ilus, map
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494783


Nativa da região Asiática, a Vespa mandarinia pode chegar a 50 mm de comprimento, sendo popularmente conhecida como ‘vespa assassina’ ou ‘vespa-gigante-asiática’. Devido ao seu comportamento de caça em grupo, a espécie traz grande preocupação aos apicultores, já que são capazes de exterminar uma colmeia de abelhas em poucas horas. No entanto, o risco aos seres humanos é baixo e pode ser comparado a qualquer outra espécie peçonhenta. Recém chegada ao continente americano, a grande preocupação trazida, sobretudo pela mídia, é de que a espécie se torne invasora e colonize outros países. No entanto, a expansão dessa espécie é limitada pelo clima, já que sua região de origem é de clima temperado. Visto isso, dificilmente a V. mandarinia se adaptaria e se estabeleceria em regiões de clima tropical como no Brasil. É importante a cautela diante da avalanche de informações divulgadas pela mídia e redes sociais sobre a invasão da V. mandarinia. Portanto, recomenda-se a busca por informações certificadas publicadas e divulgadas por especialistas, núcleos de pesquisa e jornais especializados.

Native to the Asian region, the Vespa mandarinia can reach 50 mm in length, being popularly known as ‘murder hornet’ or ‘asian-giant-hornet’. Due to their group hunting behavior, the species causes great concern to beekeepers, since they are able to exterminate a bee hive in a few hours. However, the risk to humans is low and can be compared to any other venomous species. Newly arrived in the American continent, a major concern raised, mainly by the media, is that the species becomes invasive and colonizes other countries. However, an expansion of this species is limited by the climate, since its region of origin is the temperate climate. In view of this, it is difficult for V. mandarinia to adapt and establish itself in tropical regions such as Brazil. It is important to be cautious in face of the avalanche of information disseminated by the media and social media regarding the invasion of V. mandarinia. It is recommended to search for certified information published and disseminated by specialists, research centers and specialized newspapers.

Animais , Venenos de Vespas/história , Vespas
R. bras. Zoo. ; 21(1): 1-8, 2020. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32541


Nativa da região Asiática, a Vespa mandarinia pode chegar a 50 mm de comprimento, sendo popularmente conhecida como ‘vespa assassina ou ‘vespa-gigante-asiática. Devido ao seu comportamento de caça em grupo, a espécie traz grande preocupação aos apicultores, já que são capazes de exterminar uma colmeia de abelhas em poucas horas. No entanto, o risco aos seres humanos é baixo e pode ser comparado a qualquer outra espécie peçonhenta. Recém chegada ao continente americano, a grande preocupação trazida, sobretudo pela mídia, é de que a espécie se torne invasora e colonize outros países. No entanto, a expansão dessa espécie é limitada pelo clima, já que sua região de origem é de clima temperado. Visto isso, dificilmente a V. mandarinia se adaptaria e se estabeleceria em regiões de clima tropical como no Brasil. É importante a cautela diante da avalanche de informações divulgadas pela mídia e redes sociais sobre a invasão da V. mandarinia. Portanto, recomenda-se a busca por informações certificadas publicadas e divulgadas por especialistas, núcleos de pesquisa e jornais especializados.(AU)

Native to the Asian region, the Vespa mandarinia can reach 50 mm in length, being popularly known as ‘murder hornet or ‘asian-giant-hornet. Due to their group hunting behavior, the species causes great concern to beekeepers, since they are able to exterminate a bee hive in a few hours. However, the risk to humans is low and can be compared to any other venomous species. Newly arrived in the American continent, a major concern raised, mainly by the media, is that the species becomes invasive and colonizes other countries. However, an expansion of this species is limited by the climate, since its region of origin is the temperate climate. In view of this, it is difficult for V. mandarinia to adapt and establish itself in tropical regions such as Brazil. It is important to be cautious in face of the avalanche of information disseminated by the media and social media regarding the invasion of V. mandarinia. It is recommended to search for certified information published and disseminated by specialists, research centers and specialized newspapers.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Vespas/história , Vespas
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 18(2): e190080, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135379


Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus is an invasive species widely spread throughout freshwater ecosystems in central Mexico, for that reason we described its trophic strategy into a gradient of environmental quality. We sampled individuals of P. bimaculatus at eight sites located in the Lerma-Chapala and Pánuco River Basins during dry season. These basins have been impacted by industrialization and urbanization processes, but are considered as water reserves in México. To evaluate the environmental quality of the river, we applied the Visual-based Habitat Assessment, the Index of Biological Integrity and the Family-level Biotic Index. We assessed the trophic guild, the diet width, the omnivory level, and the diet selectivity. We also explored the relation of trophic strategies with the habitat condition. We captured a total of 202 individuals of P. bimaculatus from 10 to 67 mm of SL, finding a total of 24 food items. The diet of P. bimaculatus was composed of terrestrial, aquatic insects and bony fish. Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus in some sites can feed on different trophic levels, in other it is a specialist and secondary consumer. We found that P. bimaculatus changes its diet according the alterations in the habitat structure, water quality, and biotic integrity. Moreover, this invasive species can endure changes in the trophic web and food availability.(AU)

Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus es una especie invasora ampliamente propagada en los ecosistemas de agua dulce del centro de México, por eso se describe su estrategia trófica en un gradiente de calidad ambiental. Se muestrearon individuos de P. bimaculatus en ocho sitios localizados en las cuencas de los Ríos Lerma-Chapala y Pánuco durante la temporada de secas. Estas cuencas se han visto afectadas por los procesos de industrialización y urbanización, pero la Comisión Nacional del Agua las considera reservas de agua en México. Para evaluar las condiciones ambientales de las cuencas, aplicamos el Índice de Integridad Biótica basado y el Índice Biótico basado en Familias. Evaluamos el gremio trófico, la amplitud de la dieta y la selectividad de la dieta de P. bimaculatus en sitios con diferente calidad ambiental. Además, exploramos la relación de las estrategias tróficas con la condición del hábitat. Capturamos un total de 202 individuos de P. bimaculatus de 10 a 67 mm de LP, encontrando un total de 24 artículos alimenticios. La dieta de P. bimaculatus está compuesta de insectos terrestres y acuáticos y restos óseos de peces. Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus en algunos sitios puede alimentarse de diferentes niveles tróficos, en otros, es especialista y consumidor secundario. Encontramos que P. bimaculatus cambia su dieta acorde con alteraciones en la estructura del hábitat, la calidad del agua y la integridad biótica. Además, esta especie invasora puede tolerar cambios en la red trófica y la disponibilidad de alimento.(AU)

Animais , Qualidade da Água , Cipriniformes/fisiologia , Qualidade Ambiental , Cadeia Alimentar , Ecologia da Nutrição
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 18(2)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-745597


RESUMEN Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus es una especie invasora ampliamente propagada en los ecosistemas de agua dulce del centro de México, por eso se describe su estrategia trófica en un gradiente de calidad ambiental. Se muestrearon individuos de P. bimaculatus en ocho sitios localizados en las cuencas de los Ríos Lerma-Chapala y Pánuco durante la temporada de secas. Estas cuencas se han visto afectadas por los procesos de industrialización y urbanización, pero la Comisión Nacional del Agua las considera reservas de agua en México. Para evaluar las condiciones ambientales de las cuencas, aplicamos el Índice de Integridad Biótica basado y el Índice Biótico basado en Familias. Evaluamos el gremio trófico, la amplitud de la dieta y la selectividad de la dieta de P. bimaculatus en sitios con diferente calidad ambiental. Además, exploramos la relación de las estrategias tróficas con la condición del hábitat. Capturamos un total de 202 individuos de P. bimaculatus de 10 a 67 mm de LP, encontrando un total de 24 artículos alimenticios. La dieta de P. bimaculatus está compuesta de insectos terrestres y acuáticos y restos óseos de peces. Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus en algunos sitios puede alimentarse de diferentes niveles tróficos, en otros, es especialista y consumidor secundario. Encontramos que P. bimaculatus cambia su dieta acorde con alteraciones en la estructura del hábitat, la calidad del agua y la integridad biótica. Además, esta especie invasora puede tolerar cambios en la red trófica y la disponibilidad de alimento.

ABSTRACT Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus is an invasive species widely spread throughout freshwater ecosystems in central Mexico, for that reason we described its trophic strategy into a gradient of environmental quality. We sampled individuals of P. bimaculatus at eight sites located in the Lerma-Chapala and Pánuco River Basins during dry season. These basins have been impacted by industrialization and urbanization processes, but are considered as water reserves in México. To evaluate the environmental quality of the river, we applied the Visual-based Habitat Assessment, the Index of Biological Integrity and the Family-level Biotic Index. We assessed the trophic guild, the diet width, the omnivory level, and the diet selectivity. We also explored the relation of trophic strategies with the habitat condition. We captured a total of 202 individuals of P. bimaculatus from 10 to 67 mm of SL, finding a total of 24 food items. The diet of P. bimaculatus was composed of terrestrial, aquatic insects and bony fish. Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus in some sites can feed on different trophic levels, in other it is a specialist and secondary consumer. We found that P. bimaculatus changes its diet according the alterations in the habitat structure, water quality, and biotic integrity. Moreover, this invasive species can endure changes in the trophic web and food availability.

B. Inst. Pesca ; 43(4): 638-645, Oct.-Dec.2017. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18196


This study presents the first record of an alien species of oyster in Bertioga, São Paulo State (Southeast Brazilian coast). Alien oysters were found attached to mangrove roots, rock shores, stones and gravel in the riverbed, forming clusters of 10–20 individuals and cohabiting with native oyster species (Crassostrea mangle, C. brasiliana and Ostrea sp.). Results are presented based on molecular analysis of specimens collected in the Itaguaré River in June 2014. We used partial sequences of 16S and COI genes to assess the taxonomic identity. The Neighbor-joining method was used to analyze phenetic relationships among samples and the genetic diversity was calculated from the Kimura two-parameter (K2P) distances. The sequences in this work clustered with a sequence of “Saccostrea cucullata” from Madagascar for both genes (COI and 16S) and presented a genetic distance of 1.7 2.2% and 3.5 5.3% from other sequences of “S. cucullata group” for 16S and COI fragments, respectively. The genetic distances from others Saccostrea species (S. palmula, S. glomerata and S. mordax) ranged from 4.7 to 9.1% for 16S and from 13.8 to 19.0% for COI. The genetic distances from other oysters species sequences (genera Ostrea and Crassostrea) are over than 14.0% and 25.0% for 16S and COI, respectively. The record is discussed in the context of possible consequences on the environment and probable pathways of introduction. This is the first published record of a Saccostrea species in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. (AU)

Este trabalho apresenta o primeiro registro de uma espécie exótica de ostra em Bertioga, Estado de São Paulo (sudeste da costa brasileira). As ostras exóticas foram encontradas fixadas em raízes de mangue, costões rochosos, pedras e cascalhos no leito do rio, formando agrupamentos de 10 20 indivíduos e coabitando com as espécies de ostras nativas (Crassostrea mangle, C. brasiliana e Ostrea spp.). Os resultados baseiam-se em análises moleculares de espécimes coletados no rio Itaguaré em junho de 2014. Foram utilizadas sequências parciais dos genes 16S e COI para avaliar a identidade taxonômica. As análises fenéticas foram realizadas pelo método de Neighbour-joining. A divergência genética foi calculada através das distâncias do parâmetro-2 de Kimura (K2P). As sequências agruparam-se com uma sequência de Saccostrea cucullata de Madagascar para ambos os genes (COI e 16S) e apresentaram uma distância genética de 1,7 2,2% e 3,5 5,3% de outras sequências do “grupo S. cucullata” para fragmentos de 16S e COI, respectivamente. As distâncias genéticas de outras espécies de Saccostrea (S. palmula, S. glomerata e S. mordax) variaram de 4,7 a 9,1% para 16S e de 13,8 a 19,0% para COI. As distâncias genéticas de outras espécies de ostras (gêneros Ostrea e Crassostrea) foram superiores a 14,0% e 25,0% para 16S e COI, respectivamente. O registro é discutido no contexto de possíveis consequências para o ambiente e prováveis vias de introdução. Este é o primeiro registro publicado de uma espécie de Saccostrea no sudoeste do Oceano Atlântico.(AU)

Animais , Ostreidae/classificação , Classificação/métodos , Animais Exóticos/classificação , Bivalves/classificação , Brasil
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.) ; 43(4): 638-645, Oct.-Dec.2017. ilus, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1465295


This study presents the first record of an alien species of oyster in Bertioga, São Paulo State (Southeast Brazilian coast). Alien oysters were found attached to mangrove roots, rock shores, stones and gravel in the riverbed, forming clusters of 10–20 individuals and cohabiting with native oyster species (Crassostrea mangle, C. brasiliana and Ostrea sp.). Results are presented based on molecular analysis of specimens collected in the Itaguaré River in June 2014. We used partial sequences of 16S and COI genes to assess the taxonomic identity. The Neighbor-joining method was used to analyze phenetic relationships among samples and the genetic diversity was calculated from the Kimura two-parameter (K2P) distances. The sequences in this work clustered with a sequence of “Saccostrea cucullata” from Madagascar for both genes (COI and 16S) and presented a genetic distance of 1.7 – 2.2% and 3.5 – 5.3% from other sequences of “S. cucullata group” for 16S and COI fragments, respectively. The genetic distances from others Saccostrea species (S. palmula, S. glomerata and S. mordax) ranged from 4.7 to 9.1% for 16S and from 13.8 to 19.0% for COI. The genetic distances from other oysters’ species sequences (genera Ostrea and Crassostrea) are over than 14.0% and 25.0% for 16S and COI, respectively. The record is discussed in the context of possible consequences on the environment and probable pathways of introduction. This is the first published record of a Saccostrea species in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.

Este trabalho apresenta o primeiro registro de uma espécie exótica de ostra em Bertioga, Estado de São Paulo (sudeste da costa brasileira). As ostras exóticas foram encontradas fixadas em raízes de mangue, costões rochosos, pedras e cascalhos no leito do rio, formando agrupamentos de 10 – 20 indivíduos e coabitando com as espécies de ostras nativas (Crassostrea mangle, C. brasiliana e Ostrea spp.). Os resultados baseiam-se em análises moleculares de espécimes coletados no rio Itaguaré em junho de 2014. Foram utilizadas sequências parciais dos genes 16S e COI para avaliar a identidade taxonômica. As análises fenéticas foram realizadas pelo método de Neighbour-joining. A divergência genética foi calculada através das distâncias do parâmetro-2 de Kimura (K2P). As sequências agruparam-se com uma sequência de Saccostrea cucullata de Madagascar para ambos os genes (COI e 16S) e apresentaram uma distância genética de 1,7 – 2,2% e 3,5 – 5,3% de outras sequências do “grupo S. cucullata” para fragmentos de 16S e COI, respectivamente. As distâncias genéticas de outras espécies de Saccostrea (S. palmula, S. glomerata e S. mordax) variaram de 4,7 a 9,1% para 16S e de 13,8 a 19,0% para COI. As distâncias genéticas de outras espécies de ostras (gêneros Ostrea e Crassostrea) foram superiores a 14,0% e 25,0% para 16S e COI, respectivamente. O registro é discutido no contexto de possíveis consequências para o ambiente e prováveis vias de introdução. Este é o primeiro registro publicado de uma espécie de Saccostrea no sudoeste do Oceano Atlântico.

Animais , Classificação/métodos , Ostreidae/classificação , Animais Exóticos/classificação , Bivalves/classificação , Brasil
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 37(4): 329-333, out.-dez. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459630


We used 79 bullfrogs, distributed in a completely randomized design (class 1 100 g (n = 10); class 2 from 101 to 150 g (n = 17); class 3 from 151 to 200 g (n = 24); class 4 from 201 to 250 g (n = 14); and class 5 >251 g (n = 14)), which were euthanized, weighted and gutted. For the carcass yield, we weighed the clean torso, thighs, liver, skin and head. The clean torso was subjected to chemical composition analysis. The carcass yield was, on average, 49% with no difference between weight classes (p > 0.05). The yield of posterior thighs was significantly higher for the lower weight class, which also presented higher percentage of paws (28.37 ± 0.63 and 9.33 ± 0.21, respectively) (p 0.05). The percentages of visceral fat and skin showed a progressive increase along with the weight of the animals; the class with individuals weighing 201-250 grams showed the higher values (p 0.05). The chemical composition indicated that individuals above 251 grams showed lower values of ether extract and higher values of crude protein (0.99 ± 0.14 and 15.80 ± 0.64, respectively) (p 0.05). So, it is recommended the slaughter of bullfrogs weighing more than 201 grams, because of better yield and meat quality.

O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar cinco diferentes classes de peso de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus), buscando definir o peso ideal de abate para a espécie. Foram utilizados 79 exemplares de rãs-touro, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado (classe 1 100 g (n = 10); classe 2 de 101 a 150 g (n = 17); classe 3 de 151 a 200 g (n = 24); classe 4 de 200 a 250 g (n = 14), e classe 5 > 251 g (n = 14)), que foram eutanaziados, pesados e eviscerados. Para o rendimento da carcaça foram pesados: tronco limpo, coxas, fígado, patas, pele e cabeça. O tronco limpo foi submetido à análise de composição centesimal. O rendimento de corpo limpo foi em média 49%, sem diferença entre classes (p > 0,05). O rendimento das coxas posteriores foi significativamente maior para a menor classe de peso, e essa classe também apresentou maior porcentual de patas (28,37 ± 0,63 e 9,33 ± 0,21, respectivamente) (p 0,05). As porcentagens de gordura visceral e pele apresentaram um aumento progressivo concomitante ao peso dos animais, sendo que a classe com indivíduos de 201 a 250 g apresentou os maiores índices (p 0,05). Na composição centesimal observou-se que indivíduos acima de 251 g, apresentaram menores valores de extrato etéreo e maior valor de proteína (0,99 ± 0,14 e 15,80 ± 0,64, respectivamente) (p 0,05). Para melhor aproveitamento é recomendado que rãs-tour

Animais , Carne , Carne/análise , Carne/provisão & distribuição , Ranidae
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 37(4): 329-333, out.-dez. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17437


We used 79 bullfrogs, distributed in a completely randomized design (class 1 100 g (n = 10); class 2 from 101 to 150 g (n = 17); class 3 from 151 to 200 g (n = 24); class 4 from 201 to 250 g (n = 14); and class 5 >251 g (n = 14)), which were euthanized, weighted and gutted. For the carcass yield, we weighed the clean torso, thighs, liver, skin and head. The clean torso was subjected to chemical composition analysis. The carcass yield was, on average, 49% with no difference between weight classes (p > 0.05). The yield of posterior thighs was significantly higher for the lower weight class, which also presented higher percentage of paws (28.37 ± 0.63 and 9.33 ± 0.21, respectively) (p 0.05). The percentages of visceral fat and skin showed a progressive increase along with the weight of the animals; the class with individuals weighing 201-250 grams showed the higher values (p 0.05). The chemical composition indicated that individuals above 251 grams showed lower values of ether extract and higher values of crude protein (0.99 ± 0.14 and 15.80 ± 0.64, respectively) (p 0.05). So, it is recommended the slaughter of bullfrogs weighing more than 201 grams, because of better yield and meat quality.(AU)

O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar cinco diferentes classes de peso de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus), buscando definir o peso ideal de abate para a espécie. Foram utilizados 79 exemplares de rãs-touro, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado (classe 1 100 g (n = 10); classe 2 de 101 a 150 g (n = 17); classe 3 de 151 a 200 g (n = 24); classe 4 de 200 a 250 g (n = 14), e classe 5 > 251 g (n = 14)), que foram eutanaziados, pesados e eviscerados. Para o rendimento da carcaça foram pesados: tronco limpo, coxas, fígado, patas, pele e cabeça. O tronco limpo foi submetido à análise de composição centesimal. O rendimento de corpo limpo foi em média 49%, sem diferença entre classes (p > 0,05). O rendimento das coxas posteriores foi significativamente maior para a menor classe de peso, e essa classe também apresentou maior porcentual de patas (28,37 ± 0,63 e 9,33 ± 0,21, respectivamente) (p 0,05). As porcentagens de gordura visceral e pele apresentaram um aumento progressivo concomitante ao peso dos animais, sendo que a classe com indivíduos de 201 a 250 g apresentou os maiores índices (p 0,05). Na composição centesimal observou-se que indivíduos acima de 251 g, apresentaram menores valores de extrato etéreo e maior valor de proteína (0,99 ± 0,14 e 15,80 ± 0,64, respectivamente) (p 0,05). Para melhor aproveitamento é recomendado que rãs-tour(AU)

Animais , Carne/análise , Carne/provisão & distribuição , Carne , Ranidae
Revista Brasileira de Zoociências (Online) ; 16(1/3): 141-147, 2015. map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494615


In this study, we summarize the available information about the invasion of the Lithobates catesbeianus in the Paraná state, Brazil, through search for published papers and inventory of the municipalities of the State that has active commercial frog farms. Occurrence of the L. catesbeianus in nature was recorded in eight studies and in 15 localities in the Paraná. We found a total of the 19 municipalities in the Paraná having commercial frog farms.The records of the L. catesbeianus invasions are relatively spread along of the Paraná. We encountered that from of the 15 records of the L. catesbeianus as invasive in 86.7% (or 13 from 15) of them were located at distances below 50km from the nearest municipality having frog farm, one were established at a distance of about 80km and one at a distance of approximately 130km from de nearest municipality having frog farm. These data suggest a consistent relationship of the occurrence of frog farms and the records of the invasions by L. catesbeianus along the geographic space of the Paraná state.

Neste estudo, nós reunimos informações disponíveis sobre a invasão de Lithobates catesbeianus no estado do Paraná no Brasil, através de trabalhos publicados e de um inventário dos municípios do Estado que tenham ranários ativos. A ocorrência de L. catesbeianus na natureza foi registrada em oito estudos e em 15 localidades no Paraná. Nós encontramos um total de 19 municípios no Paraná com ranários. Os registros de Lithobates catesbeianus estão relativamente espalhados ao longo do Paraná. Nós encontramos que dos 15 registros de L. catesbeianus como invasor, 86.7% (ou 13 de 15) deles ocorreram em locais com distâncias inferiores a 50km do município mais próximo possuindo fazenda comercial de criação de rãs, um deles estava a uma distância de cerca de 80km de município com criadouros e o outro a uma distância de aproximadamente 130km do município mais próximo possuindo criadouro. Estes dados sugerem uma relação consistente da ocorrência de ranários e os registros de invasões por L. catesbeianus ao longo do espaço geográfico do estado do Paraná.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Espécies Introduzidas , Rana catesbeiana
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-221072


Javalis são uma das principais espécies invasoras do planeta, causando impactos à biodiversidade nativa, danos ao ambiente, lavoura e pecuária e são um conhecido reservatório de doenças infecciosas e parasitárias importantes. Considerando-se o desconhecimento do status parasitológico de javalis selvagens no Brasil, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e analisar as helmintoses de javalis (Sus scrofa) de vida livre da região norte do Estado de São Paulo, e avaliar possível interferência sobre a suinocultura local. Para tal, foram necropsiados 35 javalis de vida livre e 18 suínos domésticos, todos provenientes da região de Monte Azul Paulista/SP, área com alta densidade desses animais. Nas amostras de suínos domésticos, provenientes de estabelecimento de suinocultura tecnificada, não foram encontrados macroparasitas. A partir das amostras de javalis de vida livre foram coletados 13.262 espécimes de helmintos de dez espécies diferentes, sendo nove espécies pertencentes ao Phylum Nematoda: Globocephalus urosubulatus (94,3%), Metastrongylus salmi (82,9%), Stephanurus dentatus (71,4%), Strongyloides ransomi (59,3%), Ascarops strongylina (28,6%), Metastrongylus pudendotecus (11,4%), Trichuris suis (8,6%), Ascaris suum (2,9%) e Oesophagostomum dentatum (2,9%); e uma ao Phylum Acantocephala, Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (5,7%). Em exames coproparasitológicos foram identificados ovos de 3 morfotipos diferentes, estrongilídeo, metastrongilídeo e Strongyloides, e a prevalência de parasitismo foi de 86% (19/22). Também foram observados oocistos de Eimeria spp. A contagem de ovos variou de 100 a 1800 ovos por grama de fezes. Os resultados permitem inferir que nematódeos dos gêneros Globocephalus, Metastrongylus, Stephanurus e Strongyloides são predominantes na comunidade parasitária de javalis selvagens da região norte do Estado de São Paulo. Na população estudada não houve influência do sexo nos indicadores de infecção. Apesar do potencial patogênico dos parasitas encontrados, os animais avaliados apresentavam bom escore corporal. Para a amostragem de suínos domésticos analisada, as práticas de biossegurança adotadas pelo estabelecimento de criação foram eficazes em prevenir possível introdução de parasitas a partir de javalis selvagens.

Wild boars (Sus scrofa) are one of the most important invasive species worldwide. They impact biodiversity; damage the environment, farming, and livestock; and are a reservoir of important infectious and parasitic diseases. Considering the lack of knowledge of the parasitological status of wild boars in Brazil, the objective of this study was to identify and analyze helminths in free-living wild boars in the northern region of the State of São Paulo and evaluate a possible interference on local pig farming. For this purpose, 35 wild boars and 18 domestic pigs were necropsied, all from the region of Monte Azul Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, which is an area with a high density of these animals. No macroparasites were observed in the domestic pigs from a technified pig farm. The free-living wild boars presented with 13,262 helminth specimens from ten different species, among which nine species were of the phylum Nematoda: Globocephalus urosubulatus (94.3%), Metastrongylus salmi (82.9%), Stephanurus dentatus (71.4%), Strongyloides ransomi (59.3%), Ascarops strongylina (28.6%), M. pudendotecus (11.4%), Trichuris suis (8.6%), Ascaris suum (2.9%), and Oesophagostomum dentatum (2.9%) and one was of the phylum Acanthocephala: Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (5.7%). Coprological analysis identified eggs of three different morphotypes, Strongylidae, Metastrongylidae, and Strongyloides, and the prevalence of parasitism was 86% (19/22). Oocysts of Eimeria spp. were also observed. The egg count ranged from 100 to 1,800 eggs per gram of feces. The results show that nematodes of the genera Globocephalus, Metastrongylus, Stephanurus, and Strongyloides are predominant in the wild boar parasitic community in the northern region of the state of São Paulo. The population studied showed no influence of sex on infection indicators. Despite the pathogenic potential of these parasites, the animals evaluated had a good body score. The sample of domestic pigs analyzed showed that the biosafety practices used on the farm were effective in the prevention of the possible introduction of parasites from wild boars.