Background: Eversion of the cartilage of the third eyelid is a rare congenital disease in cats. It is caused by the anterioreversion of the cartilage edge of the third eyelid. Clinical signs may be associated with secondary keratoconjunctivitis,third eyelid gland protrusion, and ocular surface irritation. The diagnosis is made by ophthalmic examination, and treatment consists of surgical resection of the everted cartilage portion. The goal of the present study was to report a case ofeversion of third eyelid cartilage in a cat, given that it is an unusual abnormality in this animal species, and an importantdifferential diagnosis to be considered in the disorders of the third eyelid.Case: A 6-year-old neutered female Persian cat was presented with a presumptive diagnosis of protrusion of the thirdeyelid gland, history of ocular irritation, and epiphora in the left eye. The disorder had been intermittently present sincethe animal was 1-year-old, with spontaneous disappearance after approximately 15 days. The owner related the reappearance of the disorder to stressful situations, with no previous history of trauma or other ocular alteration. During theophthalmic examination, suspended solute was observed through biomiscroscopic examination in both eyes, as well asan increase in volume of the third eyelid in the left eye, without other changes. A thorough examination, under generalanesthesia, indicated the protruding volume of the cartilage of the everted third eyelid. The third eyelid was pleated inits upper portion, demonstrating that the cartilage of the third eyelid was folded instead of following the curvature of theocular surface. Under general anesthesia, the cartilage was partially removed through two parallel incisions on the bulbarconjunctival surface, divulsioning 5 mm in length in the vertical portion of the cartilage in a T shape, and separating the...
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Doenças Palpebrais/veterinária , Gatos/anormalidades , Gatos/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cartilagem/anormalidadesResumo
Background: Eversion of the cartilage of the third eyelid is a rare congenital disease in cats. It is caused by the anterioreversion of the cartilage edge of the third eyelid. Clinical signs may be associated with secondary keratoconjunctivitis,third eyelid gland protrusion, and ocular surface irritation. The diagnosis is made by ophthalmic examination, and treatment consists of surgical resection of the everted cartilage portion. The goal of the present study was to report a case ofeversion of third eyelid cartilage in a cat, given that it is an unusual abnormality in this animal species, and an importantdifferential diagnosis to be considered in the disorders of the third eyelid.Case: A 6-year-old neutered female Persian cat was presented with a presumptive diagnosis of protrusion of the thirdeyelid gland, history of ocular irritation, and epiphora in the left eye. The disorder had been intermittently present sincethe animal was 1-year-old, with spontaneous disappearance after approximately 15 days. The owner related the reappearance of the disorder to stressful situations, with no previous history of trauma or other ocular alteration. During theophthalmic examination, suspended solute was observed through biomiscroscopic examination in both eyes, as well asan increase in volume of the third eyelid in the left eye, without other changes. A thorough examination, under generalanesthesia, indicated the protruding volume of the cartilage of the everted third eyelid. The third eyelid was pleated inits upper portion, demonstrating that the cartilage of the third eyelid was folded instead of following the curvature of theocular surface. Under general anesthesia, the cartilage was partially removed through two parallel incisions on the bulbarconjunctival surface, divulsioning 5 mm in length in the vertical portion of the cartilage in a T shape, and separating the...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Membrana Nictitante/anormalidades , Doenças Palpebrais/veterinária , Gatos/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cartilagem/anormalidadesResumo
Background: The cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is considered to be a frequent neoplasm in dogs, however,its origin in ocular annexes, especially in relation to the conjuctival location, is a rare finding in dogs. Therefore, it wasaimed to report the occurrence of a multicentric SCC, with the involvement of ocular annexes in a dog, emphasizing itsclinical characteristics and histopathological findings.Case: A 6-year-old non-castrated white-coated Pitbull dog was attended, with a history of increased volume and bloodysecretion in the left eye, with an evolution of approximately six months. By means of general physical examination, ulcerated lesions in the foreskin and scrotum were found. During the ophthalmologic examination was identified an extensiveand irregular exophytic mass, of a reddish color and with a cauliflower-like appearance, located in the inferior bulbarconjunctiva and third eyelid of the left eye, accompanied by a large quantity of piosanguinolenta secretion, mainly duringmanipulation. Other alterations were observed, such as, meibomitis, conjuctival hyperemia, hypopyon, corneal edema andloss of sight. In the right eye, the only alteration found was conjunctival hyperemia. The hemograma revealed discreetanemia; the serum biochemical profile was inside the normal range and there was no evidence of metastasis in the imaging examinations. The animal was submitted to the incisional biopsy of the lesions for histopathological analysis, whichrevealed a proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells, highly pleomorphic, composed of eosinophilic cytoplasm, whichvaried from scarce to moderate, of indistinct borders, with a large nucleus and loose chromatin and large and evidentnucleolus, compatible with SCC, enabling, also, the classification as multicentric...
Animais , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Membrana Nictitante/patologia , Neoplasias Oculares/veterinária , Neoplasias da Túnica Conjuntiva/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: The cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is considered to be a frequent neoplasm in dogs, however,its origin in ocular annexes, especially in relation to the conjuctival location, is a rare finding in dogs. Therefore, it wasaimed to report the occurrence of a multicentric SCC, with the involvement of ocular annexes in a dog, emphasizing itsclinical characteristics and histopathological findings.Case: A 6-year-old non-castrated white-coated Pitbull dog was attended, with a history of increased volume and bloodysecretion in the left eye, with an evolution of approximately six months. By means of general physical examination, ulcerated lesions in the foreskin and scrotum were found. During the ophthalmologic examination was identified an extensiveand irregular exophytic mass, of a reddish color and with a cauliflower-like appearance, located in the inferior bulbarconjunctiva and third eyelid of the left eye, accompanied by a large quantity of piosanguinolenta secretion, mainly duringmanipulation. Other alterations were observed, such as, meibomitis, conjuctival hyperemia, hypopyon, corneal edema andloss of sight. In the right eye, the only alteration found was conjunctival hyperemia. The hemograma revealed discreetanemia; the serum biochemical profile was inside the normal range and there was no evidence of metastasis in the imaging examinations. The animal was submitted to the incisional biopsy of the lesions for histopathological analysis, whichrevealed a proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells, highly pleomorphic, composed of eosinophilic cytoplasm, whichvaried from scarce to moderate, of indistinct borders, with a large nucleus and loose chromatin and large and evidentnucleolus, compatible with SCC, enabling, also, the classification as multicentric...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/veterinária , Membrana Nictitante/patologia , Neoplasias da Túnica Conjuntiva/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
This study aims to describe the first Brazilian report of a nictitating membrane cyst's surgical treatment in a dog. A 6-month-old female French Bulldog presented at HOSVET-UNIME with a reddish mass-like structure in the medial canthus of both eyes, with a history of recurrent third eyelid gland prolapse previously treated with two surgeries performed at another clinic. Physical examination revealed a third eyelid gland prolapse in the right eye and a cyst in the left eye's third eyelid. The animal was submitted to surgical correction of the right eye's third eyelid prolapse using pocket technique and of the left eye's third eyelid using marsupialization technique for the cyst's treatment. 180 days after th1e surgical procedure no recurrence was observed. The marsupialization technique for the treatment of a third eyelid's lacrimal cyst in a dog allowed the maintenance of its gland and prevented the formation of a new cystic cavity.(AU)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever o primeiro relato no Brasil de tratamento cirúrgico de um cisto da membrana nictitante em um cão. Um Buldogue Francês, fêmea, seis meses, foi atendido no Hosvet-Unime, com queixa de aumento de volume avermelhado no canto medial de ambos os olhos, com histórico de recidiva de prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra, onde haviam sido realizadas duas cirurgias anteriormente em outro local. Ao exame físico, foi observado prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e a presença de um cisto na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo. O animal foi submetido ao procedimento cirúrgico de sepultamento de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e uma marsupialização na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo para o tratamento do cisto. Cento e oitenta dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, não foi observada recidiva. A técnica de marsupialização para tratamento de cisto lacrimal na terceira pálpebra em um cão possibilitou a manutenção da sua glândula e impediu a formação de nova cavidade cística.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cistos/veterinária , Aparelho Lacrimal/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/cirurgia , Prolapso , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterináriaResumo
This study aims to describe the first Brazilian report of a nictitating membrane cyst's surgical treatment in a dog. A 6-month-old female French Bulldog presented at HOSVET-UNIME with a reddish mass-like structure in the medial canthus of both eyes, with a history of recurrent third eyelid gland prolapse previously treated with two surgeries performed at another clinic. Physical examination revealed a third eyelid gland prolapse in the right eye and a cyst in the left eye's third eyelid. The animal was submitted to surgical correction of the right eye's third eyelid prolapse using pocket technique and of the left eye's third eyelid using marsupialization technique for the cyst's treatment. 180 days after th1e surgical procedure no recurrence was observed. The marsupialization technique for the treatment of a third eyelid's lacrimal cyst in a dog allowed the maintenance of its gland and prevented the formation of a new cystic cavity.(AU)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever o primeiro relato no Brasil de tratamento cirúrgico de um cisto da membrana nictitante em um cão. Um Buldogue Francês, fêmea, seis meses, foi atendido no Hosvet-Unime, com queixa de aumento de volume avermelhado no canto medial de ambos os olhos, com histórico de recidiva de prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra, onde haviam sido realizadas duas cirurgias anteriormente em outro local. Ao exame físico, foi observado prolapso de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e a presença de um cisto na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo. O animal foi submetido ao procedimento cirúrgico de sepultamento de glândula da terceira pálpebra no olho direito e uma marsupialização na terceira pálpebra do olho esquerdo para o tratamento do cisto. Cento e oitenta dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, não foi observada recidiva. A técnica de marsupialização para tratamento de cisto lacrimal na terceira pálpebra em um cão possibilitou a manutenção da sua glândula e impediu a formação de nova cavidade cística.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cistos/veterinária , Aparelho Lacrimal/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/cirurgia , Prolapso , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterináriaResumo
O melanoma é uma neoplasia maligna de melanócitos, os quais produzem a melanina responsável pela pigmentação da pele, descrito em várias espécies animais e em seres humanos. Em equinos, esse tipo tumoral representa grande parte dos comprometimentos cutâneos, principalmente em animais de pelagem tordilha; porém não se observa predileção racial e sexual, sendo a idade considerada um agravante na malignidade. Esta afecção acomete principalmente as regiões de cauda, períneo, orelhas e olhos, e ocasionalmente se desenvolvem em órgãos genitais; sendo que o curso clínico varia desde a invasão de órgãos até a disseminação metastática. Caracterizam-se por lesões firmes, nodulares, únicas ou múltiplas, de tamanhos e coloração variados, infiltrativas, podendo ocorrer ulcerações. Os sinais clínicos demonstrados pelos pacientes acometidos são variáveis, dependendo da localização tumoral. Em animais, o diagnóstico de melanoma está relacionado a um prognóstico desfavorável, pois, em geral, o tumor é detectado tardiamente, quando já houve infiltração local ou formação de metástases. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso relacionado a melanoma de terceira pálpebra em um equino macho, com 13 anos de idade, raça Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL), pelagem tordilha. O animal apresentava nódulos de tamanhos consideráveis na terceira pálpebra do olho direito, de coloração enegrecida, sendo submetido a procedimento cirúrgico para a remoção total do mesmo. O animal foi submetido a um protocolo pós-cirúrgico com antibioticoterapia local na forma de colírio (Ciprofloxacina 0,3mg ou 02 gotas), quatro vezes ao dia, durante dez dias e também sistêmica (Benzilpenicilina G Procaína 4000UI/Kg/PV) por via intramuscular, uma vez ao dia, durante cinco dias...
Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of melanocytes which produce melanin, responsible for skin pigmentation, described in various animal species and in humans. In equines, this tumor type represents a large part of the mainly in fur animals; but there is no racial and sexual predilection, and age is considered an aggravating factor in malignancy. This condition mainly affects the tail, perineum, auricular and ocular regions and occasionally develops in the genital organs; and the clinical course varies from invasion of organs to metastatic dissemination. It is characterized by firm, nodular, single or multiple lesions of varying infiltrative sizes and staining, and ulcerations may occur. The clinical signs demonstrated by the affected patients are variable, depending on the tumor location. In animals, the diagnosis of melanoma is related to an unfavorable prognosis, since, in general, the tumor is detected late, when there has been local infiltration or formation of metastases. The aim of this study is to report a case related to third eyelid melanoma in a 13 year - old male Purebred Lusitano (PSL) equine breed. The animal presented nodules of considerable size in the third eyelid of the right eye, of blackened color, being submitted to surgical procedure for the total removal of the same one. The animal was submitted to a post-surgical protocol with local antibiotic therapy in the form of eye drops (Ciprofloxacin 0.3mg or 2 drops), four times a day for ten days and also systemic (Benzylpenicillin G Procaine 4000UI/Kg/PV) intramuscularly once daily for five days. As an anti-inflammatory protocol, it was used topically, eye drops (Flurbiprofen Sodium 0.03mg or 2 drops), four times a day for ten days and intravenously (Fenilbutazone 4.0mg/Kg/PV), once a day during five days, responding satisfactorily to the treatment.
Masculino , Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Melanoma/reabilitação , Melanoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Palpebrais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Palpebrais/reabilitação , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterináriaResumo
O melanoma é uma neoplasia maligna de melanócitos, os quais produzem a melanina responsável pela pigmentação da pele, descrito em várias espécies animais e em seres humanos. Em equinos, esse tipo tumoral representa grande parte dos comprometimentos cutâneos, principalmente em animais de pelagem tordilha; porém não se observa predileção racial e sexual, sendo a idade considerada um agravante na malignidade. Esta afecção acomete principalmente as regiões de cauda, períneo, orelhas e olhos, e ocasionalmente se desenvolvem em órgãos genitais; sendo que o curso clínico varia desde a invasão de órgãos até a disseminação metastática. Caracterizam-se por lesões firmes, nodulares, únicas ou múltiplas, de tamanhos e coloração variados, infiltrativas, podendo ocorrer ulcerações. Os sinais clínicos demonstrados pelos pacientes acometidos são variáveis, dependendo da localização tumoral. Em animais, o diagnóstico de melanoma está relacionado a um prognóstico desfavorável, pois, em geral, o tumor é detectado tardiamente, quando já houve infiltração local ou formação de metástases. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso relacionado a melanoma de terceira pálpebra em um equino macho, com 13 anos de idade, raça Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL), pelagem tordilha. O animal apresentava nódulos de tamanhos consideráveis na terceira pálpebra do olho direito, de coloração enegrecida, sendo submetido a procedimento cirúrgico para a remoção total do mesmo. O animal foi submetido a um protocolo pós-cirúrgico com antibioticoterapia local na forma de colírio (Ciprofloxacina 0,3mg ou 02 gotas), quatro vezes ao dia, durante dez dias e também sistêmica (Benzilpenicilina G Procaína 4000UI/Kg/PV) por via intramuscular, uma vez ao dia, durante cinco dias...(AU)
Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of melanocytes which produce melanin, responsible for skin pigmentation, described in various animal species and in humans. In equines, this tumor type represents a large part of the mainly in fur animals; but there is no racial and sexual predilection, and age is considered an aggravating factor in malignancy. This condition mainly affects the tail, perineum, auricular and ocular regions and occasionally develops in the genital organs; and the clinical course varies from invasion of organs to metastatic dissemination. It is characterized by firm, nodular, single or multiple lesions of varying infiltrative sizes and staining, and ulcerations may occur. The clinical signs demonstrated by the affected patients are variable, depending on the tumor location. In animals, the diagnosis of melanoma is related to an unfavorable prognosis, since, in general, the tumor is detected late, when there has been local infiltration or formation of metastases. The aim of this study is to report a case related to third eyelid melanoma in a 13 year - old male Purebred Lusitano (PSL) equine breed. The animal presented nodules of considerable size in the third eyelid of the right eye, of blackened color, being submitted to surgical procedure for the total removal of the same one. The animal was submitted to a post-surgical protocol with local antibiotic therapy in the form of eye drops (Ciprofloxacin 0.3mg or 2 drops), four times a day for ten days and also systemic (Benzylpenicillin G Procaine 4000UI/Kg/PV) intramuscularly once daily for five days. As an anti-inflammatory protocol, it was used topically, eye drops (Flurbiprofen Sodium 0.03mg or 2 drops), four times a day for ten days and intravenously (Fenilbutazone 4.0mg/Kg/PV), once a day during five days, responding satisfactorily to the treatment.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cavalos/cirurgia , Melanoma/reabilitação , Melanoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Palpebrais/reabilitação , Neoplasias Palpebrais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterináriaResumo
Palpebral neoformations are very common in dogs, and may have different etiological origins, such as melanoma and squamous papilloma, localization generally directly affects ocular physiology, the treatment of choice is radical surgical excision, with a lower chance of recurrence, of the ideal surgical techniques is H-plasty, as this promotes a good margin of safety and reduces tension by tissue loss.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Palpebrais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Melanoma/veterinária , Papiloma/veterinária , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterináriaResumo
Palpebral neoformations are very common in dogs, and may have different etiological origins, such as melanoma and squamous papilloma, localization generally directly affects ocular physiology, the treatment of choice is radical surgical excision, with a lower chance of recurrence, of the ideal surgical techniques is H-plasty, as this promotes a good margin of safety and reduces tension by tissue loss.
Animais , Cães , Melanoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Palpebrais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Papiloma/veterinária , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this work was to describe an eyelid neoplasm in wild birds, since the veterinary literature has little information concerning the aspects of the oncologic clinic in wild species. In the clinical exam, it was observed a single mass in the upper right eyelid of the Pheugopedius genibarbis a, with rough surface, cauliflower aspect, of dark-red coloration . For the histopathological diagnosis, an incisional biopsy of the lesion was done , with the fragment fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin, processed by the method of inclusion in paraffin , cut to 4µm sections and stained with H&E . The histopathological findings revealed elongated dermal papillae covered by acanthotic epidermis, as well as thickness of the stratum spinosum . In the stratum spinosum, it was observed the presence of cells with vacuolated cytoplasm and nucleus slightly dislocated to the center of the cell, which increases in proportion when closer to the granular layer, an indication of hydropic degeneration , there were In the basal layer it is possible to notice the presence of the normal mitotic figures.. Based on the macro and microscopic characteristics, that neoplasm was diagnosed as an eyelid papilloma.
Animais , Aves Canoras , Neoplasias Palpebrais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Papiloma/veterinária , Pálpebras/patologiaResumo
The aim of this work was to describe an eyelid neoplasm in wild birds, since the veterinary literature has little information concerning the aspects of the oncologic clinic in wild species. In the clinical exam, it was observed a single mass in the upper right eyelid of the Pheugopedius genibarbis a, with rough surface, cauliflower aspect, of dark-red coloration . For the histopathological diagnosis, an incisional biopsy of the lesion was done , with the fragment fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin, processed by the method of inclusion in paraffin , cut to 4µm sections and stained with H&E . The histopathological findings revealed elongated dermal papillae covered by acanthotic epidermis, as well as thickness of the stratum spinosum . In the stratum spinosum, it was observed the presence of cells with vacuolated cytoplasm and nucleus slightly dislocated to the center of the cell, which increases in proportion when closer to the granular layer, an indication of hydropic degeneration , there were In the basal layer it is possible to notice the presence of the normal mitotic figures.. Based on the macro and microscopic characteristics, that neoplasm was diagnosed as an eyelid papilloma.(AU)
Animais , Neoplasias Palpebrais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Aves Canoras , Papiloma/veterinária , Pálpebras/patologiaResumo
Background: Eyelid apocrine hidrocystoma (AH) is a benign cystic lesion originating from the glands of Moll. These eyelid lesions are rare in cats and there are few cases reported in the literature. The aetiopathogenesis of AH is unknown and the lesion has been interpreted either as proliferative adenomatous tumour or as retention cyst. Definitive diagnosis requires biopsy with microscopic examination. Treatment options for eyelid AH include surgical excision, drainage through aspiration, cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen and chemical ablation. The aim is to report a case of bilateral multiple AH of the eyelids in a cat that was successfully treated with surgical excision. Case: A 5-year-old male Himalayan cat was referred to the Ophthalmology Section in the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil with a history of pigmented masses in both eyes that had been progressively enlarging over a 1-year period. Ophthalmic examination revealed two cysts on the medial canthus at the eyelid margin in both eyes. In the left eye was observed mild blepharospasm and lacrimation. Cysts were soft, smooth, round and filled with a dark brownish pigment. The remainder of the ophthalmic examination was unremarkable. Surgical excision of the cysts was indicated with a safety margin. The surgical procedure was performed under [...]
Animais , Gatos , Glândulas Apócrinas/veterinária , Hidrocistoma/cirurgia , Hidrocistoma/etiologia , Hidrocistoma/veterinária , Adenoma de Glândula Sudorípara/veterináriaResumo
Background: Eyelid apocrine hidrocystoma (AH) is a benign cystic lesion originating from the glands of Moll. These eyelid lesions are rare in cats and there are few cases reported in the literature. The aetiopathogenesis of AH is unknown and the lesion has been interpreted either as proliferative adenomatous tumour or as retention cyst. Definitive diagnosis requires biopsy with microscopic examination. Treatment options for eyelid AH include surgical excision, drainage through aspiration, cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen and chemical ablation. The aim is to report a case of bilateral multiple AH of the eyelids in a cat that was successfully treated with surgical excision. Case: A 5-year-old male Himalayan cat was referred to the Ophthalmology Section in the Veterinary Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil with a history of pigmented masses in both eyes that had been progressively enlarging over a 1-year period. Ophthalmic examination revealed two cysts on the medial canthus at the eyelid margin in both eyes. In the left eye was observed mild blepharospasm and lacrimation. Cysts were soft, smooth, round and filled with a dark brownish pigment. The remainder of the ophthalmic examination was unremarkable. Surgical excision of the cysts was indicated with a safety margin. The surgical procedure was performed under [...](AU)
Animais , Gatos , Hidrocistoma/veterinária , Hidrocistoma/etiologia , Hidrocistoma/cirurgia , Glândulas Apócrinas/veterinária , Adenoma de Glândula Sudorípara/veterináriaResumo
Background: Eyelid coloboma or eyelid agenesis is the most common congenital disease in cats. It can affect both the upper and the lower lids and is commonly bilateral. This congenital defect has been reported in several breeds, such as Persian and Domestic Short-Haired Cat. Generally, this defect results in inversion of the colobomatous eyelid, which can cause trichiasis and inflammatory keratitis and corneal ulceration. The only effective treatment is blepharoplasty. This paper describes the clinical and surgical aspects of four patients treated by lip commissure to eyelid transposition for the repair of eyelid coloboma using the technique described in 2010. Results of this procedure have never been reported in Brazil.Cases: Seven eyes of four cats presenting eyelid coloboma affecting up to two thirds of the eyelid were evaluated in this study. Two of the four cats were males and two were females; their average age was 3 years. All patients were admitted at the same institution, and the main issues were purulent discharge and impaired vision. Diagnosis was based on physical and ophthalmic examination. Non-ulcerative keratitis was present in all cases. Corneal ulcer was diagnosed in three patients by the fluorescein dye test. In two cats, a corneo-conjunctival dermoid was found at the temporal-dorsal region of one eye, and measured approximately 0.3 mm; and the other two [...]
Animais , Gatos , Blefaroplastia/veterinária , Coloboma/cirurgia , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Pálpebras/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Eyelid coloboma or eyelid agenesis is the most common congenital disease in cats. It can affect both the upper and the lower lids and is commonly bilateral. This congenital defect has been reported in several breeds, such as Persian and Domestic Short-Haired Cat. Generally, this defect results in inversion of the colobomatous eyelid, which can cause trichiasis and inflammatory keratitis and corneal ulceration. The only effective treatment is blepharoplasty. This paper describes the clinical and surgical aspects of four patients treated by lip commissure to eyelid transposition for the repair of eyelid coloboma using the technique described in 2010. Results of this procedure have never been reported in Brazil.Cases: Seven eyes of four cats presenting eyelid coloboma affecting up to two thirds of the eyelid were evaluated in this study. Two of the four cats were males and two were females; their average age was 3 years. All patients were admitted at the same institution, and the main issues were purulent discharge and impaired vision. Diagnosis was based on physical and ophthalmic examination. Non-ulcerative keratitis was present in all cases. Corneal ulcer was diagnosed in three patients by the fluorescein dye test. In two cats, a corneo-conjunctival dermoid was found at the temporal-dorsal region of one eye, and measured approximately 0.3 mm; and the other two [...](AU)
Animais , Gatos , Coloboma/cirurgia , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Pálpebras/cirurgia , Blefaroplastia/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
A Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) was submitted to the Ophthalmology Service of the Federal University of Bahia with a corneal abnormality. During ophthalmic evaluation the right cornea was stained positively with fluorescein; a blurred bullous lesion, with irregular surface, compatible with the diagnosis of bullous keratopathy was found. This is a rare condition in a bird which was treated successfully with a modified third eyelid flap associated with antibiotic and hyaluronic acid eye drops. The adopted therapeutic proved to be simple to implement and viable for repair of the bullous keratopathy in the Yellow-headed caracara.(AU)
Um gavião carrapateiro (Milvago chimachima) foi encaminhado ao Serviço de Oftalmologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal da Bahia com alteração em córnea. Durante a avaliação oftálmica a prova da fluoresceína foi positiva no olho direito e foi observado lesão bolhosa de aspecto irregular, compatível com o diagnóstico de ceratopatia bolhosa. Esta é uma alteração rara em aves e no presente caso foi tratada através de "flap" modificado de terceira pálpebra associado a utilização de colírio antibiótico e ácido hialurônico. A terapêutica adotada foi de fácil implementação e viável no reparo da ceratopatia bolhosa em gavião carrapateiro.(AU)
Animais , Córnea/patologia , Córnea/cirurgia , Falcões , Ácido Hialurônico/uso terapêutico , Membrana Nictitante/patologia , Distrofia Endotelial de Fuchs/veterináriaResumo
A Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) was submitted to the Ophthalmology Service of the Federal University of Bahia with a corneal abnormality. During ophthalmic evaluation the right cornea was stained positively with fluorescein; a blurred bullous lesion, with irregular surface, compatible with the diagnosis of bullous keratopathy was found. This is a rare condition in a bird which was treated successfully with a modified third eyelid flap associated with antibiotic and hyaluronic acid eye drops. The adopted therapeutic proved to be simple to implement and viable for repair of the bullous keratopathy in the Yellow-headed caracara.(AU)
Um gavião carrapateiro (Milvago chimachima) foi encaminhado ao Serviço de Oftalmologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal da Bahia com alteração em córnea. Durante a avaliação oftálmica a prova da fluoresceína foi positiva no olho direito e foi observado lesão bolhosa de aspecto irregular, compatível com o diagnóstico de ceratopatia bolhosa. Esta é uma alteração rara em aves e no presente caso foi tratada através de flap modificado de terceira pálpebra associado a utilização de colírio antibiótico e ácido hialurônico. A terapêutica adotada foi de fácil implementação e viável no reparo da ceratopatia bolhosa em gavião carrapateiro.(AU)
Animais , Falcões , Córnea/patologia , Córnea/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/patologia , Ácido Hialurônico/uso terapêutico , Distrofia Endotelial de Fuchs/veterináriaResumo
Neoplasias oculares causam desconforto, problemas de visão e podem refletir doenças sistêmicas. Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado para identificar e analisar neoplasmas oculares e de anexos obtidos por biópsias enviadas ao Setor de Patologia Veterinária (SPV) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Durante o período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2014 realizou-se 265 diagnósticos de neoplasmas oculares e de anexos, destes 87,5% na espécie canina e em 12,5% na espécie felina. As neoplasias ocorreram mais em animais com idade superior a 12 meses e idosos, e os cães (52/232) e gatos (21/33) sem raça definida foram os mais acometidos. A pálpebra foi o local mais acometido na espécie canina (164/232) e felina (20/33), seguida pela terceira pálpebra em cães (20/232) e órbita nos felinos (5/33). O tumor mais diagnosticado nos cães foi o adenoma meibomiano (82/232) e nos gatos o carcinoma de células escamosas (10/33), ambos em pálpebras. Foram identificados nos cães 24 tipos tumorais e nos gatos 16. Em caninos as neoplasias benignas representaram o maior número de diagnósticos (56%) sendo que em felinos o maior número de casos foi de neoplasias malignas (75,8%).(AU)
Ocular neoplasms cause discomfort, loss of vision or may also reflect systemic diseases. A retrospective study has been performed to identify and analyze ocular and annexes neoplasms obtained by biopsies sent to the Sector of Veterinary Pathology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (SPV/ UFRGS). 265 diagnoses of ocular and annexes neoplasms, 87.5% in canine species and 12.5% in feline species, were made from January 2009 to December 2014. Neoplasms occurred more in animals over the age of 12 months and animals of old age, dogs (52/232) and cats (21/33) mixed breed were the most affected. The eyelid was most commonly affected in dogs (164/232) and feline (20/33), followed by the third eyelid in dogs (20/232) and eye orbit in cats (5/33). The most common tumor diagnosed was meibomian adenoma in dogs (82/232) and squamous cell carcinoma in cats (10/33) both in the eyelids. Twenty four tumor types have been identified in dogs and 16 in cats. Benign neoplasms in dogs represented the largest number of diagnosis (56%) whereas in cats, there were more cases of malignant neoplasms (75.8%).(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Neoplasias/veterinária , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Membrana Nictitante/fisiopatologia , Neoplasias Orbitárias/veterinária , Biópsia/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/veterinária , Adenoma/veterinária , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterináriaResumo
O presente estudo descreve os parâmetros oftálmicos morfológicos e fisiológicos de três espécies de carnívoros do Cerrado, cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous), lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) e quati (Nasua nasua). Todas as coletas foram realizadas na Fundação Jardim Zoológico de Brasília, contemplando seis cachorros-do-mato, oito lobos-guará e 15 quatis, submetidos a contenção química. Os animais foram submetidos a avaliação oftálmica completa, teste lacrimal de Schirmer (TLS), aferição de pressão intraocular (PIO) de rebote, PIO de aplanação (cachorro-do-mato e quati), aferição do comprimento da rima palpebral (RP), gonioscopia (cachorro-do-mato e lobo-guará) e fundoscopia. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à avaliação estatística mediante testes ANOVA e de Tukey, de acordo com idade e sexo. Para cachorro-do-mato, os valores médios ± desvio padrão foram de 4,3 ± 2,96 mm/min para TLS; 18,45 ± 1,5 mm para RP de machos; 16,45 ± 0,79 mm para RP de fêmeas; tonometria de rebote: 15,50 ± 0,71 mmHg para animais jovens e 9,50 ± 2,62 mmHg para adultos com TonoVet®, calibragem D (TVD), 6,30 ± 1,37 mmHg para animais jovens e 5,00 ± 4,82 mmHg para adultos com TonoVet®, calibragem P (TVP), 25,00 ± 1,41 mmHg para animais jovens e 15,00 ± 2,14 para adultos com TonoVet® Plus, calibragem dog (TVPD); 19,50 ± 0,71 para tonometria de aplanação (TonoPen® XL) para animais jovens e 9,75 ± 4,46 para adultos. Para loboguará, os valores médios ± desvio padrão foram de 12,30 ± 7,89 mm/min para TLS de animais adultos e de 4,33 ± 2,16 mm/min para animais idosos; 22, 79 ± 1,63 mm para RP; tonometria de rebote: 11,00 ± 2,77 mmHg (TVD), 6,78 ± 2,58 mmHg (TVP) e 18,29 ± 3,47 (TVPD). Para quati, TLS: 1 ± 0,89 mm/min para jovens e 4,21 ± 2,42 mm/min para adultos; RP: 9,66 ± 0,77 mm para jovens e 12,50 ± 0,95 mm para adultos; tonometria de rebote: 9,50 ± 2,43 mmHg (TVP), 13,06 ± 1,73 mmHg (TVD, machos), 16,35 ± 2,85 mmHg (TVD, fêmeas), 16,69 ± 2,57 mmHg (TVPD, machos), 21,50 ± 3,84 mmHg (TVPD, fêmeas); tonometria de aplanação: 18,66 ± 4,16 mmHg. Os ângulos iridocorneanos de cachorro-do-mato e de lobo-guará são abertos, com malha trabecular fina e espaçada. Os fundos de olhos de todos os animais estudados são similares aos dos demais mamíferos, tapetais e holangióticos. Os valores de referência obtidos divergem dos estabelecidos para espécies domésticas e outras espécies de carnívoros selvagens, justificando a pesquisa e o estabelecimento de padrões espécie-específicos.
This study covers morphologic and physiologic ophthalmic parameters of three carnivore species that occur in brazilians Cerrado, the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) and the coati (Nasua nasua). All the data was collected at Brasíliass Zoo (FJZB), contemplating six crab-eating foxes, eight maned wolves and 15 coatis, all under anesthesia. The animals were submitted to a complete ophthalmic evaluation, Schirmer tear test (STT), intraocular pressure (IOP) with rebound or applanation (crab-eating fox and coati only) tonometers, measurement of palpebral fissure (PF), gonioscopy (crab-eating fox and maned wolf), and fundoscopy. The reference values were calculated and tested for significant statistical difference toward age and sex with ANOVA and Tukey tests. For the crab-eating fox, the median ± standard deviation values were 4,3 ± 2,96 mm/min for STT; 18,45 ± 1,5 mm for male PF; 16,45 ± 0,79 mm for female PF; rebound tonometry: 15,50 ± 0,71 mmHg for young animals and 9,50 ± 2,62 mmHg for adults with TonoVet®, D setting (TVD), 6,30 ± 1,37 mmHg for young and 5,00 ± 4,82 mmHg for adult animals with TonoVet®, P setting (TVP), 25,00 ± 1,41 mmHg for young and 15,00 ± 2,14 for adults with TonoVet® Plus, dog setting (TVPD); applanation tonometry: 19,50 ± 0,71 (TonoPen® XL) for young and 9,75 ± 4,46 for adult animals. For the maned wolf, the median ± standard deviation values were: STT: 12,30 ± 7,89 mm/min for adult and 4,33 ± 2,16 mm/min for old animals; 22, 79 ± 1,63 mm for PF; rebound tonometry: 11,00 ± 2,77 mmHg (TVD), 6,78 ± 2,58 mmHg (TVP), and 18,29 ± 3,47 (TVPD). For coati, TLS: TLS: 1 ± 0,89 mm/min for young, and 4,21 ± 2,42 mm/min for adults; PF: 9,66 ± 0,77 mm for young, and 12,50 ± 0,95 mm for adults; rebound tonometry: 9,50 ± 2,43 mmHg (TVP), 13,06 ± 1,73 mmHg (TVD, males), 16,35 ± 2,85 mmHg (TVD, females), 16,69 ± 2,57 mmHg (TVPD, males), 21,50 ± 3,84 mmHg (TVPD, females); applanation tonometry: 18,66 ± 4,16 mmHg. The iridocorneal angles for crab-eating foxes and maned wolves are open, with a thin, spaced, trabecular mesh. The fundus of the subjects of this study were very similar to the ones in other mammals, holangiotic and with tapetum. The reference values found in this study diverge from the ones stablished for domestic species, as well as from the ones for other wild carnivores, justifying the research and establishment of species-specific standards.