The objective was to evaluate the supplementation of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins on the performance and plasma concentrations of vitamins in modern hybrids pigs. A total of 144 commercial hybrid castrated male, 43.531 ± 1.099kg, were used in a randomized block design with six treatments, eight replicates and three animals per pen. The experimental treatments were different vitamin supplementation levels - 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125% of the recommended by Rostagno et al. (2011) for male pigs in growth I (40 to 50kg), growth II (50 to 70kg), and finishing I (70 to 90kg) phases. For growth phases I and II, a linear effect (P<0.05) due to increase in vitamin supplementation was observed on performance. For finishing phase I and total phase, a linear effect (P<0.05) was observed with increased final average weight (FAW) and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR). For average daily weight gain (ADWG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) a quadratic effect was observed (P<0.05). A linear (P<0.05) increase in plasmatic α-tocopherol and B12 was observed with the 125%. Thus, it is concluded that the 125% vitamin supplementation improved performance of modern hybrids pigs (40 to 90kg).
Objetivou-se avaliar a suplementação de vitaminas lipossolúveis e hidrossolúveis sobre o desempenho e as concentrações plasmáticas de vitaminas em suínos híbridos modernos. Um total de 144 híbridos machos castrados, 43,531 ± 1,099kg, foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos, oito repetições e três animais por baia. Os tratamentos foram diferentes níveis de vitaminas - 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 e 125% do recomendado por Rostagno et al. (2011) para suínos machos nas fases de crescimento I (40 a 50kg), crescimento II (50 a 70kg) e terminação I (70 a 90kg). Para as fases de crescimento I e II, observou-se efeito linear (P<0,05) devido ao aumento na suplementação vitamínica sobre o desempenho. Para a fase de terminação I e a fase total, observou-se efeito linear (P<0,05) com o aumento do peso médio final (PMF) e melhoria da conversão alimentar (CA). Já para as variáveis de ganho de peso médio diário (GPMD) e consumo de ração médio diário (CRMD,) observou-se efeito quadrático (P<0,05). Houve aumento linear (P<0,05) em α-tocoferol e cobalamina plasmáticos devido à suplementação de 125%. Assim, conclui-se que a suplementação com 125% de vitaminas melhorou o desempenho de suínos híbridos modernos (40 a 90kg).
Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vitaminas Hidrossolúveis , Vitaminas Lipossolúveis , Aumento de Peso , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate characteristics of the testicular parenchyma and vascular parameters of the pampiniform plexus obtained by ultrasound, semen quality parameters, and sperm freezability in Nellore bulls classified based on residual feed intake (RFI). Twenty-seven bulls (21.82±0.88 months of age) evaluated for feed efficiency were sampled for the study, including 15 with low RFI (−0.592±0.09 kg dry matter/day) and 12 with high RFI (0.792±0.10 kg dry matter/day). In ultrasound and Doppler assessment, the most efficient animals (low RFI) showed higher pulsatility and resistive indexes, as well as a tendency towards greater heterogeneity of the testicular parenchyma (0.625±0.032 vs. 0.508±0.032, 1.012±0.072 vs. 0.802±0.072, and 12.9±0.96 vs. 10.2±0.96, respectively, for low vs. high RFI). However, these animals tended to have lower peak diastolic velocity (5.19±0.50 for low RFI vs. 6.54±0.50 for high RFI). Analysis of fresh semen showed a lower percentage of minor defects in low RFI animals (2.67±1.19%) compared with high RFI animals (8.10±1.19%), without differences in the other parameters in fresh or thawed semen and after thermoresistance testing. Evaluation of flow cytometry parameters showed a higher quality of mitochondrial respiration in semen samples of low RFI animals (22.04±2.50%) compared with high RFI animals (12.29±2.71%). Therefore, although RFI exerts an effect on the Doppler parameters of the pampiniform plexus, it is not sufficient to affect the quality of fresh or thawed semen.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Testículo/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos , Análise do Sêmen/veterináriaResumo
We investigated the effects of corn grain, finely or coarsely ground, rehydrated and ensiled to 35% moisture in substitution of dry corn grain on performance of beef cattle in the feedlot. Forty non-castrated young Angus crossbred bulls with average age of 13±1.4 months and average initial body weight (BW) of 374±14 kg. The experiment was conducted in blocks by weight, and bulls were randomly assigned into four groups of five animals each in a 2 × 2 factorial scheme. The factors evaluated were particle size (finely and coarsely ground) and two grain sources (dry ground corn and rehydrated corn grain silage). The treatments were diets containing dry corn grain, finely ground (DCF; 1.86 mm); dry corn grain, coarsely ground (DCC; 3.53 mm); rehydrated and ensiled corn grain, finely ground (RCF; 1.86 mm); and rehydrated and ensiled corn grain, coarsely ground (RCC; 3.53 mm). Initial BW, final BW, average daily gain (ADG), feed efficiency, and intake of dry matter (DMI), acid detergent fiber, and metabolizable energy were not affected by treatment. Ensiling corn grain decreased DMI by 10.3% (11.6 vs. 10.4 kg/d for dry and ensiled, respectively) and increased feed efficiency by 13.3% (0.13 vs. 0.15 kg/d for dry and ensiled, respectively), but there was no effect of particle size, grain source, and their interaction on ADG. Effects of particle size and grain source were observed for fecal starch and total tract starch digestion, with evidence that treatments containing rehydrated corn diets showed greater efficiency in the utilization of dietary starch. Animals fed RCF diets showed lower fecal starch losses of 37, 55, and 75% when compared with treatments RCC, DCF, and DCC, respectively. Our results suggested that ensiled rehydrated corn grain improves feed efficiency in substitution of dry corn grain. The finely and coarsely ground of rehydrated and ensiled corn grain increases the digestibility of starch for finishing cattle in feedlot.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/fisiologia , Zea mays/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Silagem/análiseResumo
This study evaluated chemical composition, in situ dry matter degradability (DMD), energy utilization, and amino acid profile of the sandbox seed meal (SSM) obtained from ground seeds of Hura crepitans trees. Two cannulated male Blackbelly sheep (initial weight of 40 kg) were fed a balanced feed ad libitum for 21 days; rumen samples of animals were collected for seven days using the nylon bag technique for degradability. The results were interpreted in reference to incubation times from 0 to 72 h, evaluating degradation kinetics with an exponential model. The SSM showed crude protein and dry matter contents of 251.1 and 931.7 g/kg, respectively. The highest DMD value was recorded from 0 to 3 h with a change rate of 41%, and the energy contained in SSM had a gradual ruminal disappearance with a maximum value of energy utilization of 14.6% after 72 h post-incubation. The most representative amino acids of SSM were glutamic (16.9%), arginine (13.0%), and aspartic (9.7%) acids. The results suggest that SSM has adequate nutritional quality and ruminal DMD for ovine feeding systems.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Hura crepitans/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/análise , Valor NutritivoResumo
This study has aimed to assess the inclusion of poultry by-product meal in the diets of Nile tilapia fingerlings on heterogeneous growth and zootechnical performance. We used 144 animals with a mean initial weight of 1.3 ± 0.02 g distributed in 24 polyethylene aquariums with a capacity of 80 L of water, connected to a recirculation system following a completely randomized experimental design with four treatments (0.0, 6.0, 12.0, and 18.0% of poultry by-product meal) and six replications. At the end of the experimental period, the following variables were evaluated: final weight, survival rate, weight gain, heterogeneous growth, average feed intake, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, and hepatosomatic and liposomatic index. The treatments have had no effect on the variables analyzed in the performance test. Therefore, up to 18% poultry by-product meal can be included in Nile tilapia fingerling diets.(AU)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da inclusão da farinha de vísceras de aves em dietas para alevinos de tilápia do Nilo, sobre o crescimento heterogêneo (CHet) e desempenho zootécnico. Foram utilizados 144 animais com peso médio inicial 1,3 ± 0,02 g, distribuídos em 24 aquários de polietileno com capacidade para 80 L de água, interligados a um sistema de recirculação seguindo um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos (0,0; 6,0; 12,0 e 18,0% de farinha de vísceras de aves) e seis repetições. Ao término do período experimental foram avaliados: peso final, taxa de sobrevivência, ganho em peso, crescimento heterogêneo, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar aparente, taxa de eficiência proteica, índices hepatossomático e lipossomático. Não foram observados efeitos dos tratamentos sobre as variáveis analisadas no ensaio de desempenho. Sendo assim, a farinha de vísceras de aves pode ser incluída até 18% nas dietas para alevinos de tilápia do Nilo.(AU)
Animais , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Vísceras , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Effects of dietary Agaricus bisporus mixture or stalk or cap on growth performance, carcass components and some meat quality parameters, mesophilic aerobic bacterial counts, and intestinal histomorphology in broiler chickens were investigated. Two hundred and forty one-day-old male Ross 308 broiler chickens were divided into 4 experimental groups with 4 replicates, each including 15 birds. Chickens were fed with basal diet (C), mushroom mixture (MM, 10 g stalk+10 g cap/kg diet), mushroom stalk (MS, 20 g/kg diet) and mushroom cap (MC, 20 g/kg diet). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was improved (P < 0.01) by dietary MS while feed intake (FI) decreased (P < 0.01) in all treatment groups compared to control. However, body weight gain (BWG) was decreased (P < 0.01) by MC inclusion. Mushroom supplemented groups had higher (P < 0.05) mesophilic aerobic bacteria in the cecum. MS inclusion increased villus height to crypt depth ratio in the jejunum (P < 0.01) and villus height in the ileum (P < 0.01) and jejunum (P < 0.05). MC increased (P < 0.01) crypt depth in the jejunum. There were no statistical differences among groups for carcass components (P > 0.05). The L* values were decreased (P < 0.01) in thigh meat but increased (P < 0.01) in breast meat by mushroom inclusion. The a* values were decreased (P < 0.01) and b* values were increased (P < 0.05) in both thigh and breast meat with mushroom addition to diet. The obtained results indicated that A. bisporus stalk meal at an inclusion level of 20 g/kg of diet had favourable effects on growth performance with higher feed efficiency, improved intestinal morphology with higher villus height and increased meat quality of broiler chickens.
Foram investigados os efeitos da mistura dietética de Agaricus bisporus ou talo ou tampa sobre o desempenho de crescimento, componentes da carcaça e alguns parâmetros de qualidade da carne, contagens de bactérias aeróbias mesofílicas e histomorfologia intestinal em frangos de corte. Duzentos e quarenta frangos de corte Ross 308 de um dia de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais com quatro repetições, cada um incluindo 15 aves. Galinhas alimentadas com dieta basal (C), mistura de cogumelos (MM, 10 g caule + 10 g cap / kg de dieta), caule de cogumelo (MS, 20 g / kg dieta) e cogumelo (MC, 20 g / kg dieta). A taxa de conversão alimentar (FCR) foi melhorada (P < 0.01) por MS dietético enquanto o consumo de ração (FI) diminuiu (P < 0.01) em todos os grupos de tratamento em comparação com o controle. No entanto, o ganho de peso corporal (BWG) foi diminuído (P < 0.01) pela inclusão de MC. Os grupos suplementados com cogumelos apresentaram maiores (P < 0.05) bactérias aeróbias mesofílicas no ceco. A inclusão de MS aumentou a proporção entre a largura das vilosidades e a profundidade da cripta no jejuno (P < 0.01) e o comprimento das vilosidades no íleo (P < 0.01) e jejuno (P < 0.05). MC aumentou (P < 0.01) a profundidade de cripta no jejuno. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos nos componentes da carcaça (P > 0.05). Os valores L * diminuíram (P < 0.01) na carne da coxa, mas aumentaram (P < 0.01) na carne de peito com a inclusão de cogumelos. Os valores de a* diminuíram (P < 0.01) e os valores de b* aumentaram (P < 0.05) em ambas as coxas e peitos pela adição de cogumelos à dieta. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a farinha de colmo de A. bisporus com um nível de inclusão de 20 g / kg de dieta teve efeitos favoráveis no desempenho do crescimento com maior eficiência alimentar, melhorou a morfologia intestinal com maior comprimento de vilosidade e aumentou a qualidade da carne de frangos de corte.
Animais , Agaricus campestris , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Intestinos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Two experiments were proposed to evaluate the addition of monensin for lambs fed diets containing a high level of mature ground flint corn. The experimental diets were as follows: no inclusion of monensin (M0) and inclusion of 8 (M8), 16 (M16) and 24 mg kg-¹ of monensin (M24). In experiment 1, eight cannulated wethers were divided into a double 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design to evaluate nutrient digestibility, plasma parameters and rumen fermentation. The experiment lasted 112 days, divided into four periods of 28 days each. In experiment 2, ninety-two lambs were used in a randomized block design to evaluate the performance over 56 days. In experiment 1, doses of monensin had no effect on nutrient intake (p >= 0.07) and digestibility (p >= 0.09). There was a quadratic effect for acetate molar proportion (p = 0.01), acetate to propionate ratio (p = 0.04) and rumen pH (p < 0.01). However, there was no effect on the molar proportion of propionate and butyrate. The monensin decreased linearly the total SCFA concentration (p < 0.01). The inclusion of monensin increased glucose (p < 0.01) and decreased lactate concentration in plasma (p = 0.05). In experiment 2, monensin decreased dry matter intake (p = 0.04). However, there was a quadratic effect for average daily gain (p = 0.03) and feed efficiency (p < 0.01), with the greatest values observed for the M8 diet. Thus, the inclusion of 8 mg kg-¹ of dry matter diet (DM) improves ruminal fermentation and plasma parameters, resulting in greater growth performance in lambs.(AU)
Animais , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Two experiments were proposed to evaluate the addition of monensin for lambs fed diets containing a high level of mature ground flint corn. The experimental diets were as follows: no inclusion of monensin (M0) and inclusion of 8 (M8), 16 (M16) and 24 mg kg-¹ of monensin (M24). In experiment 1, eight cannulated wethers were divided into a double 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design to evaluate nutrient digestibility, plasma parameters and rumen fermentation. The experiment lasted 112 days, divided into four periods of 28 days each. In experiment 2, ninety-two lambs were used in a randomized block design to evaluate the performance over 56 days. In experiment 1, doses of monensin had no effect on nutrient intake (p >= 0.07) and digestibility (p >= 0.09). There was a quadratic effect for acetate molar proportion (p = 0.01), acetate to propionate ratio (p = 0.04) and rumen pH (p < 0.01). However, there was no effect on the molar proportion of propionate and butyrate. The monensin decreased linearly the total SCFA concentration (p < 0.01). The inclusion of monensin increased glucose (p < 0.01) and decreased lactate concentration in plasma (p = 0.05). In experiment 2, monensin decreased dry matter intake (p = 0.04). However, there was a quadratic effect for average daily gain (p = 0.03) and feed efficiency (p < 0.01), with the greatest values observed for the M8 diet. Thus, the inclusion of 8 mg kg-¹ of dry matter diet (DM) improves ruminal fermentation and plasma parameters, resulting in greater growth performance in lambs.
Animais , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
Narasin is an antibacterial agent that may change rumen fermentation. Two experiments were proposed to evaluate the efficiency of narasin inclusion for lambs fed a diet containing high amounts of ground flint corn. Thirty rumen-cannulated wethers were used to evaluate nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, and rumen metabolism (Exp. 1); and forty-five lambs were used to evaluate performance (Exp. 2) of animals fed with narasin for high flint corn diets. The experimental diets were: control or basal diet without additives (C); 25 mg of monensin kg-¹ of dry matter (DM) (M); and inclusion of 5 (N5), 10 (N10), and 15 (N15) mg of narasin kg-¹ of DM. The statistical analyses were performed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Monensin increased DM digestibility compared to C (p = 0.01) and increasing doses of narasin linearly increased DM digestibility (p < 0.01). There was a quadratic effect (p = 0.10) for molar proportion of acetate peaking at N15. Monensin inclusion increased (p = 0.07) propionate compared to C; however, it did not differ from narasin. The increasing levels of narasin linearly decreased the total volatile fatty acids concentration in the rumen (p = 0.02). Monensin and C showed a similar performance. The increasing levels of narasin linearly increased (p <= 0.04) average daily gain and feed efficiency. Monensin and narasin changed rumen fermentation and improved overall nutrient digestibility. However, lambs that received narasin showed improved performance when compared with animals that received M.
Animais , Antifúngicos/metabolismo , Dieta/veterinária , Monensin/administração & dosagem , Monensin/efeitos adversos , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
Narasin is an antibacterial agent that may change rumen fermentation. Two experiments were proposed to evaluate the efficiency of narasin inclusion for lambs fed a diet containing high amounts of ground flint corn. Thirty rumen-cannulated wethers were used to evaluate nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, and rumen metabolism (Exp. 1); and forty-five lambs were used to evaluate performance (Exp. 2) of animals fed with narasin for high flint corn diets. The experimental diets were: control or basal diet without additives (C); 25 mg of monensin kg-¹ of dry matter (DM) (M); and inclusion of 5 (N5), 10 (N10), and 15 (N15) mg of narasin kg-¹ of DM. The statistical analyses were performed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Monensin increased DM digestibility compared to C (p = 0.01) and increasing doses of narasin linearly increased DM digestibility (p < 0.01). There was a quadratic effect (p = 0.10) for molar proportion of acetate peaking at N15. Monensin inclusion increased (p = 0.07) propionate compared to C; however, it did not differ from narasin. The increasing levels of narasin linearly decreased the total volatile fatty acids concentration in the rumen (p = 0.02). Monensin and C showed a similar performance. The increasing levels of narasin linearly increased (p <= 0.04) average daily gain and feed efficiency. Monensin and narasin changed rumen fermentation and improved overall nutrient digestibility. However, lambs that received narasin showed improved performance when compared with animals that received M.(AU)
Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal/análise , Monensin/administração & dosagem , Monensin/efeitos adversos , Antifúngicos/metabolismo , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The selection of animals with lower production costs can be achieved by using feed efficiency and growth curve information. Kleiber ratio (KR) is an alternative option for discriminating against the animals that have the greatest weight gain about their final weight. Alternative feed efficiency and growth curves for ostriches of the African Black (AB) and Red Neck (RN) breeds and their crossbreeds (CB) were investigated using KR and Gompertz equation. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used. The highest adult weight was identified in the RN and CB. AB was more precocious than the RN and CB individuals. Only AB animals reached 75% of their mature weight at one year of age. At 180 days, AB showed better KR. AB was different from the others, mainly for KR at 90 days and 180 days. Considering multivariate analysis, AB animals were different from the others, regardless of sex, mainly for KR at 90 days and KR at 180 days. Other subgroups separated the animals by sex. In a market preferring animals of minor structure (smaller cuts) and greater precocity, it would be suitable to opt for AB. When animals with greater body structure (larger cuts) are desired, males RN and CR is the best option, however, it will be slaughtered with greater age and lower value for KR (may generate a bigger production cost ). It is possible to obtain animals with precocity and high KR, being well represented by the AB breed.(AU)
A seleção de animais com custos de produção mais baixos pode ser alcançada usando a eficiência alimentar e informações da curva de crescimento. A razão de Kleiber (KR) é uma alternativa para discriminar os animais que apresentam maior ganho de peso em relação ao peso final. Eficiência alimentar alternativa e curvas de crescimento para avestruzes das raças African Black (AB) e Red Neck (RN) e seus cruzamentos (CB) foram investigadas usando a equação de KR e Gompertz. Análises univariadas e multivariadas foram utilizadas. O maior peso adulto foi observado no RN e no CB. AB foi mais precoce do que os indivíduos RN e CB. Apenas animais AB atingiram 75% de seu peso adulto até um ano de idade. Aos 180 dias, AB tem maior KR. AB foi diferente dos demais, principalmente para KR aos 90 dias e 180 dias. Considerando a análise multivariada, os animais AB diferiram dos demais, independente do sexo, principalmente pelos seguintes parâmetros: KR aos 90 dias, KR aos 180 dias. Outros subgrupos separaram os animais por sexo. Em um mercado que prefere animais de menor estrutura corporal (cortes menores) e maior precocidade, seria adequado optar pela AB. Para animais com maior estrutura corporal (cortes maiores), os machos RN e CR são a melhor opção, porém, serão abatidos com maior idade e menor valor para KR (pode gerar um maior custo de produção). É possível obter animais com precocidade e alto KR, sendo bem representados pelo AB.(AU)
Animais , Aumento de Peso , Análise Multivariada , Struthioniformes/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The use of blood metabolites (BM), fecal starch (FS), and apparent digestion of starch, (ATTSD) as indicators of feed efficiency (FE) in beef cattle in the feedlot was studied. Fourteen bulls were used, originating in an industrial cross, without a defined racial group, with mean body weight of 284.86kg, individually fed, being evaluated in a 42-day confinement system. After the evaluation, the animals were divided into two groups according to the individual FE: high feed efficiency (HE) and low feed efficiency (LE). There was a difference between the groups in the variables FE, feed conversion (FC), final weight (FW), and daily weight gain (DWG). The FE had a positive correlation with DWG, FC, and FW. There was no difference between the groups for the variables BM, FS, and ATTSD, nor was there any correlation between these variables and FE. Considering the feed cost, the HE animals proved more profitable. BM, FS, and ATTSD did not statistically show potential to be used as indicators of FE, despite the evidence of numerical differences of these variables between the different groups, tendency of correlations with FE, and discriminating function with potential assertiveness.(AU)
Foi estudada a utilização dos metabólitos sanguíneos (BM), do amido fecal (FS) e da digestão aparente do amido (ATTSD) como indicadores de eficiência alimentar (FE) em bovinos de corte em confinamento. Utilizaram-se 14 touros, originários de cruzamento industrial, sem grupo racial definido, peso corporal médio de 284,86kg, alimentados individualmente, sendo avaliados em sistema de confinamento por 42 dias. Após a avaliação, dividiram-se os animais em dois grupos, de acordo com a FE individual: alta eficiência alimentar (HE) e baixa eficiência alimentar (LE). Houve diferença entre os grupos nas variáveis FE, conversão alimentar (FC), peso final (FW) e ganho de peso diário (DWG). A FE teve correlação positiva com DWG, FC e FW. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para as variáveis BM, FS e ATTSD, tampouco houve correlação entre essas variáveis e a FE. Considerando-se o custo alimentar, os animais HE mostraram-se mais lucrativos. BM, FS e ATTSD não mostraram, estatisticamente, potencial para serem utilizados como indicadores de FE, apesar da evidência de diferenças numéricas dessas variáveis entre os diferentes grupos, tendência de correlações com a FE e de função discriminante com potencial assertividade.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Aumento de Peso , Gado/sangue , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Peso Corporal , Custos e Análise de CustoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the productive performance, dry matter intake, apparent digestibility and ingestive behavior of feedlot calves fed corn silage from the feed out face of trench silos with different types of sealing. The animals were divided into three treatments with four repetitions: Conventional seal - double-sided polyethylene of 110µm thickness; Double-sided seal - double-sided polyethylene of 200µm thickness; and Double seal - composed of double face polyethylene with a thickness of 80µm superimposed on a polyamide translucent vacuum film with a thickness of 20µm. The use of double face sealing provided 12.63% increase in average daily gain and improved food conversion by 0.62 percentage points. The apparent digestibility of the diet with double-face sealing system silage was 4.30% higher than the diet with double-face sealing silage and 11.00% higher than the diet with conventional sealing silage. It is recommended to use the double face sealing with 200µm polyethylene and double face sealing with 80µm thick polyethylene on top of a 20µm thick polyamide translucent vacuum film.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo, o consumo de matéria seca, a digestibilidade aparente e o comportamento ingestivo de novilhos confinados, alimentados com silagem de milho da porção inicial de silos do tipo trincheira, conservada sob distintos tipos de vedação. Os animais foram divididos em três tratamentos, com quatro repetições: vedação convencional - polietileno tipo dupla face, com espessura de 110µm; vedação dupla face - polietileno tipo dupla face, com espessura de 200µm; e dupla vedação - polietileno tipo dupla face, com espessura de 80µm sobreposto a um filme vácuo translúcido de poliamida, com espessura de 20µm. O uso da vedação dupla face proporcionou incremento de 12,63% no ganho de peso médio diário e melhorou em 0,62 ponto percentual a conversão alimentar. A digestibilidade aparente da dieta com silagem do sistema de vedação dupla face foi 4,30% superior em relação à dieta com silagem da dupla vedação e 11,00% superior à dieta com silagem da vedação convencional. Recomenda-se a utilização tanto da vedação dupla face com polietileno de 200µm quanto da dupla vedação com polietileno tipo dupla face, com espessura de 80µm, sobreposto a um filme vácuo translúcido de poliamida com espessura de 20µm.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Silagem/análise , Aumento de Peso , Polietileno , Ingestão de Alimentos , Armazenamento de Alimentos/métodos , Embalagem de Alimentos/métodosResumo
Pectin industry generates a citrus pulp residue compounded by peduncle, endocarp, juice vesicles, columella, seeds and tiny fractions of epicarp and mesocarp of citrus fruits, denominated Wet Citrus Pulp (WCP), which has not yet been tested as food for lambs nutrition. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effect of partial replacement of ground corn by WCP in high-concentrate diets on the performance and hepatic enzyme concentration of feedlot lambs. Forty-two male lambs (15 Santa Inês and 27 ½ Dorper × Santa Inês), with 24.7 ± 1.5 kg of BW and 60 ± 5 d of age was assigned to a randomized complete block design. Within blocks (n = 14), lambs were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 0WCP (control) diet containing 75.5% ground corn without WCP; 20WCP diet containing 20% WCP in replacement of ground corn, and 40WCP diet containing 40% WCP in replacement of ground corn. The experiment lasted 70 days, which was split in 3 experimental periods (14 days of diets adaptation and 2 sub-periods of 28 days each). Statistical analyses were performed using the MIXED procedure of the SAS. Orthogonal polynomials for diet response were determined by linear and quadratic effects. There was a quadratic effect for DM, CP, ash, ether extract and NFC intake The highest DM and CP intake wa
A indústria de produção de pectina gera um resíduo composto por pedúnculo, endocarpo, vesículas de suco, columela, sementes e minúsculas frações de epicarpo e mesocarpo de frutas cítricas, denominada Polpa Cítrica Úmida (WCP), que ainda não foi testada como alimento na nutrição de ovinos. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da substituição parcial do milho pela WCP em dietas contendo elevado teor de concentrado sobre o desempenho e a concentração de enzimas hepáticas de cordeiros confinados. Quarenta e dois cordeiros machos (15 Santa Inês e 27 ½ Dorper x Santa Inês), com 24,7 ± 1,5 kg de peso corporal e 60 ± 5 dias de idade foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Dentro de cada bloco (n = 14), os cordeiros foram distribuídos aleatoriamente entreos tratamentos: 0WCP dieta contendo 75,5% de milho moído, sem a inclusão de WCP; 20WCP dieta contendo 20% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído; e 40WCP dieta contendo 40% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído. O experimento teve duração de 70 dias, sendo dividido em 3 períodos experimentais (14 dias de adaptação as dietas e 2 períodos de 28 dias cada). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando o procedimento MIXED do SAS. Os polinômios ortogonais lineares e quadráticos foram uti
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Parkia platycephala pod meal (PP) on feeding behavior, rumen health, blood markers, and physiological responses in lactating goats. Eight apparently healthy, adult, multiparous Anglo-Nubian goats, with an average body weight of 42.06±3.5 kg and approximately 52±4 days in lactation, were randomly assigned into two Latin squares (4×4) composed of four levels of PP (0, 33.3, 66.7, and 100% of dry matter) for four periods. Daily feed intake, feeding behavior, rumen health, blood markers (hemogram and biochemical parameters), and physiological responses (rectal temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, and sweating rate) were assessed. Intake, feeding efficiency, and rumination efficiency were not affected by the replacement of ground corn with PP. At these replacement levels, the goats significantly spent more time feeding and ruminating. There was a significant decrease in the number of chews (number/day and number/min) with an increase in PP inclusion. Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, and sweating rate were higher in the afternoon for the three periods measured. There were no negative changes in blood markers or rumen health with the use of PP. The current findings indicate that PP can be used to replace up to 100% of the corn in the diet of lactating goats without causing significant changes in animal health, feeding behavior, or physiological parameters.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras/fisiologia , Biomarcadores/análise , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologiaResumo
The effects of increasing levels of protein supplementation (50, 100, 150 and 200 animal per day) and mineral salt on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ingestive behavior of sheep consuming tropical forage (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) were evaluated. Five non-castrated crossbred lambs (½ Santa Inês x ½ undefined breed) with average initial body weight of 35.0 kg (± 4.40 kg) were allocated in individual cages and analyzed in a 5x5 Latin square experimental design composed of five animals, five treatments and five evaluation periods of 14 days each. The contrast (protein supplement vs. mineral mixture) was not significant (p>0.05) for total dry matter intake, total organic matter intake, total ether extract intake and total carbohydrate intake variables. However, it was significant (p 0.05) either the water intake or ingestive behavior of sheep, with rumination and rest coinciding with dusk and dawn.
Foram avaliados os efeitos de níveis crescentes de suplemento proteico (50, 100, 150 e 200 gramas/animal dia-1) e do suplemento testemunha (mistura mineral) sobre o consumo, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos consumindo forragem tropical (Pennisetum purpureum Schum). Foram utilizados cinco borregos meio sangue Santa Inês x Sem Raça Definida, não castrados, com peso corporal inicial médio de 25,33 kg (± 4,40 kg), alocados em baias individuais e distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 5x5, sendo cinco animais, cinco tratamentos e cinco períodos de avaliação de 14 dias cada. Observou-se que para as variáveis consumo de matéria seca total, consumo de matéria orgânica total, consumo de extrato etéreo total e consumo de carboidratos totais total, o contraste (suplemento proteico x mistura mineral) não foi significativo (p>0,05), contudo, este foi significativo (p0,05), portanto, mesmo no nível mais elevado de fornecimento de suplemento (200 g/dia) os animais não consumiram mais água pelo maior aporte proteico do mesmo. Concluiu-se que os níveis crescentes de suplementação proteica associados ao capim Elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) de boa qualidade promovem incrementos nos parâmetros digestivos dos ovinos, contudo, a oferta de suplemento abaixo de 100 g/dia resulta em parâmetros semelhantes aos da mistura mineral. Adicionalmente, a suplementação proteica não afeta (P>0,05) a ingestão de água dos ovinos e o seu comportamento ingestivo, com ruminação e ócio coincidindo com o anoitecer e o amanhecer.
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Ovinos/metabolismo , Proteínas Alimentares , Ruminantes , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
Pectin industry generates a citrus pulp residue compounded by peduncle, endocarp, juice vesicles, columella, seeds and tiny fractions of epicarp and mesocarp of citrus fruits, denominated Wet Citrus Pulp (WCP), which has not yet been tested as food for lamb's nutrition. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effect of partial replacement of ground corn by WCP in high-concentrate diets on the performance and hepatic enzyme concentration of feedlot lambs. Forty-two male lambs (15 Santa Inês and 27 ½ Dorper × Santa Inês), with 24.7 ± 1.5 kg of BW and 60 ± 5 d of age was assigned to a randomized complete block design. Within blocks (n = 14), lambs were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 0WCP (control) diet containing 75.5% ground corn without WCP; 20WCP diet containing 20% WCP in replacement of ground corn, and 40WCP diet containing 40% WCP in replacement of ground corn. The experiment lasted 70 days, which was split in 3 experimental periods (14 days of diets' adaptation and 2 sub-periods of 28 days each). Statistical analyses were performed using the MIXED procedure of the SAS. Orthogonal polynomials for diet response were determined by linear and quadratic effects. There was a quadratic effect for DM, CP, ash, ether extract and NFC intake The highest DM and CP intake was observed for lambs fed 20WCP, however, the control diet increased the ash, ether extract and NFC intake. The increased levels of WCP decreased the ADG and feed efficiency (FE) during the adaptation period, however, did not affect the ADG and FE on periods 1 and 2. Consequently, the increased levels of WCP inclusion decreased linearly the BW. There was no effect of WCP inclusion in diets on Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) concentration. However, there was a linear increase for Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) concentration during the adaptation period, but without difference in other periods. In conclusion, adding up to 40% of WCP in finishing diets for feedlot lambs decrease performance during adaptation period, compromising the final body weight, but without damages effects on liver enzymes.(AU)
A indústria de produção de pectina gera um resíduo composto por pedúnculo, endocarpo, vesículas de suco, columela, sementes e minúsculas frações de epicarpo e mesocarpo de frutas cítricas, denominada Polpa Cítrica Úmida (WCP), que ainda não foi testada como alimento na nutrição de ovinos. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da substituição parcial do milho pela WCP em dietas contendo elevado teor de concentrado sobre o desempenho e a concentração de enzimas hepáticas de cordeiros confinados. Quarenta e dois cordeiros machos (15 Santa Inês e 27 ½ Dorper x Santa Inês), com 24,7 ± 1,5 kg de peso corporal e 60 ± 5 dias de idade foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Dentro de cada bloco (n = 14), os cordeiros foram distribuídos aleatoriamente entre os tratamentos: 0WCP dieta contendo 75,5% de milho moído, sem a inclusão de WCP; 20WCP dieta contendo 20% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído; e 40WCP dieta contendo 40% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído. O experimento teve duração de 70 dias, sendo dividido em 3 períodos experimentais (14 dias de adaptação as dietas e 2 períodos de 28 dias cada). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando o procedimento MIXED do SAS. Os polinômios ortogonais lineares e quadráticos foram utilizados para avaliar o efeito das dietas. Houve efeito quadrático para o consumo de matéria seca, PB, cinzas, extrato etéreo e CNF. A maior ingestão de MS e PB foi observada para os cordeiros alimentados com 20WCP, entretanto, a dieta controle aumentou o consumo de cinzas, extrato etéreo e CNF. O aumento na inclusão de WCP diminuiu o ganho médio diário e a eficiência alimentar durante o período de adaptação, entretanto, não afetou essas variáveis durante os períodos 1 e 2. Consequentemente, a inclusão de WCP reduziu o peso corporal ao final do período experimental. Não houve efeito das dietas na concentração de gama-glutamil transferase (GGT). Entretanto, houve aumento linear na concentração de aspartato aminotransferase (AST) durante o período de adaptação. Em conclusão, a inclusão de até 40% de WCP nas dietas de terminação para cordeiros confinados diminuiu o desempenho durante o período de adaptação, comprometendo o peso corporal ao final do período experimental, entretanto, não comprometeu a afetou as enzimas hepáticas.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Aumento de Peso , Citrus , Frutas , Umidade , PectinasResumo
The effects of increasing levels of protein supplementation (50, 100, 150 and 200 animal per day) and mineral salt on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ingestive behavior of sheep consuming tropical forage (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) were evaluated. Five non-castrated crossbred lambs (½ Santa Inês x ½ undefined breed) with average initial body weight of 35.0 kg (± 4.40 kg) were allocated in individual cages and analyzed in a 5x5 Latin square experimental design composed of five animals, five treatments and five evaluation periods of 14 days each. The contrast (protein supplement vs. mineral mixture) was not significant (p>0.05) for total dry matter intake, total organic matter intake, total ether extract intake and total carbohydrate intake variables. However, it was significant (p<0.05) for the variables forage dry matter intake, total crude protein intake, total mineral matter intake, total neutral detergent fiber intake and total non-fibrous carbohydrate intake, demonstrating possible replacement of forage by the supplement. Although the diet dry matter digestibility declined linearly (p <0.05), there was a significant linear increase effect of supplementation (P <0.05) on apparent digestibility of neutral detergent fiber, non-fibrous carbohydrates and consumption of digestible non-fibrous carbohydrates. This was due to higher participation of supplement in the diet ingested by supplemented sheep. The type of supplementation (protein or mineral mixture) did not affect the animals daily activities. Protein supplementation did not affect the water ingestion (P <0.05), demonstrating that even at the highest level of supplementation (200 g/day), animals were not induced to drink more water by the diet. We conclude that increasing levels of protein supplementation associated with good quality elephant grass resulted in increases in sheep digestive parameters, and supplementation below 100 g day-1 resulted in similar parameters to those of sheep receiving mineral mix (control). Additionally, protein supplementation did not affect (P> 0.05) either the water intake or ingestive behavior of sheep, with rumination and rest coinciding with dusk and dawn.(AU)
Foram avaliados os efeitos de níveis crescentes de suplemento proteico (50, 100, 150 e 200 gramas/animal dia-1) e do suplemento testemunha (mistura mineral) sobre o consumo, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos consumindo forragem tropical (Pennisetum purpureum Schum). Foram utilizados cinco borregos meio sangue Santa Inês x Sem Raça Definida, não castrados, com peso corporal inicial médio de 25,33 kg (± 4,40 kg), alocados em baias individuais e distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 5x5, sendo cinco animais, cinco tratamentos e cinco períodos de avaliação de 14 dias cada. Observou-se que para as variáveis consumo de matéria seca total, consumo de matéria orgânica total, consumo de extrato etéreo total e consumo de carboidratos totais total, o contraste (suplemento proteico x mistura mineral) não foi significativo (p>0,05), contudo, este foi significativo (p<0,05) para as variáveis consumo de matéria seca de forragem, consumo de proteína bruta total, consumo de matéria mineral total, consumo de fibra em detergente neutro total e consumo de carboidratos não fibrosos total, demonstrando uma possível substituição da forrageira pelo suplemento. Apesar da digestibilidade da matéria seca da dieta ter sofrido redução linear (p<0,05), houve efeito significativo de caráter crescente e linear da suplementação (P<0,05) sobre a digestibilidade aparente da fibra em detergente neutro, digestibilidade aparente dos carboidratos não fibrosos e consumo de carboidratos não fibrosos digestíveis. Isto decorreu da maior participação do suplemento na dieta total ingerida pelos ovinos suplementados. O tipo de suplementação (proteica ou mistura mineral) não afetou a realização das atividades diárias dos ovinos enão houve variação no tempo gasto com consumo de água entre os tratamentos (P>0,05), portanto, mesmo no nível mais elevado de fornecimento de suplemento (200 g/dia) os animais não consumiram mais água pelo maior aporte proteico do mesmo. Concluiu-se que os níveis crescentes de suplementação proteica associados ao capim Elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) de boa qualidade promovem incrementos nos parâmetros digestivos dos ovinos, contudo, a oferta de suplemento abaixo de 100 g/dia resulta em parâmetros semelhantes aos da mistura mineral. Adicionalmente, a suplementação proteica não afeta (P>0,05) a ingestão de água dos ovinos e o seu comportamento ingestivo, com ruminação e ócio coincidindo com o anoitecer e o amanhecer.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Proteínas Alimentares , Comportamento Alimentar , Ruminantes , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
Pectin industry generates a citrus pulp residue compounded by peduncle, endocarp, juice vesicles, columella, seeds and tiny fractions of epicarp and mesocarp of citrus fruits, denominated Wet Citrus Pulp (WCP), which has not yet been tested as food for lamb's nutrition. Thus, this study aimed to determine the effect of partial replacement of ground corn by WCP in high-concentrate diets on the performance and hepatic enzyme concentration of feedlot lambs. Forty-two male lambs (15 Santa Inês and 27 ½ Dorper × Santa Inês), with 24.7 ± 1.5 kg of BW and 60 ± 5 d of age was assigned to a randomized complete block design. Within blocks (n = 14), lambs were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 0WCP (control) diet containing 75.5% ground corn without WCP; 20WCP diet containing 20% WCP in replacement of ground corn, and 40WCP diet containing 40% WCP in replacement of ground corn. The experiment lasted 70 days, which was split in 3 experimental periods (14 days of diets' adaptation and 2 sub-periods of 28 days each). Statistical analyses were performed using the MIXED procedure of the SAS. Orthogonal polynomials for diet response were determined by linear and quadratic effects. There was a quadratic effect for DM, CP, ash, ether extract and NFC intake The highest DM and CP intake was observed for lambs fed 20WCP, however, the control diet increased the ash, ether extract and NFC intake. The increased levels of WCP decreased the ADG and feed efficiency (FE) during the adaptation period, however, did not affect the ADG and FE on periods 1 and 2. Consequently, the increased levels of WCP inclusion decreased linearly the BW. There was no effect of WCP inclusion in diets on Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) concentration. However, there was a linear increase for Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) concentration during the adaptation period, but without difference in other periods. In conclusion, adding up to 40% of WCP in finishing diets for feedlot lambs decrease performance during adaptation period, compromising the final body weight, but without damages effects on liver enzymes.(AU)
A indústria de produção de pectina gera um resíduo composto por pedúnculo, endocarpo, vesículas de suco, columela, sementes e minúsculas frações de epicarpo e mesocarpo de frutas cítricas, denominada Polpa Cítrica Úmida (WCP), que ainda não foi testada como alimento na nutrição de ovinos. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da substituição parcial do milho pela WCP em dietas contendo elevado teor de concentrado sobre o desempenho e a concentração de enzimas hepáticas de cordeiros confinados. Quarenta e dois cordeiros machos (15 Santa Inês e 27 ½ Dorper x Santa Inês), com 24,7 ± 1,5 kg de peso corporal e 60 ± 5 dias de idade foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Dentro de cada bloco (n = 14), os cordeiros foram distribuídos aleatoriamente entre os tratamentos: 0WCP dieta contendo 75,5% de milho moído, sem a inclusão de WCP; 20WCP dieta contendo 20% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído; e 40WCP dieta contendo 40% de WCP em substituição ao milho moído. O experimento teve duração de 70 dias, sendo dividido em 3 períodos experimentais (14 dias de adaptação as dietas e 2 períodos de 28 dias cada). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando o procedimento MIXED do SAS. Os polinômios ortogonais lineares e quadráticos foram utilizados para avaliar o efeito das dietas. Houve efeito quadrático para o consumo de matéria seca, PB, cinzas, extrato etéreo e CNF. A maior ingestão de MS e PB foi observada para os cordeiros alimentados com 20WCP, entretanto, a dieta controle aumentou o consumo de cinzas, extrato etéreo e CNF. O aumento na inclusão de WCP diminuiu o ganho médio diário e a eficiência alimentar durante o período de adaptação, entretanto, não afetou essas variáveis durante os períodos 1 e 2. Consequentemente, a inclusão de WCP reduziu o peso corporal ao final do período experimental. Não houve efeito das dietas na concentração de gama-glutamil transferase (GGT). Entretanto, houve aumento linear na concentração de aspartato aminotransferase (AST) durante o período de adaptação. Em conclusão, a inclusão de até 40% de WCP nas dietas de terminação para cordeiros confinados diminuiu o desempenho durante o período de adaptação, comprometendo o peso corporal ao final do período experimental, entretanto, não comprometeu a afetou as enzimas hepáticas.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Aumento de Peso , Citrus , Frutas , Umidade , PectinasResumo
The objective with this study was to evaluate the effect of including dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) as a replacement for soybean meal on feed intake, digestibility, and total digestible nutrients (TDN), as well as plasmatic glucose and serum urea concentrations. Fifteen Saanen goats were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments and five replicates. Treatments were soybean meal (SBM), SBM+DDGS (12.28% of dry matter [DM]), and DDGS (23.16% of DM), as protein source in diets, common to all corn ground and mineral-vitamin supplement, and corn silage (60% of DM). Response variables were evaluated every 30 d, from 1 to 120 d after parturition. Measurements included body weight, DM intake, DM and nutrient digestibility, and blood samples. Indigestible neutral detergent fiber was used to estimate fecal excretion. There was a difference in neutral detergent fiber intake from 1 to 30 d after parturition. In the four phases of lactation evaluated, there were treatment effects on DM, organic matter, ether extract, and total carbohydrate digestibility, as well as on TDN concentration. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility was affected by treatments, except from d 61 to 90. There was no treatment effect on non-fibrous carbohydrate digestibility, regardless of period. Therefore, SBM+DDGS (12.28% of DM), as protein source on diets may be used in Saanen goat diets from 1 to 120 d of lactation without negative effects on feed intake, digestibility, and plasma glucose and urea concentrations.(AU)