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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e52030, 2021. map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461006


We evaluated the structure of a community of frugivorous bats using composition and abundance patterns, niche amplitude and food overlap of these animals in four Atlantic Forest fragments, each one exposed to different conservation realities. For twelve months, we captured six bat species and found the seeds of 13 species of pioneering plants in 158 fecal samples. The most abundant bat species were Artibeus planirostris (25.4%), Artibeus lituratus (24.1%) and Carollia perspicillata(23.9%). Only one fragment (Fazenda Unida), the most conserved area, exhibited a significantly different composition and abundance of species. We found low trophic niche amplitude values (<0.60), associated to high food overlaps. Our results suggest that bats can adjust their foraging strategy to deal with food availability variations. By favoring pioneering plant species, the fragmentation process noted of the studied areas creates an attractive environment for bats more tolerant to this type of disturbance. The sampled areas represent important secondary forest remnants in southern Brazil that require attention to avoid an even greater loss of bat diversity.

Animais , Cadeia Alimentar , Quirópteros/anatomia & histologia , Quirópteros/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 43: e52030, 2021. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764615


We evaluated the structure of a community of frugivorous bats using composition and abundance patterns, niche amplitude and food overlap of these animals in four Atlantic Forest fragments, each one exposed to different conservation realities. For twelve months, we captured six bat species and found the seeds of 13 species of pioneering plants in 158 fecal samples. The most abundant bat species were Artibeus planirostris (25.4%), Artibeus lituratus (24.1%) and Carollia perspicillata(23.9%). Only one fragment (Fazenda Unida), the most conserved area, exhibited a significantly different composition and abundance of species. We found low trophic niche amplitude values (<0.60), associated to high food overlaps. Our results suggest that bats can adjust their foraging strategy to deal with food availability variations. By favoring pioneering plant species, the fragmentation process noted of the studied areas creates an attractive environment for bats more tolerant to this type of disturbance. The sampled areas represent important secondary forest remnants in southern Brazil that require attention to avoid an even greater loss of bat diversity.(AU)

Animais , Quirópteros/anatomia & histologia , Quirópteros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cadeia Alimentar
Acta amaz. ; 51(3): 214-223, 2021. graf, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764740


Riparian forests are important ecosystems that support an enormous biodiversity in Brazil. Despite being protected under Brazilian legislation, these forests suffer great impact from the fragmentation of habitats. Orchid bees are a key group of pollinators in the Neotropical region, yet few data are available on the assamblage structure of these bees in riparian forests. We evaluated the role of fragments of riparian and terra-firme forest on the conservation and maintenance of orchid bees in an urban landscape in the southwestern Amazon basin. Specifically, we evaluated whether bee assemblages in riparian and terra-firme forests differed significantly in abundance, species richness and composition. We also evaluated whether species richness and abundance of bees vary with the size of the forest fragment. Male bees were attracted using odoriferous baits and collected with entomological nets in 10 forest fragments. There was no significant difference between riparian and terra-firme fragments in species abundance, richness and composition, but there was a positive correlation between fragment size and species richness and abundance. Our results suggest that, in an urban landscape, the remaining riparian and terra-firme forest fragments still could maintain 62.7% of the orchid bee species known to occur in the region, reinforcing the conservation value of these forest remnants. Our findings indicate that these fragments provide a potentially important habitat for the maintenance of local bee populations in the landscape.(AU)

As florestas ripárias no Brasil são importantes ecossistemas que sustentam uma enorme biodiversidade. Apesar de protegidas pela legislação brasileira, elas têm sofrido grandes impactos decorrentes da fragmentação florestal. As abelhas das orquídeas constituem um grupo chave de polinizadores na região Neotropical, porém, pouco se sabe sobre suas assembleias em florestas ripárias. Nós avaliamos o papel de fragmentos de floresta ripária e de terra-firme na conservação e manutenção da fauna de abelhas das orquídeas em uma paisagem urbana no sudoeste da Amazônia. Especificamente, avaliamos se assembleias de abelhas de fragmentos ripários e de terra-firme diferem significativamente em abundância, riqueza e composição de espécies. Também avaliamos se a abundância e a riqueza de espécies variam em função do tamanho do fragmento. Machos de abelhas foram atraídos por iscas odoríferas e coletados com redes entomológicas em 10 fragmentos florestais. Não houve diferença significativa entre fragmentos ripários e de terra-firme quanto à abundância, riqueza e composição de espécies, mas houve uma correlação positiva entre o tamanho do fragmento e a riqueza e abundância de espécies. Nossos resultados sugerem que, em uma paisagem urbana, os fragmentos de floresta ripária e de terra firme ainda podem manter 62,7% do número de espécies de abelhas das orquídeas conhecido para a região, reforçando o valor da conservação desses remanescentes florestais. Nossos dados indicam que esses fragmentos fornecem um habitat potencialmente importante para a manutenção das populações locais de abelhas na paisagem.(AU)

Animais , Abelhas/química , Polinização , Orchidaceae/química
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e48339, fev. 2020. map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460917


Human activities result in the formation of a mosaic of forest patches within a non-habitat matrix. The response of the local biodiversity to changes in land-use may occur at different scales. It is important to evaluate the effects of the attributes of both the patches and the surrounding landscape on the occupancy of forest patches by animal populations. Here, we assessed the predictive potential of local (basal area, tree density), patch (size, shape) and landscape scale (total area of forest, number of patches, matrix permeability, patch proximity) variables on the occupancy of forest patches by the syntopic primates Alouatta caraya, Sapajus libidinosus and Callithrix penicillata in the city of Goiânia in the Cerrado region of central Brazil. We used playback to survey primate populations in 22 focal patches and assessed the landscape within a 1000 m buffer zone around each site. In A. caraya, occupancy was influenced by the shape of the focal patches, the amount of forest and fragmentation level of the landscape. Focal patch size and the permeability of the matrix were the principal determinants of the occupancy of S. libidinosus. None of the predictors influenced patch occupancy in C. penicillata, and the structure of the vegetation did not influence occupancy in any of the species. The preservation of as many forest patches as possible, both large and small, as well as gallery forests, and the enhancement of matrix permeability will be essential for the long-term conservation of the syntopic primates of the Cerrado of central Brazil.

Animais , Permeabilidade do Solo , Primatas
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 42: e48339, fev. 2020. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-745732


Human activities result in the formation of a mosaic of forest patches within a non-habitat matrix. The response of the local biodiversity to changes in land-use may occur at different scales. It is important to evaluate the effects of the attributes of both the patches and the surrounding landscape on the occupancy of forest patches by animal populations. Here, we assessed the predictive potential of local (basal area, tree density), patch (size, shape) and landscape scale (total area of forest, number of patches, matrix permeability, patch proximity) variables on the occupancy of forest patches by the syntopic primates Alouatta caraya, Sapajus libidinosus and Callithrix penicillata in the city of Goiânia in the Cerrado region of central Brazil. We used playback to survey primate populations in 22 focal patches and assessed the landscape within a 1000 m buffer zone around each site. In A. caraya, occupancy was influenced by the shape of the focal patches, the amount of forest and fragmentation level of the landscape. Focal patch size and the permeability of the matrix were the principal determinants of the occupancy of S. libidinosus. None of the predictors influenced patch occupancy in C. penicillata, and the structure of the vegetation did not influence occupancy in any of the species. The preservation of as many forest patches as possible, both large and small, as well as gallery forests, and the enhancement of matrix permeability will be essential for the long-term conservation of the syntopic primates of the Cerrado of central Brazil.(AU)

Animais , Primatas , Permeabilidade do Solo
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 108: e2018016, 2018. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19031


The habitat fragmentation modifies the pattern of animal activity. This study aimed to determine the activity pattern of frugivorous bat species in an urban forest fragment in southwestern Amazonia. The study was conducted from August 2013 to September 2014 with 10 mist nets (9m x 2.5m), opened at ground level throughout all the night and totaling 64,800 m².hour/net. Two hundred and sixty-one captures of bats from 28 species were recorded. The period with the highest capture rate and species of bats was the first period of the night (until 00:00). The species with the highest incidence of catches were, in ascending order, Carollia brevicauda (Schinz, 1821), Carollia perpicillata (Linnaeus, 1758), Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823), and Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818). The species of Carollia had activity peaks between the first four hours after sunset; they also showed a reduction of its activities during the subsequent hours. The bats of the genus Artibeus presented a pattern of bimodal activity and they do not seem to respond to the effects of fragmentation, since the pattern of bimodal activity was described for studies in fragments and continuous forest. Thus, we suggest that Artibeus has a high adaptive plasticity, and it is able to exploit the resources offered by the environment. Meanwhile, Carollia has two peaks of activity in continuous forest areas, probably this pattern of activity may be related to the spatial distribution of the resources used by these animals.(AU)

Animais , Quirópteros , Comportamento Alimentar , Floresta Úmida , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema Amazônico , Brasil
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 108: e2018016, 2018. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483190


The habitat fragmentation modifies the pattern of animal activity. This study aimed to determine the activity pattern of frugivorous bat species in an urban forest fragment in southwestern Amazonia. The study was conducted from August 2013 to September 2014 with 10 mist nets (9m x 2.5m), opened at ground level throughout all the night and totaling 64,800 m².hour/net. Two hundred and sixty-one captures of bats from 28 species were recorded. The period with the highest capture rate and species of bats was the first period of the night (until 00:00). The species with the highest incidence of catches were, in ascending order, Carollia brevicauda (Schinz, 1821), Carollia perpicillata (Linnaeus, 1758), Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823), and Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818). The species of Carollia had activity peaks between the first four hours after sunset; they also showed a reduction of its activities during the subsequent hours. The bats of the genus Artibeus presented a pattern of bimodal activity and they do not seem to respond to the effects of fragmentation, since the pattern of bimodal activity was described for studies in fragments and continuous forest. Thus, we suggest that Artibeus has a high adaptive plasticity, and it is able to exploit the resources offered by the environment. Meanwhile, Carollia has two peaks of activity in continuous forest areas, probably this pattern of activity may be related to the spatial distribution of the resources used by these animals.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Comportamento Alimentar , Floresta Úmida , Quirópteros , Brasil , Ecossistema Amazônico
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483236


ABSTRACT: The habitat fragmentation modifies the pattern of animal activity. This study aimed to determine the activity pattern of frugivorous bat species in an urban forest fragment in southwestern Amazonia. The study was conducted from August 2013 to September 2014 with 10 mist nets (9m x 2.5m), opened at ground level throughout all the night and totaling 64,800 m².hour/net. Two hundred and sixty-one captures of bats from 28 species were recorded. The period with the highest capture rate and species of bats was the first period of the night (until 00:00). The species with the highest incidence of catches were, in ascending order, Carollia brevicauda (Schinz, 1821), Carollia perpicillata (Linnaeus, 1758), Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823), and Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818). The species of Carollia had activity peaks between the first four hours after sunset; they also showed a reduction of its activities during the subsequent hours. The bats of the genus Artibeus presented a pattern of bimodal activity and they do not seem to respond to the effects of fragmentation, since the pattern of bimodal activity was described for studies in fragments and continuous forest. Thus, we suggest that Artibeus has a high adaptive plasticity, and it is able to exploit the resources offered by the environment. Meanwhile, Carollia has two peaks of activity in continuous forest areas, probably this pattern of activity may be related to the spatial distribution of the resources used by these animals.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 78(1): 18-24, feb.2018. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-732680


Changes at the landscape scale associated with expansion in agricultural land use and changes in agricultural practices are common causes of alteration in patterns of abundance and composition of avian communities. Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) is among the most common species in the Neotropics, considered both as game and pest in some countries. Here we characterized the regional and seasonal patterns of Eared Doves abundance in Southwestern Brazil and examined the relationship between landscape features and these abundance patterns. We counted Eared Doves using the point count system along routes in summer and winter and recorded land use at two scales. We used linear regressions to model the effect of landscape matrix and land use at local scale with Doves abundance in two seasons. At the landscape scale, in winter, the abundance was greater in routes crossing landscapes dominated by plantations. In summer, it was lower in routes with large tracts of forests and mixed farming. While in winter, at the local scale, the Doves abundance was greater in routes with higher frequency of maize plantations, in summer higher abundances were observed in routes with higher frequency of sugar cane and soybean plantations. Agricultural settings, which include both sustained production of food in the form of grains as well as and large stretches of habitat suitable for reproduction, favor large population of Eared Doves.(AU)

Mudanças em escala de paisagem associadas à expansão das áreas destinadas à agricultura e às mudanças nas práticas agrícolas são consideradas importantes causas de alterações nos padrões de composição das comunidades de aves. A pomba-de-bando (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) é uma espécie comum na região Neotropical, sendo considerada tanto um recurso cinegético quanto uma peste agrícola em alguns países. Neste trabalho nós caracterizamos os padrões regionais e sazonais de distribuição populacional de pombas-de-bando em áreas agrícolas do sudoeste do Brasil e examinamos a relação entre características da paisagem e padrões de abundância de pombas. Coletamos os dados em transecções com pontos de contagem, alocados em estradas vicinais, percorridas no verão e no inverno. Utilizamos dados sobre as características da paisagem em duas escalas. Através de análises de regressões lineares modelamos o efeito da paisagem e do uso da terra na abundância de pombas nas duas estações. Na escala da paisagem, no inverno, a abundância foi maior em áreas com predomínio de agricultura. No verão a abundância foi menor em áreas com grandes extensões de florestas e agropecuária. Em relação ao uso do solo, no inverno a abundância de pombas foi maior em regiões com maior frequência de plantações de milho, enquanto no verão, a maior abundância esteve associada à maior frequência de cana-de-açúcar e soja. As paisagens agrícolas que apresentaram tanto produção de alimentos sob a forma de grãos quanto grandes extensões de habitat para a reprodução, como a cana-de-açúcar, favoreceram a ocorrência grandes populações de pombas-de-bando no sudoeste do Brasil.(AU)

Animais , Columbidae/fisiologia , Usos do Solo , 24444 , Ecossistema , Estações do Ano
Braz. J. Biol. ; 78(1)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-739216


Abstract Changes at the landscape scale associated with expansion in agricultural land use and changes in agricultural practices are common causes of alteration in patterns of abundance and composition of avian communities. Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) is among the most common species in the Neotropics, considered both as game and pest in some countries. Here we characterized the regional and seasonal patterns of Eared Doves abundance in Southwestern Brazil and examined the relationship between landscape features and these abundance patterns. We counted Eared Doves using the point count system along routes in summer and winter and recorded land use at two scales. We used linear regressions to model the effect of landscape matrix and land use at local scale with Doves abundance in two seasons. At the landscape scale, in winter, the abundance was greater in routes crossing landscapes dominated by plantations. In summer, it was lower in routes with large tracts of forests and mixed farming. While in winter, at the local scale, the Doves abundance was greater in routes with higher frequency of maize plantations, in summer higher abundances were observed in routes with higher frequency of sugar cane and soybean plantations. Agricultural settings, which include both sustained production of food in the form of grains as well as and large stretches of habitat suitable for reproduction, favor large population of Eared Doves.

Resumo Mudanças em escala de paisagem associadas à expansão das áreas destinadas à agricultura e às mudanças nas práticas agrícolas são consideradas importantes causas de alterações nos padrões de composição das comunidades de aves. A pomba-de-bando (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) é uma espécie comum na região Neotropical, sendo considerada tanto um recurso cinegético quanto uma peste agrícola em alguns países. Neste trabalho nós caracterizamos os padrões regionais e sazonais de distribuição populacional de pombas-de-bando em áreas agrícolas do sudoeste do Brasil e examinamos a relação entre características da paisagem e padrões de abundância de pombas. Coletamos os dados em transecções com pontos de contagem, alocados em estradas vicinais, percorridas no verão e no inverno. Utilizamos dados sobre as características da paisagem em duas escalas. Através de análises de regressões lineares modelamos o efeito da paisagem e do uso da terra na abundância de pombas nas duas estações. Na escala da paisagem, no inverno, a abundância foi maior em áreas com predomínio de agricultura. No verão a abundância foi menor em áreas com grandes extensões de florestas e agropecuária. Em relação ao uso do solo, no inverno a abundância de pombas foi maior em regiões com maior frequência de plantações de milho, enquanto no verão, a maior abundância esteve associada à maior frequência de cana-de-açúcar e soja. As paisagens agrícolas que apresentaram tanto produção de alimentos sob a forma de grãos quanto grandes extensões de habitat para a reprodução, como a cana-de-açúcar, favoreceram a ocorrência grandes populações de pombas-de-bando no sudoeste do Brasil.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 78(1)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-739188


Abstract Changes at the landscape scale associated with expansion in agricultural land use and changes in agricultural practices are common causes of alteration in patterns of abundance and composition of avian communities. Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) is among the most common species in the Neotropics, considered both as game and pest in some countries. Here we characterized the regional and seasonal patterns of Eared Doves abundance in Southwestern Brazil and examined the relationship between landscape features and these abundance patterns. We counted Eared Doves using the point count system along routes in summer and winter and recorded land use at two scales. We used linear regressions to model the effect of landscape matrix and land use at local scale with Doves abundance in two seasons. At the landscape scale, in winter, the abundance was greater in routes crossing landscapes dominated by plantations. In summer, it was lower in routes with large tracts of forests and mixed farming. While in winter, at the local scale, the Doves abundance was greater in routes with higher frequency of maize plantations, in summer higher abundances were observed in routes with higher frequency of sugar cane and soybean plantations. Agricultural settings, which include both sustained production of food in the form of grains as well as and large stretches of habitat suitable for reproduction, favor large population of Eared Doves.

Resumo Mudanças em escala de paisagem associadas à expansão das áreas destinadas à agricultura e às mudanças nas práticas agrícolas são consideradas importantes causas de alterações nos padrões de composição das comunidades de aves. A pomba-de-bando (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) é uma espécie comum na região Neotropical, sendo considerada tanto um recurso cinegético quanto uma peste agrícola em alguns países. Neste trabalho nós caracterizamos os padrões regionais e sazonais de distribuição populacional de pombas-de-bando em áreas agrícolas do sudoeste do Brasil e examinamos a relação entre características da paisagem e padrões de abundância de pombas. Coletamos os dados em transecções com pontos de contagem, alocados em estradas vicinais, percorridas no verão e no inverno. Utilizamos dados sobre as características da paisagem em duas escalas. Através de análises de regressões lineares modelamos o efeito da paisagem e do uso da terra na abundância de pombas nas duas estações. Na escala da paisagem, no inverno, a abundância foi maior em áreas com predomínio de agricultura. No verão a abundância foi menor em áreas com grandes extensões de florestas e agropecuária. Em relação ao uso do solo, no inverno a abundância de pombas foi maior em regiões com maior frequência de plantações de milho, enquanto no verão, a maior abundância esteve associada à maior frequência de cana-de-açúcar e soja. As paisagens agrícolas que apresentaram tanto produção de alimentos sob a forma de grãos quanto grandes extensões de habitat para a reprodução, como a cana-de-açúcar, favoreceram a ocorrência grandes populações de pombas-de-bando no sudoeste do Brasil.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690743


Abstract Changes at the landscape scale associated with expansion in agricultural land use and changes in agricultural practices are common causes of alteration in patterns of abundance and composition of avian communities. Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) is among the most common species in the Neotropics, considered both as game and pest in some countries. Here we characterized the regional and seasonal patterns of Eared Doves abundance in Southwestern Brazil and examined the relationship between landscape features and these abundance patterns. We counted Eared Doves using the point count system along routes in summer and winter and recorded land use at two scales. We used linear regressions to model the effect of landscape matrix and land use at local scale with Doves abundance in two seasons. At the landscape scale, in winter, the abundance was greater in routes crossing landscapes dominated by plantations. In summer, it was lower in routes with large tracts of forests and mixed farming. While in winter, at the local scale, the Doves abundance was greater in routes with higher frequency of maize plantations, in summer higher abundances were observed in routes with higher frequency of sugar cane and soybean plantations. Agricultural settings, which include both sustained production of food in the form of grains as well as and large stretches of habitat suitable for reproduction, favor large population of Eared Doves.

Resumo Mudanças em escala de paisagem associadas à expansão das áreas destinadas à agricultura e às mudanças nas práticas agrícolas são consideradas importantes causas de alterações nos padrões de composição das comunidades de aves. A pomba-de-bando (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) é uma espécie comum na região Neotropical, sendo considerada tanto um recurso cinegético quanto uma peste agrícola em alguns países. Neste trabalho nós caracterizamos os padrões regionais e sazonais de distribuição populacional de pombas-de-bando em áreas agrícolas do sudoeste do Brasil e examinamos a relação entre características da paisagem e padrões de abundância de pombas. Coletamos os dados em transecções com pontos de contagem, alocados em estradas vicinais, percorridas no verão e no inverno. Utilizamos dados sobre as características da paisagem em duas escalas. Através de análises de regressões lineares modelamos o efeito da paisagem e do uso da terra na abundância de pombas nas duas estações. Na escala da paisagem, no inverno, a abundância foi maior em áreas com predomínio de agricultura. No verão a abundância foi menor em áreas com grandes extensões de florestas e agropecuária. Em relação ao uso do solo, no inverno a abundância de pombas foi maior em regiões com maior frequência de plantações de milho, enquanto no verão, a maior abundância esteve associada à maior frequência de cana-de-açúcar e soja. As paisagens agrícolas que apresentaram tanto produção de alimentos sob a forma de grãos quanto grandes extensões de habitat para a reprodução, como a cana-de-açúcar, favoreceram a ocorrência grandes populações de pombas-de-bando no sudoeste do Brasil.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467032


Abstract Changes at the landscape scale associated with expansion in agricultural land use and changes in agricultural practices are common causes of alteration in patterns of abundance and composition of avian communities. Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) is among the most common species in the Neotropics, considered both as game and pest in some countries. Here we characterized the regional and seasonal patterns of Eared Doves abundance in Southwestern Brazil and examined the relationship between landscape features and these abundance patterns. We counted Eared Doves using the point count system along routes in summer and winter and recorded land use at two scales. We used linear regressions to model the effect of landscape matrix and land use at local scale with Doves abundance in two seasons. At the landscape scale, in winter, the abundance was greater in routes crossing landscapes dominated by plantations. In summer, it was lower in routes with large tracts of forests and mixed farming. While in winter, at the local scale, the Doves abundance was greater in routes with higher frequency of maize plantations, in summer higher abundances were observed in routes with higher frequency of sugar cane and soybean plantations. Agricultural settings, which include both sustained production of food in the form of grains as well as and large stretches of habitat suitable for reproduction, favor large population of Eared Doves.

Resumo Mudanças em escala de paisagem associadas à expansão das áreas destinadas à agricultura e às mudanças nas práticas agrícolas são consideradas importantes causas de alterações nos padrões de composição das comunidades de aves. A pomba-de-bando (Zenaida auriculata - Des Murs, 1847) é uma espécie comum na região Neotropical, sendo considerada tanto um recurso cinegético quanto uma peste agrícola em alguns países. Neste trabalho nós caracterizamos os padrões regionais e sazonais de distribuição populacional de pombas-de-bando em áreas agrícolas do sudoeste do Brasil e examinamos a relação entre características da paisagem e padrões de abundância de pombas. Coletamos os dados em transecções com pontos de contagem, alocados em estradas vicinais, percorridas no verão e no inverno. Utilizamos dados sobre as características da paisagem em duas escalas. Através de análises de regressões lineares modelamos o efeito da paisagem e do uso da terra na abundância de pombas nas duas estações. Na escala da paisagem, no inverno, a abundância foi maior em áreas com predomínio de agricultura. No verão a abundância foi menor em áreas com grandes extensões de florestas e agropecuária. Em relação ao uso do solo, no inverno a abundância de pombas foi maior em regiões com maior frequência de plantações de milho, enquanto no verão, a maior abundância esteve associada à maior frequência de cana-de-açúcar e soja. As paisagens agrícolas que apresentaram tanto produção de alimentos sob a forma de grãos quanto grandes extensões de habitat para a reprodução, como a cana-de-açúcar, favoreceram a ocorrência grandes populações de pombas-de-bando no sudoeste do Brasil.

Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 38(4): 411-417, out.-dez. 2016. mapas, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-686666


The goal of this study was to evaluate the population structure of Lonchocarpus cultratus located in a riparian zone in the flood plain of the upper Paraná River. Data were collected on the stem diameter at breast height (DBH) and the plant height from two phytosociological inventories, which were performed with a 14-year interval, using data collected in studies conducted in 1992 and 2006 in an Atlantic Forest riparian zone remnant of Paraná State, Brazil. Class intervals for DBH and plant height were defined using the Spiegel equation, and the measured values were distributed between the different distinct classes. The distribution of individuals between the different DBH classes was analyzed using de Liocourts quotient (q). For both stages of the study, the DBH distribution resulted in an inverted-J curve, as expected for uneven-aged forests. The distribution of the height values was irregular, as expected for an early succession species. The de Liocourt q indicated an unbalanced distribution for both stages. However, there was a tendency towards balance in the second stage. The results imply that the studied population was maturing and maintaining its self-regenerating capacity while tending towards balance and presenting behavior characteristic of early succession species.(AU)

Com o objetivo de avaliar a estrutura populacional de Lonchocarpus cultratus em um trecho de floresta ripária localizado na planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná, analisaram-se os dados de diâmetro e altura obtidos a partir de dois inventários fitossociológicos realizados com intervalo de 14 anos, utilizandose dados coletados em estudos desenvolvidos em 1992 e 2006 em um remanescente ripário de Mata Atlântica, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Os valores de diâmetro e de altura foram distribuídos em intervalos de classes definidos pela fórmula de Spiegel e o quociente q de Liocourt foi aplicado para a análise da distribuição de indivíduos entre as classes de diâmetro. A distribuição diamétrica, nas duas etapas do estudo, resultou em uma curva na forma de J-invertido, como esperado para florestas inequiâneas. A distribuição dos valores de altura mostrou-se irregular, característica de espécies de estágios iniciais de sucessão. O quociente q de Liocourt apresentou-se com uma distribuição não balanceada para ambas as etapas, porém observou-se uma tendência ao balanceamento na segunda etapa. Concluiu-se que a população analisada encontra-se em processo de amadurecimento, mantendo a capacidade autorregenerante, com tendência ao balanceamento e comportamento característico de espécies de estágios iniciais de sucessão.(AU)

/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Florestas , Ecossistema
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 21: 1-10, May 15, 2015. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28578


AbstractBackground The reintroduction of sylvatic yellow fever in the state of São Paulo after about six decades was confirmed in the Northwestern region in 2000, where in 2008 there also occurred an important epizootic. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feeding habits of culicids potentially involved in the sylvatic transmission of the virus in this region.Methods Specimens were collected in 24 forested localities at ground level with hand nets and mouth aspirators. Collections were made quarterly between October 2006 and July 2008 during daylight hours. Blood-meal identification was carried out in mosquitoes of the tribes Aedini, Mansoniini and Sabethini. The biotin/avidin sandwich ELISA was employed to determine six source types: bird, bovine, equine, rat, human and monkey.Results A total of 24,879 females of the three tribes were obtained, 245 (0.98%) of which were engorged. The presence of three different blood sources per engorged female was the predominant situation, and included 35.10% of the total of samples processed. Samples with two or four different sources were represented by 25.31% and 25.71%, of the specimens, respectively, while just 9.39% had only one type and 1.22%, five different sources. Aedes scapularis, Ae. serratus(Group),Psorophora albigenu and Ps. ferox were the most abundant species and accounted for about 95% of the engorged specimens. Of the principal vector species,Haemagogus janthinomys/capricorniiwas found with bird, bovine and primate blood. These sources were predominant and alternated top ranking as the most frequent source according to the mosquito species and collection site. In general, primate blood was the most prevalent source.Conclusions The human population of the region visits this ecotone frequently, which indicates the need for the periodical assessment of vaccination coverage against yellow fever. The frequency of non-human primate blood source in mosquito species that show minor vector importance in yellow fever virus transmission deserves attention. The eclectic feeding habits and some aspects of the interactions between potential vectors and reservoirs of yellow fever may be associated with the habitat fragmentation characteristic of the region. We recommend that further studies on the capacity and vector competence be performed on secondary vectors in extra-Amazonian region.(AU)

Animais , Culicidae , Comportamento Alimentar , Febre Amarela , Insetos Vetores
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 6, 31/03/2015. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954774


Background The reintroduction of sylvatic yellow fever in the state of São Paulo after about six decades was confirmed in the Northwestern region in 2000, where in 2008 there also occurred an important epizootic. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feeding habits of culicids potentially involved in the sylvatic transmission of the virus in this region.Methods Specimens were collected in 24 forested localities at ground level with hand nets and mouth aspirators. Collections were made quarterly between October 2006 and July 2008 during daylight hours. Blood-meal identification was carried out in mosquitoes of the tribes Aedini, Mansoniini and Sabethini. The biotin/avidin sandwich ELISA was employed to determine six source types: bird, bovine, equine, rat, human and monkey.Results A total of 24,879 females of the three tribes were obtained, 245 (0.98%) of which were engorged. The presence of three different blood sources per engorged female was the predominant situation, and included 35.10% of the total of samples processed. Samples with two or four different sources were represented by 25.31% and 25.71%, of the specimens, respectively, while just 9.39% had only one type and 1.22%, five different sources. Aedes scapularis, Ae. serratus(Group),Psorophora albigenu and Ps. ferox were the most abundant species and accounted for about 95% of the engorged specimens. Of the principal vector species,Haemagogus janthinomys/capricorniiwas found with bird, bovine and primate blood. These sources were predominant and alternated top ranking as the most frequent source according to the mosquito species and collection site. In general, primate blood was the most prevalent source.Conclusions The human population of the region visits this ecotone frequently, which indicates the need for the periodical assessment of vaccination coverage against yellow fever. The frequency of non-human primate blood source in mosquito species that show minor vector importance in yellow fever virus transmission deserves attention. The eclectic feeding habits and some aspects of the interactions between potential vectors and reservoirs of yellow fever may be associated with the habitat fragmentation characteristic of the region. We recommend that further studies on the capacity and vector competence be performed on secondary vectors in extra-Amazonian region.(AU)

Animais , Febre Amarela , Vírus da Febre Amarela , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Ecossistema , Dípteros
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 1-10, 31/03/2015. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484617


AbstractBackground The reintroduction of sylvatic yellow fever in the state of São Paulo after about six decades was confirmed in the Northwestern region in 2000, where in 2008 there also occurred an important epizootic. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feeding habits of culicids potentially involved in the sylvatic transmission of the virus in this region.Methods Specimens were collected in 24 forested localities at ground level with hand nets and mouth aspirators. Collections were made quarterly between October 2006 and July 2008 during daylight hours. Blood-meal identification was carried out in mosquitoes of the tribes Aedini, Mansoniini and Sabethini. The biotin/avidin sandwich ELISA was employed to determine six source types: bird, bovine, equine, rat, human and monkey.Results A total of 24,879 females of the three tribes were obtained, 245 (0.98%) of which were engorged. The presence of three different blood sources per engorged female was the predominant situation, and included 35.10% of the total of samples processed. Samples with two or four different sources were represented by 25.31% and 25.71%, of the specimens, respectively, while just 9.39% had only one type and 1.22%, five different sources. Aedes scapularis, Ae. serratus(Group),Psorophora albigenu and Ps. ferox were the most abundant species and accounted for about 95% of the engorged specimens. Of the principal vector species,Haemagogus janthinomys/capricorniiwas found with bird, bovine and primate blood. These sources were predominant and alternated top ranking as the most frequent source according to the mosquito species and collection site. In general, primate blood was the most prevalent source.Conclusions The human population of the region visits this ecotone frequently, which indicates the need for the periodical assessment of vaccination coverage against yellow fever. The frequency of non-human primate blood source in mosquito species that show minor vector importance in yellow fever virus transmission deserves attention. The eclectic feeding habits and some aspects of the interactions between potential vectors and reservoirs of yellow fever may be associated with the habitat fragmentation characteristic of the region. We recommend that further studies on the capacity and vector competence be performed on secondary vectors in extra-Amazonian region.

Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Culicidae , Febre Amarela , Insetos Vetores
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-212835


A Mata Atlântica é um bioma com alta taxa de endemismo e uma rica biodiversidade, no entanto sofre diversas pressões antrópicas, o que torna sua fauna extremamente ameaçada. Anuros e lagartos são excelentes modelos biológicos para acessar a influência da fragmentação do ambiente em suas comunidades. Por isso, neste estudo objetivou-se analisar os fatores que influenciam a estrutura da comunidade de anuros e lagartos em remanescentes de Mata Atlântica, no Nordeste do Brasil. Para isto, o trabalho encontra-se dividido em dois capítulos. No primeiro deles, o objetivo foi avaliar a distribuição espaço-temporal de lagartos ao longo dos gradientes de borda-centro em fragmentos da Mata Atlântica e identificar quais variáveis ambientais influenciam a distribuição e diversidade de espécies nesse ambiente. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, embora as características ambientais sejam distintas ao longo do gradiente borda-centro dos fragmentos florestais, essas características não respondem à riqueza e diversidade de espécies de lagartos em fragmentos pequenos, provavelmente devido as especificidades de microhabitat. No segundo capítulo, objetivamos examinar a dieta, morfologia e uso de habitat de anuros tropicais ao longo de um fragmento florestal de Mata Atlântica e em áreas antropizadas ao seu entorno. Os resultados indicam que espécimes de anuros dentro do fragmento eram relativamente menores do que aqueles nas áreas antrópicas, sugerindo investimentos diferenciados em reprodução e crescimento entre as áreas. Outro fator relevante é que para as populações estudadas, as dietas são fortemente influenciadas pela disponibilidade de recursos que os ambientes oferecem.

The Atlantic Forest is a biome with a high rate of endemism and a rich biodiversity, however it suffers several anthropic pressures, which makes its fauna extremely threatened. Anurans and lizards are excellent biological models for accessing the influence of environmental fragmentation on their communities. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the structure of the anuran and lizard community in remnants of the Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. For this, the work is divided into two chapters. In the first one, the objective was to evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution of lizards along the edge-center gradients in Atlantic Forest fragments and to identify which environmental variables influence species distribution and diversity in this environment. The results indicate that, although environmental characteristics are distinct along the edge-center gradient of forest fragments, these characteristics do not respond to the richness and diversity of lizard species in small fragments, probably due to microhabitat specificities. In the second chapter, we aimed to examine the diet, morphology and habitat use of tropical anurans along a forest fragment of the Atlantic Forest and in anthropized areas around it. Results indicate that specimens of anurans within the fragment were relatively smaller than those in anthropogenic areas, suggesting different investments in reproduction and growth between areas. Another relevant factor is that for the populations studied, diets are strongly influenced by the availability of resources that environments offer.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(1): 1-5, 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9868


O presente trabalho consiste no primeiro relato de criptorquidismo em uma jaguatirica, adulta, de vida livre. Para a captura foram empregadas armadilhas com desarme de guilhotina, usando como isca vísceras de bovino. O animal foi contido quimicamente por meio de dardos anestésicos e mantido sob anestesia, utilizando a associação de cloridrato de quetamina e cloridrato de xilazina. Durante o exame andrológico, observou-se que o testículo esquerdo localizava-se subcutâneo, próximo à região inguinal, caracterizando-se criptorquidismo unilateral. Esse testículo apresentava-se flácido, com volume de 2,57mL, enquanto o testículo contralateral apresentava consistência firme e volume de 11,50mL. A área ocupada pelas espículas penianas mostrou-se compatível com a de animais reprodutores. O criptorquidismo é uma condição hereditária ligada à baixa variabilidade genética, já relatada em felinos silvestres consanguíneos. Nesse sentido, devido ao crescente isolamento populacional em fragmentos florestais, este achado torna-se preocupante, uma vez que pode ser indicativo de endogamia em populações de jaguatiricas de vida livre.(AU)

This paper is the first report of unilateral cryptorchidism in an adult wildlife ocelot, captured in Parque Estadual do Rio Doce. Cage traps were used to capture the animal, using bovine offal as bait. The animal was anesthetized with anesthetic darts and kept under anesthesia through a combination of ketamine and xylazine. The andrologycal examination showed that the left testicle was located subcutaneously near the inguinal region. In this case of unilateral cryptorchidism, the testis was soft and had a volume of 2.57mL, while the contralateral testis had a firm consistency and volume of 11.50mL. The length of the region occupied by the penile spikes was similar to other breeding animals. Cryptorchidism is an inherited condition linked to low genetic variability previously reported in consanguineous wild cats. Due to the increasing isolation of wild population in forest fragments, this finding is concerning because it can be indicative of inbreeding in wild ocelot populations.(AU)

Criptorquidismo/diagnóstico , Criptorquidismo/veterinária , Felidae/anormalidades , Felidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Anestesia , Anestesia/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 72(1): 181-187, Feb. 2012. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: lil-618033


Forest fragmentation associated with the expansion of human development is a phenomenon that occurs worldwide. Studies reveal that there have been both a decline in species diversity and a decrease in Neotropical bat population size because of habitat loss. The aim of this study was to investigate whether human action has been affecting the food availability to wildlife species, which could impact the storage of body energy reserves. For this purpose, fruit-eating bats (Artibeus lituratus) were collected in two areas in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The concentrations of plasma glucose, as well as glycogen, lipids and protein in liver in muscles were performed, in addition to adipose tissue weight and carcass fatty acids. Our results indicate that fat reserves were significantly lower in most tested tissues (muscle of the hindlimbs, breast muscles, adipose tissue and carcass) in animals collected in the region with a higher degree of human disturbance. The other parameters showed no significant differences in the groups collected at different locations. In conclusion, we suggest that human action on the environment may be affecting the storage of body fat energy reserves of this species during the autumn, particularly in metropolitan region areas of Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil, requiring special attention to the species conservation.

A fragmentação florestal associada à expansão do desenvolvimento humano é um fenômeno que ocorre em todo o mundo. Estudos revelam que vêm ocorrendo tanto uma diminuição da diversidade de espécies quanto uma diminuição no tamanho das populações de morcegos neotropicais em função da perda de habitat. Com o objetivo de comparar o armazenamento das reservas energéticas em duas áreas com diferentes graus de conservação, morcegos frugívoros da espécie Artibeus lituratus foram coletados durante o outono de 2009 em duas áreas no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram determinadas as concentrações de glicose plasmática e de glicogênio, proteína e lipídio hepáticos e musculares, além das concentrações lipídicas do tecido adiposo e ácidos graxos totais da carcaça. As reservas lipídicas apresentaram concentrações significativamente menores na maior parte dos tecidos testados (músculo das patas posteriores, músculo peitoral, tecido adiposo e carcaça) nos animais coletados na região menos preservada. Os outros parâmetros não apresentaram diferenças significativas nos grupos coletados nos diferentes locais. Em conclusão, pode-se inferir que a ação humana sobre os ambientes pode estar afetando o armazenamento de reservas energéticas corporais lipídicas de machos dessa espécie, particularmente em áreas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasil, durante o outono.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Quirópteros/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético/fisiologia , Glucose/análise , Glicogênio/análise , Lipídeos/análise , Proteínas/análise , Brasil , Quirópteros/fisiologia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Jejum/metabolismo , Jejum/fisiologia , Fígado/química , Fígado/metabolismo , Músculos/química , Músculos/metabolismo , Árvores