This study concerns the millipede genus Leptherpum Attems, 1931, which contains nine valid species distributed across the Amazonian rainforest of northeastern South America. The type species L. carinovatum (Attems, 1898) is reexamined based on the type material and high-resolution photographs, including the first scanning electron micrographs of this species. The following three new species are described: Leptherpum tialaura sp. nov. from the state of Pará, Brazil; Leptherpum battirolai sp. nov. from the state of Amazonas, Brazil; and Leptherpum buenovillegasi sp. nov. from the commune of Maripasoula, French Guiana. A brief review of Leptherpum taxonomy and geographic distribution is provided, along with a key to males.
Animais , Quilópodes/anatomia & histologia , Quilópodes/classificação , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
Snakes have a wide variety of color patterns that can be related to specific ecological and physiological functions. However, genetic mutations can lead to the appearance of anomalous color patterns, which can directly interfere with the fitness of individuals. Leucism is a chromatic anomaly characterized by the almost total absence of epidermal and dermal chromatophores that produce the color. Corallus hortulana is an arboreal snake with nocturnal habits, widely distributed throughout South America, with a wide range of color patterns, known as polychromatism. Here we report the first case of leucism in Corallus hortulana and discuss the potential ecological implications of this anomaly in this species.(AU)
As cobras possuem uma grande variedade de padrões de coloração que podem estar relacionadas a funções ecológicas e fisiológicas específicas. No entanto, mutações genéticas podem levar ao aparecimento de padrões de coloração anômalos que podem interferir diretamente na fitness do indivíduo. O leucismo é uma anomalia cromática caracterizada pela ausência quase total de cromatóforos epidérmicos e dérmicos que produzem a cor. Corallus hortulana é uma serpente arborícola de hábitos noturnos, amplamente distribuída pela América do Sul, com grande variação de padrões de cor, conhecida como policromatismo. Aqui nós relatamos o primeiro caso de leucismo em Corallus hortulana e discutimos as potenciais implicações ecológicas desta anomalia para a espécie.(AU)
Serpentes/anormalidades , Coloração e Rotulagem/veterinária , Cromatóforos , América do SulResumo
We explored a 320-km transect in the Tumucumaque mountain range along the border between southern French Guiana and Brazil, sampling all trees and lianas with DBH ≥ 10 cm in seven 25 x 25-m plots installed near seven boundary milestones. We isolated DNA from cambium tissue and sequenced two DNA barcodes (rbcLa and matK) to aid in species identification. We also collected fertile herbarium specimens from other species (trees/shrubs/herbs) inside and outside the plots. The selected DNA barcodes were useful at the family level but failed to identify specimens at the species level. Based on DNA barcoding identification, the most abundant families in the plots were Burseraceae, Fabaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae, Myristicaceae and Sapotaceae. One third of the images of sampled plants posted on the iNaturalist website were identified by the community to species level. New approaches, including the sequencing of the ITS region and fast evolving DNA plastid regions, remain to be tested for their utility in the identification of specimens at lower taxonomic levels in floristic inventories in the Amazon region.(AU)
Um transecto de 320 km foi explorado na Serra do Tumucumaque, ao longo da fronteira entre o sul da Guiana Francesa e o Brasil por meio da amostragem de todas as árvores e lianas com DAP ≥ 10 cm em sete parcelas de 25 x 25 m instaladas perto de sete marcos fronteiriços. Isolamos DNA de tecido cambial e sequenciamos dois códigos de barra de DNA (rbcLa e matK) para auxiliar na identificação das espécies. Também coletamos espécimes de herbário férteis de outras espécies (árvores/arbustos/ervas) dentro e fora das parcelas. Os códigos de barra de DNA selecionados foram úteis em nível de família, mas não conseguiram identificar espécimes em nível de espécie. Com base na identificação de DNA barcoding, as famílias mais abundantes nas parcelas foram Burseraceae, Fabaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae, Myristicaceae e Sapotaceae. Um terço das imagens de plantas amostradas postadas no website iNaturalist foram identificadas em nível de espécie. Novas abordagens, incluindo o sequenciamento da região ITS e regiões de DNA plastidial de rápida evolução, ainda precisam ser testadas quanto à sua utilidade na identificação de espécimes até níveis taxonômicos mais baixos em inventários florísticos na região amazônica.(AU)
Árvores/genética , Ecossistema Amazônico , Brasil , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico/métodos , Guiana FrancesaResumo
La révision du genre Macromalthinus Brancucci, 1981, a permis la reconnaissance de douze espèces, dont sixnouvelles: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981,M. guyanensis sp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov.,M. quadratithorax sp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 et M. xerophilus sp. nov. Lafemelle de M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, est décrite, sexe nouveau. Le statut des espèces précédemment décrites nestpas modifié et elles sont caractérisées dans une clé didentification mise à jour et par des diagnostics différentiels. Lesspécimens-types de toutes les espèces ont été examinés et photographiés. Des discussions sont présentées à propos descaractères diagnostiques de chaque espèce, sur la morphologie générale, la première description des ailes et lappareilgénital des femelles de Macromalthinus. Enfin, de nouvelles données et des cartes de distribution sont présentées pourtoutes les espèces.
A revision of the genus Macromalthinus resulted on recognition of twelve species, six of which are herein proposed asnew: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981, M. guyanensissp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov., M. quadratithoraxsp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 and M. xerophilus sp. nov. No taxonomic changeswere necessary in the previously described species, which are distinguished through differential diagnosis and an updatedidentification key. The type specimens of all species were revisited and their photographs are provided. Discussions onthe diagnostic character of each species, general morphology and the first description of wings and female genitalia ofMacromalthinus are presented, as well as the first description of the female of M. maximiceps Pic, 1919. Finally, new recordsand distribution maps are presented for all species.
La révision du genre Macromalthinus Brancucci, 1981, a permis la reconnaissance de douze espèces, dont sixnouvelles: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981,M. guyanensis sp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov.,M. quadratithorax sp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 et M. xerophilus sp. nov. Lafemelle de M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, est décrite, sexe nouveau. Le statut des espèces précédemment décrites nestpas modifié et elles sont caractérisées dans une clé didentification mise à jour et par des diagnostics différentiels. Lesspécimens-types de toutes les espèces ont été examinés et photographiés. Des discussions sont présentées à propos descaractères diagnostiques de chaque espèce, sur la morphologie générale, la première description des ailes et lappareilgénital des femelles de Macromalthinus. Enfin, de nouvelles données et des cartes de distribution sont présentées pourtoutes les espèces.
A revision of the genus Macromalthinus resulted on recognition of twelve species, six of which are herein proposed asnew: Macromalthinus belemensis Brancucci, 1981, M. brasiliensis (Pic, 1906), M. globuliventris Brancucci, 1981, M. guyanensissp. nov., M. luteoapicalis sp. nov., M. maximiceps Pic, 1919, M. orapuensis sp. nov., M. piceiventris sp. nov., M. quadratithoraxsp. nov., M. santaremensis Brancucci, 1981, M. schmidli Constantin, 2010 and M. xerophilus sp. nov. No taxonomic changeswere necessary in the previously described species, which are distinguished through differential diagnosis and an updatedidentification key. The type specimens of all species were revisited and their photographs are provided. Discussions onthe diagnostic character of each species, general morphology and the first description of wings and female genitalia ofMacromalthinus are presented, as well as the first description of the female of M. maximiceps Pic, 1919. Finally, new recordsand distribution maps are presented for all species.(AU)
The authors report a series of events including the scientific interest for poisonous dendrobates of French Guiana, the human confrontation with the immensity of the evergreen rainforest, the fragility of the best-prepared individuals to a rough life, and the unique and very special manifestation of a solid friendship between two experts and enthusiasts of outdoor life. In the evergreen forest of South America, as in many other scientific field expeditions, everything may suddenly go wrong, and nothing can prepare researchers to accidents that may occur in a succession of uncontrollable errors once the first mistake is done. This is what happened during an expedition in search for dendrobates by an experienced forest guide and naturalist. The authors decided to report the story, considering that it deserved to be brought to the attention of those interested in venomous animals and toxins, in order to illustrate the potential danger of dealing with these organisms.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/anormalidades , Anuros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Toxicidade/análiseResumo
The authors report a series of events including the scientific interest for poisonous dendrobates of French Guiana, the human confrontation with the immensity of the evergreen rainforest, the fragility of the best-prepared individuals to a rough life, and the unique and very special manifestation of a solid friendship between two experts and enthusiasts of outdoor life. In the evergreen forest of South America, as in many other scientific field expeditions, everything may suddenly go wrong, and nothing can prepare researchers to accidents that may occur in a succession of uncontrollable errors once the first mistake is done. This is what happened during an expedition in search for dendrobates by an experienced forest guide and naturalist. The authors decided to report the story, considering that it deserved to be brought to the attention of those interested in venomous animals and toxins, in order to illustrate the potential danger of dealing with these organisms.
Animais , Anuros/anormalidades , Anuros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Toxicidade/análiseResumo
New records of Hemigrammus ora Zarske, Le Bail & Géry, 2006, previously believed to be endemic to the French Guiana drainages, are confirmed for Brazilian drainages. The species is reported from the Tocantins-Araguaia system and lower Amazon River. Morphometric and meristic data, previously undescribed morphological traits related to caudal-fin squamation and anal-fin hooks, and geographic variation are presented for the species.
New records of Hemigrammus ora Zarske, Le Bail & Géry, 2006, previously believed to be endemic to the French Guiana drainages, are confirmed for Brazilian drainages. The species is reported from the Tocantins-Araguaia system and lower Amazon River. Morphometric and meristic data, previously undescribed morphological traits related to caudal-fin squamation and anal-fin hooks, and geographic variation are presented for the species.
New records of Hemigrammus ora Zarske, Le Bail & Géry, 2006, previously believed to be endemic to the French Guiana drainages, are confirmed for Brazilian drainages. The species is reported from the Tocantins-Araguaia system and lower Amazon River. Morphometric and meristic data, previously undescribed morphological traits related to caudal-fin squamation and anal-fin hooks, and geographic variation are presented for the species.
New species described and figured from French Guiana: Eburodacrys amabilis sp. nov. (Eburiini), Stizocera kawensis sp. nov. (Elaphidionini), Estola cerdai sp. nov. (Desmiphorini).
São descritas e figuradas novas espécies da Guiana Francesa: Eburodacrys amabilis sp. nov. (Eburiini), Stizocera kawensis sp. nov. (Elaphidionini), Estola cerdai sp. nov. (Desmiphorini).
New species described and figured from French Guiana: Eburodacrys amabilis sp. nov. (Eburiini), Stizocera kawensis sp. nov. (Elaphidionini), Estola cerdai sp. nov. (Desmiphorini).
São descritas e figuradas novas espécies da Guiana Francesa: Eburodacrys amabilis sp. nov. (Eburiini), Stizocera kawensis sp. nov. (Elaphidionini), Estola cerdai sp. nov. (Desmiphorini).
New Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Collection Odette Morvan, Kaw, French Guiana. New species described and figured of French Guiana: Oreodera mageia sp. nov. (Acanthoderini; Trestonia bilineata sp. nov. (Onciderini); Ischnolea odettae sp. nov. (Desmiphorini) and Icupima ampliata sp. nov. (Hemilophini). Plocaederus fragosoi (Cerambycini) is recorded for French Guiana.
Novas espécies da Guiana Francesa são descritas e figuradas: Trestonia bilineta sp. nov. (Onciderini); Ischnolea odettae sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Oreodera mageia sp. nov. (Acanthoderini) e Icupima ampliata sp. nov. (Hemilophini). Faz-se um novo registro de Plocaederus fragosoi (Cerambycini) para a Guiana Francesa.
New Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Collection Odette Morvan, Kaw, French Guiana. New species described and figured of French Guiana: Oreodera mageia sp. nov. (Acanthoderini; Trestonia bilineata sp. nov. (Onciderini); Ischnolea odettae sp. nov. (Desmiphorini) and Icupima ampliata sp. nov. (Hemilophini). Plocaederus fragosoi (Cerambycini) is recorded for French Guiana.
Novas espécies da Guiana Francesa são descritas e figuradas: Trestonia bilineta sp. nov. (Onciderini); Ischnolea odettae sp. nov. (Desmiphorini); Oreodera mageia sp. nov. (Acanthoderini) e Icupima ampliata sp. nov. (Hemilophini). Faz-se um novo registro de Plocaederus fragosoi (Cerambycini) para a Guiana Francesa.
New Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Collection Odette Morvan, Kaw, French Guiana. New species described: Gorybia montana sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Piezocerini), Estola operosa sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Desmiphorini); Apogomerina odettae sp. nov. and A. faceta sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Hemilophini).
Novas espécies descritas de Kaw, Guiana Francesa: Gorybia montana sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Piezocerini), Estola operosa sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Desmiphorini); Apogomerina odettae sp. nov. and A. faceta sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Hemilophini).
New Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Collection Odette Morvan, Kaw, French Guiana. New species described: Gorybia montana sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Piezocerini), Estola operosa sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Desmiphorini); Apogomerina odettae sp. nov. and A. faceta sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Hemilophini).
Novas espécies descritas de Kaw, Guiana Francesa: Gorybia montana sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Piezocerini), Estola operosa sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Desmiphorini); Apogomerina odettae sp. nov. and A. faceta sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Hemilophini).