A anestesia local tem sido recomendada para intervenções cirúrgicas quando se procura evitar a anestesia geral do animal com o intuito de minimizar os riscos, que podem ocorrer durante o aprofundamento do plano anestésico, além de promover uma rápida recuperação. O presente trabalho descreve o caso de um jabuti piranga (C. carbonarius) submetido à contenção química associada a bloqueio anestésico em plexo braquial para realização da excisão cirúrgica de um abcesso em membro tórácico direito, sendo apresentadas considerações sobre a aplicabilidade desta técnica em quelônios com destaque para os cuidados a serem tomados pelo anestesista durante a intervenção.(AU)
Local anesthesia has been recommended for surgical interventions when trying to avoid the need of general anesthesia of the animal and to minimize any risks that may occur during the deepening of the anesthetic plane, in addition to promoting a quick recovery. The present work describes the case of a tortoise (C. carbonarius) submitted to chemical restraint associated whit anesthesic blockage in the brachial plexus during surgical intervention to remove an abscess in the right thoracic limb, presenting considerations about the applicability of this technique in chelonians, with emphasis on the care to be taken by the anesthesiologist during the intervention.(AU)
Animais , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Extremidade Superior/cirurgia , Bloqueio do Plexo Braquial/veterinária , Anestesia Local/efeitos adversosResumo
A descorna cirúrgica a campo ainda e uma prática comum em animais de produção, apesar deste procedimento na maioria ainda se realizado por leigos, ou realizada em animais com menos de um ano de idade com ferro candente (avermelhado), esta conduta geralmente é efetuada na propriedade, sendo executada pelo próprio proprietário ou funcionário. O presente experimento usando anestesia geral e bloqueio local do nervo córneo e circularmente na base do corno com abraçadeira de naylon para sutura de pele, associada a ligadura da artéria e veia cornual mostrou ser eficiente reduzindo o tempo cirúrgico a campo e promovendo uma prevenção antecipada de hemorragia que é frequente para este procedimento.(AU)
The surgical dehorning the field and still a common practice in farm animals, although this procedure in most still held by lay people, or performed on animals less than one year old with red-hot iron (red), this conduct is usually done on the property, being executed by the owner himself or employee. This experiment using general anesthesia and local lock of corneal nerve and round the horn base with clamp naylon for skin suture, associated with ligature of the artery and vein cornual is efficient by reducing surgical time field and promoting an early prevention of bleeding is frequent for this procedure.(AU)
El quirúrgica descorne el campo quieto y una práctica común en los animales de granja, aunque este procedimiento en la mayoría todavía en manos de los laicos, o lleva a cabo en animales de menos de un año de edad con hierro al rojo vivo (rojo), este comportamiento se realiza generalmente en la propiedad, los trabajos realizados por el propietario o el propio empleado. Este experimento usando anestesia bloques general y local de los nervios de la córnea y alrededor de la base del cuerno con naylon pinza de sutura de la piel, asociados con la ligadura de la vena y la arteria cornual fue eficiente que reduce el tiempo quirúrgico el campo y la promoción de una prevención temprana sangrado que es común para este procedimiento.(AU)
Animais , Artéria Oftálmica/cirurgia , Hemorragia Ocular/veterinária , Bovinos/cirurgia , Cornos/cirurgia , Anestesia Geral/veterinária , Ligadura/veterinária , Nylons/efeitos adversosResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Analgésicos , Cães/lesões , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Metadona/uso terapêutico , Queimaduras/veterinária , Tramadol/uso terapêutico , Cães/cirurgia , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cães/lesões , Queimaduras/veterinária , Analgésicos , Metadona/uso terapêutico , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Tramadol/uso terapêutico , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/veterinária , Cães/cirurgiaResumo
Background: The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is the only bear species inhabiting South America and is classified as vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Among the few publications on the use of general anesthesia and advanced monitoring of ursids in veterinary hospital settings, little is described regarding chemical restraint, general anesthesia and monitoring of spectacled bears. This case series describes the use of a dexmedetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam chemical restraint combination and its effects on cardiorespiratory variables and arterial blood gases observed in two spectacled bears undergoing isoflurane anesthesia for imaging and/or surgical procedures. Cases: Two female, one adult and one senile, all-term captive spectacled bears were referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, Botucatu campus, both with a presumable history of recent trauma. After immobilization with an intramuscular (IM) administration of tiletamine-zolazepam (3.8 - 4.3 mg/kg) and dexmedetomidine (6.4 - 7.6 µg/kg), induction of anesthesia was achieved by means of intravenous (IV) propofol (1 - 2 mg/kg). After orotracheal intubation animals underwent isoflurane anesthesia under mechanical ventilation through the remainder of the procedures. Initial settings of inspiratory flow rate were adjusted to obtain peak airway pressure (Ppeak ) of 10 cmH2 O and tidal volumes (Vt) of 10 mL/kg, as well as respiratory rates (R) and inspiration-to-expiration (I:E) ratio of 10 breaths/min and 1:2, respectively, and were then adjusted throughout anesthesia to maintain normocapnia (end-tidal carbon dioxide concentrations between 35 and 45 mmHg). One of the individuals was chemically restrained (6.4 mg/kg of tiletaminezolazepam and 7.7 µg/kg of dexmedetomidine) on a second anesthetic event for imaging...
Feminino , Animais , Anestésicos Inalatórios/análise , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Tiletamina/administração & dosagem , Ursidae/metabolismo , Zolazepam/administração & dosagem , Animais Selvagens , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Taxa RespiratóriaResumo
The objective of this study was to determine changes on intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil diameter (PD) in healthy cats anesthetized with isoflurane, and premedicated with acepromazine alone or in combination with tramadol. Thirty cats were allocated in two groups (n=15/each) and were treated with acepromazine (AG) or acepromazine/tramadol (ATG). PD and IOP were assessed before and following 30 (PM1), and 40 minutes (PM2) of treatments. Anesthesia was induced with propofol, and IOP and DP were recorded (A10) at 10 minute intervals until the end of anesthesia (A40). IOP decreased in AG and ATG, when comparing baseline with PM1. IOP decreased only in AG, in comparisons between baseline and PM2. During anesthesia, IOP did not change within and between groups. Comparisons between baseline with those recorded at PM1 and 2 showed that PD increased in the ATG. During anesthesia, PD decreased significantly in AG and ATG. Both protocols maintained the IOP within the reference range to perform corneal or intraocular surgery in healthy cats but did not sustain pre-anesthetic pupil dilation observed in ATG.(AU)
O objetivo do presente artigo é determinar possíveis alterações na pressão intraocular (PIO) e no diâmetro pupilar (DP) em gatos saudáveis anestesiados com isoflurano e pré-medicados com acepromazina isolada ou em combinação com acepromazina/tramadol. Trinta gatos saudáveis foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n=15/cada) e tratados com acepromazina (GA) ou acepromazina/tramadol (GAT). DP e PIO foram avaliadas antes (basal) e após 30 (PM1) e 40 minutos (PM2) dos tratamentos. A anestesia foi induzida com propofol, e a PIO e o DP foram registrados (A10) a cada 10 minutos até o final da anestesia com isoflurano (A40). Ao se compararem os valores obtidos no basal com PM1, a PIO diminuiu em GA e GAT; com PM2, a PIO reduziu apenas no GA. Durante a anestesia, a PIO não diferiu dentro e entre os grupos. Comparações entre os valores basais e os registrados em PM1 e em PM2 mostraram que a DP aumentou significativamente no GAT. Durante a anestesia, o DP diminuiu significativamente em GA e GAT. Ambos os protocolos mantêm a PIO dentro dos valores de referência para realizar cirurgias corneanas ou intraoculares em gatos saudáveis, mas não sustentam a dilatação pupilar pré-anestésica observada em GAT.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Tramadol/administração & dosagem , Midríase/veterinária , Pupila/efeitos dos fármacos , Pressão Intraocular , Isoflurano/efeitos adversos , Acepromazina/administração & dosagem , Tonometria Ocular/veterinária , Anestésicos Gerais/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: The prophylactic use of antimicrobials in patients undergoing surgery is widely performed due to its power to reduce and control infections in the surgical site. Metronidazole, ceftriaxone and enrofloxacin are drugs widely used in veterinary medicine, even during anesthesia, either in healthy patients or under critical conditions. Despite several reports on hemodynamic reactions after intravenous application of antimicrobials in dogs, there are few studies on these effects in dogs undergoing anesthesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory effects of metronidazole, ceftriaxone and enrofloxacin in dogs anesthetized with isoflurane. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty healthy bitches were used, equally divided into four experimental groups of 10 animals each: placebo group (PG), metronidazole group (MG), ceftriaxone group (CG) and enrofloxacin group (EG). After the experimental phase of data collection, all animals were submitted to ovariohysterectomy using the minimally invasive approach. A catheter was placed in the dorsal metatarsal artery for direct blood pressure monitoring, with systolic (SBP), mean (MBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures were continuously monitored by means of a transducer connected to a multiparametric monitor. The others measured data were heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), body temperature (T°C), carbon dioxide expired fraction (ETCO2), oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SpO2) in T0 (time immediately before performing the treatment), 5 (T5), 10 (T10), 15 (T15), 20 (T20) and 30 (T30) minutes after administration of the antimicrobial. Anesthetic induction was performed with propofol and anesthetic maintenance was performed with isoflurane. After reaching anesthesia with a surgical plan, all parameters were measured before treatments were performed (T0). Then the...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Ceftriaxona , Enrofloxacina , Hipotensão/veterinária , Metronidazol , Monitorização Hemodinâmica/veterinária , Anestesia/veterinária , Anti-Infecciosos/análise , IsofluranoResumo
Background: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest south american canid and deemed a near threatenedspecies according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Typically found in Brazilian Cerrado, it isoften a victim of animal trappings and vehicular accidents, where it may get deeply injured or end up fractured, demandingorthopedic procedures. Even though maned wolves are similar to the domestic dog, little is described regarding generalanesthesia and its complications for major procedures in ill patients in the scientific database. This case report describesa successful blood transfusion and anesthetic management of a critically ill C. brachyurus.Case: An adult female maned wolf was rescued after getting steel-jaw trapped. After chemical restraint with intramuscular(IM) ketamine (12 mg/kg), midazolam (0.3 mg/kg) and methadone (0.3 mg/kg), physical examination showed exposedbones to the distal end of the right hind limb, pronounced dehydration and moderate anemia and thrombocytopenia according to blood count. Radiographic images enlightened multiple right tarsus fractures. As the wound was highly infected,which made the osteosynthesis procedure impossible, it was decided to amputate the limb on the following day. Subcutaneous (SC) lactated Ringers solution (250 mL), IM meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg) and IM enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg) were alsoadministered at first. On the following day, after aforementioned chemical immobilization, anesthesia was induced withdose-effect intravenous (IV) propofol (2 mg/kg) until orotracheal intubation was possible, and general anesthesia wasmaintained with isoflurane diluted in oxygen. Lumbosacral epidural anesthesia was obtained with 0.5% bupivacaine (0.25mL/kg) and morphine (0.1 mg/kg) to provide analgesia and to reduce inhalant agent...
Animais , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Anestésicos/administração & dosagem , Canidae/lesões , Ossos Pélvicos/cirurgia , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Animais Selvagens , Espécies em Perigo de ExtinçãoResumo
Background: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest south american canid and deemed a near threatenedspecies according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Typically found in Brazilian Cerrado, it isoften a victim of animal trappings and vehicular accidents, where it may get deeply injured or end up fractured, demandingorthopedic procedures. Even though maned wolves are similar to the domestic dog, little is described regarding generalanesthesia and its complications for major procedures in ill patients in the scientific database. This case report describesa successful blood transfusion and anesthetic management of a critically ill C. brachyurus.Case: An adult female maned wolf was rescued after getting steel-jaw trapped. After chemical restraint with intramuscular(IM) ketamine (12 mg/kg), midazolam (0.3 mg/kg) and methadone (0.3 mg/kg), physical examination showed exposedbones to the distal end of the right hind limb, pronounced dehydration and moderate anemia and thrombocytopenia according to blood count. Radiographic images enlightened multiple right tarsus fractures. As the wound was highly infected,which made the osteosynthesis procedure impossible, it was decided to amputate the limb on the following day. Subcutaneous (SC) lactated Ringers solution (250 mL), IM meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg) and IM enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg) were alsoadministered at first. On the following day, after aforementioned chemical immobilization, anesthesia was induced withdose-effect intravenous (IV) propofol (2 mg/kg) until orotracheal intubation was possible, and general anesthesia wasmaintained with isoflurane diluted in oxygen. Lumbosacral epidural anesthesia was obtained with 0.5% bupivacaine (0.25mL/kg) and morphine (0.1 mg/kg) to provide analgesia and to reduce inhalant agent...(AU)
Animais , Canidae/lesões , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Anestésicos/administração & dosagem , Ossos Pélvicos/cirurgia , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Animais Selvagens , Espécies em Perigo de ExtinçãoResumo
Background: Inhalation anesthesia is the preferred method for use on many animal species, including ruminants, due to its superiority over the injectable anesthetics. The most commonly used inhalation anesthetics are isoflurane and sevoflurane The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia on the cardiovascular system of calves.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 20 calves (11 male, 9 female) between 1 and 6 months in age and 50 to 85 kg in body weight were used. The calves were divided randomly into two groups of 10 each, with one group being administered isoflurane and the other sevoflurane. An intramuscular dosage of 0.1 mg/kg of xylazine was administered to the calves as premedication. Induction was performed 10 min after calves were given an intramuscular dosage of 4 mg/kg of ketamine. Inhalation anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or sevoflurane in 100% oxygen saturation. Before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, the body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate of the calves were recorded. Additionally, before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 15, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, serum electrolyte (Na+ , Ca++, K+ , Mg++) and blood gases (pH, pCO2 , pO2 , HCO3-, TCO2 , O2 Sat, HCT) were evaluated from blood samples taken from both groups. The second derivation, durations and amplitudes of the P and T waves, the durations and amplitudes of the QRS complex, and the durations of PQ and QT intervals were evaluated on the ECGs recorded before anesthesia, after induction and during anesthesia. Following anesthesia termination, the extubation time and the time it took for straightening of the head and standing up were recorded. Decrease in heart rate and body temperature were found significant in two of the groups.[...]
Animais , Bovinos , Anestésicos Inalatórios/análise , Hemodinâmica , Isoflurano/análise , Sistema CardiovascularResumo
Background: Inhalation anesthesia is the preferred method for use on many animal species, including ruminants, due to its superiority over the injectable anesthetics. The most commonly used inhalation anesthetics are isoflurane and sevoflurane The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia on the cardiovascular system of calves.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 20 calves (11 male, 9 female) between 1 and 6 months in age and 50 to 85 kg in body weight were used. The calves were divided randomly into two groups of 10 each, with one group being administered isoflurane and the other sevoflurane. An intramuscular dosage of 0.1 mg/kg of xylazine was administered to the calves as premedication. Induction was performed 10 min after calves were given an intramuscular dosage of 4 mg/kg of ketamine. Inhalation anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or sevoflurane in 100% oxygen saturation. Before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, the body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate of the calves were recorded. Additionally, before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 15, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, serum electrolyte (Na+, Ca++, K+, Mg++) and blood gases (pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3-, TCO2, O2Sat, HCT) were evaluated from blood samples taken from both gr
Background: Inhalation anesthesia is the preferred method for use on many animal species, including ruminants, due to its superiority over the injectable anesthetics. The most commonly used inhalation anesthetics are isoflurane and sevoflurane The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia on the cardiovascular system of calves.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 20 calves (11 male, 9 female) between 1 and 6 months in age and 50 to 85 kg in body weight were used. The calves were divided randomly into two groups of 10 each, with one group being administered isoflurane and the other sevoflurane. An intramuscular dosage of 0.1 mg/kg of xylazine was administered to the calves as premedication. Induction was performed 10 min after calves were given an intramuscular dosage of 4 mg/kg of ketamine. Inhalation anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or sevoflurane in 100% oxygen saturation. Before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, the body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate of the calves were recorded. Additionally, before anesthesia, after induction and at intervals of 15, 30, 45, and 60 min of anesthesia, serum electrolyte (Na+ , Ca++, K+ , Mg++) and blood gases (pH, pCO2 , pO2 , HCO3-, TCO2 , O2 Sat, HCT) were evaluated from blood samples taken from both groups. The second derivation, durations and amplitudes of the P and T waves, the durations and amplitudes of the QRS complex, and the durations of PQ and QT intervals were evaluated on the ECGs recorded before anesthesia, after induction and during anesthesia. Following anesthesia termination, the extubation time and the time it took for straightening of the head and standing up were recorded. Decrease in heart rate and body temperature were found significant in two of the groups.[...](AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Isoflurano/análise , Anestésicos Inalatórios/análise , Sistema Cardiovascular , HemodinâmicaResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os achados eletrocardiográficos de 11 onças- pardas (Puma concolor). Os animais foram sedados com 0,15mg/kg de detomidina associado a 5mg/kg de cetamina e mantidos anestesiados com sevoflurano (GSEVO, n=6) ou isoflurano (GISO, n=5). A frequência cardíaca foi de 95 ± 13bpm. As alterações observadas nos animais no GSEVO foram: atrial standtill com condução ventricular, episódios isolados de contração ventricular prematura, bloqueio atrioventricular de primeiro grau, diminuição da amplitude do complexo QRS, onda S profunda e aumento da amplitude da onda T. No grupo GISO, observou-se bloqueio de ramo direito do feixe de His, bloqueio atrioventricular de primeiro grau e aumento da amplitude da onda T. Arritmias não puderam ser associadas ao uso dos anestésicos inalatórios devido à não sensibilização do miocárdio às catecolaminas. Achados como o BAV de primeiro grau pode ter ocorrido devido ao uso de agonistas alfa-2 adrenérgicos. Este estudo aumentou o conhecimento sobre as alterações eletrocardiográficas em onças-pardas anestesiadas, entretanto mais estudos são necessários para correlacionar estes achados ao uso de agentes anestésicos.(AU)
The aim of this study was to describe electrocardiographic findings in pumas (Puma concolor). The animals were sedated with 0.15mg/kg of detomidine plus 5mg/kg of ketamine and anesthetized with sevoflurane (GSEVO, n=6), or isoflurane (GISO, n=5). The heart rate was 95 ± 13bpm. The changes observed on GSEVO animals were: atrial standstill with ventricular conduction, isolated episodes of ventricular premature contraction, atrioventricular blockage of first degree, reduction of the amplitude of the QRS complexes, deep S wave, and increase of the amplitude of the T wave. In the GISO group a right bundle branch block of the His bundle, atrioventricular blockage of first degree and of the amplitude of the T wave. Arrhythmias couldn´t be related to the use of inhalant anesthesia due to the lack of myocardial awareness to catecholamines. Findings such as atrioventricular block in first degree may have occurred due to the use of alfa-2 adrenergic agonists. This study improved the knowledge about electrocardiographic alterations in anesthetized pumas, however further studies are required to correlate these findings to the use of anesthetic agents.(AU)
Animais , Anestesia por Inalação/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia , Frequência Cardíaca/efeitos dos fármacos , Puma , Anestesia Geral/veterinária , IsofluranoResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os achados eletrocardiográficos de 11 onças- pardas (Puma concolor). Os animais foram sedados com 0,15mg/kg de detomidina associado a 5mg/kg de cetamina e mantidos anestesiados com sevoflurano (GSEVO, n=6) ou isoflurano (GISO, n=5). A frequência cardíaca foi de 95 ± 13bpm. As alterações observadas nos animais no GSEVO foram: atrial standtill com condução ventricular, episódios isolados de contração ventricular prematura, bloqueio atrioventricular de primeiro grau, diminuição da amplitude do complexo QRS, onda S profunda e aumento da amplitude da onda T. No grupo GISO, observou-se bloqueio de ramo direito do feixe de His, bloqueio atrioventricular de primeiro grau e aumento da amplitude da onda T. Arritmias não puderam ser associadas ao uso dos anestésicos inalatórios devido à não sensibilização do miocárdio às catecolaminas. Achados como o BAV de primeiro grau pode ter ocorrido devido ao uso de agonistas alfa-2 adrenérgicos. Este estudo aumentou o conhecimento sobre as alterações eletrocardiográficas em onças-pardas anestesiadas, entretanto mais estudos são necessários para correlacionar estes achados ao uso de agentes anestésicos.(AU)
The aim of this study was to describe electrocardiographic findings in pumas (Puma concolor). The animals were sedated with 0.15mg/kg of detomidine plus 5mg/kg of ketamine and anesthetized with sevoflurane (GSEVO, n=6), or isoflurane (GISO, n=5). The heart rate was 95 ± 13bpm. The changes observed on GSEVO animals were: atrial standstill with ventricular conduction, isolated episodes of ventricular premature contraction, atrioventricular blockage of first degree, reduction of the amplitude of the QRS complexes, deep S wave, and increase of the amplitude of the T wave. In the GISO group a right bundle branch block of the His bundle, atrioventricular blockage of first degree and of the amplitude of the T wave. Arrhythmias couldn´t be related to the use of inhalant anesthesia due to the lack of myocardial awareness to catecholamines. Findings such as atrioventricular block in first degree may have occurred due to the use of alfa-2 adrenergic agonists. This study improved the knowledge about electrocardiographic alterations in anesthetized pumas, however further studies are required to correlate these findings to the use of anesthetic agents.(AU)
Animais , Eletrocardiografia , Puma , Anestesia por Inalação/veterinária , Frequência Cardíaca , Anestesia Geral/veterinária , IsofluranoResumo
Background: The carotid artery transposition may be used in research when continuous measurements of arterial pressureor serial blood sampling are needed. In sheep, this procedure has usually been performed under inhalational or barbiturateanesthesia; however, these anesthetic techniques may cause cardiorespiratory depression and delayed recovery. Conversely,propofol is a general anesthetic that promotes rapid induction, smooth recovery, and hemodynamic stability. The aim ofthis study was to assess physiological and anesthetic effects of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol to establish itssafety and efficacy for performing permanent carotid transposition, in sheep.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven young healthy ewes, weighing 35.00 ± 4.43 kg and subjected to a new techniqueof permanent transposition of the carotid artery were used. Propofol was administered by constant rate infusion (0.5 mg/kg/min; IV) after anesthetic induction with this same drug. Heart rate (HR), cardiac rhythm, oxyhemoglobin saturation(SpO2), respiratory rate (f), rectal temperature (RT), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), and venous blood gas parameters(SvO2, PvO2, PvCO2, and HCO3-) were evaluated before induction and every 10 min up to 1 h of anesthesia. Recoveryperiod was also evaluated. Data were submitted to Shapiro-Wilk normality test followed by one-way repeated measuresanalysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons test (P < 0.05) to analyze possible effects over time. Therewas no occurrence of apnea or regurgitation after anesthetic induction; however, all sheep presented hypersalivation. Inrelation to baseline, HR was greater at 10 min, whereas PvO2, PvCO2, and SvO2 increased at all evaluation points, andHCO3- was higher at 40 min and 60 min. There was a decrease in RT from 20 min to 60 min...(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Propofol , Artérias Carótidas/cirurgiaResumo
Background: The carotid artery transposition may be used in research when continuous measurements of arterial pressureor serial blood sampling are needed. In sheep, this procedure has usually been performed under inhalational or barbiturateanesthesia; however, these anesthetic techniques may cause cardiorespiratory depression and delayed recovery. Conversely,propofol is a general anesthetic that promotes rapid induction, smooth recovery, and hemodynamic stability. The aim ofthis study was to assess physiological and anesthetic effects of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol to establish itssafety and efficacy for performing permanent carotid transposition, in sheep.Materials, Methods & Results: Seven young healthy ewes, weighing 35.00 ± 4.43 kg and subjected to a new techniqueof permanent transposition of the carotid artery were used. Propofol was administered by constant rate infusion (0.5 mg/kg/min; IV) after anesthetic induction with this same drug. Heart rate (HR), cardiac rhythm, oxyhemoglobin saturation(SpO2), respiratory rate (f), rectal temperature (RT), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), and venous blood gas parameters(SvO2, PvO2, PvCO2, and HCO3-) were evaluated before induction and every 10 min up to 1 h of anesthesia. Recoveryperiod was also evaluated. Data were submitted to Shapiro-Wilk normality test followed by one-way repeated measuresanalysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons test (P < 0.05) to analyze possible effects over time. Therewas no occurrence of apnea or regurgitation after anesthetic induction; however, all sheep presented hypersalivation. Inrelation to baseline, HR was greater at 10 min, whereas PvO2, PvCO2, and SvO2 increased at all evaluation points, andHCO3- was higher at 40 min and 60 min. There was a decrease in RT from 20 min to 60 min...
Animais , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Artérias Carótidas/cirurgia , Ovinos , PropofolResumo
Com o estudo objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da infusão contínua de nalbufina sobre as variáveis hemodinâmicas, respiratórias e hemogasométricas em cães submetidos a anestesia pelo sevofluorano. Foram utilizadas 18 cadelas, com média de 2 ± 1 anos, não castradas, com peso médio de 10 ± 4 kg. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos de 9 animais cada, denominados grupo nalbufina (GN) e grupo controle (GC) e induzidos à anestesia com sevofluorano, intubados e conectados ao circuito anestésico, ajustando-se o sevofluorano para manutenção da anestesia. Após 15 minutos e antes da administração do opioide ou solução fisiológica, procedeu-se a colheita das variáveis no momento basal (MB) e foi administrado bolus de nalbufina (0,3 mg/kg), seguido da infusão continua (0,4 mg/kg/hora). No GC substituiu-se o opioide pela solução de NaCl 0,9%, em volumes idênticos em bolus e infusão, ambos administrados pela via intravenosa. As variáveis hemodinâmicas e cardiorrespiratórias tiveram início antes da administração do opioide ou NaCl 0,9% (MB) e 20, 40, 60 e 80 minutos após o início da infusão contínua (M20, M40, M60 e M80 respectivamente). Já as variáveis hemogasométricas foram coletadas no momento basal, 40 e 80 minutos após o início da infusão (MB, M40 e M80, respectivamente). Houve aumento dos valores de IED e PaO2 do GN e do pH do GC. Observou-se redução do EtCO2 e TC em ambos os grupos e da PaCO2 no GC. Diferença significativa do EtSEVO no M40 (24,1%) e M60 (14,2%) foi observada entre os grupos. Com base nos resultados obtidos, concluise que a infusão contínua de nalbufina em cães hígidos anestesiados com sevofluorano, na dose empregada, reduz o requerimento anestésico de sevofluorano e não promove alterações hemodinâmicas, respiratórias e hemogasométricas clinicamente importantes, podendo ser usada com segurança para a espécie.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of continuous infusion of nalbuphine on hemodynamic, respiratory and hemogasometric variables in dogs submitted to sevoflurane anesthesia. There will be 18 female dogs, age 2 ± 1 years old, not castrated, weighing 10 ± 4 kg. The animals will be distributed in two groups of 9 animals each, denominated nalbuphine group (NG) and control group (CG), and will be induced to anesthesia with sevoflurane, intubated and connected to the anesthetic circuit, where the sevoflurane will be adjusted to maintain the anesthesia. After 15 minutes and before administration of the opioid or physiological solution, the variables will be collected at baseline (MB) and nalbuphine bolus (0.3 mg / kg), followed by continuous infusion (0.4 mg / kg / hr). In the CG the opioid was replacing with the 0.9% NaCl solution, in identical bolus and infusion volumes, both administered intravenously. The observations of hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory variables will begin before administration of opioid or NaCl 0.9% (MB) and 20, 40, 60 and 80 minutes after starting continuous infusion (M20, M40, M60 and M80 respectively). The hemogasometric variables will be collected at baseline, 40 and 80 minutes after infusion (MB, M40 and M80, respectively). There was an increase in the DEI and PaO2 values of the NG and the pH of the CG. A reduction in EtCO2 and CT was observed in both groups and in PaCO2 in the CG. Significant difference in EtSEVO in M40 (24,1%) and M60 (14,2%) was observed between groups. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the continuous infusion of nalbuphine in healthy dogs anesthetized with sevofluorane, at the dose used, reduces the anesthetic requirement of sevofluorane and does not promote clinically important hemodynamic, respiratory and blood gas changes and can be used to safety for this specie.
Callithrix jacchus is a small primate characteristic to the Brazilian Northeast. We considered relevant to report details on the anesthetic protocol and the surgical technique of cesarean sections applied in three cases of dystocia in C. jacchus. Animals were subjected to cesarean intervention because their small body size did not allow for less invasive obstetric maneuvers. The anesthetic protocol was shown to be efficient, safe and original in its equipment adaptations, by means of endotracheal intubation with a 14G catheter. The surgical procedure was relatively simple and did not offer a major challenge in the exposure of the uterus. The suture of the uterus, abdominal wall and skin did not present technical difficulties, however even the thinnest sutures used in dogs and cats may be considered too thick considering the marmosets' small body size.
Callithrix jacchus é um pequeno primata característico do Nordeste brasileiro. Considerou-se importante a descrição do protocolo anestésico e da técnica cirúrgica da cesariana aplicada em três casos de distocia em C. jacchus. Os animais foram submetidos à intervenção cesariana, devido o pequeno tamanho dos seus corpos, o qual não permite manobras obstétricas menos invasivas. O protocolo anestésico mostrou-se eficiente, seguro e original em suas adaptações anestésicas por meio de intubação endotraqueal com um cateter 14G. O procedimento cirúrgico foi relativamente simples e a exposição do útero não foi um grande desafio. Não houveram grandes dificuldades quanto a técnica de sutura do útero, da parede abdominal e da pele, porém os mais finos fios de suturas utilizados em cães e gatos são muito grossos considerando o tamanho do pequeno corpo dos saguis.
Callithrix jacchus es un pequeño primata característico del Nordeste Brasileño. Se considera importante la descripción de un protocolo anestésico y de una técnica quirúrgica de la cesaría aplicada en tres casos de distocia en C. jacchus. Los animales fueron sometidos a una intervención por cesárea, debido al pequeño tamaño de sus cuerpos, lo cual, no permitía maniobras obstétricas menos invasivas. El protocolo anestésico se mostro eficiente, seguros y originales en sus adaptaciones anestésicas por medio de la intubación endotraqueal con un catéter 14G. El procedimiento quirúrgico fue relativamente sencillo y la exposición del útero no fue de gran desafío. No presentó dificultades en cuanto la técnica de sutura al útero, pared abdominal y piel, sin embargo, incluso las más finas suturas utilizadas en perros y gatos es muy gruesa considerando el tamaño del pequeño cuerpo de los titíes.
Animais , Feminino , Callithrix/cirurgia , Cesárea/veterinária , Callitrichinae/cirurgia , Anestesia Geral/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos em Ginecologia/veterináriaResumo
A recuperação é uma fase crítica na anestesia de equinos. Tentativas precoces de retornar à posição quadrupedal são normalmente fracassadas podendo ocasionar quedas, injúrias e até mesmo fraturas. Técnicas para melhorar a qualidade de recuperação incluem o uso de agonistas adrenérgicos do tipo 2, os quais objetivam, neste contexto, a sedação do paciente, aumentando o tempo de decúbito e possibilitando maior tempo de eliminação do anestésico inalatório residual. O doxapram é um fármaco caracterizado por provocar aumento na frequência respiratória e, potencialmente, pode aumentar o clearance dos anestésicos inalatórios. Neste contexto, objetivou-se verificar a influência da administração dos fármacos xilazina e doxapram no tempo e na qualidade da recuperação de equinos submetidos à anestesia geral inalatória com isofluorano. Seis cavalos foram anestesiados durante 90 minutos quatro vezes, com intervalo de duas semanas entre os procedimentos, recebendo aleatoriamente os seguintes tratamentos após a interrupção do anestésico inalatório: xilazina 0,2 mg/kg, ou xilazina e doxapram (0,2 e 0,1 mg/kg, respectivamente), ou xilazina e doxapram (0,2 e 0,2 mg/kg, respectivamente), ou solução NaCl 0,9%. Todas recuperações foram filmadas e avaliadas por dois observadores não cientes dos tratamentos, por meio da escala visual analógica e escala qualitativa descritiva. Os escores foram analisados quanto à concordância por BlandAltman e quanto à diferença pela RM ANOVA, seguido pelo teste de Tukey(p < 0,05), assim como os demais parâmetros aferidos. Não houve diferença nos tempos de recuperação avaliados entre os grupos. Em relação aos escores, o grupo que recebeu apenas xilazina apresentou as melhores recuperações, seguido da dose mais alta de doxapram, grupo controle e o grupo com a dose de 0,1 mg/kg. A adição de doxapram no protocolo de re-sedação em equinos anestesiados com isoflurano não promoveu melhora qualitativa e não alterou tempo de recuperação daanestesia.
Recovery is a critical stage on equine anesthesia. Early attempts to assume upright position are seldom successful and frequently result on falls, injuries and even fractures. Techniques to improve anesthetic recovery include the use of 2- adrenergic agonists at recovery in order to increase the recumbency time permitting clearance a broader residual inhalational anesthetic. Doxapram is characterized by increasing respiratory rate. Potentially it can increase inhaled anesthetics clearence. The purpose of the present study was to verify to influence of xylazine and doxapram administration on time and quality of recovery of horses submitted to isoflurane inhalational anesthesia. Six horses were anesthetized four times, with a wash out period of two weeks. Each animal received one of the following randomized treatments following discontinuation of isoflurane anesthesia: xylazine 0.2 mg/kg, or xylazine plus doxapram (0.2 and 0.1 mg/kg, respectively), xylazine plus doxapram (0.2 and 0.2 mg/kg, respectively), or NaCl 0.9% solution. Recovery was filmed and posterior evaluated by two blind observes by a visual analogue scale and a qualitative descriptive scale. The scores were analyzed for agreement by Bland-Altman and for the difference by RM ANOVA followed by Tukey test. The parameters measured were analyzed with RM ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p < 0.05). There was no difference regarding times recovery between groups. The animals who received just xylazine presented better scores on quality analysis, followed by doxapram 0.2 mg/kg group, control group, and 0.1 of doxapram group. The use of doxapram to re-sedate horses isoflurane anesthetized does not improve quality neither diminish time of recovery.
As infecções hospitalares são condições patológicas frequentes e, estão relacionadas com alta morbidade e mortalidade, tanto em humanos quanto animais. O uso perioperatório de antimicrobianosrepresenta uma das formas mais efetivas de combate às infecções cirúrgicas. Com o propósito de estudar os potenciais riscos e implicações da sua utilização, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios e hemodinâmicos após a aplicação intravenosa de cefazolina, ceftriaxonaenrofloxacina e ampicilina em gatas, e metronidazol, ceftriaxona e enrofloxacina em cadelas. A presente dissertação está dividida em duas etapas: estudo 1 (E1) e estudo 2 (E2). No E1 foram utilizadas 40 cadelas, hígidas, distribuídas igualmente em 4 grupos experimentaiscom 10 animais em cada: GP (grupo placebo), GM (grupo metronidazol), GC (grupo ceftriaxona) e GE (grupo enrofloxacina). No segundo estudo, foram utilizadas 50 gatas hígidas, distribuídas igualmente em 5 grupos experimentais: G1 (solução fisiológica controle), G2 (grupo cefazolina), G3 (grupo ceftriaxona), G4 (grupo enrofloxacina) e G5 (grupo ampicilina). Ambos os estudos foram do tipo cego randomizado. Após a fase experimental de coleta de dados todos os animais foram submetidos à ovariohisterectomia pela abordagem minimamente invasiva. Os dados aferidos para posterior análise foram os mesmos para ambos os estudos, sendo eles: frequência cardíaca (FR), frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura corporal (T°C), fração expirada de dióxido de carbono (ETCO2), saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SpO2), pressão arterial sistólica, média e diastólica (PAS, PAM e PAD) pelo método invasivo, nos tempos T0 (imediatamente antes de realizar os tratamentos), 5 (T5), 10 (T10), 15 (T15), 20 (T20) e 30 (T30) minutos após administração do antimicrobiano, no E1 e T0, T5, T10, T15, T20, T25 e T30 minutos após a administração dos tratamentos no E2. No E1 verificou-se que a FC apresentou significativa redução no T5 e T30 no GE comparado ao valor basal. A FR teve um aumento significativo no T30 no GP. As PAS e PAM tiveram um decréscimo significativo após 30 minutos no GC. Houve uma significativa diminuição na PAM no T5, T10 e T15 no GE. A T°C teve decréscimo em todos os grupos. Já no E2 a FC apresentou redução significativa do G2 comparado ao G1 em todos os tempos, excetuando T20 e no G4, T25 e T30 apresentaram valores significativamente inferiores à T0. A T°C apresentou aumento significativo do G3 no T0 e T5 e todos os grupos apresentaram redução significativa dos valores de T°C em relação à T0. A ETCO2 apresentou aumento significativo do G2 e G5 em todos os tempos em comparação ao G1 e não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os tempos dentro de cada grupo. Com base nos resultados do presente estudo e nas condições em que foi realizado, conclui-se que os antimicrobianos estudados não causam alterações cardiorrespiratórias e hemodinâmicas impeditivas de serem utilizados em cães e gatos anestesiados com isoflurano e que os antimicrobianos que foram considerados mais seguros para o uso na forma profilática foram o metronidazol no E1 e a ceftriaxona no E2.
Hospital infections are frequent pathological conditions related to high morbidity and mortality, both in humans and animals The perioperative use of antimicrobials is one of the most effective way to combat surgical infections. In order to study the potential risks and implications of its use, the aim of this study was to assess the cardiorespiratory and hemodynamic effects after intravenous administration of cefazolin, ceftriaxone, enrofloxacin and ampicillin in cats and metronidazole, ceftriaxone and enrofloxacin, in dogs.This thesis is divided into two stages. Study 1 (E1) and study 2 (E2). In E1, were used forty healthy bitches, equally distributed into 4 experimentals groups of 10 animals each: PG (placebo group), MG (metronidazole group), CG (ceftriaxone group) and EG (enrofloxacin group).In the second study, fifthy healthy cats, equally divided into 5 groups: G1 (saline group), G2 (cefazolin group), G3 (ceftriaxone group), G4 (enrofloxacin group) and G5 (ampicillin group) were used. Both studies were blind and randomized. After the experimental phase of data collecting, all animals were submitted to ovariohysterectomy to the minimally invasive approach. The measured data for later analysis were the same for both studies, they were: heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), body temperature (T°C), carbon dioxide expired fraction (ETCO2), oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SpO2), systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, MBP and DBP) by invasive method, in T0 (time immediately before performing the treatment), 5 (T5), 10 (T10), 15 (T15), 20 (T20) and 30 (T30) minutes after administration of the antimicrobial in the E1 and T0, T5, T10, T15, T20 T25 and T30 minutes after administration of the treatment in E2. In E1 it was found that the HR presented significant reduction at the T5 and T30 on EG compared to PG. The RR had a significant increase at the T30 on GP. SBP and MBP had a significant decrease after 30 minutes on the CG. There was a significant decrease in MBP at T5, T10 and T15 on EG. The T°C had decreased in all groups. In E2, the HR presented significant reduction in G2 compared to G1 at all times, except T20 and on G4, T25 and T30 were significantly lower than the T0 values. T°C showed a significant increase in the G3 at T0 and T5 and all groups showed significant reduction in the values of T°C relative to T0. ETCO2 presented significant increase in G2 and G5 at all times compared to G1 and there was no statistically significant difference between the times within each group. Based on the study results and the conditions in which it was conducted, it is concluded that the antimicrobials studied did not cause cardiorespiratory and hemodynamic changes that would hinder the use in dogs and cats anesthetized with isoflurane and the antimicrobials that was considered safer for use in prophylaxis were metronidazole in E1 and ceftriaxone in E2.