The objectives of this work were to estimate the genetic parameters for the traits longevity (LG) and accumulated milk yield at 305 days (MY305) using a bitrait animal model and the single-step GBLUP method and estimate the genetic gain for LG through direct and indirect selection for MY305. We used 4,057 records of first lactations of Murrah dairy buffaloes, collected between 1987 and 2020, belonging to six Brazilian herds located in the states Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, and São Paulo and 960 animals genotyped using the 90K Axiom Buffalo Genotyping (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Santa Clara, CA) to estimate the genetic parameters. The heritability estimate was 0.25 for MY305 and 0.13 for LG. The genetic gain for LG was 0.13 months under direct selection, and 0.14 months under indirect selection, which results in a relative selection efficiency of 11% under selection for MY305 compared with the direct selection. The genetic correlation between the two traits was 0.77, indicating that animals with genetic potential for high MY305 tend to live longer. The genetic trends for MY305 and LG were 0.22 kg/year and 5.20 days/year, respectively, indicating a positive response, which reaffirms its relationship with the high genetic correlation between the two traits.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Búfalos/genética , Leite/fisiologia , Indústria de Laticínios/métodos , Fenômenos Genéticos , Correlação de DadosResumo
Simultaneous selection for various agronomic traits, cooking time and mineral concentration are major challenges for common-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding programs. The authors of this study proposed to analyze genetic gain estimates obtained by direct and indirect selection using selection indices and economic weights for 13 traits, and to determine the most efficient selection strategy for the simultaneous selection of fast cooking, mineral-biofortified common bean cultivars with high agronomic performance. For this purpose, three experiments were carried out in different growing seasons to evaluate 49 common bean cultivars of different grain types. Agronomic performance was evaluated based on six traits; cooking time was determined using a Mattson cooker; and the concentration of six minerals was analyzed in samples of raw grains. Significant genotype × environment interaction or genotype effects were observed for all traits, indicating the existence of genetic variability. Direct selection resulted in high genetic gain estimates for individual traits, but caused undesirable changes in one or more of the traits under selection. The classic, base, desired-gains and rank-sum selection indices tested with six economic weights do not provide genetic gain estimates favorable to the selection of all traits. The multiplicative index is the best selection strategy for use in the breeding program when aiming at the simultaneous selection of fast cooking, mineral-biofortified common bean cultivars with high agronomic performance.
Phaseolus/genética , Melhoramento Vegetal/economia , Mutação com Ganho de FunçãoResumo
The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters and evaluate genetic trends over 26 years for morphometric traits in Mangalarga Marchador horses. Twelve morphometric traits were evaluated (withers and croup heights; length of head, body, shoulder, croup, neck, back, and loins; width of head and croup, and cannon bone and thorax perimeters). These traits were evaluated in 38,341 animals born between 1987 and 2012 and with a relationship matrix of 77,719 animals. Gibbs sampler was used to obtain samples of the posterior distributions of genetic parameters under animal models. Genetic trends were estimated by regression of estimated breeding values in function of birth year. The heritabilities of all traits were moderate to high and ranged from 0.27 to 0.48. However, the additive genetic coefficients of variation were low, ranging from 1.23 to 3.82%. The genetic trends of all the studied traits were significant, but of low magnitude. Negative genetic trend was observed for body length, while positive genetic trends were estimated for the other 11 traits. Although additive genetic differences accounted for a significant part of the phenotypic differences, genetic gains in the population were limited by low phenotypic variability. Therefore, it is necessary to develop data collection strategies to increase phenotypic and genetic variability in the population, such as the inclusion of animals that do not meet breed standard, but which have parents registered in the breeders' association, in the database.
Animais , Fenótipo , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/genética , HereditariedadeResumo
The objective was to develop selection indexes for Nellore cattle raised in full-cycle production system in the Brazilian Pantanal. The resulting offspring are retained as replacements or sold at two years of age. Preliminary analyses explored effects of scale on economic values (EV). However, given the available data, these effects were very small. Presented herein are results from a simulated system consisting of 5,000 cows with all animals maintained on pasture as is typical in Pantanal. The EV were determined by approximating the partial derivatives of the profit function, changing one trait at a time, by one unit, while keeping the other traits constant. Traits in the breeding objective were mature cow weight, direct and maternal weaning weight, postweaning average daily gain, subcutaneous fat depth, longissimus muscle area, and stayability. Economic values were calculated on the basis of number of animals (per head), number of animal units, and arroba of carcasss weight. Regardless of the basis, maternal weaning weight and subcutaneous fat depth made negligible contributions to the breeding objective. Proportions of variation in the breeding objectives (per head, per animal unit, per arroba) explained by cow weight, direct weaning weight, postweaning average daily gain, stayability, and longissimus muscle area were: 13, 13, 17; 6, 1, 5; 3, 3, 4; 67, 67, 61; and 11, 17, 13, respectively. These indexes may aid Nellore breeders in their selection decisions, thus facilitating the genetic progress and increased productivity and profitability of Pantanal herds.
Animais , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Indicadores (Estatística) , Gado , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economia , Modelos EconômicosResumo
The potential expression of crop productivity is a constant challenge for plant breeders in the face of oscillations in environmental variables, making selection difficult and increasing the operational and methodological costs in obtaining the ideal cultivar for a determined region. The objective of the research was to investigate the effects of genotype x environment interaction in the selection of cowpea lines with high grain yield, adaptability, and genotypic stability simultaneously, in environments of the Northwest region of Rio de Janeiro State, using mixed models (Maximum Restricted Likelihood - REML/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - BLUP). 27 cowpea genotypes were evaluated in six environments by combining location (Cambuci-RJ and Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) and year (2016, 2017 and 2018). A randomized block design with four replications was performed. The genetic parameters were estimated via the REML/BLUP procedure, and the selection was based on the harmonic mean method of the relative performance of the genetic values (HMRPGV). A meaningful difference was observed for environment and genotype x environment interaction. The residual variance and the variance of the genotype x environment interaction formed the most significant fractions of the phenotypic variance. Lines 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-26), and 9 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-8), stood out as superior in terms of stability and adaptability and grain yield by HMRPGV. Commercial cultivars 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) and 26 (BRS-Itaim) had high grain yield, adaptability, and specific stability in the evaluated edaphoclimatic conditions.
A expressão potencial da produtividade das culturas constitui um desafio constante aos criadores de plantas frente às oscilações das variáveis ambientais, dificultando a seleção e onerando os custos operacionais e metodológicos na obtenção da cultivar ideal para determinada região. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes na seleção de linhagens de feijão-caupi com alta produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade genotípica simultaneamente, em ambientes da região Noroeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro, usando modelos mistos (Máximo Verosimilhança Restrita - REML/Melhor Predição Linear não Viesado - BLUP). Avaliou-se 27 genótipos de feijão-caupi em seis ambientes pela combinação de local (Cambuci-RJ e Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) e ano (2016, 2017 e 2018). Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados via procedimento REML/BLUP, e a seleção baseou-se no método da média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genéticos (HMRPGV). Observou-se diferença significativa para ambiente e interação genótipo x ambiente. A variância residual e a variância da interação genótipo x ambiente formaram as maiores frações da variância fenotípica. As linhagens 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-26) e 9 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-8) foram classificadas como superiores quanto a estabilidade e adaptabilidade e rendimento de grãos pelo critério da HMRPGV. As cultivares comerciais 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) e 26 (BRS-Itaim) reuniram elevada produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade específica nas condições edafoclimáticas avaliadas.
Vigna/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vigna/genéticaResumo
ABSTRACT: The potential expression of crop productivity is a constant challenge for plant breeders in the face of oscillations in environmental variables, making selection difficult and increasing the operational and methodological costs in obtaining the ideal cultivar for a determined region. The objective of the research was to investigate the effects of genotype x environment interaction in the selection of cowpea lines with high grain yield, adaptability, and genotypic stability simultaneously, in environments of the Northwest region of Rio de Janeiro State, using mixed models (Maximum Restricted Likelihood - REML/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - BLUP). 27 cowpea genotypes were evaluated in six environments by combining location (Cambuci-RJ and Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) and year (2016, 2017 and 2018). A randomized block design with four replications was performed. The genetic parameters were estimated via the REML/BLUP procedure, and the selection was based on the harmonic mean method of the relative performance of the genetic values (HMRPGV). A meaningful difference was observed for environment and genotype x environment interaction. The residual variance and the variance of the genotype x environment interaction formed the most significant fractions of the phenotypic variance. Lines 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-26), and 9 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-8), stood out as superior in terms of stability and adaptability and grain yield by HMRPGV. Commercial cultivars 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) and 26 (BRS-Itaim) had high grain yield, adaptability, and specific stability in the evaluated edaphoclimatic conditions.
RESUMO: A expressão potencial da produtividade das culturas constitui um desafio constante aos criadores de plantas frente às oscilações das variáveis ambientais, dificultando a seleção e onerando os custos operacionais e metodológicos na obtenção da cultivar ideal para determinada região. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes na seleção de linhagens de feijão-caupi com alta produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade genotípica simultaneamente, em ambientes da região Noroeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro, usando modelos mistos (Máximo Verosimilhança Restrita - REML/Melhor Predição Linear não Viesado - BLUP). Avaliou-se 27 genótipos de feijão-caupi em seis ambientes pela combinação de local (Cambuci-RJ e Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) e ano (2016, 2017 e 2018). Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados via procedimento REML/BLUP, e a seleção baseou-se no método da média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genéticos (HMRPGV). Observou-se diferença significativa para ambiente e interação genótipo x ambiente. A variância residual e a variância da interação genótipo x ambiente formaram as maiores frações da variância fenotípica. As linhagens 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-26) e 9 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-8) foram classificadas como superiores quanto a estabilidade e adaptabilidade e rendimento de grãos pelo critério da HMRPGV. As cultivares comerciais 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) e 26 (BRS-Itaim) reuniram elevada produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade específica nas condições edafoclimáticas avaliadas.
The potential expression of crop productivity is a constant challenge for plant breeders in the face of oscillations in environmental variables, making selection difficult and increasing the operational and methodological costs in obtaining the ideal cultivar for a determined region. The objective of the research was to investigate the effects of genotype x environment interaction in the selection of cowpea lines with high grain yield, adaptability, and genotypic stability simultaneously, in environments of the Northwest region of Rio de Janeiro State, using mixed models (Maximum Restricted Likelihood - REML/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - BLUP). 27 cowpea genotypes were evaluated in six environments by combining location (Cambuci-RJ and Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) and year (2016, 2017 and 2018). A randomized block design with four replications was performed. The genetic parameters were estimated via the REML/BLUP procedure, and the selection was based on the harmonic mean method of the relative performance of the genetic values (HMRPGV). A meaningful difference was observed for environment and genotype x environment interaction. The residual variance and the variance of the genotype x environment interaction formed the most significant fractions of the phenotypic variance. Lines 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-26), and 9 (Pingo-de-Ouro 1-5-8), stood out as superior in terms of stability and adaptability and grain yield by HMRPGV. Commercial cultivars 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) and 26 (BRS-Itaim) had high grain yield, adaptability, and specific stability in the evaluated edaphoclimatic conditions.(AU)
A expressão potencial da produtividade das culturas constitui um desafio constante aos criadores de plantas frente às oscilações das variáveis ambientais, dificultando a seleção e onerando os custos operacionais e metodológicos na obtenção da cultivar ideal para determinada região. O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes na seleção de linhagens de feijão-caupi com alta produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade genotípica simultaneamente, em ambientes da região Noroeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro, usando modelos mistos (Máximo Verosimilhança Restrita - REML/Melhor Predição Linear não Viesado - BLUP). Avaliou-se 27 genótipos de feijão-caupi em seis ambientes pela combinação de local (Cambuci-RJ e Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ) e ano (2016, 2017 e 2018). Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados via procedimento REML/BLUP, e a seleção baseou-se no método da média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genéticos (HMRPGV). Observou-se diferença significativa para ambiente e interação genótipo x ambiente. A variância residual e a variância da interação genótipo x ambiente formaram as maiores frações da variância fenotípica. As linhagens 4 (Bico-de-ouro 1-5-24), 6 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-4), 5 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-26) e 9 (Pingo-de-ouro 1-5-8) foram classificadas como superiores quanto a estabilidade e adaptabilidade e rendimento de grãos pelo critério da HMRPGV. As cultivares comerciais 13 (BRS-Tumucumaque) e 26 (BRS-Itaim) reuniram elevada produtividade de grãos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade específica nas condições edafoclimáticas avaliadas.(AU)
Vigna/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vigna/genéticaResumo
Genome-wide selection (GWS) is based on a large number of markers widely distributed throughout the genome. Genome-wide selection provides for the estimation of the effect of each molecular marker on the phenotype, thereby allowing for the capture of all genes affecting the quantitative traits of interest. The main statistical tools applied to GWS are based on random regression or dimensionality reduction methods. In this study a new non-parametric method, called Delta-p was proposed, which was then compared to the Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (G-BLUP) method. Furthermore, a new selection index combining the genetic values obtained by the G-BLUP and Delta-p, named Delta-p/G-BLUP methods, was proposed. The efficiency of the proposed methods was evaluated through both simulation and real studies. The simulated data consisted of eight scenarios comprising a combination of two levels of heritability, two genetic architectures and two dominance status (absence and complete dominance). Each scenario was simulated ten times. All methods were applied to a real dataset of Asian rice (Oryza sativa) aiming to increase the efficiency of a current breeding program. The methods were compared as regards accuracy of prediction (simulation data) or predictive ability (real dataset), bias and recovery of the true genomic heritability. The results indicated that the proposed Delta-p/G-BLUP index outperformed the other methods in both prediction accuracy and predictive ability.
Genome-wide selection (GWS) is based on a large number of markers widely distributed throughout the genome. Genome-wide selection provides for the estimation of the effect of each molecular marker on the phenotype, thereby allowing for the capture of all genes affecting the quantitative traits of interest. The main statistical tools applied to GWS are based on random regression or dimensionality reduction methods. In this study a new non-parametric method, called Delta-p was proposed, which was then compared to the Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (G-BLUP) method. Furthermore, a new selection index combining the genetic values obtained by the G-BLUP and Delta-p, named Delta-p/G-BLUP methods, was proposed. The efficiency of the proposed methods was evaluated through both simulation and real studies. The simulated data consisted of eight scenarios comprising a combination of two levels of heritability, two genetic architectures and two dominance status (absence and complete dominance). Each scenario was simulated ten times. All methods were applied to a real dataset of Asian rice (Oryza sativa) aiming to increase the efficiency of a current breeding program. The methods were compared as regards accuracy of prediction (simulation data) or predictive ability (real dataset), bias and recovery of the true genomic heritability. The results indicated that the proposed Delta-p/G-BLUP index outperformed the other methods in both prediction accuracy and predictive ability.(AU)
Rice cultivation has great national and global importance, being one of the most produced and consumed cereals in the world and the primary food for more than half of the worlds population. Because of its importance as food, developing efficient methods to select and predict genetically superior individuals in reference to plant traits is of extreme importance for breeding programs. The objective of this research was to evaluate and compare the efficiency of the Delta-p, G-BLUP (Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Predictor), BayesCpi, BLASSO (Bayesian Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator), Delta-p/G-BLUP index, Delta-p/BayesCpi index, and Delta-p/BLASSO index in the estimation of genomic values and the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on phenotypic data associated with rice traits. Use of molecular markers allowed high selective efficiency and increased genetic gain per unit time. The Delta-p method uses the concept of change in allelic frequency caused by selection and the theoretical concept of genetic gain. The Index is based on the principle of combined selection, using the information regarding the additive genomic values predicted via G-BLUP, BayesCpi, BLASSO, or Delta-p. These methods were applied and compared for genomic prediction using nine rice traits: flag leaf length, flag leaf width, panicles number per plant, primary panicle branch number, seed length, seed width, amylose content, protein content, and blast resistance. Delta-p/G-BLUP index had higher predictive abilities for the traits studied, except for amylose content trait in which the method with the highest predictive ability was BayesCpi, being approximately 3% greater than that of the Delta-p/G-BLUP index.(AU)
A cultura do arroz tem grande importância nacional e mundial por ser um dos cereais mais produzidos e consumidos no mundo, caracterizando-se como o principal alimento de mais da metade da população mundial. Em função de sua importância alimentar, desenvolver métodos eficientes que visam a predição e a seleção de indivíduos geneticamente superiores, quanto a características da planta, é de extrema importância para os programas de melhoramento. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e comparar a eficiência do método Delta-p, G-BLUP, BayesCpi, BLASSO e o índice Delta-p/G-BLUP, índice Delta-p/BayesCpi e índice Delta-p/BLASSO, na estimação de valores genômicos e dos efeitos de marcadores SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) em dados fenotípicos associados a características de arroz. A utilização de marcadores moleculares permite alta eficiência seletiva e o aumento do ganho genético por unidade de tempo. O método Delta-p utiliza o conceito de mudança na frequência alélica devido à seleção e o conceito teórico de ganho genético. O Índice é baseado no princípio da seleção combinada, utiliza conjuntamente as informações dos valores genômicos aditivos preditos via G-BLUP, BayesCpi ou BLASSO e via Delta-p. Estes métodos foram aplicados e comparados quanto à predição genômica utilizando nove características de arroz (Oryza sativa), sendo elas: comprimento da folha bandeira, largura da folha bandeira; número de panículas por planta; número de ramos da panícula primária; comprimento de semente; largura de semente; teor de amilose; teor de proteína; resistência a bruzone. O índice Delta-p/G-BLUP obteve maiores capacidades preditivas para as características estudadas, exceto para a característica Conteúdo de amilose, em que o método que obteve maior capacidade preditiva foi o BayesCpi, sendo aproximadamente 3% superior ao índice Delta-p/G-BLUP.(AU)