The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for body weight at 60 (P60), 90 (P90), and 120 (P120) days of age in escargotsof the subspecies Cornu aspersum maximum, evaluating the influence of fixed and covariable effects on these traits. The data used were collected from escargotskept in a total confinement system. The significant fixed effects and covariates for these traits were tested in a general linear model by the F-test, considering a level of significance of 5%. Both the fixed effects of box and birth year and the quadratic effect of age of weighing as a covariate were significant (p < 0.05) for P60, P90, and P120. The Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) methodology was used to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters. High heritability for P60, P90, and P120 (0.38, 0.55 and 0.78, respectively) and high genetic correlations (0.58 to 0.77) among the traits were observed. The genetic parameterscan be used as a basis for studies and practical applications to increase zootechnical indexes in this population.(AU)
Animais , Gastrópodes/fisiologia , Fenômenos Genéticos/fisiologia , Peso Corporal/genética , Funções VerossimilhançaResumo
In the last decades, a new trend to use more refined analytical procedures, such as artificial neural networks (ANN), has emerged to be most accurate, efficient, and extensively applied for mining and data prediction in different contexts, including plant breeding. Thus, this study was developed to establish a new classification proposal for targeting genotypes in breeding programs to approach classical models, such as a complete diallel and modern prediction techniques. The study was based on the standard deviation values of an interpopulation diallel and it also verified the possibility of training a neural network with the standardized genetic parameters for a discrete scale. We used 12 intercrossed maize populations in a complete diallel scheme (66 hybrids), evaluated during the 2005/2006 crop season in three different environments in southern Brazil. The implemented MLP architecture and other associated parameters allowed the development of a generalist model of genotype classification. The MLP neural network model was efficient in predicting parental and interpopulation hybrid classifications from average genetic components from a complete diallel, regardless of the evaluation environment.(AU)
Plantas/genética , Melhoramento Genético , Desenvolvimento Vegetal/genética , Seleção Genética/fisiologia , BrasilResumo
White Mold (WM) is a yield-limiting disease found in soybean. However, up to now no cultivars have been genetically resistant to this disease. Given this context, the present study aimed to develop superior soybean lines with resistance to WM, while maintaining other desirable agronomic traits. Two early maturing soybean cultivars (i.e., EMGOPA 316 and MG/BR 46-Conquista), moderately resistant to WM were used for biparental crosses from which the analyzed population was derived. Therefore, we assessed the resistance to WM in early generation testing of this population. Additionally, we determined the agronomic traits, genetic parameters and selection gains. From 348 F2 genotypes, 35 transgressive genotypes moderately resistant to WM were identified, amongst which 22 genotypes showed desirable agronomic traits for early cycle and grain yield. Moreover, 69 lines were selected as the most promising genotypes for each agronomic trait (i.e. based on the number of days to flowering and maturity, plant height at flowering and maturity, number of nodes on main stem at flowering and maturity, number of pods, grain yield, etc.). Among these selected lines, ten progenies emerged as the superior genotypes for grain yield and early cycle. All together, these results demonstrated that the cross between EMGOPA 316 × MG/BR 46 (Conquista) revealed promising progenies with moderate resistance to WM and/or desirable agronomic traits. Thus, these lines could be used as future resources for breeding efforts aimed at improving resistance to WM.
Glycine max/efeitos dos fármacos , Glycine max/genética , FungosResumo
Estimation of genetic variability and genetic correlations between production traits (milk yield, fat yield, fat content, protein yield, and protein content) and selected type traits (angularity, fore udder height, rear udder height, front teat placement, teat length, and udder depth) was done using data sets of 10,860 first-calving Holstein-Friesian cows raised in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Genetic variance and covariance were obtained using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) method, VCE v6 software, and the multi-trait mixed model. To enable more precise estimates of values for genetic variances and covariance, a relationship matrix was formed for the individual model (animal model), encompassing 21363 animals. The highest heritability values were obtained for milk yield (0.182), fat yield (0.134), and protein yield (0.170). The lowest heritability estimates were for teat length, front teat placement, rear udder height, and udder depth, all being under 0.110. Genetic correlations between production traits and linear type traits were between −0.131 (fat content and front teat length) and 0.307 (protein yield and fore udder attachment). The largest number of traits shows a positive genetic correlation with the traits of milk yield, which thus indicates possibility of genetic improvements of milk yield in cattle without jeopardizing the type traits or vice versa.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Padrões de Referência , Hereditariedade , Leite/classificação , Eficiência , Filogenia , SérviaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate genomic information inclusion in genetic parameter estimation of standardized body weight at birth and at 240, 365, and 450 days of age, and visual scores for body structure, precocity, and body muscularity, measured as yearlings in Nelore cattle. We compared genetic parameters, (co)variance components (estimated from Bayesian inference and Gibbs sampling), breeding value accuracies, genetic trends, and principal component analysis (PCA) obtained through traditional GBLUP and ssGBLUP methods. For all traits analyzed, part of the phenotypic variation was explained by the additive genetic effect, thus indicating the capacity of traits to respond to the selection process. Estimates of genetic correlation, in both methodologies, between body weights and visual scores were, in general, high and positive, showing that the selection for visual scores can lead to heavier animals. Genetic trends showed genetic progress, both when estimated breeding values and genomic estimated breeding values were used. The PCA, genetic trends, and accuracy estimates on breeding values showed that inclusion of single nucleotide polymorphism information contributed towards slightly better estimates of the genetic variability of evaluated traits. Genomic information did not bring greater gains in genetic estimates, due to redundancy of kinship information from the pedigree, which already had complete animal kinship data.
Animais , Bovinos , Peso Corporal/genética , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Expressão Gênica , GenômicaResumo
B-spline functions have been used in random regression models (RRM) to model animal weight from birth to adulthood because they are less vulnerable to common difficulties of other methods. However, its application to model growth traits of Polled Nellore cattle has been little studied. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate polynomial functions of different orders and segment numbers to model effects associated with the Polled Nellore cattle growth curve. For this purpose, we used 15,148 weight records of 3,115 animals aged between 1 and 660 days and reared in northern Brazil and born between 1995 and 2010. Random effects were modeled using B-spline polynomials. As random effects, we considered the direct and maternal genetic additives, as well as direct and maternal permanent environments. As fixed effects were included contemporary group, cow age at calving (linear and quadratic) and fourth-order Legendre polynomials to represent average growth curve. The residue was modeled by considering seven age classes. The bestfitted model was the one that considered cubic B-spline functions with four knots for direct additive genetic effects and three knots for maternal genetic, animal permanent environment, and maternal permanent environment effects (C6555). Therefore, covariance functions under B-spline polynomials are efficient and can be used to model the growth curve of Polled Nellore cattle from birth to 660 days of age.(AU)
Os modelos de regressão aleatória (MRA) aplicando funções B-spline são uma alternativa para modelar pesos do nascimento até a idade adulta dos animais, pois estas funções são menos vulneráveis as dificuldades constantemente observadas em outras metodologias. No entanto, são escassas pesquisas sobre aplicação destas funções sobre as características de crescimento em bovinos Nelore Mocho. Funções polinomiais de diferentes ordens e números de segmentos foram avaliadas na modelagem dos efeitos associados à curva de crescimento de bovinos da raça Nelore Mocho. Foram utilizados 15.148 registros de peso de 3.115 animais com idade entre 1 e 660 dias, criados na região norte do Brasil e nascidos entre 1995 e 2010. Os efeitos aleatórios foram modelados usando polinômios do tipo B-splines. Como efeitos aleatórios, foram considerados os efeitos genéticos aditivo direto e materno e os efeitos de ambientes permanentes direto e materno. Foram considerados como efeitos fixos, os grupos de contemporâneos, a idade da vaca ao parto (efeito linear e quadrático) e os polinômios de Legendre de quarta ordem, representando a curva média de crescimento. O resíduo foi modelado por meio de sete classes distribuídas segundo a idade. O modelo que considerou funções B-splines cúbicas com quatro nós para o efeito genético aditivo direto e três nós para os efeitos genético materno, ambiente permanente animal e ambiente permanente materno (C6555) foi o mais adequado. Concluiu-se que funções de covariâncias sob polinômios B-splines são eficientes e podem ser utilizados como alternativas para modelar a curva de crescimento de bovinos da raça Nelore Mocho do nascimento até 660 dias de idade.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Pesos e Medidas , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Modelos AnatômicosResumo
We aimed to estimate litter size and litter uniformity genetic parameters and genetic trends of Landrace pigs at birth and at three weeks by using multitrait analyses for 2,787 litters. The following litter traits were evaluated: number of piglets born alive (NBA), within-litter weight mean at birth (MBW), within-litter weight standard deviation at birth (SDB), within-litter weight coefficient of variation at birth (CVB), number of piglets at three weeks (NT), within-litter weight mean at three weeks (MT), within-litter weight standard deviation at three weeks (SDT), and within-litter weight coefficient of variation at three weeks (CVT). Heritability estimates for NBA, MBW, SDB, and CVB were 0.09±0.04, 0.31±0.08, 0.01±0.04, and 0.07±0.05, respectively, greater than those obtained at three weeks (0.06±0.04, 0.10±0.06, 0.01±0.04, and 0.02±0.04 for NT, MT, SDT, and CVT, respectively). The genetic correlations between NBA and MBW and between MBW and CVB (−0.73±0.20 and −0.93±0.21, respectively) were of moderate to high magnitudes, as well as the genetic correlations between CVT and SDT (0.85±0.39). Genetic correlations between MBW and MT, SDB and SDT, CVB and CVT, and NBA and NT were 0.73±0.16, 0.69±0.54, 0.36±0.80, and 0.95±0.06, respectively. The genetic trends were linear for NBA and CVB and quadratic for MBW and SDB, whereas for all traits at three weeks, they were close to zero. Within-litter weight coefficient of variation (CV) may be the most appropriate variation measure for application in breeding programs, especially at birth, due to its greater heritability estimate and high and negative genetic correlation with MBW. The genetic trends show that NT does not follow the increase in NBA, emphasizing the need to review the breeding goals.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/genética , Correlação de Dados , Variação Genética , Melhoramento Genético/métodosResumo
Body weight records of 231,416 Nellore females obtained from the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders were used to determine a linear combination between visual appraisal scores (body structure, precocity and muscling) using principal components analysis (PC), and to verify their genetic association with body weight at 12 months (BW) and age at first calving (AFC). The mixed linear model included the fixed effect of the contemporary group and the linear and quadratic effects of age at calving, random effects of genetic additive, maternal environment and temporary environment. Heritability estimates for BW, PC and AFC were 0.51, 0.30 and 0.17, respectively. Genetic additive correlations between BW and PC; BW and AFC, and PC and AFC were 0.48; -0.31 and -0.55; respectively. Spearman's correlations for the best-ranked bulls based on PC prediction were positive between BW and PC and negative among the other combinations. Heritability estimates and correlations indicate potential genetic gains for BW and CP with reduced AFC in cows. The use of PC allows positive responses on precocity and body weight development.(AU)
Utilizaram-se registros de pesos corporais de 231.416 fêmeas bovinas da raça Nelore, oriundos dos registros da Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Zebu-ABCZ, com o objetivo de estabelecer, por componentes principais, uma combinação linear (CP) das características de escores visuais de estrutura (E), precocidade (P) e musculosidade (M), bem como verificar sua associação genética com o peso corporal aos 12 meses (PC) e à idade ao primeiro parto (IPP). O modelo linear misto utilizado incluiu os efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneos e os efeitos linear e quadrático da idade da vaca ao parto, os efeitos aleatórios genético aditivo, ambiente materno e ambiente temporário. Estimativas de herdabilidade para PC, CP e IPP foram iguais a 0,51; 0,30 e 0,17, respectivamente. Correlações genéticas aditivas entre PC e CP; PC e IPP; e, ainda, CP e IPP foram iguais a 0,48; -0,31 e -0,55, respectivamente. As correlações de Spearman para os melhores reprodutores classificados em relação à predição de CP foram positivas entre PC e CP e negativas entre as demais combinações. Estimativas de herdabilidade e de correlações indicam possibilidade de ganhos genéticos expressivos para PC e CP com redução para IPP nas fêmeas. A utilização de CP possibilita respostas favoráveis para precocidade sexual e desenvolvimento ponderal.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Peso Corporal , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Hereditariedade , PartoResumo
A total of 6593 weight records collected from 796 male and female Anglo-Nubian goats aged up to 130 days, offspring from 29 sires and 225 dams, were used to compare models and estimate genetic parameters throughout the growth curve by applying random regression models. Direct and maternal additive genetic effects and direct and maternal permanent environmental effects were included as random in the models. The contemporary groups were included as fixed effects and goat age at kidding was included as a covariable (linear and quadratic). The choice of the best model was based on the AIC, BIC and AICc criteria. Variance estimates of the four random effects increased as the animals aged. Direct heritability (h2) rose from 0.13 to 0.40 with age, whereas maternal heritability showed a low value. Genetic correlations of weight between closer ages were high. The most suitable random regression model to compare the fitting of random effects was that which employed the Legendre polynomials of quadratic order with homogeneous variance (3333-1).(AU)
Utilizaram-se 6593 pesos de 796 caprinos da raça Anglonubiana, coletados em machos e fêmeas com idade até 130 dias, descendentes de 29 reprodutores e 225 matrizes, com o objetivo de se compararem modelos e de se estimarem parâmetros genéticos ao longo da curva de crescimento com aplicação de modelos de regressão aleatória. Nos modelos, incluíram-se os efeitos genéticos aditivos diretos e maternos e os de ambiente permanente diretos e maternos como aleatórios; os grupos de contemporâneos foram incluídos como efeitos fixos, e a idade da cabra ao parto como covariável (linear e quadrática). A escolha do melhor modelo foi realizada pela avaliação dos critérios AIC, BIC e AICc. As estimativas de variâncias dos quatro efeitos aleatórios cresceram de acordo com o aumento da idade. A herdabilidade direta (h2) aumentou de 0,13 a 0,40 com a idade, e a materna apresentou baixo valor. As correlações genéticas do peso entre idades mais próximas foram altas. O modelo de regressão aleatório mais adequado ao se comparar o ajuste dos efeitos aleatórios foi o que empregou polinômios de Legendre de ordem quadrática com variância homogênea (3333-1).(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise de Regressão , Perfil Genético , Hereditariedade , Correlação de DadosResumo
The objective of this study was to investigate genetic variances and covariances among features of the male Japanese quail advertisement call. Duration of the first, second and third syllable, the length of interval 1 (between the first and the second syllable), interval 2 (between the second and the third syllable) and damping (extension of the third syllable) were measured as temporal properties of the call. Spectral properties were peak frequencies of each syllable and the damping component. In this study, 1730 calls were recorded from 488 male Japanese quail. The restricted maximum likelihood procedure for repeated measurements was applied to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for the examined traits. Heritability estimates of call parameters of the male Japanese quail ranged from low to high values (0.04-0.65) and they were generally higher for temporal properties than for spectral properties. Among the temporal properties of the call, the highest genetic correlation was between the first and the second syllable (0.96±0.251) while the lowest genetic correlation was between the first and the third syllable (0.03±0.231). Significant genetic correlations were generally high and positive among peak frequencies of the syllables. Despite the lack of apparent pattern, interval lengths tended to have positive correlation with spectral properties of the call, but the correlation of syllable lengths with spectral properties of the call was negative.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as variâncias e covariâncias genéticas entre as características do canto de anúncio de codornas japonesas. A duração da primeira, segunda e terceira sílaba, o comprimento do intervalo 1 (entre a primeira e a segunda sílaba), o intervalo 2 (entre a segunda e a terceira sílaba) e o amortecimento (extensão da terceira sílaba) foram medidos como propriedades temporais da chamada. As propriedades espectrais foram as frequências de pico de cada sílaba e o componente de amortecimento. Neste estudo, 1730 chamadas foram registradas de 488 codornas japonesas masculinas. O procedimento de máxima verossimilhança restrita para medidas repetidas foi aplicado para estimar componentes de (co) variância e parâmetros genéticos para as características examinadas. As estimativas de herdabilidade dos parâmetros de chamada das codornas japonesas masculinas variaram entre valores baixos e altos (0,04-0,65) e foram geralmente mais elevadas para as propriedades temporais do que para as propriedades espectrais. Dentre as propriedades temporais da chamada, a maior correlação genética foi entre a primeira e a segunda sílaba (0,96 ± 0,251), enquanto a menor correlação genética foi entre a primeira e a terceira sílaba (0,03 ± 0,231). Correlações genéticas significativas foram geralmente altas e positivas entre as frequências de pico das sílabas. Apesar da falta de padrão aparente, os comprimentos de intervalo tenderam a ter uma correlação positiva com as propriedades espectrais da chamada, mas a correlação dos comprimentos das sílabas com as propriedades espectrais da chamada foi negativa.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Publicidade , Coturnix , FenótipoResumo
A total of 6593 weight records collected from 796 male and female Anglo-Nubian goats aged up to 130 days, offspring from 29 sires and 225 dams, were used to compare models and estimate genetic parameters throughout the growth curve by applying random regression models. Direct and maternal additive genetic effects and direct and maternal permanent environmental effects were included as random in the models. The contemporary groups were included as fixed effects and goat age at kidding was included as a covariable (linear and quadratic). The choice of the best model was based on the AIC, BIC and AICc criteria. Variance estimates of the four random effects increased as the animals aged. Direct heritability (h2) rose from 0.13 to 0.40 with age, whereas maternal heritability showed a low value. Genetic correlations of weight between closer ages were high. The most suitable random regression model to compare the fitting of random effects was that which employed the Legendre polynomials of quadratic order with homogeneous variance (3333-1).(AU)
Utilizaram-se 6593 pesos de 796 caprinos da raça Anglonubiana, coletados em machos e fêmeas com idade até 130 dias, descendentes de 29 reprodutores e 225 matrizes, com o objetivo de se compararem modelos e de se estimarem parâmetros genéticos ao longo da curva de crescimento com aplicação de modelos de regressão aleatória. Nos modelos, incluíram-se os efeitos genéticos aditivos diretos e maternos e os de ambiente permanente diretos e maternos como aleatórios; os grupos de contemporâneos foram incluídos como efeitos fixos, e a idade da cabra ao parto como covariável (linear e quadrática). A escolha do melhor modelo foi realizada pela avaliação dos critérios AIC, BIC e AICc. As estimativas de variâncias dos quatro efeitos aleatórios cresceram de acordo com o aumento da idade. A herdabilidade direta (h2) aumentou de 0,13 a 0,40 com a idade, e a materna apresentou baixo valor. As correlações genéticas do peso entre idades mais próximas foram altas. O modelo de regressão aleatório mais adequado ao se comparar o ajuste dos efeitos aleatórios foi o que empregou polinômios de Legendre de ordem quadrática com variância homogênea (3333-1).(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise de Regressão , Perfil Genético , Hereditariedade , Correlação de DadosResumo
Body weight records of 231,416 Nellore females obtained from the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders were used to determine a linear combination between visual appraisal scores (body structure, precocity and muscling) using principal components analysis (PC), and to verify their genetic association with body weight at 12 months (BW) and age at first calving (AFC). The mixed linear model included the fixed effect of the contemporary group and the linear and quadratic effects of age at calving, random effects of genetic additive, maternal environment and temporary environment. Heritability estimates for BW, PC and AFC were 0.51, 0.30 and 0.17, respectively. Genetic additive correlations between BW and PC; BW and AFC, and PC and AFC were 0.48; -0.31 and -0.55; respectively. Spearman's correlations for the best-ranked bulls based on PC prediction were positive between BW and PC and negative among the other combinations. Heritability estimates and correlations indicate potential genetic gains for BW and CP with reduced AFC in cows. The use of PC allows positive responses on precocity and body weight development.(AU)
Utilizaram-se registros de pesos corporais de 231.416 fêmeas bovinas da raça Nelore, oriundos dos registros da Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Zebu-ABCZ, com o objetivo de estabelecer, por componentes principais, uma combinação linear (CP) das características de escores visuais de estrutura (E), precocidade (P) e musculosidade (M), bem como verificar sua associação genética com o peso corporal aos 12 meses (PC) e à idade ao primeiro parto (IPP). O modelo linear misto utilizado incluiu os efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneos e os efeitos linear e quadrático da idade da vaca ao parto, os efeitos aleatórios genético aditivo, ambiente materno e ambiente temporário. Estimativas de herdabilidade para PC, CP e IPP foram iguais a 0,51; 0,30 e 0,17, respectivamente. Correlações genéticas aditivas entre PC e CP; PC e IPP; e, ainda, CP e IPP foram iguais a 0,48; -0,31 e -0,55, respectivamente. As correlações de Spearman para os melhores reprodutores classificados em relação à predição de CP foram positivas entre PC e CP e negativas entre as demais combinações. Estimativas de herdabilidade e de correlações indicam possibilidade de ganhos genéticos expressivos para PC e CP com redução para IPP nas fêmeas. A utilização de CP possibilita respostas favoráveis para precocidade sexual e desenvolvimento ponderal.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Peso Corporal , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Hereditariedade , PartoResumo
Different polynomial functions were tested for mean trajectory modeling with different residual variance structures. A total of 15,148 weight records of 3,115 Nellore Mocho cattle with ages between 1 and 660 days, raised in northern Brazil. First, the mean trajectory of cattle growth curve was fitted by a fixed regression using orthogonal polynomials with orders ranging from two to seven. Analyses were performed using the least-squares method, disregarding animal and/ or maternal random effects. Then, the best model was evaluated using different residual variance structures and homogeneous and heterogeneous classes. We considered as fixed effects those of groups of contemporary and of dam age at birth (as linear and quadratic covariate). The random model part included animal and maternal effects (direct genetic and permanent environments). We concluded that the estimates of variance components and genetic parameters were affected by both fixed regression curve polynomial order and residual variance structure. Moreover, random regression model considering an order-four polynomial function with a fixed curve and six-class residual variance showed better fits.(AU)
Diferentes funções polinomiais foram avaliadas para a modelagem da trajetória média de crescimento sob diferentes estruturas de variância residual. Utilizaram-se 15.148 registros de pesos de 3.115 bovinos da raça Nelore Mocho com idade entre 1 e 660 dias, criados na região Norte do Brasil. Inicialmente, a trajetória média da população foi ajustada por uma regressão fixa sob polinômios ortogonais da idade com ordens variando de dois a sete. Estas análises foram executadas por meio do método de quadrados mínimos ordinários, desconsiderando os efeitos aleatórios do animal e materno. Posteriormente, o melhor modelo foi avaliado sob diferentes estruturas de variância residual por meio de classes homogêneas e heterogêneas. Os efeitos fixos considerados foram os de grupos de contemporâneos e a idade da mãe ao parto (como covariável linear e quadrática). Na parte aleatória do modelo incluiu-se os efeitos do animal e materno (genéticos diretos e ambientes permanentes). Concluiu-se que as estimativas de componentes de variância e parâmetros genéticos foram afetados tanto pela ordem polinomial da curva de regressão fixa, como pela estrutura da variância residual, e o modelo de regressão aleatória que considerou uma função polinomial de ordem quatro na curva fixa e seis classes de variâncias residuais apresentou o melhor ajuste.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Análise de Regressão , Análise de Variância , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The present study aimed to apply artificial neural networks to predict the breeding values of body weight in 6-month age of Kermani sheep. For this purpose, records of 867 lambs including lamb sex, dam age, birth weight, weaning weight, age at 3-month (3 months old), age at 6-month (6 months old) and body weight at 3 months of age were used. Firstly, genetic parameters of the animals were estimated using ASReml software. The data was then pre-processed for using in MATLAB software. After initial experiments on the appropriate neural network architecture for body weight at 6-month age, two networks were examined. A feed-forward back propagation multilayer perceptron (MLP) algorithm was used and 70% of all data used as training data, 15% as testing data and 15% as validating data, to prevent over-fitting of the artificial neural network. Results showed that the both networks capable to predict breeding values for body weight at 6 month-age in Kermani sheep. It can be concluded that artificial neural network has a good ability to predict growth traits in Kermani sheep with an acceptable speed and accuracy. Therefore, this network, instead of commonly-used procedures can be used to estimate the breeding values for productive and reproductive traits in domestic animals.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/genética , Ovinos/fisiologia , Peso Corporal , Perfil GenéticoResumo
The present study aimed to apply artificial neural networks to predict the breeding values of body weight in 6-month age of Kermani sheep. For this purpose, records of 867 lambs including lamb sex, dam age, birth weight, weaning weight, age at 3-month (3 months old), age at 6-month (6 months old) and body weight at 3 months of age were used. Firstly, genetic parameters of the animals were estimated using ASReml software. The data was then pre-processed for using in MATLAB software. After initial experiments on the appropriate neural network architecture for body weight at 6-month age, two networks were examined. A feed-forward back propagation multilayer perceptron (MLP) algorithm was used and 70% of all data used as training data, 15% as testing data and 15% as validating data, to prevent over-fitting of the artificial neural network. Results showed that the both networks capable to predict breeding values for body weight at 6 month-age in Kermani sheep. It can be concluded that artificial neural network has a good ability to predict growth traits in Kermani sheep with an acceptable speed and accuracy. Therefore, this network, instead of commonly-used procedures can be used to estimate the breeding values for productive and reproductive traits in domestic animals.
Animais , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ovinos/genética , Perfil Genético , Peso CorporalResumo
Utilizaram-se registros de pesos corporais padronizados aos 120, 210, 365 e 450 dias de idade, provenientes de 30.481 animais da raça Nelore, progênies de 211 reprodutores acasalados com 19.229 matrizes, oriundos de rebanhos dos estados de Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul e Goiás, com o objetivo de avaliar a presença de interação genótipo x ambiente entre os estados. As estimativas de herdabilidade entre os estados variaram de 0,09 a 0,14; 0,11 a 0,17; 0,16 a 0,27 e 0,17 a 0,35, respectivamente, para os pesos 120, 210, 365 e 450 dias de idade. As estimativas de correlação genética aditiva entre a mesma característica para os diferentes estados apresentaram valores inferiores a 0,80. As correlações de Spearman entre os valores genéticos para os pesos corporais se reduziram à medida que se aumentou a intensidade de seleção sobre os reprodutores. A presença de interação genótipo x ambiente causa maior impacto sobre a avaliação genética dos reprodutores sob intensidade de seleção elevada, sendo interessante sua consideração no processo de avaliação genética. Estimativas de tendências genéticas para todos os pesos corporais apresentaram-se crescentes ao longo dos anos nos três estados.(AU)
Data of adjusted alive weights at 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age of 30,481 records of animals of the Nellore beef cattle breed from herds of states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goiás were used to study the influence of environment genotype interaction on genetic evaluation of sires. Estimates of heritability between the states ranged from 0.09 to 0.14; 0.11 to 0.17; 0.16 to 0.27 and 0.17 to 0.35, respectively for live weights 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age. The estimates of additive genetic correlation between the same characteristic for the different states presented values lower than 0.80. Spearman correlations between breeding values obtained from live weights of sires lowered as the intensity of selection on sires increased. The presence of environment genotype interaction has greater impact on the genetic evaluation of breeding under high intensity of selection, being an interesting consideration in the process of genetic evaluation. Estimates of genetic trends for all body weights have been increasing over the years in all three states.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/genética , Meio Ambiente , Genótipo , Criação de Animais Domésticos/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
The objective of this research was to evaluate royal jelly production from Africanized honeybee queens of different lineages (lineage selected for honey production, lineage selected for royal jelly production and unselected) produced by single and double grafting and to compare royal jelly production among their offspring. Data were tested by double factorial analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The parameters evaluated were: queen weight at emergence, percentage of larvae acceptance in the upper and lower bars, royal jelly per cup (mg) and royal jelly per colony/collection (g). Queens selected for honey presented greater weight at emergence, while the unselected queens were the lightest. Double grafting was better than simple grafting, since the queens were born 2.38% heavier. There was no difference (p > 0.05) in relation to royal jelly production according to neither the lineage nor even comparing the method by which the queens were produced. The cost of labor to produce queens by double grafting was much higher, as by the simple grafting about 170% more queens were born. The potential of Africanized honeybees with adequate production management and favorable environmental conditions favors the production of royal jelly.(AU)
Animais , Abelhas/química , Abelhas/fisiologia , Transplante , Abelhas/genéticaResumo
Utilizaram-se registros de pesos corporais padronizados aos 120, 210, 365 e 450 dias de idade, provenientes de 30.481 animais da raça Nelore, progênies de 211 reprodutores acasalados com 19.229 matrizes, oriundos de rebanhos dos estados de Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul e Goiás, com o objetivo de avaliar a presença de interação genótipo x ambiente entre os estados. As estimativas de herdabilidade entre os estados variaram de 0,09 a 0,14; 0,11 a 0,17; 0,16 a 0,27 e 0,17 a 0,35, respectivamente, para os pesos 120, 210, 365 e 450 dias de idade. As estimativas de correlação genética aditiva entre a mesma característica para os diferentes estados apresentaram valores inferiores a 0,80. As correlações de Spearman entre os valores genéticos para os pesos corporais se reduziram à medida que se aumentou a intensidade de seleção sobre os reprodutores. A presença de interação genótipo x ambiente causa maior impacto sobre a avaliação genética dos reprodutores sob intensidade de seleção elevada, sendo interessante sua consideração no processo de avaliação genética. Estimativas de tendências genéticas para todos os pesos corporais apresentaram-se crescentes ao longo dos anos nos três estados.(AU)
Data of adjusted alive weights at 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age of 30,481 records of animals of the Nellore beef cattle breed from herds of states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goiás were used to study the influence of environment genotype interaction on genetic evaluation of sires. Estimates of heritability between the states ranged from 0.09 to 0.14; 0.11 to 0.17; 0.16 to 0.27 and 0.17 to 0.35, respectively for live weights 120, 210, 365 and 450 days of age. The estimates of additive genetic correlation between the same characteristic for the different states presented values lower than 0.80. Spearman correlations between breeding values obtained from live weights of sires lowered as the intensity of selection on sires increased. The presence of environment genotype interaction has greater impact on the genetic evaluation of breeding under high intensity of selection, being an interesting consideration in the process of genetic evaluation. Estimates of genetic trends for all body weights have been increasing over the years in all three states.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Seleção Genética , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/genética , Meio Ambiente , Genótipo , Criação de Animais Domésticos/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate genetic variances and covariances among features of the male Japanese quail advertisement call. Duration of the first, second and third syllable, the length of interval 1 (between the first and the second syllable), interval 2 (between the second and the third syllable) and damping (extension of the third syllable) were measured as temporal properties of the call. Spectral properties were peak frequencies of each syllable and the damping component. In this study, 1730 calls were recorded from 488 male Japanese quail. The restricted maximum likelihood procedure for repeated measurements was applied to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for the examined traits. Heritability estimates of call parameters of the male Japanese quail ranged from low to high values (0.04-0.65) and they were generally higher for temporal properties than for spectral properties. Among the temporal properties of the call, the highest genetic correlation was between the first and the second syllable (0.96±0.251) while the lowest genetic correlation was between the first and the third syllable (0.03±0.231). Significant genetic correlations were generally high and positive among peak frequencies of the syllables. Despite the lack of apparent pattern, interval lengths tended to have positive correlation with spectral properties of the call, but the correlation of syllable lengths with spectral properties of the call was negative.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as variâncias e covariâncias genéticas entre as características do canto de anúncio de codornas japonesas. A duração da primeira, segunda e terceira sílaba, o comprimento do intervalo 1 (entre a primeira e a segunda sílaba), o intervalo 2 (entre a segunda e a terceira sílaba) e o amortecimento (extensão da terceira sílaba) foram medidos como propriedades temporais da chamada. As propriedades espectrais foram as frequências de pico de cada sílaba e o componente de amortecimento. Neste estudo, 1730 chamadas foram registradas de 488 codornas japonesas masculinas. O procedimento de máxima verossimilhança restrita para medidas repetidas foi aplicado para estimar componentes de (co) variância e parâmetros genéticos para as características examinadas. As estimativas de herdabilidade dos parâmetros de chamada das codornas japonesas masculinas variaram entre valores baixos e altos (0,04-0,65) e foram geralmente mais elevadas para as propriedades temporais do que para as propriedades espectrais. Dentre as propriedades temporais da chamada, a maior correlação genética foi entre a primeira e a segunda sílaba (0,96 ± 0,251), enquanto a menor correlação genética foi entre a primeira e a terceira sílaba (0,03 ± 0,231). Correlações genéticas significativas foram geralmente altas e positivas entre as frequências de pico das sílabas. Apesar da falta de padrão aparente, os comprimentos de intervalo tenderam a ter uma correlação positiva com as propriedades espectrais da chamada, mas a correlação dos comprimentos das sílabas com as propriedades espectrais da chamada foi negativa.
The objective of this research was to evaluate royal jelly production from Africanized honeybee queens of different lineages (lineage selected for honey production, lineage selected for royal jelly production and unselected) produced by single and double grafting and to compare royal jelly production among their offspring. Data were tested by double factorial analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The parameters evaluated were: queen weight at emergence, percentage of larvae acceptance in the upper and lower bars, royal jelly per cup (mg) and royal jelly per colony/collection (g). Queens selected for honey presented greater weight at emergence, while the unselected queens were the lightest. Double grafting was better than simple grafting, since the queens were born 2.38% heavier. There was no difference (p > 0.05) in relation to royal jelly production according to neither the lineage nor even comparing the method by which the queens were produced. The cost of labor to produce queens by double grafting was much higher, as by the simple grafting about 170% more queens were born. The potential of Africanized honeybees with adequate production management and favorable environmental conditions favors the production of royal jelly.