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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(03): 1-9, July 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32910


Environmental pollution is the unfavorable alteration of our environment, wholly or mainly as a by-product of human actions, by the direct or indirect effects of changes in energy patterns, radiation levels, the chemical and physical constitution, and the abundance of the organisms. Thus, the environment's pollution is one of the most severe problems humanity and other forms of life face today on our planet, and this population makes severe disruption. The xenobiotic substances responsible for this pollution are numerous and diverse due to multiple human activities that can be the source. However, attention mainly focuses on fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals, and certain petrochemicals of significant consumption, such as solvents. The purpose of this study is to highlight the reprotoxic and hepatotoxic effects of Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (EGME) on male Wistar rats. Male Wistar rats were exposed to Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Etheralone (EGME) (500 mg/kg), combined with the aqueous extract of the pollen grains of Sinapis arvensis (P-EGME) (300mg/kg), in addition to the control (T) and positive control (P) groups for a period of 4 weeks by gavage, to estimate the protective role of this plant against the intoxication of EGME. The results show that EGME can induce reprotoxic effects revealed by a reduction in testes and epididymis mass accompanied by decreased male fertility indicators (sperm concentration). The results also show that treatment with EGME caused a reduction in the red blood cell number, hemoglobin and hematocrit rate, white blood cells in the treated groups compared to the control groups. The present study revealed that treatment with Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (EGME) under the same experimental conditions could affect several biological markers, especially male fertility. Besides, the protective activity of the wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) pollen in the face of cellular [...] (AU)

Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Ratos Wistar/sangue , Ratos Wistar/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Solventes/intoxicação , Solventes/toxicidade , Fígado/anormalidades , Sinapis/efeitos adversos , Éter/toxicidade , Poluição Ambiental/efeitos adversos
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(3): 1-9, July 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484358


Environmental pollution is the unfavorable alteration of our environment, wholly or mainly as a by-product of human actions, by the direct or indirect effects of changes in energy patterns, radiation levels, the chemical and physical constitution, and the abundance of the organisms. Thus, the environment's pollution is one of the most severe problems humanity and other forms of life face today on our planet, and this population makes severe disruption. The xenobiotic substances responsible for this pollution are numerous and diverse due to multiple human activities that can be the source. However, attention mainly focuses on fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals, and certain petrochemicals of significant consumption, such as solvents. The purpose of this study is to highlight the reprotoxic and hepatotoxic effects of Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (EGME) on male Wistar rats. Male Wistar rats were exposed to Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Etheralone (EGME) (500 mg/kg), combined with the aqueous extract of the pollen grains of Sinapis arvensis (P-EGME) (300mg/kg), in addition to the control (T) and positive control (P) groups for a period of 4 weeks by gavage, to estimate the protective role of this plant against the intoxication of EGME. The results show that EGME can induce reprotoxic effects revealed by a reduction in testes and epididymis mass accompanied by decreased male fertility indicators (sperm concentration). The results also show that treatment with EGME caused a reduction in the red blood cell number, hemoglobin and hematocrit rate, white blood cells in the treated groups compared to the control groups. The present study revealed that treatment with Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (EGME) under the same experimental conditions could affect several biological markers, especially male fertility. Besides, the protective activity of the wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) pollen in the face of cellular [...]

Masculino , Animais , Camundongos , Fígado/anormalidades , Ratos Wistar/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ratos Wistar/sangue , Sinapis/efeitos adversos , Solventes/intoxicação , Solventes/toxicidade , Poluição Ambiental/efeitos adversos , Éter/toxicidade
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-208433


O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de investigar, pela primeira vez: os efeitos da administração prolongada de sementes Senna occidentalis (S. occidentalis) em órgãos hematopoiéticos de ratos, utilizando metodologias que poderão ser sugeridas para estudo pré-clínico de medicamentos. Avaliou-se nestes animais: consumo de ração e água; peso médio semanal; parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos; padrões histopatológicos; estoque de ferro e ensaios clonogênicos. O estudo foi realizado em ratos Wistar machos de 90 dias de idade, os quais foram expostos a diferentes concentrações de S. occidentalis na ração, a saber: 0% (controle), 0,5% (So0,5%), 1% (So1%) e 2% (So2%) durante 90 dias. Foi importante incluir um grupo pair-fed (PF), o qual recebeu a mesma quantidade de ração consumida pelo grupo So2%, porém, isenta da planta, uma vez que a S. occidentalis é sabidamente anorexígena. O presente estudo demonstrou que os ratos do grupo So2% apresentaram diminuição no número de leucócitos totais bem como alterações nos parâmetros referentes a série vermelha, tais como diminuição do VCM e HCM, caracterizando uma anemia microcítica hipocrômica. Os dados do hemograma corroboram as alterações observadas no mielograma destes animais, uma vez que foi constatada a redução significante da relação Mielóide/Eritróide (M/E) e, portanto, um possível efeito tóxico da S. occidentalis sobre a medula óssea durante o tratamento de 90 dias. A redução significante da relação M/E nos animais pertencentes aos diferentes grupos experimentais ocorreu devido ao aumento progressivo de eritroblastos jovens e policromáticos na medula óssea destes animais. Índices baixos da relação M/E podem estar associados a uma anemia regenerativa em função de hemólise extravascular ou, ainda, à eritropoiese ineficaz. A partir do mielograma observou-se, também, redução significante de células blásticas e de todos os tipos celulares, especialmente, da linhagem granulocítica, com predomínio da linhagem linfocitária. No entanto, uma vez que os linfócitos estão, continuadamente, recirculando, o aumento ou a diminuição destas células não reflete, necessariamente, alteração na linfopoiese. A análise anatomopatológica da medula óssea de animais dos grupos experimentais apontou um aumento progressivo da celularidade, caracterizando hiperplasia medular. Estes resultados se correlacionam aos dados do mielograma. Na anemia regenerativa ocorre diminuição da sobrevida das hemácias na circulação, resultante de hemólise extravascular realizada por macrófagos, especialmente, do tecido esplênico. Assim, o tratamento prolongado com S. occidentalis poderia estar associado ao um processo hemolítico, haja vista a observação de aumento do peso relativo deste órgão; acúmulo de hemossiderina no baço e ainda, reticulocitose em animais tratados com esta planta. O tratamento de 90 dias com S. occidentalis promoveu, também, redução significante na celularidade do baço bem como alterações anatomopatológicas, incluindo espessamento de cápsula e rarefação celular. Os ensaios clonogênicos padronizados neste estudo apontaram redução da porcentagem de colônias BFU-E e CFU-E em animais do grupo So2%, indicando uma provável ação tóxica da S.occidentalis sobre os progenitores medulares. A partir dos dados apresentados no presente estudo, pode-se concluir que o tratamento por 90 dias com S. occidentalis na ração é hematotóxico. Além disto, os resultados aqui obtidos bem como as metodologias empregadas poderão contribuir para o estabelecimento de um protocolo de hematotoxicidade, haja vista que informações relacionadas aso mecanismos de hematopoiese; metabolismo de ferro; características histológicas e citológicas de órgãos hematopoiéticos (baço e medula óssea) de ratos foram levadas em consideração para a realização deste estudo.

The purpose of this study was to investigate, for the first time: the effects of long term administration of Senna occidentalis (S. occidentalis) seeds in hematopoietic organs of rats, using methodology that can be suggested for pre-clinical studies. We evaluated some parameters in these animals: feed intake and water; weight body; hematological and biochemical parameters; histopathology; iron stores and clonogenic assays. The study was conducted in 90-day-old male Wistar rats, which were exposed to different concentrations of S. occidentalis in feed, ie: 0% (control), 0.5% (So0.5%), 1% (So1%) and 2 % (So2%) for 90 days. It was important to include a pair-fed group (PF), which received the same amount of feed consumed by So2% group, however, without the plant, once S. occidentalis is known anorectic. This study showed that rats from So2% group presented a decrease in the number of total leukocytes as well as changes in the parameters for the red series, such as decrease in MCV and MCH values, featuring a hypochromic anemia. The blood count results corroborate the findings from bone marrow smears of these animals, since it was found the significant reduction ratio Myeloid / Erythroid (M / L) and, therefore, a possible toxic effect of the S. occidentalis on the bone marrow during the treatment of 90 days. The significant reduction in the ratio M / E in animals belonging to different experimental groups occurred due to the progressive increase of young and polychromatic erythrocytes in the bone marrow of these animals. Low levels of M / E ratio may be associated with a regenerative anemia in extravascular hemolysis function or even the ineffective erythropoiesis. From the myelogram there was also a significant reduction of blast cells and all cell types, especially of granulocytic lineage, with a predominance of lymphoid lineage. However, since lymphocytes are, continuously by recirculating the increase or decrease in these cells do not necessarily reflect changes in lymphopoiesis. The pathological examination of the bone marrow of the experimental group animals showed a progressive increase in cellularity, featuring medullary hyperplasia. These results correlate to myelogram. In the regenerative anemia occurs a decreased survival of red blood cells in the circulation, resulting from extravascular hemolysis performed by macrophages, especially in the splenic tissue. Thus, the long term administration of S. occidentalis seeds could be associated with hemolytic process, due to the observation of an increase in the relative weight of this body; hemosiderin accumulation in the spleen and also increased reticulocytes in animals treated with this plant. The treatment with S. occidentalis promoted also significant reduction in cellularity of the spleen and pathological changes, including capsule and cell thinning thickening. Clonogenic assays showed decreased percentage of BFU-E and CFU-E colonies in animals from So2% group, indicating a probable toxic action of S.occidentalis on medullary progenitors. Therefore, the treatment for 90 days with S. occidentalis in feed is promotes blood toxicity.