As disfunções hormonais podem interagir com eixo hipotalamo-hipófise-gônadas (H/H/G) resultando em alteração da espermatogênese e impactando negativamente a fertilidade dos machos. As endocrinopatias na espécie canina são mais frequentes nas fêmeas e muitas vezes os sinais clínicos iniciais envolvem alopecias e alterações de peso, comportamento e de metabolismo. As disfunções hormonais comuns em cães machos incluem o hipotireoidismo, hiperplasia prostática benigna e os tumores testiculares. Cães idosos geralmente apresentam alterações hormonais dependentes da idade, mas a literatura é escassa e conflitante em relação a esta condição, assim o objetivo dessa revisão é informar e atualizar conceitos relacionados às disfunções hormonais que podem causar infertilidade em cães machos com vistas a ferramentas mais modernas de diagnósticos e avaliação seminal.(AU)
Hormonal dysfunctions may interact with hypothalamus, pituitary, gonads (H/H/G) axis resulting in altered spermatogenesis and negatively impacting male fertility. Endocrinopathies in the canine species are more frequent in females and often the initial clinical signs involve alopecia and changes in weight, behavior, and metabolism. Common hormonal dysfunctions in male dogs include hypothyroidism, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and testicular tumors. Older dogs usually present age- dependent hormonal changes, but the literature is scarce and conflicting regarding this condition, thus the aim of this review is to inform and update concepts related to hormonal dysfunctions that can cause infertility in male dogs with a view to more modern diagnostic tools and seminal evaluation.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Hiperplasia Prostática/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico , Cães/fisiologia , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Próstata , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Infertilidade/veterináriaResumo
Piometra é uma doença que afeta o útero de fêmeas causando infecção e inflamação com acúmulo de grande quantidade de exsudato purulento ou mucopurulento. Ocorre em todas as espécies domésticas, sendo mais comum em cadelas e vacas. Sua importância em cada espécie está relacionada ao número de casos e sua severidade, dentro de suas particularidades. O objetivo com esta revisão foi reunir estudos referentes à piometra em fêmeas domésticas, incluindo a epidemiologia, sinais clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento nas principais espécies acometidas.
Pyometra is a disease that affects the uterus of females causing infection and inflammation with an accumulation of large amounts of purulent or mucopurulent exudate. It occurs in all domestic species, being more common in bitches and cows. Its importance in each species is related to the number of cases and its severity, within its particularities. The objective of this review was to gather studies referring to pyometra in domestic females, including epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment in the main species affected.
La piometra es una enfermedad que afecta el útero de las hembras causando infección e inflamación com acumulación de grandes cantidades de exudado purulento o mucopurulento. Ocurre en todas las espécies domésticas, siendo más frecuente en perras y vacas. Su importancia en cada especie está relacionada con el número de casos y su severidad, dentro de sus particularidades. El objetivo de esta revisión fue reunir estudios sobre piometra en hembras domésticas, incluyendo epidemiología, signos clínicos, diagnóstico y tratamiento en las principales especies afectadas.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Bovinos , Cães , Coelhos , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Piometra/patologia , Piometra/veterinária , Infecções do Sistema Genital/veterinária , CavalosResumo
Background: Feline mammary hyperplasia (FMH) is a benign disease that commonly affects young females, once it iscaused by the exaggerated stimulation of endogenous or exogenous progestogen. FMH leads to acute edema and inflammation of the mammary glands and frequently evolve to ulcerations, secondary infections, and systemic clinical signs.Even though it is rare in male cats, progesterone therapy or an unknown endogenous source of hormone can cause thedisease. This report aims to describe a case of FMH in a male feline with no history of hormonal treatment and treatedwith radical surgical resection.Case: A 7-month-old intact male domestic shorthair cat was presented due to acute onset of generalized mammary tumorswhich had progressed for 18 days. Tumors size had 5 cm large in diameter, symmetric, bilateral, and affected all mammaryglands. The tissue was firm, hyperemic, and ulcerated. FMH was initially suspected but with a differential diagnosis formammary adenocarcinoma. Except for pain on tumor palpation, there was no other clinical abnormality. Survey thoracicradiographs and abdominal ultrasound did not find signs of metastasis or hermaphroditism. Fine-needle aspirate biopsy andfurther cytological examination were inconclusive. Surgical resection through a single-stage bilateral total mastectomy andreconstruction using a left flank fold flap was elected. There were no intraoperative complications and the cat recoveredwell, with good healing and no clinical signs 21 days after the surgery. Histological examination of the mammary glandsconfirmed the diagnosis of FMH due to the non-neoplastic characteristics and tissues benign biological behavior. Elevenmonths after diagnosis, the cat was asymptomatic.Discussion: The FMH frequently affects young females and is associated with gestational periods, the end of the estrouscycle, and, most commonly, hormonal therapy with synthetic progesterone. Male cats are rarely affected with or...
Masculino , Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato , Gatos/cirurgia , Hiperplasia/veterinária , Mastectomia/veterinária , Amoxicilina , Meloxicam , TramadolResumo
Background: Feline mammary hyperplasia (FMH) is a benign disease that commonly affects young females, once it iscaused by the exaggerated stimulation of endogenous or exogenous progestogen. FMH leads to acute edema and inflammation of the mammary glands and frequently evolve to ulcerations, secondary infections, and systemic clinical signs.Even though it is rare in male cats, progesterone therapy or an unknown endogenous source of hormone can cause thedisease. This report aims to describe a case of FMH in a male feline with no history of hormonal treatment and treatedwith radical surgical resection.Case: A 7-month-old intact male domestic shorthair cat was presented due to acute onset of generalized mammary tumorswhich had progressed for 18 days. Tumors size had 5 cm large in diameter, symmetric, bilateral, and affected all mammaryglands. The tissue was firm, hyperemic, and ulcerated. FMH was initially suspected but with a differential diagnosis formammary adenocarcinoma. Except for pain on tumor palpation, there was no other clinical abnormality. Survey thoracicradiographs and abdominal ultrasound did not find signs of metastasis or hermaphroditism. Fine-needle aspirate biopsy andfurther cytological examination were inconclusive. Surgical resection through a single-stage bilateral total mastectomy andreconstruction using a left flank fold flap was elected. There were no intraoperative complications and the cat recoveredwell, with good healing and no clinical signs 21 days after the surgery. Histological examination of the mammary glandsconfirmed the diagnosis of FMH due to the non-neoplastic characteristics and tissues benign biological behavior. Elevenmonths after diagnosis, the cat was asymptomatic.Discussion: The FMH frequently affects young females and is associated with gestational periods, the end of the estrouscycle, and, most commonly, hormonal therapy with synthetic progesterone. Male cats are rarely affected with or...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Hiperplasia/veterinária , Doenças do Gato , Gatos/cirurgia , Mastectomia/veterinária , Meloxicam , Tramadol , AmoxicilinaResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To investigate whether renal modifications occur following treatment with dutasteride or finasteride. Methods: Twenty-four male rats were divided into three groups: control (that received distilled water), dutasteride (0.5 mg/kg/day), and finasteride (5 mg/kg/day) groups. All administrations were given by gavage for 40 consecutive days. After inducing euthanasia, blood was collected for urea and creatinine analyses, and both the kidneys were collected for stereological analyses of kidney morphology. Results: Serum urea and creatinine levels were increased in both the finasteride and the dutasteride groups compared with those in the control group. In addition, kidney weight, kidney volume, cortical volume, glomerular volumetric density, and mean glomerular volume were reduced in both treatment groups. Finally, the number of glomeruli per kidney was reduced by 26.8% in the finasteride group and by 51.6% in the dutasteride group compared with that in the control group. Conclusions: The 5-ARIs finasteride and dutasteride promoted morphological and functional damages in rat kidneys. In addition, rats in the dutasteride group showed more severe renal modifications than those in the finasteride group.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Finasterida , Inibidores de 5-alfa Redutase , Dutasterida , RimResumo
Pyometra is frequently diagnosed in female dogs, and it is characterized by endometrial inflammation, accumulation of purulent exudate within the lumen, and bacterial infection. In the dog, pyometra affects more often aged nulliparous bitches during the luteal phase. Pathogenesis of pyometra is multifactorial and progesterone seems to be a key factor. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia has been described as a predisposing condition for canine pyometra. However, a recent study demonstrated that cystic endometrial hyperplasia is not significantly associated with naturally occurring pyometra, whereas there is a significant association of this condition with pseudoplacentational endometrial hyperplasia. The aim of this review is to provide an update on canine pyometra, with focus on its association with uterine hyperplasic lesions, which supports a proposal for adoption of more adequate diagnostic terminology.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães , Endometrite , Hiperplasia Endometrial/diagnóstico , Piometra/classificação , Piometra/diagnósticoResumo
The herbicide Dormex®, a solution of hydrogen cyanamide, is a growth regulator capable of breaking the dormancy of fruit plants, and is commonly applied in agriculture. However, the biological effects of this product on non-target organisms are unknown. The present study investigated the biological response of Astyanax lacustris (Lütken, 1875) specimens exposed to Dormex® using a chromosome aberration test, the mitotic index, and the histological analysis of the gills. Forty specimens of Astyanax lacustris were obtained from a local breeding facility and divided into 10 groups (nine experimental and one control) with four fish in each aquarium (group). The control group was maintained for 24 hours in dechlorinated water while the experimental groups were allocated to one of nine different treatments, with three concentrations of Dormex®, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 mL L-1, and exposure for 24, 48 and 72 hours. The fish exposed to Dormex® presented chromosomal aberrations of a number of types, including chromosomal breaks, acentric fragments, decondensation, and gaps at the three Dormex® concentrations, at all exposure times. The mitotic index decreased significantly in comparison with the control group. The histological preparations of the gills revealed alterations such as hyperplasia, and lamellar fusion and edema, whereas in the control group the structure of the gills was preserved. The cytogenetic analysis revealed the genotoxic potential of the herbicide Dormex® and the morphological alterations of the gills demonstrated the sensitivity of the fish, which responded rapidly to the stressor. These findings reinforce the need for special care and restrictions on the use of these herbicides in agricultural areas located near aquatic environments.
Animais , Análise Citogenética/veterinária , Biomarcadores Farmacológicos , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Characidae/genética , Cianeto de Hidrogênio/análise , HerbicidasResumo
The herbicide Dormex®, a solution of hydrogen cyanamide, is a growth regulator capable of breaking the dormancy of fruit plants, and is commonly applied in agriculture. However, the biological effects of this product on non-target organisms are unknown. The present study investigated the biological response of Astyanax lacustris (Lütken, 1875) specimens exposed to Dormex® using a chromosome aberration test, the mitotic index, and the histological analysis of the gills. Forty specimens of Astyanax lacustris were obtained from a local breeding facility and divided into 10 groups (nine experimental and one control) with four fish in each aquarium (group). The control group was maintained for 24 hours in dechlorinated water while the experimental groups were allocated to one of nine different treatments, with three concentrations of Dormex®, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 mL L-1, and exposure for 24, 48 and 72 hours. The fish exposed to Dormex® presented chromosomal aberrations of a number of types, including chromosomal breaks, acentric fragments, decondensation, and gaps at the three Dormex® concentrations, at all exposure times. The mitotic index decreased significantly in comparison with the control group. The histological preparations of the gills revealed alterations such as hyperplasia, and lamellar fusion and edema, whereas in the control group the structure of the gills was preserved. The cytogenetic analysis revealed the genotoxic potential of the herbicide Dormex® and the morphological alterations of the gills demonstrated the sensitivity of the fish, which responded rapidly to the stressor. These findings reinforce the need for special care and restrictions on the use of these herbicides in agricultural areas located near aquatic environments.(AU)
Animais , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Characidae/genética , Análise Citogenética/veterinária , Cianeto de Hidrogênio/análise , Biomarcadores Farmacológicos , HerbicidasResumo
Pyometra is frequently diagnosed in female dogs, and it is characterized by endometrial inflammation, accumulation of purulent exudate within the lumen, and bacterial infection. In the dog, pyometra affects more often aged nulliparous bitches during the luteal phase. Pathogenesis of pyometra is multifactorial and progesterone seems to be a key factor. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia has been described as a predisposing condition for canine pyometra. However, a recent study demonstrated that cystic endometrial hyperplasia is not significantly associated with naturally occurring pyometra, whereas there is a significant association of this condition with pseudoplacentational endometrial hyperplasia. The aim of this review is to provide an update on canine pyometra, with focus on its association with uterine hyperplasic lesions, which supports a proposal for adoption of more adequate diagnostic terminology.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cães , Piometra/classificação , Piometra/diagnóstico , Hiperplasia Endometrial/diagnóstico , EndometriteResumo
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da administração em dose única de progestágenos em fêmeas caninas hígidas, as quais nunca haviam recebido tais fármacos. Foram selecionadas 20 cadelas, que foram examinadas clinicamente e por meio de exames complementares. Nessas cadelas, foi aplicado medroxiprogesterona por via subcutânea. Noventa dias após, as fêmeas foram esterilizadas cirurgicamente, sendo os tecidos reprodutivos encaminhados para histopatologia. Foi possível verificar que, aos 30 dias, 12 animais (60%) apresentaram hiperplasia mamária. Aos 90 dias, 18 animais (90%) apresentavam sinais de hiperplasia endometrial cística, tendo cinco (27,77%) destes animais apresentado conteúdo purulento no lúmen uterino. No exame microscópico, apenas uma fêmea não demonstrou alterações patológicas, sendo a única que recebeu o contraceptivo na fase correta (anestro). As demais fêmeas apresentaram alterações que variaram entre alterações circulatórias a hiperplasia endometrial cística grave. Assim, foi possível concluir que uma única aplicação de anticoncepcional em fêmeas hígidas pode causar complicações leves a graves.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Progestinas/uso terapêutico , Anticoncepcionais/administração & dosagem , Anticoncepcionais/efeitos adversos , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Medroxiprogesterona/administração & dosagemResumo
Hematological and serum biochemical characteristics and prevalence of microorganisms in the uterine content of bitches with pyometra were described, according to type and age. This study was carried out at the Veterinary Medicine Hospital Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto of the UFBA with 132 patients diagnosed with pyometra through imaging and laboratory tests, divided into two groups: Group 1 - less than eight years (n=72) and Group 2 - more than eight years (n=60). Both groups were submitted to Ovariohysterectomy (OH), in which blood and uterine lumen secretion samples were collected. The highest incidence of pyometra was found in bitches under 8 years (54.5%), Poodle breed (31.8%) and mixed-breed (27.3%). Open pyometra represented 80.3% of all cases. The death rate (6.0%) did not show significant difference between the types. Anemia (73.0%), thrombocytopenia (41.2%) and leukocytosis (77.0%) were observed. Urea and ALP were above the reference values in 41.8% and 52.2% of each group, respectively, while ALT (94.0%) and creatine (82%) remained normal in most animals. Serum biochemistry did not show significant differences (P<0.05). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. grew in 33.3% and 16.7% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, no significant hematological and serum biochemical differences were observed in bitches with pyometra in both age categories.
Descreveu-se características hematológicas, bioquímicas séricas e prevalência de microrganismos no conteúdo uterino de cadelas com piometra, de acordo com o tipo e idade. Realizou-se este estudo no Hospital de Medicina Veterinária Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto da UFBA com 132 pacientes diagnosticadas com piometra, por exames de imagem e laboratoriais, divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 menos de oito anos (n=72) e Grupo 2 mais de oito anos (n=60), submetidas a Ovariectomia (OH), quando se coletou amostras de sangue e secreção do lúmen uterino. A incidência maior deu-se em cadelas abaixo de 8 anos (54,5%), da raça Poodle (31,8%) e sem raça definida (SRD) (27,3%), sendo 80,3% de piometra aberta. A taxa de óbito (6,0%) não apresentou diferença significativa entre os tipos. Observou-se a ocorrência de anemia (73,0%), trombocitopenia (41,2%) e leucocitose (77,0%). Os valores de ureia e FA estiveram acima dos valores de referência em 41,8% e 52,2% das cadelas respectivamente, enquanto a ALT (94,0%) e a creatina (82%) mantiveram-se dentro dos valores de referência na maioria dos animais. A bioquímica sérica não apresentou diferenças significativas (P<0,05). Observou-se crescimento de Escherichia coli e Klebsiella sp. em 33,3% e 16,7% das amostras, respectivamente. Sendo assim, não se observou diferenças significativas hematológicas e na bioquímica sérica de cadelas com piometra nas categorias de idade.
Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Piometra/veterinária , Bioquímica , Fatores Etários , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Testes Hematológicos/veterináriaResumo
Hematological and serum biochemical characteristics and prevalence of microorganisms in the uterine content of bitches with pyometra were described, according to type and age. This study was carried out at the Veterinary Medicine Hospital Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto of the UFBA with 132 patients diagnosed with pyometra through imaging and laboratory tests, divided into two groups: Group 1 - less than eight years (n=72) and Group 2 - more than eight years (n=60). Both groups were submitted to Ovariohysterectomy (OH), in which blood and uterine lumen secretion samples were collected. The highest incidence of pyometra was found in bitches under 8 years (54.5%), Poodle breed (31.8%) and mixed-breed (27.3%). Open pyometra represented 80.3% of all cases. The death rate (6.0%) did not show significant difference between the types. Anemia (73.0%), thrombocytopenia (41.2%) and leukocytosis (77.0%) were observed. Urea and ALP were above the reference values in 41.8% and 52.2% of each group, respectively, while ALT (94.0%) and creatine (82%) remained normal in most animals. Serum biochemistry did not show significant differences (P<0.05). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. grew in 33.3% and 16.7% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, no significant hematological and serum biochemical differences were observed in bitches with pyometra in both age categories.(AU)
Descreveu-se características hematológicas, bioquímicas séricas e prevalência de microrganismos no conteúdo uterino de cadelas com piometra, de acordo com o tipo e idade. Realizou-se este estudo no Hospital de Medicina Veterinária Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto da UFBA com 132 pacientes diagnosticadas com piometra, por exames de imagem e laboratoriais, divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 menos de oito anos (n=72) e Grupo 2 mais de oito anos (n=60), submetidas a Ovariectomia (OH), quando se coletou amostras de sangue e secreção do lúmen uterino. A incidência maior deu-se em cadelas abaixo de 8 anos (54,5%), da raça Poodle (31,8%) e sem raça definida (SRD) (27,3%), sendo 80,3% de piometra aberta. A taxa de óbito (6,0%) não apresentou diferença significativa entre os tipos. Observou-se a ocorrência de anemia (73,0%), trombocitopenia (41,2%) e leucocitose (77,0%). Os valores de ureia e FA estiveram acima dos valores de referência em 41,8% e 52,2% das cadelas respectivamente, enquanto a ALT (94,0%) e a creatina (82%) mantiveram-se dentro dos valores de referência na maioria dos animais. A bioquímica sérica não apresentou diferenças significativas (P<0,05). Observou-se crescimento de Escherichia coli e Klebsiella sp. em 33,3% e 16,7% das amostras, respectivamente. Sendo assim, não se observou diferenças significativas hematológicas e na bioquímica sérica de cadelas com piometra nas categorias de idade.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/sangue , Piometra/classificação , Piometra/diagnóstico , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Biomarcadores/análise , Biomarcadores/sangue , Útero , Infecções BacterianasResumo
Hematological and serum biochemical characteristics and prevalence of microorganisms in the uterine content of bitches with pyometra were described, according to type and age. This study was carried out at the Veterinary Medicine Hospital Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto of the UFBA with 132 patients diagnosed with pyometra through imaging and laboratory tests, divided into two groups: Group 1 - less than eight years (n=72) and Group 2 - more than eight years (n=60). Both groups were submitted to Ovariohysterectomy (OH), in which blood and uterine lumen secretion samples were collected. The highest incidence of pyometra was found in bitches under 8 years (54.5%), Poodle breed (31.8%) and mixed-breed (27.3%). Open pyometra represented 80.3% of all cases. The death rate (6.0%) did not show significant difference between the types. Anemia (73.0%), thrombocytopenia (41.2%) and leukocytosis (77.0%) were observed. Urea and ALP were above the reference values in 41.8% and 52.2% of each group, respectively, while ALT (94.0%) and creatine (82%) remained normal in most animals. Serum biochemistry did not show significant differences (P<0.05). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. grew in 33.3% and 16.7% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, no significant hematological and serum biochemical differences were observed in bitches with pyometra in both age categories.
Descreveu-se características hematológicas, bioquímicas séricas e prevalência de microrganismos no conteúdo uterino de cadelas com piometra, de acordo com o tipo e idade. Realizou-se este estudo no Hospital de Medicina Veterinária Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto da UFBA com 132 pacientes diagnosticadas com piometra, por exames de imagem e laboratoriais, divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 menos de oito anos (n=72) e Grupo 2 mais de oito anos (n=60), submetidas a Ovariectomia (OH), quando se coletou amostras de sangue e secreção do lúmen uterino. A incidência maior deu-se em cadelas abaixo de 8 anos (54,5%), da raça Poodle (31,8%) e sem raça definida (SRD) (27,3%), sendo 80,3% de piometra aberta. A taxa de óbito (6,0%) não apresentou diferença significativa entre os tipos. Observou-se a ocorrência de anemia (73,0%), trombocitopenia (41,2%) e leucocitose (77,0%). Os valores de ureia e FA estiveram acima dos valores de referência em 41,8% e 52,2% das cadelas respectivamente, enquanto a ALT (94,0%) e a creatina (82%) mantiveram-se dentro dos valores de referência na maioria dos animais. A bioquímica sérica não apresentou diferenças significativas (P<0,05). Observou-se crescimento de Escherichia coli e Klebsiella sp. em 33,3% e 16,7% das amostras, respectivamente. Sendo assim, não se observou diferenças significativas hematológicas e na bioquímica sérica de cadelas com piometra nas categorias de idade.
Animais , Cães , Biomarcadores/análise , Biomarcadores/sangue , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Cães/sangue , Piometra/classificação , Piometra/diagnóstico , Útero , Infecções BacterianasResumo
Background: Feline idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is an irreversible disease that is rarely reported in veterinary clinicalroutine, with this case as the second reported in Brazil. This study aimed to describe a case of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisin a domestic cat.Case: A 10-year-old female cat with a history of respiratory distress was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the StateUniversity of Santa Cruz (HV-UESC). The first signs were observed three months before clinical care, characterized mainlyby dyspnea that was more pronounced during nighttime. There was no history of previous illnesses or prior drug use. Thecat lived with two other domiciled cats, did not have access to the street, and had restricted access to the terrace of thebuilding, from where other animals could have possibly entered. Physical examination showed a poor body condition witha temperature of 37°C and dehydration estimated at 9%.The animal was observed to remain in an orthopedic position, withtachypnea (109 mvm), wheezing through the mouth, and severe expiratory dyspnea. Pulmonary auscultation detected finediscontinuous adventitious noises. There were no changes in the cardiac function in terms of rhythm, frequency, or auscultation. Oxygen therapy and slow administration of 0.9% NaCl solution were performed; moreover, blood was collectedfor complete blood count, in which no abnormalities were observed. Thoracic radiography was performed on the cat, andthe results showed a mixed pulmonary pattern characterized by bronchiectasis, thickening of the bronchiolar wall, and anunstructured interstitial pattern throughout the pulmonary area. Shortly after the beginning of the clinical care, the animaldied due to respiratory arrest and was necropsied. The main macroscopic finding was pulmonary edema. Lung sampleswere subjected to microscopic evaluation, which revealed extensive multifocal areas of alveolar...
Animais , Gatos , Fibrose Pulmonar Idiopática/veterinária , Hiperplasia/veterinária , Edema Pulmonar/veterináriaResumo
Background: Feline idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is an irreversible disease that is rarely reported in veterinary clinicalroutine, with this case as the second reported in Brazil. This study aimed to describe a case of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisin a domestic cat.Case: A 10-year-old female cat with a history of respiratory distress was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the StateUniversity of Santa Cruz (HV-UESC). The first signs were observed three months before clinical care, characterized mainlyby dyspnea that was more pronounced during nighttime. There was no history of previous illnesses or prior drug use. Thecat lived with two other domiciled cats, did not have access to the street, and had restricted access to the terrace of thebuilding, from where other animals could have possibly entered. Physical examination showed a poor body condition witha temperature of 37°C and dehydration estimated at 9%.The animal was observed to remain in an orthopedic position, withtachypnea (109 mvm), wheezing through the mouth, and severe expiratory dyspnea. Pulmonary auscultation detected finediscontinuous adventitious noises. There were no changes in the cardiac function in terms of rhythm, frequency, or auscultation. Oxygen therapy and slow administration of 0.9% NaCl solution were performed; moreover, blood was collectedfor complete blood count, in which no abnormalities were observed. Thoracic radiography was performed on the cat, andthe results showed a mixed pulmonary pattern characterized by bronchiectasis, thickening of the bronchiolar wall, and anunstructured interstitial pattern throughout the pulmonary area. Shortly after the beginning of the clinical care, the animaldied due to respiratory arrest and was necropsied. The main macroscopic finding was pulmonary edema. Lung sampleswere subjected to microscopic evaluation, which revealed extensive multifocal areas of alveolar...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Fibrose Pulmonar Idiopática/veterinária , Hiperplasia/veterinária , Edema Pulmonar/veterináriaResumo
A tansulosina é um dos medicamentos mais prescritos no mundo para o tratamento da hiperplasia prostática benigna. Ela se liga aos receptores α-1-adrenérgicos impedindo a contração do músculo liso no estroma da próstata, consequentemente melhorando a micção. Existem alguns efeitos adversos ligados ao tratamento com a tansulosina. Entretanto, ainda não foi relatado na literatura o desenvolvimento de um fibrossarcoma após a utilização deste medicamento. O fibrossarcoma é um tipo de neoplasia maligna que ocorre no tecido conjuntivo. Geralmente é um tipo deneoplasia infiltrada, que pode ser encapsulada. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os componentes histopatológicos e o perfil de progressão de uma neoplasia em um animal Wistar tratado com a tansulosina. Foi utilizado um animal macho Wistar, que foi gavado com tansulosina 0,4mg/Kg/dia durante 21 dias. Após o 21ª dia o animaldesenvolveu uma massa tumoral foi sacrificado seis dias depois. Após dissecção do animal foi coletada da massa tumoral e o material foi fixado em formaldeído a 3,7% respeitando um tempo mínimo de 24 horas. A massa tumoral foi clivada em quatro pedaços e dividida em zonas: Zn1, Zn2, Zn3 e Zn4. Foram realizadas técnicas de histoquímicas para identificação das estruturas: Tricrômico de Masson, Picro Sirius Red, Azul de Toluidina e Fucsina-resorcina de Weigert com prévia oxidação. Ainda existem poucas evidências para corroborar se o tratamento farmacológico com a tansulosina tenha sido responsável pelo desenvolvimento do fibrossarcoma. Contudo, mais estudos serão feitos para identificar a origem e a progressão dessa neoplasia neste animal.
Tansulin is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It binds α-1-adrenergic receptors preventing smooth muscle contraction in prostate aroma, thereby improving urination. There are someadverse effects linked to treatment with tamsulosin. However, it has not been reported in the literature or development of a fibrosarcoma after the use of this drug. The fibrosarcoma is a type of malignant neoplasm that occurs in connective tissue. It may be a type of infiltrated neoplasia that can be encapsulated. The aim of this study was to identify the histopathological components and the progression profile of a neoplasia in a tamsulosin treated Wistar animal. A male Wistar animal was used, which was removed with tamsulosin 0.4mg / kg / day for 21 days. After the 21st day the animal developed a tumor mass was sacrificed six days later. After dissecting the animal, the tumor mass was collected and the material was fixed in 3.7% formaldehyde, respecting a minimumtime of 24 hours. A tumor mass was divided into four pieces and divided into zones: Zn1, Zn2, Zn3 and Zn4. Histochemical techniques were performed to identify structures:Massons trichrome, Picro Sirius Red, Toluidine Blue and Weigert Fuchsin-resorcin with prior oxidation. There are still few that corroborate the pharmacological treatment withtamsulosin, being responsible for the development of fibrosarcoma. However, further studies will be done to identify the origin and progress of this neoplasia in this animal.
Animais , Ratos , Fibrossarcoma/induzido quimicamente , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Hiperplasia Prostática/veterinária , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Tansulosina/efeitos adversos , Modelos AnimaisResumo
A tansulosina é um dos medicamentos mais prescritos no mundo para o tratamento da hiperplasia prostática benigna. Ela se liga aos receptores α-1-adrenérgicos impedindo a contração do músculo liso no estroma da próstata, consequentemente melhorando a micção. Existem alguns efeitos adversos ligados ao tratamento com a tansulosina. Entretanto, ainda não foi relatado na literatura o desenvolvimento de um fibrossarcoma após a utilização deste medicamento. O fibrossarcoma é um tipo de neoplasia maligna que ocorre no tecido conjuntivo. Geralmente é um tipo deneoplasia infiltrada, que pode ser encapsulada. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os componentes histopatológicos e o perfil de progressão de uma neoplasia em um animal Wistar tratado com a tansulosina. Foi utilizado um animal macho Wistar, que foi gavado com tansulosina 0,4mg/Kg/dia durante 21 dias. Após o 21ª dia o animaldesenvolveu uma massa tumoral foi sacrificado seis dias depois. Após dissecção do animal foi coletada da massa tumoral e o material foi fixado em formaldeído a 3,7% respeitando um tempo mínimo de 24 horas. A massa tumoral foi clivada em quatro pedaços e dividida em zonas: Zn1, Zn2, Zn3 e Zn4. Foram realizadas técnicas de histoquímicas para identificação das estruturas: Tricrômico de Masson, Picro Sirius Red, Azul de Toluidina e Fucsina-resorcina de Weigert com prévia oxidação. Ainda existem poucas evidências para corroborar se o tratamento farmacológico com a tansulosina tenha sido responsável pelo desenvolvimento do fibrossarcoma. Contudo, mais estudos serão feitos para identificar a origem e a progressão dessa neoplasia neste animal.(AU)
Tansulin is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It binds α-1-adrenergic receptors preventing smooth muscle contraction in prostate aroma, thereby improving urination. There are someadverse effects linked to treatment with tamsulosin. However, it has not been reported in the literature or development of a fibrosarcoma after the use of this drug. The fibrosarcoma is a type of malignant neoplasm that occurs in connective tissue. It may be a type of infiltrated neoplasia that can be encapsulated. The aim of this study was to identify the histopathological components and the progression profile of a neoplasia in a tamsulosin treated Wistar animal. A male Wistar animal was used, which was removed with tamsulosin 0.4mg / kg / day for 21 days. After the 21st day the animal developed a tumor mass was sacrificed six days later. After dissecting the animal, the tumor mass was collected and the material was fixed in 3.7% formaldehyde, respecting a minimumtime of 24 hours. A tumor mass was divided into four pieces and divided into zones: Zn1, Zn2, Zn3 and Zn4. Histochemical techniques were performed to identify structures:Massons trichrome, Picro Sirius Red, Toluidine Blue and Weigert Fuchsin-resorcin with prior oxidation. There are still few that corroborate the pharmacological treatment withtamsulosin, being responsible for the development of fibrosarcoma. However, further studies will be done to identify the origin and progress of this neoplasia in this animal.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Tansulosina/efeitos adversos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Fibrossarcoma/induzido quimicamente , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Hiperplasia Prostática/veterinária , Modelos AnimaisResumo
Diseases of the reproductive system are common in both sexes in the most varied of species. In female dog, these diseases produce different degrees of morbidity and mortality and are influenced by environmental conditions, reproductive history, and previous drug treatments. Reproductive disease may have different consequences, ranging from the absence of clinical signs to the impairment of fertility. The objective of this study was to determine the causes of reproductive diseases in female dogs admitted to the Veterinary Hospital, Federal University of Uberlândia, during a six-year period (2012-2017) and to identify the most frequently occurring diseases. Information relative to the species, age, breed, and sex of 32,944 were obtained for animals. Of these, 16,480 were female dogs and 1,185 were diagnosed with alterations to the reproductive system. The animals were divided into four groups according to age (puppies, young adults, adults, and old) and disease of the reproductive system (Group 1 - vaginal and vulvar alterations; Group 2 - alterations to the estrous cycle, ovary, and uterus; Group 3 - alterations to the gestational period and parturition). The highest occurrence of diagnoses (47%) was recorded in young adult female dogs (1 to 5 years old). The most frequent alterations in female dogs were pyometra (48.8%), dystocia (13.6%), and transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) (12.6%). Crossbred dogs were the most affected with alterations to the reproductive system, representing 60% of all the female dogs diagnosed with any pathologic alteration. In conclusion, a 7.2% occurrence of reproductive disorders shows the relevance of these diseases in small animals and suggests that new methods are needed for the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of these disorders.
Enfermidades do sistema reprodutor são comuns, para ambos os sexos, nas mais variadas espécies. Em cadelas estas doenças têm diferentes graus de morbidade e mortalidade e são influenciadas por condições ambientais, histórico reprodutivo e tratamentos prévios com fármacos. As afecções reprodutivas podem gerar consequências distintas, variando desde a ausência de sinais clínicos até o comprometimento da fertilidade do animal. Objetivou-se determinar a casuística das enfermidades reprodutivas de cadelas atendidas no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, durante seis anos de avaliação (2012-2017), a fim de identificar quais enfermidades eram mais frequentes. Para tanto, foram consultadas informações sobre espécie, idade, raça e sexo de 32.944 animais. Destes, 16.480 eram fêmeas caninas e 1.185 foram diagnosticadas com alterações no sistema reprodutivo. Os animais foram divididos de acordo com a idade em quatro grupos (filhotes, adultos jovens, adultos e idosos); e com as enfermidades do sistema reprodutivo (Grupo 1 - alterações de vagina e vulva; Grupo 2 - alterações de ciclo estral, ovário e útero; Grupo 3 - alterações do período gestacional e parto). As médias de idades que apresentaram maior ocorrência de diagnósticos foram em cadelas adultas jovens (1 a 5 anos) com 47%. As patologias mais frequentes em fêmeas caninas foram a piometra (48,8%), distocias (13,6%) e Tumor Venéreo Transmissível (TVT) (12,6%). Os animais mestiços (SRD) foram os mais acometidos por distúrbios do sistema reprodutor, representando 60% do total de fêmeas diagnosticadas. Concluiu-se que a ocorrência de 7,2% de desordens reprodutivas mostra a relevância dessas doenças na clínica de pequenos animais e contribui para o reconhecimento de que novos métodos de prevenção, diagnóstico precoce e tratamento dessas desordens são necessários.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Piometra/veterinária , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários , Estudos Transversais/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
Diseases of the reproductive system are common in both sexes in the most varied of species. In female dog, these diseases produce different degrees of morbidity and mortality and are influenced by environmental conditions, reproductive history, and previous drug treatments. Reproductive disease may have different consequences, ranging from the absence of clinical signs to the impairment of fertility. The objective of this study was to determine the causes of reproductive diseases in female dogs admitted to the Veterinary Hospital, Federal University of Uberlândia, during a six-year period (2012-2017) and to identify the most frequently occurring diseases. Information relative to the species, age, breed, and sex of 32,944 were obtained for animals. Of these, 16,480 were female dogs and 1,185 were diagnosed with alterations to the reproductive system. The animals were divided into four groups according to age (puppies, young adults, adults, and old) and disease of the reproductive system (Group 1 - vaginal and vulvar alterations; Group 2 - alterations to the estrous cycle, ovary, and uterus; Group 3 - alterations to the gestational period and parturition). The highest occurrence of diagnoses (47%) was recorded in young adult female dogs (1 to 5 years old). The most frequent alterations in female dogs were pyometra (48.8%), dystocia (13.6%), and transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) (12.6%). Crossbred dogs were the most affected with alterations to the reproductive system, representing 60% of all the female dogs diagnosed with any pathologic alteration. In conclusion, a 7.2% occurrence of reproductive disorders shows the relevance of these diseases in small animals and suggests that new methods are needed for the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of these disorders.(AU)
Enfermidades do sistema reprodutor são comuns, para ambos os sexos, nas mais variadas espécies. Em cadelas estas doenças têm diferentes graus de morbidade e mortalidade e são influenciadas por condições ambientais, histórico reprodutivo e tratamentos prévios com fármacos. As afecções reprodutivas podem gerar consequências distintas, variando desde a ausência de sinais clínicos até o comprometimento da fertilidade do animal. Objetivou-se determinar a casuística das enfermidades reprodutivas de cadelas atendidas no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, durante seis anos de avaliação (2012-2017), a fim de identificar quais enfermidades eram mais frequentes. Para tanto, foram consultadas informações sobre espécie, idade, raça e sexo de 32.944 animais. Destes, 16.480 eram fêmeas caninas e 1.185 foram diagnosticadas com alterações no sistema reprodutivo. Os animais foram divididos de acordo com a idade em quatro grupos (filhotes, adultos jovens, adultos e idosos); e com as enfermidades do sistema reprodutivo (Grupo 1 - alterações de vagina e vulva; Grupo 2 - alterações de ciclo estral, ovário e útero; Grupo 3 - alterações do período gestacional e parto). As médias de idades que apresentaram maior ocorrência de diagnósticos foram em cadelas adultas jovens (1 a 5 anos) com 47%. As patologias mais frequentes em fêmeas caninas foram a piometra (48,8%), distocias (13,6%) e Tumor Venéreo Transmissível (TVT) (12,6%). Os animais mestiços (SRD) foram os mais acometidos por distúrbios do sistema reprodutor, representando 60% do total de fêmeas diagnosticadas. Concluiu-se que a ocorrência de 7,2% de desordens reprodutivas mostra a relevância dessas doenças na clínica de pequenos animais e contribui para o reconhecimento de que novos métodos de prevenção, diagnóstico precoce e tratamento dessas desordens são necessários.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Piometra/veterinária , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários , Estudos Transversais/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
Kidney disease that affects bitches with pyometra may lead patients to develop chronic renal failure even after pyometra treatment. Therefore, several studies have sought to clarify the gaps in the understanding of the pathogenesis of renal injury in pyometra. Identification of early detection markers for renal damage, which can predict and identify the prognosis of the disease, is very important. Proteinuria analysis can diagnose kidney damage, since proteins such as albumin are not filtered through the glomerulus and those that undergo glomerular filtration are almost completely reabsorbed by tubular cells. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPC) can detect renal injury in bitches with pyometra before development of azotemia. For this, 44 bitches with pyometra were divided into two groups: bitches with azotemic piometra (A, n=15, creatinine >1.7) and bitches with non-azotemic pyometra (NA, n=29). The two groups were compared to the control group (CG, n=12), which had no signs of systemic disease. All animals underwent blood and urine tests. Leukocytosis was more evident in bitches in the A group than in the other groups. This shows that the inflammatory response may be associated with the pathogenesis of renal injury. The median UPC in bitches with pyometra was significantly higher than in the CG, with a median above the reference values. In conclusion, the UPC can be used in bitches with pyometra to detect renal damage before the development of azotemia. It has been suggested that the UPC of bitches with pyometra should be followed through during the postoperative period so that permanent renal lesions secondary to pyometra can be diagnosed and treated properly before the development of azotemia.(AU)
A doença renal que afeta cadelas com piometra pode levar a insuficiência renal crônica mesmo após o tratamento. Portanto, vários estudos procuraram esclarecer as lacunas na compreensão da patogênese da lesão renal na piometra. A identificação de marcadores de lesão renal precoce, que podem prever e identificar o prognóstico da doença é muito importante. A análise da proteinúria pode diagnosticar lesão renal, uma vez que proteínas como a albumina não são filtradas através do glomérulo e aquelas que sofrem filtração glomerular são quase completamente reabsorvidas pelas células tubulares. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a relação proteína-creatinina urinária (UPC) pode detectar lesão renal em cadelas com piometra antes do desenvolvimento de azotemia. Para isso, 44 cadelas com piometra foram divididas em dois grupos: cadelas com piometra azotêmica (A, n=15, creatinina >1,7) e cadelas com piometra não azotêmica (NA, n=29). Os dois grupos foram comparados ao grupo controle (CG, n=12), que não apresentaram sinais de doença sistêmica. Todos os animais foram submetidos a exames de sangue e urina. A leucocitose foi mais evidente nas cadelas do grupo A do que nos outros grupos. Isso mostra que a resposta inflamatória pode estar associada à patogênese da lesão renal. A mediana da UPC em cadelas com piometra foi significativamente maior que no CG, com uma mediana acima dos valores de referência. Em conclusão, a UPC pode ser usada em cadelas com piometra para detectar lesões renais antes do desenvolvimento de azotemia. Sugeriu-se que a UPC de cadelas com piometra deve ser acompanhada durante o pós-operatório, de modo que as lesões renais permanentes secundárias à piometra possam ser diagnosticadas e tratadas adequadamente antes do desenvolvimento de azotemia.(AU)