The early ontogeny of Triportheus albus and T. angulatus, two fish species of Triportheidae, is described using morphological, meristic, and morphometric characters. These species are exploited by subsistence fisheries and have potential as an alternative source of fish, given the decline in the natural stocks of other commercially important fish species in the Amazon. The specimens were collected in the open water limnetic zone, under of the macrophyte stands, and in subsurface areas near sandbars in the Amazon basin. Intra and interspecific morphometric analyzes were performed to evaluate growth models between species. The combination of color pattern, body morphology, morphometric proportions and myomeres number distinguishes the species from each other and from other congeners. Some morphometric relationships related to head as snout length and eye diameter as well as length from the snout to the origins of anal and length from the snout to the origins of pelvic, related with standard length were different between the two species of Triportheus, reflecting different growth models between them. An identification key for larvae and juveniles of some species of Triportheus from the Eastern Amazon is presented.(AU)
A ontogenia inicial de Triportheus albus e T. angulatus, duas espécies de peixes pertencentes a Triportheidae, é descrita usando caracteres morfológicos, merísticos e morfométricos. Essas espécies são exploradas pela pesca de subsistência e têm potencial como fonte alternativa de pescado, dado o declínio nos estoques naturais de outras espécies de peixes comercialmente importantes na Amazônia. Os espécimes foram coletados na zona limnética de águas abertas, sob bancos de macrófitas e em áreas subsuperficiais próximas a bancos de areia na bacia amazônica. Análises morfométricas, intra e interespecíficas, foram realizadas para avaliar modelos de crescimento entre as espécies. A combinação do padrão de coloração, morfologia corporal, proporções morfométricas e número de miômeros distingue as espécies entre si e de outras congêneres. Algumas relações morfométricas relacionadas à cabeça, como comprimento do focinho e diâmetro do olho, assim como o comprimento do focinho à origem da nadadeira anal e o comprimento do focinho à origem da nadadeira pélvica, relacionadas ao comprimento padrão foram diferentes entre as duas espécies de Triportheus, refletindo modelos distintos de crescimento entre elas. Uma chave de identificação para larvas e juvenis de algumas espécies de Triportheus da Amazônia Oriental é apresentada.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Características de História de Vida , Achados Morfológicos e MicroscópicosResumo
Verminosis in small ruminants can render rural activity impractical, which is still controlled through the administration of anthelmintics. The present study evaluated four agro-industrial residues as fertilizer in the control of GIN of small ruminants in the free-living stage. Crab shell, manipueira, biochar, and organomineral residues were used in pots (5.0 kg of soil) and cultivated with Massai grass (Megathyrsus maximum cv. Massai). Further, the pots were contaminated with feces from sheep carrying a natural multispecific infection by GIN. Next, the residues were applied individually to the soil, with 50 mL/pot for liquid and 50 g/pot for solid residues. Treatment with manipueira showed the lowest number of MS-1 recovered from the grass (202.44), when compared with treatments using organomineral (823.89) and biochar (689.34). However, there was no statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) between the four treatments as compared to the control group. These agro-industrial residues can be used as organic fertilizers; however, these will not help in the control of GIN in sheep.
A verminose em pequenos ruminantes é uma doença que pode inviabilizar a atividade rural. Embora o sucesso no controle dos nematóides gastrointestinais de pequenos ruminantes dependa da adoção associada de diferentes estratégias e tecnologias, ainda é possível notar a escolha, por parte de alguns ovinocaprinocultores, pelo tratamento exclusivamente baseado na administração de anti-helmínticos aos animais. Contudo, é no ambiente que encontramos um elevado número de formas imaturas de nematóides gastrointestinais. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar quatro resíduos agroindustriais como adubo no controle dos nematóides gastrointestinais de pequenos ruminantes, em estádio de vida livre. Casca de caranguejo, manipueira, biochar e organomineral foram os resíduos empregados nos vasos com capacidade média de 5,0 kg de solo, onde foi cultivado o capim Massai (Megathyrsus maximus cv. Massai). Após corte de uniformização do capim, os vasos foram contaminados utilizando-se fezes de ovinos portadores de infecção natural multiespecífica por nematóides gastrointestinais. E, na sequência, os resíduos foram aplicados individualmente no solo, na quantidade de 50 mL/vaso para o resíduo líquido e 50 g/vaso para os sólidos. O tratamento com a manipueira foi o que apresentou o menor número de larvas infectantes de terceiro estádio (L3) recuperado do capim (202,44 MS-1) quando comparado com os tratamentos utilizando organomineral (823,89 MS-1) e biochar (689,34 MS-1). Contudo, não houve diferença estatística significativa (P < 0,05) entre os quatro tratamentos testados quando comparado ao grupo controle. Os resíduos agroindustriais podem ser utilizados como adubos orgânicos, mas não vão auxiliar no controle dos nematóides gastrintestinais dos ovinos.
Animais , Ruminantes , Uso de Resíduos Sólidos , Poluição Ambiental , Esterco , Infecções por Nematoides/veterináriaResumo
Haemonchus contortus is a constraint to sheep production. Seeking to reduce the use of hosts and produce parasitic stages in large-scale, a 42-day in vitro culture protocol of H. contortus third-stage larvae was optimized using Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM). In cell-free culture, larvae were maintained at 39.6°C, in acidic media (pH 6.1) for 3 or 6 days with Δ4-dafachronic acid followed by DMEM pH 7.4 supplemented or not with Fildes' reagent. In DMEM pH 7.4 at 37°C, supplementation with Caco-2 cells was compared to Fildes. On Day 14, fourth-stage larvae (L4) development rates in acidic media supplemented (86.8-88.4%) or not (74.4-77.8%) with Fildes and in Caco-2 cell co-culture (92.6%) were similar, and superior to DMEM pH 7.4 with Fildes (0.0%). On Day 21, Caco-2 cell co-culture resulted in higher larvae differentiation (25.0%) and lower degeneration (13.9%) compared to acidic media (1.5-8.1% and 48.6-69.9%, respectively). This is the first report of prolonged in vitro culture of H. contortus larvae using commercial media in co-culture with Caco-2 cells. Although no progression to the adult stage, Caco-2 cell co-culture resulted in morphological differentiation of H. contortus L4 and larval viability for up to 28 days.(AU)
Haemonchus contortus provoca grandes prejuízos à ovinocultura. Visando reduzir a utilização de ovinos hospedeiros e produzir estágios parasitários em larga escala, um protocolo para o cultivo in vitro por 42 dias de larvas de terceiro estádio de H. contortus foi realizado em meio Eagle, modificado por Dulbecco (DMEM). No cultivo sem células, as larvas foram mantidas a 39,6°C e incubadas em DMEM ácido (pH 6,1) por 3 ou 6 dias com 4Δ-ácido dafacrônico seguido por DMEM pH 7,4 suplementado ou não com reagente de Fildes. Em DMEM pH 7,4 a 37°C, a suplementação com células Caco-2 foi comparada à suplementação com Fildes. No Dia 14, as taxas de desenvolvimento até o quarto estádio larvar (L4) foram similares em meio ácido sem células suplementado (86,8-88,4%) ou não (74,4-77,8%) com Fildes e em co-cultura com células Caco-2 (92,6%), e superiores ao desenvolvimento em DMEM pH 7,4 com Fildes (0,0%). No Dia 21, o co-cultivo com células Caco-2 resultou em maior diferenciação (25,0%) e menor degeneração (13,9%) das larvas em comparação ao meio ácido (1,5-8,1% e 48,6-69,9%, respectivamente). Este é o primeiro relato de cultivo in vitro prolongado de H. contortus em meio comercial em co-cultivo com células Caco-2. Apesar da ausência de progressão até o estágio adulto, o co-cultivo com células Caco-2 resultou em diferenciação de L4 e manutenção da viabilidade das larvas de H. contortus por até 28 dias in vitro.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Ovinos/parasitologia , Haemonchus/parasitologia , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Gastroenteropatias/parasitologiaResumo
Solos de praças públicas são comumente contaminados por helmintos devido ao fácil acesso de cães e gatos infectados. Esses animais ao defecarem podem liberar ovos desses parasitos e, em condições ambientais favoráveis, tornam-se ovos embrionados ou larvas infectantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a existência de larvas de helmintos no solo de duas praças públicas do município de Caxias, Maranhão, Brasil, durante a estação chuvosa e seca na região. A pesquisa foi realizada em março de 2018, considerado período chuvoso, e em outubro do mesmo ano, período seco, sendo que foram coletadas trinta amostras de areia, quinze de cada praça, nos dois períodos do ano. O material foi coletado e levado para o Laboratório de Parasitologia do Departamento de Parasitologia e Microbiologia da Universidade Federal do Piauí para análise. Na estação chuvosa, das quinze amostras analisadas na praça A, cinco foram positivas para larvas de ancilostomídeos e das quinze na praça B, três estavam contaminadas com os mesmos helmintos. No período seco, na praça A havia apenas uma amostra com essas larvas e na praça B não foram encontrados parasitos. Os resultados revelaram a presença de larvas de helmintos de caráter zoonótico no solo de praças públicas de Caxias, Maranhão, principalmente no período chuvoso, servindo de alerta à população local.(AU)
Soil in public squares is commonly contaminated by helminths due to the easy access of infected dogs and cats. These animals, when defecating, can release helminth eggs and, under favorable environmental conditions, those eggs can become embryonated or infective larvae. The purpose of this work was to investigate the existence of helminth larvae in the soil of two public squares in the city of Caxias, in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, during the rainy and dry seasons in the region. The study was carried out in March 2018, which is considered the rainy season, and in October of the same year, the dry season. A total of thirty sand samples were collected, fifteen from each square, in both periods of the year. The material was collected and taken to the Parasitology Laboratory of the Department of Parasitology and Microbiology of the Federal University of Piauí for analysis. In the rainy season, from the fifteen samples analyzed in square A, five were positive for hookworm larvae; and from the fifteen samples collected from square B, three were contaminated with the same helminths. During the dry period, only one sample from square A presented these larvae while no parasites were found in square B. The results revealed the presence of zoonotic helminth larvae in the soil of public squares in Caxias, Maranhão, mainly in the rainy season, which can be used as a warning sign to the local population.(AU)
Los suelos de las plazas públicas son comúnmente contaminados por helmintos debido al fácil acceso de perros y gatos infectados. Esos animales, al defecar, pueden liberar huevos de esos parásitos y, en condiciones ambientales favorables, convertirse en huevos embrionados o larvas infectantes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar la existencia de larvas de helmintos en el suelo de dos plazas públicas de la ciudad de Caxias, Maranhão, Brasil, durante la estación lluviosa y seca de la región. La investigación se realizó en marzo de 2018, considerada época de lluvias, y en octubre del mismo año, época seca, y se recolectaron treinta muestras de arena, quince de cada plaza, en ambos períodos del año. El material fue recolectado y llevado al Laboratorio de Parasitología del Departamento de Parasitología y Microbiología de la Universidad Federal de Piauí para su análisis. En época de lluvias, de las quince muestras analizadas en la plaza A, cinco resultaron positivas a larvas de anquilostomiasis y de las quince de la plaza B, tres estaban contaminadas con los mismos helmintos. En el período poco lluvioso, en la plaza A solo hubo una muestra con esas larvas y en la plaza B no se encontraron parásitos. Los resultados revelaron la presencia de larvas de helmintos zoonóticos en el suelo de las plazas públicas de Caxias, Maranhão, principalmente en la época de lluvias, sirviendo de alerta a la población local.(AU)
Solo/parasitologia , Larva Migrans/diagnóstico , Helmintos , Larva/parasitologia , Brasil , Carga Parasitária/métodosResumo
Abstract Millions of people worldwide, and especially schoolchildren, may be infected by geohelminths due to their exposure to a contaminated environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate soil contamination by Ancylostoma spp. and Toxocara spp. eggs in recreation areas at elementary schools in Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Sand samples were collected from 22 schools and were processed using the centrifugal flotation method. Helminth eggs with zoonotic potential were found in 12 out of the 22 schools (54.5%). Contamination by Ancylostoma spp. and Toxocara spp. was observed in 36.4% (8/22) and 27.3% (6/22) of the soil samples collected at these schools, respectively. These findings of eggs show that the school communities are exposed to risks of zoonotic transmission.
Resumo Milhões de pessoas podem ser acometidas por geohelmintos, especialmente crianças em idade escolar, devido a sua maior exposição a ambientes contaminados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a contaminação do solo por ovos de Ancylostoma spp. e Toxocara spp. em áreas de recreação de escolas de ensino fundamental da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram colhidas amostras de areia de 22 escolas e processadas pelo método de centrífugo-flutuação. Em 54,5% (12/22) das escolas houve registro da presença de ovos de helmintos com potencial zoonótico. A contaminação por Ancylostoma spp. e Toxocara spp. foi observada em 36,4% (8/22) e 27,3% (6/22) das amostras de solo das escolas, respectivamente. Existe a presença de ovos de Ancylostoma spp. e Toxocara spp., havendo risco de transmissão de zoonoses à comunidade escolar.
Animais , Toxocara , Ancylostoma , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , Instituições Acadêmicas , Solo , BrasilResumo
Given that many descriptions of Coleoptera were made with only external and superficial characters, an update to the original characterization of species is deemed necessary. This study focuses on updating the know morphological data for the adults of Omophoita octoguttata (Fabricius,1775) (Galerucinae, Alticini), a flea beetle native of southern Brazil. We also give insights on the morphology of its immature stages. The adult can be easily recognized by the pale macula at vertex, six large pale maculae, and two smaller in the humeral region at the elytra. The immatures are similar to other know Oedionychina. Eggs oval and orange. Mature larvae present setae bearing scoli, a reddened body, pygopod present, and lacking stemmata, but with curved hook-like tarsal claws. The pupae present slender black setae through its yellowed body, with the elytral and hind wing thecae curved around the body. The eggs are laid in small clutches in the soil and when the larvae eclode they stay in the aerial parts of plants. The mature larvae form a cocoon of soil matter around themselves for their pupal phase. Morphological remarks for larva and pupa of this species when compared to other members of the genus remain limited, demanding further studies with other species.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Estágios do Ciclo de VidaResumo
Given that many descriptions of Coleoptera were made with only external and superficial characters, an update to the original characterization of species is deemed necessary. This study focuses on updating the know morphological data for the adults of Omophoita octoguttata (Fabricius,1775) (Galerucinae, Alticini), a flea beetle native of southern Brazil. We also give insights on the morphology of its immature stages. The adult can be easily recognized by the pale macula at vertex, six large pale maculae, and two smaller in the humeral region at the elytra. The immatures are similar to other know Oedionychina. Eggs oval and orange. Mature larvae present setae bearing scoli, a reddened body, pygopod present, and lacking stemmata, but with curved hook-like tarsal claws. The pupae present slender black setae through its yellowed body, with the elytral and hind wing thecae curved around the body. The eggs are laid in small clutches in the soil and when the larvae eclode they stay in the aerial parts of plants. The mature larvae form a cocoon of soil matter around themselves for their pupal phase. Morphological remarks for larva and pupa of this species when compared to other members of the genus remain limited, demanding further studies with other species.
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Estágios do Ciclo de VidaResumo
ABSTRACT Given that many descriptions of Coleoptera were made with only external and superficial characters, an update to the original characterization of species is deemed necessary. This study focuses on updating the know morphological data for the adults of Omophoita octoguttata (Fabricius,1775) (Galerucinae, Alticini), a flea beetle native of southern Brazil. We also give insights on the morphology of its immature stages. The adult can be easily recognized by the pale macula at vertex, six large pale maculae, and two smaller in the humeral region at the elytra. The immatures are similar to other know Oedionychina. Eggs oval and orange. Mature larvae present setae bearing scoli, a reddened body, pygopod present, and lacking stemmata, but with curved hook-like tarsal claws. The pupae present slender black setae through its yellowed body, with the elytral and hind wing thecae curved around the body. The eggs are laid in small clutches in the soil and when the larvae eclode they stay in the aerial parts of plants. The mature larvae form a cocoon of soil matter around themselves for their pupal phase. Morphological remarks for larva and pupa of this species when compared to other members of the genus remain limited, demanding further studies with other species.
Soil samples collected near municipal schools (public/EMEI and private/EPEI schools), clubs (CLB), public squares (PS) and residential condominiums (CND) and samples of animal faeces from the Zoonosis Control Centre (CCZ) of the municipality of Votuporanga/SP were analysed using the Baermann method for the detection of zoonotic helminth larvae. The prevalence rates of the nematode genera identified were determined, and the results were compared using Fishers exact and chi-square frequency tests. Information about cases of larvae migrans in the population were collected from the Family Health Units and the private health plans. All sites were positive for Ancylostoma spp. and, with the exception of EPEIs and dog faeces, for Strongyloides spp. The prevalence of Ancylostoma spp. was 87.5% for CND samples, 74.29% for EMIEs, 63.64% for CLB, 61.76% for PS and 64.29% for dogs and 42.86% for cats at CCZ. The prevalence of Strongyloides spp. ranged from 14.29% (cats/CCZ) to 41.18% (PS). Cases of cutaneous larva migrans were reported during interviews. Thus, from the public health perspective, the risk of individuals that frequent recreational areas in the municipality, especially children, to be infected by helminth larvae is noteworthy, indicating the need to develop policies aimed at controlling this important zoonosis.(AU)
Amostras de solo colhidas em escolas municipais (ensino público/EMEI e privado/EPEI), clubes (CLB), praças públicas (PP), condomínios residenciais (CND) e de fezes de animais do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses (CCZ) do município de Votuporanga/SP, foram submetidas ao método Baermann para detecção de larvas de helmintos zoonóticos. Foram determinadas as taxas de prevalência dos nematódeos identificados, e os resultados confrontados pelos testes Exato de Fisher e Qui-quadrado. Atendimentos de casos de larvas migrans na população foram levantados em entrevistas realizadas em Unidades de Saúde da Família e em planos de saúde privados. Todos os locais apresentaram positividade para Ancylostoma spp. e, com exceção de EPEIs e de fezes caninas, para Strongyloides spp. Prevalência de Ancylostoma spp. foi verificada em amostras de CNDs (87,50%), EMEIs (74,29%), CLBs (63,64%), PPs (61,76%) e em fezes de cães e gatos do CCZ (64,29% e 42,86%, respectivamente). As prevalências de Strongyloides spp. variaram de 14,29% (gatos/CCZ) a 41,18% (PP). Atendimentos de casos de larva migrans cutânea foram relatados nas entrevistas. Portanto, ressalta-se o risco de frequentadores de áreas de lazer do município, especialmente crianças, de adquirirem infecção por larvas de helmintos, indicando a necessidade da elaboração de propostas de políticas voltadas ao controle dessa importante zoonose.(AU)
Solo/parasitologia , Ancylostoma , Strongyloides , Larva Migrans , Zoonoses/parasitologiaResumo
Abstract Adult and immature stages of a new species, Brachys cleidecostae sp. nov., are described and illustrated. This species represents the first leaf-mining buprestid with two broad, prominent horn-like apophyses on vertex, resembling broad horns. The material was collected within unusual shaped leaf mines in Alibertia sessilis (Vell.) K. Schum (Rubiaceae), a native species from Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado). This is the first record of Brachys associated with a host plant of family Rubiaceae.
The mature larva and pupa of the Australian silvanid species, Macrohyliota militaris (Erichson) are described from laboratory reared material. This is the first description of immature stages of Silvanidae from Australia. The larva of M. militaris conforms to the general body shape and apparent morphological features of known Brontini and is very similar to the Asian M. sculptus Yoshida & Hirowatari. Larval and pupal features of M. militaris are compared with other known larvae and pupae of Brontini described in the literature.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Larva/anatomia & histologia , Pupa/anatomia & histologia , AustráliaResumo
Adult and immature stages of a new species, Brachys cleidecostae sp. nov., are described and illustrated. This species represents the first leaf-mining buprestid with two broad, prominent horn-like apophyses on vertex, resembling broad horns. The material was collected within unusual shaped leaf mines in Alibertia sessilis (Vell.) K. Schum (Rubiaceae), a native species from Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado). This is the first record of Brachys associated with a host plant of family Rubiaceae.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Larva/anatomia & histologia , Larva/classificação , Brasil , RubiaceaeResumo
Adult and immature stages of a new species, Brachys cleidecostae sp. nov., are described and illustrated. This species represents the first leaf-mining buprestid with two broad, prominent horn-like apophyses on vertex, resembling broad horns. The material was collected within unusual shaped leaf mines in Alibertia sessilis (Vell.) K. Schum (Rubiaceae), a native species from Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado). This is the first record of Brachys associated with a host plant of family Rubiaceae.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Larva/anatomia & histologia , Larva/classificação , Brasil , RubiaceaeResumo
The mature larva and pupa of the Australian silvanid species, Macrohyliota militaris (Erichson) are described from laboratory reared material. This is the first description of immature stages of Silvanidae from Australia. The larva of M. militaris conforms to the general body shape and apparent morphological features of known Brontini and is very similar to the Asian M. sculptus Yoshida & Hirowatari. Larval and pupal features of M. militaris are compared with other known larvae and pupae of Brontini described in the literature.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Pupa/anatomia & histologia , Larva/anatomia & histologia , AustráliaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate environmental contamination by helminth eggs with zoonotic potential that were found in dog feces in the vicinity of elementary schools. Seventy-nine samples of dog feces were collected from 28 municipal schools located in five neighborhoods in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The samples were processed using the Willis-Mollay technique and analyzed using an optical microscope (40X), to identify any parasite eggs present. All neighborhoods were positive and 74.7% of the samples exhibited one or more helminth genera. The agent with the highest prevalence was Ancylostoma spp. (93.2%), followed by Trichuris spp. (18.6%), Toxocara spp. (11.9%) and Toxascaris (1.7%). These data show that there is a need for greater care towards controlling these helminths with zoonotic potential, including responsible pet ownership and daily activities to clean and collect dog feces in the vicinity of schools, because these are places where children play and study.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a contaminação ambiental por ovos de helmintos com potencial zoonótico, diagnosticados em fezes caninas depositadas nas proximidades de escolas primárias. Setenta e nove amostras de fezes foram colhidas em 28 escolas municipais localizadas em cinco bairros da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil. As amostras foram processadas pela técnica de Willis-Mollay e analisadas em microscópio óptico (40X), para identificar quaisquer parasitos presentes. Todos os bairros foram positivos e 74,7% das amostras apresentaram um ou mais gêneros de helmintos. O agente com maior prevalência foi Ancylostoma spp. (93,2%), seguido por Trichuris spp. (18,6%), Toxocara spp. (11,9%) e Toxascaris (1,7%). Esses dados mostram que há necessidade de maior cuidado no controle desses helmintos com potencial zoonótico, incluindo a posse responsável dos animais e atividades diárias de limpeza e colheita de fezes de cães nas proximidades das escolas, porque esses são locais onde as crianças brincam e estudam.(AU)
Poluição Ambiental , Ancylostomatoidea/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ancylostomatoidea/patogenicidade , Zoonoses , HelmintosResumo
Abstract The last instar larva and the pupa of Hybolabus amazonicusVoss, 1925 are described and illustrated, based upon adults and immatures collected in the Amazonian Region (Acre and Amazonas, Brazil). The larvae live and develop inside a leaf-roll made by the female weevil. Although the species has already been reported damaging leaves of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl., Lecythidaceae) in the states of Acre and Amazonas, the preimaginal stages have not been formerly described. These are the first descriptions of larva and pupa of a species of the genus Hybolabus Jekel, 1860.
The last instar larva and the pupa of Hybolabus amazonicus Voss, 1925 are described and illustrated, based upon adults and immatures collected in the Amazonian Region (Acre and Amazonas, Brazil). The larvae live and develop inside a leaf-roll made by the female weevil. Although the species has already been reported damaging leaves of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl., Lecythidaceae) in the states of Acre and Amazonas, the preimaginal stages have not been formerly described. These are the first descriptions of larva and pupa of a species of the genus Hybolabus Jekel, 1860.
Animais , Bertholletia , Gorgulhos/anatomia & histologia , Gorgulhos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pupa/anatomia & histologia , Brasil , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
The last instar larva and the pupa of Hybolabus amazonicus Voss, 1925 are described and illustrated, based upon adults and immatures collected in the Amazonian Region (Acre and Amazonas, Brazil). The larvae live and develop inside a leaf-roll made by the female weevil. Although the species has already been reported damaging leaves of the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl., Lecythidaceae) in the states of Acre and Amazonas, the preimaginal stages have not been formerly described. These are the first descriptions of larva and pupa of a species of the genus Hybolabus Jekel, 1860.(AU)
Animais , Gorgulhos/anatomia & histologia , Gorgulhos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pupa/anatomia & histologia , Bertholletia , Ecossistema Amazônico , BrasilResumo
Species of Macrosiagon Hentz are known to be wasp and bee parasitoids. Here, we present information on Macrosiagon octomaculata (Gerstaecker, 1855), including eggs and triungulinids, found on Paepalanthus polyanthus (Bong.) Sano (Eriocaulaceae) blooming in restinga habitat on Santa Catarina Island, South Brazil. This is the first record of an Eriocaulaceae species playing an important role in the Macrosiagon bionomics and the first accurate record of Ripiphoridae for southern Brazil, Santa Catarina state. In the study area, P. polyanthus attracted an inordinate number of insect species and one Thynnidae wasp was captured with a triungulinid on its wing. Eggs and triungulinids were also found on one plant of P. polyanthus and associated with M. octomaculata. We provide descriptions of the female reproductive organs as well as the morphology of the triungulinid of M. octomaculata. A detailed examination of the triungulinid revealed novelties that complement information from previous publications regarding the Ripiphoridae. We also compare triungulinids of M. octomaculata with those of other species, and provide a table summarizing comparative characters. Finally, we provide a table with current information on the recorded host species and immatures of Macrosiagon.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Eriocaulaceae/parasitologia , OvosResumo
Abstract Species of Macrosiagon Hentz are known to be wasp and bee parasitoids. Here, we present information on Macrosiagon octomaculata (Gerstaecker, 1855), including eggs and triungulinids, found on Paepalanthus polyanthus (Bong.) Sano (Eriocaulaceae) blooming in restinga habitat on Santa Catarina Island, South Brazil. This is the first record of an Eriocaulaceae species playing an important role in the Macrosiagon bionomics and the first accurate record of Ripiphoridae for southern Brazil, Santa Catarina state. In the study area, P. polyanthus attracted an inordinate number of insect species and one Thynnidae wasp was captured with a triungulinid on its wing. Eggs and triungulinids were also found on one plant of P. polyanthus and associated with M. octomaculata. We provide descriptions of the female reproductive organs as well as the morphology of the triungulinid of M. octomaculata. A detailed examination of the triungulinid revealed novelties that complement information from previous publications regarding the Ripiphoridae. We also compare triungulinids of M. octomaculata with those of other species, and provide a table summarizing comparative characters. Finally, we provide a table with current information on the recorded host species and immatures of Macrosiagon.