Abstract New World bats are involved in key ecological processes and are good indicators of environmental changes. Recently, trait-based approaches have been used in several taxa to better understand mechanisms underlying species assemblages, biotic interactions, environmental relationships and ecosystem functions. However, despite the relevance of bats on ecosystem dynamics, so far, there is no conceptual framework that relies on the measurement of bat traits to address functional studies. Here, we present a set of 50 bat biological traits, which are suitable to assess environmental stressors and can potentially affect ecological processes. Several examples were provided to show the applicability of this framework in the study of Neotropical bat ecology. We suggest some considerations regarding trait-based approach including the importance of intraspecific variation, correlations between traits, response-effect framework, global dataset, and future directions to assess the reliability of functional relations across species and Neotropical regions by using traits. This could be helpful in tackling ecological questions associated with community assembly and habitat filtering, species diversity patterns along environmental gradients, and ecological processes. We envision this paper as a first step toward an integrative bat functional trait protocol held up with solid evidence.
Abstract New World bats are involved in key ecological processes and are good indicators of environmental changes. Recently, trait-based approaches have been used in several taxa to better understand mechanisms underlying species assemblages, biotic interactions, environmental relationships and ecosystem functions. However, despite the relevance of bats on ecosystem dynamics, so far, there is no conceptual framework that relies on the measurement of bat traits to address functional studies. Here, we present a set of 50 bat biological traits, which are suitable to assess environmental stressors and can potentially affect ecological processes. Several examples were provided to show the applicability of this framework in the study of Neotropical bat ecology. We suggest some considerations regarding trait-based approach including the importance of intraspecific variation, correlations between traits, response-effect framework, global dataset, and future directions to assess the reliability of functional relations across species and Neotropical regions by using traits. This could be helpful in tackling ecological questions associated with community assembly and habitat filtering, species diversity patterns along environmental gradients, and ecological processes. We envision this paper as a first step toward an integrative bat functional trait protocol held up with solid evidence.
New World bats are involved in key ecological processes and are good indicators of environmental changes. Recently, trait-based approaches have been used in several taxa to better understand mechanisms underlying species assemblages, biotic interactions, environmental relationships and ecosystem functions. However, despite the relevance of bats on ecosystem dynamics, so far, there is no conceptual framework that relies on the measurement of bat traits to address functional studies. Here, we present a set of 50 bat biological traits, which are suitable to assess environmental stressors and can potentially affect ecological processes. Several examples were provided to show the applicability of this framework in the study of Neotropical bat ecology. We suggest some considerations regarding trait-based approach including the importance of intraspecific variation, correlations between traits, response-effect framework, global dataset, and future directions to assess the reliability of functional relations across species and Neotropical regions by using traits. This could be helpful in tackling ecological questions associated with community assembly and habitat filtering, species diversity patterns along environmental gradients, and ecological processes. We envision this paper as a first step toward an integrative bat functional trait protocol held up with solid evidence.(AU)
Animais , Quirópteros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Características de História de Vida , Biomarcadores AmbientaisResumo
Electrophorus spp. generate high-voltage electric discharges for defense and hunting, and low-voltage electric discharges (as other Gymnotiformes) for electrolocation and communication. Despite intense interest in the unusual electrogenic and electroreceptive capacities of electric eels, the other sensory systems of Electrophorus spp. are relatively poorly known. Here we describe the ontogenetic development and organization of the cephalic lateral-line canals in the lowland electric eel, Electrophorus varii. Preserved specimens of larvae, juveniles, and adults were examined to describe the spatial distribution of the canals and pores. Ontogenetic shifts of the cephalic lateral line formation were observed for each canal and support a hypothesis of non-synchronized development. The morphogenesis of cephalic canals in larvae and juveniles begins just before the onset of exogenous feeding. In adults, the cephalic sensory canals are formed separately from the skull and overlay cranial and mandibular bones and muscles. This study provides the first detailed description of the development and organization of the cephalic lateral-line system in Electrophorus varii.(AU)
Electrophorus spp. geram descargas elétricas de alta voltagem, usadas para defesa e caça, e (como os demais Gymnotiformes) descargas elétricas de baixa voltagem para eletrolocalização e comunicação. Apesar do grande interesse nas capacidades eletrogênicas e eletrorreceptivas incomuns dos poraquês, os outros sistemas sensoriais de Electrophorus spp. são relativamente pouco conhecidos. Aqui nós descrevemos o desenvolvimento ontogenético e a organização dos canais da linha lateral cefálica no poraquê da planície Electrophorus varii. Exemplares preservados de larvas, juvenis e adultos foram analisados para descrever a distribuição espacial dos canais e poros. Variações ontogenéticas na formação da linha lateral cefálica foram observadas para cada canal, apresentando um desenvolvimento não-sincronizado. Variações ontogenéticas da formação da linha lateral cefálica foram observadas para cada canal e suportam uma hipótese de desenvolvimento assincrônico. A morfogênese dos canais cefálicos em larvas e juvenis precede o início da alimentação exógena. Nos adultos, os canais sensoriais cefálicos se formam separadamente do crânio e sobrepõem os ossos e músculos cranianos e mandibulares. Este estudo fornece a primeira descrição detalhada do desenvolvimento e organização do sistema da linha lateral cefálica de Electrophorus varii.(AU)
Animais , Gimnotiformes , Enguias , Sistema da Linha Lateral , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Características de Residência , MúsculosResumo
Electrophorus spp. generate high-voltage electric discharges for defense and hunting, and low-voltage electric discharges (as other Gymnotiformes) for electrolocation and communication. Despite intense interest in the unusual electrogenic and electroreceptive capacities of electric eels, the other sensory systems of Electrophorus spp. are relatively poorly known. Here we describe the ontogenetic development and organization of the cephalic lateral-line canals in the lowland electric eel, Electrophorus varii. Preserved specimens of larvae, juveniles, and adults were examined to describe the spatial distribution of the canals and pores. Ontogenetic shifts of the cephalic lateral line formation were observed for each canal and support a hypothesis of non-synchronized development. The morphogenesis of cephalic canals in larvae and juveniles begins just before the onset of exogenous feeding. In adults, the cephalic sensory canals are formed separately from the skull and overlay cranial and mandibular bones and muscles. This study provides the first detailed description of the development and organization of the cephalic lateral-line system in Electrophorus varii.(AU)
Electrophorus spp. geram descargas elétricas de alta voltagem, usadas para defesa e caça, e (como os demais Gymnotiformes) descargas elétricas de baixa voltagem para eletrolocalização e comunicação. Apesar do grande interesse nas capacidades eletrogênicas e eletrorreceptivas incomuns dos poraquês, os outros sistemas sensoriais de Electrophorus spp. são relativamente pouco conhecidos. Aqui nós descrevemos o desenvolvimento ontogenético e a organização dos canais da linha lateral cefálica no poraquê da planície Electrophorus varii. Exemplares preservados de larvas, juvenis e adultos foram analisados para descrever a distribuição espacial dos canais e poros. Variações ontogenéticas na formação da linha lateral cefálica foram observadas para cada canal, apresentando um desenvolvimento não-sincronizado. Variações ontogenéticas da formação da linha lateral cefálica foram observadas para cada canal e suportam uma hipótese de desenvolvimento assincrônico. A morfogênese dos canais cefálicos em larvas e juvenis precede o início da alimentação exógena. Nos adultos, os canais sensoriais cefálicos se formam separadamente do crânio e sobrepõem os ossos e músculos cranianos e mandibulares. Este estudo fornece a primeira descrição detalhada do desenvolvimento e organização do sistema da linha lateral cefálica de Electrophorus varii.(AU)
Animais , Gimnotiformes , Enguias , Sistema da Linha Lateral , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Características de Residência , MúsculosResumo
The lengthweight relationship (LWR) is an important tool for ichthyology. It is very useful to demonstrate the environmental influence on growth. In this study we estimate the LWR of the Atherinella brasiliensis in the shallow areas of the São Francisco River estuary and compare the growth of this specie in different environments of the Brazilian coast. Specimens of Brazilian silverside (A. brasiliensis, n = 3483), between 2.1 and 13.6 cm in length, were caught in the shallow areas of the São Francisco River estuary between May 2017 and April 2018. The length-weight ratio of the species was represented by the equation y = 0.0047x3.0913. Frequency distribution indicates that the species is present in the studied area in all its ontogenetic stages and apparently reproduces throughout the year with constant input of recruits into the population. Von Bertalanffys growth model and longevity were adjusted to reach asymptotic length (L∞) of 14.7 cm, growth coefficient (K) of 0.91 year-1 and longevity (A95) of 3.25 years. The analysis of variance revealed differences for the maximum total length. However, the differences found between the present study and data available in the literature appear to be caused by environmental and methodological differences.
A relação peso-comprimento (LWR) é uma ferramenta importante para a ictiologia, muito utilizada para demonstrar a influência ambiental no crescimento. Neste estudo estimamos o LWR de Atherinella brasiliensis em áreas rasas do estuário do rio São Francisco e comparamos o crescimento desta espécie em diferentes ambientes do litoral brasileiro. Espécimes do peixe-rei (A. brasiliensis, n = 3483), entre 2,1 e 13,6 cm de comprimento, foram capturados nas áreas rasas do estuário do rio São Francisco entre maio de 2017 e abril de 2018. A relação peso-comprimento das espécies foi representada por a equação y = 0,0047x3,0913. A distribuição de frequência indica que a espécie está presente na área estudada em todos os seus estágios ontogenéticos e aparentemente se reproduz ao longo do ano com entrada constante de recrutas na população. Os modelos de crescimento e longevidade de Von Bertalanffy foram ajustados para atingir comprimento assintótico (L∞) de 14,7 cm, coeficiente de crescimento (K) de 0,91 ano-1 e longevidade (A95) de 3,25 anos. A análise de variância revelou diferenças para o comprimento total máximo. No entanto, as diferenças encontradas entre o presente estudo e os dados disponíveis na literatura parecem ser causadas por diferenças ambientais e metodológicas.
Animais , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes/genéticaResumo
The lengthweight relationship (LWR) is an important tool for ichthyology. It is very useful to demonstrate the environmental influence on growth. In this study we estimate the LWR of the Atherinella brasiliensis in the shallow areas of the São Francisco River estuary and compare the growth of this specie in different environments of the Brazilian coast. Specimens of Brazilian silverside (A. brasiliensis, n = 3483), between 2.1 and 13.6 cm in length, were caught in the shallow areas of the São Francisco River estuary between May 2017 and April 2018. The length-weight ratio of the species was represented by the equation y = 0.0047x3.0913. Frequency distribution indicates that the species is present in the studied area in all its ontogenetic stages and apparently reproduces throughout the year with constant input of recruits into the population. Von Bertalanffys growth model and longevity were adjusted to reach asymptotic length (L∞) of 14.7 cm, growth coefficient (K) of 0.91 year-1 and longevity (A95) of 3.25 years. The analysis of variance revealed differences for the maximum total length. However, the differences found between the present study and data available in the literature appear to be caused by environmental and methodological differences.(AU)
A relação peso-comprimento (LWR) é uma ferramenta importante para a ictiologia, muito utilizada para demonstrar a influência ambiental no crescimento. Neste estudo estimamos o LWR de Atherinella brasiliensis em áreas rasas do estuário do rio São Francisco e comparamos o crescimento desta espécie em diferentes ambientes do litoral brasileiro. Espécimes do peixe-rei (A. brasiliensis, n = 3483), entre 2,1 e 13,6 cm de comprimento, foram capturados nas áreas rasas do estuário do rio São Francisco entre maio de 2017 e abril de 2018. A relação peso-comprimento das espécies foi representada por a equação y = 0,0047x3,0913. A distribuição de frequência indica que a espécie está presente na área estudada em todos os seus estágios ontogenéticos e aparentemente se reproduz ao longo do ano com entrada constante de recrutas na população. Os modelos de crescimento e longevidade de Von Bertalanffy foram ajustados para atingir comprimento assintótico (L∞) de 14,7 cm, coeficiente de crescimento (K) de 0,91 ano-1 e longevidade (A95) de 3,25 anos. A análise de variância revelou diferenças para o comprimento total máximo. No entanto, as diferenças encontradas entre o presente estudo e os dados disponíveis na literatura parecem ser causadas por diferenças ambientais e metodológicas.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peixes/genéticaResumo
RESUMEN La estrategia reproductiva de una especie debe ajustarse a las variaciones de las condiciones ambientales para garantizar el equilibrio poblacional. En los riachos amazónicos de tierra firme las fluctuaciones hidrológicas están controladas principalmente por las lluvias locales, predominando especies de peces de pequeño porte. Investigamos la estrategia reproductiva de Helogenes marmoratus y la influencia de variables ambientales (e.g., lluvia, conductividad, descriptores del hábitat) en su actividad reproductiva. Colectamos mensualmente entre marzo de 2019 y marzo de 2020 en una microcuenca del río Guamá, en la Amazonia oriental brasileña. Identificamos un período reproductivo prolongado entre julio de 2019 y marzo de 2020. Los machos comienzan a reproducirse con un menor tamaño ( = 27.41; = 31.36 mm). Confirmamos desove parcial, baja fecundidad (59.55 ± 22.76 ovócitos) y ovócitos grandes (1.24 ± 0.15 mm). La estrategia reproductiva de H. marmoratus ocupa un lugar intermedio entre el gradiente oportunista y de equilibrio. Regresiones múltiples destacan la importancia de la profundidad, la conductividad eléctrica, los bancos de hojas y la lluvia como reguladores de la actividad reproductiva de las hembras, explicando 32% de la variación del IGS. Nuestro estudio proporciona evidencia de una respuesta reproductiva diferenciada entre los sexos a las variables ambientales.
ABSTRACT The reproductive strategy of a species must be adjusted to variations in environmental conditions to guarantee population balance. Hydrological fluctuations in Amazonian streams of terra firme (non-flooded) are controlled primarily by local rainfall. Fish assemblages are composed predominantly of species of small size. We investigated the reproductive strategy of the cryptic catfish Helogenes marmoratus and assessed the influence of environmental variables (e.g., rainfall, conductivity, habitat descriptors) on its reproductive activity in a catchment of the Guamá River in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Through monthly collections between March 2019 and March 2020, we identified an extended reproductive period between July 2019 and March 2020. Males mature at smaller sizes than females ( = 27.41 mm; = 31.36 mm). We confirmed batch spawning, low fecundity (59.55 ± 22.76 stage IV oocytes), and large oocytes (1.24 ± 0.15 mm). Our results indicated that H. marmoratus strategy occupies an intermediate place between opportunistic and equilibrium gradient. Multiple regressions showed that thalweg depth, electrical conductivity, leaf litter, and rainfall are important drivers of reproductive activity of females of H. marmoratus, explaining 32% of the variation of the GSI. Our study provides evidence of differentiated reproductive response between the sexes to environmental variables.
We studied the reproductive biology of Otocinclus vittatus in the southern Pantanal, Brazil. A total of 1066 fishes were analyzed (490 males, 488 females and 88 individuals of undetermined sex), sampled with a rectangular sieve and a seine net from February/2009 to January/2011. Variations in the sex ratio, seasonality in reproduction, fecundity, and size at first maturity were estimated. No variations were detected in the total sex ratio for the study period as a whole; although ratio has varied over time. The gonadosomatic index varied according to the river level, but not according to water temperature and rainfall. The mean fecundity was estimated at 84.1 oocytes, with a positive correlation with standard length. The size at first maturity (L50) estimated was 18.7 mm for females and 20.1 mm for males.(AU)
Estudamos a biologia reprodutiva de Otocinclus vittatus no Pantanal Sul, Brasil. Um total de 1066 peixes foram analisados (490 machos, 488 fêmeas e 88 de sexo indeterminado), amostrados com tela de isca e rede de arrasto entre Fevereiro/2009 e Janeiro/2011. Foram estimadas as variações na proporção sexual, a sazonalidade na reprodução e o tamanho da primeira maturação. Não foi detectada variação na proporção sexual total para o período de estudo como um todo; embora a proporção tenha variado ao longo do tempo. O índice ganadossomático variou de acordo com o nível do rio, mas não de acordo com a temperatura da água e a pluviosidade. A média de fecundidade foi estimada em 84.1 ovócitos, com uma correlação positiva com o comprimento padrão. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi estimado em 18.7 mm para fêmeas e 20.1 mm para machos.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Peixes-Gato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , História Reprodutiva , EcologiaResumo
Population and reproductive aspects allow the knowledge and understanding of population dynamics and the influence of environmental factors, in addition to ensure the success of a species continuity. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze population and reproductive traits of the species Hyphessobrycon eques in southern Pantanal, Brazil. Monthly samplings were conducted from February/2009 to January/2011, with 617 individuals analyzed, being 365 females and 262 males. A similar form of distribution in length and weight between the sexes was observed. There was no significant variation in sex ratio over time, with higher proportion of females during the entire sampled period. Both sexes presented a angular coefficient of Weight/Length (b) relationship greater than 3, with speed of increase in weight greater than in length. For females, a long reproductive period was observed, with greater reproductive intensity from January through June. No significant correlation was observed between the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and the average temperature, rainfall and river level, despite the fact that reproductive activity occurs in autumn/winter, when there are favorable conditions due to flooding. The size at first maturation (L50) was 20.2 mm, with confidence interval varying from 19.7 through 20.7 mm. The average fecundity was 191.9 oocytes/females and was significantly related to the standard length and total weight (g), demonstrating a relation with energy accumulation to invest in reproduction. The long reproductive period, intensified by partial spawning, higher proportion of females and low L50, show that the species has strategies necessary for survival and rapid population growth, common in small species characterized as r-strategists.(AU)
Os aspectos populacionais e reprodutivos permitem o conhecimento e a compreensão da dinâmica populacional e da influência de fatores ambientais, assegurando o sucesso da continuidade de uma espécie. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os traços populacionais e reprodutivos da espécie Hyphessobrycon eques no Sul do Pantanal, Brasil. Foram realizadas amostragens mensais de Fevereiro/2009 a Janeiro/2011, com um total de 617 indivíduos analisados, sendo 365 fêmeas e 262 machos. Foi observada que a distribuição foi similar em comprimento e peso entre os sexos. Não ocorreu variação significativa na proporção sexual ao longo do tempo, com maior proporção de fêmeas durante todo período amostrado. Ambos os sexos apresentaram um coeficiente angular da relação Peso/Comprimento (b) maior que 3, com velocidade do incremento em peso maior do que em comprimento. Para as fêmeas, foi observado um período reprodutivo longo, com maior intensidade reprodutiva de Janeiro e Junho. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre o Índice Gonadossomático (IGS) e a temperatura média, pluviosidade e nível do rio, apesar de ocorrer atividade reprodutiva no outono/inverno, período que há condições favoráveis decorrentes da inundação. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi de 20,2 mm, com intervalo de confiança variando entre 19,7 e 20,7 mm. A fecundidade média foi de 191,9 ovócitos/fêmea e esteve relacionada significativamente ao comprimento padrão e peso total (g), demonstrando uma relação com acúmulo de energia para investir na reprodução. O período reprodutivo longo, intensificado pela desova parcelada, maior proporção de fêmeas e baixo L50, mostram que a espécie possui estratégias necessárias para sobrevivência e rápido crescimento da população, comum em espécies de pequeno porte caracterizadas como r-estrategistas.(AU)
Animais , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Characidae/fisiologiaResumo
Using non-lethal methods for data collection of individuals and participatory monitoring by fishermen, we provide the first empirical evidence of the use of a nursery area by neonate and young-of-the-year cownose rays Rhinoptera bonasus and R. brasiliensis in southeastern Brazil. Two methods were used to collect data: (1) information provided by fishermen (reports, pictures, and videos) and (2) field sampling by researchers. A total of 746 cownose rays were captured; 113 have been identified as R. bonasus, 15 as R. brasiliensis, and 618 were reported by fishermen and could not be identified to the species. Records of newborns were made only in late spring and summer in 2015, 2016, and 2017, which suggests an annual reproductive cycle, with birth in late spring, extending to summer. A repeated use of this area by R. bonasus suggests that it is potentially important to the reproduction of this species. However, R. brasiliensis requires more studies. Small increases in mortality, resulting from increased fishing or other anthropogenic stressors, can have a disproportionately large effect on population viability. Thus, management of areas used during critical stages of the life cycle of rays is crucial to their conservation.(AU)
Usando métodos não-letais para levantamento de dados dos indivíduos e o monitoramento participativo dos pescadores fornecemos a primeira evidência empírica do uso de uma área de berçário por neonatos e jovens do ano de raias Ticonha Rhinoptera bonasus e R. brasiliensis no sudeste do Brasil. Dois métodos foram utilizados para coletar dados: (1) informações fornecidas pelos pescadores (relatórios, fotos e vídeos) e (2) amostragem de campo pelos pesquisadores. Um total de 746 raias Ticonha foram capturadas; 113 foram identificadas como R. bonasus, 15 como R. brasiliensis e 618 foram registrados pelos pescadores e não puderam ser identificadas em nível específico. Os registros de recém-nascidos foram feitos apenas no final da primavera e no verão de 2015, 2016 e 2017, o que sugere um ciclo reprodutivo anual, com nascimento no final da primavera, se estendendo até o verão. O uso repetido desta área por R. bonasus sugere sua potencial importância para a reprodução destas espécies. No entanto, R. brasiliensis requer mais estudos. Pequenos aumentos na mortalidade, resultantes do aumento da pesca ou outros estressores antropogênicos, podem ter um efeito desproporcionalmente grande na viabilidade populacional. Assim, o gerenciamento das áreas usadas durante os estágios críticos do ciclo de vida das raias é crucial para sua conservação.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Ração Animal/estatística & dados numéricos , Animais Recém-Nascidos/metabolismo , Peixes/metabolismo , Indústria PesqueiraResumo
Using non-lethal methods for data collection of individuals and participatory monitoring by fishermen, we provide the first empirical evidence of the use of a nursery area by neonate and young-of-the-year cownose rays Rhinoptera bonasus and R. brasiliensis in southeastern Brazil. Two methods were used to collect data: (1) information provided by fishermen (reports, pictures, and videos) and (2) field sampling by researchers. A total of 746 cownose rays were captured; 113 have been identified as R. bonasus, 15 as R. brasiliensis, and 618 were reported by fishermen and could not be identified to the species. Records of newborns were made only in late spring and summer in 2015, 2016, and 2017, which suggests an annual reproductive cycle, with birth in late spring, extending to summer. A repeated use of this area by R. bonasus suggests that it is potentially important to the reproduction of this species. However, R. brasiliensis requires more studies. Small increases in mortality, resulting from increased fishing or other anthropogenic stressors, can have a disproportionately large effect on population viability. Thus, management of areas used during critical stages of the life cycle of rays is crucial to their conservation.(AU)
Usando métodos não-letais para levantamento de dados dos indivíduos e o monitoramento participativo dos pescadores fornecemos a primeira evidência empírica do uso de uma área de berçário por neonatos e jovens do ano de raias Ticonha Rhinoptera bonasus e R. brasiliensis no sudeste do Brasil. Dois métodos foram utilizados para coletar dados: (1) informações fornecidas pelos pescadores (relatórios, fotos e vídeos) e (2) amostragem de campo pelos pesquisadores. Um total de 746 raias Ticonha foram capturadas; 113 foram identificadas como R. bonasus, 15 como R. brasiliensis e 618 foram registrados pelos pescadores e não puderam ser identificadas em nível específico. Os registros de recém-nascidos foram feitos apenas no final da primavera e no verão de 2015, 2016 e 2017, o que sugere um ciclo reprodutivo anual, com nascimento no final da primavera, se estendendo até o verão. O uso repetido desta área por R. bonasus sugere sua potencial importância para a reprodução destas espécies. No entanto, R. brasiliensis requer mais estudos. Pequenos aumentos na mortalidade, resultantes do aumento da pesca ou outros estressores antropogênicos, podem ter um efeito desproporcionalmente grande na viabilidade populacional. Assim, o gerenciamento das áreas usadas durante os estágios críticos do ciclo de vida das raias é crucial para sua conservação.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Peixes/metabolismo , Ração Animal , Animais Recém-Nascidos/metabolismo , Indústria PesqueiraResumo
Existing knowledge of the breeding success and life history characteristics of most Neotropical bird species is scarce. Here, we help fill this gap by analyzing aspects of the breeding biology of the Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus (Vieillot, 1819), which is a good model for this kind of study as it is a common species occurring in various environments, including urban areas, but little is known about its life history. We provide results concerning the breeding period, clutch size, incubation and nestling periods, description of nests, eggs and nestlings, and the plants used for nest sites by this species. Fifty-four nests were monitored over two seasons (2012-2014) in a protected area in southeastern Brazil. Nesting began at the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rainy season. The frequency of active nests varied according to variations in rainfall for each breeding season analyzed. The means and standard deviations of the incubation period (14.2 ± 1.9 days), nestling period (15.1 ± 0.8 days) and clutch size (2.5 ± 0.7 eggs) were similar to values reported for other Neotropical passerines. Twenty-one plant species used as nest trees and for the construction of the nests were identified. The results show that T. melancholicus is not highly selective when choosing plant species used for nest construction.
Animais , Comportamento de Nidação , Passeriformes , Reprodução , Brasil , Floresta Úmida , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Small-scale fisheries in Brazil contribute to a significant share of total fish production, accessing a large variety of species. Life history parameters from these resources are important for their management and conservation, based on primary data. The objective of this article is to generate growth parameters and mortality rates of ten fish populations from a coastal zone in Southeastern Brazil. Monthly samples were taken between January 2011 and November 2014 from landings of the beach-seine fishery in an area adjacent to the entrance of the Guanabara Bay. All fishes were measured (total length) and weighed. The length-weight relationships (LWR) were estimated by linear regression analysis on log-transformed data of the equation: W = aL b . The Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF) was fitted to size-at-age data to obtain growth parameters (K, L ∞ ). The length-converted catch curve was used for estimating the instantaneous total mortality (Z). Taylors equations provided an independent estimate of the natural mortality (M) and longevity. The difference between Z and M derived Fishing mortality (F). A total of 2,938 individuals from ten fish species were used to determine the length-weight relationships. Harengula clupeola (Cuvier, 1829) has a new maximum length record for the FishBase LWR database. Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879) presented the smallest and largest size recorded for LWR observed in the literature and FishBase database. Upeneus parvus showed the greatest total length, while Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758, Orthopristis ruber (Cuvier, 1830) and Dactylopterus volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) presented the smallest sizes for LWR in FishBase. The other species showed parameters within the expected values for each group. The performance index combining information from Kand L ∞ presented values between 2.32 and 3.76 and were considered appropriate for the populations evaluated.
Animais , Mortalidade , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Características de História de Vida , Brasil , CostaResumo
Existing knowledge of the breeding success and life history characteristics of most Neotropical bird species is scarce. Here, we help fill this gap by analyzing aspects of the breeding biology of the Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus (Vieillot, 1819), which is a good model for this kind of study as it is a common species occurring in various environments, including urban areas, but little is known about its life history. We provide results concerning the breeding period, clutch size, incubation and nestling periods, description of nests, eggs and nestlings, and the plants used for nest sites by this species. Fifty-four nests were monitored over two seasons (2012-2014) in a protected area in southeastern Brazil. Nesting began at the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rainy season. The frequency of active nests varied according to variations in rainfall for each breeding season analyzed. The means and standard deviations of the incubation period (14.2 ± 1.9 days), nestling period (15.1 ± 0.8 days) and clutch size (2.5 ± 0.7 eggs) were similar to values reported for other Neotropical passerines. Twenty-one plant species used as nest trees and for the construction of the nests were identified. The results show that T. melancholicus is not highly selective when choosing plant species used for nest construction.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes , Reprodução , Comportamento de Nidação , Floresta Úmida , Áreas Alagadas , BrasilResumo
Small-scale fisheries in Brazil contribute to a significant share of total fish production, accessing a large variety of species. Life history parameters from these resources are important for their management and conservation, based on primary data. The objective of this article is to generate growth parameters and mortality rates of ten fish populations from a coastal zone in Southeastern Brazil. Monthly samples were taken between January 2011 and November 2014 from landings of the beach-seine fishery in an area adjacent to the entrance of the Guanabara Bay. All fishes were measured (total length) and weighed. The length-weight relationships (LWR) were estimated by linear regression analysis on log-transformed data of the equation: W = aL b . The Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF) was fitted to size-at-age data to obtain growth parameters (K, L ∞ ). The length-converted catch curve was used for estimating the instantaneous total mortality (Z). Taylors equations provided an independent estimate of the natural mortality (M) and longevity. The difference between Z and M derived Fishing mortality (F). A total of 2,938 individuals from ten fish species were used to determine the length-weight relationships. Harengula clupeola (Cuvier, 1829) has a new maximum length record for the FishBase LWR database. Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879) presented the smallest and largest size recorded for LWR observed in the literature and FishBase database. Upeneus parvus showed the greatest total length, while Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758, Orthopristis ruber (Cuvier, 1830) and Dactylopterus volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) presented the smallest sizes for LWR in FishBase. The other species showed parameters within the expected values for each group. The performance index combining information from Kand L ∞ presented values between 2.32 and 3.76 and were considered appropriate for the populations evaluated.(AU)
Animais , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Características de História de Vida , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mortalidade , Brasil , CostaResumo
Abstract We studied the reproductive biology of Otocinclus vittatus in the southern Pantanal, Brazil. A total of 1066 fishes were analyzed (490 males, 488 females and 88 individuals of undetermined sex), sampled with a rectangular sieve and a seine net from February/2009 to January/2011. Variations in the sex ratio, seasonality in reproduction, fecundity, and size at first maturity were estimated. No variations were detected in the total sex ratio for the study period as a whole; although ratio has varied over time. The gonadosomatic index varied according to the river level, but not according to water temperature and rainfall. The mean fecundity was estimated at 84.1 oocytes, with a positive correlation with standard length. The size at first maturity (L50) estimated was 18.7 mm for females and 20.1 mm for males.
Resumo Estudamos a biologia reprodutiva de Otocinclus vittatus no Pantanal Sul, Brasil. Um total de 1066 peixes foram analisados (490 machos, 488 fêmeas e 88 de sexo indeterminado), amostrados com tela de isca e rede de arrasto entre Fevereiro/2009 e Janeiro/2011. Foram estimadas as variações na proporção sexual, a sazonalidade na reprodução e o tamanho da primeira maturação. Não foi detectada variação na proporção sexual total para o período de estudo como um todo; embora a proporção tenha variado ao longo do tempo. O índice ganadossomático variou de acordo com o nível do rio, mas não de acordo com a temperatura da água e a pluviosidade. A média de fecundidade foi estimada em 84.1 ovócitos, com uma correlação positiva com o comprimento padrão. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi estimado em 18.7 mm para fêmeas e 20.1 mm para machos.
Abstract Population and reproductive aspects allow the knowledge and understanding of population dynamics and the influence of environmental factors, in addition to ensure the success of a species continuity. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze population and reproductive traits of the species Hyphessobrycon eques in southern Pantanal, Brazil. Monthly samplings were conducted from February/2009 to January/2011, with 617 individuals analyzed, being 365 females and 262 males. A similar form of distribution in length and weight between the sexes was observed. There was no significant variation in sex ratio over time, with higher proportion of females during the entire sampled period. Both sexes presented a angular coefficient of Weight/Length (b) relationship greater than 3, with speed of increase in weight greater than in length. For females, a long reproductive period was observed, with greater reproductive intensity from January through June. No significant correlation was observed between the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and the average temperature, rainfall and river level, despite the fact that reproductive activity occurs in autumn/winter, when there are favorable conditions due to flooding. The size at first maturation (L50) was 20.2 mm, with confidence interval varying from 19.7 through 20.7 mm. The average fecundity was 191.9 oocytes/females and was significantly related to the standard length and total weight (g), demonstrating a relation with energy accumulation to invest in reproduction. The long reproductive period, intensified by partial spawning, higher proportion of females and low L50, show that the species has strategies necessary for survival and rapid population growth, common in small species characterized as r-strategists.
Resumo Os aspectos populacionais e reprodutivos permitem o conhecimento e a compreensão da dinâmica populacional e da influência de fatores ambientais, assegurando o sucesso da continuidade de uma espécie. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os traços populacionais e reprodutivos da espécie Hyphessobrycon eques no Sul do Pantanal, Brasil. Foram realizadas amostragens mensais de Fevereiro/2009 a Janeiro/2011, com um total de 617 indivíduos analisados, sendo 365 fêmeas e 262 machos. Foi observada que a distribuição foi similar em comprimento e peso entre os sexos. Não ocorreu variação significativa na proporção sexual ao longo do tempo, com maior proporção de fêmeas durante todo período amostrado. Ambos os sexos apresentaram um coeficiente angular da relação Peso/Comprimento (b) maior que 3, com velocidade do incremento em peso maior do que em comprimento. Para as fêmeas, foi observado um período reprodutivo longo, com maior intensidade reprodutiva de Janeiro e Junho. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre o Índice Gonadossomático (IGS) e a temperatura média, pluviosidade e nível do rio, apesar de ocorrer atividade reprodutiva no outono/inverno, período que há condições favoráveis decorrentes da inundação. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi de 20,2 mm, com intervalo de confiança variando entre 19,7 e 20,7 mm. A fecundidade média foi de 191,9 ovócitos/fêmea e esteve relacionada significativamente ao comprimento padrão e peso total (g), demonstrando uma relação com acúmulo de energia para investir na reprodução. O período reprodutivo longo, intensificado pela desova parcelada, maior proporção de fêmeas e baixo L50, mostram que a espécie possui estratégias necessárias para sobrevivência e rápido crescimento da população, comum em espécies de pequeno porte caracterizadas como r-estrategistas.
The black prochilodus, Prochilodus nigricans, is an important food fish distributed throughout aquatic habitats of the Ecuadorian Amazon. We sampled gonad weight, body condition, and feeding of this species to address the question of whether changes in these biological parameters are related to hydrological variation and migration patterns. High frequency of empty stomachs and poor body condition corresponded to migration periods. Gonad condition analysis revealed a single, discrete spawning period in April (end of rising water season). We synthesized our own and published observations on migration patterns of black prochilodus and presumptive factors that influence those movements. Mature individuals make lateral migrations from peripheral flooded habitats to large white water rivers to spawn. Eggs and larvae drift downstream to nurseries at least into Peru and perhaps into Brazil; there do not appear to be nursery habitats in Ecuador. After 6-18 months, they migrate upstream, recruiting to parental stocks. Long-distance migrations of black prochilodus and similar fishes in Neotropical rivers disobey political boundaries. Conservation and management of such migratory fishes, thus, requires international co-operation and integrated conservation efforts.(AU)
El bocachico, Prochilodus nigricans, es una fuente importante de proteínas, distribuido en hábitats acuáticos de las tierras bajas de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Se muestreo el peso de las gónadas, la condición corporal, y alimentación de esta especie para determinar la relación de estos parámetros biológicos con la variación hidrológica y patrones migratorios. Una frecuencia alta de estómagos vacíos y la pobre condición corporal corresponde a períodos de migración. El análisis del estado de las gónadas reveló un corto periodo de desove en abril (fin de la temporada de aumento del río). Hemos sintetizado nuestras observaciones propias y publicadas sobre migraciones del bocachico, así como los factores que presumiblemente influyen en estos movimientos. Los peces adultos migran lateralmente desde hábitats periféricos inundados hasta ríos de aguas blancas para desovar. Los huevos y larvas flotan aguas abajo hasta llegar a sitios de crianza en Perú y posiblemente en Brasil; no parece haber hábitats de crianza en Ecuador. Después de 6-18 meses, los bocachicos migran aguas arriba, reclutando a las poblaciones parentales. Las migraciones a larga distancia del bocachico y peces similares en ríos Neotropicales desobedecen las fronteras políticas. Una gestión apropiada de este recurso requiere de cooperación internacional y esfuerzos integrados de conservación.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/metabolismo , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Composição CorporalResumo
The black prochilodus, Prochilodus nigricans, is an important food fish distributed throughout aquatic habitats of the Ecuadorian Amazon. We sampled gonad weight, body condition, and feeding of this species to address the question of whether changes in these biological parameters are related to hydrological variation and migration patterns. High frequency of empty stomachs and poor body condition corresponded to migration periods. Gonad condition analysis revealed a single, discrete spawning period in April (end of rising water season). We synthesized our own and published observations on migration patterns of black prochilodus and presumptive factors that influence those movements. Mature individuals make lateral migrations from peripheral flooded habitats to large white water rivers to spawn. Eggs and larvae drift downstream to nurseries at least into Peru and perhaps into Brazil; there do not appear to be nursery habitats in Ecuador. After 6-18 months, they migrate upstream, recruiting to parental stocks. Long-distance migrations of black prochilodus and similar fishes in Neotropical rivers disobey political boundaries. Conservation and management of such migratory fishes, thus, requires international co-operation and integrated conservation efforts.(AU)
El bocachico, Prochilodus nigricans, es una fuente importante de proteínas, distribuido en hábitats acuáticos de las tierras bajas de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Se muestreo el peso de las gónadas, la condición corporal, y alimentación de esta especie para determinar la relación de estos parámetros biológicos con la variación hidrológica y patrones migratorios. Una frecuencia alta de estómagos vacíos y la pobre condición corporal corresponde a períodos de migración. El análisis del estado de las gónadas reveló un corto periodo de desove en abril (fin de la temporada de aumento del río). Hemos sintetizado nuestras observaciones propias y publicadas sobre migraciones del bocachico, así como los factores que presumiblemente influyen en estos movimientos. Los peces adultos migran lateralmente desde hábitats periféricos inundados hasta ríos de aguas blancas para desovar. Los huevos y larvas flotan aguas abajo hasta llegar a sitios de crianza en Perú y posiblemente en Brasil; no parece haber hábitats de crianza en Ecuador. Después de 6-18 meses, los bocachicos migran aguas arriba, reclutando a las poblaciones parentales. Las migraciones a larga distancia del bocachico y peces similares en ríos Neotropicales desobedecen las fronteras políticas. Una gestión apropiada de este recurso requiere de cooperación internacional y esfuerzos integrados de conservación.(AU)