Os cães, assim como os homens, passam por fases na vida chegando a idades avançadas. A senilidade é observada em diferentes processos dos sistemas do organismo incluindo o sistema reprodutivo. Fazem parte das alterações do sistema reprodutor masculino de cães senis a perda da função dos órgãos sexuais, perda de libido, alterações do sistema endócrino reprodutivo e alterações no sêmen, nos espermatozoides e resultando em infertilidade. A longevidade reprodutiva dos cães reprodutores depende de vários fatores internos e externos e sua manutenção pode ser feita com a utilização de manejo nutricional, sanitário e reprodutivo corretos, aplicação de biotecnologias aplicadas a reprodução.(AU)
Dogs, like men, go through stages in life, reaching advanced ages. Senility is observed in different processes of the body systems including the reproductive system. The changes in the male reproductive system of senile dogs include loss of function of the sexual organs, loss of libido, changes in the reproductive endocrine system and changes in semen and sperm, resulting in infertility. The reproductive longevity of the stud dogs depends on several internal and external factors and its maintenance can be done with the use of correct nutritional, sanitary, reproductive management and application of biotechnologies applied to reproduction.(AU)
Animais , Cães/fisiologia , Endocrinologia , GeriatriaResumo
Cryptosporidium protozoa genus are parasites that cause acute enteric disease in young and immunocompromised animals, resulting in anorexia, loss and decrease in weight gain, and, in severe cases, death. Therefore, this study aimed: i) to determine the occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. in calves with clinical diarrhea in different regions of Santa Catarina, Brazil; ii) to evaluate the risk factors involved with the frequency of infection. iii) to determine the species most involved with the disease in the region. For this, 425 samples were collected in 141 dairy farms, from animals with ages ranging from 0 to 150 days. For this purpose, the samples were submitted to the modified Ziehl-Neelsen technique, with molecular analysis of the positive samples being performed. It was observed 62.1% occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. in this sampling, especially between 8 to 15 days. Regarding the risk factors evaluated, such as age, management, facilities, water source and Koppen climate (CFA and CFB), none showed statistical significance. Samples positive by the Ziehl-Neelsen technique (32 samples) were randomly selected for molecular diagnosis. Of these, 10 were sequenced, allowing the identification of Crypstosporidium parvum in 6 samples. However, this study proves the existence and high occurrence of the protozoan in different regions of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Os protozoários do gênero Cryptosporidium são parasitas que causam doença entérica aguda em animais jovens e imunocomprometidos, resultando em anorexia, perda e diminuição do ganho de peso e, em casos graves, morte. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. em bezerros com diarreia clínica em diferentes regiões de Santa Catarina, Brasil; bem como avaliar os fatores de risco envolvidos com a frequência de infecção. Além disso, com um número seleto de amostras, buscou-se determinar as espécies mais envolvidas com a doença na região por meio de técnicas moleculares. Para isso, foram coletadas 425 amostras em 141 fazendas leiteiras, de animais com idade variando de 0 a 150 dias. Observou-se 62,1% de ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. nesta amostragem, principalmente entre 8 a 15 dias. Em relação aos fatores de risco avaliados, como idade, manejo, instalações, fonte hídrica e clima de Koppen (CFA e CFB), nenhum apresentou significância estatística. No entanto, este estudo comprova a existência e alta ocorrência do protozoário em diferentes regiões do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Criptosporidiose , Diarreia/veterináriaResumo
Swines raised in intensive systems are highly susceptible to claw lesions. Moderate to severe lesions trigger an inflammatory response, causing pain and impairing reproductive and economic performance. Foot lesions in sows can cause considerable losses owing to reduced fertility and herd longevity. Proper diagnosis is an important step in correcting this problem; however, the seriousness of the impact of these lesions on swine herds remains unclear to most farm owners. Health monitoring has become an essential tool for veterinarians because it enables the detection of disease incidence and severity. In this study, we assessed claw lesions in sows reared under an intensive system to ascertain the prevalence and severity of lesions in Brazilian herds. The hind limb claws of 2,660 sows from 30 farms were examined for the following lesions: heel overgrowth and erosion (HOE), heel-sole cracks, white line lesions (WL), horizontal and vertical cracks in the toe wall, overgrown toes, and overgrown or missing dew claws. Claws were classified as normal (score = 0), mild (score = 1), moderate (score = 2), or severe (score = 3). At least one type of lesion was observed in 99.1% of the sows, whereas 29.7% displayed severe lesions. HOE was the most common lesion (89.9% of sows) and severe WL was observed in 16.8% of the sows. Lesions increased in prevalence and severity with parity, except for WL. In young females, lesions on the volar surface were more common than those on cracked walls or overgrown toes, which should be considered when selecting gilts for breeding. A high prevalence of claw lesions was observed in Brazilian sows. Monitoring of these lesions is fast and simple. Regular monitoring provides information on claw health in a herd over time, allowing us to take measures to control and treat claw lesions, avoiding worsening of the problem, early culling of animals, and the associated productive and economic losses.
Suínos criados em sistemas intensivos são altamente suscetíveis a lesões de casco. Quando moderadas a graves, essas lesões desencadeiam uma resposta inflamatória, causando dor e prejudicando o desempenho reprodutivo e econômico. Em porcas, as lesões nos cascos podem causar consideráveis perdas devido à redução da fertilidade e longevidade do rebanho. O diagnóstico adequado é um dos passos mais importantes para corrigir esse problema, mas a gravidade do impacto dessas lesões nos rebanhos suínos passa despercebida na maioria das propriedades. O monitoramento sanitário tornou-se uma ferramenta essencial para os médicos veterinários, pois possibilita a detecção da incidência e gravidade da doença. O presente estudo utilizou um método de avaliação de lesões de casco em porcas criadas em sistema intensivo para verificar a prevalência e gravidade das lesões em rebanhos brasileiros. Os cascos dos membros pélvicos de 2.660 porcas, de 30 granjas, foram examinados para as seguintes lesões: crescimento e erosão da almofada plantar (AP), rachadura entre almofada plantar e sola, lesão na linha branca (LB), rachaduras horizontal e vertical da parede do casco, sobrecrescimento da unha principal e sobrecrescimento ou amputação da unha acessória. Os cascos foram classificados como normais (escore = 0) ou apresentando lesões leves (escore = 1), moderadas (escore = 2) ou graves (escore = 3). Pelo menos um tipo de lesão foi observado em 99,1% das porcas, enquanto 29,7% apresentaram lesões graves. AP foi a lesão mais comum (89,9% das porcas) e LB severa foi observada em 16,8% das porcas. As lesões aumentaram em prevalência e severidade com as ordens de parto, com exceção para LB. Em fêmeas jovens, as lesões na face plantar foram mais comuns do que as rachaduras ou sobrecrescimento das unhas, algo que deve ser levado em consideração na seleção de leitoas para reprodução. Alta prevalência de lesões de casco foi observada em porcas brasileiras. A avaliação dessas lesões é rápida e simples. O monitoramento frequente fornece informações sobre a saúde dos cascos de um rebanho ao longo do tempo, permitindo tomar medidas para o controle e tratamento das lesões dos cascos, evitando o agravamento do problema, o descarte precoce dos animais e as perdas produtivas e econômicas associadas.
Animais , Suínos/lesões , Doenças dos Suínos , Claudicação Intermitente/veterinária , Casco e Garras/lesõesResumo
This article presents the results of the culling of cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the research was to study the actual number of culled cows of dairy productivity in the farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan to determine its norm. The object of research were cows of Simmental (18,462 heads) and Holstein (17,862 heads) breeds in various regions of the republic. The research was carried out according to generally accepted zootechnical methods using statistical data processing using RStudio. The results of the studies showed that the percentage of culling increases in cows of the Simmental and Holstein breeds and amounts to 19.7 and 22.9%, respectively. The analysis of the retirement of full-aged cows of the Simmental breed showed that the main causes are hoof diseases (up to 26%), low reproductive function (up to 21%), low productivity (up to 18%). Holstein cows had an increase in disposals in all categories except for disposals for various reasons, for problems with reproduction, the disposal is up to 21%. The determination of the relationship between productivity and retirement in the Simmental breed cows showed that with age and increased lactation, the proportion of retired cows also increases, in the Holstein breed, with increased productivity, the percentage of culled animals also increases.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados do abate de vacas Simental e Holstein na República do Cazaquistão. O objetivo do estudo foi estudar o número real de vacas abatidas na direção da produtividade leiteira nas fazendas da República do Cazaquistão para determinar sua norma. O estudo incluiu vacas Simental (18.462 cabeças) e Holstein (17.862 cabeças) em diferentes regiões da República. A pesquisa foi conduzida de acordo com métodos zootécnicos geralmente aceitos, adotando o processamento estatístico de dados, usando o RStudio. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que as vacas Simental e Holstein aumentaram a taxa de abate para 19,7% e 22,9%, respectivamente. A análise da alienação de vacas Simental de meia-idade mostrou que as principais causas são doenças dos cascos (até 26%), baixa função reprodutiva (até 21%) e baixa produtividade (até 18%). As vacas Holstein tiveram um aumento na alienação em todas as categorias, exceto a alienação por várias razões; devido a problemas reprodutivos, a alienação é de até 21%. A determinação da relação entre a produtividade e a alienação em vacas Simental mostrou que a proporção de vacas eliminadas aumenta com a idade e o aumento da lactação, enquanto a porcentagem de animais eliminados aumenta com a produtividade na raça Holstein.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Abate de Animais , CazaquistãoResumo
Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a weed broadly found in fields cultivated with wheat and barley crops. Seed inputs into the soil before harvesting winter crops increase seed bank, ensuring survival. This study evaluated the persistence of Italian ryegrass seeds subjected to burial depths over time. Experiments were carried out in the field for two years in randomized block experimental design with four repetitions. Dormant seeds harvested from mother-plants were put in nylon bags containing soil. Previously, seed viability was evaluated in a 1 % tetrazolium solution, and 50 viable seeds by repetition were buried at 0.5, 5.0, 10, and 20 cm depths. Seed persistence was evaluated by the percentage of deteriorated and remaining seeds, non-dormant seeds, abnormal seedlings, and viable and non-viable dormant seeds at 0, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360, 540, and 720 days after burial (DAB). Seed persistence increased at 10 and 20 cm of burial depth compared to seeds in the soil layers up to 5 cm. Moreover, burial depth at 10 and 20 cm showed lower percentage of deteriorated seeds (10 % lower) compared to 0.5 cm at 360 DAB. For non-dormant seeds, a higher percentage was found at 90 DAB, regardless of seed burial depth. Dormancy breakage occurred until 180 DAB, and more rapidly at 10 and 20 cm depths. At 540 DAB, more than 95 % of seeds were unviable, demonstrating short persistence of Italian ryegrass in the soil seed bank.
Banco de Sementes , Dormência de Plantas , Lolium/embriologia , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Plantas DaninhasResumo
Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a weed broadly found in fields cultivated with wheat and barley crops. Seed inputs into the soil before harvesting winter crops increase seed bank, ensuring survival. This study evaluated the persistence of Italian ryegrass seeds subjected to burial depths over time. Experiments were carried out in the field for two years in randomized block experimental design with four repetitions. Dormant seeds harvested from mother-plants were put in nylon bags containing soil. Previously, seed viability was evaluated in a 1 % tetrazolium solution, and 50 viable seeds by repetition were buried at 0.5, 5.0, 10, and 20 cm depths. Seed persistence was evaluated by the percentage of deteriorated and remaining seeds, non-dormant seeds, abnormal seedlings, and viable and non-viable dormant seeds at 0, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360, 540, and 720 days after burial (DAB). Seed persistence increased at 10 and 20 cm of burial depth compared to seeds in the soil layers up to 5 cm. Moreover, burial depth at 10 and 20 cm showed lower percentage of deteriorated seeds (10 % lower) compared to 0.5 cm at 360 DAB. For non-dormant seeds, a higher percentage was found at 90 DAB, regardless of seed burial depth. Dormancy breakage occurred until 180 DAB, and more rapidly at 10 and 20 cm depths. At 540 DAB, more than 95 % of seeds were unviable, demonstrating short persistence of Italian ryegrass in the soil seed bank.(AU)
Lolium/embriologia , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dormência de Plantas , Banco de Sementes , Plantas DaninhasResumo
This study was carried out in the laboratory of Shangqiu Institute of Technology, Henan to investigate the effect of a different combination of inorganic salt on the quality and physiological characteristics of cut flowers (CFs) of Perpetual Carnation. Furthermore, to find out the best preservation solution of inorganic salt that can enhance the ornamental value of CFs of Carnation and prolong its vase life. Sucrose, 8-hydroxyquinoline, paclobutrazol, salicylic acid and different kinds of inorganic salts were added as a preservation solution. And the same amount of distilled water was used as control. The effects of these various inorganic salts on the morphological characteristics including vase life, changes in flower stems, fresh weight (FW) and water balance and the physiological characteristics including contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), cell membrane permeability and the contents of proline of carnation were investigated. The CFs placed in vase solution with inorganic salts showed significant changes in its morphology and physiological characteristics as compared to control. The changes in flower diameter (FD), FW, malondialdehyde and cell membrane permeability showed an increasing trend first and then decreasing. The value of water balance was observed with a downward trend. However, the vase life, FD, the contents of malondialdehyde, contents of proline and FW of CFs held in the preservative solution containing inorganic salts were increased than that of control. The fresh preservative solution contained sucrose 3% + 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ) (200 mg·L1) + paclobutrazol (100 mg·L1) + salicylic acid (SA) (25 mg·L1) + CaCl2 (100 mg·L1) has the best effect on longevity (34 days), FW and FD of carnation CFs. This solution has improved the ornamental and physiological characteristics of fresh carnation CFs.(AU)
Este estudo foi realizado no laboratório do Instituto de Tecnologia de Shangqiu, Henan, para investigar o efeito de diferentes combinações de sal inorgânico na qualidade e características fisiológicas de flores cortadas do Cravo Perpétuo. Além disso, para descobrir a melhor solução de preservação de sal inorgânico que pode aumentar o valor ornamental das flores cortadas de Cravo e prolongar a vida do vaso. Sucrose, 8-hidroxiquinolina, paclobutrazol, ácido salicílico e diferentes tipos de sais inorgânicos foram adicionados como uma solução de preservação. E a mesma quantidade de água destilada foi usada como controle. Os efeitos destes vários sais inorgânicos sobre as características morfológicas incluindo a vida dos vasos, alterações nos caules, peso fresco e balanço hídrico e as características fisiológicas incluindo conteúdo de malondialdeído (MDA), permeabilidade da membrana celular e conteúdo de prolina de cravo foram investigados. As flores de corte colocadas em solução de vaso com sais inorgânicos apresentaram mudanças significativas em sua morfologia e características fisiológicas em relação ao controle. As alterações no diâmetro das flores, no peso fresco, no malondialdeído e na permeabilidade da membrana celular mostraram uma tendência crescente primeiro e depois decrescendo. O valor do balanço hídrico foi observado com tendência de queda. No entanto, a vida útil do vaso, o diâmetro da flor, o conteúdo de malondialdeído, o conteúdo de prolina e o peso fresco de flores cortadas mantidos na solução preservativa contendo sais inorgânicos foram aumentados em relação ao controle. A solução conservante fresca continha sacarose 3% + 8-hidroxiquinolina (8-HQ) (200 mg·L1) + paclobutrazol (100 mg·L1) + ácido salicílico (SA) (25 mg·L1) + CaCl2 (100 mg·L1) tem o melhor efeito na longevidade (34 dias), peso fresco e diâmetro de flor de flores cortadas de cravo. Esta solução melhorou as características ornamentais e fisiológicas das flores frescas de cravo.(AU)
Compostos Inorgânicos , Sais , Desenvolvimento VegetalResumo
Abstract This study was carried out in the laboratory of Shangqiu Institute of Technology, Henan to investigate the effect of a different combination of inorganic salt on the quality and physiological characteristics of cut flowers (CFs) of Perpetual Carnation. Furthermore, to find out the best preservation solution of inorganic salt that can enhance the ornamental value of CFs of Carnation and prolong its vase life. Sucrose, 8-hydroxyquinoline, paclobutrazol, salicylic acid and different kinds of inorganic salts were added as a preservation solution. And the same amount of distilled water was used as control. The effects of these various inorganic salts on the morphological characteristics including vase life, changes in flower stems, fresh weight (FW) and water balance and the physiological characteristics including contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), cell membrane permeability and the contents of proline of carnation were investigated. The CFs placed in vase solution with inorganic salts showed significant changes in its morphology and physiological characteristics as compared to control. The changes in flower diameter (FD), FW, malondialdehyde and cell membrane permeability showed an increasing trend first and then decreasing. The value of water balance was observed with a downward trend. However, the vase life, FD, the contents of malondialdehyde, contents of proline and FW of CFs held in the preservative solution containing inorganic salts were increased than that of control. The fresh preservative solution contained sucrose 3% + 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ) (200 mg·L1) + paclobutrazol (100 mg·L1) + salicylic acid (SA) (25 mg·L1) + CaCl2 (100 mg·L1) has the best effect on longevity (34 days), FW and FD of carnation CFs. This solution has improved the ornamental and physiological characteristics of fresh carnation CFs.
Resumo Este estudo foi realizado no laboratório do Instituto de Tecnologia de Shangqiu, Henan, para investigar o efeito de diferentes combinações de sal inorgânico na qualidade e características fisiológicas de flores cortadas do Cravo Perpétuo. Além disso, para descobrir a melhor solução de preservação de sal inorgânico que pode aumentar o valor ornamental das flores cortadas de Cravo e prolongar a vida do vaso. Sucrose, 8-hidroxiquinolina, paclobutrazol, ácido salicílico e diferentes tipos de sais inorgânicos foram adicionados como uma solução de preservação. E a mesma quantidade de água destilada foi usada como controle. Os efeitos destes vários sais inorgânicos sobre as características morfológicas incluindo a vida dos vasos, alterações nos caules, peso fresco e balanço hídrico e as características fisiológicas incluindo conteúdo de malondialdeído (MDA), permeabilidade da membrana celular e conteúdo de prolina de cravo foram investigados. As flores de corte colocadas em solução de vaso com sais inorgânicos apresentaram mudanças significativas em sua morfologia e características fisiológicas em relação ao controle. As alterações no diâmetro das flores, no peso fresco, no malondialdeído e na permeabilidade da membrana celular mostraram uma tendência crescente primeiro e depois decrescendo. O valor do balanço hídrico foi observado com tendência de queda. No entanto, a vida útil do vaso, o diâmetro da flor, o conteúdo de malondialdeído, o conteúdo de prolina e o peso fresco de flores cortadas mantidos na solução preservativa contendo sais inorgânicos foram aumentados em relação ao controle. A solução conservante fresca continha sacarose 3% + 8-hidroxiquinolina (8-HQ) (200 mg·L1) + paclobutrazol (100 mg·L1) + ácido salicílico (SA) (25 mg·L1) + CaCl2 (100 mg·L1) tem o melhor efeito na longevidade (34 dias), peso fresco e diâmetro de flor de flores cortadas de cravo. Esta solução melhorou as características ornamentais e fisiológicas das flores frescas de cravo.
The use of natural products, such as essential oils (EOs), is a potential novel approach to treat fish bacterial infections with a lower risk of developing resistance. There has been a number of studies reporting the activity of EOs as those obtained from the species Achyrocline satureioides, Aniba parviflora, Aniba rosaeodora, Anthemis nobilis, Conobea scoparioides, Cupressus sempervirens, Illicium verum, Lippia origanoides, and Melaleuca alternifolia against bacteria. However, there are few studies investigating the effect of these EOs against fish bacteria. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial activity of EOs against the following fish bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila, Citrobacter freundii, and Raoultella ornithinolytica. Additionally, the in vivo antibacterial activity of the EO L. origanoides was evaluated against experimentally induced A. hydrophila infection of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen). The EO of L. origanoides was chosen as it showed the highest in vitro antibacterial activity, with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 mg mL-1. This EO also presented a therapeutic success of 58.33%, on a 30 day A. hydrophila infection. Therefore, we suggested that the EO of L. origanoides may be a viable alternative as a treatment for A. hydrophila infection.(AU)
O uso de produtos naturais, como óleos essenciais (OEs), é uma nova abordagem potencial para o tratamento de infecções bacterianas em peixes com um baixo risco de desenvolvimento de resistência. Existem estudos reportando a atividade de OEs como aqueles obtidos das espécies Achyrocline satureioides, Aniba parviflora, Aniba rosaeodora, Anthemis nobilis, Conobea scoparioides, Cupressus sempervirens, Illicium verum, Lippia origanoides e Melaleuca alternifolia contra bactérias. Porém, existem poucos estudos investigando o efeito desses OEs supracitados contra bactérias isoladas de peixes. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a atividade antibacteriana in vitro desses OEs contra bactérias isoladas de peixes (Aeromonas hydrophila, Citrobacter freundii e Raoultella ornithinolytica). Assim como avaliar a atividade antibacteriana in vivo do OE de L. origanoides contra uma infecção por A. hydrophila experimentalmente induzida em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen). O OE de L. origanoides foi escolhido porque apresentou a melhor atividade antibacteriana in vitro, com concentrações inibitórias mínimas variando de 0,2 a 0,8 mg mL-1. Esse OE apresentou sucesso terapêutico de 58,33% no dia 30 pós-infecção. Portanto, sugerimos que o OE de L. origanoides possa ser uma alternativa viável no tratamento da infecção por A. hydrophila em peixes.(AU)
Animais , Doenças dos Peixes/parasitologia , Infecções Bacterianas/terapia , Óleos de Plantas , Anti-Infecciosos , Controle Biológico de VetoresResumo
ABSTRACT: Longevity is an important trait due to its relationship with profitability. Type traits have been used as indirect predictors for productive life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship of 20 type traits on length of productive life in Brazilian Holsteins, using a piecewise Weibull proportional hazard model. Three analyses were performed i) productive life was corrected for within herd level of production as a proxy for functional longevity, which included the time-dependent effects of region within year, class of milk production within herdyear, milk production class within lactation number, fat class and protein contents within herd and (variation in) herd size as well as the time-independent fixed effect of age at first calving and the type trait score; ii) the effects related to production were omitted from the first model (true longevity) and iii) with the first model, the effect of type was also studied considering five classes of percentage of type-scored cows within the herd. All analyses were performed using the Survival Kit program. The final score, angularity, top line, udder texture and suspensory ligament showed the strongest relationship with productive life. When type traits were available only for a small fraction of the herd, the cows had a better chance of remaining longer in the herd. The absence of type trait phenotypes was associated with a strong increase of culling risk for the cows. Type traits were not found to be good indirect predictors of productive life in Brazil.
Longevity is an important trait due to its relationship with profitability. Type traits have been used as indirect predictors for productive life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship of 20 type traits on length of productive life in Brazilian Holsteins, using a piecewise Weibull proportional hazard model. Three analyses were performed i) productive life was corrected for within herd level of production as a proxy for functional longevity, which included the time-dependent effects of region within year, class of milk production within herdyear, milk production class within lactation number, fat class and protein contents within herd and (variation in) herd size as well as the time-independent fixed effect of age at first calving and the type trait score; ii) the effects related to production were omitted from the first model (true longevity) and iii) with the first model, the effect of type was also studied considering five classes of percentage of type-scored cows within the herd. All analyses were performed using the Survival Kit program. The final score, angularity, top line, udder texture and suspensory ligament showed the strongest relationship with productive life. When type traits were available only for a small fraction of the herd, the cows had a better chance of remaining longer in the herd. The absence of type trait phenotypes was associated with a strong increase of culling risk for the cows. Type traits were not found to be good indirect predictors of productive life in Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Abate de Animais , Longevidade , Sobrevivência , Fenótipo , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Longevity is an important trait due to its relationship with profitability. Type traits have been used as indirect predictors for productive life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship of 20 type traits on length of productive life in Brazilian Holsteins, using a piecewise Weibull proportional hazard model. Three analyses were performed i) productive life was corrected for within herd level of production as a proxy for functional longevity, which included the time-dependent effects of region within year, class of milk production within herdyear, milk production class within lactation number, fat class and protein contents within herd and (variation in) herd size as well as the time-independent fixed effect of age at first calving and the type trait score; ii) the effects related to production were omitted from the first model (true longevity) and iii) with the first model, the effect of type was also studied considering five classes of percentage of type-scored cows within the herd. All analyses were performed using the Survival Kit program. The final score, angularity, top line, udder texture and suspensory ligament showed the strongest relationship with productive life. When type traits were available only for a small fraction of the herd, the cows had a better chance of remaining longer in the herd. The absence of type trait phenotypes was associated with a strong increase of culling risk for the cows. Type traits were not found to be good indirect predictors of productive life in Brazil.
Nesta pesquisa avaliou-se o efeito do colesterol sobre o sêmen de garanhões da raça Nordestina sobre a qualidade espermática. Vinte ejaculados de dois garanhões foram diluídos com BotuSemen e colesterol carreado pela ciclodextrina (CCC) adicionado no sêmen: controle, 0,75mg de CCC e 1,0mg de CCC/120x106 sptz/mL, e incubado a 26°C/15min. O sêmen foi diluído 1:5 (v/v) com diluente Lactose-gema de ovo e resfriado a 5°C/2h, envasado em palhetas de 0,5mL, e acondicionado sob vapor de nitrogênio líquido, e depois imersos. As amostras foram descongeladas (37 °C/30s) e avaliadas. As variáveis foram avaliadas com ANOVA e teste de Tukey (P<0,05). A motilidade total e progressiva foi maior (P<0,05) no sêmen tratado com CCC comparado as amostras do grupo controle, e CCC promoveu maior percentual (P<0,05) de motilidade total e progressiva durante as 3 horas de incubação. A percentagem de espermatozoides com viabilidade e integridade foi maior (P<0,05) no sêmen tratado com CCC (81,47 e 86,07%) comparado ao controle (72,12 e 70,19%). O número de espermatozoides reativos ao teste hiposmótico foi maior (P<0,05) nas amostras de sêmen tratadas com CCC comparado ao controle. Adição de colesterol no sêmen de garanhões Nordestino melhora a qualidade espermática apos a criopreservação.(AU)
In the study effect of cholesterol was evaluated on the sperm quality of Nordestina stallion breed. Twenty semen samples were used from two stallions, diluted with BotuSemen extender and cholesterol add as follows: control, 0.75mg of cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin (CLC) and 1.0mg of CLC/120x106 sperm/mL, and incubated for 15 min at 22°C. The samples were diluted 1:5 with lactose-yolk egg extender and cooled to 5°C over two hours, loaded into 0.5mL straws and frozen in static liquid nitrogen vapor before being plunged into nitrogen. Samples were thawed (37°C/30s) and analyzed. The variables were analyzed by ANOVA and means compared by Tukey test (P<0.05). Higher percentages of total and progressive motile was higher for sperm treated with CLC compared to control, and CLC promoted higher percentages (P<0.05) of total and progressive motility for the 3 hours of incubation. The percentage of viability and plasma membrane integrity of spermatozoa were higher (P<0.05) in sperm treated with CLC compared to the control group. The number of spermatozoa reacted to hypoosmotic test was higher (P<0.05) in sperm treated with CLC than control. Addition of CLC in the semen of Nordestina stallion breed improve the sperm quality after cryopreservation.(AU)
Animais , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Colesterol/administração & dosagem , Ciclodextrinas/análise , LongevidadeResumo
Nesta pesquisa avaliou-se o efeito do colesterol sobre o sêmen de garanhões da raça Nordestina sobre a qualidade espermática. Vinte ejaculados de dois garanhões foram diluídos com BotuSemen e colesterol carreado pela ciclodextrina (CCC) adicionado no sêmen: controle, 0,75mg de CCC e 1,0mg de CCC/120x106 sptz/mL, e incubado a 26°C/15min. O sêmen foi diluído 1:5 (v/v) com diluente Lactose-gema de ovo e resfriado a 5°C/2h, envasado em palhetas de 0,5mL, e acondicionado sob vapor de nitrogênio líquido, e depois imersos. As amostras foram descongeladas (37 °C/30s) e avaliadas. As variáveis foram avaliadas com ANOVA e teste de Tukey (P<0,05). A motilidade total e progressiva foi maior (P<0,05) no sêmen tratado com CCC comparado as amostras do grupo controle, e CCC promoveu maior percentual (P<0,05) de motilidade total e progressiva durante as 3 horas de incubação. A percentagem de espermatozoides com viabilidade e integridade foi maior (P<0,05) no sêmen tratado com CCC (81,47 e 86,07%) comparado ao controle (72,12 e 70,19%). O número de espermatozoides reativos ao teste hiposmótico foi maior (P<0,05) nas amostras de sêmen tratadas com CCC comparado ao controle. Adição de colesterol no sêmen de garanhões Nordestino melhora a qualidade espermática apos a criopreservação.(AU)
In the study effect of cholesterol was evaluated on the sperm quality of Nordestina stallion breed. Twenty semen samples were used from two stallions, diluted with BotuSemen extender and cholesterol add as follows: control, 0.75mg of cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin (CLC) and 1.0mg of CLC/120x106 sperm/mL, and incubated for 15 min at 22°C. The samples were diluted 1:5 with lactose-yolk egg extender and cooled to 5°C over two hours, loaded into 0.5mL straws and frozen in static liquid nitrogen vapor before being plunged into nitrogen. Samples were thawed (37°C/30s) and analyzed. The variables were analyzed by ANOVA and means compared by Tukey test (P<0.05). Higher percentages of total and progressive motile was higher for sperm treated with CLC compared to control, and CLC promoted higher percentages (P<0.05) of total and progressive motility for the 3 hours of incubation. The percentage of viability and plasma membrane integrity of spermatozoa were higher (P<0.05) in sperm treated with CLC compared to the control group. The number of spermatozoa reacted to hypoosmotic test was higher (P<0.05) in sperm treated with CLC than control. Addition of CLC in the semen of Nordestina stallion breed improve the sperm quality after cryopreservation.(AU)
Animais , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Colesterol/administração & dosagem , Ciclodextrinas/análise , Cavalos , LongevidadeResumo
ABSTRACT: In the study effect of cholesterol was evaluated on the sperm quality of Nordestina stallion breed. Twenty semen samples were used from two stallions, diluted with BotuSemen extender and cholesterol add as follows: control, 0.75mg of cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin (CLC) and 1.0mg of CLC/120x106 sperm/mL, and incubated for 15 min at 22°C. The samples were diluted 1:5 with lactose-yolk egg extender and cooled to 5°C over two hours, loaded into 0.5mL straws and frozen in static liquid nitrogen vapor before being plunged into nitrogen. Samples were thawed (37°C/30s) and analyzed. The variables were analyzed by ANOVA and means compared by Tukey test (P 0.05). Higher percentages of total and progressive motile was higher for sperm treated with CLC compared to control, and CLC promoted higher percentages (P 0.05) of total and progressive motility for the 3 hours of incubation. The percentage of viability and plasma membrane integrity of spermatozoa were higher (P 0.05) in sperm treated with CLC compared to the control group. The number of spermatozoa reacted to hypoosmotic test was higher (P 0.05) in sperm treated with CLC than control. Addition of CLC in the semen of Nordestina stallion breed improve the sperm quality after cryopreservation.
RESUMO: Nesta pesquisa avaliou-se o efeito do colesterol sobre o sêmen de garanhões da raça Nordestina sobre a qualidade espermática. Vinte ejaculados de dois garanhões foram diluídos com BotuSemen e colesterol carreado pela ciclodextrina (CCC) adicionado no sêmen: controle, 0,75mg de CCC e 1,0mg de CCC/120x106 sptz/mL, e incubado a 26°C/15min. O sêmen foi diluído 1:5 (v/v) com diluente Lactose-gema de ovo e resfriado a 5°C/2h, envasado em palhetas de 0,5mL, e acondicionado sob vapor de nitrogênio líquido, e depois imersos. As amostras foram descongeladas (37 °C/30s) e avaliadas. As variáveis foram avaliadas com ANOVA e teste de Tukey (P 0,05). A motilidade total e progressiva foi maior (P 0,05) no sêmen tratado com CCC comparado as amostras do grupo controle, e CCC promoveu maior percentual (P 0,05) de motilidade total e progressiva durante as 3 horas de incubação. A percentagem de espermatozoides com viabilidade e integridade foi maior (P 0,05) no sêmen tratado com CCC (81,47 e 86,07%) comparado ao controle (72,12 e 70,19%). O número de espermatozoides reativos ao teste hiposmótico foi maior (P 0,05) nas amostras de sêmen tratadas com CCC comparado ao controle. Adição de colesterol no sêmen de garanhões Nordestino melhora a qualidade espermática apos a criopreservação.
Background: Gilts represent the largest category (18-20%) of female pigs in a breeding herd. Under field conditions, the amplitude of growth rate and age at the first mating of gilts are remarkably higher than the recommendations made by the genetic companies. There are several studies that have considered the management of these animals starting from their introduction to the herd till the mating. It has been noted that the genetic selection constantly promotes evolution that may change certain traits of these animals. However, there is a lack of the studies that evaluate the management strategies suitable for the modern sows. This study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the effect of age and growth rate of gilts at the first mating on productive performance and retention rate until the third farrowing. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed in a gilt development unit (GDU) with a breeding stock capacity of 1000 females and a goal of 90 gilts mating per week. The groups were retrospectively created according to age ( 0.05) on farrowing rate after first, second, and third mating. The total number of piglets born in the three first farrowing and over three parities were not affected (P > 0.05) by the age and GR at first mating. The retention rate until the third farrowing of gilts inseminated with more than 210 days of age was approximately 7% greater than in the gilts mated younger; however, no statistical difference (P > 0.05) was detected. An effect of the age at the first mating was observed in the age to reach the third farrowing. Gilts mated with less than 210 and more than 210 days reached the third farrowing, respectively, at 604.5 ±1.9 and 625.1 ± 2.7 days of age (P < 0.001). Discussion: With a minimum GR of 550 g/d, 180 days of age, and at least 130 kg of weight, gilts are eligible to be inseminated without impairing their litter size, farrowing, and retention rate until the third parity. [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cruzamento , Reprodução/genética , Seleção Genética , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/fisiologia , Fatores EtáriosResumo
Background: Gilts represent the largest category (18-20%) of female pigs in a breeding herd. Under field conditions, the amplitude of growth rate and age at the first mating of gilts are remarkably higher than the recommendations made by the genetic companies. There are several studies that have considered the management of these animals starting from their introduction to the herd till the mating. It has been noted that the genetic selection constantly promotes evolution that may change certain traits of these animals. However, there is a lack of the studies that evaluate the management strategies suitable for the modern sows. This study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the effect of age and growth rate of gilts at the first mating on productive performance and retention rate until the third farrowing.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed in a gilt development unit (GDU) with a breeding stock capacity of 1000 females and a goal of 90 gilts mating per week. The groups were retrospectively created according to age ( 210 d and 210 d) and the growth rate (GR; 700 g/d and 700 g/d) at the first mating with a 2 × 2 factorial design. A real-time ultrasound examination was performed at approximately 28 days after artificial insemination to detect pregnancy. Afterward, the productivity data over three parities of 703 females were collected and analyzed at 28 co
Background: Gilts represent the largest category (18-20%) of female pigs in a breeding herd. Under field conditions, the amplitude of growth rate and age at the first mating of gilts are remarkably higher than the recommendations made by the genetic companies. There are several studies that have considered the management of these animals starting from their introduction to the herd till the mating. It has been noted that the genetic selection constantly promotes evolution that may change certain traits of these animals. However, there is a lack of the studies that evaluate the management strategies suitable for the modern sows. This study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the effect of age and growth rate of gilts at the first mating on productive performance and retention rate until the third farrowing. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed in a gilt development unit (GDU) with a breeding stock capacity of 1000 females and a goal of 90 gilts mating per week. The groups were retrospectively created according to age ( 0.05) on farrowing rate after first, second, and third mating. The total number of piglets born in the three first farrowing and over three parities were not affected (P > 0.05) by the age and GR at first mating. The retention rate until the third farrowing of gilts inseminated with more than 210 days of age was approximately 7% greater than in the gilts mated younger; however, no statistical difference (P > 0.05) was detected. An effect of the age at the first mating was observed in the age to reach the third farrowing. Gilts mated with less than 210 and more than 210 days reached the third farrowing, respectively, at 604.5 ±1.9 and 625.1 ± 2.7 days of age (P < 0.001). Discussion: With a minimum GR of 550 g/d, 180 days of age, and at least 130 kg of weight, gilts are eligible to be inseminated without impairing their litter size, farrowing, and retention rate until the third parity. [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Reprodução/genética , Cruzamento , Seleção Genética , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/fisiologia , Fatores EtáriosResumo
Abstract Calophyllum brasiliense is a species native to Brazil and has potential for use in the timber industry, in the reforestation of degraded areas, besides having medicinal properties. Its propagation is mainly by seeds which, depending on their recalcitrant characteristics, leads to difficulty in conservation, due to changes in its physiological potential during storage. Aiming to contribute to the expansion of its cultivation, rational use and conservation, the objective of this study was to investigate the behavior of C. brasiliense seeds during storage. Different packings (paper, aluminum and polyethylene) and environmental conditions (room temperature and cold chamber) were quarterly tested over 12 months, by evaluating germination viability and vigor. Based on the results, it was concluded that packaging in polyethylene and freezer storage provided the best conditions for the conservation of seeds, keeping them viable for a period of nine months.
Resumo Calophyllum brasiliense é uma espécie nativa do Brasil e está na lista de espécies recomendadas para o reflorestamento de áreas degradadas, além de possuir propriedades medicinais e madeireiras. Sua propagação se dá principalmente via sementes, as quais, em função das suas características recalcitrantes, apresentam dificuldade de conservação, devido a alterações no seu potencial fisiológico ao longo do armazenamento. Visando contribuir com a ampliação de seu cultivo, uso racional e conservação, objetivou-se investigar o comportamento das sementes de C. brasiliense durante 12 meses de armazenamento. Testou-se diferentes embalagens (papel, alumínio e polietileno) e condições ambientais (câmara fria e temperatura ambiente), avaliando-se trimestralmente a germinação, viabilidade e vigor. Com base nos resultados obtidos conclui-se que o acondicionamento em embalagem de polietileno e o armazenamento em câmara fria proporcionou a melhor condição para a conservação das sementes, mantendo essas viáveis por um período de nove meses.
Sperm selection techniques are needed to separate spermatozoa from seminal plasma and extender for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and to improve sperm quality for a range of assisted reproduction techniques. Apart from sperm washing, which removes some but not all of the seminal plasma, the selection techniques that are currently used are mainly swim-up and colloid centrifugation; filtration through Sephadex columns or glass wool is seldom used in the field. Although swim-up can be used to prepare sperm samples for IVF, the low recovery rate and lack of selection for sperm qualityother than motility make this technique ineffective for routine use. Colloid centrifugation is used to prepare semen for all types of assisted reproduction. The method has been scaled-up for voluminous ejaculates e.g. from stallion and boar, and scaled-down to accommodate small volumes of thawed semen (e.g. from bull). Sperm quality and fertility are improved, as shown in laboratory assays and in various fertility trials. Some normal spermatozoa are lost during the selection process but overall the advantages of improved longevity and fertility in the selected spermatozoa outweigh the disadvantages. Since spermatozoa are separated from bacteria in the ejaculate, it may be possible to reduce antibiotic usage in semen extenders. New applications of colloid centrifugation include extracting camelid spermatozoa from viscous seminal plasma, selecting spermatozoa with condensed chromatin (i.e. with fewer free thiols), and using the number of spermatozoa passing through the colloid as a diagnostic tool to indicate male fertility.