ABSTRACT The present study evaluated different selection strategies to improve the growth performance and carcass traits of Japanese quails. To this end, 540 Japanese quails previously selected for high body weight at three ages (10, 12 and 14 weeks) from four close-bred flocks (Major, Kaleem, Saadat and Zahid) were subjected to three selection strategies: pedigree-based, mass selection or random-bred (controls). For pedigree-based selection, 108 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 1 bird each) with full pedigree and selected for high body weight were used, whereas in mass selection 324 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 3 birds each) with high body weight were selected to be the parents of next generation. Random-bred controls included 108 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 1bird each) which were not previously submitted to selection. The effects of selection strategies of Japanese quail parents from four close-bred flocks (CBF) at three ages on the performance growth and carcass traits of their progenies were measured. The parent flocks were selected at three ages (10, 12 and 14 weeks) and reared for 20 weeks, and their progenies were reared for four weeks. The progeny of pedigree-based selected parents presented better feed intake (g), body weight gain (g), feed conversion ratio, live and carcass weights (g), and carcass yield. The progeny of 10- and 14-week-old parents showed better growth performance and carcass traits, respectively. Moreover, there was no influence of CBF on growth and carcass traits. It was concluded that pedigree-based selection had pronounced effect on the growth performance and carcass traits of the progeny compared with mass selection and random breeding. It is suggested that parental ages of 10 and 14 weeks of age promote better progeny growth performance and carcass traits.
The present study evaluated different selection strategies to improve the growth performance and carcass traits of Japanese quails. To this end, 540 Japanese quails previously selected for high body weight at three ages (10, 12 and 14 weeks) from four close-bred flocks (Major, Kaleem, Saadat and Zahid) were subjected to three selection strategies: pedigree-based, mass selection or random-bred (controls). For pedigree-based selection, 108 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 1 bird each) with full pedigree and selected for high body weight were used, whereas in mass selection 324 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 3 birds each) with high body weight were selected to be the parents of next generation. Random-bred controls included 108 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 1bird each) which were not previously submitted to selection. The effects of selection strategies of Japanese quail parents from four close-bred flocks (CBF) at three ages on the performance growth and carcass traits of their progenies were measured. The parent flocks were selected at three ages (10, 12 and 14 weeks) and reared for 20 weeks, and their progenies were reared for four weeks. The progeny of pedigree-based selected parents presented better feed intake (g), body weight gain (g), feed conversion ratio, live and carcass weights (g), and carcass yield. The progeny of 10- and 14-week-old parents showed better growth performance and carcass traits, respectively. Moreover, there was no influence of CBF on growth and carcass traits. It was concluded that pedigree-based selection had pronounced effect on the growth performance and carcass traits of the progeny compared with mass selection and random breeding. It is suggested that parental ages of 10 and 14 weeks of age promote better progeny growth performance and carcass traits.(AU)
Animais , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coturnix/genética , Seleção Genética , Aumento de Peso , Fatores EtáriosResumo
The present study evaluated different selection strategies to improve the growth performance and carcass traits of Japanese quails. To this end, 540 Japanese quails previously selected for high body weight at three ages (10, 12 and 14 weeks) from four close-bred flocks (Major, Kaleem, Saadat and Zahid) were subjected to three selection strategies: pedigree-based, mass selection or random-bred (controls). For pedigree-based selection, 108 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 1 bird each) with full pedigree and selected for high body weight were used, whereas in mass selection 324 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 3 birds each) with high body weight were selected to be the parents of next generation. Random-bred controls included 108 birds (4 close-bred flocks × 3 age groups × 9 replicates × 1bird each) which were not previously submitted to selection. The effects of selection strategies of Japanese quail parents from four close-bred flocks (CBF) at three ages on the performance growth and carcass traits of their progenies were measured. The parent flocks were selected at three ages (10, 12 and 14 weeks) and reared for 20 weeks, and their progenies were reared for four weeks. The progeny of pedigree-based selected parents presented better feed intake (g), body weight gain (g), feed conversion ratio, live and carcass weights (g), and carcass yield. The progeny of 10- and 14-week-old parents showed better growth performance and carcass traits, respectively. Moreover, there was no influence of CBF on growth and carcass traits. It was concluded that pedigree-based selection had pronounced effect on the growth performance and carcass traits of the progeny compared with mass selection and random breeding. It is suggested that parental ages of 10 and 14 weeks of age promote better progeny growth performance and carcass traits.
Animais , Aumento de Peso , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coturnix/genética , Seleção Genética , Fatores EtáriosResumo
A seleção visual é utilizada constantemente nas etapas iniciais dos ciclos de seleção em programas de melhoramento genético auxiliando na seleção ou descarte de genótipos. No entanto, sua eficiência em identificar genótipos superiores tem sido questionada em algumas culturas. Assim, objetivou-se neste trabalho, verificar a eficiência da seleção visual para produção de massa verde de forragem em clones de Cynodon spp.. Para isso, foram avaliados 140 clones de Cynodon spp. juntamente com as testemunhas Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) e Jiggs (Cynodon dactylon), em experimento delineado em blocos aumentados. Os caracteres avaliados foram nota de vigor referente à produção de massa verde e produção de massa verde de forragem (kg), analisados usando a abordagem de modelos mistos REML/BLUP. A eficiência da seleção visual foi estimada pelo número de coincidências entre as plantas quando realizadas diferentes estratégias de seleção. Os ganhos genéticos foram estimados via valores genotípicos da produção de massa verde de forragem e nota de vigor, nas intensidades de seleção em que foi obtida coincidência entre plantas selecionadas acima de 80%. A seleção das médias BLUP da produção de massa verde de forragem (BLUP PMV) via seleção das médias BLUP da nota de vigor (BLUP NV) resultou no maior índice de coincidência (90%) na intensidade de seleção de 45%. O maior ganho genético foi obtido na intensidade de seleção de 35%, independente da estratégia. Conclui-se que a seleção visual em clones de Cynodon spp. para produção de massa verde de forragem é eficiente no descarte de clones inferiores nas etapas iniciais de um ciclo de seleção do programa de melhoramento genético do gênero.
Visual selection is used constantly in the initial stages of selection cycles in breeding programs, aiding in the selection or disposal of genotypes. However, its efficiency in identifying superior genotypes has been questioned in some cultures. Thus, the objective of this work was to verify the efficiency of visual selection for green forage mass production in Cynodon spp. clones. For this purpose, 140 clones of Cynodon spp. together with the Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) and Jiggs (Cynodon dactylon) controls, in an enlarged block experiment. The evaluated characters were a note of vigor regarding green mass production and green forage mass production (kg), analyzed using the mixed model approach REML / BLUP. The efficiency of visual selection was estimated by the number of coincidences between plants when different selection strategies were performed. Genetic gains were estimated via genotype values of forage green mass production and vigor score, in the selection intensities where coincidence was obtained between selected plants above 80%. The selection of the BLUP means of the production of green forage mass (BLUP GMP) through selection of the BLUP averages of the vigor note (BLUP VN) resulted in the highest coincidence index (90%) in the selection intensity of 45%. The highest genetic gain was obtained in the intensity of selection of 35%, independent of the strategy. It is concluded that the visual selection in clones of Cynodon spp. for the production of green forage mass is efficient in discarding lower clones in the initial stages of a cycle of selection of the genetic improvement program of the genus Cynodon.
This research was aiemd at evaluating the influence of the relactive pollination of pollen donor plant in obtaition higher fruits of yellow passion (Passiflora edulis f. falvicarpa). To do so, an experiment was conduced according to the controlled crosses, using 23 male plants and 103 pollen receptor plants. The total of fruits obtained was 185 units, that were evaluated according to the following traits: fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit seed number and relative weight of 100 seeds. The data were analyzed by using multivariate analysis (MANOVA). The discriminant function was constituted by the first canonic variable based on matrix of square sum of male (relative importance = 58.1). The discriminant function analysis permitted to verify high effect of male in relation to fruit traits, whose individuals were grouped in three distinct classes. The results indicate that female as well as male can influence the results obtained in mass selection.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a influência da planta doadora de pólen sobre as características dos frutos produzidos na cultura do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. falvicarpa). Neste contexto, um experimento foi conduzido, segundo o esquema de cruzamentos controlados. Empregaram-se 23 plantas "genitor masculino" e 103 plantas receptoras de pólen, perfazendo o total de 185 frutos avaliados segundo as características: peso, largura, comprimento, número de sementes e peso relativo de 100 sementes. A avaliação dessas características, segundo análise de variância multivariada (MANOVA), permitiu a verificação de efeitos significativos ("genitor masculino" e "fêmea hierarquizada a genitor masculino"). A partir das informações da MANOVA, construiu-se uma função discriminante, constituída pela primeira variável canônica baseada na matriz de soma de quadrados para a fonte de variação "genitor masculino" (Importância relativa = 58,10%). A análise desta permitiu verificar elevado efeito da fonte de variação "genitor masculino" sobre as características dos frutos, cujos indivíduos foram agrupados univariamente em três grupos distintos. Tais resultados permitem concluir que tanto progenitores femininos como masculinos podem influenciar os resultados obtidos em esquemas de seleção massal.
This research was aiemd at evaluating the influence of the relactive pollination of pollen donor plant in obtaition higher fruits of yellow passion (Passiflora edulis f. falvicarpa). To do so, an experiment was conduced according to the controlled crosses, using 23 male plants and 103 pollen receptor plants. The total of fruits obtained was 185 units, that were evaluated according to the following traits: fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit seed number and relative weight of 100 seeds. The data were analyzed by using multivariate analysis (MANOVA). The discriminant function was constituted by the first canonic variable based on matrix of square sum of male (relative importance = 58.1). The discriminant function analysis permitted to verify high effect of male in relation to fruit traits, whose individuals were grouped in three distinct classes. The results indicate that female as well as male can influence the results obtained in mass selection.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a influência da planta doadora de pólen sobre as características dos frutos produzidos na cultura do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. falvicarpa). Neste contexto, um experimento foi conduzido, segundo o esquema de cruzamentos controlados. Empregaram-se 23 plantas "genitor masculino" e 103 plantas receptoras de pólen, perfazendo o total de 185 frutos avaliados segundo as características: peso, largura, comprimento, número de sementes e peso relativo de 100 sementes. A avaliação dessas características, segundo análise de variância multivariada (MANOVA), permitiu a verificação de efeitos significativos ("genitor masculino" e "fêmea hierarquizada a genitor masculino"). A partir das informações da MANOVA, construiu-se uma função discriminante, constituída pela primeira variável canônica baseada na matriz de soma de quadrados para a fonte de variação "genitor masculino" (Importância relativa = 58,10%). A análise desta permitiu verificar elevado efeito da fonte de variação "genitor masculino" sobre as características dos frutos, cujos indivíduos foram agrupados univariamente em três grupos distintos. Tais resultados permitem concluir que tanto progenitores femininos como masculinos podem influenciar os resultados obtidos em esquemas de seleção massal.