Common sloth (Bradypus variegatus) is a mammal that belongs to the superorder Xenarthra, typical from neotropical regions, with geographic distribution from Honduras to northern Argentina. Our study aimed to describe the intestine blood supply of these Bradipodids in order to collaborate with the clinical-surgical for these animals. For that, ten animals, included four females and six males, were sampled from the collection of the Anatomy Division, Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE. Corpses received formalin, preserved in saline solution and subsequently dissected for description of the cranial (AMCr) and caudal (AMC) mesenteric arteries. Sixty percent of sloths presented AMCr and AMC, cwhile 30% of them had intestines (small and large) irrigation from the common mesenteric artery (AMCo), an arterial trunk from which AMCr and AMC originated. For 10% of the specimens, the entire intestine was vascularized only by AMCr. Along the AMCr branches, there were arched arrangements, with arches size reductionat the level of the small intestine. Therefore, B. variegatus presents anatomical variations regarding the irrigation of the intestine, which can be made from AMCr and AMC, from the AMCo arterial trunk or to a lower frequency exclusively through AMCr branches.
A preguiça-comum (Bradypus variegatus)é um mamífero pertencente à superordem Xenarthra, típica de regiões neotropicais, com distribuição geográfica de Honduras ao norte da Argentina. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o suprimento sanguíneo do intestinodestes Bradipodídeos, com o intuito de colaborar com a clínica-cirúrgica destes animais. Neste contexto, foram utilizados dez animais pertencentes ao acervo da Área de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE, sendo quatro fêmeas e seis machos. Os cadáveres foram formolizados e conservados em solução salina e, posteriormente, dissecados para a descrição das artérias mesentéricas cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMC). Diante disto, observou-se que 60% das preguiças apresentaram AMCr e AMC.Enquanto que, em 30% delas, a irrigação dos intestinos (delgado e grosso) se deu a partir da artéria mesentérica comum (AMCo), um tronco arterial do qual se originaram AMCr e AMC. E em 10% dos espécimes, todo intestino foi vascularizado unicamente pela AMCr. Ao longo das ramificações de AMCr percebeu-se arranjos arqueados, com diminuição do tamanho dos arcos ao nível do intestino delgado. Portanto, B. variegatusapresenta variações anatômicas quanto a irrigação do intestino, podendo esta ser feita a partir de AMCr e AMC, do tronco arterial AMCo ou numa menor frequência através exclusivamente de ramos de AMCr.
Animais , Aorta , Dispositivos de Acesso Vascular , Xenarthra/sangueResumo
Common sloth (Bradypus variegatus) is a mammal that belongs to the superorder Xenarthra, typical from neotropical regions, with geographic distribution from Honduras to northern Argentina. Our study aimed to describe the intestine blood supply of these Bradipodids in order to collaborate with the clinical-surgical for these animals. For that, ten animals, included four females and six males, were sampled from the collection of the Anatomy Division, Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE. Corpses received formalin, preserved in saline solution and subsequently dissected for description of the cranial (AMCr) and caudal (AMC) mesenteric arteries. Sixty percent of sloths presented AMCr and AMC, cwhile 30% of them had intestines (small and large) irrigation from the common mesenteric artery (AMCo), an arterial trunk from which AMCr and AMC originated. For 10% of the specimens, the entire intestine was vascularized only by AMCr. Along the AMCr branches, there were arched arrangements, with arches size reductionat the level of the small intestine. Therefore, B. variegatus presents anatomical variations regarding the irrigation of the intestine, which can be made from AMCr and AMC, from the AMCo arterial trunk or to a lower frequency exclusively through AMCr branches.(AU)
A preguiça-comum (Bradypus variegatus)é um mamífero pertencente à superordem Xenarthra, típica de regiões neotropicais, com distribuição geográfica de Honduras ao norte da Argentina. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o suprimento sanguíneo do intestinodestes Bradipodídeos, com o intuito de colaborar com a clínica-cirúrgica destes animais. Neste contexto, foram utilizados dez animais pertencentes ao acervo da Área de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE, sendo quatro fêmeas e seis machos. Os cadáveres foram formolizados e conservados em solução salina e, posteriormente, dissecados para a descrição das artérias mesentéricas cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMC). Diante disto, observou-se que 60% das preguiças apresentaram AMCr e AMC.Enquanto que, em 30% delas, a irrigação dos intestinos (delgado e grosso) se deu a partir da artéria mesentérica comum (AMCo), um tronco arterial do qual se originaram AMCr e AMC. E em 10% dos espécimes, todo intestino foi vascularizado unicamente pela AMCr. Ao longo das ramificações de AMCr percebeu-se arranjos arqueados, com diminuição do tamanho dos arcos ao nível do intestino delgado. Portanto, B. variegatusapresenta variações anatômicas quanto a irrigação do intestino, podendo esta ser feita a partir de AMCr e AMC, do tronco arterial AMCo ou numa menor frequência através exclusivamente de ramos de AMCr.(AU)
Animais , Xenarthra/sangue , Dispositivos de Acesso Vascular , AortaResumo
As artérias mesentéricas das aves são importantes para a irrigação do aparelho digestório e encontram-se associadas ao ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. Objetivou-se descrever as origens, esqueletopias, medidas e principais ramificações das artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal em avestruzes. Foram utilizados 41 cadáveres de filhotes de avestruzes, 23 machos e 18 fêmeas, obtidos de um criadouro após morte natural. Os cadáveres foram fixados com formaldeído a 10% e tiveram o sistema vascular preenchido com Petrolatex® S-65 colorido. As artérias mesentéricas, cranial e caudal e seus ramos proximais foram dissecados "in situ" e medidas com paquímetro digital. A artéria mesentérica cranial teve comprimento médio de 3,68 ± 1,04 cm e surgiu da aorta descendente ao nível da oitava vértebra torácica na maioria dos casos. Ramificou-se em artérias jejunal e ileocecal. A artéria jejunal ofereceu média de 14,04 ±2,08 ramos ao jejuno e a artéria ileocecal originou um ramo retal e outro que se bifurcou para derivar ramos para íleo, ceco e reto. Em um espécime macho a artéria ileocecal foi ramo da artéria celíaca. A artéria mesentérica caudal originou-se na porção terminal da aorta descendente predominantemente ao nível das 4ª e 6ª vértebras sacro-caudais. Perto da extremidade caudal do rim emitiu os ramos cranial e caudal. O primeiro irrigou o reto e anastomosou-se com ramo retal da artéria mesentérica cranial; o segundo irrigou a porção final do reto, cloaca e bolsa cloacal. Não houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre as medidas, esqueletopia e número de ramificações das artérias entre os sexos.(AU)
The mesenteric arteries of birds are important for the irrigation of the digestive tract and are associated with weight gain and food conversion. This study aimed to describe the origins, skeletopy, measures and main branches of cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in ostriches. Forty-one cadavers of ostrich chicks, 23 males and 18 females, obtained from a farmer after natural death. The cadavers were fixed with 10% formaldehyde solution and their vascular system was filled with colored Petrolatex® S-65. The cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries and its proximal branches were dissected in situ and measured with a digital caliper. The mesenteric artery had an average length of 3.68cm±1.04 and emerged from the descending aorta at the level of the eighth thoracic vertebra in most cases; it branched into jejunal and ileocecal arteries. The jejunal artery sent a mean of 14 (14.04±2.08) branches to the jejunum. The ileocecal artery sent a rectal branch and another branch that irrigated ileum, cecum and rectum. In a male specimen the ileocecal artery was originated from the celiac artery. The caudal mesenteric artery emerged in the terminal portion of the descending aorta predominantly at the level of the 4th and 6th sacrocaudal vertebrae. Near the caudal end of the kidney it issued the cranial and caudal branches. The first irrigated the rectum and anastomosed with the rectal branch of the cranial mesenteric artery; the second irrigated the final part of the rectum, cloaca and cloacal bursa. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) between measurements, skeletopy and number of branches of the arteries between genders.(AU)
Animais , Intestinos/irrigação sanguínea , Artérias Mesentéricas/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/irrigação sanguínea , Struthioniformes/anatomia & histologia , Cauda/irrigação sanguínea , Sistema Cardiovascular/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The mesenteric arteries of birds are important for the irrigation of the digestive tract and are associated with weight gain and food conversion. This study aimed to describe the origins, skeletopy, measures and main branches of cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in ostriches. Forty-one cadavers of ostrich chicks, 23 males and 18 females, obtained from a farmer after natural death. The cadavers were fixed with 10% formaldehyde solution and their vascular system was filled with colored Petrolatex® S-65. The cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries and its proximal branches were dissected in situ and measured with a digital caliper. The mesenteric artery had an average length of 3.68 cm±1.04 and emerged from the descending aorta at the level of the eighth thoracic vertebra in most cases; it branched into jejunal and ileocecal arteries. The jejunal artery sent a mean of 14 (14.04±2.08) branches to the jejunum. The ileocecal artery sent a rectal branch and another branch that irrigated ileum, cecum and rectum. In a male specimen the ileocecal artery was originated from the celiac artery. The caudal mesenteric artery emerged in the terminal portion of the descending aorta predominantly at the level of the 4th and 6th sacrocaudal vertebrae. Near the caudal end of the kidney it issued the cranial and caudal branches. The first irrigated the rectum and anastomosed with the rectal branch of the cranial mesenteric artery; the second irrigated the final part of the rectum, cloaca and cloacal bursa. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) between measurements, skeletopy and number of branches of the arteries between genders.(AU)
As artérias mesentéricas das aves são importantes para a irrigação do aparelho digestório e encontram-se associadas ao ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. Objetivou-se descrever as origens, esqueletopias, medidas e principais ramificações das artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal em avestruzes. Foram utilizados 41 cadáveres de filhotes de avestruzes, 23 machos e 18 fêmeas, obtidos de um criadouro após morte natural. Os cadáveres foram fixados com formaldeído a 10% e tiveram o sistema vascular preenchido com Petrolatex® S-65 colorido. As artérias mesentéricas, cranial e caudal e seus ramos proximais foram dissecados "in situ" e medidas com paquímetro digital. A artéria mesentérica cranial teve comprimento médio de 3,68 ± 1,04 cm e surgiu da aorta descendente ao nível da oitava vértebra torácica na maioria dos casos. Ramificou-se em artérias jejunal e ileocecal. A artéria jejunal ofereceu média de 14,04 ±2,08 ramos ao jejuno e a artéria ileocecal originou um ramo retal e outro que se bifurcou para derivar ramos para íleo, ceco e reto. Em um espécime macho a artéria ileocecal foi ramo da artéria celíaca. A artéria mesentérica caudal originou-se na porção terminal da aorta descendente predominantemente ao nível das 4ª e 6ª vértebras sacro-caudais. Perto da extremidade caudal do rim emitiu os ramos cranial e caudal. O primeiro irrigou o reto e anastomosou-se com ramo retal da artéria mesentérica cranial; o segundo irrigou a porção final do reto, cloaca e bolsa cloacal. Não houve diferença significativa (p < 0,05) entre as medidas, esqueletopia e número de ramificações das artérias entre os sexos.(AU)
Animais , Struthioniformes/anatomia & histologia , Artérias Mesentéricas/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/irrigação sanguínea , Cauda/irrigação sanguínea , Intestinos/irrigação sanguínea , Sistema Cardiovascular/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: The yellow-toothed cavy is a wild rodent in the Caviidae family. It adapts well to captivity and may, in thenear future, be bred on a large scale as an alternative source of low cost protein of high nutritional value. Considering thelack of information available on the vascularization of this species digestive system, and with the aim of contributing tothe body of knowledge of this species biology, this study describes the origin and distribution of the cranial and caudalmesenteric arteries of the yellow-toothed cavy.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty male yellow-toothed cavies, previously used in other experiments (CEUA N.15/2014 and Process N° 23.091.000653/2014-26), were kept in a freezer at the Center for the Multiplication of WildAnimals (CEMAS / UFERSA). The animals were thawed, after which the thoracic aorta of each specimen was caudallycannulated and injected with red- or yellow-colored latex solution. The animals were then fixed in 10% formaldehydesolution, and dissected after 48 h, during which the branches of the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries were described.In all cases, the cranial mesenteric artery arised from the section of abdominal aorta, at the section between the first andsecond lumbar vertebra, near the celiac artery, and it includes the following arterial branches: the caudal pancreatic duodenal, middle colic, duodenojejunal and right colic arteries, as well as eight to eleven jejune arteries, and the ileocecocolictrunk, from which extend one or two colic branches, five to seven cecum branches, and the ileal artery. In all animals, thecranial mesenteric artery originates from the abdominal aorta, posterior to the testicular arteries...(AU)
Animais , Cobaias/anatomia & histologia , Artérias Mesentéricas/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/irrigação sanguínea , Cauda/irrigação sanguínea , Sistema Digestório/irrigação sanguíneaResumo
Background: The yellow-toothed cavy is a wild rodent in the Caviidae family. It adapts well to captivity and may, in thenear future, be bred on a large scale as an alternative source of low cost protein of high nutritional value. Considering thelack of information available on the vascularization of this species digestive system, and with the aim of contributing tothe body of knowledge of this species biology, this study describes the origin and distribution of the cranial and caudalmesenteric arteries of the yellow-toothed cavy.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty male yellow-toothed cavies, previously used in other experiments (CEUA N.15/2014 and Process N° 23.091.000653/2014-26), were kept in a freezer at the Center for the Multiplication of WildAnimals (CEMAS / UFERSA). The animals were thawed, after which the thoracic aorta of each specimen was caudallycannulated and injected with red- or yellow-colored latex solution. The animals were then fixed in 10% formaldehydesolution, and dissected after 48 h, during which the branches of the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries were described.In all cases, the cranial mesenteric artery arised from the section of abdominal aorta, at the section between the first andsecond lumbar vertebra, near the celiac artery, and it includes the following arterial branches: the caudal pancreatic duodenal, middle colic, duodenojejunal and right colic arteries, as well as eight to eleven jejune arteries, and the ileocecocolictrunk, from which extend one or two colic branches, five to seven cecum branches, and the ileal artery. In all animals, thecranial mesenteric artery originates from the abdominal aorta, posterior to the testicular arteries...
Animais , Artérias Mesentéricas/anatomia & histologia , Cauda/irrigação sanguínea , Cobaias/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/irrigação sanguínea , Sistema Digestório/irrigação sanguíneaResumo
Reminding that the anatomical data in bovines usually regard european breeds (Bos taurus) we preposed to study now the pattern of the mesenteric arteries in zebu cattle (Bos indicus). Thuswe have dissected 30 foetuses (15 males and 15 females) which were injected with Neoprene latex 450 and fixed in formol solution(10%). The results obtained permit the following conclusions: 1) the cranial mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta artery just after the colic artery or in common trunk with this and give up the following branches: adrenal artery, diaphagmatic artery, artery to the adjacent connective tissue, pancreatic artery, caudal pancreatic duodenal artery, median colic artery, which anastomoses with the left colic artery, that derives from the caudal mesenteric artery; other branches are the jejunal arteries which form anastomotic arcades, the collateral branch, ileocecocolic artery which give up colic branches and ileal and cecal arteries and then it fmishs by anastomoses with these vessels and with the collateral branch and the jejunal arteries. The caudal mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta artery near of its terminal branches; it gives up the left colic artery and following as cranial retal artery.
Foram estudados 30 fetos de bovinos azebuados (15 machose 15 fêmeas), injetados com solução de Neoprene latex 450 e fixados em solução de formol a 10,0%, tendo-se verificado que a artéria mesentérica cranial origina-se da artéria aorta abdominal, caudalmente à artéria celíaca ou em tronco comum com esta, emitindo a ses peculiares. Para a artéria mesentérica caudal notou-se sua origem sempre da artéria aorta abdominal, próximo aos seus ramos terminais, emitindo comumente a artéria cólica esquerda cranialmente e continuando-se como artéria retal cranial.
Reminding that the anatomical data in bovines usually regard european breeds (Bos taurus) we preposed to study now the pattern of the mesenteric arteries in zebu cattle (Bos indicus). Thuswe have dissected 30 foetuses (15 males and 15 females) which were injected with Neoprene latex 450 and fixed in formol solution(10%). The results obtained permit the following conclusions: 1) the cranial mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta artery just after the colic artery or in common trunk with this and give up the following branches: adrenal artery, diaphagmatic artery, artery to the adjacent connective tissue, pancreatic artery, caudal pancreatic duodenal artery, median colic artery, which anastomoses with the left colic artery, that derives from the caudal mesenteric artery; other branches are the jejunal arteries which form anastomotic arcades, the collateral branch, ileocecocolic artery which give up colic branches and ileal and cecal arteries and then it fmishs by anastomoses with these vessels and with the collateral branch and the jejunal arteries. The caudal mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta artery near of its terminal branches; it gives up the left colic artery and following as cranial retal artery.
Foram estudados 30 fetos de bovinos azebuados (15 machose 15 fêmeas), injetados com solução de Neoprene latex 450 e fixados em solução de formol a 10,0%, tendo-se verificado que a artéria mesentérica cranial origina-se da artéria aorta abdominal, caudalmente à artéria celíaca ou em tronco comum com esta, emitindo a ses peculiares. Para a artéria mesentérica caudal notou-se sua origem sempre da artéria aorta abdominal, próximo aos seus ramos terminais, emitindo comumente a artéria cólica esquerda cranialmente e continuando-se como artéria retal cranial.