Hybridization is a natural phenomenon that occurs more often in fish than in other vertebrates. The use of nuclear and mitochondrial molecular markers provides valuable results in the detection of these events. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of interspecific hybrids in natural populations of silverside. The samples of Odontesthes humensis, Odontesthes bonariensis, and indivi-duals that were morphologically different from pure species were collected in the Mangueira lagoon, located in southern Brazil. Result: Six tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were synthesized and tested. The UFPEL_OH3 locus proved to be diagnostic for the detection of silverside hybrids, and it was possi-ble to distinguish between pure and hybrid species. The mitochondrial marker gene cytb synthesized from conserved Odontesthes sequences in the GenBank genetic database showed no differences in the genetic sequence of the samples, needing further studies to confirm the hypothesis.(AU)
A hibridação é um fenômeno natural que ocorre mais frequentemente em peixes do que em outros vertebrados. Para detectá-la, são utilizados marcadores moleculares nucleares e mitocondriais, os quais fornecem resultados valiosos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a ocorrência de híbridos in-terespecíficos em populações naturais de peixe-rei. As amostras de Odontesthes humensis, Odontesthes bonariensis e de indivíduos morfologicamente diferentes das espécies puras foram coletadas na lagoa Mangueira, localizada no Sul do Brasil. Foram sintetizados e testados seis loci microssatélites tetranu-cleotídeos. O locus UFPEL_OH3 mostrou-se um diagnóstico para detectar híbridos de peixe-rei, pos-sibilitando a distinção de espécies puras de híbridas. O marcador mitocondrial gene cytb, sintetizado com base nas sequências conservadas de Odontesthes no banco de dados genéticos do GenBank, não apresentou diferenças na sequência genética das amostras, portanto, são necessários mais estudos para confirmar a hipótese de hibridação.(AU)
Animais , Perciformes/genética , Repetições de Microssatélites , Hibridização Genética , BrasilResumo
Polymorphism of three quail communities was analyzed by using 12 microsatellite markers in this paper, aiming to provide scientific references for the evaluation, protection and utilization of quail genetic resources in China. Results demonstrated that the number of observed alleles by 12 microsatellite markers ranges between 4~7. The average polymorphism information contents (PIC) of the Chinese yellow quail, the Chinese black quail and the Korean quail, as detected by 12 microsatellite markers, are 0.6853, 0.6401 and 0.6565,respectively, and average heterozygosity values are 0.7333, 0.6957 and 0.7111, respectively. This indicates that the Chinese yellow quail has the richest genetic polymorphism. According to cluster analysis, the Chinese black quail and the Korean quail have the smallest genetic distance (0.0628), which reflects that they have the closest genetic relationship. The genetic distance between the Chinese yellow quail and the Korean quail is 0.0951. Therefore, the Chinese black quail and the Korean quail are clustered together firstly, and then the Chinese yellow quail.
Animais , China , Coturnix/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética , Variação Genética/fisiologia , Alelos , Aves Domésticas/genéticaResumo
Polymorphism of three quail communities was analyzed by using 12 microsatellite markers in this paper, aiming to provide scientific references for the evaluation, protection and utilization of quail genetic resources in China. Results demonstrated that the number of observed alleles by 12 microsatellite markers ranges between 4~7. The average polymorphism information contents (PIC) of the Chinese yellow quail, the Chinese black quail and the Korean quail, as detected by 12 microsatellite markers, are 0.6853, 0.6401 and 0.6565,respectively, and average heterozygosity values are 0.7333, 0.6957 and 0.7111, respectively. This indicates that the Chinese yellow quail has the richest genetic polymorphism. According to cluster analysis, the Chinese black quail and the Korean quail have the smallest genetic distance (0.0628), which reflects that they have the closest genetic relationship. The genetic distance between the Chinese yellow quail and the Korean quail is 0.0951. Therefore, the Chinese black quail and the Korean quail are clustered together firstly, and then the Chinese yellow quail.(AU)
Animais , Variação Genética/fisiologia , Coturnix/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética , China , Aves Domésticas/genética , AlelosResumo
O pacamã (Lophiosilurus alexandri) é uma espécie de bagre endêmico do rio São Francisco pertencente a ordem dos Siluriformes. Trata-se de uma espécie muito apreciada nas regiões do rio São Francisco pela ausência de espinhos intramusculares e qualidade de seu filé, se destacando também pelo grande potencial para a aquicultura. O pacamã figura entre as espécies mais ameaçadas e programas de repovoamento nas diversas regiões desta bacia vêm sendo desenvolvidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver marcadores microssatélites inéditos para o pacamã que possam servir para estudos genéticos sobre essa espécie e suas populações. Amostras de tecido foram coletadas de peixes adultos capturados pela pesca artesanal entre os reservatórios de Sobradinho-BA e Itaparica-PE. Inicialmente, uma biblioteca genômica de DNA foi realizada e um conjunto de microssatélites foi obtido. Após a genotipagem, o número de alelos variou de dois a nove e as heterozigosidades médias foram de 0,659 (He) e de 0,603 (Ho), respectivamente. Apenas um marcador apresentou desvio do EHW e presença de alelos nulos. O coeficiente de endocruzamento total (FIS) foi de 0.091, sugerindo a presença de homozigotos, que pode ser em decorrência de características da espécie. O conteúdo de informação polimórfica foi, na maioria dos casos, superior a 0,5, atestando a eficiência desses marcadores para estudos genéticos futuros.
The pacamã (Lophiosilurus alexandri) is a species of endemic catfish São Francisco river belonging to the order Siluriformes. It is a species very appreciated in the regions of the São Francisco River by the absence of intramuscular bones and quality of their steak, also highlighting the great potential for aquaculture. The pacamã among the most endangered species and restocking programs in the various regions of this basin have been developed. The aim of this study was to develop novel microsatellite markers for pacamã that can be used for genetic studies of this species and their populations. Tissue samples were collected from adult fish caught by artisanal fishing between the reservoirs of Sobradinho and Itaparica-BA-PE. First, a genomic DNA library was performed and a set of microsatellite was obtained. After genotyping, the number of alleles ranged from two to nine, and the average heterozygosity were 0659 (He) and 0.603 (Ho), respectively. Only one marker showed deviation from HWE and presence of null alleles. The overall coefficient of inbreeding (FIS) was 0.091, suggesting the presence of homozygous, which may be due to species characteristics. Polymorphic information content is, in most cases, greater than 0.5, confirming the efficiency of these markers for genetic studies