Four new species are described: Xystochroma luteotarsis sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Callichromatini), from Ecuador; Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Elaphidiini), from Guatemala; Bisaltes (Bisaltes) lateralis sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Apomecynini), from Ecuador; and Nagma hovorei sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Calliini), from Ecuador. A key to species of Xystochroma Schmidt, 1924 is provided and Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. is included in a previous key. Variation in the pubescent pattern of Rosalba strandi (Breuning, 1943) is reported and the species is newly recorded for Paraguay. Chromatic variation in Cyrtinus umbus Martins & Galileo, 2009 (Lamiinae, Cyrtinini) is provided and the species is redescribed based on a dark specimen; a new province record (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) and a new country record (Panama) are included. Chromatic variation and sexual dimorphism in Phaea quadrimaculata Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2021 (Lamiinae, Tetraopini) is reported, and a new Mexican state record (Oaxaca) is provided.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
Hippopsis sexlineata, a new species from Ecuador is described. The identity of Hippopsis quadrivittata Breuning, 1940 sensu auctorum is discussed and considered to be Hippopsis fractilinea Bates, 1866.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , EquadorResumo
Aniara sepulchralis specimens sampled at different locations (Belém and Bragantina microregions) show differences in size of some morphological structures such as head width, pronotum width, distance between eyes, pronotum base width, labral length, labral width, and spur of the third pair of legs. These changes may be due to biotic, abiotic, and structural factors peculiar to each environment. Differences in structures and morphological measurements of males and females of Aniara sepulchralis were observed, characterized as sexual dimorphism in relation to their teeth and labral-clypeal suture. Females present apical teeth and rectilinear suture, whereas males present a more rounded shape in both teeth and the labral-clypeal suture. Regarding measurements, females have greater body length, head width, eye distance, pronotum length, pronotum width, labral length, and pronotum base width than males.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Caracteres Sexuais , BiodiversidadeResumo
The validity of two forgotten names, EryphusKlug, 1829 and E. rubricollisKlug, 1829, is discussed. The former is considered a nomen oblitum and synonymized with EriphusAudinet-Serville, 1834, a nomen protectum; the latter is revalidated and Eriphus purpuratus Chevrolat, 1862 is considered a junior synonym of Eriphus rubricollis (Klug, 1829). A lectotype is designated to Eryphus rubricollisKlug, 1829. The date of the work where EriphusAudinet-Serville, 1834 was described is corrected. A new genus is described in Dichophyiini Gistel, 1848 to include the species currently allocated in Eryphus sensuNapp & Martins (2002). The dates of publication of genera and species described by Fairmaire & Germain (Révision des Coléoptères du Chili (suite)) are corrected.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Creagrura nigripes Townes, 1971 is recorded for the first time for the Brazilian Amazon, in the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará and Roraima. Ptilobaptus cinctus Townes, 1971 is registered for the first time in Brazil. Additionally, diagnosis, digital images, distribution maps, as well as comments on intraspecific morphological variations in the species are provided.(AU)
Animais , Ecossistema Amazônico , Himenópteros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
Anisopodus subarmatus Melzer, 1931 is synonymized with A. jaculus (Gyllenhal, 1817) and a discussion about the type-locality of the latter is provided. Photographs of the lectotype of the former and of the holotype of the latter are provided.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Fotografação/instrumentaçãoResumo
Termites are among the insects that consume lichens and may be potential dispersers of these symbionts. This study evaluated the vitality of photobionts and mycobionts after passing through the digestive tract of Constrictotermes cyphergaster. The percentage of live and dead algae was verified throughout the alimentary canal of 450 workers, originating from five sampled colonies in the Caatinga Dry Forest, NE, Brazil. A progressive growth in algae mortality was observed in the crop, paunch and rectum, however more than 40% of the algae found in faeces presented signs of vitality. Photobiont morphology was different between cells extracted from thallus in natura and algae present in termite faeces. The photobiont cells presented more shrunken cytoplasms after passing through the alimentary canal of C. cyphergaster. There was also an increase between the cell wall space and the cytoplasm membrane of algae found in the termite faecal pellets. Only four broken spores were found in the intestine, which made the vitality analysis unfeasible for these cells. The record of photobiont vitality in termite faecal pellets is indicative of endozoochoric dispersal, suggesting that this relationship between insects and lichens extends beyond a trophic interaction.
Os térmitas estão entre os insetos consumidores de liquens e representam um potencial dispersor desses simbiontes. Este estudo avaliou a vitalidade de fotobiontes e micobiontes depois de terem passado pelo trato digestivo de Constrictotermes cyphergaster. O percentual de algas vivas e mortas foi verificado ao longo do canal alimentar de 450 operários, oriundos de cinco colônias amostradas em Caatinga Dry Forest, NE, Brazil. Um crescimento progressivo na mortalidade das algas foi observado no sentido papo, pança e reto, porém mais de 40% das algas presentes nas fezes apresentaram sinais de vitalidade. A morfologia dos fotobiontes foi diferente entre células extraídas de talos in natura e algas presentes nas fezes dos térmitas. As células do fotobionte apresentaram seu citoplasma mais encolhido, após a passagem pelo canal alimentar de C. cyphergaster. Também houve um aumento entre o espaço da parede celular e a membrana do citoplasma das algas encontradas nas pelotas fecais dos térmitas. Apenas quatro esporos quebrados foram encontrados no intestino dos cupins, o que inviabilizou a análise de vitalidade dessas células. O registro da vitalidade de fotobiontes nas pelotas fecais dos térmitas é um indicativo de dispersão endozoocórica, remetendo que a relação entre esses insetos e os liquens pode ir além de uma interação trófica.
Simbiose , Isópteros , Trato Gastrointestinal , LíquensResumo
A new species of Aegidium from Peru is described and illustrated. It can be recognized from its congeners by the shape of the parameres and spiculum gastrale, but also by the punctuation of the pronotum and the elytra. The species occurs in the Andean-Amazonian piedmonts from Peru.(AU)
Una nueva especie de Aegidium de Perú es descrita e ilustrada. Ella puede ser reconocida de sus congéneres por la forma de los parámeros y el espiculum grastal, pero también por la puntuación del pronoto y los élitros. La especie ocurre en el piedemonte Andino-Amazónico de Perú.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Peru , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Parasites are important components of ecosystems and may contribute to the ecological aspects of their hosts and indicate the integrity of their environment. To identify the gastrointestinal helminths of the South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, 52 animals found dead on the Rio Grande do Sul coast, Southern Brazil, were necropsied. All studied animals were parasitized, and 104,670 specimens of helminths from three phyla and 14 taxa were collected. Adult specimens represented five of the identified species: Contracaecum ogmorhini, Adenocephalus pacificus, Stephanoprora uruguayense, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa, and Corynosoma australe; and one of the identified genera: Strongyloides sp. Immature forms represented the other eight taxa: Anisakidae gen. sp., Anisakis sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., Tetrabothriidae gen. sp., Cestoda gen. sp., Corynosoma cetaceum, and Bolbosoma turbinella. The acanthocephalan C. australe was the most prevalent and abundant parasite, whereas Strongyloides sp. had the highest intensity. This is the first record of the nematode Anisakis sp., digenean S. uruguayense, and acanthocephalan B. turbinella in this host. Trophic generalist species such as A. australis can be good indicators of the composition of the helminth fauna of their ecosystems, indicating the presence of zoonotic parasites transmitted by the consumption of fish.(AU)
Os parasitas são componentes importantes dos ecossistemas e podem contribuir com os aspectos ecológicos de seus hospedeiros e indicar a integridade de seus ambientes. Com o objetivo de identificar os helmintos gastrointestinais de Lobos-marinhos-sul-americanos, Arctocephalus australis, 52 animais, encontrados mortos no litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil, foram necropsiados. Todos os animais estudados estavam parasitados, e 104.670 espécimes de helmintos de três filos e 14 táxons foram coletados. Foram representadas por espécimes adultos cinco espécies: Contracaecum ogmorhini, Adenocephalus pacificus, Stephanoprora uruguayense, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa, e Corynosoma australe; e um gênero: Strongyloides sp. Oito táxons foram representados por formas imaturas: Anisakidae gen. sp., Anisakis sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., Tetrabothriidae gen. sp., Cestoda gen. sp., Corynosoma cetaceum, e Bolbosoma turbinella. O acantocéfalo C. australe foi o parasita mais prevalente e abundante, enquanto Strongyloides sp. foi o de maior intensidade. Este é o primeiro registro do nematódeo Anisakis sp., do digenético S. uruguayense e do acantocéfalo B. turbinella neste hospedeiro. Espécies de elevado nível trófico como A. australis podem ser bons indicadores da composição da helmintofauna de seus ecossistemas, alertando-se para a presença de parasitas zoonóticos transmitidos pelo consumo de peixes.(AU)
Animais , Otárias/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Enteropatias Parasitárias/veterinária , BrasilResumo
This paper represents the first study on Asilidae for the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Here, we describe a new species of Cerozodus Bigot, 1857 and second record for the North Region of Brazil, as well as supply the first record of occurrence of five genera and 12 species of Asilinae and Ommatiinae in Tocantins. Additionally, we provide illustrations and comments for all new records of species and an updated list of Asilidae for the state.(AU)
Este artigo representa o primeiro estudo sobre Asilidae para o estado do Tocantins, Brasil. Nós descrevemos uma nova espécie de Cerozodus Bigot, 1857 e o segundo registro para a Região Norte do Brasil, bem como, fornecemos a primeira ocorrência de cinco gêneros e 12 espécies para o Tocantins. Adicionalmente, são apresentados comentários e ilustrações para todos os novos registros de espécies e uma lista atualizada de Asilidae para o estado.(AU)
Animais , Dípteros/classificação , Peixes/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
The Northeastern Mata Atlântica freshwater ecoregion (NMAF) is recognized for the high degree of endemism of its ichthyofauna, whose evolutionary and biogeographic histories are still poorly understood. Oligosarcus acutirostris is a freshwater fish species endemic to the NMAF, which is distributed in coastal rivers and streams draining Bahia, Espírito Santo, and part of Minas Gerais states in eastern Brazil. Its widespread distribution in currently isolated river basins along the NMAF prompted this study, which aimed to understand what scenarios would be involved in determining its current distribution pattern, and to contribute to a better understanding of the biogeographic history of the NMAF. For this, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences were analyzed based on samples from different localities along the species distribution, including its type locality. Overall, phylogeographic analyses indicate a strong genetic structure within the species evidenced mainly by the non-sharing of haplotypes between most of the basins analyzed. According to the AMOVA results, the current distribution of haplotypes is better explained by the Pleistocene coastal paleodrainages. The results are also used to test and complement a biogeographic hypothesis previously proposed for the drainages of the NMAF.(AU)
A ecorregião de água doce Mata Atlântica Nordeste (NMAF) é reconhecida pelo alto grau de endemismo da sua ictiofauna, cujas histórias evolutiva e biogeográfica ainda são pouco compreendidas. Oligosarcus acutirostris é uma espécie de peixe de água doce endêmica da NMAF, que está distribuída em rios e riachos costeiros que drenam os estados da Bahia, Espírito Santo e parte de Minas Gerais, no leste do Brasil. Sua ampla distribuição em bacias atualmente isoladas ao longo da NMAF motivou este estudo, que teve como objetivos entender quais cenários estariam envolvidos na determinação do seu padrão atual de distribuição e contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da história biogeográfica da NMAF. Para isto, foram analisadas sequências de DNA nuclear e mitocondrial, a partir de amostras de diferentes localidades ao longo da distribuição da espécie, incluindo sua localidade tipo. No geral, as análises filogeográficas indicam forte estruturação genética na espécie, evidenciada principalmente pelo não compartilhamento de haplótipos entre a maioria das bacias analisadas. De acordo com os resultados da AMOVA, a distribuição atual dos haplótipos é melhor explicada pelas paleodrenagens costeiras do Pleistoceno. Os resultados obtidos também são utilizados para testar e complementar hipótese biogeográfica previamente proposta para as drenagens da NMAF.(AU)
Animais , Filogeografia/métodos , Characidae/classificação , BrasilResumo
This study is focused on the parasitic wasps Bephrata Cameron, 1884 (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), a small and poorly represented genus in entomological collections. Herein we report new geographical records to Bephrata bahiae (Ashmead, 1904), B. bouceki Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. cultriformis (Ashmead, 1894), B. leptogaster Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. lorraineae Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. ruficollis Cameron 1884 and B. ticos Gates & Hanson, 2009. Except for B. bahiae, B. chica Gates & Hanson, 2009 and B. christeri Gates & Hanson, 2009, all other studied species were recorded for the first time to Brazil. Additionally, we provide maps with the geographical distribution of the studied species based on the new records and literature data, and an identification key for the species recorded in Brazil. With these new records there are currently nine species of Bephrata known in Brazil.
O presente estudo tem foco nos Bephrata Cameron, 1884 (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), um pequeno gênero de vespas parasitoides pouco representado em coleções entomológicas. Aqui relatamos novos registros geográficos para Bephrata bahiae (Ashmead, 1904), B. bouceki Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. cultriformis (Ashmead, 1894), B. leptogaster Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. lorraineae Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. ruficollis Cameron 1884 and B. ticos Gates & Hanson, 2009. À exceção de B. bahiae, B. chica Gates & Hanson, 2009 e B. christeri Gates & Hanson, 2009, as demais espécies estudadas foram registradas pela primeira vez para o Brasil. Adicionalmente fornecemos mapas com a distribuição geográfica das espécies estudadas baseados em novos registros e dados da literatura e uma chave de identificação para espécies conhecidas para o Brasil. Com esses novos registros há, na atualidade, nove espécies de Bephrata conhecidas no Brasil.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Himenópteros/classificaçãoResumo
Acanthoderes crocostigma Bates, 1880 is transferred to Acakyra Martins & Galileo, 1996. Acanthoderes umbrata Bates, 1885 is synonymized with Acanthoderes purulensis Bates, 1885. Variation of the elytral pubescent pattern in Aegomorphus longitarsis (Bates, 1880) is reported, and the species is recorded for the first time from Colombia (Boyacá) and Brazil (Amazonas). The variation of the elytral pubescent pattern in Aegomorphus doctus (Bates, 1880) is reported, and the species is recorded for the first time from the Mexican state of Jalisco. We comment on the type-locality of Aegomorphus borrei (Dugès, 1885). Two new species are described from Mexico (Jalisco): Aegomorphus cunninghami and A. nogueirai.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Distribuição AnimalResumo
New records for Eupogonius flavocinctus Bates, 1872, E. boteroi Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, E. azteca Martins, Santos-Silva & Galileo, 2015, E. subaeneus Bates, 1872, E. guerrerensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, and E. arizonensis Knull, 1954 are provided. Eupogonius sonorensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020 is synonymized with E. arizonensis. The synonymy between E. pauper LeConte, 1852 and Eupogonius fraxini Knull, 1918 is commented. Two new species are described: Eupogonius rileyi, from Costa Rica; and E. similis, from Guatemala.(AU)
Animais , Manejo de Espécimes/veterinária , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Eurysthea vandenberghei, new species from Nicaragua is described, and E. vandenberghei Santos-Silva, Heffern & Botero, 2021 is considered a nomen nudum.(AU)
Animais , Manejo de Espécimes/veterinária , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Coleta de Dados/métodos , Biodiversidade , Terminologia como AssuntoResumo
Soosiulus belterrensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated from the Amazon Forest of the state of Pará, northern Brazil. Both the male and female terminalia are treated in detail, in addition to color features. With the addition of this new taxon, the diverse Neotropical genus Soosiulus Young, 1977 now comprises 28 species. The new species is the first one proposed for Soosiulus after the original generic description. It appears to be included in a complex with eleven other Soosiulus species, all of them sharing a very similar color pattern. Among the members of this putative complex, the aedeagus of S. belterrensis sp. nov. is most similar to those of S. hastatus Young, 1977 and S. ruber Young, 1977, due to the presence of a pair of conspicuous dorsoapical processes. However, in S. hastatus and S. ruber the aedeagus has also a retrorse ventroapical process originated from a lobe; both process and lobe are not present in the new species. In addition, the female sternite VII in S. hastatus and S. ruber is convex posteriorly, whereas it has a distinct median emargination in the new species.(AU)
Animais , Especificidade da Espécie , Hemípteros/classificação , Anatomia Comparada/métodos , BrasilResumo
Marganana DeLong, 1948 currently includes three species known to occur in the United States, Mexico and Guyana. In this paper, we describe a new species from Brazil Marganana (Declivana) tetramaculata sp. nov. which represents the first record of this genus for the country. A revised diagnosis of the subgenus Declivana is provided, along with detailed descriptions and illustrations of males and females of the new species. A key to the four species of Marganana is also provided.(AU)
Animais , Hemípteros/anatomia & histologia , Hemípteros/classificação , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Three new species from Guatemala are described and illustrated: Ectenessa canoi sp. nov. (Ectenessini), from Petén; Oxycoleus schusteri sp. nov. (Oxycoleini), from Izabal; and Odontocera nigroaurantia sp. nov. (Rhinotragini), from Petén. Distinguishing characters from closely related species are provided.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/classificação , Estruturas Animais/anatomia & histologia , GuatemalaResumo
Xenocona Gilmour, 1960 (Acanthocinini) includes seven species distributed through Central America and northern South America. Here we describe two new species from Ecuador: X. audureaui (differing from other species of the genus by the presence of large dark macula on dorsal surface of the basal â of the elytra combined with the absence of narrow white pubescent lines on other areas of the elytra) and X. uniformis (differing from the other species of the genus by the spiniform outer elytral angle).(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , EquadorResumo
The present study aimed to increase knowledge about the diversity and factors that determine the distribution of galling insects in the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia (PNI), Southeast, Brazil. For this, collections were performed in April, August and November 2015 and March 2016. Seventy gall morphotypes were found in 12 families, 32 genera and 61 species of host plants. The richness of galls did not vary with altitude, but increased with the richness of plants. The families and genera of plants with greater species richness harbored a greater number of galling insects. The number of gall morphotypes was higher in the autumn than in the other seasons. The spatial distribution of galling insects was better explained by factors such as floristic richness and species composition than by ecological effects, represented here by altitude. Regarding seasonality, the results indicate that the way resources are temporarily distributed to galling insects depends on factors such as the active growth of host plants, making some periods of the year more conducive to the development of galls.(AU)