O osteossarcoma é uma das neoplasias ósseas mais comumente relatadas na medicina veterinária, principalmente em cães de raça grande e gigante, sendo que a forma vertebral possui importante cenário clínico apresentando 5% do total de relatos. Este possui um prognóstico desfavorável e tempo de sobrevida pequeno. A apresentação clínica é variável e podem ser observados sinais de dor intensa a déficits neurológicos em decorrência do envolvimento medular progressivo. O diagnóstico pode ser realizado por imagens através de radiografia ou tomografia computadorizada, e por análises laboratoriais de citopatologia ou histopatologia, sendo o último preferível para classificação de tumores. A ressecção tumoral parcial é uma forma paliativa de tratamento, indicada em alguns casos para aliviar temporariamente os sinais clínicos relacionados a dor e déficits neurológicos. Contudo, quando há possibilidade terapêutica, a excisão completa fornece melhor prognóstico e tempo de sobrevida, principalmente quando associada a quimioterapia ou radioterapia. Mediante procedimento de vertebrectomia, a estabilização cirúrgica é necessária, podendo ser realizada respeitando os princípios para estabilização vertebral por trauma, sendo necessária a colocação de um espaçador vertebral para evitar o colabamento medular. Diversos materiais foram propostos para a confecção do espaçador vertebral. A manufatura aditiva, também conhecida como impressão 3D, tem transformado o conceito de prototipagem rápida em realidade, devido a habilidade de fabricar peças geométricas específicas de alta complexidade e de forma rápida, permitindo elaborar protótipos para uso pré ou transoperatórios em cirurgias ortopédicas de alta complexidade. O polietileno tereftalato glicol (PETG), por ser um termoplástico de alta resistência, não-biodegradável, biocompatível e de baixo custo é foco desse trabalho no desenvolvimento do espaçador vertebral como estabilizador em um procedimento de vertebrectomia em cão.
Osteosarcoma is one of the most commonly reported bone neoplasms in veterinary medicine, especially in large and giant breed dogs, and the vertebral form has an important clinical scenario presenting 5% of the total reports. This has an unfavorable prognosis and a short survival time. The clinical presentation is variable and signs of severe pain to neurological deficits can be observed as a result of progressive spinal cord involvement. The diagnosis can be made by imaging with radiography or computed tomography, and by laboratory analysis of cytopathology or histopathology, the latter being preferable for tumor classification. Partial tumor resection is a palliative form of treatment, indicated in some cases to temporarily relieve clinical signs related to pain and neurological deficits. However, when there is therapeutic possibility, complete excision provides better prognosis and survival time, especially when associated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Through the vertebrectomy procedure, surgical stabilization is necessary and can be performed following the principles for vertebral stabilization due to trauma, with the placement of a vertebral spacer being necessary to prevent spinal collapse. Several materials have been proposed for the manufacture of the spinal spacer. Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has transformed the concept of rapid prototyping into reality, due to its ability to quickly manufacture specific geometric parts of high complexity, allowing the elaboration of prototypes for pre- or trans-operative use in highly complex orthopedic surgeries. Polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG), being a high-strength, non-biodegradable, biocompatible and low-cost thermoplastic, is the focus of this work in the development of the vertebral spacer as a stabilizer in a vertebrectomy procedure in a dog.
El osteosarcoma es una de las neoplasias óseas más comúnmente reportadas en medicina veterinaria, principalmente en perros de raza grande y gigante, siendo que la forma vertebral tiene importante escenario clínico presentando el 5% del total de reportes. Tiene un pronóstico desfavorable y un tiempo de supervivencia corto. La presentación clínica es variable y pueden observarse desde signos de dolor intenso hasta déficits neurológicos como resultado de la afectación medular progresiva. El diagnóstico puede realizarse mediante imágenes con radiografía o tomografía computarizada, y mediante análisis de laboratorio de citopatología o histopatología, siendo este último preferible para la clasificación del tumor. La resección parcial del tumor es una forma de tratamiento paliativo, indicada en algunos casos para aliviar temporalmente los signos clínicos relacionados con el dolor y los déficits neurológicos. Sin embargo, cuando hay posibilidad terapéutica, la escisión completa proporciona un mejor pronóstico y tiempo de supervivencia, principalmente cuando se asocia con quimioterapia o radioterapia. Mediante el procedimiento de la vertebrectomía, es necesaria la estabilización quirúrgica, que puede realizarse respetando los principios para la estabilización vertebral por traumatismo, siendo necesaria la colocación de un espaciador vertebral para evitar el colapso medular. Se han propuesto varios materiales para la fabricación del espaciador vertebral. La fabricación aditiva, también conocida como impresión 3D, ha transformado el concepto de prototipado rápido en una realidad, debido a la capacidad de fabricar piezas geométricas específicas de gran complejidad y con rapidez, lo que permite la elaboración de prototipos para su uso pre o trans-operatorio en cirugías ortopédicas de gran complejidad. El polietileno tereftalato glicol (PETG), por ser un termoplástico de alta resistencia, no biodegradable, biocompatible y de bajo costo es el foco de este trabajo en el desarrollo del espaciador vertebral como estabilizador en un procedimiento de vertebrectomía en un perro.
Animais , Cães , Osteossarcoma/terapia , Polietilenotereftalatos/uso terapêutico , Impressão Tridimensional , Vértebras Lombares/cirurgia , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Substitutos Ósseos/análiseResumo
Partial hemipelvectomy refers to the surgical removal of a pelvic segment, which is performed for pelvic bone neoplasms, severe fractures, or poor bone union. This study presents the cases of seven dogs, six of which have neoplasms involving the hip joint and one with severe pelvic canal narrowing due to a poorly consolidated trauma. Partial caudal hemipelvectomy was performed for all the dogs to improve the quality of life and delay euthanasia. Of the seven cases, six required the use of a polypropylene mesh for the pelvic wall closure, with 85.71% of them acquiring manageable complications in the postoperative period. Despite these complications, an overall improvement in the quality of life was reported to be significant in the operated animals due to the removal of the cause of pain or discomfort. Thus, it was concluded that partial hemipelvectomyis beneficial for dogs with pelvic conditions. Furthermore, the main complication due to the lack of a pelvic wall for primary occlusion was circumvented by using a polypropylene mesh, showing that possible complications in this procedure can be appropriately managed.
A hemipelvectomia parcial consiste na remoção de segmento pélvico, indicada para neoplasmas com envolvimento de ossos da pelve, fraturas graves ou má união óssea. Esse trabalho apresenta sete pacientes caninos, dos quais seis portadores de neoplasmas envolvendo a articulação coxofemoral e um com grave estreitamento do canal pélvico, resultado de traumatismo mal consolidado. Com o intuito de fornecer qualidade de vida aos cães e postergar a eutanásia, todos foram operados pela técnica de hemipelvectomia parcial média a caudal. Dos sete pacientes, seis necessitaram do uso de tela de polipropileno para fechamento da parede pélvica e apresentaram 85,71% de complicações manejáveis no pós-operatório. No entanto, a melhora na qualidade de vida dos animais operados foi significativa, tendo sido removida a causa da dor ou desconforto desencadeado pela alteração anatômica local. Conclui-se que a técnica é benéfica aos pacientes, tendo como principal complicação, a falta de parede pélvica para oclusão primária, contornada com uso de tela de polipropileno pelos autores.
Animais , Cães , Ossos Pélvicos , Qualidade de Vida , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Cães/lesões , Hemipelvectomia/veterináriaResumo
Osteosarcoma is a mesenchymal cancer associated with high mortality in dogs and in humans. The biodiversity-rich Cerrado, the predominant biome in the Midwest region of Brazil, is native to locally appreciated fruits such as pequi (Caryocar brasiliense, Camb). Although this plant has been frequently used in folk medicine, the pharmacological properties of pequi fruit shells have not been fully evaluated. Thus, this study aimed to determine the cytotoxic activity of ethanol extract of recycled pequi shells on canine osteosarcoma cells in vitro. Cells were cultured and treated with final extract concentrations of 0, 0.029 µg/µL, 0.29 µg/µL, and 2.91 µg/µL for 24, 48, or 72 hours. Cell viability assay using trypan blue exclusion method and tetrazolium reduction method, cell survival assay, and double labeling with annexin V and propidium iodide were performed in the treated osteosarcoma cells. These allowed the determination of IC50, survival fraction, and type of cell death, respectively. Pequi shell ethanol extract at a concentration of 2.91 µg/µL showed the greatest inhibition of osteosarcoma cell growth in vitro, resulting in a 71.80% decrease in growth compared to the control. The mean IC50 was 155.2 µg/mL at 72 hours. The calculated survival fractions showed that cell growth at 72 hours was 3.33% lower in cells treated with 2.91 µg/µL extract. Results from the double labeling experiment suggest that apoptosis was the predominant type of cell death in cells treated with 2.91 µg/µL extract. These results demonstrate that ethanol extract of recycled pequi shells promotes apoptosis in canine osteosarcoma cells.
O osteossarcoma é uma neoplasia mesenquimal associada à alta mortalidade em cães e humanos. O pequi (Caryocar brasiliense, Camb.) é nativo do Cerrado, bioma rico em biodiversidade predominante na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Embora esta planta seja frequentemente utilizada na medicina popular, as propriedades farmacológicas da casca do pequi ainda são pouco conhecidas. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a atividade citotóxica do extrato etanólico de cascas de pequi recicladas em células de osteossarcoma canino. As células foram cultivadas e tratadas com concentrações finais de extrato de zero, 0,029 µg/µL, 0,29 µg/µL e 2,91 µg/µL por 24, 48 ou 72 horas. As células foram submetidas a ensaio de viabilidade celular pelos métodos de exclusão de azul de tripano da redução de tetrazólio para determinar a IC50, ao ensaio de sobrevivência celular para calcular a fração de sobrevivência e à dupla marcação com anexina V e iodeto de propídio para determinar o tipo de morte celular. O extrato etanólico de casca de pequi na concentração de 2,91 µg/µL apresentou a maior inibição do crescimento de células de osteossarcoma, com redução de 71,80% no crescimento em relação ao controle. A IC50 média foi de 155,2 µg/mL em 72 horas. O crescimento celular em 72 horas foi 3,33% menor nas células tratadas com 2,91 µg/µL de extrato. A apoptose foi o tipo predominante de morte celular em células tratadas com 2,91 µg/µL de extrato. Esses resultados demonstram que o extrato etanólico de cascas de pequi recicladas promove apoptose em células de osteossarcoma canino.
Animais , Cães , Taninos , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Malpighiales , Antineoplásicos/análiseResumo
Background: Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (EOS), a rare variant of osteosarcoma (OS), is a malignant neoplasm that develops insoft tissues without primary bone involvement. This study aims to describe a case of EOS with a mediastinal location in a canine.Case: A 10-year-old male Uruguayan Cimarron dog, was presented to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdadede Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/FV/UFPel) for necropsy. The dog had a history of submandibularswelling, progressive hind limb paralysis, muscle atrophy, and breathing difficulties. During necropsy, in the thoracic cavity,approximately 900 mL of serosanguinous exudate and a reddish-brown, bossed mediastinal mass measuring 15.0 cm in thelongest axis were also noted. The lung exhibited multifocal to coalescent, white, firm nodules extending from the pleurato the parenchyma and measuring up to 4.5 cm in diameter. In the parietal and occipital region of the brain, a matte winemass measuring 2.3 cm in the longest axis was observed. Fragments of the neoplastic mass, organs of the abdominal andthoracic cavities, and the brain were harvested and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the samples were routinelyprocessed, incorporated in paraffin, cut into 3 µm-thick sections, and stained using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). Selectedsections of the neoplasm, the lung, and the brain were subjected to Von Kossa staining and immunohistochemical (IHC)analysis. For IHC, primary anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies (clone AE1 / AE3, BioCare Medical) at a 1:100 dilution, vimentin (clone V9, BioCare Medical) at a 1:100 dilution, S100 Protein (clone 15E2E2, BioCare Medical) at a 1:100dilution, and Ki67 (SP6 clone, BioCare Medical) at a 1:50 dilution were used. Immunostaining ...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Cães , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias do Mediastino/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (EOS), a rare variant of osteosarcoma (OS), is a malignant neoplasm that develops insoft tissues without primary bone involvement. This study aims to describe a case of EOS with a mediastinal location in a canine.Case: A 10-year-old male Uruguayan Cimarron dog, was presented to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdadede Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/FV/UFPel) for necropsy. The dog had a history of submandibularswelling, progressive hind limb paralysis, muscle atrophy, and breathing difficulties. During necropsy, in the thoracic cavity,approximately 900 mL of serosanguinous exudate and a reddish-brown, bossed mediastinal mass measuring 15.0 cm in thelongest axis were also noted. The lung exhibited multifocal to coalescent, white, firm nodules extending from the pleurato the parenchyma and measuring up to 4.5 cm in diameter. In the parietal and occipital region of the brain, a matte winemass measuring 2.3 cm in the longest axis was observed. Fragments of the neoplastic mass, organs of the abdominal andthoracic cavities, and the brain were harvested and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the samples were routinelyprocessed, incorporated in paraffin, cut into 3 µm-thick sections, and stained using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). Selectedsections of the neoplasm, the lung, and the brain were subjected to Von Kossa staining and immunohistochemical (IHC)analysis. For IHC, primary anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies (clone AE1 / AE3, BioCare Medical) at a 1:100 dilution, vimentin (clone V9, BioCare Medical) at a 1:100 dilution, S100 Protein (clone 15E2E2, BioCare Medical) at a 1:100dilution, and Ki67 (SP6 clone, BioCare Medical) at a 1:50 dilution were used. Immunostaining ...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias do Mediastino/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Cães , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterináriaResumo
The osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most diagnosed primary bone cancer in canine patients. This work reports a case of a canine, six years old, mongrel, female, intact, with an OSA in the hard palate. Physical examination detected a firm mass in the palate. Thoracic radiographs, hematological and biochemical exams, histopathological exams and computed tomography were requested. A chondroblastic OSA was diagnosed and the tumor was characterized by immunohistochemistry. There was never evidence of metastasis in this case. The treatment consisted of the combination of conventional chemotherapy, metronomic chemotherapy, and palliative care, aiming at greater survival and well-being of the patient since surgical excision was not possible due to the location and extension of the tumor. Osteogenic sarcomas of the hard palate are rarely seen and described in the literature. In this article we present a characterization of the osteosarcoma with uncommon localization in the hard palate.(AU)
O osteossarcoma (OSA) é a neoplasia óssea primária mais diagnosticada em pacientes caninos. Este trabalho relata o caso de um canino, com seis anos de idade, sem raça definida, fêmea, não castrado, apresentando OSA em região de palato duro. Ao exame clínico, constatou-se uma massa de consistência firme em região palatina. Além do exame clínico, foram solicitadas radiografias torácicas, exames hematológicos e bioquímicos, exames histopatológicos e tomografia computadorizada. Fora então dado o diagnóstico de OSA condroblástico, e o tumor foi caracterizado pela imuno-histoquímica. Não foram observadas evidências de metástases nesse caso. O tratamento instituído consistiu na combinação de quimioterapia convencional, quimioterapia metronômica e cuidados paliativos, almejando maior sobrevida e bem-estar do paciente, uma vez que a excisão cirúrgica não foi possível devido à localização e à extensão do tumor. Neste artigo, apresentou-se uma caracterização do osteossarcoma com localização incomum no palato duro.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Palato Duro/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Neoplasias Palatinas/veterináriaResumo
Osteosarcoma is characterized by the production of osteoid or woven bone, using neoplastic osteoblasts. It is the most common primary bone neoplasm in canines and humans. This neoplasm was previously reported in all vertebrate classes, including a wide variety of mammals. However, there is no case report describing this neoplasm in Didelphis albiventris. Therefore, the objective of this manuscript is to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of fibroblastic osteosarcoma in D. albiventris. A wild adult male white-eared opossum (D. albiventris) arrived at the zoological park of the "Universidade de Caxias do Sul" with a swollen left thoracic limb. After a general clinical examination, the animal was transferred to the Veterinary Clinic of "Universidade de Caxias do Sul" for radiographic examination of the left thoracic limb and thorax. Additionally, some material was collected through fine needle aspiration (FNA) for cytologic evaluation. The radiographic findings and cytologic evaluation indicated osteosarcoma. The animal was euthanized due to severe clinical conditions and guarded prognosis. During necropsy, macroscopic analysis of the viscera was performed, fragments of various organs were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. All fragments were processed following routine histological techniques. The histopathological evaluation confirmed osteosarcoma, which was classified as a fibroblastic subtype. Case reports are crucial for the knowledge of incidence, prevalence, and behavior of the current mentioned disease, as well as other diseases, in species with such limited information. In order to obtain a decisive diagnosis, a few different examination methods were associated. Although the observations presented are based on a single case, this neoplasm had a similar clinical presentation to that described in other species.(AU)
O osteossarcoma é caracterizado pela produção de osteoide ou osso imaturo, por osteoblastos neoplásicos. É a neoplasia óssea primária mais comum em caninos e humanos. Essa neoplasia já foi relatada em todas as classes de vertebrados, incluindo uma grande variedade de mamíferos. Não havendo descrição dessa neoplasia até o momento em Didelphis albiventris. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos clínico-patológicos de um caso de osteossarcoma fibroblástico em D. albiventris. Chegou para atendimento no Zoológico da Universidade de Caxias do Sul um gambá-de-orelha-branca (D. albiventris), macho, adulto, de vida livre com aumento de volume no membro torácico esquerdo. Após avaliação clínica geral, o animal foi encaminhado para a Clínica Veterinária da Universidade de Caxias do Sul para realização de radiografia do membro torácico esquerdo e de tórax, sendo também realizada coleta de material por punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) para avaliação citológica. Os achados radiográficos e da avaliação citológica foram sugestivos de osteossarcoma. Devido ao estado clínico grave e prognóstico reservado optou-se pela eutanásia. Durante a necropsia realizou-se a análise macroscópica das vísceras, foram coletados fragmentos de diversos órgãos, fixados em formalina 10%, processados pelas técnicas histológicas de rotina. Na avaliação histopatológica confirmou-se a suspeita de osteossarcoma sendo classificado no subtipo fibroblástico. A descrição de relatos é fundamental para conhecimento da incidência, prevalência e comportamento desta e de outras doenças em espécies que as informações são limitadas. A associação de diferentes métodos de exames foram necessários para a obtenção de um diagnóstico definitivo. Embora as observações apresentadas se baseiem em um caso único, esta neoplasia possuiu apresentação clínica semelhante a descrita em outras espécies.(AU)
Animais , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Didelphis , Radiografia Torácica/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Osteosarcoma is characterized by the production of osteoid or woven bone, using neoplastic osteoblasts. It is the most common primary bone neoplasm in canines and humans. This neoplasm was previously reported in all vertebrate classes, including a wide variety of mammals. However, there is no case report describing this neoplasm in Didelphis albiventris. Therefore, the objective of this manuscript is to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of fibroblastic osteosarcoma in D. albiventris. A wild adult male white-eared opossum (D. albiventris) arrived at the zoological park of the Universidade de Caxias do Sul with a swollen left thoracic limb. After a general clinical examination, the animal was transferred to the Veterinary Clinic of Universidade de Caxias do Sul for radiographic examination of the left thoracic limb and thorax. Additionally, some material was collected through fine needle aspiration (FNA) for cytologic evaluation. The radiographic findings and cytologic evaluation indicated osteosarcoma. The animal was euthanized due to severe clinical conditions and guarded prognosis. During necropsy, macroscopic analysis of the viscera was performed, fragments of various organs were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. All fragments were processed following routine histological techniques. The histopathological evaluation confirmed osteosarcoma, which was classified as a fibroblastic subtype. Case reports are crucial for the knowledge of incidence, prevalence, and behavior of the current mentioned disease, as well as other diseases, in species with such limited information. In order to obtain a decisive diagnosis, a few different examination methods were associated. Although the observations presented are based on a single case, this neoplasm had a similar clinical presentation to that described in other species.
RESUMO: O osteossarcoma é caracterizado pela produção de osteoide ou osso imaturo, por osteoblastos neoplásicos. É a neoplasia óssea primária mais comum em caninos e humanos. Essa neoplasia já foi relatada em todas as classes de vertebrados, incluindo uma grande variedade de mamíferos. Não havendo descrição dessa neoplasia até o momento em Didelphis albiventris. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos clínico-patológicos de um caso de osteossarcoma fibroblástico em D. albiventris. Chegou para atendimento no Zoológico da Universidade de Caxias do Sul um gambá-de-orelha-branca (D. albiventris), macho, adulto, de vida livre com aumento de volume no membro torácico esquerdo. Após avaliação clínica geral, o animal foi encaminhado para a Clínica Veterinária da Universidade de Caxias do Sul para realização de radiografia do membro torácico esquerdo e de tórax, sendo também realizada coleta de material por punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) para avaliação citológica. Os achados radiográficos e da avaliação citológica foram sugestivos de osteossarcoma. Devido ao estado clínico grave e prognóstico reservado optou-se pela eutanásia. Durante a necropsia realizou-se a análise macroscópica das vísceras, foram coletados fragmentos de diversos órgãos, fixados em formalina 10%, processados pelas técnicas histológicas de rotina. Na avaliação histopatológica confirmou-se a suspeita de osteossarcoma sendo classificado no subtipo fibroblástico. A descrição de relatos é fundamental para conhecimento da incidência, prevalência e comportamento desta e de outras doenças em espécies que as informações são limitadas. A associação de diferentes métodos de exames foram necessários para a obtenção de um diagnóstico definitivo. Embora as observações apresentadas se baseiem em um caso único, esta neoplasia possuiu apresentação clínica semelhante a descrita em outras espécies.
Background: The mammary neoplasms are highly frequent in female dogs. It is characterized by the proliferation of epithelial or mesenchymal cells. The mammary osteosarcoma is a example of the proliferation of the last group and its main feature is production of osteoid matrix and areas of mature bone tissue formation. Metastases to the lungs and regional lymph nodes are frequent, however some other metastasis sites have been reported. The aim of this study is to report a mammary osteosarcoma in a 12-year-old mixed-breed female dog with multiple metastases and neoplastic emboli to the central nervous system. Case: The animal was brought to the Veterinary Hospital of the Uberlândia Federal University (HV/UFU) with the complaint of increase in the volume of the mammary glands. The cytopathological exams was performed in the mass that measured 15 cm of diameter and covering a large region of the mammary gland, from the right cranial thoracic to the right cranial abdominal mammary gland. The cytological diagnostic was inconclusive because of the lack of material for diagnosis. Therefore, total unilateral mastectomy was performed for histopathology analysis. The material was then sent to the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU where routine processing was performed. The microscopy showed proliferation of mesenchymal cells arranged in bundles with intense pleomorfism and producing osteoid matrix, leading to the diagnosis of mammary osteosarcoma. Around 15 days after the diagnostic the animal died and was sent the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU for necropsy. During the external exam there was a mass at the same site of the primary mass previously extracted. Besides it, there were masses affecting lungs, intestine and kidneys. The histopathological exam showed sites of metastasis of osteosarcoma in the organs described, as well as neoplastic...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/secundário , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: The mammary neoplasms are highly frequent in female dogs. It is characterized by the proliferation of epithelial or mesenchymal cells. The mammary osteosarcoma is a example of the proliferation of the last group and its main feature is production of osteoid matrix and areas of mature bone tissue formation. Metastases to the lungs and regional lymph nodes are frequent, however some other metastasis sites have been reported. The aim of this study is to report a mammary osteosarcoma in a 12-year-old mixed-breed female dog with multiple metastases and neoplastic emboli to the central nervous system. Case: The animal was brought to the Veterinary Hospital of the Uberlândia Federal University (HV/UFU) with the complaint of increase in the volume of the mammary glands. The cytopathological exams was performed in the mass that measured 15 cm of diameter and covering a large region of the mammary gland, from the right cranial thoracic to the right cranial abdominal mammary gland. The cytological diagnostic was inconclusive because of the lack of material for diagnosis. Therefore, total unilateral mastectomy was performed for histopathology analysis. The material was then sent to the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU where routine processing was performed. The microscopy showed proliferation of mesenchymal cells arranged in bundles with intense pleomorfism and producing osteoid matrix, leading to the diagnosis of mammary osteosarcoma. Around 15 days after the diagnostic the animal died and was sent the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the HV/UFU for necropsy. During the external exam there was a mass at the same site of the primary mass previously extracted. Besides it, there were masses affecting lungs, intestine and kidneys. The histopathological exam showed sites of metastasis of osteosarcoma in the organs described, as well as neoplastic...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Metástase Neoplásica , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/secundário , Neoplasias do Sistema Nervoso Central/veterináriaResumo
Osteosarcoma is a malignant tumor of primitive bone cells with a high incidence in dogs and humans. The need for more effective drugs with less adverse consequences has pushed the development of chemotherapeutic agents from plants and other natural sources. The aim of this study was to verify the cytotoxic effects of beta-lapachone, a compound present in the sawdust of Tabebuia sp. (popularly known as ipê) wood, on canine osteosarcoma cells subcultured and treated in different concentrations (0.1µm, 0.3µm e 1.0µm) and exposure times (24h, 48h e 72h). Results were obtained through Trypan blue dye exclusion, tetrazolium reducing method, cell survival assay, Annexin V-FITC and Propidium Iodine labeling, JC-1 dye labeling and cell cycle kinetics e analysis. The group treated with 0.3µm beta-lapachone presented higher decrease in cell viability (80.27%, 24h, 47.41%, 48h and 35.19%, 72h) and greater progression of cytotoxicity (19.73%, 24h, 52.59%, 48h and 64.81%, 72h). The lower IC50 (0.180µm) was verified in the group treated for 72 hours. Cell growth after treatment decreased as concentration and time of exposure increased, with 0.50% survival fraction at the concentration of 1.0µm. Initial apoptosis was the most frequent type of cell death in all groups, reaching bottom in the 24-hour group treated with 0.1µm (4.26%) and peaking in the 72-hour group treated with 1.0µm (85.89%). Mitochondrial depolarization demonstrated a dose-dependent phenomenon, indicating the intrinsic apoptosis. Cell growth inhibition by blocking cell cycle in the G0/G1 phase related to the exposure the time. β-lapachone is cytotoxic for canine osteosarcoma cells, induces apoptosis and promotes cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase.(AU)
O osteossarcoma é o tumor maligno das células ósseas primitivas, com alta incidência em cães e humanos. A necessidade de medicamentos mais efetivos, com menor consequência adversa, tem gerado esforços para o desenvolvimento de agentes quimioterápicos compostos por plantas e outras fontes naturais. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos citotóxicos da beta lapachona, um composto presente na serragem da madeira do ipê, sobre células de osteossarcoma canino subcultivadas e submetidas ao tratamento, de acordo com as diferentes concentrações (0.1µm, 0.3µm e 1.0µm) e tempo de exposição (24h, 48h e 72h). Os resultados foram obtidos por meio dos métodos de exclusão do corante azul de Tripan e de redução do tetrazólio, além dos ensaios de sobrevivência celular, de dupla marcação com Anexina V-FITC e Iodeto de Propídio, de marcação com o corante JC-1 e pela análise da cinética do ciclo celular. O grupo tratado com 0.3µm de beta lapachona apresentou melhor regressão da viabilidade celular (80,27%, 24h; 47,41%, 48h e 35,19%, 72h) e maior progressão da citotoxicidade (19,73%, 24h; 52,59%, 48h e 64,81%, 72h). O menor IC50 (0.180µm) ocorreu no grupo tratado por 72 horas. O crescimento celular após o tratamento foi menor, de acordo com o aumento da concentração e tempo de exposição, apresentando 0,50% de fração de sobrevivência na concentração de 1.0µm. A apoptose inicial foi o tipo de morte celular mais frequente em todos os grupos, menor no grupo de 24 horas tratado com 0.1µm (4,26%) e maior no grupo de 72 horas tratado com 1.0µm (85,89%). A despolarização mitocondrial ocorreu de maneira dose dependente, indicando a ocorrência de apoptose intrínseca. A β lapachona possui efeitos citotóxicos em células de osteossarcoma canino, induz apoptose e promove o bloqueio do ciclo celular na fase G0/G1.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Naftoquinonas , Apoptose , Tabebuia/químicaResumo
Osteosarcoma is a malignant tumor of primitive bone cells with a high incidence in dogs and humans. The need for more effective drugs with less adverse consequences has pushed the development of chemotherapeutic agents from plants and other natural sources. The aim of this study was to verify the cytotoxic effects of beta-lapachone, a compound present in the sawdust of Tabebuia sp. (popularly known as ipê) wood, on canine osteosarcoma cells subcultured and treated in different concentrations (0.1µm, 0.3µm e 1.0µm) and exposure times (24h, 48h e 72h). Results were obtained through Trypan blue dye exclusion, tetrazolium reducing method, cell survival assay, Annexin V-FITC and Propidium Iodine labeling, JC-1 dye labeling and cell cycle kinetics e analysis. The group treated with 0.3µm beta-lapachone presented higher decrease in cell viability (80.27%, 24h, 47.41%, 48h and 35.19%, 72h) and greater progression of cytotoxicity (19.73%, 24h, 52.59%, 48h and 64.81%, 72h). The lower IC50 (0.180µm) was verified in the group treated for 72 hours. Cell growth after treatment decreased as concentration and time of exposure increased, with 0.50% survival fraction at the concentration of 1.0µm. Initial apoptosis was the most frequent type of cell death in all groups, reaching bottom in the 24-hour group treated with 0.1µm (4.26%) and peaking in the 72-hour group treated with 1.0µm (85.89%). Mitochondrial depolarization demonstrated a dose-dependent phenomenon, indicating the intrinsic apoptosis. Cell growth inhibition by blocking cell cycle in the G0/G1 phase related to the exposure the time. β-lapachone is cytotoxic for canine osteosarcoma cells, induces apoptosis and promotes cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase.(AU)
O osteossarcoma é o tumor maligno das células ósseas primitivas, com alta incidência em cães e humanos. A necessidade de medicamentos mais efetivos, com menor consequência adversa, tem gerado esforços para o desenvolvimento de agentes quimioterápicos compostos por plantas e outras fontes naturais. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos citotóxicos da beta lapachona, um composto presente na serragem da madeira do ipê, sobre células de osteossarcoma canino subcultivadas e submetidas ao tratamento, de acordo com as diferentes concentrações (0.1µm, 0.3µm e 1.0µm) e tempo de exposição (24h, 48h e 72h). Os resultados foram obtidos por meio dos métodos de exclusão do corante azul de Tripan e de redução do tetrazólio, além dos ensaios de sobrevivência celular, de dupla marcação com Anexina V-FITC e Iodeto de Propídio, de marcação com o corante JC-1 e pela análise da cinética do ciclo celular. O grupo tratado com 0.3µm de beta lapachona apresentou melhor regressão da viabilidade celular (80,27%, 24h; 47,41%, 48h e 35,19%, 72h) e maior progressão da citotoxicidade (19,73%, 24h; 52,59%, 48h e 64,81%, 72h). O menor IC50 (0.180µm) ocorreu no grupo tratado por 72 horas. O crescimento celular após o tratamento foi menor, de acordo com o aumento da concentração e tempo de exposição, apresentando 0,50% de fração de sobrevivência na concentração de 1.0µm. A apoptose inicial foi o tipo de morte celular mais frequente em todos os grupos, menor no grupo de 24 horas tratado com 0.1µm (4,26%) e maior no grupo de 72 horas tratado com 1.0µm (85,89%). A despolarização mitocondrial ocorreu de maneira dose dependente, indicando a ocorrência de apoptose intrínseca. A β lapachona possui efeitos citotóxicos em células de osteossarcoma canino, induz apoptose e promove o bloqueio do ciclo celular na fase G0/G1.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Naftoquinonas , Apoptose , Tabebuia/químicaResumo
Hypertrophic osteopathy is commonly associated with primary lung neoplasms. It may also be secondary to intrathoracic lesions such as pulmonary metastasis, granulomatous pleurisy and chronic pneumonia, among others. It is characterized by progressive proliferation of sub periosteal bone tissue in limb bones. Clinically, patient usually exhibits lameness. It is a rare disease most frequently observed in dogs among domestic animals. A case of a dog with pulmonary hypertrophic osteopathy associated with pulmonary metastases coming from an appendicular periosteal osteosarcoma is reported.
Animais , Cães , Membro Anterior/lesões , Membro Anterior/patologia , Metástase Neoplásica , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Secundária/veterinária , Doenças Ósseas/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/complicações , Osteossarcoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: Osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most common primary bone tumor of the appendicular skeleton of dogs. Itmainly affects the metaphyseal region of long bones in large and giant breed dogs.The markedly aggressive and metastaticcharacter of the disease leads to an invariably poor to unfavorable prognosis.Although amputation is commonly performed,different surgical techniques may be used to preserve the limb. The most common methods of limb preserving surgeriesinvolve the use of endoprosthesis and allogeneic or autologous grafts. This report describes the successful use of total hipreplacement to treat a 3-year-old male dog, with OSA in the femoral head and neck.Case: This report describes the successful use of total hip replacement to treat a 3-year-old male dog, with OSA in thefemoral head and neck. The OSA stage IA located in the femoral head and neck was resected and treated through thelimb-sparing. The bone defect and joint function was reconstructed with total hip arthroplasty technique using a cementlesship prosthesis. The result of the histopathological analysis of the excised bone tissue showed a minimally productiveosteoblastic osteosarcoma. To date, the patient shows satisfactory movement rate and motion range, with no pain to palpationand without lameness in that limb. The radiographic follow-up after 24 months showed no local recurrence, metastasispulmonary or complications related to the implant. Total hip arthroplasty resulted in safe recovery of orthopedic signsassociated with osteosarcoma of the femoral head and neck [...]
Animais , Cães , Artroplastia de Quadril/veterinária , Ligamento da Cabeça do Fêmur/cirurgia , Osteossarcoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: Osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most common primary bone tumor of the appendicular skeleton of dogs. Itmainly affects the metaphyseal region of long bones in large and giant breed dogs.The markedly aggressive and metastaticcharacter of the disease leads to an invariably poor to unfavorable prognosis.Although amputation is commonly performed,different surgical techniques may be used to preserve the limb. The most common methods of limb preserving surgeriesinvolve the use of endoprosthesis and allogeneic or autologous grafts. This report describes the successful use of total hipreplacement to treat a 3-year-old male dog, with OSA in the femoral head and neck.Case: This report describes the successful use of total hip replacement to treat a 3-year-old male dog, with OSA in thefemoral head and neck. The OSA stage IA located in the femoral head and neck was resected and treated through thelimb-sparing. The bone defect and joint function was reconstructed with total hip arthroplasty technique using a cementlesship prosthesis. The result of the histopathological analysis of the excised bone tissue showed a minimally productiveosteoblastic osteosarcoma. To date, the patient shows satisfactory movement rate and motion range, with no pain to palpationand without lameness in that limb. The radiographic follow-up after 24 months showed no local recurrence, metastasispulmonary or complications related to the implant. Total hip arthroplasty resulted in safe recovery of orthopedic signsassociated with osteosarcoma of the femoral head and neck [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Artroplastia de Quadril/veterinária , Ligamento da Cabeça do Fêmur/cirurgia , Osteossarcoma/veterináriaResumo
Hypertrophic osteopathy is commonly associated with primary lung neoplasms. It may also be secondary to intrathoracic lesions such as pulmonary metastasis, granulomatous pleurisy and chronic pneumonia, among others. It is characterized by progressive proliferation of sub periosteal bone tissue in limb bones. Clinically, patient usually exhibits lameness. It is a rare disease most frequently observed in dogs among domestic animals. A case of a dog with pulmonary hypertrophic osteopathy associated with pulmonary metastases coming from an appendicular periosteal osteosarcoma is reported.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Secundária/veterinária , Membro Anterior/lesões , Membro Anterior/patologia , Metástase Neoplásica , Doenças Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/complicações , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterináriaResumo
Background: hypertrophic osteopathy is a periosteum disturb characterized by diffuse new bone formation which leads tosignificant thickening and deformity of members. Secondary in nature, it usually follows large pulmonary lesions such asabscesses and neoplasms. Extraskeletal osteosarcomas are rare and extremely malignant mesenchymal neoplasms. Theycomprise approximately 1% of all domestic animals osteosarcomas and develop in the absence of a primary bone lesion.The aim of this paper was to describe a case of hypertrophic osteopathy, involving joints and upper limbs bones includingilium, secondary to a mediastinal chondroblastic osteosarcoma with pulmonary metastasis.Case: A 10-year-old spayed female mixed breed dog, weighing 9 kg, was presented with painful limbs, lameness, hind limbsswelling and a four-month history of weight loss. Radiographic examination revealed bilateral and asymmetric periostealreactions on diaphyseal and/or epiphyseal areas of all proximal phalanges; metacarpal, metatarsal, carpal and tarsal bones;radius; ulna; tibia; fibula; humerus; femur and right ilium. An increased soft tissue radiopacity was noted on the lateral sideof the right knee joint. Thoracic radiographies and ultrasonography suggested the presence of a 5-cm neoplasm or abscessin the left caudal lung lobe. At necropsy, the lobe showed a firm and solid, oval white mass measuring 5.2 x 2.9 cm. Anothermass was found in the caudal mediastinum, near the diaphragm, with same color and more irregular aspect, measuring 3.3cm of diameter. Intense periosteal new-bone formation was seen in the entire length of the four limbs bones, characterizedby thickening of the bone surface and formation of irregular trabeculae perpendicular to the cortex. Significant swelling andthickening of the joint capsule was noted in the right knee. There was no microbial growth on aerobic or anaerobic culturesfrom the masses samples sent to culture. [...]
Animais , Cães , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Secundária/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Síndromes Paraneoplásicas/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
Background: hypertrophic osteopathy is a periosteum disturb characterized by diffuse new bone formation which leads tosignificant thickening and deformity of members. Secondary in nature, it usually follows large pulmonary lesions such asabscesses and neoplasms. Extraskeletal osteosarcomas are rare and extremely malignant mesenchymal neoplasms. Theycomprise approximately 1% of all domestic animals osteosarcomas and develop in the absence of a primary bone lesion.The aim of this paper was to describe a case of hypertrophic osteopathy, involving joints and upper limbs bones includingilium, secondary to a mediastinal chondroblastic osteosarcoma with pulmonary metastasis.Case: A 10-year-old spayed female mixed breed dog, weighing 9 kg, was presented with painful limbs, lameness, hind limbsswelling and a four-month history of weight loss. Radiographic examination revealed bilateral and asymmetric periostealreactions on diaphyseal and/or epiphyseal areas of all proximal phalanges; metacarpal, metatarsal, carpal and tarsal bones;radius; ulna; tibia; fibula; humerus; femur and right ilium. An increased soft tissue radiopacity was noted on the lateral sideof the right knee joint. Thoracic radiographies and ultrasonography suggested the presence of a 5-cm neoplasm or abscessin the left caudal lung lobe. At necropsy, the lobe showed a firm and solid, oval white mass measuring 5.2 x 2.9 cm. Anothermass was found in the caudal mediastinum, near the diaphragm, with same color and more irregular aspect, measuring 3.3cm of diameter. Intense periosteal new-bone formation was seen in the entire length of the four limbs bones, characterizedby thickening of the bone surface and formation of irregular trabeculae perpendicular to the cortex. Significant swelling andthickening of the joint capsule was noted in the right knee. There was no microbial growth on aerobic or anaerobic culturesfrom the masses samples sent to culture. [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , /complicações , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Secundária/veterinária , Síndromes Paraneoplásicas/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
O presente estudo comparou, por meio do ensaio de flexão em quatro pontos, a resistência de segmentos de rádios de cães autoclavados e desvitalizados em nitrogênio líquido. Avaliaram-se 40 rádios, que foram divididos em quatro grupos: grupo autoclave (GA), grupo controle autoclave (GCA), grupo nitrogênio (GN) e grupo controle nitrogênio (GCN). Os corpos de prova dos grupos GCA e GCN pertenciam ao lado contralateral dos grupos GA e GN, respectivamente. Os ossos foram autoclavados a 121°C, por 20min a 2atm. A desvitalização em nitrogênio foi realizada por meio da imersão em nitrogênio líquido, por 20min, seguida de descongelamento à temperatura ambiente, sendo finalizada por imersão em solução de NaCL a 0,9%, por mais 15min. Após os testes biomecânicos, foram comparadas as variáveis força máxima, rigidez, altura máxima à secção transversa do corpo de prova, deslocamento do baricentro em relação ao eixo x, flecha, tensão-tração, tensão-compressão e tensão máxima. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos GN e GCN. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos GA e GCA somente na comparação da variável força máxima. A análise das variáveis tensão-tração, tensão-compressão e tensão máxima evidenciou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos GA e GN, sendo os valores maiores para o grupo GA. Também foi realizada comparação entre os deltas (GN menos GCN e GA menos GCA), em que não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas.(AU)
The study compared through the four points bending test, the strength of bone segments autoclaved and devitalized in liquid nitrogen radius segments. 40 radius were used, collected and divided into 4 groups, as follows: Autoclave Group (GA), Control Autoclave Group (GCA), Nitrogen Group (NG) and Control Nitrogen Group (GCN). Bone segments from groups GCA and GCN were contralateral to GA and NG. The segments were autoclaved at 121ºC and 2 atm for 20 minutes. Nitrogen devitalization of the bone segments was obtained by 20 minutes immersion, followed by thawing at room temperature and 15 minutes immersion in 0.9% NaCL solution. After biomechanical tests the variables compared were maximum strength, stiffness, maximum hight trough the transverse section of the bone segment, centers of mass dislocation in relation to x axe, arrow, stress-tension, stress-compression and maximum stress. No statistically significant differences between the GN and GCN groups were found. Statistically significant differences were found between GA and GCA groups only in the comparison of the maximum force variable. The analysis of variable stress-tension, stress-compression and maximum stress showed statistically significant differences between the GA and GN groups, with higher values for the GA group. Comparison of the deltas (GN least GCN and GA least GCA) where no statistical differences were observed was also performed.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Densitometria/veterinária , Nitrogênio , Transplante Autólogo/veterinária , Ortopedia/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , EsqueletoResumo
O presente estudo comparou, por meio do ensaio de flexão em quatro pontos, a resistência de segmentos de rádios de cães autoclavados e desvitalizados em nitrogênio líquido. Avaliaram-se 40 rádios, que foram divididos em quatro grupos: grupo autoclave (GA), grupo controle autoclave (GCA), grupo nitrogênio (GN) e grupo controle nitrogênio (GCN). Os corpos de prova dos grupos GCA e GCN pertenciam ao lado contralateral dos grupos GA e GN, respectivamente. Os ossos foram autoclavados a 121°C, por 20min a 2atm. A desvitalização em nitrogênio foi realizada por meio da imersão em nitrogênio líquido, por 20min, seguida de descongelamento à temperatura ambiente, sendo finalizada por imersão em solução de NaCL a 0,9%, por mais 15min. Após os testes biomecânicos, foram comparadas as variáveis força máxima, rigidez, altura máxima à secção transversa do corpo de prova, deslocamento do baricentro em relação ao eixo x, flecha, tensão-tração, tensão-compressão e tensão máxima. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos GN e GCN. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos GA e GCA somente na comparação da variável força máxima. A análise das variáveis tensão-tração, tensão-compressão e tensão máxima evidenciou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos GA e GN, sendo os valores maiores para o grupo GA. Também foi realizada comparação entre os deltas (GN menos GCN e GA menos GCA), em que não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas.(AU)
The study compared through the four points bending test, the strength of bone segments autoclaved and devitalized in liquid nitrogen radius segments. 40 radius were used, collected and divided into 4 groups, as follows: Autoclave Group (GA), Control Autoclave Group (GCA), Nitrogen Group (NG) and Control Nitrogen Group (GCN). Bone segments from groups GCA and GCN were contralateral to GA and NG. The segments were autoclaved at 121ºC and 2 atm for 20 minutes. Nitrogen devitalization of the bone segments was obtained by 20 minutes immersion, followed by thawing at room temperature and 15 minutes immersion in 0.9% NaCL solution. After biomechanical tests the variables compared were maximum strength, stiffness, maximum hight trough the transverse section of the bone segment, centers of mass dislocation in relation to x axe, arrow, stress-tension, stress-compression and maximum stress. No statistically significant differences between the GN and GCN groups were found. Statistically significant differences were found between GA and GCA groups only in the comparison of the maximum force variable. The analysis of variable stress-tension, stress-compression and maximum stress showed statistically significant differences between the GA and GN groups, with higher values for the GA group. Comparison of the deltas (GN least GCN and GA least GCA) where no statistical differences were observed was also performed.(AU)