This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different plasminogen activator inhibitor 1concentrations (70 ƞg, 140 and 210 ƞg ƞg) in the kinetic parameters of sperm cryopreserved of Curraleiro FootHard bulls. Sperm kinetics were analyzed by means of a computer aided system (CASA). The variables evaluatedwere: (MT-%) (MOP-um / s), (VCL - um / s), (VSL - um / s), (VAP-um / s), (LIN -%) ( Str-%) (ALH - uM)Wobble (WOB -%) and (BCF-Hz). The cryopreserved sperm in the presence of the inhibitor of plasminogenactivator 1 in a concentration of 210 ƞg decreased velocity parameters in a straight line (VSL - um / s) andlinearity (LIN -%). In conclusion, supplementation of the Inhibitor of plasminogen activator 1 (PAI-1),cryopreservation of bovine semen does not improve the kinetic parameters as compared to the control.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Inibidor 1 de Ativador de Plasminogênio/efeitos adversos , Inibidor 1 de Ativador de Plasminogênio/análise , Imobilizantes dos Espermatozoides/análise , CriopreservaçãoResumo
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different plasminogen activator inhibitor 1concentrations (70 ƞg, 140 and 210 ƞg ƞg) in the kinetic parameters of sperm cryopreserved of Curraleiro FootHard bulls. Sperm kinetics were analyzed by means of a computer aided system (CASA). The variables evaluatedwere: (MT-%) (MOP-um / s), (VCL - um / s), (VSL - um / s), (VAP-um / s), (LIN -%) ( Str-%) (ALH - uM)Wobble (WOB -%) and (BCF-Hz). The cryopreserved sperm in the presence of the inhibitor of plasminogenactivator 1 in a concentration of 210 ƞg decreased velocity parameters in a straight line (VSL - um / s) andlinearity (LIN -%). In conclusion, supplementation of the Inhibitor of plasminogen activator 1 (PAI-1),cryopreservation of bovine semen does not improve the kinetic parameters as compared to the control.
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Criopreservação , Imobilizantes dos Espermatozoides/análise , Inibidor 1 de Ativador de Plasminogênio/análise , Inibidor 1 de Ativador de Plasminogênio/efeitos adversosResumo
Procurando compreender o envolvimento da aldosterona (Aldo) na injúria renal, o objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento crônico com Aldo sobre a função renal e a histologia das arteríolas renais, procurando correlacionar os achados com a expressão de genes reguladores do processo de fibrose e apoptose. A Aldo não alterou os parâmetros fisiológicos, PA, ritmo de filtração glomerular (estimado pela depuração plasmática de creatinina), proteinúria e a morfologia das arteríolas corticais. No entanto, aumentou a expressão do RNAm para TGF-1, PAI-1 e BAX no tecido renal, além da contagem de células TUNEL positivas nos glomérulos. O antagonismo ao receptor MR (pelo uso da espironolactona) aboliu o efeito hormonal somente sobre a expressão do RNAm para BAX e a marcação do DNA degradado (TUNEL), enquanto que o antagonismo ao GR (pelo uso do RU 486) reduziu ou aboliu todos os efeitos da Aldo. Os resultados indicam que a Aldo pode induzir respostas precoces sobre o remodelamento do tecido renal, sem ainda comprometer a função renal ou alterar a PA. Essas respostas foram independentes da sobrecarga de sal e ocorreram por um mecanismo que envolveu os receptores MR e GR.
In order to understand the aldosterone (Aldo) involvement in renal injury, the objective of this project was to evaluate the effect of Aldo chronic treatment on renal function and renal arterioles histology, trying to correlate the findings with the regulatory genes of fibrosis and apoptosis. Aldo did not change the physiological parameters, BP, glomerular filtration rate (estimated by creatinina clearance), proteinuria and cortical arterioles morphology. However, Aldo increased mRNA expression for TGF-1, PAI-1 and BAX in renal tissue, as well as TUNEL-positive cell count in glomeruli. MR receptor antagonism (by spironolactone) abolished only the hormonal effect on the mRNA expression for BAX and degraded DNA labeling (TUNEL); whereas GR antagonism (by RU 486) reduced or abolished all Aldo effects. The results indicated that Aldo can induce early responses on renal tissue remodeling, without altering renal function or BP. These responses were salt independent and involved MR and GR receptors.