Fire might occur under natural conditions in the Pantanal of Brazil; however, with climate change, severe periods of drought potentiated the devasting fires in 2020, resulting in substantial wildlife loss. Considering that mammal communities are strongly affected by fire and habitat alterations, the aim of this study was to evaluate possible differences in mammal diversity and the number of records before and one year after the fire in one region of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil (Parque SESC Baía das Pedras - PSBP). The data collection was performed using camera trapping between 2015 and 2017 and 2021, together with visual field observations in PSBP. We observed that the mammal assemblage composition was similar before and one year after the fire. Four species were more or less frequent in burned areas than in unburned ones. Since the fire was controlled in this area, avoiding its total destruction, and the species that fled from the surrounding areas, which were completely burnt, might be using PSBP as a refuge while the vegetation recovers elsewhere. Therefore, the PSBP might have contributed to protecting mammal species after the fire and maintaining and conserving biodiversity on a regional scale in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Áreas Alagadas , Incêndios , Mamíferos/classificaçãoResumo
Data obtained by direct observation of organisms in their natural habitats can provide valuable contributions regarding intra- and inter-specific interactions, as well as spatial distribution and trophic relationships. However, relatively few such data are available for the Neotropical ichthyofauna relative to the great species diversity of this region. We present data on the ichthyofauna in karst environments of the Serra da Bodoquena, Upper Paraguay River basin regarding their categorization into functional trophic groups. We used direct observations that focused on the most frequent feeding tactics and their spatial (vertical and horizontal) distribution in the channel. We observed 83 fish species in 17 functional trophic groups. The greatest species richness was concentrated in the Characidae and Loricariidae in the categories Diurnal Backwater Drift Feeders and Grazers, respectively. Regarding horizontal depth stratification, we found a positive relationship between the association of small fish with the shallow marginal habitats. This work represents a contribution to a region known for its high tourist potential and to the important diversity of the entire ichthyofauna of the Upper Paraguay basin region that requires proper conservation strategies for sustaining these species.(AU)
Dados obtidos pela observação direta dos organismos em seus hábitats naturais podem fornecer valiosas contribuições com relação a interações intra e inter-específicas, além de distribuição espacial e relações tróficas. Entretanto, relativamente poucos dados estão disponíveis no que diz respeito à ictiofauna neotropical dada à grande diversidade dessa região. Apresentamos dados sobre a ictiofauna em ambientes cársticos da Serra da Bodoquena, bacia do alto rio Paraguai e a categorização das mesmas em grupos tróficos funcionais baseada em observações diretas relacionadas às táticas alimentares mais frequentes e à sua distribuição espacial (vertical e horizontal) no canal. Assim sendo, observamos 83 espécies de peixes alocadas em 17 grupos tróficos funcionais. A maior riqueza de espécies concentrou-se nas famílias Characidae e Loricariidae, abrangendo as categorias Catadores Diurnos de Itens Arrastados pela Corrente e Pastadores, respectivamente. Com relação à estratificação horizontal, encontramos a relação positiva entre a associação de peixes de pequeno porte com relação aos hábitats marginais. Esse trabalho representa uma contribuição a uma região conhecida pelo seu alto potencial turístico e à importante diversidade da ictiofauna da região da bacia do alto Paraguai que requer estratégias de conservação adequadas para sustentar essas espécies.(AU)
Animais , Cadeia Alimentar , Comportamento Alimentar , Peixes/fisiologia , Brasil , Ecossistema , Níveis TróficosResumo
Giant otters are territorial semi-aquatic mammals. It is common to find several individuals exhibiting wounds and scars due to intraspecific conflicts. Myiasis is a parasitic infestation on living tissues of vertebrates caused by dipterous larvae, that usually develops in freshly open wounds and can seriously threaten the host's health. Ectoparasites seem to be rare among giant otters and myiasis had not been recorded in this species until now. Here, is presented one record of myiasis in a free-ranging giant otter found dead in the Pantanal, Brazil. An ulcerative lesion was found in the frontoparietal region, from which 22 larvae were recovered and identified as Cochliomyia hominivorax. The low occurrence of ectoparasites in giant otters might reflect their semi-aquatic habits and their grooming behavior, which makes it difficult for parasites to remain on the skin. The injured otter probably got the larvae after an intraspecific fight. Agonistic encounters between groups of giant otters have been reported before and these fights can result in serious wounds or even death. It was hypothesized that the myiasis caused by C. hominivorax deteriorated the health of the infested giant otter, which prevented recovery and accelerated its death.(AU)
As ariranhas são mamíferos semiaquáticos habitantes do território brasileiro. É comum encontrar vários indivíduos apresentando feridas e cicatrizes devido a conflitos intraespecíficos. A miíase é uma infestação parasitária em tecidos vivos de vertebrados, causada por larvas de dípteros que, geralmente, se desenvolvem em feridas recém-abertas, podendo ameaçar seriamente a saúde do hospedeiro. Ectoparasitos parecem ser raros em ariranhas e, até o presente, não há relatos de miíase nesta espécie. Aqui, é apresentado um registro de miíase em uma ariranha de vida livre, encontrada morta no Pantanal, Brasil. Foi encontrada uma lesão ulcerativa na região frontoparietal, na qual foram recuperadas 22 larvas identificadas como Cochliomyia hominivorax. A baixa ocorrência de ectoparasitos em ariranhas pode refletir seus hábitos semiaquáticos e seu comportamento de limpeza, o que dificulta a permanência dos parasitos na pele. A ariranha ferida, provavelmente, se infestou com as larvas após uma briga intraespecífica. Encontros agonísticos entre grupos de ariranhas já foram relatados antes, e essas lutas podem resultar em ferimentos graves ou até mesmo em morte. Foi hipotetizado que a miíase causada por C. hominivorax deteriorou a saúde da ariranha infestada, o que impediu a recuperação e acelerou sua morte.(AU)
Lontras/parasitologia , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/epidemiologia , Miíase/epidemiologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Brasil , CalliphoridaeResumo
Knowledge of the reproductive biology of Bare-faced Curassows (BFC) from their natural habitats is very limited. Our study covers a two-and-a-half year breeding phenology on BFC in the northern Pantanal (Mato Grosso State, Brazil) with the main objective of collecting information on reproduction biology to contribute to future conservation management strategies of this cracid, which received a recent status of "High Conservation Priority". The study was conducted at the SESC Pantanal, Baía das Pedras, Mato Grosso, Brazil (16°29′55″S, 56°24′46″W), a private protected area of approximately 4,200 ha. Between July 2015 and December 2017, 37 sampling locations were monitored with camera traps placed in a regular grid with a spacing of 1 km. Offspring were detected at least once at 8 locations, namely, in March, April, and May 2016 and in June, July, October, and November 2017, always together with parent(s). Territorial overlap between different family groups was detected. The camera trap dataset was supplemented by data from Citizen Science Projects (i.e., eBird) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Based on feather developmental stages and body size, offspring were classified into different age classes. Age determination indicates that breeding occurs year-round in the northern Pantanal region, supported by eBird and GBIF data. The use of a grid-based design for future camera-trapping studies of BFCs is strongly recommended. Our study is of biological relevance for conservation management projects since data were collected in an area with low anthropogenic disturbance and intact ecosystem services.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Galliformes/fisiologia , Fenômenos Biológicos , Brasil , Ecossistema , Tamanho CorporalResumo
Oral diseases are limiting to health, welfare, and conservation practices, especially in the case of endangered animals. In this retrospective study, a survey on oral health-related conditions noted in the clinical records for 261 deer comprised in an ex situ population of the Marsh Deer Conservation Center (CCCP) over 30 years (1990-2020) was carried out. Of these, 49 (18.77%) marsh deer (31 females - 63.27% and 18 males - 36.73%) had clinical oral affections; the affected deer's mean age was 8.9 years. Logistic regression analysis was performed, and the variable age was significantly associated with the presence of dental affections. Thus, with a change in the age category, a deer had eight times the chance of manifesting oral affections; therefore, age can be considered a risk factor for the manifestation of oral affections in the species. Increased facial volume (65.3%), accumulation of food in the mouth (36.7%), tooth loss (22.4%), fistulas (22.4%), mucosal or palatal lesions (22.4%), tooth wear (20.4%), and tooth root exposure (18.3%) were the most frequently recorded lesions. The relatively high occurrence of oral affections in Blastocerus dichotomus reiterates the importance of oral health care when deer are kept in human care.
As doenças bucais são limitantes para as práticas de saúde, bem-estar e conservação, especialmente no caso de animais ameaçados de extinção. Neste estudo retrospectivo, realizou-se um levantamento sobre condições relacionadas à saúde bucal observadas nos registros clínicos de 261 cervídeos que compunham uma população ex situ do Centro de Conservação do Cervo-do-Pantanal durante um período de 30 anos (1990-2020). Destes, 49 (18,77%) cervos-do-pantanal (31 fêmeas (63,27%) e 18 machos (36,73%)) apresentavam afecções clínicas bucais; e a idade média dos cervídeos afetados foi de 8,9 anos. Realizou-se a análise de regressão logística e a variável idade mostrou associação significativa com a presença de afecções dentárias. Assim, com a mudança de categoria de idade, um cervídeo teve oito vezes mais chances de manifestar afecções bucais; portanto, a idade pode ser considerada como fator de risco para manifestação de afecções bucais na espécie. Aumento de volume facial (65,3%), acúmulo de alimentos na boca (36,7%), perda dentária (22,4%), fístulas (22,4%), lesões nas mucosas ou palatinas (22,4%), desgaste dentário (20,4%) e exposição de raiz (18,3%) foram as lesões mais registradas. A ocorrência relativamente alta de afecções bucais em Blastocerus dichotomus reitera a importância dos cuidados com a saúde bucal quando os cervídeos são mantidos sob cuidados humanos.
Animais , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Doenças Dentárias/veterinária , Cervos , Brasil , Espécies em Perigo de ExtinçãoResumo
A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial que acomete vertebrados homeotérmicos, incluindo o ser humano. Toxoplasma gondii, seu agente etiológico, é capaz de infectar seus hospedeiros por diversas vias de transmissão, dentre elas a ingestão de cistos teciduais, presente na carne crua ou malcozida, e a ingestão de oocistos, presentes na água e alimentos contaminados, sendo essas as principais rotas de infecção na cadeia epidemiológica da toxoplasmose. Neste sentido, a contaminação ambiental com oocistos esporulados apresenta-se como um importante fator de risco para a infecção toxoplásmica em animais herbívoros, como os equinos e ovinos. Enquanto os equinos mostram resistência à infecção e a manifestações de sinais clínicos da doença, em ovinos, a toxoplasmose pode ser responsável por importantes distúrbios reprodutivos como aborto e morte neonatal. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo pesquisar a presença de anticorpos específicos anti- T. gondii em equinos e ovinos criados na Fazenda Experimental Nhumirim, propriedade da Embrapa Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Para tanto foram coletadas amostras de soro de 101 equinos e 99 ovinos entre março de 2011 e maio de 2015. As amostras de soro foram enviadas para o Laboratório de Toxoplasmose e outras Protozooses, do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/RJ. Os soros foram submetidos à reação de imunofluorescência indireta, sendo consideradas positivas as amostras sororreagentes a partir da diluição de 1:64 para ambas as espécies. Anticorpos anti-T. gondii foram detectados em 15% (15/99) dos ovinos e 10% (10/101) dos equinos. A ocorrência de anticorpos específicos anti-T. gondii nas amostras de soro desses animais, aponta para uma contaminação ambiental da propriedade, onde possivelmente, felídeos silvestres estariam atuando como dispersores do parasito...
Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis that affects homeothermic vertebrates, including humans. Toxoplasma gondii, its etiological agent, is capable of infecting its hosts through several transmission routes, including the ingestion of tissue cysts, present in raw or undercooked meat, and the ingestion of oocysts, present in contaminated water and food, being these are the main routes of infection in the epidemiological chain of toxoplasmosis. In this sense, environmental contamination with sporulated oocysts is an important risk factor for toxoplasmic infection in herbivorous animals, such as horses and sheep. While horses show resistance to infection and manifestations of clinical signs of the disease, in sheep, toxoplasmosis may be responsible for important reproductive disorders such as abortion and neonatal death. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the presence of specific anti-T. gondii antibodies in horses and sheep raised on the Experimental Farm Nhumirim, property of Embrapa Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. For this purpose, serum samples were collected from 101 horses and 99 sheep between March 2011 and May 2015. The serum samples were sent to the Toxoplasmosis and other Protozoal Diseases Laboratory, at Oswaldo Cruz Institute, at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/RJ. Sera were subjected to indirect immunofluorescence test, and seroreactive samples were considered positive from a 1:64 dilution for both species. Anti-T. gondii were detected in 15% (15/99) of sheep and 10% (10/101) of horses. The occurrence of specific anti-T. gondii in the serum samples of these animals, points to an environmental contamination of the property, where possibly wild felids would be acting as dispersers of the parasite...
La toxoplasmosis es una zoonosis de distribución mundial que afecta a los vertebrados homeotérmicos, incluidos los humanos. Toxoplasma gondii, su agente etiológico, es capaz de infectar a sus huéspedes a través de varias vías de transmisión, entre ellas la ingestión de quistes tisulares, presentes en carnes crudas o poco cocidas, y la ingestión de ooquistes, presentes en agua y alimentos contaminados, siendo estos las principales vías de infección en la cadena epidemiológica de la toxoplasmosis. En este sentido, la contaminación ambiental con ooquistes esporulados es un factor de riesgo importante para la infección por toxoplasma en animales herbívoros, como caballos y ovejas. Mientras que los caballos muestran resistencia a la infección y las manifestaciones de los signos clínicos de la enfermedad, en las ovejas, la toxoplasmosis puede ser responsable de importantes trastornos reproductivos como el aborto y la muerte neonatal. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la presencia de anticuerpos específicos anti-T. gondii en caballos y ovejas criados en la Granja Experimental Nhumirim, propiedad de Embrapa Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Para ello, se recolectaron muestras de suero de 101 caballos y 99 ovejas entre marzo de 2011 y mayo de 2015. Las muestras de suero se enviaron al Laboratorio de Toxoplasmosis y otros Protozoos, del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, en la Fundação Oswaldo Cruz / RJ. Los sueros se sometieron a una reacción de inmunofluorescencia indirecta y las muestras serorreactivas se consideraron positivas a partir de una dilución 1:64 para ambas especies. Anti-T. gondii se detectaron en el 15% (15/99) de las ovejas y el 10% (10/101) de los caballos...
Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose Animal/imunologia , ToxoplasmaResumo
A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial que acomete vertebrados homeotérmicos, incluindo o ser humano. Toxoplasma gondii, seu agente etiológico, é capaz de infectar seus hospedeiros por diversas vias de transmissão, dentre elas a ingestão de cistos teciduais, presente na carne crua ou malcozida, e a ingestão de oocistos, presentes na água e alimentos contaminados, sendo essas as principais rotas de infecção na cadeia epidemiológica da toxoplasmose. Neste sentido, a contaminação ambiental com oocistos esporulados apresenta-se como um importante fator de risco para a infecção toxoplásmica em animais herbívoros, como os equinos e ovinos. Enquanto os equinos mostram resistência à infecção e a manifestações de sinais clínicos da doença, em ovinos, a toxoplasmose pode ser responsável por importantes distúrbios reprodutivos como aborto e morte neonatal. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo pesquisar a presença de anticorpos específicos anti- T. gondii em equinos e ovinos criados na Fazenda Experimental Nhumirim, propriedade da Embrapa Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Para tanto foram coletadas amostras de soro de 101 equinos e 99 ovinos entre março de 2011 e maio de 2015. As amostras de soro foram enviadas para o Laboratório de Toxoplasmose e outras Protozooses, do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/RJ. Os soros foram submetidos à reação de imunofluorescência indireta, sendo consideradas positivas as amostras sororreagentes a partir da diluição de 1:64 para ambas as espécies. Anticorpos anti-T. gondii foram detectados em 15% (15/99) dos ovinos e 10% (10/101) dos equinos. A ocorrência de anticorpos específicos anti-T. gondii nas amostras de soro desses animais, aponta para uma contaminação ambiental da propriedade, onde possivelmente, felídeos silvestres estariam atuando como dispersores do parasito...(AU)
Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis that affects homeothermic vertebrates, including humans. Toxoplasma gondii, its etiological agent, is capable of infecting its hosts through several transmission routes, including the ingestion of tissue cysts, present in raw or undercooked meat, and the ingestion of oocysts, present in contaminated water and food, being these are the main routes of infection in the epidemiological chain of toxoplasmosis. In this sense, environmental contamination with sporulated oocysts is an important risk factor for toxoplasmic infection in herbivorous animals, such as horses and sheep. While horses show resistance to infection and manifestations of clinical signs of the disease, in sheep, toxoplasmosis may be responsible for important reproductive disorders such as abortion and neonatal death. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the presence of specific anti-T. gondii antibodies in horses and sheep raised on the Experimental Farm Nhumirim, property of Embrapa Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. For this purpose, serum samples were collected from 101 horses and 99 sheep between March 2011 and May 2015. The serum samples were sent to the Toxoplasmosis and other Protozoal Diseases Laboratory, at Oswaldo Cruz Institute, at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/RJ. Sera were subjected to indirect immunofluorescence test, and seroreactive samples were considered positive from a 1:64 dilution for both species. Anti-T. gondii were detected in 15% (15/99) of sheep and 10% (10/101) of horses. The occurrence of specific anti-T. gondii in the serum samples of these animals, points to an environmental contamination of the property, where possibly wild felids would be acting as dispersers of the parasite...(AU)
La toxoplasmosis es una zoonosis de distribución mundial que afecta a los vertebrados homeotérmicos, incluidos los humanos. Toxoplasma gondii, su agente etiológico, es capaz de infectar a sus huéspedes a través de varias vías de transmisión, entre ellas la ingestión de quistes tisulares, presentes en carnes crudas o poco cocidas, y la ingestión de ooquistes, presentes en agua y alimentos contaminados, siendo estos las principales vías de infección en la cadena epidemiológica de la toxoplasmosis. En este sentido, la contaminación ambiental con ooquistes esporulados es un factor de riesgo importante para la infección por toxoplasma en animales herbívoros, como caballos y ovejas. Mientras que los caballos muestran resistencia a la infección y las manifestaciones de los signos clínicos de la enfermedad, en las ovejas, la toxoplasmosis puede ser responsable de importantes trastornos reproductivos como el aborto y la muerte neonatal. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la presencia de anticuerpos específicos anti-T. gondii en caballos y ovejas criados en la Granja Experimental Nhumirim, propiedad de Embrapa Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Para ello, se recolectaron muestras de suero de 101 caballos y 99 ovejas entre marzo de 2011 y mayo de 2015. Las muestras de suero se enviaron al Laboratorio de Toxoplasmosis y otros Protozoos, del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, en la Fundação Oswaldo Cruz / RJ. Los sueros se sometieron a una reacción de inmunofluorescencia indirecta y las muestras serorreactivas se consideraron positivas a partir de una dilución 1:64 para ambas especies. Anti-T. gondii se detectaron en el 15% (15/99) de las ovejas y el 10% (10/101) de los caballos...(AU)
Animais , Toxoplasmose Animal/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose Animal/imunologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Cavalos/microbiologia , ToxoplasmaResumo
Abstract The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is an endangered mammal that occupies aquatic environments, especially in the Amazon Rainforest and Pantanal wetlands in South America. The species uses shelters (dens and campsites), such as burrowed tunnels and tangles of branches and roots along watercourses, where it feeds mainly on fishes. In Espírito Santo Creek (northern portion of the Pantanal wetlands in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil), 60 shelters (45 dens and 15 campsites) were identified and georeferenced during 12 fieldtrips between 2002 and 2003. The density was 1.8 dens/km. The shelters were significantly found in locations with partial (35%) or complete (55%) plant cover. The dens were dug mainly in soil associated with roots located, on average, 4.4 m in distance and 2.4 m in height in relation to the waterline. The campsites had a significantly smaller distance and height compared to the dens. The greater density of dens in the study area underscores the need for conserved environments with little human interference for the protection of giant otter populations. The vegetal coverage of riparian forests and the occurrence of ravines along Espírito Santo Creek offer greater protection to the shelters, hindering the access of predators to the interior of the shelter. Studies integrating biological and ecological knowledge with social participation in areas of occurrence of the giant otter are fundamental to the conservation of the species and its habitat in the Pantanal wetlands of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Abstract The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is an endangered mammal that occupies aquatic environments, especially in the Amazon Rainforest and Pantanal wetlands in South America. The species uses shelters (dens and campsites), such as burrowed tunnels and tangles of branches and roots along watercourses, where it feeds mainly on fishes. In Espírito Santo Creek (northern portion of the Pantanal wetlands in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil), 60 shelters (45 dens and 15 campsites) were identified and georeferenced during 12 fieldtrips between 2002 and 2003. The density was 1.8 dens/km. The shelters were significantly found in locations with partial (35%) or complete (55%) plant cover. The dens were dug mainly in soil associated with roots located, on average, 4.4 m in distance and 2.4 m in height in relation to the waterline. The campsites had a significantly smaller distance and height compared to the dens. The greater density of dens in the study area underscores the need for conserved environments with little human interference for the protection of giant otter populations. The vegetal coverage of riparian forests and the occurrence of ravines along Espírito Santo Creek offer greater protection to the shelters, hindering the access of predators to the interior of the shelter. Studies integrating biological and ecological knowledge with social participation in areas of occurrence of the giant otter are fundamental to the conservation of the species and its habitat in the Pantanal wetlands of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is an endangered mammal that occupies aquatic environments, especially in the Amazon Rainforest and Pantanal wetlands in South America. The species uses shelters (dens and campsites), such as burrowed tunnels and tangles of branches and roots along watercourses, where it feeds mainly on fishes. In Espírito Santo Creek (northern portion of the Pantanal wetlands in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil), 60 shelters (45 dens and 15 campsites) were identified and georeferenced during 12 fieldtrips between 2002 and 2003. The density was 1.8 dens/km. The shelters were significantly found in locations with partial (35%) or complete (55%) plant cover. The dens were dug mainly in soil associated with roots located, on average, 4.4 m in distance and 2.4 m in height in relation to the waterline. The campsites had a significantly smaller distance and height compared to the dens. The greater density of dens in the study area underscores the need for conserved environments with little human interference for the protection of giant otter populations. The vegetal coverage of riparian forests and the occurrence of ravines along Espírito Santo Creek offer greater protection to the shelters, hindering the access of predators to the interior of the shelter. Studies integrating biological and ecological knowledge with social participation in areas of occurrence of the giant otter are fundamental to the conservation of the species and its habitat in the Pantanal wetlands of Mato Grosso, Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Mustelidae/classificação , Lontras/anatomia & histologia , Lontras/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Áreas AlagadasResumo
ABSTRACT: The increasing expansion of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the Brazilian territory evidences the need for studies focused on the main reservoir of this parasite: the dog. This study aimed to conduct an epidemiological survey in the municipality of Barão de Melgaço, Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. Conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and qualitative SYBR®Green real-time PCR (qPCR) were used to diagnose canine VL (CVL) and characterize the factors associated with this infection. Of the 402 dogs that had blood samples collected, 31 presented the parasite DNA, representing a prevalence of 7.71% in the population studied. Positivity indices for PCR and qPCR were 3.48 (14/402) and 7.21% (29/402), respectively. Comparison of the results obtained by both techniques showed moderate agreement (Kappa = 0.5364). Of the independent variables analyzed, presence of clinical signs (p0.05) was the only one associated with CVL. Based on this study, we conclude that VL is a circulating disease, with relatively low prevalence, in dogs of Barão de Melgaço/MT, and that the presence of clinical signs is the only variable associated with canine infection.
RESUMO: A crescente expansão da leishmaniose visceral (LV) no território brasileiro evidencia a necessidade de estudos voltados ao principal reservatório doméstico do parasito: o cão. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um inquérito epidemiológico no município de Barão de Melgaço, região do Pantanal Mato-grossense, utilizando as técnicas de reação em cadeia pela polimerase convencional (PCR) e teste qualitativo SYBR®Green real-time PCR (qPCR) para o diagnóstico da LV canina (LVC), além de caracterizar os fatores associados a infecção. Do total de 402 cães que tiveram amostras sanguíneas coletadas, 31 apresentaram o DNA do parasito, perfazendo uma prevalência de 7,71% na população estudada. Os índices de positividade para a PCR e qPCR foram de 3,48% (14/402) e 7,21% (29/402), respectivamente. A comparação dos resultados obtidos por ambas técnicas apresentou moderada concordância (Kappa = 0,5364). Das variáveis independentes analisadas, a presença de sinais clínicos (p0,05) foi a única associada a ocorrência de LVC. Com base neste estudo, concluímos que a LV está circulando, com prevalência relativamente baixa, em cães de Barão de Melgaço/MT, sendo a presença de sinais clínicos a única variável associada à infecção canina.
The increasing expansion of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the Brazilian territory evidences the need for studies focused on the main reservoir of this parasite: the dog. This study aimed to conduct an epidemiological survey in the municipality of Barão de Melgaço, Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. Conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and qualitative SYBR®Green real-time PCR (qPCR) were used to diagnose canine VL (CVL) and characterize the factors associated with this infection. Of the 402 dogs that had blood samples collected, 31 presented the parasite DNA, representing a prevalence of 7.71% in the population studied. Positivity indices for PCR and qPCR were 3.48 (14/402) and 7.21% (29/402), respectively. Comparison of the results obtained by both techniques showed moderate agreement (Kappa = 0.5364). Of the independent variables analyzed, presence of clinical signs (p≤0.05) was the only one associated with CVL. Based on this study, we conclude that VL is a circulating disease, with relatively low prevalence, in dogs of Barão de Melgaço/MT, and that the presence of clinical signs is the only variable associated with canine infection.(AU)
A crescente expansão da leishmaniose visceral (LV) no território brasileiro evidencia a necessidade de estudos voltados ao principal reservatório doméstico do parasito: o cão. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um inquérito epidemiológico no município de Barão de Melgaço, região do Pantanal Mato-grossense, utilizando as técnicas de reação em cadeia pela polimerase convencional (PCR) e teste qualitativo SYBR®Green real-time PCR (qPCR) para o diagnóstico da LV canina (LVC), além de caracterizar os fatores associados a infecção. Do total de 402 cães que tiveram amostras sanguíneas coletadas, 31 apresentaram o DNA do parasito, perfazendo uma prevalência de 7,71% na população estudada. Os índices de positividade para a PCR e qPCR foram de 3,48% (14/402) e 7,21% (29/402), respectivamente. A comparação dos resultados obtidos por ambas técnicas apresentou moderada concordância (Kappa = 0,5364). Das variáveis independentes analisadas, a presença de sinais clínicos (p≤0,05) foi a única associada a ocorrência de LVC. Com base neste estudo, concluímos que a LV está circulando, com prevalência relativamente baixa, em cães de Barão de Melgaço/MT, sendo a presença de sinais clínicos a única variável associada à infecção canina.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Zoonoses/microbiologia , Cães/microbiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/microbiologia , Biologia Molecular/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Saúde PúblicaResumo
The increasing expansion of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the Brazilian territory evidences the need for studies focused on the main reservoir of this parasite: the dog. This study aimed to conduct an epidemiological survey in the municipality of Barão de Melgaço, Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. Conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and qualitative SYBR®Green real-time PCR (qPCR) were used to diagnose canine VL (CVL) and characterize the factors associated with this infection. Of the 402 dogs that had blood samples collected, 31 presented the parasite DNA, representing a prevalence of 7.71% in the population studied. Positivity indices for PCR and qPCR were 3.48 (14/402) and 7.21% (29/402), respectively. Comparison of the results obtained by both techniques showed moderate agreement (Kappa = 0.5364). Of the independent variables analyzed, presence of clinical signs (p≤0.05) was the only one associated with CVL. Based on this study, we conclude that VL is a circulating disease, with relatively low prevalence, in dogs of Barão de Melgaço/MT, and that the presence of clinical signs is the only variable associated with canine infection.(AU)
A crescente expansão da leishmaniose visceral (LV) no território brasileiro evidencia a necessidade de estudos voltados ao principal reservatório doméstico do parasito: o cão. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um inquérito epidemiológico no município de Barão de Melgaço, região do Pantanal Mato-grossense, utilizando as técnicas de reação em cadeia pela polimerase convencional (PCR) e teste qualitativo SYBR®Green real-time PCR (qPCR) para o diagnóstico da LV canina (LVC), além de caracterizar os fatores associados a infecção. Do total de 402 cães que tiveram amostras sanguíneas coletadas, 31 apresentaram o DNA do parasito, perfazendo uma prevalência de 7,71% na população estudada. Os índices de positividade para a PCR e qPCR foram de 3,48% (14/402) e 7,21% (29/402), respectivamente. A comparação dos resultados obtidos por ambas técnicas apresentou moderada concordância (Kappa = 0,5364). Das variáveis independentes analisadas, a presença de sinais clínicos (p≤0,05) foi a única associada a ocorrência de LVC. Com base neste estudo, concluímos que a LV está circulando, com prevalência relativamente baixa, em cães de Barão de Melgaço/MT, sendo a presença de sinais clínicos a única variável associada à infecção canina.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Zoonoses/microbiologia , Cães/microbiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/microbiologia , Biologia Molecular/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Saúde PúblicaResumo
Cascudinhos are a group of small benthic fishes included in the Hypoptopomatinae subfamily, inhabiting small to moderate streams and rivers within the Neotropical region, from Venezuela to Northern Argentina. Until now, Otothyropsis piribebuy originally described from the rio Paraguay basin, in Paraguay, is the only species of the genus not recorded in Brazil. Recent samples in the rio Tererê, rio Paraguay basin, Brazil, revealed a population of Otothyropsis with uncertain taxonomic identity. Therefore, the study aimed to unveil the distribution of Otothyropsis within Brazilian territory. External morphology, osteology, measurements, and counts (plates, teeth, and rays) of these specimens from rio Tererê were compared to data from the original description of O. piribebuy, and also with specimens of O. piribebuy sampled in Paraguayan territory. Observations indicated no differences among the analyzed specimens. Furthermore, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), carried out using log-transformed measures from Brazilian and Paraguayan specimens, showed no separation of these populations, also indicating that all analyzed specimens pertain to the same species. Based on this, a prediction map of distribution, using Maximum Entropy, was produced. The correct identification of spatial range of occurrence is an essential step to ensure the conservation of species, and the extended distribution of Otothyropsis piribebuy was confirmed, enhancing the list of neotropical fish from Brazil.
Animais , Fauna Bentônica , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Brasil , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Abstract Cascudinhos are a group of small benthic fishes included in the Hypoptopomatinae subfamily, inhabiting small to moderate streams and rivers within the Neotropical region, from Venezuela to Northern Argentina. Until now, Otothyropsis piribebuy originally described from the rio Paraguay basin, in Paraguay, is the only species of the genus not recorded in Brazil. Recent samples in the rio Tererê, rio Paraguay basin, Brazil, revealed a population of Otothyropsis with uncertain taxonomic identity. Therefore, the study aimed to unveil the distribution of Otothyropsis within Brazilian territory. External morphology, osteology, measurements, and counts (plates, teeth, and rays) of these specimens from rio Tererê were compared to data from the original description of O. piribebuy, and also with specimens of O. piribebuy sampled in Paraguayan territory. Observations indicated no differences among the analyzed specimens. Furthermore, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), carried out using log-transformed measures from Brazilian and Paraguayan specimens, showed no separation of these populations, also indicating that all analyzed specimens pertain to the same species. Based on this, a prediction map of distribution, using Maximum Entropy, was produced. The correct identification of spatial range of occurrence is an essential step to ensure the conservation of species, and the extended distribution of Otothyropsis piribebuy was confirmed, enhancing the list of neotropical fish from Brazil.
Cascudinhos are a group of small benthic fishes included in the Hypoptopomatinae subfamily, inhabiting small to moderate streams and rivers within the Neotropical region, from Venezuela to Northern Argentina. Until now, Otothyropsis piribebuy originally described from the rio Paraguay basin, in Paraguay, is the only species of the genus not recorded in Brazil. Recent samples in the rio Tererê, rio Paraguay basin, Brazil, revealed a population of Otothyropsis with uncertain taxonomic identity. Therefore, the study aimed to unveil the distribution of Otothyropsis within Brazilian territory. External morphology, osteology, measurements, and counts (plates, teeth, and rays) of these specimens from rio Tererê were compared to data from the original description of O. piribebuy, and also with specimens of O. piribebuy sampled in Paraguayan territory. Observations indicated no differences among the analyzed specimens. Furthermore, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), carried out using log-transformed measures from Brazilian and Paraguayan specimens, showed no separation of these populations, also indicating that all analyzed specimens pertain to the same species. Based on this, a prediction map of distribution, using Maximum Entropy, was produced. The correct identification of spatial range of occurrence is an essential step to ensure the conservation of species, and the extended distribution of Otothyropsis piribebuy was confirmed, enhancing the list of neotropical fish from Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Fauna Bentônica , Brasil , Áreas AlagadasResumo
The largest feline in the Americas and the third largest in the world, the jaguar is an apex predator in the food chain and a key species in the ecosystems where it occurs, developing important ecological functions in maintaining ecosystem balance. In Brazil, the Pantanal is considered an important refuge for the species, and protected areas such as the Taiamã Ecological Station (TES) are relevant for conservation of pristine ecosystem where the species persist. Thus, considering that this area is located in one of the regions with the highest concentration of this large cat in the Pantanal, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection given by the TES for the jaguar population. The station is a flooded island in the middle of the Paraguay river and surrounded by extensive wetlands. We monitored ten jaguars using GPS collar at the TES and its surroundings. The samples were separated into high-water season (January to June) and low-water season (July to December), and the estimated home ranges were grouped as: 1) residents only and 2) all monitored individuals. The stabilization of the home ranges of eight jaguars, considered residents, was determined through variograms. When all jaguars were analysed together there was 55% overlap between the clustered areas of the two analysed seasons. In the analysis excluding non-resident individuals there was 72% overlap between the clustered areas. The type of land cover inside these areas was very similar between these periods. The range of this protected area is not sufficient to effectively protect these jaguar populations, since the grouped home ranges of the resident animals studied are 3.5(wet)/2.5(dry) times larger than the area of the TES. However...
Animais , Panthera , Áreas Protegidas/análise , Áreas Protegidas/métodos , Brasil , Estação Chuvosa , Estação Seca , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Abstract The largest feline in the Americas and the third largest in the world, the jaguar is an apex predator in the food chain and a key species in the ecosystems where it occurs, developing important ecological functions in maintaining ecosystem balance. In Brazil, the Pantanal is considered an important refuge for the species, and protected areas such as the Taiamã Ecological Station (TES) are relevant for conservation of pristine ecosystem where the species persist. Thus, considering that this area is located in one of the regions with the highest concentration of this large cat in the Pantanal, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection given by the TES for the jaguar population. The station is a flooded island in the middle of the Paraguay river and surrounded by extensive wetlands. We monitored ten jaguars using GPS collar at the TES and its surroundings. The samples were separated into high-water season (January to June) and low-water season (July to December), and the estimated home ranges were grouped as: 1) residents only and 2) all monitored individuals. The stabilization of the home ranges of eight jaguars, considered residents, was determined through variograms. When all jaguars were analysed together there was 55% overlap between the clustered areas of the two analysed seasons. In the analysis excluding non-resident individuals there was 72% overlap between the clustered areas. The type of land cover inside these areas was very similar between these periods. The range of this protected area is not sufficient to effectively protect these jaguar populations, since the grouped home ranges of the resident animals studied are 3.5(wet)/2.5(dry) times larger than the area of the TES. However, the surroundings of the TES have low human impact and no deforestation and, in this way, the landscape context of the station may have a significant effect on the persistence of a large carnivore like the jaguar. However, it is necessary to create more protected areas in order to prevent possible future environmental changes in the areas surrounding TES.
The largest feline in the Americas and the third largest in the world, the jaguar is an apex predator in the food chain and a key species in the ecosystems where it occurs, developing important ecological functions in maintaining ecosystem balance. In Brazil, the Pantanal is considered an important refuge for the species, and protected areas such as the Taiamã Ecological Station (TES) are relevant for conservation of pristine ecosystem where the species persist. Thus, considering that this area is located in one of the regions with the highest concentration of this large cat in the Pantanal, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection given by the TES for the jaguar population. The station is a flooded island in the middle of the Paraguay river and surrounded by extensive wetlands. We monitored ten jaguars using GPS collar at the TES and its surroundings. The samples were separated into high-water season (January to June) and low-water season (July to December), and the estimated home ranges were grouped as: 1) residents only and 2) all monitored individuals. The stabilization of the home ranges of eight jaguars, considered residents, was determined through variograms. When all jaguars were analysed together there was 55% overlap between the clustered areas of the two analysed seasons. In the analysis excluding non-resident individuals there was 72% overlap between the clustered areas. The type of land cover inside these areas was very similar between these periods. The range of this protected area is not sufficient to effectively protect these jaguar populations, since the grouped home ranges of the resident animals studied are 3.5(wet)/2.5(dry) times larger than the area of the TES. However...(AU)
Animais , Panthera , Áreas Protegidas/análise , Áreas Protegidas/métodos , Áreas Alagadas , Brasil , Estação Chuvosa , Estação SecaResumo
Tis study evaluated the presence of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in 320 domestic dogs living in urban and rural areas of the municipality of Poconé, located in the Pantanal wetlands of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Anti-N. caninum (cut-of point 50) and anti-T. gondii (cut-of point 16) antibodies were detected by means of immunofuorescence assays (IFA), using NC-Bahia and RH strains as antigens, respectively. Anti-N. caninum antibodies were detected in 69 (21.56%; 95% CI: 17.27%-26.56%) dogs, 31 (44.93%) of which lived in urban areas and 38 (55.07%) in rural areas, and endpoint titers ranged from 50 to 3200. Anti-T. gondii antibodies were found in 132 (41.25%; 95% CI: 35.84%-46.87%) dogs, 58 (43.94%) from urban areas and 74 (56.06%) from rural areas, and endpoint titers ranged from 16 to 8192. A total of 33 dogs (10.3%) (12 urban and 21 rural animals) reacted to both agents (P <0.05). Tis study showed a higher prevalence of anti-T. gondii compared to anti-N. caninum antibodies in the dogs living in the Pantanal region, suggesting that both protozoans circulate in the studied region. Tis information is relevant, in view of its implications for animal and public health.
Este estudo avaliou a presença de anticorpos contra N. caninum e T. gondii em 320 cães domésticos das áreas urbana e rural do município de Poconé, no estado do Mato Grosso, região pantaneira do Pantanal. A Reação de Imunofuorescência Indireta (RIFI) foi utilizada para detectar anticorpos anti-N. caninum (ponto de corte igual a 50) e anticorpos anti-T. gondii (ponto de corte igual a 16) utilizando as cepas NC-Bahia e RH como antígenos, respectivamente. Anticorpos anti-N. caninum foram detectados em 69 (21,56%; IC 95%: 17,27%-26,56%) cães, dos quais 31 (44,93%) eram da área urbana e 38 (55,07%) eram da área rural e os títulos variaram entre 50 a 3200. Em relação aos anticorpos contra T. gondii 132 (41,25%; IC 95%: 35,84%-46,87%) cães foram sororeagentes sendo que 58 (43,94%) eram da área urbana e 74 (56,06%) da área rural e os títulos variaram entre 16 a 8192. Um total de 33 (10,31%) (12 cães urbanos e 21 cães rurais) cães reagiram para ambos os agentes testados pela RIFI (P <0,05). Este estudo mostrou uma maior ocorrência de anticorpos contra T. gondii em relação a N. caninum nos cães avaliados, mostrando que na região do Pantanal há circulação desses importantes protozoários. Essa informação é relevante dada sua importância para a saúde animal e pública.