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Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 37(3): 337-344, jul.-set. 2015. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-684212


It was conducted a research, in urban areas, on the nesting habits and reproductive period of Pachycondyla striata, a species of ant that stings painfully. The study was motivated by the frequent reports of accidents in the city of São Paulo. The reports are more common during the reproductive seasons of the species, when the winged females sting the population, since they enter the houses of the people attracted to light. Although anaphylaxis for P. striata has not been reported yet, other close species may cause anaphylaxis, which makes important to understand their biology in order to take management and control measures. Fourteen green areas in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, were monitored in the search for the species and their nests that were found in 64.3% of the areas. The nests are located around the trunk base of the trees, between the roots that protrude from the ground, under the rocks and through the cracks and crevices on the sidewalks. The spatial distribution of the nests is random. The reproductive period of P. striata was monitored from April 2012 to November 2013, through passive collection and laboratory colony. The nuptial flights occur during the cooler and drier months of the year, between July and September.(AU)

Foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre a nidificação e o período reprodutivo em área urbana de Pachycondyla striata, uma espécie de formiga que ferroa dolorosamente. O estudo foi motivado pelos frequentes relatos de acidentes com essa espécie de formiga na cidade de São Paulo. Os relatos são mais comuns nas épocas reprodutivas da espécie, quando fêmeas aladas entram no domicílio, atraídas pela luz. Apesar de não haver registros de choque anafilático com P. striata, há com outras espécies poneromorfas, de maneira que se faz necessário conhecer sua biologia para que se tomem medidas de manejo e controle. Quatorze áreas verdes na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, foram investigadas em busca de ninhos, tendo sido encontrados em 64,3% delas. Os ninhos são distribuídos aleatoriamente e localizam-se em torno da base do tronco de árvores, entre raízes que projetam do solo, sob rochas, bem como em falhas e rachaduras de calçadas. O período reprodutivo foi monitorado de abril de 2012 a novembro de 2013, por meio de coleta passiva e em ninho artificial. Os voos nupciais ocorrem nos meses mais frios e secos do ano, entre julho e setembro.(AU)

Animais , Himenópteros/anatomia & histologia , Himenópteros/fisiologia , Abrigo para Animais/tendências , Reprodução , Área Urbana , Gestão de Riscos/tendências
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 15(3): 509-526, 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-525818


The genus Pachycondyla is a large group of ants in the Ponerini tribe, known mostly from tropical and subtropical regions. Pachycondyla sennaarensis, the so-called Samsum ant in the Middle East, is distributed throughout the African tropics, Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where it is responsible for many cases of insect-induced dermal lesions and systemic reactions in humans. Populations of P. sennaarensis were studied in two regions of Iran and some aspects of their biology, ecology and medical importance are herein presented. Colonies of P. sennaarensis contain less than 850 workers that live in complicated underground galleries approximately one meter deep. Because of the harsh weather conditions of southern Iran, they can survive only in human disturbed habitats with higher humidity. Neither a real queen (without reproductive division of labor) nor a caste system is found in a P. sennaarensis colony. Observations indicated that P. sennaarensis is omnivorous, feeding on seeds of various plants, dead ants of other species, the larvae of dipterans and a few other invertebrates. The effect of the P. sennaarensis sting is usually mild, resulting in papule formation, erythema and dermal itching. The abdominal gland secretion of P. sennaarensis is a complex mixture of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons and small amounts of terpenoids, ketones, pyrazines and phenolic compounds that are accompanied by straight-chain hydrocarbons. So far, no case of anaphylaxis has been reported in Iran, a fact probably due to the lack of proteins in P. sennaarensis venom. It appears that P. sennaarensis populations vary considerably in their toxin composition according to their geographic range, which may ultimately explain symptoms of different severity among local residents.(AU)

Animais , Mordeduras e Picadas , Ecossistema , Ecologia , Insetos , Compostos Fenólicos
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-443327


The genus Pachycondyla is a large group of ants in the Ponerini tribe, known mostly from tropical and subtropical regions. Pachycondyla sennaarensis, the so-called Samsum ant in the Middle East, is distributed throughout the African tropics, Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where it is responsible for many cases of insect-induced dermal lesions and systemic reactions in humans. Populations of P. sennaarensis were studied in two regions of Iran and some aspects of their biology, ecology and medical importance are herein presented. Colonies of P. sennaarensis contain less than 850 workers that live in complicated underground galleries approximately one meter deep. Because of the harsh weather conditions of southern Iran, they can survive only in human disturbed habitats with higher humidity. Neither a real queen (without reproductive division of labor) nor a caste system is found in a P. sennaarensis colony. Observations indicated that P. sennaarensis is omnivorous, feeding on seeds of various plants, dead ants of other species, the larvae of dipterans and a few other invertebrates. The effect of the P. sennaarensis sting is usually mild, resulting in papule formation, erythema and dermal itching. The abdominal gland secretion of P. sennaarensis is a complex mixture of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons and small amounts of terpenoids, ketones, pyrazines and phenolic compounds that are accompanied by straight-chain hydrocarbons. So far, no case of anaphylaxis has been reported in Iran, a fact probably due to the lack of proteins in P. sennaarensis venom. It appears that P. sennaarensis populations vary considerably in their toxin composition according to their geographic range, which may ultimately explain symptoms of different severity among local residents.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484499


The genus Pachycondyla is a large group of ants in the Ponerini tribe, known mostly from tropical and subtropical regions. Pachycondyla sennaarensis, the so-called Samsum ant in the Middle East, is distributed throughout the African tropics, Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where it is responsible for many cases of insect-induced dermal lesions and systemic reactions in humans. Populations of P. sennaarensis were studied in two regions of Iran and some aspects of their biology, ecology and medical importance are herein presented. Colonies of P. sennaarensis contain less than 850 workers that live in complicated underground galleries approximately one meter deep. Because of the harsh weather conditions of southern Iran, they can survive only in human disturbed habitats with higher humidity. Neither a real queen (without reproductive division of labor) nor a caste system is found in a P. sennaarensis colony. Observations indicated that P. sennaarensis is omnivorous, feeding on seeds of various plants, dead ants of other species, the larvae of dipterans and a few other invertebrates. The effect of the P. sennaarensis sting is usually mild, resulting in papule formation, erythema and dermal itching. The abdominal gland secretion of P. sennaarensis is a complex mixture of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons and small amounts of terpenoids, ketones, pyrazines and phenolic compounds that are accompanied by straight-chain hydrocarbons. So far, no case of anaphylaxis has been reported in Iran, a fact probably due to the lack of proteins in P. sennaarensis venom. It appears that P. sennaarensis populations vary considerably in their toxin composition according to their geographic range, which may ultimately explain symptoms of different severity among local residents.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 48(11)2008.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1486370


The present catalogue lists the type specimes of 112 nominal " poneromorph" ant species housed in the Formicidae collection of the Hymenoptera laboratory, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP). The catalogue includes types of Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae, Ponerinae, and Proceratiinae, that is, all poneromorph (sensu Bolton, 2003) but for the monotypic Paraponerinae, of which the collection bears no type specimens. We present here information on type categories (holotype, paratype, syntype, lectotype, and paralectotype), label data, nomenclatural changes since the original description and type specimens conservation status. At last we present indexes for the taxa names presented.

O presente catálogo lista os espécimes-tipo de 112 espécies nominais de formigas poneromorfas depositados no Laboratório de Hymenoptera do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP). O catálogo inclui tipos das subfamílias poneromorfas (no sentido de Bolton, 2003), isto é, Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae, Ponerinae e Proceratiinae, exceto Paraponerinae, monotípica, não representada nesta coleção por espécimes-tipo. Aqui são apresentadas informações sobre as categorias dos tipos de poneromorfos na coleção do MZSP (holótipo, parátipo, síntipo, lectótipo e paralectótipo), além de dados do rótulo, mudanças nomenclaturais desde a publicação original e uma breve avaliação sobre o estado de conservação dos espécimes. Por último, apresentamos índices para os taxons aqui catalogados.

Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 48(11)2008.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-442501


The present catalogue lists the type specimes of 112 nominal " poneromorph" ant species housed in the Formicidae collection of the Hymenoptera laboratory, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP). The catalogue includes types of Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae, Ponerinae, and Proceratiinae, that is, all poneromorph (sensu Bolton, 2003) but for the monotypic Paraponerinae, of which the collection bears no type specimens. We present here information on type categories (holotype, paratype, syntype, lectotype, and paralectotype), label data, nomenclatural changes since the original description and type specimens conservation status. At last we present indexes for the taxa names presented.

O presente catálogo lista os espécimes-tipo de 112 espécies nominais de formigas poneromorfas depositados no Laboratório de Hymenoptera do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP). O catálogo inclui tipos das subfamílias poneromorfas (no sentido de Bolton, 2003), isto é, Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Heteroponerinae, Ponerinae e Proceratiinae, exceto Paraponerinae, monotípica, não representada nesta coleção por espécimes-tipo. Aqui são apresentadas informações sobre as categorias dos tipos de poneromorfos na coleção do MZSP (holótipo, parátipo, síntipo, lectótipo e paralectótipo), além de dados do rótulo, mudanças nomenclaturais desde a publicação original e uma breve avaliação sobre o estado de conservação dos espécimes. Por último, apresentamos índices para os taxons aqui catalogados.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 64(2)2004.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-445903


Dinoponera quadriceps is a queenless neotropical ponerinae ant. Nest spacing and abundance were investigated in a remnant of the Atlantic forest in Northeast Brazil. Males were captured with a light trap between August 1994 and July 1996. Nest density varied from 15 to 40 ha-1. An overdispersion of nests suggests that the intraspecific competition may be an important factor regulating their spatial arrangement. Territory size was correlated with worker population size of the colonies. The nests had up to 16 chambers, with variations in their architecture closely related to habitat diversification. Populations varied from 12 to 97 adult workers per nest, with a mean density of 1,618 workers ha-1 and a live biomass of 461 g ha-1 (n = 13 nests). Males swarm continually throughout almost all months of the year, suggesting that production and swarming are more influenced by mechanisms that regulate the sexual activity of workers than by climatic factors.

Dinoponera quadriceps é uma formiga ponerine sem rainha da região Neotropical. A distribuição espacial e a abundância de seus ninhos foram investigadas em um remanescente de Mata Atlântica do Nordeste brasileiro. Machos foram capturados com armadilha luminosa de agosto de 1994 a julho de 1996. A densidade de ninhos de D. quadriceps variou de 15 a 40 ha-1. A distribuição dos ninhos foi do tipo regular, sugerindo que a competição intra-específica representa um importante fator na determinação de seu arranjo espacial. O tamanho do território foi correlacionado com a população de operárias da colônia. Os ninhos encontram-se constituídos por até 16 câmaras, e sua arquitetura apresenta algumas variações de acordo com o habitat. A população variou de 12 a 97 operárias adultas por ninho, correspondendo a uma densidade média de 1.618 operárias ha-1 e uma biomassa viva de 461 g ha-1 (n = 13 ninhos). Os machos foram capturados continuamente durante quase todos os meses do ano, sugerindo que a produção e a revoada são mais influenciadas pelos mecanismos que regulam a atividade sexual das operárias do que pelos elementos climáticos.