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Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-75064E, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447902


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the type of calving (normal or assisted) on the occurrence of puerperal uterine disorders and on the number of artificial inseminations (AI) per conception and pregnancy rate at 150 days postpartum (PPD). Cows were observed during parturition and the type of calving was classified as normal or assisted. Normal calving required no human interference, while assisted calving required a calf removal aid via vaginal access. There were 825 births, 7 stillbirths (0.85%) and 17 twins (2.06%). We analyzed 801 single births, from which 766 (95.63%) were normal and 35 (4.36%) assisted. Were evaluated the uterine disorders occurrence such as retained placenta combined with metritis (PR/ME) and clinical endometritis (CE). The overall occurrences were 10.24% (82/801) of RP/ME, 12.86% for CE and 5.12% for RP/ME and CE. Most of normal calving cows had healthy puerperium (73.89%), whereas a majority of assisted calving cows had uterine disorders (74.29%). The number of AI per conception was similar for cows that had either normal or assisted calving (2.39±0.08 and 3.00±0.43, P = 0.16). There was no evidence of negative influence of calving type on the 150 PPD pregnancy rate of lactating crossbreed dairy cows (P = 0.44). Healthy cows had higher 150 PPD pregnancy rate than cows affected by puerperium uterine disorders (51.65 vs. 42.92%). Normal calving crossbred dairy cows had a healthier puerperium, compared to cows with assisted calving which were more susceptible to puerperium uterine disorders. And cows with a health puerperium have a higher pregnancy rate at 150 days postpartum.

Objetivou-se avaliar em vacas leiteiras mestiças que pariram um bezerro vivo, o efeito do tipo de parto (normal ou assistido) na ocorrência de desordens uterinas puerperais e no número de inseminações artificiais (IA) por concepção e taxa de prenhez 150 dias pós-parto (DPP). As vacas foram monitoradas durante o parto e o tipo de parto foi classificado como normal ou assistido. O parto normal não precisou de interferência humana, enquanto o parto assistido precisou de auxílio para retirada do bezerro por via vaginal. Foram registrados 825 partos, sendo 7 natimortos (0,85%) e 17 gemelares (2,06%). Foram analisados 801 partos simples, dos quais 766 (95,63%) foram normais e 35 (4,36%) foram assistidos. Foram avaliadas a ocorrência de desordens uterinas como a retenção de placenta associada com metrite (RP/ME) e endometrite clínica (EC). A ocorrência das doenças foi de 10,24% (82/801) para RP/ME, 12,86% para EC e 5.12% para RP/ME com CE. A maioria das vacas com parto normal tiveram puerpério saudável (73,89%), enquanto a maioria das vacas com parto assistido apresentaram desordens uterinas (74,29%). O número de IA por concepção foi semelhante nas vacas que tiveram parto normal ou assistido (2,39±0,08 e 3,00±0,43, P = 0,16). Não houve evidência de influência negativa do tipo de parto na taxa de prenhez 150 DPP de vacas leiteiras mestiças em lactação (P = 0,44). Vacas saudáveis apresentaram maior taxa de prenhez 150 DPP do que vacas afetadas por desordens uterinas no puerpério (51,65 vs. 42,92%). Vacas leiteiras mestiças com parto normal tiveram um puerpério saudável, comparadas às que tiveram parto assistido, por sua vez foram mais susceptíveis as desordens uterinas no puerpério. E vacas com puerpério saudável resultaram em maiores taxas de prenhez aos 150 dias pós parto.

Animais , Bovinos , Transtornos Puerperais/veterinária , Reprodução , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Parto
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 182-190, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435242


A qualidade do sêmen criopreservado, utilizado na inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) em bovinos, é um dos principais fatores que impactam sobre a fertilidade, e está relacionada à capacidade de produção espermática dos touros, à criotolerância dos espermatozoides e aos critérios técnicos do processo de criopreservação adotados. Neste sentido, devemos destacar a importância do controle de qualidade das partidas de sêmen antes de serem liberadas para uso na IATF. Nos últimos anos várias técnicas vêm sendo desenvolvidas para avaliar com mais acurácia as partidas de sêmen e evitar o uso daquelas que possam resultar em prejuízos na fertilidade, mas mesmo assim, tem se notado alta variabilidade na taxa de prenhez entre touros e entre partidas de sêmen. Esta divergência se deve ao fato da habilidade fértil do espermatozoide ser multifatorial, ou seja, dependente de diversas características estruturais, morfofuncionais e moleculares. Ademais, os eventos que permitem os espermatozoides passarem por capacitação espermática, um pré-requisito para a fertilidade, têm intrigado os pesquisadores em vista da complexidade dos processos envolvidos e dos efeitos deletérios da criopreservação espermática. Esta revisão tem por objetivo compilar estudos que mostrem a relação entre a capacitação espermática e a fertilidade do sêmen bovino criopreservado, levando em consideração as técnicas de avaliação e os resultados até o momento.(AU)

The quality of cryopreserved semen, used in fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in cattle, is one of the main factors that impact fertility and is related to the sperm production capacity of bulls, sperm cryotolerance, and the technical criteria for cryopreservation. In this sense, we must highlight the importance of quality control of semen batches before commercialization for the FTAI. In recent years, several techniques have progressed to more accurately evaluate semen batches and avoid using those that may result in impaired fertility. However, we still notice a high variability in the pregnancy rate between bulls and between semen batches. This divergence is due to the multifactorial sperm-fertilizing ability, i.e., it depends on several structural, morphofunctional, and molecular characteristics. In addition, the events that allow sperm to undergo sperm capacitation, a prerequisite for fertility, have intrigued researchers due to the complexity of the processes involved and the adverse effects of sperm cryopreservation. This review aims to compile studies that show the relationship between sperm capacitation and fertility in cryopreserved bovine semen, considering the evaluation techniques and results to date.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Capacitação Espermática/fisiologia , Criopreservação/veterinária , Prenhez , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Fertilidade/fisiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1902, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415241


Background: The artificial insemination has become a well-established method in the breeding of bitches, and evaluation of the factors that may potentially affect pregnancy success is essential. For this reason, it is essential to evaluate the factors that may affect fertility of the bitch when artificial insemination is performed. Serum progesterone concentrations and vaginal cytology have been used to determine the time of ovulation and stage of the estrus cycle. This study aimed to evaluate the artificial insemination method, the serum progesterone concentration, the breed size, age, the whelping number, vaginal cytology parameters, and their interactions on pregnancy success in bitches. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 607 bitches that had undergone reproductive consultation with the Mexican Canine Federation from January to December 2016 were enrolled in the present study and assigned to one of 2 artificial insemination methods (intravaginal and transcervical) using fresh semen. Determination of the estrus cycle phase and the time of Artificial insemination was based on vaginal cytology and serum progesterone concentrations. Bitches inseminated by the transcervical technique had a higher pregnancy rate with respect to females inseminated by the intravaginal technique (P < 0.05). Moreover, females with a serum progesterone concentration of 5-10 ng/mL had a greater probability (> 4 times) of getting pregnant than animals with lower or higher progesterone concentrations (P < 0.05). Bitches inseminated by the intravaginal technique and with serum progesterone concentrations >10 ng/mL had a considerable reduction in pregnancy (P < 0.05) compared with females with < 10 ng/mL serum progesterone or with bitches inseminated by the transcervical technique. Discusion: Serum progesterone concentration, the artificial insemination method, and superficial cells without a nucleus modified the pregnancy rate in bitches. Females inseminated by transcervical semen deposition had a higher pregnancy rate than females inseminated by the intravaginal technique. Using fresh or frozen-thawed semen produced a higher pregnancy rate in bitches inseminated by transcervical semen deposition than females inseminated by the intravaginal technique. Differences in the pregnancy rate between transcervical and intravaginal insemination could be associated with the correct semen disposition, the distance that the sperm must travel to reach the oocyte, as well as the number of sperm that reach the oviduct ampulla. Exist evidences that after ovulation, as progesterone rises, the cervix is closed, which may compromise the passage of the sperm deposited into the vagina. Therefore, it is likely that in females with a serum progesterone concentration > 10 ng/mL, the cervix was closed, compromising the ability of the sperm to access the oviduct. Thus, the use of intravaginal insemination should be done in bitches with a serum progesterone concentrations < 11 ng/mL to reduce the possibility of cervical closure and to increase the odds of pregnancy. It is well documented that the serum progesterone concentration and vaginal cytology parameters have a great influence on pregnancy success, and the results confirm these findings. In the present study, 96% of the bitches inseminated with a serum progesterone concentration of 5-10 ng/mL got pregnant and had higher odds of pregnancy than bitches with lower or higher serum progesterone concentrations.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Progesterona/sangue , Vagina/citologia , Prenhez , Inseminação Artificial/métodos , Taxa de Gravidez
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(6): 2669-2676, nov.-dez. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501838


This study examined the effect of administering an additional dose of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α), in a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol (FTAI), on the fertility of female Nellore cattle. Two experiments were carried out: the first (Experiment I) took place in the state of Tocantins and the second (Experiment II) in the state of Pará, Brazil. In Experiment I (E1), 80 cows were used in three treatments (T1, T2 and T3) in which all received the same FTAI protocol. In T1 (n = 29), the cows received 12.5 mg of Dinoprost on day 9; in T2 (n = 28), they received the additional dose on day 10; and in T3 (n = 23; control group), the animals did not receive the additional PGF2α dose. Experiment II consisted of 147 bovine females distributed into two treatment groups, namely, T1 - 72 animals receiving the same protocol as T1 of E1; and T2 - 75 animals receiving the same protocol as T3 of E1. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software, applying the PROC NPARWAY procedure for E1, and means were compared by the Wilcoxon test at the 5% significance level. In Experiment II, the data were subjected to analysis of variance by PROC GLIMMIX and means were compared by the T test at the 5% significance level. The following pregnancy rates were obtained in Experiment I: T1 - 62.06% (18/29); T2 - 57.14% (16/28); and T3 - 52.17% (12/23), with no significant difference observed between treatments. In Experiment II, pregnancy rate in T1 was 66.67% (48/72), whereas in T2 it was 41.33% (31/75), with a significant difference detected (P < 0.05). An additional dose of PGF2α provides an increase in pregnancy rate in Nellore females.

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da administração de uma dose adicional de prostaglandina F2 alfa (PGF2α) em protocolo de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) sobre a fertilidade de fêmeas bovinas da raça Nelore. Foram realizados dois experimentos, sendo um (E1) no estado do Tocantins e o segundo (E2) no estado do Pará. No experimento 1 (E1) foram utilizadas 80 fêmeas bovinas distribuídas em três tratamentos (T1, T2 e T3), todos animais receberam o mesmo protocolo de IATF, diferindo no T1 (n=29), que recebeu 12,5 mg de Dinoprost no dia 9, T2 (n=28) recebeu a dose adicional no dia 10 e o T3 (n=23) - Grupo controle, que não recebeu a dose adicional de PGF2α. O experimento 2 (E2) constituído por 147 fêmeas bovinas distribuídas em dois tratamentos. T1: com 72 animais, recebendo mesmo protocolo do T1 do E1. T2: constituído por 75 animais, com protocolo idêntico ao T3 do E1. A análise estatistica foi realizada no programa SAS, sendo no E1 utilizando-se o PROC NPARWAY e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Wilcoxon com nível de significância de 5%. No E2 os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo PROC GLIMMIX e as médias comparadas pelo teste T com nível de significância de 5%. No experimento 1 a taxa de prenhez no T1 foi de 62,06% (18/29), T2 de 57,14% (16/28) e T3 de 52,17% (12/23), não sendo observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. No experimento 2 a taxa de prenhez do T1 foi de 66,67% (48/72), enquanto T2 foi de 41,33% (31/75), verificando-se diferença significativa (P < 0,05). A dose adicional de PGF2α promoveu incremento na taxa de prenhez de fêmeas Nelore.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Dinoprosta/administração & dosagem , Gravidez/efeitos dos fármacos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(6): 2669-2676, nov.-dez. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28967


This study examined the effect of administering an additional dose of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α), in a fixed-time artificial insemination protocol (FTAI), on the fertility of female Nellore cattle. Two experiments were carried out: the first (Experiment I) took place in the state of Tocantins and the second (Experiment II) in the state of Pará, Brazil. In Experiment I (E1), 80 cows were used in three treatments (T1, T2 and T3) in which all received the same FTAI protocol. In T1 (n = 29), the cows received 12.5 mg of Dinoprost on day 9; in T2 (n = 28), they received the additional dose on day 10; and in T3 (n = 23; control group), the animals did not receive the additional PGF2α dose. Experiment II consisted of 147 bovine females distributed into two treatment groups, namely, T1 - 72 animals receiving the same protocol as T1 of E1; and T2 - 75 animals receiving the same protocol as T3 of E1. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software, applying the PROC NPARWAY procedure for E1, and means were compared by the Wilcoxon test at the 5% significance level. In Experiment II, the data were subjected to analysis of variance by PROC GLIMMIX and means were compared by the T test at the 5% significance level. The following pregnancy rates were obtained in Experiment I: T1 - 62.06% (18/29); T2 - 57.14% (16/28); and T3 - 52.17% (12/23), with no significant difference observed between treatments. In Experiment II, pregnancy rate in T1 was 66.67% (48/72), whereas in T2 it was 41.33% (31/75), with a significant difference detected (P < 0.05). An additional dose of PGF2α provides an increase in pregnancy rate in Nellore females.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da administração de uma dose adicional de prostaglandina F2 alfa (PGF2α) em protocolo de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) sobre a fertilidade de fêmeas bovinas da raça Nelore. Foram realizados dois experimentos, sendo um (E1) no estado do Tocantins e o segundo (E2) no estado do Pará. No experimento 1 (E1) foram utilizadas 80 fêmeas bovinas distribuídas em três tratamentos (T1, T2 e T3), todos animais receberam o mesmo protocolo de IATF, diferindo no T1 (n=29), que recebeu 12,5 mg de Dinoprost no dia 9, T2 (n=28) recebeu a dose adicional no dia 10 e o T3 (n=23) - Grupo controle, que não recebeu a dose adicional de PGF2α. O experimento 2 (E2) constituído por 147 fêmeas bovinas distribuídas em dois tratamentos. T1: com 72 animais, recebendo mesmo protocolo do T1 do E1. T2: constituído por 75 animais, com protocolo idêntico ao T3 do E1. A análise estatistica foi realizada no programa SAS, sendo no E1 utilizando-se o PROC NPARWAY e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Wilcoxon com nível de significância de 5%. No E2 os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo PROC GLIMMIX e as médias comparadas pelo teste T com nível de significância de 5%. No experimento 1 a taxa de prenhez no T1 foi de 62,06% (18/29), T2 de 57,14% (16/28) e T3 de 52,17% (12/23), não sendo observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. No experimento 2 a taxa de prenhez do T1 foi de 66,67% (48/72), enquanto T2 foi de 41,33% (31/75), verificando-se diferença significativa (P < 0,05). A dose adicional de PGF2α promoveu incremento na taxa de prenhez de fêmeas Nelore.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Gravidez/efeitos dos fármacos , Dinoprosta/administração & dosagem , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária
R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 43(2): 284-288, abr.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21802


A utilização do sêmen refrigerado (SR) cresce a cada dia, no entanto mais estudos são necessários para validar e viabilizar o uso em massa desta biotécnica, garantindo aumento dos índices de prenhez, quando utilizamos sêmen refrigerado comparado com o sêmen congelado de um mesmo touro. A membrana plasmática é a parte da estrutura do espermatozoide mais susceptível a modificações durante o processo de criopreservação, as quais são causadas por alterações de temperatura induzidas sobre as células (curva de resfriamento e congelamento, além do processo de pós-descongelamento), ou seja, em última análise, ocorre a diminuição da viabilidade das células, principalmente, porque a membrana espermática é submetida a rearranjos estruturais envolvendo lípideos e proteínas. Assim, quanto menor for o processamento, mais células viáveis estarão disponíveis no momento da fecundação e, consequentemente, aumentará a prenhez. Na tentativa de diminuir as perdas celulares, o uso do sêmen refrigerado ressurge com a possibilidade de aumentar a prenhez nos protocolos de IATF.(AU)

The use of cooled semen (CS) has been increase every day, however more researches are needed to validate and spread this biotech, improves pregnancy rates higher than when compared to the frozen semen of same bull. Plasma membrane is the part of the sperm structure most susceptible to modifications during the cryopreservation process caused by changes in temperature that the cell undergoes (cooling and freezing curve besides the process of post-thawing), that is, in the last analysis, there is a decrease in cell viability, mainly because the sperm membrane is submitted to structural rearrangements involving lipids and proteins. Thus, the smaller the processing, the more viable cells will be available at the time of fertilization and consequently, the pregnancy will increase. In an attempt to decrease cell losses, the use of cooled semen resurfaces with the possibility of increasing pregnancy in the IATF protocols.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen , Prenhez
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(6): 2085-2092, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1055111


The objective of the study was to determine whether or not there is a correlation between thermoresistance tests (TT) after semen thawing and pregnancy rate (PR) after fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Four different TT were performed on ten samples used for AI; a rapid test (RTT) (30min / 46°C) and three slow tests (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C), and STT3 (300min/38°C). Two hundred and fifteen multiparous crossbred cows were submitted to FTAI under the following protocol: on day zero (d0) the animals received a P4 device +EB; on d7 PGF2α; on d8 P4 was removed and eCG+EC were administered; IATF was performed on d10. Three gestational diagnoses (G D) were performed on d40, d70 and d120. The mean sperm motility (%) in RTT and STTs were 19.84±6.13, 28.55±10.48, 17.62±5.87 and 8.63±3.46, respectively, and TP in the three DG 61.86%, 57.67%, and 55.81%, respectively. Through Person test a significant negative correlation (P< 0.05) was found between STT2 and PR at 60 days (r= -0.644) and between STT3 and all TPs (r= -0.774, -0.752, 0.748). It was concluded that TT parameters are not able to determine correlation between semen quality and TP.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar se há ou não correlação entre testes de termorresistência (TT) após descongelamento do sêmen e taxa de prenhez (TP) após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Quatro diferentes TT foram realizados nas 10 amostras utilizadas para a IA; um teste rápido (RTT) (30min/46°C) e três testes lentos (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C) e STT3 (300min/38°C). Duzentas e quinze vacas cruzadas multíparas foram submetidas à IATF sob o seguinte protocolo: no dia zero (d0), os animais receberam um dispositivo de P4+EB; em d7, PGF2α; em d8, retirou-se P4 e eCG+EC administrados; no d10, foi realizada IATF. Três diagnósticos gestacionais (DG) foram feitos, em d40, d70 e d120. As médias de motilidade espermática (%) em RTT e STTs foram 19,84±6,13, 28,55±10,48, 17,62±5,87 e 8,63±3,46, respectivamente, e TP nos três DG 61,86%, 57,67% e 55,81%, respectivamente. Por meio do teste de Person, uma correlação negativa significativa (P<0,05) foi encontrada entre os resultados de STT2 e PR aos 60 dias (r=-0,644) e entre STT3 e todas TPs (r=-0,774, -0,752 e -0,748). Concluiu-se que parâmetros de TT não são capazes de determinar correlação entre qualidade do sêmen e TP.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Taxa de Gravidez , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(6): 2085-2092, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26565


The objective of the study was to determine whether or not there is a correlation between thermoresistance tests (TT) after semen thawing and pregnancy rate (PR) after fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Four different TT were performed on ten samples used for AI; a rapid test (RTT) (30min / 46°C) and three slow tests (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C), and STT3 (300min/38°C). Two hundred and fifteen multiparous crossbred cows were submitted to FTAI under the following protocol: on day zero (d0) the animals received a P4 device +EB; on d7 PGF2α; on d8 P4 was removed and eCG+EC were administered; IATF was performed on d10. Three gestational diagnoses (G D) were performed on d40, d70 and d120. The mean sperm motility (%) in RTT and STTs were 19.84±6.13, 28.55±10.48, 17.62±5.87 and 8.63±3.46, respectively, and TP in the three DG 61.86%, 57.67%, and 55.81%, respectively. Through Person test a significant negative correlation (P< 0.05) was found between STT2 and PR at 60 days (r= -0.644) and between STT3 and all TPs (r= -0.774, -0.752, 0.748). It was concluded that TT parameters are not able to determine correlation between semen quality and TP.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar se há ou não correlação entre testes de termorresistência (TT) após descongelamento do sêmen e taxa de prenhez (TP) após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Quatro diferentes TT foram realizados nas 10 amostras utilizadas para a IA; um teste rápido (RTT) (30min/46°C) e três testes lentos (STT): STT1 (60min/38°C), STT2 (180min/38°C) e STT3 (300min/38°C). Duzentas e quinze vacas cruzadas multíparas foram submetidas à IATF sob o seguinte protocolo: no dia zero (d0), os animais receberam um dispositivo de P4+EB; em d7, PGF2α; em d8, retirou-se P4 e eCG+EC administrados; no d10, foi realizada IATF. Três diagnósticos gestacionais (DG) foram feitos, em d40, d70 e d120. As médias de motilidade espermática (%) em RTT e STTs foram 19,84±6,13, 28,55±10,48, 17,62±5,87 e 8,63±3,46, respectivamente, e TP nos três DG 61,86%, 57,67% e 55,81%, respectivamente. Por meio do teste de Person, uma correlação negativa significativa (P<0,05) foi encontrada entre os resultados de STT2 e PR aos 60 dias (r=-0,644) e entre STT3 e todas TPs (r=-0,774, -0,752 e -0,748). Concluiu-se que parâmetros de TT não são capazes de determinar correlação entre qualidade do sêmen e TP.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal , Taxa de Gravidez , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária
Ci. Rural ; 49(11): e20180902, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24467


This study evaluated the reproductive performance of Nellore heifers without previous vaccination undergoing fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) and subsequent natural breeding under different vaccination protocols against infectious bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and bovine leptospirosis (BL). A total of 763 animals were included; the group assignment was as follows: T1, control without vaccination; T2, vaccination against BL; T3, vaccination against BHV-1and BVDV; T4,vaccination against combination of BL + BHV-1and BVDV. Vaccination was started 30 days before FTAI (D-40), and a booster dose was administered at D-10. Serological tests were used to verify the occurrence rate of natural infection by BL, BHV-1, and BVDV. Initial pregnancy was diagnosed at D30, D60, and D120 after FTAI. Final pregnancy rates were evaluated by group, weight, body-condition score, occurrence of estrus, inseminator, bull, and occurrence of abortions or embryonic death. In all groups, results indicated seropositivity of 100% for leptospirosis, 77.0-94.0% for BHV-1, and 64.0-87.0% for BVDV. The vaccination protocol was not a significant influencing factor of pregnancy rate and embryonic or fetal mortality; whereas, animal weight at the beginning of the breeding season and presence of estrus at FTAI were significant influencing factors of pregnancy rate. The vaccination protocol had no interference with the reproductive performance of the experimental groups.(AU)

O estudo foi conduzido para avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo de novilhas Nelore, não imunizadas para herpesvirus bovino tipo 1 (BHV-1), vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) e leptospirose bovina (LB), submetidas a diferentes protocolos vacinais em manejo de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) e repasse com touro em monta natural. Um total de 763 animais foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: T1 - controle sem vacinação; T2 - vacinação contra LB; T3 - vacinação contra BHV-1 e BVDV T4 - vacinação com LB+ BHV-1 e BVDV. A vacinação foi iniciada 30 dias antes da IATF (D-40) com a aplicação da segunda dose em D-10. Verificou-se a taxa de ocorrência de infecção natural por LB, BHV-1 e BVDV realizando-se exames sorológicos. O diagnóstico de gestação inicial foi feito aos 30, 60 e 120 dias. Avaliou-se as taxas de prenhez em função dos grupos, do peso, escore de condição corporal, presença ou ausência de cio, inseminador, touro, ocorrência de abortos ou morte embrionária. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que soropositividade para leptospirose foi de 100% para todos os grupos, variando de 77,0% a 94,0% para BHV-1 e 64,0% a 87,0% para BVDV. O protocolo vacinal não interferiu na taxa de prenhez, de mortalidade embrionária ou fetal. Houve diferença na taxa de prenhez em relação ao peso dos animais no início da estação reprodutiva e a presença de cio no momento da IATF. Concluiu-se que o protocolo vacinal não interferiu no desempenho reprodutivo dos grupos experimentais.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Esquemas de Imunização , Prenhez
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 43(2): 284-288, abr.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492580


A utilização do sêmen refrigerado (SR) cresce a cada dia, no entanto mais estudos são necessários para validar e viabilizar o uso em massa desta biotécnica, garantindo aumento dos índices de prenhez, quando utilizamos sêmen refrigerado comparado com o sêmen congelado de um mesmo touro. A membrana plasmática é a parte da estrutura do espermatozoide mais susceptível a modificações durante o processo de criopreservação, as quais são causadas por alterações de temperatura induzidas sobre as células (curva de resfriamento e congelamento, além do processo de pós-descongelamento), ou seja, em última análise, ocorre a diminuição da viabilidade das células, principalmente, porque a membrana espermática é submetida a rearranjos estruturais envolvendo lípideos e proteínas. Assim, quanto menor for o processamento, mais células viáveis estarão disponíveis no momento da fecundação e, consequentemente, aumentará a prenhez. Na tentativa de diminuir as perdas celulares, o uso do sêmen refrigerado ressurge com a possibilidade de aumentar a prenhez nos protocolos de IATF.

The use of cooled semen (CS) has been increase every day, however more researches are needed to validate and spread this biotech, improves pregnancy rates higher than when compared to the frozen semen of same bull. Plasma membrane is the part of the sperm structure most susceptible to modifications during the cryopreservation process caused by changes in temperature that the cell undergoes (cooling and freezing curve besides the process of post-thawing), that is, in the last analysis, there is a decrease in cell viability, mainly because the sperm membrane is submitted to structural rearrangements involving lipids and proteins. Thus, the smaller the processing, the more viable cells will be available at the time of fertilization and consequently, the pregnancy will increase. In an attempt to decrease cell losses, the use of cooled semen resurfaces with the possibility of increasing pregnancy in the IATF protocols.

Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Análise do Sêmen , Bovinos/fisiologia , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Prenhez
Anim. Reprod. ; 15(1): 56-63, Jan.-Mar. 2018. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16907


The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the effect of monensin treatment, alone or combined with a hormonal estrus synchronization treatment, on the pregnancy rate of lactating beef cows, and 2) to evaluate the effect of monensin capsule administration on ruminal metabolism in steers. In experiment 1, ninety-four cows were selected from a 300 cow herd. The experimental design used was a 2 x 2 factorial with the administration of monensin capsule as first factor (M1 = with monensin vs. M0 = without monensin) and hormonal treatment as second factor (H1 = with hormonal treatment vs. H0 = no hormonal treatment). Thirty-eight days before the beginning of the breeding season, cows were randomly assigned to the first factor, and thirty days later to the second factor, resulting in four treatments: M1H0, M1H1, M0H0 and M0H1. Cow were exposed to bull (bull/cow ratio 1:20) from day 0 (day 0 = start of the breeding season and 38 days after monensin capsule administration) to day 50. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed at 30, 60 and 80 days after start breeding season by ultrasonography. In experiment 2, eight ruminally cannulated crossbred beef steers were randomly assigned to two treatments (M1 and M0). To determine proportion of volatile fatty acids (VFA), ruminal fluid samples were taken on days 0, 40 and 77 of the experimental period, at 0, 4 and 12 h after grazing. In experiment 1, treatments whit monensin did not improve pregnancy rate (P = 0.95), however, hormonal treatment resulted in grater pregnancy rates (P = 0.03). In experiment 2, the proportion of VFA in ruminal fluid of steers was significantly different between treatments. The highest proportion of propionate was found in ruminal fluid from M1 treatment at 12 h after grazing (P = 0.04). In conclusion, the treatment with monensin increased the proportion of propionate. The result might suggest that energy balance was improved in steers, without improvement in cow´s pregnancy rates...(AU)

Animais , Prenhez , Sincronização do Estro , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 15(1): 56-63, Jan.-Mar. 2018. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461338


The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the effect of monensin treatment, alone or combined with a hormonal estrus synchronization treatment, on the pregnancy rate of lactating beef cows, and 2) to evaluate the effect of monensin capsule administration on ruminal metabolism in steers. In experiment 1, ninety-four cows were selected from a 300 cow herd. The experimental design used was a 2 x 2 factorial with the administration of monensin capsule as first factor (M1 = with monensin vs. M0 = without monensin) and hormonal treatment as second factor (H1 = with hormonal treatment vs. H0 = no hormonal treatment). Thirty-eight days before the beginning of the breeding season, cows were randomly assigned to the first factor, and thirty days later to the second factor, resulting in four treatments: M1H0, M1H1, M0H0 and M0H1. Cow were exposed to bull (bull/cow ratio 1:20) from day 0 (day 0 = start of the breeding season and 38 days after monensin capsule administration) to day 50. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed at 30, 60 and 80 days after start breeding season by ultrasonography. In experiment 2, eight ruminally cannulated crossbred beef steers were randomly assigned to two treatments (M1 and M0). To determine proportion of volatile fatty acids (VFA), ruminal fluid samples were taken on days 0, 40 and 77 of the experimental period, at 0, 4 and 12 h after grazing. In experiment 1, treatments whit monensin did not improve pregnancy rate (P = 0.95), however, hormonal treatment resulted in grater pregnancy rates (P = 0.03). In experiment 2, the proportion of VFA in ruminal fluid of steers was significantly different between treatments. The highest proportion of propionate was found in ruminal fluid from M1 treatment at 12 h after grazing (P = 0.04). In conclusion, the treatment with monensin increased the proportion of propionate. The result might suggest that energy balance was improved in steers, without improvement in cow´s pregnancy rates...

Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Prenhez , Sincronização do Estro
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 14(4): 1133-1137, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461309


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the non-selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3- isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (IBMX) given concomitantly with eCG on reproductive performance of ewes. In trial 1, eighty ewes were allocated into 8 groups (AC, A1, A2, A3 and DC, D1, D2, D3). Oestruses were synchronized by progestagen sponges. At sponges removal all ewes of A groups received 400 IU of eCG. Concomitantly with eCG, ewes of groups A1, A2 or A3 received IMBX at the dose of 2.5, 5.0 or 25.0 mg, respectively. Ewes of D1, D2 or D3 groups received only IBMX at the same doses, respectively; in each case, ewes of AC or DC groups were controls (C). In trial 2, one hundred eighteen ewes were allocated into 4 groups (BC1, B1 and BC2, B2). Oestruses were synchronized by progestagen sponges. At sponges removal ewes of BC1 or B1 received 200 IU of eCG, while ewes of BC2 or B2 groups received 100 IU. At the same time only ewes of B1 or B2 groups received 2.5 mg IBMX. In both trials, 48 hours after hormonal treatment, ewes were mated. In trial 1, pregnancy or lambing rate did not differ among A or D groups (P > 0.05). Total lambs per ewe were significantly higher in A1 compared to AC, A2, A3 or D1 groups (P 0.05). In trial 2, pregnancy or lambing rate did not differ among B groups (P > 0.05). Total lambs per ewe were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in B1 and B2 compared to BC1 and BC2 groups, respectively. These results indicate that IBMX combined with eCG at the end of an oestrus synchronization treatment improves litter size probably by increasing ovulation rate in ewes. This latter effect seems to be mainly dependent on the amount of gonadotrophins used.

Animais , Diester Fosfórico Hidrolases/análise , Diester Fosfórico Hidrolases/isolamento & purificação , Eletrocardiografia , Ovinos/embriologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Prenhez
Anim. Reprod. ; 14(4): 1133-1137, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18407


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the non-selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3- isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (IBMX) given concomitantly with eCG on reproductive performance of ewes. In trial 1, eighty ewes were allocated into 8 groups (AC, A1, A2, A3 and DC, D1, D2, D3). Oestruses were synchronized by progestagen sponges. At sponges removal all ewes of A groups received 400 IU of eCG. Concomitantly with eCG, ewes of groups A1, A2 or A3 received IMBX at the dose of 2.5, 5.0 or 25.0 mg, respectively. Ewes of D1, D2 or D3 groups received only IBMX at the same doses, respectively; in each case, ewes of AC or DC groups were controls (C). In trial 2, one hundred eighteen ewes were allocated into 4 groups (BC1, B1 and BC2, B2). Oestruses were synchronized by progestagen sponges. At sponges removal ewes of BC1 or B1 received 200 IU of eCG, while ewes of BC2 or B2 groups received 100 IU. At the same time only ewes of B1 or B2 groups received 2.5 mg IBMX. In both trials, 48 hours after hormonal treatment, ewes were mated. In trial 1, pregnancy or lambing rate did not differ among A or D groups (P > 0.05). Total lambs per ewe were significantly higher in A1 compared to AC, A2, A3 or D1 groups (P < 0.05), but did not differ among D groups (P > 0.05). In trial 2, pregnancy or lambing rate did not differ among B groups (P > 0.05). Total lambs per ewe were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in B1 and B2 compared to BC1 and BC2 groups, respectively. These results indicate that IBMX combined with eCG at the end of an oestrus synchronization treatment improves litter size probably by increasing ovulation rate in ewes. This latter effect seems to be mainly dependent on the amount of gonadotrophins used.(AU)

Animais , Eletrocardiografia , Diester Fosfórico Hidrolases/análise , Diester Fosfórico Hidrolases/isolamento & purificação , Ovinos/embriologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Prenhez
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 14(4): 1087-1094, Oct.-Dec. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461304


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of low and moderate blood β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) levels in primiparous cows during the early postpartum period on follicle development and pregnancy rate after the Ovsynch protocol. Holstein primiparous cows with low (n = 85) and moderate (n = 71) BHBA concentrations were used as experimental animals. At 7- 8 weeks postpartum, blood samples were collected and the Ovsynch protocol was performed on the same day. Ultrasonographic examination was performed to determine the dominant follicle (DF) diameter and presence of corpus luteum on the day of the first and second gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH1 and GnRH2) injections and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α) injection as well as 24 and 48 h after the GnRH1 and PGF2α injections. The ovulatory response to GnRH1 and pregnancy rate at day 30 and day 60 post insemination were also evaluated. No significant differences were observed between groups in the DF diameter on the day of GnRH1 and PGF2α injections, and at 24 and 48 h after these injections, as well as in the ovulation and atresia response to GnRH1 (P > 0.05). Significant differences were observed between groups in DF diameter (low-BHBA group, 13.8 ± 0.2 mm; moderate-BHBA group, 13.2 ± 0.2 mm; P = 0.039) at the time of insemination, and in pregnancy rates at 30 days (low-BHBA group, 38.82%; moderate-BHBA group, 21.13%, P = 0.017) and 60 days after insemination (37.6 and 18.3%, respectively; P = 0.008). Our findings suggest that moderate blood levels of BHBA (0.80-1.19 mmol/L) in primiparous cows during the early postpartum period affect the response to the Ovsynch protocol.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , /efeitos adversos , Período Pós-Parto
Anim. Reprod. ; 14(4): 1087-1094, Oct.-Dec. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18215


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of low and moderate blood β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) levels in primiparous cows during the early postpartum period on follicle development and pregnancy rate after the Ovsynch protocol. Holstein primiparous cows with low (n = 85) and moderate (n = 71) BHBA concentrations were used as experimental animals. At 7- 8 weeks postpartum, blood samples were collected and the Ovsynch protocol was performed on the same day. Ultrasonographic examination was performed to determine the dominant follicle (DF) diameter and presence of corpus luteum on the day of the first and second gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH1 and GnRH2) injections and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α) injection as well as 24 and 48 h after the GnRH1 and PGF2α injections. The ovulatory response to GnRH1 and pregnancy rate at day 30 and day 60 post insemination were also evaluated. No significant differences were observed between groups in the DF diameter on the day of GnRH1 and PGF2α injections, and at 24 and 48 h after these injections, as well as in the ovulation and atresia response to GnRH1 (P > 0.05). Significant differences were observed between groups in DF diameter (low-BHBA group, 13.8 ± 0.2 mm; moderate-BHBA group, 13.2 ± 0.2 mm; P = 0.039) at the time of insemination, and in pregnancy rates at 30 days (low-BHBA group, 38.82%; moderate-BHBA group, 21.13%, P = 0.017) and 60 days after insemination (37.6 and 18.3%, respectively; P = 0.008). Our findings suggest that moderate blood levels of BHBA (0.80-1.19 mmol/L) in primiparous cows during the early postpartum period affect the response to the Ovsynch protocol.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Ácido 3-Hidroxibutírico/efeitos adversos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Bovinos/embriologia , Período Pós-Parto
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 18: 01-12, 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473533


We studied the evolution and the relationship between the fertility of a cow herd and the breeding soundness evaluation (BSE). During four years, 1092 Nellore zebu bulls were maintained on pasture conditions in Mato Grosso do Sul State – Brazil. After the clinic evaluation, scrotal circumference was measured and semen was collected by electro ejaculation and analyzed for physical and morphological aspects. Scores for CAP were established by sperm progressive motility (MOT), sperm morphology (MORF), and scrotal circumference (PEP). Modifications to original BSE were established by sperm concentration, sperm motility intensity, and testicles morphology. During the breeding season, 157 bulls were chosen from a-c BSE score. Fifteen reproductive groups of bulls were established randomly among three groups of females (Nellore zebu heifers, first-calf cows, mature cows, and first-calf cross-bred cows). After four years of observations, there was a significant increase in BSE varying, respectively, from 59.5 to 79.0 in 1994 to 1997. The BSE scores PEP, MOT and MORF increased in the period from 17.5, 12.7, and 29.3 to 30.1, 14.8, and 34.4, respectively. Correlations were observed among the BSE components with the year and the studied reproductive characteristics. There was a significant increase of bulls in the BSE categories 'a' and 'b' of 9.0% and 46.9% vs. 43.5% and 44.8%, respectively. The data of 1997 breeding season were: 82.0 ± 13.2 points and 83.1 ± 8.4% for BSE and pregnancy rate, respectively. There was a relationship (P <0.001) between BSE and pregnancy rate (r=0.25). The Breeding Soundness Evaluations (BSE) showed a positive correlation with the pregnancy rate in a herd with different categories of females. The use of 'a' and 'b' BSE bull groups is compatible with the high fertility potential of the herd. The ratio bull:cow used underestimates the reproductive potential of the bulls’ fertility. [...]

Estudou-se a evolução da capacidade andrológica por pontos (CAP) de 1092 touros Nelore, mantidos a pasto, durante quatro anos, e sua relação com a porcentagem de prenhez após uma estação reprodutiva. A cada ano, realizaram-se avaliações clínico-andrológicas em que mediu-se o perímetro escrotal (PE) e se coleou sêmen por eletroejaculação, para avaliação dos aspectos físicos e morfológicos dos ejaculados. A partir dos pontos obtidos pelo PE (PEP), motilidade progressiva (MOT) e morfologia espermática (MORF), computaram-se os CAP. Na estação de monta foram utilizadas 4319 fêmeas e 256 touros Nelore, em regime de pasto, para avaliação da fertilidade do rebanho. Após a escolha de 157 touros dentro das faixas A-C do CAP, foram estabelecidos, aleatoriamente, 15 grupos de touros para diferentes categorias e quantidade de fêmeas. Nos quatro anos de estudo houve aumento significativo do CAP, de 59,5 a 79,0. A PEP, MOT e MORF aumentaram no mesmo período de 17,5, 12,7 e 29,3 para 30,1, 14,8 e 34,4, respectivamente (P<0,05). Foram observadas correlações entre o CAP com os seus componentes, o ano e as características reprodutivas estudadas. Houve aumento significativo de touros enquadrados nas categorias A e B do CAP de 9,0% e 46,9% vs. 43,5% e 44,8%, respectivamente. O CAP e a porcentagem de prenhez das fêmeas foram de 82,0 ± 13,2 pontos e 83,1 ± 8,4 %, respectivamente. Houve correlação (P<0,001) entre o CAP e a taxa de prenhez (r=0,25). A utilização de grupos de touros das faixas A e B do CAP favoreceu o aumento da percentagem de prenhez no rebanho. A relação touro:fêmea observada sub-utiliza o potencial reprodutivo dos touros. A técnica empregada foi importante para avaliar a fertilidade potencial e modificar as características reprodutivas da população de touros estudada.

Masculino , Animais , Bovinos , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Espermatogênese , Espermatozoides , Fertilidade , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 18: 01-12, 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16875


We studied the evolution and the relationship between the fertility of a cow herd and the breeding soundness evaluation (BSE). During four years, 1092 Nellore zebu bulls were maintained on pasture conditions in Mato Grosso do Sul State Brazil. After the clinic evaluation, scrotal circumference was measured and semen was collected by electro ejaculation and analyzed for physical and morphological aspects. Scores for CAP were established by sperm progressive motility (MOT), sperm morphology (MORF), and scrotal circumference (PEP). Modifications to original BSE were established by sperm concentration, sperm motility intensity, and testicles morphology. During the breeding season, 157 bulls were chosen from a-c BSE score. Fifteen reproductive groups of bulls were established randomly among three groups of females (Nellore zebu heifers, first-calf cows, mature cows, and first-calf cross-bred cows). After four years of observations, there was a significant increase in BSE varying, respectively, from 59.5 to 79.0 in 1994 to 1997. The BSE scores PEP, MOT and MORF increased in the period from 17.5, 12.7, and 29.3 to 30.1, 14.8, and 34.4, respectively. Correlations were observed among the BSE components with the year and the studied reproductive characteristics. There was a significant increase of bulls in the BSE categories 'a' and 'b' of 9.0% and 46.9% vs. 43.5% and 44.8%, respectively. The data of 1997 breeding season were: 82.0 ± 13.2 points and 83.1 ± 8.4% for BSE and pregnancy rate, respectively. There was a relationship (P <0.001) between BSE and pregnancy rate (r=0.25). The Breeding Soundness Evaluations (BSE) showed a positive correlation with the pregnancy rate in a herd with different categories of females. The use of 'a' and 'b' BSE bull groups is compatible with the high fertility potential of the herd. The ratio bull:cow used underestimates the reproductive potential of the bulls fertility. [...](AU)

Estudou-se a evolução da capacidade andrológica por pontos (CAP) de 1092 touros Nelore, mantidos a pasto, durante quatro anos, e sua relação com a porcentagem de prenhez após uma estação reprodutiva. A cada ano, realizaram-se avaliações clínico-andrológicas em que mediu-se o perímetro escrotal (PE) e se coleou sêmen por eletroejaculação, para avaliação dos aspectos físicos e morfológicos dos ejaculados. A partir dos pontos obtidos pelo PE (PEP), motilidade progressiva (MOT) e morfologia espermática (MORF), computaram-se os CAP. Na estação de monta foram utilizadas 4319 fêmeas e 256 touros Nelore, em regime de pasto, para avaliação da fertilidade do rebanho. Após a escolha de 157 touros dentro das faixas A-C do CAP, foram estabelecidos, aleatoriamente, 15 grupos de touros para diferentes categorias e quantidade de fêmeas. Nos quatro anos de estudo houve aumento significativo do CAP, de 59,5 a 79,0. A PEP, MOT e MORF aumentaram no mesmo período de 17,5, 12,7 e 29,3 para 30,1, 14,8 e 34,4, respectivamente (P<0,05). Foram observadas correlações entre o CAP com os seus componentes, o ano e as características reprodutivas estudadas. Houve aumento significativo de touros enquadrados nas categorias A e B do CAP de 9,0% e 46,9% vs. 43,5% e 44,8%, respectivamente. O CAP e a porcentagem de prenhez das fêmeas foram de 82,0 ± 13,2 pontos e 83,1 ± 8,4 %, respectivamente. Houve correlação (P<0,001) entre o CAP e a taxa de prenhez (r=0,25). A utilização de grupos de touros das faixas A e B do CAP favoreceu o aumento da percentagem de prenhez no rebanho. A relação touro:fêmea observada sub-utiliza o potencial reprodutivo dos touros. A técnica empregada foi importante para avaliar a fertilidade potencial e modificar as características reprodutivas da população de touros estudada.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Bovinos , Espermatogênese , Espermatozoides , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Fertilidade , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-745217


Abstract We studied the evolution and the relationship between the fertility of a cow herd and the breeding soundness evaluation (BSE). During four years, 1092 Nellore zebu bulls were maintained on pasture conditions in Mato Grosso do Sul State - Brazil. After the clinic evaluation, scrotal circumference was measured and semen was collected by electro ejaculation and analyzed for physical and morphological aspects. Scores for CAP were established by sperm progressive motility (MOT), sperm morphology (MORF), and scrotal circumference (PEP). Modifications to original BSE were established by sperm concentration, sperm motility intensity, and testicles morphology. During the breeding season, 157 bulls were chosen from a-c BSE score. Fifteen reproductive groups of bulls were established randomly among three groups of females (Nellore zebu heifers, first-calf cows, mature cows, and first-calf cross-bred cows). After four years of observations, there was a significant increase in BSE varying, respectively, from 59.5 to 79.0 in 1994 to 1997. The BSE scores PEP, MOT and MORF increased in the period from 17.5, 12.7, and 29.3 to 30.1, 14.8, and 34.4, respectively. Correlations were observed among the BSE components with the year and the studied reproductive characteristics. There was a significant increase of bulls in the BSE categories 'a' and 'b' of 9.0% and 46.9% vs. 43.5% and 44.8%, respectively. The data of 1997 breeding season were: 82.0 ± 13.2 points and 83.1 ± 8.4% for BSE and pregnancy rate, respectively. There was a relationship (P 0.001) between BSE and pregnancy rate (r=0.25). The Breeding Soundness Evaluations (BSE) showed a positive correlation with the pregnancy rate in a herd with different categories of females. The use of 'a' and 'b' BSE bull groups is compatible with the high fertility potential of the herd. The ratio bull:cow used underestimates the reproductive potential of the bulls' fertility. The technique used was important to evaluate the group potential fertility and to modify the reproductive characteristics of bulls herd.

Resumo Estudou-se a evolução da capacidade andrológica por pontos (CAP) de 1092 touros Nelore, mantidos a pasto, durante quatro anos, e sua relação com a porcentagem de prenhez após uma estação reprodutiva. A cada ano, realizaram-se avaliações clínico-andrológicas em que mediu-se o perímetro escrotal (PE) e se coleou sêmen por eletroejaculação, para avaliação dos aspectos físicos e morfológicos dos ejaculados. A partir dos pontos obtidos pelo PE (PEP), motilidade progressiva (MOT) e morfologia espermática (MORF), computaram-se os CAP. Na estação de monta foram utilizadas 4319 fêmeas e 256 touros Nelore, em regime de pasto, para avaliação da fertilidade do rebanho. Após a escolha de 157 touros dentro das faixas A-C do CAP, foram estabelecidos, aleatoriamente, 15 grupos de touros para diferentes categorias e quantidade de fêmeas. Nos quatro anos de estudo houve aumento significativo do CAP, de 59,5 a 79,0. A PEP, MOT e MORF aumentaram no mesmo período de 17,5, 12,7 e 29,3 para 30,1, 14,8 e 34,4, respectivamente (P 0,05). Foram observadas correlações entre o CAP com os seus componentes, o ano e as características reprodutivas estudadas. Houve aumento significativo de touros enquadrados nas categorias A e B do CAP de 9,0% e 46,9% vs. 43,5% e 44,8%, respectivamente. O CAP e a porcentagem de prenhez das fêmeas foram de 82,0 ± 13,2 pontos e 83,1 ± 8,4 %, respectivamente. Houve correlação (P 0,001) entre o CAP e a taxa de prenhez (r=0,25). A utilização de grupos de touros das faixas A e B do CAP favoreceu o aumento da percentagem de prenhez no rebanho. A relação touro:fêmea observada sub-utiliza o potencial reprodutivo dos touros. A técnica empregada foi importante para avaliar a fertilidade potencial e modificar as características reprodutivas da população de touros estudada.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 37(6): 4149-4156, nov.-dez. 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1500656


This study evaluated the pregnancy rate in Nelore cows (Bos indicus) that were subjected to fixedtime artificial insemination (FTAI) using different protocols consisting of injectable progesterone (P4) or an intravaginal device (impregnated with P4). Multiparous cows 72-84 months in age, 30-45 days postpartum, were selected on the basis of the absence of a corpus luteum (CL) and follicles <8 mm after transrectal palpation and ultrasound examinations. On a random day of the estrus cycle (D0), the selected animals (n = 135) were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups (n = 45 each). Group I (injectable P4/FTAI 36 hours) received 250 mg of injectable P4 and 2 mg EB on D0; on D7, they received 500 μg of cloprostenol; on D8, 300 IU of eCG and 1 mg of EB were administered; and finally, FTAI was performed 36 hours after the application of EB. Group II (injectable P4/FTAI 48 hours) received the same protocol as Group I, except that the FTAI was performed 48 hours after ovulation induction. The animals of Group III (Control/CIDR) received a conventional protocol for FTAI using an intravaginal device (D0: P4 and 2 mg EB; D8: device removal, 500 μg cloprostenol, 300 IU eCG, 1 mg EB; and FTAI performed 48 hours after removal of the device). The results showed that cows synchronized with the conventional protocol for FTAI (Control/CIDR) had a higher pregnancy rate (60 %, 27/45) than those synchronized with an injectable P4/FTAI 36 hours (33.33 %; 15/45, P = 0.010). However, the group receiving injectable P4 group/FTAI 48 hours had a similar pregnancy rate (48.9 %; 22/45; P = 0.290) when compared to both the group receiving the conventional protocol and that receiving injectable P4/FTAI 36 hours (P = 0.134).[...]

Este estudo avaliou a taxa de prenhez de vacas Nelore (Bos indicus) submetidas a diferentes protocolos de IATF a base de progesterona (P4) injetável ou dispositivo intravaginal impregnado com P4. Vacas multíparas entre 72 e 84 meses de idade, com 30 a 45 dias pós-parto foram previamente selecionadas com base na ausência de corpo lúteo (CL) e folículos < 8 mm após palpação e exame ultrassonográfico transretal. Em um dia aleatório do ciclo estral (D0), os animais selecionados (N = 135) foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em um dos três grupos experimentais (n = 45 / grupo). O grupo I (P4 injetável/IATF 36 horas) recebeu 250 mg de P4 injetável e 2 mg BE no D0. No D7 aplicou-se 500 μg de Cloprostenol. No D8 300 UI de eCG e 1 mg de BE foram administrados, sendo que a IATF foi realizada 36 horas após a aplicação do BE. O grupo II (P4 injetável/IATF 48 horas) recebeu o mesmo protocolo, exceto pela IATF que foi realizada 48 horas após indução da ovulação. Os animais do grupo III (Controle/CIDR) receberam um protocolo convencional de IATF com dispositivo intravaginal (D0 - P4 e 2 mg BE, D8 - remoção do dispositivo, 500 μg Cloprostenol, 300 UI eCG, 1 mg BE e IATF realizada 48 horas após a remoção dos dispositivos). Os resultados foram analisados pelo teste do Qui-Quadrado (p ≤ 0,05). No estudo, as vacas sincronizadas com protocolo convencional de IATF (Controle/ CIDR) apresentaram maior taxa de prenhez (60%; 27/45) do que aquelas submetidas à sincronização da ovulação com P4 injetável/IATF 36 horas (33,33%; 15/45; p = 0,01). Porém, o grupo P4 injetável/ IATF 48 horas demonstrou uma taxa de prenhez semelhante (48, 9%; 22/45; p = 0,290) ao grupo com protocolo convencional e ao grupo de P4 Injetável/IATF 36 horas (p = 0,134). Embora a P4 injetável demonstrou afetar a taxa de prenhez com à IATF realizada em 36 horas, as vacas inseminadas 48 horas após a indução da ovulação apresentaram taxas semelhantes às vacas que receberam dispositivo intravaginal.[...]

Animais , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial , Prenhez , Progesterona