In the Northeastern Brazil, artisanal cheese production is an important local economic activity for small producers. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus is responsible for causing infection in animals and humans. This study described the first detection of methicillin resistant S. epidermidis isolated in the nasal cavity of a handler of coalho cheese made with goats milk in Northeastern Brazil. This brief communication highlighted the importance of adopting biosafety measures by cheese handlers, in order to reduce possible contamination and the spread of pathogens in the production chain of this type of artisanal cheese in Brazil.
Na região Nordeste do Brasil, a cadeia de produção de queijo artesanal é uma atividade local importante para pequenos produtores. Staphylococcus resistentes à meticilina são responsáveis por causar infecções em animais e seres humanos. Neste estudo descreve se a primeira detecção de S. epidermidis resistente à meticilina isolado da cavidade nasal de um manipulador de queijo coalho elaborado com leite de cabra no Nordeste do Brasil. Este relato destaca a importância da adoção de medidas de biossegurança por manipuladores de queijo, a fim de reduzir possíveis contaminações e a disseminação de patógenos na cadeia produtiva deste tipo de queijo artesanal no Brasil.
Humanos , Inocuidade dos Alimentos/métodos , Laticínios , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Resistência a Medicamentos , Staphylococcus epidermidis/patogenicidadeResumo
In the Northeastern Brazil, artisanal cheese production is an important local economic activity for small producers. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus is responsible for causing infection in animals and humans. This study described the first detection of methicillin resistant S. epidermidis isolated in the nasal cavity of a handler of coalho cheese made with goats milk in Northeastern Brazil. This brief communication highlighted the importance of adopting biosafety measures by cheese handlers, in order to reduce possible contamination and the spread of pathogens in the production chain of this type of artisanal cheese in Brazil.(AU)
Na região Nordeste do Brasil, a cadeia de produção de queijo artesanal é uma atividade local importante para pequenos produtores. Staphylococcus resistentes à meticilina são responsáveis por causar infecções em animais e seres humanos. Neste estudo descreve se a primeira detecção de S. epidermidis resistente à meticilina isolado da cavidade nasal de um manipulador de queijo coalho elaborado com leite de cabra no Nordeste do Brasil. Este relato destaca a importância da adoção de medidas de biossegurança por manipuladores de queijo, a fim de reduzir possíveis contaminações e a disseminação de patógenos na cadeia produtiva deste tipo de queijo artesanal no Brasil.(AU)
Humanos , Staphylococcus epidermidis/patogenicidade , Resistência a Medicamentos , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Laticínios , Inocuidade dos Alimentos/métodosResumo
O tanino é um composto fenólico gerado no metabolismo secundário das plantas que quando utilizado na alimentação animal são capazes de possibilitar melhora da composição final dos produtos, carne e leite. Os queijos caprinos são um dentre os derivados da caprinocultura que no Nordeste garantem uma renda extra aos produtores rurais. O incremento da alimentação destes animais a fim de melhorar a composição dos queijos é algo primordial e de grande relevância. Desta forma, o estudo objetivou avaliar a influência do tanino na dieta e padrão racial no perfil de ácidos graxos e qualidade sensorial do queijo de coalho caprino artesanal. Foram utilizadas 16 cabras em lactação, divididas em quatro grupos iguais (4 grupos de 4 animais) e distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2, considerando dois padrões raciais (Canindé e Repartida), e dois tratamentos sobre a dieta, STAN: sem a inclusão do tanino e, CTAN: com a inclusão de 5% de extrato comercial de tanino com base na matéria seca. O leite obtido foi utilizado para a produção de queijos de coalho artesanal, que foram avaliados quanto à composição físico-química, considerando os parâmetros de pH, acidez titulável, umidade, sólidos totais, cinzas, proteína e o perfil de ácidos graxos e ainda, a análise sensorial por escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos, composta por um painel de cem provadores não treinados. De maneira geral, a inclusão do tanino na alimentação das cabras não possibilitou alterações das características físico-químicas dos queijos. Por outro lado, o padrão racial foi o fator de maior importância sobre estas características, possibilitando diferenças significativas nos queijos (p<0,05), aumentando os valores de umidade nos queijos do padrão racial Canindé, e cinzas e sólidos totais nos queijos do padrão racial Repartida. No perfil de ácidos graxos dos queijos, o tanino determinou uma redução na concentração de ácidos graxos de cadeia média, com valor médio de 1,81±0,27, e aumento nas concentrações de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa e ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (3,41±0,52; 0,41±0,07, respectivamente) em detrimento dos queijos produzidos com leite de cabras que não consumiram tanino (2,13±0,32; 3,36±0,52; 0,36±0,06, respectivamente). Enquanto, no perfil sensorial, o tanino não exerceu diferença significativa (p0,05) frente ao padrão racial. Os atributos aroma e aparência dos queijos do ecotipo Repartida destacaram-se positivamente apresentando notas variando entre 7,49±1,60 e 8,21±1,09, respetivamente. As características impressão global e textura variaram entre os conceitos de gostei ligeiramente e gostei regularmente, com notas variando de 7,30±1,62 e 7,32±1,81, respectivamente. O sabor não apresentou diferença significativa (p0,05) para as variáveis dieta e padrão racial. Dessa maneira, o tratamento com tanino na dieta das cabras proporcionou melhora na qualidade lipídica dos queijos produzidos dos diferentes padrões raciais, enquanto o padrão racial melhorou a aceitabilidade dos queijos.
Tannin is a phenolic compound generated in the secondary metabolism of plants which, when used in animal feed, are capable of improving the final composition of products, meat and milk. Goat cheeses are one of the derivatives of goats that in the Northeast guarantee extra income for rural producers. The increase in the feeding of these animals in order to improve the composition of the cheeses is something essential and of great relevance. Thus, the study aimed to evaluate the influence of tannin in the diet and racial pattern on the fatty acid profile and sensory quality of artisanal goat rennet cheese. 16 lactating goats were used, divided into four equal groups (4 groups of 4 animals) and distributed in a completely randomized design in a 2x2 factorial scheme, considering two racial patterns (Canindé and Repartida), and two treatments on the diet, STAN: without the inclusion of tannin and, CTAN: with the inclusion of 5% commercial extract of tannin based on dry matter. The milk obtained was used for the production of artisanal rennet cheeses, which were evaluated for their physical-chemical composition, considering the parameters of pH, titratable acidity, moisture, total solids, ash, protein and the fatty acid profile and, sensory analysis using a structured hedonic scale of nine points, composed of a panel of one hundred untrained tasters. In general, the inclusion of tannin in the goats' diet did not allow changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the cheeses. On the other hand, the racial pattern was the most important factor on these characteristics, allowing significant differences in cheeses (p<0.05), increasing the moisture values in the Canindé racial pattern cheeses, and total ash and solids in the cheeses of the Shared racial pattern. In the cheese fatty acid profile, tannin determined a reduction in the concentration of medium-chain fatty acids, with an average value of 1.81±0.27, and an increase in the concentrations of long-chain fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. (3.41±0.52; 0.41±0.07, respectively) to the detriment of cheeses made with goat's milk that did not consume tannin (2.13±0.32; 3.36±0.52; 0.36±0.06, respectively). While, in the sensory profile, the tannin did not have a significant difference (p0.05) compared to the racial pattern. The aroma and appearance attributes of the cheeses of the ecotype Repartida stand out positively with notes ranging from 7.49±1.60 to 8.21±1.09, respectively. The overall impression and texture characteristics varied between the concepts of I liked it slightly and I liked it regularly, with notes ranging from 7.30±1.62 and 7.32±1.81, respectively. The taste did not show significant difference (p0.05) for the variables diet and racial pattern. Thus, the tannin treatment in the goats' diet provided an improvement in the lipid quality of the cheeses produced from different racial patterns, while the racial pattern improved the acceptability of the cheeses.
Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a prevalência dos principais microrganismos da cadeia produtiva de leite e queijo de coalho caprino. As coletas foram realizadas em 12 propriedades produtoras de queijo coalho artesanal elaborado com leite cru de cabra no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram coletadas 714 amostras de leite de 357 cabras, suabes de 14 ordenhadores e 15 manipuladores (fossas nasais e superfície das mãos) e utensílios utilizados para obtenção do leite (19 baldes de ordenha e 12 peneiras) utilizados na elaboração do queijo coalho (30 superfícies de formas e 12 mesas de prensagem), além de 12 queijos coalho. As amostras foram submetidas à análise microbiológica e os isolados obtidos foram submetidos à Matrix Associated Laser Desorption-Ionization - Time of Flight para identificação das espécies, à Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase para pesquisa de genes de resistência e antibiograma para avaliar o perfil de resistência. Nas amostras de leite foram identificadas 24 espécies de patógenos causando mastite; nas amostras de suabes foram detectadas 31 espécies contaminando diferentes etapas de produção. Foram detectados os genes blaZ, mecA, tet(L), tet(M), tet-38, norA, norB, norC, msrA, vanA e vanB em Staphylococcus spp.. Destaca-se a ocorrência de Staphylococcus resistente à meticilina e à vancomicina em amostras de leite e suabes e a resistência às outras classes de antimicrobianos. Além disso, foi registrado o primeiro relato de Staphylococcus epidermidis resistente à meticilina em manipulador de queijo coalho de leite de cabra no Brasil. Quanto à enumeração de UFC/g das colônias de Staphylococcus spp. nas amostras de queijo, os valores variaram entre 9,4x103 a 6,4x106, todos os queijos foram considerados impróprios para consumo. Conclui-se que há emergência de patógenos multirresistentes a antimicrobianos em todas as etapas da cadeia produtiva do leite e queijo coalho caprino na região semiárida do estado de Pernambuco. Além disso, a produção de leite e queijo coalho caprino realizada de forma inadequada exerce um importante papel na disseminação de agentes patogênicos multirresistentes, que constitui um risco à saúde humana e animal.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the main microorganisms in the goat milk and coalho cheese production chain. The collections were carried out in 12 farms producing artisanal coalho cheese made with raw goat's milk in the Pernambuco state, Brazil. A total of 714 milk samples from 357 goats, swabs from 14 milkers and 15 handlers (nasal cavity and surface of the hands), and utensils used to obtain milk (19 milking buckets and 12 milk filtration sieve) used in the production of coalho cheese (30 cheese molds and 12 cheeses-making tables) were collected, in addition to 12 coalho cheese. The samples were submitted to microbiological analysis and the obtained isolates were submitted to Matrix Associated Laser Desorption-Ionization - Time of Flight to identify the species, to Polymerase Chain Reaction to search for resistance genes and antibiogram to evaluate the resistance profile. Regarding the milk samples, were identified 24 species of pathogens causing mastitis, and from the swab samples, 31 species were detected contaminating different stages of production. The genes blaZ, mecA, tet(L), tet(M), tet-38, norA, norB, norC, msrA, vanA, and vanB were detected in Staphylococcus spp.. The occurrence of methicillin and vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus in milk and swabs samples and resistance to other classes of antimicrobials is highlighted. In addition, the first report of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis in a goat milk coalho cheese handler in Brazil was registered. Regarding the enumeration of CFU/g of Staphylococcus spp. in the cheese samples, the values ranged from 9.4x103 to 6.4x106. All cheeses were considered unfit for consumption. It is concluded that there is an emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens in all stages of the goat milk and coalho cheese production chain in the semiarid region of the Pernambuco state. In addition, inadequate production practices of goat milk and coalho cheese play an important role in the spread of multiresistant pathogens, which pose a risk to human and animal health.
A utilização de Bactérias Ácido Láticas (BAL) selecionadas a partir do leite caprino oferece características probióticas ao alimento. A aplicação desses micro-organismos em queijo caprino é uma estratégia interessante para incrementar os benefícios à saúde, oferecendo um produto inócuo e proporcionando características tecnológicas, aumento no valor nutricional e inibição ao micro-organismo patogênico, além disso aumentando o seu valor agregado, beneficiando os pequenos produtores da região semiárida do Vale do São Francisco. Este estudo teve como objetivo selecionar Bactérias Ácido Láticas (BAL) autóctones de leite de cabra com propriedades probióticas e funcionais, e testar sua adição ao queijo artesanal para inibição de Salmonella Typhi. Sessenta isolados (UNIVASF CAP) pré selecionados foram submetidos a testes in vitro, como DNAse, hemólise, susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos, simulação ao Trato Gastrointestinal (TGI), teste de autoagregação e coagregação bacteriana, antagonismo as bactérias patogênicas, produção de diacetil, produção de gás, Exopolissacarídeos (EPS) e tolerância ao NaCl. Posteriormente, com base nesses testes foram selecionados quatro isolados de BAL (UNIVASF CAP 16, 45, 84 e 279) por meio da Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) e identificados genotipicamente. Testes adicionais foram realizados para os isolados UNIVASF CAP 16, 45, 84 e 279, como a produção de ácido lático e cítrico, além dos ensaios de Hidrolase de Sais Biliares (BSH), -galactosidase e de atividade de descarboxilase. Após esta seleção, três queijos de cabra (1 queijo com Salmonella Typhi), (2 queijo com mix de Salmonella Typhi e BAL) e (3 queijo controle) foram elaborados para avaliar a ação inibidora do cultivo selecionado de BAL frente a Salmonella Typhi, nos tempos 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20, através das análises microbiológicas e físico-químicas. No estudo, apenas o isolado UNIVASF CAP 97 mostrou uma lise completa das células vermelhas do sangue, sendo classificado como -hemolítica. Os 60 Isolados UNIVASF CAP não mostraram atividade da enzima DNAse em testes fenotípicos. Em testes de susceptibilidade antimicrobiana, o isolado UNIVASF CAP 90 apresentou resistência a todos os antimicrobianos testados. Portanto, na caracterização de fatores de virulência, dois isolados, UNIVASF CAP 90 e 97 foram excluídos como candidatos para adição em alimento. Assim, 58 isolados BAL UNIVASF CAP permaneceram para os demais testes. Estes demonstraram uma taxa de sobrevivência ao suco intestinal e pancreático superior a 90%. Em resposta à bile, a taxa de sobrevivência foi > 95% para todos os isolados testados. Os isolados UNIVASF CAP 58, 29 e 27 apresentaram atividade antibacteriana com S. Typhi, L. monocytogenes e S. aureus, respectivamente. A capacidade de autoagregação dos isolados variou de 3,58 a 36,55% (P<0,05). Em geral, isolados de BAL UNIVASF CAP apresentaram uma média baixa de coagregação (<4,0%) com S. Typhi e L. monocytogenes, exceto o isolado UNIVASF CAP 45 (27,87%). A produção de EPS entre isolados de BAL UNIVASF CAP variou de 0 a 44 mg/L, com uma produção média de 12,50 mg/L. A produção de diacetil pelos isolados de BAL UNIVASF CAP variou de acordo com o isolado. Dos isolados testados, UNIVASF CAP 41, 11 e 3 foram negativos, fracos, médios e forte produtores de diacetil, respectivamente. Nove isolados produziram gás a partir de glicose e todos os isolados foram tolerantes a concentrações de NaCl de 4,0% para 6,5%. Os quatros isolados UNIVASF CAP 16, 45, 84 e 279 selecionados foram classificados como positivos quanto a atividade das enzimas BSH e -galactosidase e negativos quanto a atividade de descarboxilase. O queijo inoculado com BAL (queijo 2) diminuiu a população de S. Typhi para 0,38 log10 UFC/g, no queijo sem o inóculo de BAL (queijo 1) aumentou a população do patógeno em 0,29 unidades logarítmicas. Além disso, o valor de pH aumentou linearmente ao longo do tempo, em 0,004 unidades por dia, no queijo 1. No queijo 2, o valor de pH diminui linearmente ao longo do tempo, em 0,066 unidades por dia. O coquetel contendo estirpes selecionadas de Lactobacillus, com potenciais propriedades probióticas e tecnológicas, apresentou atividade antibacteriana in vitro contra S. Typhi no queijo de cabra artesanal. Assim, o leite de cabra é importante fonte de BAL com potencial probiótico que pode ser utilizada para inibir o crescimento populacional de Salmonella em queijo de cabra, contribuindo para a segurança e valor funcional do produto. Palavras-chave: Atividade antibacteriana. Probióticos. Queijo de cabra. Segurança alimentar.
The use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) selected from goat milk has probiotic characteristics to the food. The application of these micro-organisms in goat cheese is an interesting strategy to increase the health benefits by offering an innocuous product and providing technological characteristics, increased nutritional value and inhibiting the pathogenic micro-organism also increasing its value, benefiting small producers of semi-arid region of the São Francisco Valley. This study aimed to select autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with probiotic and functional properties from goat dairies and test their addition o artisanal cheese for the inhibition of Salmonella Typhi. The 60 pre selected isolates were subjected to in vitro assays such as DNase, hemolysis, antimicrobial susceptibility, simulating the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), autoagregation test and bacterial coaggregation, antagonism pathogenic bacteria, producing diacetyl, gas production, exopolysaccharides (EPS), and tolerance to NaCl. Subsequently, based on these tests were selected four strains LAB (UNIVASF CAP 16, 45, 84 and 279) through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and identified genotypically. Additional tests were performed for the isolated CAP UNIVASF 16, 45, 84 and 279, producing lactic and citric acid, in addition to Hydrolase testing of bile salts (BSH), -galactosidase and decarboxylase activity. After this selection, three goat cheeses (1 - cheese Salmonella Typhi), (2 - mix cheese Salmonella Typhi and BAL) and (3 - cheese control) were designed to assess the inhibitory action of the crop selected BAL Salmonella Typhi in at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20, through microbiological and physico-chemical analysis. In the study, only the isolated UNIVASF CAP 97 showed complete lysis of red blood cells being classified as -hemolytic. The 60 UNIVASF CAP isolates did not show activity of the enzymes DNase and coagulase in phenotypic tests. In antimicrobial susceptibility testing, the isolate UNIVASF CAP 90 showed resistance to all the antibiotics tested. Therefore, in the characterization of virulence factors, two isolates, UNIVASF CAP 90 and 97 were excluded as candidates for addition to food. Thus, 58 LAB isolates remained for the other tests. Fifty-eight LAB isolates UNIVASF CAP demonstrated a survival rate in intestinal and pancreatic juice exceeding 90%. In response to bile, the survival rate was > 95% for all the isolates tested. In this study, 58, 29 and 27 UNIVASF CAP isolates presented antibacterial activity with S. Typhi, L. monocytogenes and S. aureus, respectively. The autoaggregation capability of the isolates ranged from 3.58 to 36.65% (P<0.05) In general, LAB isolates UNIVASF CAP showed a low averagefor coaggregation (< 4.0%) with S. Typhi and L. monocytogenes except the isolate UNIVASF CAP 45 (27.87%) with the pathogen S. Typhi. The production of EPS among the LAB isolates UNIVASF CAP ranged from 0 to 44 mg/L, with an average production of 12.50 mg/L. The isolate UNIVASF CAP 46 showed the highest EPS production: 44 mg/L. The production of diacetylby LAB isolates UNIVASF CAP differ depending on the isolate. Of the isolates tested, 41, 11 and 3 were negative, weak, medium and strong producers of diacetyl, respectively. Nine isolates produced gas from glucose and all isolates were tolerant to NaCl concentrations of 4.0% and 6.5%. The four isolates selected UNIVASF CAP 16, 45, 84 and 279 were classified as positive for the activity of -galactosidase, and BSH and negative enzymes and the activity decarboxylase. The cheese inoculated with LAB (cheese 2) decreased the population of S.Typhi to 0.38 log10 CFU / g, cheese without inoculum BAL (cheese 1) increased pathogen population 0.29 log units. Moreover, the pH value increases linearly over time at 0,004 units per day in the cheese 1. In the cheese 2, the pH value decreases linearly over time at 0,066 units per day In conclusion, goat milk presents as a potential source for isolating LAB with probiotic and technological properties. The four isolates, UNIVASF CAP 16, 45, 84 and 279, showed antibacterial activity against Salmonella Typhi in vitro and in artisanal goat cheese. Thus, these cultures could be used to inhibit the growth of Salmonella population in dairy goat products, contributing to an increase in the functional value of the product. Keywords: Antibacterial activity. Food safety. Goat cheese. Probiotics.
There are few reports concerning isolation, counting and identification of yeasts in goat´s raw milk and derivates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of yeasts found in raw goat milk and goat creamed cheese collected in a Metropolitan area in Porto Alegre - Brazil. A simplified HMA (Heteroduplex Mobility Assay) of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region was developed in order to rapidly confirm the identification of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species. Yeasts were isolated from 59% of the samples. Fifty six strains were isolated and identified in the genera Bullera, Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces, Dekkera, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Sporodiobolus, Trichosporon, Yarrowia and Zygoascus. The average yeast count in raw milk was superior to 2 log UFC.mL-1, while cheese count was superior to 3 log UFC.g-1. Lipolytic activity was present in almost 92% of the isolates, while only 14% had proteolytic activity. Twelve potentially pathogenic ascomycetic isolates were identified by the conventional yeast identification methodology, and correspond to the species Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis and Pichia guilliermondii. All of them had their identities confirmed by the simplified HMA assay. None of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species were resistant to the antifungal agents tested. More studies are necessary to evaluate the real sig
There are few reports concerning isolation, counting and identification of yeasts in goat´s raw milk and derivates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of yeasts found in raw goat milk and goat creamed cheese collected in a Metropolitan area in Porto Alegre - Brazil. A simplified HMA (Heteroduplex Mobility Assay) of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region was developed in order to rapidly confirm the identification of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species. Yeasts were isolated from 59% of the samples. Fifty six strains were isolated and identified in the genera Bullera, Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces, Dekkera, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Sporodiobolus, Trichosporon, Yarrowia and Zygoascus. The average yeast count in raw milk was superior to 2 log UFC.mL-1, while cheese count was superior to 3 log UFC.g-1. Lipolytic activity was present in almost 92% of the isolates, while only 14% had proteolytic activity. Twelve potentially pathogenic ascomycetic isolates were identified by the conventional yeast identification methodology, and correspond to the species Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis and Pichia guilliermondii. All of them had their identities confirmed by the simplified HMA assay. None of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species were resistant to the antifungal agents tested. More studies are necessary to evaluate the real sig
There are few reports concerning isolation, counting and identification of yeasts in goat´s raw milk and derivates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of yeasts found in raw goat milk and goat creamed cheese collected in a Metropolitan area in Porto Alegre - Brazil. A simplified HMA (Heteroduplex Mobility Assay) of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region was developed in order to rapidly confirm the identification of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species. Yeasts were isolated from 59% of the samples. Fifty six strains were isolated and identified in the genera Bullera, Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces, Dekkera, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Sporodiobolus, Trichosporon, Yarrowia and Zygoascus. The average yeast count in raw milk was superior to 2 log UFC.mL-1, while cheese count was superior to 3 log UFC.g-1. Lipolytic activity was present in almost 92% of the isolates, while only 14% had proteolytic activity. Twelve potentially pathogenic ascomycetic isolates were identified by the conventional yeast identification methodology, and correspond to the species Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis and Pichia guilliermondii. All of them had their identities confirmed by the simplified HMA assay. None of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species were resistant to the antifungal agents tested. More studies are necessary to evaluate the real sig
There are few reports concerning isolation, counting and identification of yeasts in goat´s raw milk and derivates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of yeasts found in raw goat milk and goat creamed cheese collected in a Metropolitan area in Porto Alegre - Brazil. A simplified HMA (Heteroduplex Mobility Assay) of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region was developed in order to rapidly confirm the identification of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species. Yeasts were isolated from 59% of the samples. Fifty six strains were isolated and identified in the genera Bullera, Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces, Dekkera, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Sporodiobolus, Trichosporon, Yarrowia and Zygoascus. The average yeast count in raw milk was superior to 2 log UFC.mL-1, while cheese count was superior to 3 log UFC.g-1. Lipolytic activity was present in almost 92% of the isolates, while only 14% had proteolytic activity. Twelve potentially pathogenic ascomycetic isolates were identified by the conventional yeast identification methodology, and correspond to the species Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis and Pichia guilliermondii. All of them had their identities confirmed by the simplified HMA assay. None of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species were resistant to the antifungal agents tested. More studies are necessary to evaluate the real sig
There are few reports concerning isolation, counting and identification of yeasts in goat´s raw milk and derivates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of yeasts found in raw goat milk and goat creamed cheese collected in a Metropolitan area in Porto Alegre - Brazil. A simplified HMA (Heteroduplex Mobility Assay) of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region was developed in order to rapidly confirm the identification of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species. Yeasts were isolated from 59% of the samples. Fifty six strains were isolated and identified in the genera Bullera, Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces, Dekkera, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Sporodiobolus, Trichosporon, Yarrowia and Zygoascus. The average yeast count in raw milk was superior to 2 log UFC.mL-1, while cheese count was superior to 3 log UFC.g-1. Lipolytic activity was present in almost 92% of the isolates, while only 14% had proteolytic activity. Twelve potentially pathogenic ascomycetic isolates were identified by the conventional yeast identification methodology, and correspond to the species Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis and Pichia guilliermondii. All of them had their identities confirmed by the simplified HMA assay. None of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species were resistant to the antifungal agents tested. More studies are necessary to evaluate the real sig
There are few reports concerning isolation, counting and identification of yeasts in goat´s raw milk and derivates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of yeasts found in raw goat milk and goat creamed cheese collected in a Metropolitan area in Porto Alegre - Brazil. A simplified HMA (Heteroduplex Mobility Assay) of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region was developed in order to rapidly confirm the identification of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species. Yeasts were isolated from 59% of the samples. Fifty six strains were isolated and identified in the genera Bullera, Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces, Dekkera, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Sporodiobolus, Trichosporon, Yarrowia and Zygoascus. The average yeast count in raw milk was superior to 2 log UFC.mL-1, while cheese count was superior to 3 log UFC.g-1. Lipolytic activity was present in almost 92% of the isolates, while only 14% had proteolytic activity. Twelve potentially pathogenic ascomycetic isolates were identified by the conventional yeast identification methodology, and correspond to the species Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis and Pichia guilliermondii. All of them had their identities confirmed by the simplified HMA assay. None of the isolates belonging to potentially pathogenic species were resistant to the antifungal agents tested. More studies are necessary to evaluate the real sig
As boas práticas de fabricação (BPF) são um conjunto de princípios, regras e procedimentos que regem o correto manuseio dos alimentos, abrangendo desde a matéria-prima até o produto final. O estudo propõe a implantação das BPF em um laticínio de leite de cabra (MG), na linha de reprodução do queijo tipo Pecorino, de modo a verificar seu efeito sobre a qualidade microbiológica do mesmo