Background: Ingestion of foreign bodies is one of the most common cases seen among puppies of dogs in the medical clinics of small animals which may be related to their curious behavior. The diagnosis is based on the patients history, clinical signs, and complementary diagnostic imaging tests. The present case report describes the use of complementary imaging tests, showing a partial gastric obstruction caused by cajarana (Spondias cytherea Sonn) in a puppy.Case: At the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region, a 4-month-old male Yorkshire dog was treated. The guardian reported having witnessed the ingestion of a cajarana stone by the animal. During the physical examination, the animal was active, with good nutritional status, normocorated mucosae, and a moderate degree of dehydration, besides a slight pain on palpation in the epigastric region. Hematological examinations included blood counts, blood urea, creatinine, and alkaline phosphatase. A moderate degree of polycythemia was observed, which may be explained by the dehydration caused by the episodes of vomiting. The patient had frequent episodes of vomiting after the reported event and was then referred to the diagnostic imaging sector. During the sonographic examination, a concave echogenic interface associated with a posterior acoustic shadowing was observed in the region of the stomach. The animal was sent for simple radiographs and positive contrast based on barium sulfate due to the suspicion of the presence of a foreign body. On simple radiography, in the left laterolateral view, a little radiopaque structure of circular format with poor definition was observed in the pyloric region. After the simple radiography, approximately 10 mL of barium sulfate contrast was administered orally followed by a new left lateral radiographic imaging.[...](AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Obstrução da Saída Gástrica/diagnóstico por imagem , Obstrução da Saída Gástrica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Radiografia/métodos , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , AnacardiaceaeResumo
Background: Ingestion of foreign bodies is one of the most common cases seen among puppies of dogs in the medical clinics of small animals which may be related to their curious behavior. The diagnosis is based on the patients history, clinical signs, and complementary diagnostic imaging tests. The present case report describes the use of complementary imaging tests, showing a partial gastric obstruction caused by cajarana (Spondias cytherea Sonn) in a puppy.Case: At the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region, a 4-month-old male Yorkshire dog was treated. The guardian reported having witnessed the ingestion of a cajarana stone by the animal. During the physical examination, the animal was active, with good nutritional status, normocorated mucosae, and a moderate degree of dehydration, besides a slight pain on palpation in the epigastric region. Hematological examinations included blood counts, blood urea, creatinine, and alkaline phosphatase. A moderate degree of polycythemia was observed, which may be explained by the dehydration caused by the episodes of vomiting. The patient had frequent episodes of vomiting after the reported event and was then referred to the diagnostic imaging sector. During the sonographic examination, a concave echogenic interface associated with a posterior acoustic shadowing was observed in the region of the stomach. The animal was sent for simple radiographs and positive contrast based on barium sulfate due to the suspicion of the presence of a foreign body. On simple radiography, in the left laterolateral view, a little radiopaque structure of circular format with poor definition was observed in the pyloric region. After the simple radiography, approximately 10 mL of barium sulfate contrast was administered orally followed by a new left lateral radiographic imaging.[...]
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Obstrução da Saída Gástrica/diagnóstico por imagem , Obstrução da Saída Gástrica/veterinária , Radiografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/métodos , AnacardiaceaeResumo
Relata-se o procedimento de mielografia em um ouriço-cacheiro Sphiggurus villosus, adulto, procedente de vida livre. Após o exame e com o animal sob anestesia geral, evidenciou-se um desvio dorsal do contraste na altura da sétima vértebra torácica (T7), causado por compressão em região ventral dessa vértebra, sugestivo de edema ocasionado pela hemorragia intramedular secundária ao trauma sofrido pelo animal em vida livre. Assim sendo, a mielografia em ouriço-cacheiro mostrou ser bastante válida e eficiente ao apresentar como vantagens a maior precisão para delimitar e localizar a lesão presente na coluna vertebral.(AU)
The myelography procedure is reported in an adult of the Sphiggurus villosus (hairy-tree-porcupine) species coming from the wild, in the region of Curitiba/PR. After proceeding with the examination, while the animal was under general anesthesia, there was a dorsal deviation of the contrast in the height of the seventh thoracic vertebra (T7) caused by compression in the ventral region of the vertebra. This is suggestive of edema caused by intramedullary hemorrhage secondary to trauma suffered by the animal in the wild. Therefore, the use of myelography in Sphiggurus villosus (hairy-tree-porcupine) proved to be quite valid and efficient, presenting the advantages of greater precision to delimit and locate the lesion present in the vertebral column.(AU)
Animais , Mielografia/veterinária , Ouriços , Roedores , Radiografia/veterinária , Coluna Vertebral , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Medula Óssea/lesõesResumo
As úlceras duodenais são menos frequentes que as gástricas e causas comuns de vômito crônico sem diarreia em cães. O diagnóstico e mais comumente dado por meio dos sinais clínicos e de exames complementares como a endoscopia e a laparotomia exploratória, quando há suspeita de perfuração, e, por vezes, exames ultrassonográficos, radiográficos e tomográficos. O exame radiográfico passou a ter um valor secundário a partir do momento em que outras técnicas, principalmente a endoscopia, passaram a fazer parte do rol de exames complementares em medicina veterinária. No entanto, este relato de caso de uma cadela com sinais clínicos evidentes de úlcera no trato digestivo mostra a importância do exame radiográfico em situações em que outros métodos tiveram resultado negativo ou não estavam disponíveis, sendo uma alternativa segura e eficaz para o diagnóstico de úlceras duodenais não perfuradas.
Duodenal ulcers are less common than gastric ulcers and are common causes of chronic vomiting without diarrhea in dogs. The diagnosis is most commonly achieved by means of clinical signs and complementary tests such as endoscopy and laparotomy, when there is suspicion of perforation, and sometimes ultrasound, radiography and CT scans. Radiographic examination has become secondary since other techniques, especially endoscopy, became part of the complementary exams used in veterinary medicine. Despite that, this article highlights the importance of the radiographic examination when other methods are negative or unavailable, by reporting the case of a dog with evident clinical signs of ulcer in the digestive tract. Radiography is still a safe and effective alternative for the diagnosis of non-perforated duodenal ulcers.
En los perros, las úlceras duodenales son menos frecuentes que las gástricas, y ambas provocan vómitos crónicos sin presencia de diarrea. EI diagnóstico se consigue con mayor frecuencia a través de los signos clinicos y de ciertos exámenes complementarios como la endoscopia y la laparotomía exploratoria, en aquellos casos donde se sospecha de una perforación, siendo también utilizados los exámenes ecográficos, radiográficos y la tomografía computarizada. La radiografia pasó a tener una importancia menor a partir de que otras técnicas, principalmente la endoscopia, pasaron a formar parte de los exámenes complementarios en medicina veterinaria. No obstante, el caso que se relata en el presente trabajo, de una perra con signos clínicos evidentes de úlcera en el sistema digestivo, muestra la importancia de la radiografía en situaciones en que no se obtuvieron resultados positivos con otras técnicas, o que no estaban disponibles, siendo una alternativa segura y eficiente para el diagnóstico de las úlceras duodenales no perforadas.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Úlcera Duodenal , Úlcera Duodenal/diagnóstico , Úlcera Duodenal/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
As úlceras duodenais são menos frequentes que as gástricas e causas comuns de vômito crônico sem diarreia em cães. O diagnóstico e mais comumente dado por meio dos sinais clínicos e de exames complementares como a endoscopia e a laparotomia exploratória, quando há suspeita de perfuração, e, por vezes, exames ultrassonográficos, radiográficos e tomográficos. O exame radiográfico passou a ter um valor secundário a partir do momento em que outras técnicas, principalmente a endoscopia, passaram a fazer parte do rol de exames complementares em medicina veterinária. No entanto, este relato de caso de uma cadela com sinais clínicos evidentes de úlcera no trato digestivo mostra a importância do exame radiográfico em situações em que outros métodos tiveram resultado negativo ou não estavam disponíveis, sendo uma alternativa segura e eficaz para o diagnóstico de úlceras duodenais não perfuradas.(AU)
Duodenal ulcers are less common than gastric ulcers and are common causes of chronic vomiting without diarrhea in dogs. The diagnosis is most commonly achieved by means of clinical signs and complementary tests such as endoscopy and laparotomy, when there is suspicion of perforation, and sometimes ultrasound, radiography and CT scans. Radiographic examination has become secondary since other techniques, especially endoscopy, became part of the complementary exams used in veterinary medicine. Despite that, this article highlights the importance of the radiographic examination when other methods are negative or unavailable, by reporting the case of a dog with evident clinical signs of ulcer in the digestive tract. Radiography is still a safe and effective alternative for the diagnosis of non-perforated duodenal ulcers.(AU)
En los perros, las úlceras duodenales son menos frecuentes que las gástricas, y ambas provocan vómitos crónicos sin presencia de diarrea. EI diagnóstico se consigue con mayor frecuencia a través de los signos clinicos y de ciertos exámenes complementarios como la endoscopia y la laparotomía exploratoria, en aquellos casos donde se sospecha de una perforación, siendo también utilizados los exámenes ecográficos, radiográficos y la tomografía computarizada. La radiografia pasó a tener una importancia menor a partir de que otras técnicas, principalmente la endoscopia, pasaron a formar parte de los exámenes complementarios en medicina veterinaria. No obstante, el caso que se relata en el presente trabajo, de una perra con signos clínicos evidentes de úlcera en el sistema digestivo, muestra la importancia de la radiografía en situaciones en que no se obtuvieron resultados positivos con otras técnicas, o que no estaban disponibles, siendo una alternativa segura y eficiente para el diagnóstico de las úlceras duodenales no perforadas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Úlcera Duodenal/diagnóstico , Úlcera Duodenal , Úlcera Duodenal/veterinária , Radiografia/veterináriaResumo
A proposta deste trabalho foi estabelecer a angiografia digital palmar como método de avaliação qualitativa in vivo da vascularização distal laminar em eqüinos em posição quadrupedal. Foram realizadas 15 angiografias de eqüinos mestiços, sendo seis machos castrados e nove fêmeas, com idade variando entre seis e oito anos. As angiografias foram realizadas, após bloqueio anestésico perineural do nervo digital palmar lateral ou medial, por meio da aplicação de 20mL de contraste na veia digital palmar lateral ou medial garroteada por atadura elástica e torniquete. Imediatamente depois, foi realizada a primeira exposição radiológica em incidência dorso-palmar. Após a dispersão do contraste, o mesmo procedimento foi realizado com o casco submetido ao tratamento térmico com água aquecida e com água resfriada. Em quatro animais, obteve-se imagem radiopaca, com bordas maldefinidas, de aspecto sombreado, ao redor de cada lâmina dérmica, que foi creditada à vasodilatação ocasionada pelo calor. Quando da vasoconstrição ocasionada pelo tratamento com frio, observou-se redução da imagem radiopaca laminar. Esse aspecto pôde ser comprovado em quatro radiografias, porém não se repetiu em todas as angiografias realizadas. Em sete radiografias, houve falha de preenchimento de contraste, o que inviabilizou a comparação entre tratamentos térmicos, sendo que as radiografias realizadas sem nenhum tratamento térmico possuíam preenchimento de contraste adequado. A angiografia digital em eqüinos mostrou-se um método sensível para evidenciar vasoconstrição e vasodilatação in vivo dentro do estojo córneo, porém inúmeros fatores podem contribuir para o aparecimento de artefatos de técnica, o que inviabiliza a comparação de alterações da perfusão laminar do casco por esse método.(AU)
This study was aimed at establishing the palmar digital angiography as an in vivo qualitative method of evaluation the laminar digital vasculature on horses in standing position. Six gelding and nine mares were used in this study, with age going from 6 to 8 years old. After the perineural anesthesia of lateral or medial palmar digital nerve and the surgical preparation an intravenous catheter was fixed to the palmar digital vein, lateral or medial. After performing a simple radiography an elastic bandage and tourniquet was applied to the area. The animal and the RX equipment were adequately positioned and 20mL of contrast were injected, followed by a first radiological exposition in dorsum palmar incidence. In sequence the tourniquet and the elastic bandage were removed for the dissipation of the contrast, keeping the venous access with infusion of isotonic saline solution. The same procedure was performed with the hoof submitted to the thermal treatment with warmed water and cold water. In four animals a radiopaque image, around each dermic lamina with vasodilatation induced by the heat was obtained, with poorly defined edges and blurred aspect. On the other hand, it was observed reduction of the radiopaque laminar image because of the vasoconstriction caused by the treatment with cold water. This fact can be seen only in four radiographies, but it has not being repeated in all angiographies performed. In seven radiographies incomplete contrast filling was observed. For this reason, it was not possible to compare the radiographs performed with no thermal treatment, that have had the appropriate filling of the contrast. The digital angiography in horses was showed to be a sensible method to evidence in vivo vasoconstriction and vasodilatation inside the hoof, however this method cannot be use to analyze alteration in the laminar perfusion because some techniques artefactual.(AU)