Background: The bird's beak is a structure in constant growth, covered by keratinized epidermal sheaths called rhamphotheca. When subjected to certain degrees of injury, birds can suffer from lesions and fractures in different parts of the body, including the beak. One can treat simple ranch lesions by antisepsis and covering it with resin while the keratin is replaced; yet in complete fractures, with segment avulsion, they need complex prostheses to restore the functions of the nozzle. The main goal of this study was to report a case of a synthetic rhinotheca prosthesis placement in a wild carcará (Caracara plancus). Case: The carcará was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UNIUBE, at the end of May 2018, by Uberaba's Environmental Police, with a history of having been run over. On the physical examination, the animal showed aggressive behavior, low body weight, increased heart and respiratory rates, mild dehydration and complete fracture of the rhinotheca, with avulsion of the mid-distal portion and presence of necrosis in the remaining proximal remnant, the last one seen after debridement and complete cleansing of the lesion. In the following days, complementary exams were performed aiming a complete evaluation of the animal, these revealed the following: oral cavity swab, positive for Candida sp.; radiography of thoracic and pelvic limbs, without any changes; research of hemoparasites, with a negative result; and complete blood count showing marked leukocytosis. The animal was kept in the hospital's wild animal ward, with a daily handling of 400 g of chicken neck and heart, processed on a blender and was also supplemented with a variety of minerals. After the wild animal was managed for eleven months, evolving to the ideal weight set for the species, the process for making the prosthesis started. At first, the prosthesis was made manually with epoxy resin and polyamide, being molded on the animal's rhinotheca, before that, the carcará was sedated with intranasal midazolam, and then modeled in the ideal shape for the beak. Then, the definitive prosthesis was made with acrylic resin, using the previous mold as a base. The surgical procedure was performed in April 2019, with an anesthetic protocol composed of midazolam, dexmedetomidine, ketamine and morphine for sedation, and maintenance in sevoflurane. Prosthesis and rhinotheca were both fixated by bilateral perforation with a 1.0 mm drill, and later on 2 titanium screws were inserted for dental use, these measuring 1.5 mm. After being correctly threated, the screws received a thin layer of acrylic resin on top, for better fixation. Immediately after the operation, the animal was able to use the prosthesis to feed itself. After the surgical procedure, the bird was destined for a sanctuary, and months later the prosthesis eventually fell. Since then, the bird has remained without it. Discussion: Because the beak did not grow due to trauma and consequent necrosis, and the animal did not adapt well with the remnant still present, the manufacture of the prosthesis was the solution so that it could return to its natural habits and behaviors. For greater adherence and fixation, we opted for the use of 2 titanium screws for dental use with the deposition of a thin layer of acrylic resin on top of both. Prostheses can be successful in fixing, but there are no studies indicating how long they will remain viable. Therefore, even with the success of the procedure, allowing the bird to return to its natural habits and behaviors, until after the fall of the prosthesis, it is an animal that needs to be kept in captivity suitable for daily observation.
Animais , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária , Bico/cirurgia , Bico/lesões , Falconiformes/lesões , Resinas Acrílicas , Resinas EpóxiResumo
Brazil has the highest number of birds of prey in the world, which are important environmental quality indicators. Nevertheless, few studies of the clinical pathology of raptors have been developed in this country. The objectives of this study were to create a database of owl hematology in Brazil and to compare the values between sex in Asio clamator, Megascops spp. and Tyto furcata. Blood samples were collected from 81 captive owls of 10 species located in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo states, Brazil. Hemogram and Total Plasma Protein (TPP) values were determined. Reference intervals (RIs) and descriptive statistic values were established using an Excel program with Reference Value Advisor. The reference intervals were the following: A. clamator: RBC (×106/μL) 1.0-2.5; PCV (%) 30.2-50.1; Hb (g dL-¹) 6.7-15.3; MCV (fL) 123.8-355.2; MCHC (%) 17.1-38.6; WBC (× 10³/μL) 1.2-23.6; Heterophils (× 10³/μL) 0.6-16.6; Lymphocytes (× 10³/μL) 0.6-10.2; Eosinophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-1.9; Basophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-1.0; Thrombocytes (× 10³/μL) 10.8-56.6; H/L 0.0-10.8. Megascops spp.: RBC (× 106/μL) 0.8-2.3; PCV (%) 29.7-44.6; Hb (g dL-¹) 6.4-12.4; MCV (fL) 131.6-374.4; MCHC (%) 12.1-34; WBC (× 10³/μL) 0.7-23.1; Heterophils (× 10³/μL) 1.1-10.3; Lymphocytes (× 10³/μL) 0.0-11.5; Eosinophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-2.2; Basophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-0.7; Thrombocytes (× 10³/μL) 10.3-43.6; H/L 0.5-7.3; TPP (g dL-¹) 2.9-5.1. The parameters for Tyto furcata were presented with descriptive statistics values. Individual data were provided for the others Strigiformes species sampled. This study provides a wide database of hematological and TPP references for Megascops spp., A. clamator and T. furcata and hematological values for Athene cunicularia, Bubo virginianus, Pulsatrix perspicillata, Asio stygius, Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana, Strix virgata and Asio flammeus in Brazil.
O Brasil tem o maior número de aves de rapina do mundo, e estas aves são, como topo de cadeia alimentar, importantes indicadores de qualidade ambiental. No entanto, poucos estudos sobre a patologia clínica de rapinantes foram desenvolvidos no Brasil. Os objetivos deste estudo foram criar uma base de dados para hematologia de corujas no país e comparar os valores entre sexos em Asio clamator, Megascops spp. e Tyto furcata. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 81 corujas em cativeiro, de 10 espécies diferentes, localizadas nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná e São Paulo, Brasil. Foi determinado o hemograma e as proteínas plasmáticas totais (PPT). Os intervalos de referência (IR) e os valores de estatística descritiva foram estabelecidos através da utilização do Excel com o suplemento do Reference Value Advisor. Os IR foram os seguintes: A. clamator: Eritócitos (x106 76 /μL) 1.0-2.5;Ht (%) 30.2-50.1; Hb (g/dL) 6.7-15.3; VCM (fL) 123.8-355.2; CHCM (%) 17.1-38.6; Leucócitos (x10³/μL) 1.2-23.6; Heterófilos (x10³/μL) 0.6-16.6; Linfócitos (x10³/μL) 0.6-10.2; Eosinófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-1.9; Basófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-1.0; Trombócitos (x10³/μL) 0.0-81.65; H:L 0.0-10.8. Megascops spp.: Eritócitos (x106/μL) 0.8-2.3; Ht (%) 29.7-44.6; Hb (g/dL) 6.4-12.4; VCM (fL) 131.6-374.4; CHCM (%)12.1-34; Leucócitos (x10³/μL) 0.7-23.1; Heterófilos (x10³/μL) 1.1-10.3; Linfócitos (x10³/μL) 0.0-11.5; Eosinófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-2.2; Basófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-0.7; Trombócitos (x10³/μL) 10.3-43.6; H:L 0.5-7.3; PPT (g/dL) 2.9-5.1. Os parâmetros para Tyto furcata foram apresentados com valores de estatística descritiva. Para as outras espécies de Strigiformes amostradas, os valores individuais foram incluidos. Este estudo forneceu uma ampla base de dados de valores hematológicos e de proteínas plasmáticas totais para Megascops spp., A. clamator [...].
Animais , Estrigiformes/sangue , Proteínas Sanguíneas/análiseResumo
Brazil has the highest number of birds of prey in the world, which are important environmental quality indicators. Nevertheless, few studies of the clinical pathology of raptors have been developed in this country. The objectives of this study were to create a database of owl hematology in Brazil and to compare the values between sex in Asio clamator, Megascops spp. and Tyto furcata. Blood samples were collected from 81 captive owls of 10 species located in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo states, Brazil. Hemogram and Total Plasma Protein (TPP) values were determined. Reference intervals (RIs) and descriptive statistic values were established using an Excel program with Reference Value Advisor. The reference intervals were the following: A. clamator: RBC (×106/μL) 1.0-2.5; PCV (%) 30.2-50.1; Hb (g dL-¹) 6.7-15.3; MCV (fL) 123.8-355.2; MCHC (%) 17.1-38.6; WBC (× 10³/μL) 1.2-23.6; Heterophils (× 10³/μL) 0.6-16.6; Lymphocytes (× 10³/μL) 0.6-10.2; Eosinophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-1.9; Basophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-1.0; Thrombocytes (× 10³/μL) 10.8-56.6; H/L 0.0-10.8. Megascops spp.: RBC (× 106/μL) 0.8-2.3; PCV (%) 29.7-44.6; Hb (g dL-¹) 6.4-12.4; MCV (fL) 131.6-374.4; MCHC (%) 12.1-34; WBC (× 10³/μL) 0.7-23.1; Heterophils (× 10³/μL) 1.1-10.3; Lymphocytes (× 10³/μL) 0.0-11.5; Eosinophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-2.2; Basophils (× 10³/μL) 0.0-0.7; Thrombocytes (× 10³/μL) 10.3-43.6; H/L 0.5-7.3; TPP (g dL-¹) 2.9-5.1. The parameters for Tyto furcata were presented with descriptive statistics values. Individual data were provided for the others Strigiformes species sampled. This study provides a wide database of hematological and TPP references for Megascops spp., A. clamator and T. furcata and hematological values for Athene cunicularia, Bubo virginianus, Pulsatrix perspicillata, Asio stygius, Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana, Strix virgata and Asio flammeus in Brazil.(AU)
O Brasil tem o maior número de aves de rapina do mundo, e estas aves são, como topo de cadeia alimentar, importantes indicadores de qualidade ambiental. No entanto, poucos estudos sobre a patologia clínica de rapinantes foram desenvolvidos no Brasil. Os objetivos deste estudo foram criar uma base de dados para hematologia de corujas no país e comparar os valores entre sexos em Asio clamator, Megascops spp. e Tyto furcata. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 81 corujas em cativeiro, de 10 espécies diferentes, localizadas nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná e São Paulo, Brasil. Foi determinado o hemograma e as proteínas plasmáticas totais (PPT). Os intervalos de referência (IR) e os valores de estatística descritiva foram estabelecidos através da utilização do Excel com o suplemento do Reference Value Advisor. Os IR foram os seguintes: A. clamator: Eritócitos (x106 76 /μL) 1.0-2.5;Ht (%) 30.2-50.1; Hb (g/dL) 6.7-15.3; VCM (fL) 123.8-355.2; CHCM (%) 17.1-38.6; Leucócitos (x10³/μL) 1.2-23.6; Heterófilos (x10³/μL) 0.6-16.6; Linfócitos (x10³/μL) 0.6-10.2; Eosinófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-1.9; Basófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-1.0; Trombócitos (x10³/μL) 0.0-81.65; H:L 0.0-10.8. Megascops spp.: Eritócitos (x106/μL) 0.8-2.3; Ht (%) 29.7-44.6; Hb (g/dL) 6.4-12.4; VCM (fL) 131.6-374.4; CHCM (%)12.1-34; Leucócitos (x10³/μL) 0.7-23.1; Heterófilos (x10³/μL) 1.1-10.3; Linfócitos (x10³/μL) 0.0-11.5; Eosinófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-2.2; Basófilos (x10³/μL) 0.0-0.7; Trombócitos (x10³/μL) 10.3-43.6; H:L 0.5-7.3; PPT (g/dL) 2.9-5.1. Os parâmetros para Tyto furcata foram apresentados com valores de estatística descritiva. Para as outras espécies de Strigiformes amostradas, os valores individuais foram incluidos. Este estudo forneceu uma ampla base de dados de valores hematológicos e de proteínas plasmáticas totais para Megascops spp., A. clamator [...].(AU)
Animais , Estrigiformes/sangue , Proteínas Sanguíneas/análiseResumo
The White-collared Kite (Leptodon forbesi) is an endemic and threatened raptor of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Here we present the known records of the species, describe the vegetation types where it was found and show Ecological Niche Models generated using Maxent algorithm. Most of the presence data were recorded in open ombrophilous forest and seasonal semideciduous forest in the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco. Maxent model had a good performance (AUC = 0.982 ± 0.004 SD), showing higher suitability for the species from Paraíba to Alagoas states. Maxent average model revealed a distribution range of 20,344 km² and an area of occupancy of 1,636.89 km². The most suitable areas for the species are those near watercourses and streams. We suggest the creation of protected areas, including private ones, and possible restoration actions to connect the most suitable forest fragments, along with the captive breeding, as the most appropriate strategies for the conservation of the White-collared Kite.
Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Demografia , Distribuição Animal , Falcões , Brasil , Espécies em Perigo de ExtinçãoResumo
The White-collared Kite (Leptodon forbesi) is an endemic and threatened raptor of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Here we present the known records of the species, describe the vegetation types where it was found and show Ecological Niche Models generated using Maxent algorithm. Most of the presence data were recorded in open ombrophilous forest and seasonal semideciduous forest in the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco. Maxent model had a good performance (AUC = 0.982 ± 0.004 SD), showing higher suitability for the species from Paraíba to Alagoas states. Maxent average model revealed a distribution range of 20,344 km² and an area of occupancy of 1,636.89 km². The most suitable areas for the species are those near watercourses and streams. We suggest the creation of protected areas, including private ones, and possible restoration actions to connect the most suitable forest fragments, along with the captive breeding, as the most appropriate strategies for the conservation of the White-collared Kite.(AU)
Animais , Falcões , Distribuição Animal , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Demografia , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , BrasilResumo
Portugal has some rehabilitation centers for wild animals, which are responsible for the rehabilitation and reintroduction of birds, among other animals, into the wild. Coccidian parasites of these wild birds in rehabilitation centers are especially important because these centers can introduce coccidian species into new environments through the reintroduction of their respective hosts. In this context, the current study aimed to identify intestinal coccidia from wild birds at two rehabilitation centers for wild animals located in two municipalities of Portugal. Eighty-nine wild birds of 9 orders and 11 families were sampled, of which 22 (25%) were positive for Coccidia. Avispora spp. were found in raptors. Sporocysts of Sarcocystinae subfamily were recovered from owls. An Isospora sp. was found in Turdus merula Linnaeus, 1758, and an Eimeria sp. was found in Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758. Among the coccidian species, Avispora bubonis (Cawthorn, Stockdale, 1981) can be highlighted. The finding of this species indicates that transmission of coccidians from the New World to the Old World may be occurring, potentially through dispersion by Bubo scandiacus (Linnaeus, 1758) through Arctic regions or by means of anthropic activities, and/or through other unknown mechanisms.(AU)
Portugal possui alguns centros de reabilitação de animais silvestres, responsáveis pela reabilitação e reintrodução de aves, entre outros animais, na natureza. Os coccídios parasitas dessas aves silvestres em centros de reabilitação são especialmente importantes porque esses centros podem introduzir espécies de coccídios em novos ambientes através da reintrodução de seus respectivos hospedeiros. Neste contexto, o presente estudo visou identificar coccídios intestinais de aves silvestres em dois centros de reabilitação de animais silvestres localizados em dois municípios de Portugal. Oitenta e nove aves silvestres de 9 ordens e 11 famílias foram amostradas, das quais 22 (25%) foram positivas para coccídios. Avispora spp. foram encontradas em aves de rapina. Esporocistos de coccídios da subfamilia Sarcocystinae foram encontrados em corujas. Uma Isospora sp. foi encontrada em Turdus merula Linnaeus, 1758 e uma Eimeria sp. foi encontrada em Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758. Entre as espécies de coccídios, Avispora bubonis (Cawthorn, Stockdale, 1981) pode ser destacada. O encontro dessa espécie indica que a transmissão de coccídios do Novo Mundo para o Velho Mundo pode estar ocorrendo, potencialmente através da dispersão por Bubo scandiacus (Linnaeus, 1758) pelas regiões árticas ou por meio de atividades antrópicas, e/ou através de outros mecanismos desconhecidos.(AU)
Animais , Aves Predatórias/parasitologia , Coccídios/parasitologia , Coccídios/patogenicidade , Centros de ReabilitaçãoResumo
Information about parasites associated with diurnal raptors from Chile is scarce. Between 2006 and 2017, a total of 15 specimens of the Variable hawk, Geranoaetus polyosoma (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) were collected, 14 of them from different localities in the Biobío region and one specimen from the Valparaíso region. An external examination of the plumage was made to collect ectoparasites, and necropsies were performed, focusing primarily on the gastrointestinal tract. Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) were found on five (33.3%) of the birds corresponding to three species: 97 specimens of Degeeriella fulva (Giebel, 1874), six specimens of Colpocephalum turbinatum Denny, 1842 and nine belonging to an unidentified species of the genus Craspedorrhynchus Kéler, 1938. Endoparasites found in three (20%) of the birds included round worms (Nematoda) of the genus Procyrnea Chabaud, 1958, and spiny-headed worms (Acanthocephala) of the genus Centrorhynchus Lühe, 1911. The species Colpocephalum turbinatum and the genera: Craspedorrhynchus sp., Procyrnea sp. and Centrorhynchus sp. are new records for the Variable hawk.(AU)
No Chile, informações sobre parasitas associados a aves de rapina diurnas são escassas. Entre os anos 2006 e 2017, um total de 15 espécimes do Falcão Variável Geranoaetus polyosoma (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) mortos, foram examinados, 14 deles provenientes de diferentes localidades da região do Biobío e um espécime na região de Valparaíso. Um exame externo da plumagem foi feito para coletar os ectoparasitas e necropsias do tracto gastrointestinal para coleta de endoparasitas. Cinco aves (33,3%) foram positivas para três espécies de piolhos (Phthiraptera): 97 espécimes de Degeeriella fulva (Giebel, 1874), seis espécimes de Colpocephalum turbinatum Denny, 1842 e nove espécimes não identificados do gênero Craspedorrhynchus Keler, 1938. Endoparasitas foram encontrados em três aves (20%), incluindo vermes redondos (Nematoda) do gênero Procyrnea Chabaud, 1958, e vermes achatados (Acanthocephala) do gênero Centrorhynchus Lühe, 1911. As espécies Colpocephalum turbinatum e os dos gêneros Craspedorrhynchus, Centrorhynchus e Procyrnea corresponderam a novos registros para o Falcão Variável.(AU)
Animais , Falcões/parasitologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/parasitologia , Acantocéfalos/parasitologiaResumo
A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at "Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico" of "Faculdade de Veterinária" of "Universidade Federal de Pelotas" (LRD-UFPel) from December 2014 to August 2017. Seven necropsy reports were reviewed. All raptors including Falconiformes and Strigiformes orders were from periurban zones. Four birds were adults, and there was no apparent sex predisposition. Clinical signs included dysphagia, regurgitation, and anorexia. Gross lesions were characterized by multifocal yellow to coalescent caseous nodules adhered to the oral cavity, which extended to the entrance of the esophagus. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by severe focally extensive heterophilic granulomatous stomatitis. Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in modified Diamond medium of all samples collected from birds. It is believed the transmission occurred by the predation of domestic pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) contaminated with T. gallinae that agglomerate in patios of grain processing complexes.(AU)
Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de casos de tricomoníase oral em rapinantes recebidos no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel) no período de dezembro de 2014 a agosto de 2017. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia encontrando-se sete casos. Os animais eram todos de zonas periurbanas e foram afetadas a ordem Falconiformes e a ordem Strigiformes. Das aves afetadas 4/7 eram adultas e não houve aparente predisposição por sexo. Os sinais clínicos incluíram disfagia, regurgitação e anorexia. As lesões se caracterizaram por nódulos amarelados multifocais a coalescentes aderidos a cavidade oral, que se estendiam até a entrada do esôfago. Histologicamente as lesões caracterizaram-se por estomatite heterofílica granulomatosa focalmente extensiva acentuada. Foi isolado em meio Diamond modificado Trichomonas gallinae de todas as amostras coletadas das aves. Acredita-se que a fonte de transmissão tenha ocorrido a partir da predação por estes rapinantes de pombas domésticas (Columbia livia domestica) portadoras com T. gallinae que se aglomeram em pátios de complexos de beneficiamento de grãos.(AU)
Animais , Tricomoníase/patologia , Tricomoníase/veterinária , Tricomoníase/epidemiologia , Aves Predatórias/parasitologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Boca/lesõesResumo
A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at "Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico" of "Faculdade de Veterinária" of "Universidade Federal de Pelotas" (LRD-UFPel) from December 2014 to August 2017. Seven necropsy reports were reviewed. All raptors including Falconiformes and Strigiformes orders were from periurban zones. Four birds were adults, and there was no apparent sex predisposition. Clinical signs included dysphagia, regurgitation, and anorexia. Gross lesions were characterized by multifocal yellow to coalescent caseous nodules adhered to the oral cavity, which extended to the entrance of the esophagus. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by severe focally extensive heterophilic granulomatous stomatitis. Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in modified Diamond medium of all samples collected from birds. It is believed the transmission occurred by the predation of domestic pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) contaminated with T. gallinae that agglomerate in patios of grain processing complexes.(AU)
Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de casos de tricomoníase oral em rapinantes recebidos no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel) no período de dezembro de 2014 a agosto de 2017. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia encontrando-se sete casos. Os animais eram todos de zonas periurbanas e foram afetadas a ordem Falconiformes e a ordem Strigiformes. Das aves afetadas 4/7 eram adultas e não houve aparente predisposição por sexo. Os sinais clínicos incluíram disfagia, regurgitação e anorexia. As lesões se caracterizaram por nódulos amarelados multifocais a coalescentes aderidos a cavidade oral, que se estendiam até a entrada do esôfago. Histologicamente as lesões caracterizaram-se por estomatite heterofílica granulomatosa focalmente extensiva acentuada. Foi isolado em meio Diamond modificado Trichomonas gallinae de todas as amostras coletadas das aves. Acredita-se que a fonte de transmissão tenha ocorrido a partir da predação por estes rapinantes de pombas domésticas (Columbia livia domestica) portadoras com T. gallinae que se aglomeram em pátios de complexos de beneficiamento de grãos.(AU)
Animais , Tricomoníase/patologia , Tricomoníase/veterinária , Tricomoníase/epidemiologia , Aves Predatórias/parasitologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Boca/lesõesResumo
ABSTRACT: A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico of Faculdade de Veterinária of Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel) from December 2014 to August 2017. Seven necropsy reports were reviewed. All raptors including Falconiformes and Strigiformes orders were from periurban zones. Four birds were adults, and there was no apparent sex predisposition. Clinical signs included dysphagia, regurgitation, and anorexia. Gross lesions were characterized by multifocal yellow to coalescent caseous nodules adhered to the oral cavity, which extended to the entrance of the esophagus. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by severe focally extensive heterophilic granulomatous stomatitis. Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in modified Diamond medium of all samples collected from birds. It is believed the transmission occurred by the predation of domestic pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) contaminated with T. gallinae that agglomerate in patios of grain processing complexes.
RESUMO: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de casos de tricomoníase oral em rapinantes recebidos no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel) no período de dezembro de 2014 a agosto de 2017. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia encontrando-se sete casos. Os animais eram todos de zonas periurbanas e foram afetadas a ordem Falconiformes e a ordem Strigiformes. Das aves afetadas 4/7 eram adultas e não houve aparente predisposição por sexo. Os sinais clínicos incluíram disfagia, regurgitação e anorexia. As lesões se caracterizaram por nódulos amarelados multifocais a coalescentes aderidos a cavidade oral, que se estendiam até a entrada do esôfago. Histologicamente as lesões caracterizaram-se por estomatite heterofílica granulomatosa focalmente extensiva acentuada. Foi isolado em meio Diamond modificado Trichomonas gallinae de todas as amostras coletadas das aves. Acredita-se que a fonte de transmissão tenha ocorrido a partir da predação por estes rapinantes de pombas domésticas (Columbia livia domestica) portadoras com T. gallinae que se aglomeram em pátios de complexos de beneficiamento de grãos.
Objetivou-se com este estudo pesquisar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em carcarás (Caracara plancus) capturados no Aeroporto Internacional do Recife/Guararapes Gilberto Freyre, Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram analisadas 115 amostras de soros sanguíneos pelo teste de aglutinação modificada (IgG, MAT≥25) utilizando taquizoítos inativados em formalina. Do total de amostras analisadas, 5,21% (6/115) foram positivas para presença de anticorpos anti-T. gondii, 16,67% com título 1:25 (1/06) e 83,33% (5/06) com título 1:50. A ocorrência de anticorpos em carcarás procedentes de região aeroportuária fomenta a preocupação em relação a aspectos ainda pouco elucidados, relacionados principalmente à inserção de aves silvestres na cadeia epidemiológica da toxoplasmose conectada à ação antrópica, tornando próxima a interação entre animais silvestres, domésticos e o homem. Dessa forma, é notória a necessidade de estudos relacionados à dinâmica de transmissão entre os diferentes genótipos existentes nessa tríade e sua relação com o meio ambiente, a fim de determinar a influência dessa espécie animal na cadeia epidemiológica da toxoplasmose.(AU)
The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in carcarás (Caracara plancus) captured in the Recife/Guararapes Gilberto Freyre International Airport, in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. 115 samples of blood sera were tested by the Modified Agglutination Test technique (IgG, MAT > 25) using tachyzoites inactivated in formalin. Of the total of the analyzed samples, 5,21% (6/115) were positive for the presence of antibodies against T. gondii, 16,67% with a titer of 1:25 (1/06) and 83,33% (5/06) with a titration of 1:50. The occurrence of antibodies in caracaras coming from airport region generate concern about aspects still poorly understood, mainly related to the inclusion of wild birds in the epidemiological chain of toxoplasmosis connected to human action, making close interaction between wild animals, domestic and man. Thus, the need for studies related to the dynamics of transmission between the different existing genotypes in this triad is evident as is its relationship with the environment to determine the influence of this animal species in the epidemiological chain of toxoplasmosis.(AU)
Animais , Falconiformes/imunologia , Aves Predatórias/imunologia , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Toxoplasmose AnimalResumo
Objetivou-se com este estudo pesquisar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em carcarás (Caracara plancus) capturados no Aeroporto Internacional do Recife/Guararapes Gilberto Freyre, Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram analisadas 115 amostras de soros sanguíneos pelo teste de aglutinação modificada (IgG, MAT≥25) utilizando taquizoítos inativados em formalina. Do total de amostras analisadas, 5,21% (6/115) foram positivas para presença de anticorpos anti-T. gondii, 16,67% com título 1:25 (1/06) e 83,33% (5/06) com título 1:50. A ocorrência de anticorpos em carcarás procedentes de região aeroportuária fomenta a preocupação em relação a aspectos ainda pouco elucidados, relacionados principalmente à inserção de aves silvestres na cadeia epidemiológica da toxoplasmose conectada à ação antrópica, tornando próxima a interação entre animais silvestres, domésticos e o homem. Dessa forma, é notória a necessidade de estudos relacionados à dinâmica de transmissão entre os diferentes genótipos existentes nessa tríade e sua relação com o meio ambiente, a fim de determinar a influência dessa espécie animal na cadeia epidemiológica da toxoplasmose.(AU)
The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in carcarás (Caracara plancus) captured in the Recife/Guararapes Gilberto Freyre International Airport, in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. 115 samples of blood sera were tested by the Modified Agglutination Test technique (IgG, MAT > 25) using tachyzoites inactivated in formalin. Of the total of the analyzed samples, 5,21% (6/115) were positive for the presence of antibodies against T. gondii, 16,67% with a titer of 1:25 (1/06) and 83,33% (5/06) with a titration of 1:50. The occurrence of antibodies in caracaras coming from airport region generate concern about aspects still poorly understood, mainly related to the inclusion of wild birds in the epidemiological chain of toxoplasmosis connected to human action, making close interaction between wild animals, domestic and man. Thus, the need for studies related to the dynamics of transmission between the different existing genotypes in this triad is evident as is its relationship with the environment to determine the influence of this animal species in the epidemiological chain of toxoplasmosis.(AU)
Animais , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Falconiformes/imunologia , Aves Predatórias/imunologia , Toxoplasmose AnimalResumo
Background: With the continuously increasing release of heavy metals in the environment, mostly from anthropogenic sources, there is a need to find ways of evaluating and managing the issuance of these contaminants and correct its damages. The birds being at the top of some food chains reflect the presence of metals in the environment, keeping this in perspective, raptors have been successfully used for heavy metals biomonitoring studies in the past. The purpose of this study was to identify and quantify cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr) in the feathers and livers of free-living southern caracaras, live and dead, from Recife, Pernambuco state, Northeast of Brazil. Material, Methods & Results: Sixty-two feathers from live and dead southern caracaras and 21 livers from dead southern caracaras were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry for Hg and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for Cd, Cr, Pb, and Cu. Concentrations of Cr and Cu elements were detected in all feather and liver samples analyzed from live and dead caracaras. There was no difference in the concentration of metals between feathers of dead and live caracaras: Pb (P = 0.3576), Cd (P = 0.0792), Cr (P = 0.5475), and Cu (P = 0.3603), but significant variation was observed for Hg (P = 0.0459). The highest concentrations of Pb (P < 0.0001) and Cr (P < 0.0001) were found in the feathers than in the liver. On the other hand, the highest concentrations of Cu were found in liver samples (P = 0.0011). No significant variation in the concentrations of Cd (P = 0.7770) and Hg (P = 0.3669) was found between feathers and liver samples. Discussion: Chromium, as well as Hg, and Cu have a high affinity for keratin, which may explain the higher concentrations of Cr in caracaras feathers in this research. Lead was detected in all liver samples analyzed. Elevated levels were also found in the feathers of dead (95.2%) and live (75.6%) caracaras.[...]
Animais , Falconiformes , Fígado , Indicadores Ambientais , Intoxicação/veterinária , Metais Pesados/análise , Plumas , Chumbo , Cobre , Cromo , Cádmio , MercúrioResumo
Background: With the continuously increasing release of heavy metals in the environment, mostly from anthropogenic sources, there is a need to find ways of evaluating and managing the issuance of these contaminants and correct its damages. The birds being at the top of some food chains reflect the presence of metals in the environment, keeping this in perspective, raptors have been successfully used for heavy metals biomonitoring studies in the past. The purpose of this study was to identify and quantify cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr) in the feathers and livers of free-living southern caracaras, live and dead, from Recife, Pernambuco state, Northeast of Brazil.Material, Methods & Results: Sixty-two feathers from live and dead southern caracaras and 21 livers from dead southern caracaras were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry for Hg and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for Cd, Cr, Pb, and Cu. Concentrations of Cr and Cu elements were detected in all feather and liver samples analyzed from live and dead caracaras. There was no difference in the concentration of metals between feathers of dead and live caracaras: Pb (P = 0.3576), Cd (P = 0.0792), Cr (P = 0.5475), and Cu (P = 0.3603), but significant variation was observed for Hg (P = 0.0459). The highest concentrations of Pb (P 0.0001) and Cr (P &l
Background: With the continuously increasing release of heavy metals in the environment, mostly from anthropogenic sources, there is a need to find ways of evaluating and managing the issuance of these contaminants and correct its damages. The birds being at the top of some food chains reflect the presence of metals in the environment, keeping this in perspective, raptors have been successfully used for heavy metals biomonitoring studies in the past. The purpose of this study was to identify and quantify cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr) in the feathers and livers of free-living southern caracaras, live and dead, from Recife, Pernambuco state, Northeast of Brazil. Material, Methods & Results: Sixty-two feathers from live and dead southern caracaras and 21 livers from dead southern caracaras were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry for Hg and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for Cd, Cr, Pb, and Cu. Concentrations of Cr and Cu elements were detected in all feather and liver samples analyzed from live and dead caracaras. There was no difference in the concentration of metals between feathers of dead and live caracaras: Pb (P = 0.3576), Cd (P = 0.0792), Cr (P = 0.5475), and Cu (P = 0.3603), but significant variation was observed for Hg (P = 0.0459). The highest concentrations of Pb (P < 0.0001) and Cr (P < 0.0001) were found in the feathers than in the liver. On the other hand, the highest concentrations of Cu were found in liver samples (P = 0.0011). No significant variation in the concentrations of Cd (P = 0.7770) and Hg (P = 0.3669) was found between feathers and liver samples. Discussion: Chromium, as well as Hg, and Cu have a high affinity for keratin, which may explain the higher concentrations of Cr in caracaras feathers in this research. Lead was detected in all liver samples analyzed. Elevated levels were also found in the feathers of dead (95.2%) and live (75.6%) caracaras.[...](AU)
Animais , Falconiformes , Metais Pesados/análise , Plumas , Fígado , Indicadores Ambientais , Intoxicação/veterinária , Cádmio , Mercúrio , Chumbo , Cobre , CromoResumo
The little owl Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) is a small raptor that is widely distributed from northern to southern Portugal and several other countries in Europe, Asia and North Africa, and which has been introduced into New Zealand. In the current study, 18 fecal samples were collected from little owls kept at the Lisbon Center for Wild Animal Recovery, which is located in Monsanto Forest Park, Lisbon, Portugal. Twelve (67%) of them were found to be passing an undescribed species of Avispora in their feces. The oocysts of Avispora mochogalegoi n. sp. were ellipsoidal with a bilayered wall and measured 38.9 × 32.9 µm, with a shape index of 1.18. No micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar granule was present. The sporocysts were subspherical, measuring 21.1 × 20.1 µm. Stieda, sub-Stieda and para-Stieda bodies were absent. The sporocyst residuum was composed of a compact subspherical mass of granules. This is the fourth species of Avispora reported in Strigiformes.(AU)
O mocho-galego Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) é uma pequena ave de rapina amplamente distribuída de norte a sul de Portugal, em vários países da Europa, Ásia e norte da África, e foi introduzida na Nova Zelândia. No presente trabalho, 18 amostras de fezes foram coletadas de mochos-galegos mantidos no Centro de Recuperação de Animais Silvestres de Lisboa, localizado no Parque Florestal de Monsanto, Lisboa, Portugal. Doze (67%) deles eliminaram uma espécie não descrita de Avispora em suas fezes. Os oocistos de Avispora mochogalegoi n. sp. foram elipsóides, com parede de dupla camada, medindo 38,9 × 32,9 µm, e índice morfométrico de 1,18. A micrópila, resíduo do oocisto e grânulo polar foram ausentes. Os esporocistos foram subesféricos, medindo 21,1 × 20,1 µm. Corpos de Stieda, substieda e parastieda foram ausentes. O resíduo do esporocisto foi composto de uma massa subesférica compacta de grânulos. Esta é a quarta espécie Avispora relatada em Strigiformes.(AU)
Animais , Aves Predatórias/classificação , OocistosResumo
O Brasil é um dos países que concentra o maior número de espécies de rapinantes do mundo cujo aumento da casuística de atendimento médico veterinário para esse grupo deriva, predominantemente, como consequência de ações antrópicas. Os exames sanguíneos, tem relevante papel na clínica de aves, especialmente no monitoramento da saúde das mesmas, sendo a comparação com dados obtidos de populações saudáveis, de valiosa importância para o diagnóstico/prognóstico clínico. Desta forma os objetivos deste trabalho foram descrever valores hematológicos e bioquímicos para aves de rapina saudáveis recebidas pelos órgãos ambientais em Cuiabá e Várzea Grande/MT. Foram coletadas 71 amostras de 13 diferentes espécies de rapinantes entre novembro de 2018 e novembro de 2019. Os valores hematológicos (n=71) e bioquímicos (n=47) descritivos médios e desvios-padrão foram determinados em seis diferentes espécies utilizando o software Microsoft Excel®, com o suplemento Reference Value Advisor (versão 2.1) e, em outras quatro espécies, os valores apresentados para cada uma desses parâmetros foram somente os observáveis. Das 13 espécies analisadas, valores hematológicos e bioquímicos das espécies Glaucidium brasilianum (3), Herpetotheres cachinnans (1) e Urubutinga urubutinga (1) foram descritas pela primeira vez neste estudo. Os valores dos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos das demais espécies de vida livre estudadas diferem, em sua maioria, daqueles descritos para rapinantes em condição de cativeiro.
Brazil is one of the countries that concentrates the largest number of species of predators in the world whose increase in the number of veterinary medical care for this group derives, predominantly, as a consequence of anthropic actions. Blood tests have an important role in the poultry clinic, especially in monitoring their health, and the comparison with data obtained from healthy populations is of great importance for the diagnosis / clinical prognosis. Thus, the objectives of this work were to describe hematological and biochemical values for healthy birds of prey received by environmental agencies in Cuiabá and Várzea Grande / MT. 71 samples were collected from 13 different species of predators between November 2018 and November 2019. The mean descriptive hematological (n = 71) and biochemical (n = 47) values and standard deviations were determined in six different species using Microsoft software Excel®, with the Reference Value Advisor supplement (version 2.1) and, in four other species, the values presented for each of these parameters were only observable. Of the 13 species analyzed, hematological and biochemical values of the species Glaucidium brasilianum (Strigidae), Herpetotheres cachinnans (Falconidae) and Urubutinga urubutinga (Accipitridae) were described for the first time in this study. The values of hematological and biochemical parameters of the other free-living species studied differ, for the most part, from those described for raptors in captivity.
The common kestrel Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758, is a widespread raptor, native in Europe, Asia and Africa, and vagrant in the Americas. In the current work, 27 fecal samples were collected from common kestrels kept in the Lisbon Center for Wild Animal Recovery, located at Monsanto Forest Park, Lisbon, Portugal. Five (19%) of them were found to be passing an undescribed species of Caryospora in their feces. The oocysts of Caryospora peneireiroi n. sp. were ellipsoidal with a bilayered wall and measured 47.1 × 37.6 µm with a shape index of 1.25. No micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar granule was present. The sporocysts were subspherical, measuring 25.1 × 24.3 µm. Stieda, sub-Stieda and para-Stieda bodies were absent. The sporocyst residuum was composed of many homogenous globules scattered throughout the periphery of the sporocyst. This is the fourth caryosporan species reported from F. tinnunculus.(AU)
O peneireiro Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758, é uma ave de rapina com vasta distribuição geográfica, nativa da Europa, Ásia e África, e errante nas Américas. No presente trabalho, 27 amostras de fezes foram coletadas de peneireiros mantidos no Centro de Recuperação de Animais Silvestres de Lisboa, localizado no Parque Florestal de Monsanto, Lisboa, Portugal. Cinco (19%) deles eliminaram uma espécie não descrita de Caryospora em suas fezes. Os oocistos de Caryospora peneireiroi n. sp. foram elipsoides, com parede de dupla camada, medindo 47,1 × 37,6 µm, e índice morfométrico de 1,25. A micrópila, resíduo do oocisto e grânulo polar não foram evidenciados. Os esporocistos foram subesféricos, medindo 25,1 × 24,3 µm. Corpos de Stieda, substieda e parastieda não se manifestaram. Resíduo do esporocisto foi composto de muitos glóbulos homogêneos espalhados por toda a periferia do esporocisto. Essa é a quarta espécie Caryospora descrita de F. tinnunculus.(AU)
Animais , Falconiformes/parasitologia , Eimeriidae/classificação , Eimeriidae/patogenicidade , OocistosResumo
Abstract In the Brazilian Amazon, two monospecific genera, the Harpy Eagle and Crested Eagle have low densities and are classified by IUCN as Near Threatened due to habitat loss, deforestation, habitat degradation and hunting. In this study, we evaluate occurrence of these large raptors using the environmental surveys database from Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. Integrating the dataset from two methods, we plotted a distribution map along the Xingu River, including records over a 276-km stretch of river. Terrestrial surveys (RAPELD method) were more efficient for detecting large raptors than standardized aquatic surveys, although the latter were complementary in areas without modules. About 53% of the records were obtained during activities of wildlife rescue/flushing, vegetation suppression or in transit. Between 2012 and 2014, four Harpy Eagles were removed from the wild; two shooting victims, one injured by collision with power lines and one hit by a vehicle. Also, seven nests were mapped. The mean distance between Harpy Eagle records was 15 km along the river channel, with a mean of 20 km between nests near the channel, which allowed us to estimate 20 possible pairs using the alluvial forest, riverine forest and forest fragments. Territories of another ten pairs will probably be affected by inundation of the Volta Grande channel, which is far from the main river. The average distance between Crested Eagle records was 16 km along the river channel. The only nest found was 1.3 km away from a Harpy Eagle nest. The remnant forests are under threat of being replaced by cattle pastures, so we recommend that permanently protected riparian vegetation borders (APP) be guaranteed, and that forest fragments within 5 km of the river be conserved to maintain eagle populations.
Resumo Na Amazônia brasileira dois gêneros mono-específicos, Harpia e Morphnus, caracterizam-se por baixa densidade e estão classificados pelo IUCN como Quase Ameaçados, porém ocorrem sobre grande parte do território nacional, suas principais ameaças são a fragmentação florestal, a degradação de hábitat e a caça. Neste estudo avaliamos a abundância destas duas grandes aves de rapina utilizando a base de dados dos programas ambientais da UHE Belo Monte, integrando-se dois métodos para construir um mapa de distribuição ao longo de 245 km do rio Xingu. Os levantamentos terrestres pelo método RAPELD mostraram-se mais eficientes para os registros de grandes águias quando comparado aos esforços padronizados aquáticos, entretanto estes foram complementares na ausência de módulos. Cinquenta e tres por cento foram registros ocasionais durante a supressão da vegetação, afugentamento ou deslocamento. Entre 2012-2014 quatro harpias foram removidas da natureza, dois indivíduos alvo de disparos, uma por colisão com rede elétrica, e outra por atropelamento. Sete ninhos mapeados, a distância média entre os registros de harpia na calha e margens do rio foi de 15 km, 20 km distância média entre ninhos, o que permitiu estimar um total de 20 casais utilizando as florestas aluviais em uma distancia de 270 km, incluindo matas ciliares e os fragmentos fora da margem do rio. Estimamos que territórios de outros 10 casais usando a Volta Grande longe do rio principal também serão afetados pela inundação. A distância média entre os registros de Morphnus foi 16 km ao longo do rio, o único ninho mapeado estava distante 1.3 km do ninho de Harpia. Estes fragmentos florestais estão sendo substituídos por pastagens, ressaltando-se a importância da manutenção das áreas de preservação permanentes (APP) e a proteção destes fragmentos em diversos formatos de áreas de proteção, para diminuir a degradação dos mesmos e garantir a manutenção das populações destes grandes predadores na região do rio Xingu.
In the Brazilian Amazon, two monospecific genera, the Harpy Eagle and Crested Eagle have low densities and are classified by IUCN as Near Threatened due to habitat loss, deforestation, habitat degradation and hunting. In this study, we evaluate occurrence of these large raptors using the environmental surveys database from Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. Integrating the dataset from two methods, we plotted a distribution map along the Xingu River, including records over a 276-km stretch of river. Terrestrial surveys (RAPELD method) were more efficient for detecting large raptors than standardized aquatic surveys, although the latter were complementary in areas without modules. About 53% of the records were obtained during activities of wildlife rescue/flushing, vegetation suppression or in transit. Between 2012 and 2014, four Harpy Eagles were removed from the wild; two shooting victims, one injured by collision with power lines and one hit by a vehicle. Also, seven nests were mapped. The mean distance between Harpy Eagle records was 15 km along the river channel, with a mean of 20 km between nests near the channel, which allowed us to estimate 20 possible pairs using the alluvial forest, riverine forest and forest fragments. Territories of another ten pairs will probably be affected by inundation of the Volta Grande channel, which is far from the main river. The average distance between Crested Eagle records was 16 km along the river channel. The only nest found was 1.3 km away from a Harpy Eagle nest. The remnant forests are under threat of being replaced by cattle pastures, so we recommend that permanently protected riparian vegetation borders (APP) be guaranteed, and that forest fragments within 5 km of the river be conserved to maintain eagle populations.
Na Amazônia brasileira dois gêneros mono-específicos, Harpia e Morphnus, caracterizam-se por baixa densidade e estão classificados pelo IUCN como Quase Ameaçados, porém ocorrem sobre grande parte do território nacional, suas principais ameaças são a fragmentação florestal, a degradação de hábitat e a caça. Neste estudo avaliamos a abundância destas duas grandes aves de rapina utilizando a base de dados dos programas ambientais da UHE Belo Monte, integrando-se dois métodos para construir um mapa de distribuição ao longo de 245 km do rio Xingu. Os levantamentos terrestres pelo método RAPELD mostraram-se mais eficientes para os registros de grandes águias quando comparado aos esforços padronizados aquáticos, entretanto estes foram complementares na ausência de módulos. Cinquenta e tres por cento foram registros ocasionais durante a supressão da vegetação, afugentamento ou deslocamento. Entre 2012-2014 quatro harpias foram removidas da natureza, dois indivíduos alvo de disparos, uma por colisão com rede elétrica, e outra por atropelamento. Sete ninhos mapeados, a distância média entre os registros de harpia na calha e margens do rio foi de 15 km, 20 km distância média entre ninhos, o que permitiu estimar um total de 20 casais utilizando as florestas aluviais em uma distancia de 270 km, incluindo matas ciliares e os fragmentos fora da margem do rio. Estimamos que territórios de outros 10 casais usando a Volta Grande longe do rio principal também serão afetados pela inundação. A distância média entre os registros de Morphnus foi 16 km ao longo do rio, o único ninho mapeado estava distante 1.3 km do ninho de Harpia. Estes fragmentos florestais estão sendo substituídos por pastagens, ressaltando-se a importância da manutenção das áreas de preservação permanentes (APP) e a proteção destes fragmentos em diversos formatos de áreas de proteção, para diminuir a degradação dos mesmos e garantir a manutenção das populações destes grandes predadores na região do rio Xingu.