Background: Gastrointestinal dysfunction in reptiles is a common condition seen in animal medicine, and is often causedby inappropriate husbandry. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a surgical procedure for enterectomy ofthe small intestines, performed as treatment for an intussusception with cloacal protrusion that occurred in a red-earedslider (Trachemys scripta elegans) kept as a pet.Case: A 20-year-old red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) was taken into medical care after the owners observationof a cloacal protrusion that had started 72 h previously. During physical examination the protrusion was noted as an intestinalsegment of approximately 5 cm, which was not reducible. Complementary examinations, including radiography and hematological profiling, were performed and revealed no significant findings; therefore, it was decided that an exploratory celiotomywould be conducted. The patient was referred to the surgical unit for the procedure and underwent surgical anesthesia. Afterappropriate antisepsis of the surgical area, a plastron osteotomy was performed using a previously sterilized oscillatory saw ata 45º angulation. The celomatic membrane was subsequently incised to enable both cavity and intestinal inspection allowingobservation of the intussusception in the small intestine of the animal with the intussuscept segment protruding through thecloaca. The intussusception was undone, and an enterectomy was performed to remove the unviable intestine, using intestinalresection and subsequent anastomosis with simple interrupted sutures using 4-0 nylon, followed by intestinal reposition in thecavity. The celomatic membrane was closed using continuous suture with 4-0 nylon. The plastron fragment was then repositioned with the aid of eight...
Feminino , Animais , Cloaca/cirurgia , Intestino Delgado/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Gastrointestinal dysfunction in reptiles is a common condition seen in animal medicine, and is often causedby inappropriate husbandry. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a surgical procedure for enterectomy ofthe small intestines, performed as treatment for an intussusception with cloacal protrusion that occurred in a red-earedslider (Trachemys scripta elegans) kept as a pet.Case: A 20-year-old red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) was taken into medical care after the owners observationof a cloacal protrusion that had started 72 h previously. During physical examination the protrusion was noted as an intestinalsegment of approximately 5 cm, which was not reducible. Complementary examinations, including radiography and hematological profiling, were performed and revealed no significant findings; therefore, it was decided that an exploratory celiotomywould be conducted. The patient was referred to the surgical unit for the procedure and underwent surgical anesthesia. Afterappropriate antisepsis of the surgical area, a plastron osteotomy was performed using a previously sterilized oscillatory saw ata 45º angulation. The celomatic membrane was subsequently incised to enable both cavity and intestinal inspection allowingobservation of the intussusception in the small intestine of the animal with the intussuscept segment protruding through thecloaca. The intussusception was undone, and an enterectomy was performed to remove the unviable intestine, using intestinalresection and subsequent anastomosis with simple interrupted sutures using 4-0 nylon, followed by intestinal reposition in thecavity. The celomatic membrane was closed using continuous suture with 4-0 nylon. The plastron fragment was then repositioned with the aid of eight...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Cloaca/cirurgia , Intestino Delgado/cirurgia , Laparotomia/veterinária , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a comparação entre dois sítios de coleta sanguínea em 24 exemplares de tigre-d'água-americano (Trachemys scripta elegans) oriundos de um criadouro comercial, localizado no município de Antonina, litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Os animais foram submetidos a contenção física e as venopunções foram realizadas no seio supraocciptal e na veia coccígea dorsal. As amostras heparinizadas foram identificadas e refrigeradas para posterior análise laboratorial. A contagem total de eritrócitos e leucócitos foi realizada pela técnica de hemocitometria. O hematócrito (Ht) e a hemoglobina (Hb) foram determinados pelo método de microhematócrito e cianometahemoglobina, respectivamente. A proteína plasmática total (PPT) foi determinada por refratometria e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi realizada através da técnica de Shilling. Houve diferença significativa no número de leucócitos e no valor da proteína plasmática total, e em ambos os casos os valores encontrados nas amostras provenientes da veia coccígea dorsal foram inferiores. A diferença encontrada no número de leucócitos provavelmente foi devido à contaminação por linfa, que também justifica o menor valor na concentração da proteína plasmática total. Conclui-se que é mais indicada a venopunção no seio supraocciptal quando comparado a veia coccígea dorsal.(AU)
The aim of the present study was to compare two different blood collection sites of 24 red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) from a commercial breeder, situated in Antonina, Paraná, Brasil. The animals were physically restrained and paired blood samples were collected from the dorsal coccygeal vein and the occipital sinus. The samples were collected in syringes containing heparin. After collection the samples were identified and refrigerated to posterior hematological analysis. Red blood cell and white blood count were performed using a hemocytometer. The packed cell volume and hemoglobin were determined by the microhematocrit method and cyanmethemoglobin method, respectively. Total plasma protein was determined by refractometry and differential leukocyte count was performed by the Shilling technique. There was a significant difference in the total white blood cell count and on the total plasma protein value, and on both cases the results found on the samples from the dorsal coccygeal vein were lower. The difference found on the white blood cell count was probably due to the lymph contamination of the samples, which also justifies the lower values of total plasma protein. In conclusion, the occipital sinus is more recommended blood collection site than the dorsal coccygeal vein.(AU)
Animais , Região Sacrococcígea/irrigação sanguínea , Tartarugas/sangue , FlebotomiaResumo
O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a comparação entre dois sítios de coleta sanguínea em 24 exemplares de tigre-d'água-americano (Trachemys scripta elegans) oriundos de um criadouro comercial, localizado no município de Antonina, litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Os animais foram submetidos a contenção física e as venopunções foram realizadas no seio supraocciptal e na veia coccígea dorsal. As amostras heparinizadas foram identificadas e refrigeradas para posterior análise laboratorial. A contagem total de eritrócitos e leucócitos foi realizada pela técnica de hemocitometria. O hematócrito (Ht) e a hemoglobina (Hb) foram determinados pelo método de microhematócrito e cianometahemoglobina, respectivamente. A proteína plasmática total (PPT) foi determinada por refratometria e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi realizada através da técnica de Shilling. Houve diferença significativa no número de leucócitos e no valor da proteína plasmática total, e em ambos os casos os valores encontrados nas amostras provenientes da veia coccígea dorsal foram inferiores. A diferença encontrada no número de leucócitos provavelmente foi devido à contaminação por linfa, que também justifica o menor valor na concentração da proteína plasmática total. Conclui-se que é mais indicada a venopunção no seio supraocciptal quando comparado a veia coccígea dorsal.(AU)
The aim of the present study was to compare two different blood collection sites of 24 red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) from a commercial breeder, situated in Antonina, Paraná, Brasil. The animals were physically restrained and paired blood samples were collected from the dorsal coccygeal vein and the occipital sinus. The samples were collected in syringes containing heparin. After collection the samples were identified and refrigerated to posterior hematological analysis. Red blood cell and white blood count were performed using a hemocytometer. The packed cell volume and hemoglobin were determined by the microhematocrit method and cyanmethemoglobin method, respectively. Total plasma protein was determined by refractometry and differential leukocyte count was performed by the Shilling technique. There was a significant difference in the total white blood cell count and on the total plasma protein value, and on both cases the results found on the samples from the dorsal coccygeal vein were lower. The difference found on the white blood cell count was probably due to the lymph contamination of the samples, which also justifies the lower values of total plasma protein. In conclusion, the occipital sinus is more recommended blood collection site than the dorsal coccygeal vein.(AU)
Animais , Tigres/sangue , Sangue , Veias , Região Sacrococcígea , Testes Hematológicos/métodos , Eritrócitos , Leucócitos , Hematócrito/veterinária , HemoglobinasResumo
A videoendoscopia é um procedimento emergente em medicina veterinária, sendo mais empregadaem países desenvolvidos. Em animais selvagens e exóticos também é pouco utilizada. O presente trabalhoteve por objetivo investigar por endoscopia os aspectos normais da cloaca de cágados de ouvidovermelho. O procedimento utilizado foi minimamente invasivo, sem incisões, realizado apenas comuma sedação. Neste trabalho foi possível localizar as principais estruturas cloacais, progredir facilmentea ótica realizando colonoscopia, cistoscopia, além da visualização do intestino e folículos ovarianosatravés do pleuroperitônio. Em nenhum dos 20 animais examinados, foi observado qualqueralteração compatível com processo patológico. A videoendoscopia se mostrou um procedimento fácilde ser realizado em cágados de ouvido vermelho e importante para observação de várias estruturasinternas mediante a cloacoscopia(AU)
Video-endoscopy is an emerging procedure in veterinary medicine and is more frequently used indeveloped countries. Limited literature is available on the use of video-endoscopy in wild and exoticanimals as this technology is not widely used in these species. The aim of this study was to determineand document the normal cloacal anatomy of red-eared slider using video-endoscopy. Thisminimally invasive procedure was performed using light sedation without any surgical incisions orsuture placement. Visualization of the main cloacal structures was achieved, as well as colonoscopy,cystoscopy, and visualization of intestine and ovarian follicles. None of the twenty patients examinedshowed any abnormalities. Video-endoscopy was easy to perform in red-eared slider and allowedvisualization of several important anatomical landmarks(AU)
Animais , Répteis , Endoscopia/veterinária , CloacaResumo
A videoendoscopia é um procedimento emergente em medicina veterinária, sendo mais empregadaem países desenvolvidos. Em animais selvagens e exóticos também é pouco utilizada. O presente trabalhoteve por objetivo investigar por endoscopia os aspectos normais da cloaca de cágados de ouvidovermelho. O procedimento utilizado foi minimamente invasivo, sem incisões, realizado apenas comuma sedação. Neste trabalho foi possível localizar as principais estruturas cloacais, progredir facilmentea ótica realizando colonoscopia, cistoscopia, além da visualização do intestino e folículos ovarianosatravés do pleuroperitônio. Em nenhum dos 20 animais examinados, foi observado qualqueralteração compatível com processo patológico. A videoendoscopia se mostrou um procedimento fácilde ser realizado em cágados de ouvido vermelho e importante para observação de várias estruturasinternas mediante a cloacoscopia
Video-endoscopy is an emerging procedure in veterinary medicine and is more frequently used indeveloped countries. Limited literature is available on the use of video-endoscopy in wild and exoticanimals as this technology is not widely used in these species. The aim of this study was to determineand document the normal cloacal anatomy of red-eared slider using video-endoscopy. Thisminimally invasive procedure was performed using light sedation without any surgical incisions orsuture placement. Visualization of the main cloacal structures was achieved, as well as colonoscopy,cystoscopy, and visualization of intestine and ovarian follicles. None of the twenty patients examinedshowed any abnormalities. Video-endoscopy was easy to perform in red-eared slider and allowedvisualization of several important anatomical landmarks