Fourteen female dogs diagnosed with pyometra were studied at three separate times: at diagnosis (T0) and 24 h (T1) and 10-15 days (T2) after ovariohysterectomy (OH). The means of the markers, symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) (17.71 to 26.54 µg/dL) and the urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase to creatinine ratio (uGGT/uCr) (1.06 to 2.62 U/mg), varied, showing an increase with time. Further, the elevation of gamma-glutamyl transferase (uGGT) (56.61 to 128.12 U/L) and the urinary protein to creatinine ratio (RPC) (0.26 to 1.24) was evident at T0 and T1. A reduction in the means of RPC, uGGT, and uGGT/uCr was observed 10-15 days after OH. Despite the elevation of these markers, the concentration of creatinine (1.11 to 1.40 mg/dL), urea (40.07 to 67.16 mg/dL), and urinary specific gravity (1.027 to 1.028) only presented slight variation. In canine pyometra, complications secondary to acute renal injury may be present that may be mild and transient in most treated animals. As elevation in SDMA and RPC preceded changes in creatinine levels for the evaluation of glomerular filtration, tubular markers could assist in the early identification of renal damage in canine pyometra.(AU)
Catorze cadelas com diagnóstico de piometra foram estudadas em três tempos distintos, sendo no momento do diagnóstico (T0), 24 horas (T1) e 10 a 15 dias (T2) após a ovário-histerectomia (OH). O objetivo foi avaliar o uso de diferentes biomarcadores renais em cadelas com piometra e estimar suas precocidades diante do agravo. As médias em dimetilarginina simétrica (SDMA) (17,71 a 26,54µg/dL) e relação gama-glutamil transferase e creatinina urinária (uGGT/uCr) (1,06 a 2,62U/mg) variara, apresentando aumento em todos os momentos. Já a elevação do gama-glutamil transferase (uGGT) (56,61 a 128,12 U/L) e da razão proteína e creatinina urinárias (RPC) (0,26 a 1,24) foram evidenciadas nos dois primeiros tempos. Uma redução na média do RPC, uGGT e uGGT/uCr foi observada 10-15 dias após a implantação do tratamento (OH). Apesar da elevação desses marcadores, a concentração de creatinina (1,11 a 1,40mg/dL), ureia (40,07 a 67,16mg/dL) e densidade urinária (1,027 a 1,028) sofreram poucas variações. Em piometra canina, as complicações renais agudas secundárias podem estar presentes, ainda que leve e transitória nos animais tratados. Os marcadores tubulares foram considerados precoces na injúria renal aguda. Além disso, a SDMA e o RPC antecederam as alterações de creatinina em todos os tempos analisados.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães/lesões , Piometra/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Biomarcadores , gama-Glutamiltransferase/químicaResumo
Background: Neosporosis is a cosmopolitan disease known as the main infectious cause of abortion in cattle, reported in several states in Brazil. The transplacental transmission in cattle is responsible for perpetuating the disease in the herd. In the state of Santa Catarina, previous studies on this protozoan in cattle are mostly serological surveys. To increase information about this reproductive disorder, this work describes the diagnosis of abortions due to Neospora caninum in dairy cattle from state of Santa Catarina and the follow-up for 4 years in a farm affected by neosporosis. Cases: From 2015 to 2019, necropsy was performed on 10 aborted bovine fetuses, between fifth and eighth month of pregnancy, with 1 fetus aborted in 2015, 3 in 2016, 2 in 2017 and, 4 in 2019, all originating from the same dairy property in the southern region of state of Santa Catarina. No macroscopic lesions were found. Histopathology revealed mild to moderate multifocal mononuclear necrotizing encephalitis in 5 fetuses, and multifocal mild mononuclear myositis and myocarditis in 4 and 3 fetuses, respectively. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using primers based on the Nc-5 gene was positive for N. caninum in five fetuses. Three visits were performed in the farm for epidemiological evaluation and blood samples collection for IgG antibodies anti-N. caninum (IFAT). The total herd was 170 Jersey, Holstein and crossbred cattle, raised in a semi-confined system with mechanical milking system. Since 2014, there has been a significant increase in abortions cases, approximately 20 cows had abortions; in the year 2015, approximately 10; in 2016, less than 5; in 2017, 4 cows aborted; in 2018, 11 abortions and, in 2019, there were 4 abortions. An increase in the rate of return to estrus was also reported, and both primiparous and multiparous cows had reproductive disorders. Abortions were recorded throughout the year and occurred predominantly between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy. In 2016, an Indirect Immunofluorescence Reaction (IFAT) was performed on sera from 26 cows (13 with a history of reproductive disorders and another 13 without disorders). Of these, 50.0% (13/26) were seropositive, with titers ranging from 100 to 1600 (cutoff ≥100). The Enzyme Immunoassay (ELISA) of the entire herd was carried out in 2017, with 26.54% (43/162) of seropositivity, 8.02% (13/162) suspect, and 30.4% (17/56) had reproductive disorders. It was observed that only animals born on the property were used for replacement, there was less possibility of direct contact between dogs on the property with milking facilities, placental and fetal remains, properly disposing of these, incinerating or burying. Thirty animals were discarded from the property, 25 of which had reproductive disorders. All young female daughters of seropositive cows remained on the property for replacement. During the evaluation period, all dogs were eliminated. Discussion: In this study, the diagnosis of neosporosis was made through epidemiology, histopathological lesions characterized by mononuclear encephalitis, myocarditis and myositis, and detection of the agent by PCR, associated with serological techniques. The lesions observed are indicative of N. caninum infection and are compatible with lesions observed in other studies. Serological screening is important to complement the diagnosis of abortion by N. caninum and to help control the agent in herds. From this report it is concluded that N. caninum is an important agent of reproductive disorders in cattle in the southern region of Santa Catarina, the different serological analyzes showed a good screening index for the inclusion of control strategies. In addition, the monitoring of reproductive rates of affected properties becomes necessary over the years, allowing better observation of control strategies.
Animais , Bovinos , Coccidiose/complicações , Coccidiose/veterinária , Neospora/isolamento & purificação , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Brasil , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterináriaResumo
A piometra é uma doença reprodutiva comum em cães fêmeas intactas e o consiste em infecção uterina, requentemente acometida por bactérias Escherichia coli (E. coli), com formação de secreção purulenta, que pode gerar disfunções glomerulares e/ou tubulares, ou ambas, mesmo após a realização da ovario histerectomia (OVH). A proteinúria é identificada em aproximadamente metade das cadelas. geralmente leve e frequentemente transitória. Entratanto, aproximadamente 8% dos cães com piometra por E. coli desenvolvem insuficiência renal pós histerectomia. Em estudos retrospectivos, foram relatadas injúrias renais em pacientes submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico, em virtude do diagnóstico de piometra como enfermidade primária, porém não há consenso acerca dos níveis de comprometimentos glomerulares. Atualmente, os métodos de diagnóstico utilizados, a concentração de ureia e creatinina séricas, são tardios e as elevações significativas desses bioquímicos só são identificadas quando aproximadamente 75% dos néfrons já estão cometidos. Estudos têm demonstrado que novos marcadores, como a Dimetilarginina simétrica (SDMA) e o Gama Glutamil Transferase urinário (uGGT) podem ser mais precoces na identificação da injúria renal que a creatinina sérica (sCr), o parâmetro rotineiramente utilizado. Assim como, a relação proteina:creatinina urinária (uPC) que são marcadores importantes do dano estrutural dos néfrons. Estudos demonstraram o aumento do SDMA em 25% de redução da filtração glomerular; já o uGGT pode ser identificado na urina em lesões de células tubulares. A uPC, apesar de considerada precoce na identificação danosa, não determina a localização do insulto renal. A antecipação na detecção da lesão renal é essencial para uma rápida adaptação do tratamento, evitando consequências severas e/ou irreversíveis, como a insuficiência renal e, assim, possibilitando o aumento na taxa de sucesso do tratamento.
Pyometra is a common reproductive disease in intact female dogs and consists of uterine infection, frequently affected by Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria, with formation of purulent secretion, which can generate glomerular and/or tubular disfunction, even after performing the ovariohysterectomy (OH). Proteinuria is identified in approximately half of bitches with pyometra, which is generally mild and often transient. However, approximately 8% of the dogs with pyometra by E. coli develop renal failure after ovariohysterectomy. In retrospective studies, kidney injuries were reported in a patient undergoing the surgical procedure, due to the diagnosis of pyometra as a primary disease, but there is no consensus about the level of glomerular involvement. Currently, the diagnostic methods used, the concentration of serum urea and creatinin, are late and significant elevations of these biochemicals are only identified when approximately 75% of the nephros are already affected. Studies have shown that new markers, such as serum symmetric Dimethylarginine (SDMA)and the urinary Gama Glutamyl Transferase (uGGT) range, may be earlier in identifying renal injury than serum creatinine (sCr), the parameter routinely used. As well as the protein:urinary creatinin (uPC) ratio, which are important markers in the structural damage of the nephrons. Studies have shown an increase in SDMA by 25% reduction in glomerular filtration; uGGT can be identified in lesions of tubular cells since it is an enzyme present inside these cells. The UPC, although considered early in the harmful identification, does not determine the location of the renal insult. Anticipating the detection of kidney injury is essential for a quick adaptation of the treatment, avoiding severe and/or irreversible consequences, such as renal failure, nd thus, allowing nd increase in the treatment success rate.
In goat and sheep flocks, mycoplasmosis is a disease that may cause severe economical losses associated with polyarthritis, mastitis, agalactia, conjunctivitis, pneumonia and reproductive failure. The latter may involve repeat breeding, granular vulvovaginitis, infertility and abortions. The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of Mycoplasma agalactiae (Ma) in semen and milk samples from naturally infected goat in the semiarid region from Pernambuco State, Northeast from Brazil. Thirty-nine semen samples and 81 milk samples were submitted to DNA extraction using a commercially available kit and following the manufacturer's instructions. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was then performed in accordance with protocols described in the literature. The results of the present study revealed the presence of Ma in the DNA of 17.9% (7/39) of the semen samples and 3.7% (3/81) of the milk samples. The results obtained in the present study confirm the elimination of the DNA of Ma in the semen and milk samples. The presence of this agent in goat flocks is considered very risky in terms of reproductive disorders and contagious agalactia outbreaks in the Northeast region of Brazil. (AU)
Em caprinos e ovinos as micoplasmoses causam sérias perdas econômicas associadas com poliartrites, mastites, agalaxia, conjuntivite, pneumonias e falhas reprodutivas. Esta última pode envolver repetição de cio, vulvovaginite granular, infertilidade e abortos. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a ocorrência de Mycoplasma agalactiae (Ma) em sêmen e leite de caprinos naturalmente infectados procedentes de regiões semiáridas do Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Foram usadas 39 amostras de sêmen e 81 de leite, as quais foram submetidas à extração do DNA genômico usando um kit comercial, seguindo as instruções do fabricante. A reação da PCR foi realizada de acordo com protocolo previamente descrito na literatura. Os resultados revelaram a presença de DNA de Ma nas amostras de sêmen com uma frequência de 17,9% (7/39) e no leite a frequência encontrada foi de 3,7% (3/81). Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo confirmam a eliminação de DNA de Ma nas amostras de sêmen e leite analisadas. A presença deste agente nos rebanhos caprinos pode ser considerada um risco para doenças reprodutivas e surtos de agalaxia contagiosa na região Nordeste do Brasil. (AU)
Animais , Cabras/fisiologia , Infecções por Mycoplasma/veterinária , Leite/microbiologia , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Mycoplasma agalactiae/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Trinta e cinco vacas de rebanhos leiteiros da região Norte do estado do Paraná, com histórico de abortamento, foram pesquisadas sorologicamente para verificar a presença de anticorpos contra Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii, Leptospira spp., Brucella abortus, BHV-1 e BVDV. Vinte e uma vacas apresentaram títulos sorológicos compatíveis com infecção. Todas elas, soropositivas para N. caninum, foram também soropositivas para outros agentes infecciosos, sugerindo a possibilidade de associação desses agentes nos problemas reprodutivos de bovinos, no estado do Paraná.(AU)