The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linneus 1766) is captured by industrial, artisanal, and recreational fisheries throughout its distribution range. The reproductive biology of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic was studied using 1,102 specimens captured by the Brazilian commercial fleet between March 2014 and December 2015. The recruitment period was identified from records of juveniles in experimental beach seine hauls carried out on sandy beaches in the external sector of Guanabara Bay for four years (2012-2015). Based on the reproductive indices and on the macro- and microscopic analyses of the gonads, spawning peaks were identified in autumn and spring. The size at first maturity was estimated at 35.5, 38.3, and 37.4 cm for females, males, and general, respectively. Ovary analyses and measurements of the oocyte diameters indicated that bluefish are multiple spawners with asynchronous oocyte development. The batch fecundity estimate was 202,752.5 eggs and ranged from 9,800.9 to 426,787.0 eggs. The species reproduces throughout the entire study area, but it is more active in the south of Arraial do Cabo. The young-of-the-year were recorded on shallow water in all seasons, with modal peaks in the summer months. The parameters estimated in this study expand and update information on this species, providing important data for the evaluation and fisheries management of the stock of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic.
Animais , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Fertilidade , Oócitos/fisiologia , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Perciformes/fisiologiaResumo
ABSTRACT The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linneus 1766) is captured by industrial, artisanal, and recreational fisheries throughout its distribution range. The reproductive biology of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic was studied using 1,102 specimens captured by the Brazilian commercial fleet between March 2014 and December 2015. The recruitment period was identified from records of juveniles in experimental beach seine hauls carried out on sandy beaches in the external sector of Guanabara Bay for four years (2012-2015). Based on the reproductive indices and on the macro- and microscopic analyses of the gonads, spawning peaks were identified in autumn and spring. The size at first maturity was estimated at 35.5, 38.3, and 37.4 cm for females, males, and general, respectively. Ovary analyses and measurements of the oocyte diameters indicated that bluefish are multiple spawners with asynchronous oocyte development. The batch fecundity estimate was 202,752.5 eggs and ranged from 9,800.9 to 426,787.0 eggs. The species reproduces throughout the entire study area, but it is more active in the south of Arraial do Cabo. The young-of-the-year were recorded on shallow water in all seasons, with modal peaks in the summer months. The parameters estimated in this study expand and update information on this species, providing important data for the evaluation and fisheries management of the stock of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic.
The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linneus 1766) is captured by industrial, artisanal, and recreational fisheries throughout its distribution range. The reproductive biology of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic was studied using 1,102 specimens captured by the Brazilian commercial fleet between March 2014 and December 2015. The recruitment period was identified from records of juveniles in experimental beach seine hauls carried out on sandy beaches in the external sector of Guanabara Bay for four years (2012-2015). Based on the reproductive indices and on the macro- and microscopic analyses of the gonads, spawning peaks were identified in autumn and spring. The size at first maturity was estimated at 35.5, 38.3, and 37.4 cm for females, males, and general, respectively. Ovary analyses and measurements of the oocyte diameters indicated that bluefish are multiple spawners with asynchronous oocyte development. The batch fecundity estimate was 202,752.5 eggs and ranged from 9,800.9 to 426,787.0 eggs. The species reproduces throughout the entire study area, but it is more active in the south of Arraial do Cabo. The young-of-the-year were recorded on shallow water in all seasons, with modal peaks in the summer months. The parameters estimated in this study expand and update information on this species, providing important data for the evaluation and fisheries management of the stock of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic.(AU)
Animais , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Perciformes/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Oócitos/fisiologia , FertilidadeResumo
The mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) is a valuable fishery resource, overfished along the Brazilian coast. This study aimed to obtain bioecological data on this crab along the coast of the State of Amapá. Six bimonthly samplings were conducted between December 2008 and January 2010. Transects were used to estimate the density (burrows m-2) and population abundance (individuals m-2). All the animals were subjected to biometrics, with females being classified according to their stage of gonadal maturation. The mean density (1.09 burrows m-2) and abundance (0.31 individuals m-2) were influenced by the climate with the highest values in summer (1.17 burrows m-2 and 0.34 individuals m-2). The male to female ratio was 1.38:1 showing significant difference in the proportion of sexes. The individuals showed sexual dimorphism, with linear measurements significantly higher in males. The sampled animals also had larger carapace length and width (CL and CW) compared to crabs studied in other Brazilian states. There was a positive relationship between CW and CL and individual weight (IW) and CW for males (R² = 0.83 and 0.90) and females (R² = 0.79 and 0.84). The growth was negative allometric (CL increases to a lesser extent than CW) for both sexes. The highest frequency of ovigerous females (78%) and in maturation stage IV (38%) occurred in the CW size class between 59.8 and 67.5 mm. The peak of mature females occurred in May and August, showing a reproductive period different from those in other Brazilian states.
O caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus) é um valioso recurso pesqueiro, sobreexplorado ao longo do litoral brasileiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter dados bioecológicos deste caranguejo em toda a costa do Estado do Amapá. Foram realizadas seis coletas de frequência bimensal, compreendidas entre os meses de dezembro de 2008 a janeiro de 2010. Por meio de transectos foram estimadas a densidade (tocas m-2) e a abundância (indivíduos m-2) populacional. Todos os animais foram submetidos à biometria, sendo somente as fêmeas, classificadas quanto ao estágio de maturação gonadal. A densidade (1,09 tocas m-2) e a abundância (0,31 indivíduos m-2) foram influenciadas pelo clima, sendo os maiores valores observados durante o verão (1,17 tocas m-2 e 0,34 indivíduos m-2). A razão sexual foi de 1,38M:1F, mostrando diferença significativa entre a proporção de sexos. Os indivíduos apresentaram dimorfometria sexual, com medidas lineares significativamente superiores nos machos. Os animais coletados também apresentaram maior comprimento e largura de cefalotórax (CC e LC), quando comparados aos caranguejos estudados em outros estados brasileiros. Houve relação tanto entre LC e CC, como entre peso individual (PI) e LC para machos (R² = 0,83 e 0,90) e fêmeas (R² = 0,79 e 0,84). O crescimento foi alométrico negativo (menor crescimento de CC em relação à LC) para ambos os sexos. A maior frequência de fêmeas ovígeras (78%) e no estágio IV de maturação (38%) pertenciam à classe de tamanho de LC 59,8 - 67,5 mm. O maior pico de fêmeas maduras ocorreu nos meses de maio e agosto, mostrando um período reprodutivo diferente de outros estados do Brasil.
The mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) is a valuable fishery resource, overfished along the Brazilian coast. This study aimed to obtain bioecological data on this crab along the coast of the State of Amapá. Six bimonthly samplings were conducted between December 2008 and January 2010. Transects were used to estimate the density (burrows m-2) and population abundance (individuals m-2). All the animals were subjected to biometrics, with females being classified according to their stage of gonadal maturation. The mean density (1.09 burrows m-2) and abundance (0.31 individuals m-2) were influenced by the climate with the highest values in summer (1.17 burrows m-2 and 0.34 individuals m-2). The male to female ratio was 1.38:1 showing significant difference in the proportion of sexes. The individuals showed sexual dimorphism, with linear measurements significantly higher in males. The sampled animals also had larger carapace length and width (CL and CW) compared to crabs studied in other Brazilian states. There was a positive relationship between CW and CL and individual weight (IW) and CW for males (R² = 0.83 and 0.90) and females (R² = 0.79 and 0.84). The growth was negative allometric (CL increases to a lesser extent than CW) for both sexes. The highest frequency of ovigerous females (78%) and in maturation stage IV (38%) occurred in the CW size class between 59.8 and 67.5 mm. The peak of mature females occurred in May and August, showing a reproductive period different from those in other Brazilian states.(AU)
O caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus) é um valioso recurso pesqueiro, sobreexplorado ao longo do litoral brasileiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter dados bioecológicos deste caranguejo em toda a costa do Estado do Amapá. Foram realizadas seis coletas de frequência bimensal, compreendidas entre os meses de dezembro de 2008 a janeiro de 2010. Por meio de transectos foram estimadas a densidade (tocas m-2) e a abundância (indivíduos m-2) populacional. Todos os animais foram submetidos à biometria, sendo somente as fêmeas, classificadas quanto ao estágio de maturação gonadal. A densidade (1,09 tocas m-2) e a abundância (0,31 indivíduos m-2) foram influenciadas pelo clima, sendo os maiores valores observados durante o verão (1,17 tocas m-2 e 0,34 indivíduos m-2). A razão sexual foi de 1,38M:1F, mostrando diferença significativa entre a proporção de sexos. Os indivíduos apresentaram dimorfometria sexual, com medidas lineares significativamente superiores nos machos. Os animais coletados também apresentaram maior comprimento e largura de cefalotórax (CC e LC), quando comparados aos caranguejos estudados em outros estados brasileiros. Houve relação tanto entre LC e CC, como entre peso individual (PI) e LC para machos (R² = 0,83 e 0,90) e fêmeas (R² = 0,79 e 0,84). O crescimento foi alométrico negativo (menor crescimento de CC em relação à LC) para ambos os sexos. A maior frequência de fêmeas ovígeras (78%) e no estágio IV de maturação (38%) pertenciam à classe de tamanho de LC 59,8 - 67,5 mm. O maior pico de fêmeas maduras ocorreu nos meses de maio e agosto, mostrando um período reprodutivo diferente de outros estados do Brasil.(AU)