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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46: 1-5, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457850


Background: Anticonvulsants are widely used in the treatment of small animals for the remission of isolated seizures and recurrent seizures in epilepsy, including tonic-clonic seizures and in status epileticus. Phenobarbital is the drug of choice for the management of epileptic seizures, it is considered very effective, safe, low cost and with few side effects. Several routes of administration may be used, with the oral, intravenous and intramuscular routes being the most common, with rectal and nasal routes being the least common.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty mongrel dogs were used in the present study (aged 1 to 6-year-old, males and females, weighing 6.0 to 17.0 kg). The patients were previously evaluated via physical examination, temperature, respiratory and heart rate, laboratory tests (erythrogram and leukogram), and serum biochemistry by analyzing the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (FA), and gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT). Four experimental groups were established with five animals in each group: animals receiving intramuscular injections of phenobarbital (VIM), animals receiving nasal administration of phenobarbital (VN), animals receiving rectal administration of phenobarbital (VR), and animals receiving oral administration of phenobarbital (VO). Phenobarbital was administered every 12 h for 15 days. To determine the serum level of phenobarbital, 5 mL of jugular vein blood was collected in vacuum tubes for evaluation via hemogram. The serum level was determined after 15 days of continuous administration of phenobarbital, as stable phenobarbital serum levels can only be achieved from 10 to 15 days after the first administration. For the serum biochemistry evaluation, 10 mL of blood from the jugular vein was collected using vacuum syringes for assessing ALT, AST, GGT, and FA levels.[...]

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Adulto , Cães , Fenobarbital/administração & dosagem , Fenobarbital/farmacocinética , Fenobarbital/sangue , Transferases/análise , Hepatopatias/etiologia , Hepatopatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46: 1-5, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19145


Background: Anticonvulsants are widely used in the treatment of small animals for the remission of isolated seizures and recurrent seizures in epilepsy, including tonic-clonic seizures and in status epileticus. Phenobarbital is the drug of choice for the management of epileptic seizures, it is considered very effective, safe, low cost and with few side effects. Several routes of administration may be used, with the oral, intravenous and intramuscular routes being the most common, with rectal and nasal routes being the least common.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty mongrel dogs were used in the present study (aged 1 to 6-year-old, males and females, weighing 6.0 to 17.0 kg). The patients were previously evaluated via physical examination, temperature, respiratory and heart rate, laboratory tests (erythrogram and leukogram), and serum biochemistry by analyzing the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (FA), and gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT). Four experimental groups were established with five animals in each group: animals receiving intramuscular injections of phenobarbital (VIM), animals receiving nasal administration of phenobarbital (VN), animals receiving rectal administration of phenobarbital (VR), and animals receiving oral administration of phenobarbital (VO). Phenobarbital was administered every 12 h for 15 days. To determine the serum level of phenobarbital, 5 mL of jugular vein blood was collected in vacuum tubes for evaluation via hemogram. The serum level was determined after 15 days of continuous administration of phenobarbital, as stable phenobarbital serum levels can only be achieved from 10 to 15 days after the first administration. For the serum biochemistry evaluation, 10 mL of blood from the jugular vein was collected using vacuum syringes for assessing ALT, AST, GGT, and FA levels.[...](AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Cães , Fenobarbital/administração & dosagem , Fenobarbital/sangue , Fenobarbital/farmacocinética , Transferases/análise , Hepatopatias/etiologia , Hepatopatias/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 27(1): 57-64, 1990.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-710645


In order to evaluate the effects of hemoglobinemia on renal function, urinalysis, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine tests were done onthirty two goats submitted to a treatment with hemolysed blood. Blood samples were collected from five animals of the first group in an amount of 5 ml/kg of body weight, submitted to mechanical rupture by freezing and 2 days later, given to the same animal by intravenous route. The second and third groups were each consisted by five goats; 10 ml/kg/BU blood samples were collected from goats of the group II and 15 ml/kg/BW blood samples from group III animals and afterward submitted to the same procedure as done in group I. Animal of the group IV were submitted to intravenous adninistration of 2.5 ml hemolysed blood/kg/BW every other day for 8 days, following a single collection of 10 ml/kg/BU in the first day. Urinalysis revealed glucosuria, hemoglobinuria and isosthenuria, but no alterations were found in the blood urea nitrogen and serun creatinine levels throughout the experiment.

0 presente estudo foi realizado em 32 caprinos, adultos. Sem Raça Definida (SRD), sendo 16 machos e 16 fêmeas, com propósito de constatar a existência de alterações funcionais renais em caprinos submetidos à aplicação intravenosa de hemolisado, através de quantificação dos níveis séricos de uréia e creatinina. Constitui ram-se 4 grupos, cada um composto de 8 animais, dos quais 5 foram submetidos a infusão de hemolísado e 3 permaneceram como controle. Nos animais dos grupos I, II e III retiraram-se volumes sangüíneos respectivamente a 5, 10 e 15 ml/kg de peso corpóreo. Cada animal do grupo hemólise recebeu, por via intravenosa lenta, após ruptura mecânica das hemácias por congelamento, o hemolisado em igual volume ao sangue retirado. Os animais controle receberam, também por via intravenosa lenta, solução salina fisiológica a 0,87% em igual volune ao do sangue retirado. No grupo IV, realizou-se a sangria de 10 ml/kg de peso, e a reposição do hemolisado se fez na dose de 2,5 ml/kg de peso vivo, com intervalos de 48 horas. Os resultados encontrados nas diferentes dosagens adninistradas, permitiram concluir que, ao nível tubular, houve alterações funcionais, demonstradas pelo exame de urina (glicosúria, hemoglobinúria e tendência a isostenúria) e que, ao nível glomerular, não houve alterações de fluxo nem da função que pudessem ser identificadas através da determ

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 27(1): 57-64, 1990.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1470452


In order to evaluate the effects of hemoglobinemia on renal function, urinalysis, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine tests were done onthirty two goats submitted to a treatment with hemolysed blood. Blood samples were collected from five animals of the first group in an amount of 5 ml/kg of body weight, submitted to mechanical rupture by freezing and 2 days later, given to the same animal by intravenous route. The second and third groups were each consisted by five goats; 10 ml/kg/BU blood samples were collected from goats of the group II and 15 ml/kg/BW blood samples from group III animals and afterward submitted to the same procedure as done in group I. Animal of the group IV were submitted to intravenous adninistration of 2.5 ml hemolysed blood/kg/BW every other day for 8 days, following a single collection of 10 ml/kg/BU in the first day. Urinalysis revealed glucosuria, hemoglobinuria and isosthenuria, but no alterations were found in the blood urea nitrogen and serun creatinine levels throughout the experiment.

0 presente estudo foi realizado em 32 caprinos, adultos. Sem Raça Definida (SRD), sendo 16 machos e 16 fêmeas, com propósito de constatar a existência de alterações funcionais renais em caprinos submetidos à aplicação intravenosa de hemolisado, através de quantificação dos níveis séricos de uréia e creatinina. Constitui ram-se 4 grupos, cada um composto de 8 animais, dos quais 5 foram submetidos a infusão de hemolísado e 3 permaneceram como controle. Nos animais dos grupos I, II e III retiraram-se volumes sangüíneos respectivamente a 5, 10 e 15 ml/kg de peso corpóreo. Cada animal do grupo hemólise recebeu, por via intravenosa lenta, após ruptura mecânica das hemácias por congelamento, o hemolisado em igual volume ao sangue retirado. Os animais controle receberam, também por via intravenosa lenta, solução salina fisiológica a 0,87% em igual volune ao do sangue retirado. No grupo IV, realizou-se a sangria de 10 ml/kg de peso, e a reposição do hemolisado se fez na dose de 2,5 ml/kg de peso vivo, com intervalos de 48 horas. Os resultados encontrados nas diferentes dosagens adninistradas, permitiram concluir que, ao nível tubular, houve alterações funcionais, demonstradas pelo exame de urina (glicosúria, hemoglobinúria e tendência a isostenúria) e que, ao nível glomerular, não houve alterações de fluxo nem da função que pudessem ser identificadas através da determ