Snakes display a wide range of skin colors and patterns, acting in ecological, behavioral, and physiological roles. Xanthism has been reported in numerous snake species, including many neotropical taxa. Corallus hortulana is a polychromatic species widely distributed throughout South America. Yellow, patternless individuals, while rare, have been recognized as within the species' polychromatic range. We report the first yellow, patternless specimens of Corallus hortulana collected in Bolivia and discuss whether these individuals fit the criteria of xanthism.(AU)
Las serpientes muestran una amplia gama de colores y patrones de piel, actuando en roles ecológicos, de comportamiento y fisiológicos. Además, se ha informado xantismo en numerosas especies de serpientes, incluidos muchos taxones neotropicales. Corallus hortulana es una especie policromática ampliamente distribuida en América del Sur. Los individuos amarillos sin patrón, aunque raros, se han reconocido dentro del rango policromático de la especie. Reportamos los primeros especímenes amarillos sin patrón de Corallus hortulana recolectados en Bolivia y discutimos si estos individuos cumplen con los criterios de xantismo.(AU)
Boidae/classificação , Boidae/fisiologia , Coloração e Rotulagem/veterinária , BolíviaResumo
The lack of information about anatomy, physiology and reproductive biology in many snake species makes the understanding of these free-living animals' reproduction and reproductive biotechnics application in captivity difficult. The present study aims to evaluate the Epicrates cenchria's testicle morphology and correlate these findings with environmental aspects and reproductive biology. The testicles of five specimens of E. cenchria were histologically evaluated, and it was possible to observe seasonality in sperm production, with the presence of mature spermatozoa in the wettest and warmest periods of the year, as well as the highest testicular volume in these periods. Correlating these findings with that reported in the literature on copulation period presupposes a prenuptial (or associated) pattern in E. cenchria.
A falta de informações sobre anatomia, fisiologia e biologia reprodutiva em muitas espécies de serpentes impossibilita compreender melhor a reprodução desses animais em vida livre e aprimorar as biotécnicas reprodutivas nessas espécies em cativeiro. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a morfologia dos testículos de Epicrates cenchria e correlacionar esses achados com aspectos ambientais e da biologia reprodutiva. Os testículos de cinco espécimes de E. cenchria foram avaliados histologicamente, sendo possível observar sazonalidade na produção espermática, com presença de espermatozoides maduros nos períodos mais chuvosos e quentes do ano, bem como o maior volume testicular nesses períodos. Correlacionando-se esses achados com o relatado em literatura sobre período de cópulas, pressupõe-se um padrão pré-nupcial (ou associado) em E. cenchria.
Animais , Masculino , Espermatogênese , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Boidae/anatomia & histologia , Estação ChuvosaResumo
Snakes have a wide variety of color patterns that can be related to specific ecological and physiological functions. However, genetic mutations can lead to the appearance of anomalous color patterns, which can directly interfere with the fitness of individuals. Leucism is a chromatic anomaly characterized by the almost total absence of epidermal and dermal chromatophores that produce the color. Corallus hortulana is an arboreal snake with nocturnal habits, widely distributed throughout South America, with a wide range of color patterns, known as polychromatism. Here we report the first case of leucism in Corallus hortulana and discuss the potential ecological implications of this anomaly in this species.(AU)
As cobras possuem uma grande variedade de padrões de coloração que podem estar relacionadas a funções ecológicas e fisiológicas específicas. No entanto, mutações genéticas podem levar ao aparecimento de padrões de coloração anômalos que podem interferir diretamente na fitness do indivíduo. O leucismo é uma anomalia cromática caracterizada pela ausência quase total de cromatóforos epidérmicos e dérmicos que produzem a cor. Corallus hortulana é uma serpente arborícola de hábitos noturnos, amplamente distribuída pela América do Sul, com grande variação de padrões de cor, conhecida como policromatismo. Aqui nós relatamos o primeiro caso de leucismo em Corallus hortulana e discutimos as potenciais implicações ecológicas desta anomalia para a espécie.(AU)
Serpentes/anormalidades , Coloração e Rotulagem/veterinária , Cromatóforos , América do SulResumo
Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterium that belongs to the microbiota of snakes, but it may also be anopportunistic pathogen and contaminate humans through fecal contact, bites, and injuries. In snakes, this microorganismmay present high pathogenicity at certain conditions and have been associated with high morbidity and mortality. Reportsof infection of Boa constrictor by this pathogen are rare. Thus, this study aimed to describe the P. aeruginosa oral infection in a snake specimen (Boa constrictor amarali), approaching the isolation and identification of the infectious agentsinvolved, the antimicrobial sensitivity and resistance, and the therapeutic protocol adopted.Case: A free-living adult female specimen of Boa constrictor amarali (Amarals boa), with no described previous history was rescued in an urban area by the Environmental Police. Clinical evaluations showed structures of caseous aspectin the oral cavity, with hyperemia spots in the mucosa. Samples of these lesions were sent for mycological examination,and fungal forms were not found. Samples were collected for isolation and culture. The antimicrobial susceptibility of theisolated microorganisms was determined by the modified Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. P. aeruginosa was isolatedand showed susceptibility to amikacin, gentamicin, and polymyxin-B; intermediate susceptibility to azithromycin, and ciprofloxacin; and resistance to cephalexin, ceftiofur, chloramphenicol, and enrofloxacin. The treatment consisted of cleaningof the oral cavity, local infiltration of lidocaine for debridement of the caseous area that were later cauterized with iodine.Systemic antibiotic therapy was used, with intramuscular administration of amikacin (5 mg/kg) for the first dose and (2.5mg/kg) for the other doses with intervals of 72 h, and oral administration of metronidazole...
Feminino , Animais , Estomatite/veterinária , Infecções por Pseudomonas/veterinária , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolamento & purificação , Serpentes/microbiologia , Amicacina/uso terapêutico , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Metronidazol/uso terapêutico , Resistência a MedicamentosResumo
Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterium that belongs to the microbiota of snakes, but it may also be anopportunistic pathogen and contaminate humans through fecal contact, bites, and injuries. In snakes, this microorganismmay present high pathogenicity at certain conditions and have been associated with high morbidity and mortality. Reportsof infection of Boa constrictor by this pathogen are rare. Thus, this study aimed to describe the P. aeruginosa oral infection in a snake specimen (Boa constrictor amarali), approaching the isolation and identification of the infectious agentsinvolved, the antimicrobial sensitivity and resistance, and the therapeutic protocol adopted.Case: A free-living adult female specimen of Boa constrictor amarali (Amarals boa), with no described previous history was rescued in an urban area by the Environmental Police. Clinical evaluations showed structures of caseous aspectin the oral cavity, with hyperemia spots in the mucosa. Samples of these lesions were sent for mycological examination,and fungal forms were not found. Samples were collected for isolation and culture. The antimicrobial susceptibility of theisolated microorganisms was determined by the modified Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. P. aeruginosa was isolatedand showed susceptibility to amikacin, gentamicin, and polymyxin-B; intermediate susceptibility to azithromycin, and ciprofloxacin; and resistance to cephalexin, ceftiofur, chloramphenicol, and enrofloxacin. The treatment consisted of cleaningof the oral cavity, local infiltration of lidocaine for debridement of the caseous area that were later cauterized with iodine.Systemic antibiotic therapy was used, with intramuscular administration of amikacin (5 mg/kg) for the first dose and (2.5mg/kg) for the other doses with intervals of 72 h, and oral administration of metronidazole...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Serpentes/microbiologia , Infecções por Pseudomonas/veterinária , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolamento & purificação , Estomatite/veterinária , Resistência a Medicamentos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Amicacina/uso terapêutico , Metronidazol/uso terapêuticoResumo
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was the ultrasonographic evaluation of the organs in the middle third and caudal coelomic cavity of healthy snakes in the Boidae family. For such, 15 adult snakes from five species were evaluated: Boa constrictor amarali, Boa constrictor constrictor, Eunectes murinus, Epicrates assisi and Epicrates crassus. The animals were physically restrained for examination. After the application of acoustic gel over the scales the transducer was positioned in the frontal plane of the coelomic cavity. Microconvex and linear transducers at 10MHz were used. The ultrasound examination was conducted in the craniocaudal direction, with longitudinal and transversal sections to assess syntropy, echogenicity and echotexture of the organs. The liver was bilobulated, hyperechoic, homogeneous echotexture, hyperechoic capsule, with a hepatic lobe measuring 1.15±0.64cm wide, and the presence of a central hepatic vein, measuring 0.44±0.21cm in diameter. The gallbladder was characterized as an anechoic structure with echogenic walls and dimensions of 2.91±1.18cm x 1.38±0.84cm (length x width). The stomach showed a pleated and linear texture, echogenic, with hypoechoic walls measuring 0.3±0.07cm wide. The splenopancreas was a circular and echogenic structure, homogeneous echotexture and measuring 1.18±0.62cm in width and 1.56±0.88cm in length. The kidneys were characterized by elongated, lobulated, hypoechoic structures, an echogenic capsule and an echogenic central line, measuring 1.05±0.7cm in width. The testis were characterized by fusiform, hypoechoic structures, homogeneous echotexture, measuring 2.31±0.79cm in length and 0.6±0.23cm in width. Ovarian follicles were seen in different stages, 0.67±0.39cm wide and 0.73±0.38cm long. No differences were found between species of syntropy, echogenicity and echotexture of the organs of the coelomic cavity. The ultrasound examination proved to be a safe, non-invasive and efficient technique for characterizing the organs of the coelomic cavity of snakes.
RESUMO: O objetivo do estudo foi realizar a avaliação ultrassonográfica de órgãos do terço médio e caudal da cavidade celomática de serpentes hígidas da família Boidae. Para isto, foram avaliadas 15 serpentes adultas de cinco espécies: Boa constrictor amarali, Boa constrictor constrictor, Eunectes murinus, Epicrates assisi e Epicrates crassus. Os animais foram contidos fisicamente para a realização do exame. Após aplicação de gel acústico sobre as escamas, o transdutor foi posicionado no plano frontal da cavidade celomática. Foram utilizados transdutores microconvexo e linear em 10MHz. O exame ultrassonográfico foi conduzido no sentido craniocaudal, com cortes longitudinais e transversais para avaliar sintopia, ecogenicidade e ecotextura dos órgãos. O fígado se apresentou bilobulado, hiperecoico, ecotextura homogênea, cápsula hiperecoica, com lobo hepático medindo 1,15±0,64cm de largura, e presença de uma veia central hepática, medindo 0,44±0,21cm de diâmetro. A vesícula biliar foi caracterizada como uma estrutura anecoica de paredes ecogênicas e dimensões de 2,91±1,18cm x 1,38±0,84cm(comprimento x largura). O estômago apresentou-se com o aspecto pregueado e linear, ecogênico, com paredes hipoecoicas medindo 0,3±0,07cm de largura. O esplenopâncreasse apresentou como uma estrutura circular e ecogênica, ecotextura homogênea e medindo de 1,18±0,62cm de largura e 1,56±0,88cm de comprimento. Os rins se caracterizaram por estruturas alongadas, lobuladas, hipoecoicas, cápsula ecogênica e uma linha central ecogênica, medindo 1,05±0,7cm de largura. Os testículos foram caracterizados por estruturas fusiformes, hipoecoicas, ecotextura homogênea, medindo 2,31±0,79cm de comprimento e 0,6±0,23cm de largura. Foram visualizados folículos ovarianos em diferentes estágios, de 0,67±0,39cm de largura e 0,73±0,38cm de comprimento. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre espécies de sintopia, ecogenicidade e ecotextura dos órgãos da cavidade celomática. O exame ultrassonográfico demonstrou-se uma técnica segura, não invasiva e eficiente para caracterização dos órgãos da cavidade celomática de serpentes.
The aim of this study was the ultrasonographic evaluation of the organs in the middle third and caudal coelomic cavity of healthy snakes in the Boidae family. For such, 15 adult snakes from five species were evaluated: Boa constrictor amarali, Boa constrictor constrictor, Eunectes murinus, Epicrates assisi and Epicrates crassus. The animals were physically restrained for examination. After the application of acoustic gel over the scales the transducer was positioned in the frontal plane of the coelomic cavity. Microconvex and linear transducers at 10MHz were used. The ultrasound examination was conducted in the craniocaudal direction, with longitudinal and transversal sections to assess syntropy, echogenicity and echotexture of the organs. The liver was bilobulated, hyperechoic, homogeneous echotexture, hyperechoic capsule, with a hepatic lobe measuring 1.15±0.64cm wide, and the presence of a central hepatic vein, measuring 0.44±0.21cm in diameter. The gallbladder was characterized as an anechoic structure with echogenic walls and dimensions of 2.91±1.18cm x 1.38±0.84cm (length x width). The stomach showed a pleated and linear texture, echogenic, with hypoechoic walls measuring 0.3±0.07cm wide. The splenopancreas was a circular and echogenic structure, homogeneous echotexture and measuring 1.18±0.62cm in width and 1.56±0.88cm in length. The kidneys were characterized by elongated, lobulated, hypoechoic structures, an echogenic capsule and an echogenic central line, measuring 1.05±0.7cm in width. The testis were characterized by fusiform, hypoechoic structures, homogeneous echotexture, measuring 2.31±0.79cm in length and 0.6±0.23cm in width. Ovarian follicles were seen in different stages, 0.67±0.39cm wide and 0.73±0.38cm long. No differences were found between species of syntropy, echogenicity and echotexture of the organs of the coelomic cavity. The ultrasound examination proved to be a safe, non-invasive and efficient technique for characterizing the organs of the coelomic cavity of snakes.(AU)
O objetivo do estudo foi realizar a avaliação ultrassonográfica de órgãos do terço médio e caudal da cavidade celomática de serpentes hígidas da família Boidae. Para isto, foram avaliadas 15 serpentes adultas de cinco espécies: Boa constrictor amarali, Boa constrictor constrictor, Eunectes murinus, Epicrates assisi e Epicrates crassus. Os animais foram contidos fisicamente para a realização do exame. Após aplicação de gel acústico sobre as escamas, o transdutor foi posicionado no plano frontal da cavidade celomática. Foram utilizados transdutores microconvexo e linear em 10MHz. O exame ultrassonográfico foi conduzido no sentido craniocaudal, com cortes longitudinais e transversais para avaliar sintopia, ecogenicidade e ecotextura dos órgãos. O fígado se apresentou bilobulado, hiperecoico, ecotextura homogênea, cápsula hiperecoica, com lobo hepático medindo 1,15±0,64cm de largura, e presença de uma veia central hepática, medindo 0,44±0,21cm de diâmetro. A vesícula biliar foi caracterizada como uma estrutura anecoica de paredes ecogênicas e dimensões de 2,91±1,18cm x 1,38±0,84cm(comprimento x largura). O estômago apresentou-se com o aspecto pregueado e linear, ecogênico, com paredes hipoecoicas medindo 0,3±0,07cm de largura. O esplenopâncreasse apresentou como uma estrutura circular e ecogênica, ecotextura homogênea e medindo de 1,18±0,62cm de largura e 1,56±0,88cm de comprimento. Os rins se caracterizaram por estruturas alongadas, lobuladas, hipoecoicas, cápsula ecogênica e uma linha central ecogênica, medindo 1,05±0,7cm de largura. Os testículos foram caracterizados por estruturas fusiformes, hipoecoicas, ecotextura homogênea, medindo 2,31±0,79cm de comprimento e 0,6±0,23cm de largura. Foram visualizados folículos ovarianos em diferentes estágios, de 0,67±0,39cm de largura e 0,73±0,38cm de comprimento. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre espécies de sintopia, ecogenicidade e ecotextura dos órgãos da cavidade celomática. O exame ultrassonográfico demonstrou-se uma técnica segura, não invasiva e eficiente para caracterização dos órgãos da cavidade celomática de serpentes.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Boidae , Fígado , UltrassonografiaResumo
The aim of this study was the ultrasonographic evaluation of the organs in the middle third and caudal coelomic cavity of healthy snakes in the Boidae family. For such, 15 adult snakes from five species were evaluated: Boa constrictor amarali, Boa constrictor constrictor, Eunectes murinus, Epicrates assisi and Epicrates crassus. The animals were physically restrained for examination. After the application of acoustic gel over the scales the transducer was positioned in the frontal plane of the coelomic cavity. Microconvex and linear transducers at 10MHz were used. The ultrasound examination was conducted in the craniocaudal direction, with longitudinal and transversal sections to assess syntropy, echogenicity and echotexture of the organs. The liver was bilobulated, hyperechoic, homogeneous echotexture, hyperechoic capsule, with a hepatic lobe measuring 1.15±0.64cm wide, and the presence of a central hepatic vein, measuring 0.44±0.21cm in diameter. The gallbladder was characterized as an anechoic structure with echogenic walls and dimensions of 2.91±1.18cm x 1.38±0.84cm (length x width). The stomach showed a pleated and linear texture, echogenic, with hypoechoic walls measuring 0.3±0.07cm wide. The splenopancreas was a circular and echogenic structure, homogeneous echotexture and measuring 1.18±0.62cm in width and 1.56±0.88cm in length. The kidneys were characterized by elongated, lobulated, hypoechoic structures, an echogenic capsule and an echogenic central line, measuring 1.05±0.7cm in width. The testis were characterized by fusiform, hypoechoic structures, homogeneous echotexture, measuring 2.31±0.79cm in length and 0.6±0.23cm in width. Ovarian follicles were seen in different stages, 0.67±0.39cm wide and 0.73±0.38cm long. No differences were found between species of syntropy, echogenicity and echotexture of the organs of the coelomic cavity. The ultrasound examination proved to be a safe, non-invasive and efficient technique for characterizing the organs of the coelomic cavity of snakes.(AU)
O objetivo do estudo foi realizar a avaliação ultrassonográfica de órgãos do terço médio e caudal da cavidade celomática de serpentes hígidas da família Boidae. Para isto, foram avaliadas 15 serpentes adultas de cinco espécies: Boa constrictor amarali, Boa constrictor constrictor, Eunectes murinus, Epicrates assisi e Epicrates crassus. Os animais foram contidos fisicamente para a realização do exame. Após aplicação de gel acústico sobre as escamas, o transdutor foi posicionado no plano frontal da cavidade celomática. Foram utilizados transdutores microconvexo e linear em 10MHz. O exame ultrassonográfico foi conduzido no sentido craniocaudal, com cortes longitudinais e transversais para avaliar sintopia, ecogenicidade e ecotextura dos órgãos. O fígado se apresentou bilobulado, hiperecoico, ecotextura homogênea, cápsula hiperecoica, com lobo hepático medindo 1,15±0,64cm de largura, e presença de uma veia central hepática, medindo 0,44±0,21cm de diâmetro. A vesícula biliar foi caracterizada como uma estrutura anecoica de paredes ecogênicas e dimensões de 2,91±1,18cm x 1,38±0,84cm(comprimento x largura). O estômago apresentou-se com o aspecto pregueado e linear, ecogênico, com paredes hipoecoicas medindo 0,3±0,07cm de largura. O esplenopâncreasse apresentou como uma estrutura circular e ecogênica, ecotextura homogênea e medindo de 1,18±0,62cm de largura e 1,56±0,88cm de comprimento. Os rins se caracterizaram por estruturas alongadas, lobuladas, hipoecoicas, cápsula ecogênica e uma linha central ecogênica, medindo 1,05±0,7cm de largura. Os testículos foram caracterizados por estruturas fusiformes, hipoecoicas, ecotextura homogênea, medindo 2,31±0,79cm de comprimento e 0,6±0,23cm de largura. Foram visualizados folículos ovarianos em diferentes estágios, de 0,67±0,39cm de largura e 0,73±0,38cm de comprimento. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre espécies de sintopia, ecogenicidade e ecotextura dos órgãos da cavidade celomática. O exame ultrassonográfico demonstrou-se uma técnica segura, não invasiva e eficiente para caracterização dos órgãos da cavidade celomática de serpentes.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Boidae , Fígado , UltrassonografiaResumo
Abstract Background: Endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitors from snake blood (sbPLIs) have been isolated from several species around the world, with the primary function of self-protection against the action of toxic phospholipases A2. In American snakes, sbPLIs were solely described in pit vipers, in which the natural protection role is justified. In this study, we described a sbPLI in Boa constrictor (popularly known as jiboia), a non-venomous snake species from America. Methods: PLA2 inhibitory activity was tested in the blood plasma of B. constrictor using C. d. terrificus venom as the enzyme source. Antibodies developed against CNF, a sbγPLI from Crotalus durissus terrificus, were used to investigate the presence of homologues in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. A CNF-like molecule with a PLA2 inhibitory activity was purified by column chromatography. The encoding gene for the inhibitor was cloned from B. constrictor liver tissue. The DNA fragment was cloned, purified and sequenced. The deduced primary sequence of interest was aligned with known sbγPLIs from the literature. Results: The blood plasma of B. constrictor displayed PLA2 inhibitory activity. A CNF-like molecule (named BcNF) was identified and purified from the blood plasma of B. constrictor. Basic properties such as molecular mass, composing amino acids, and pI were comparable, but BcNF displayed reduced specific activity in PLA2 inhibition. BcNF showed highest identity scores (ISs) with sbγPLIs from pit vipers from Latin America (90-100%), followed by gamma inhibitors from Asian viperid (80-90%). ISs below 70% were obtained for BcNF and non-venomous species from Asia. Conclusion: A functional sbγPLI (BcNF) was described in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. BcNF displayed higher primary identity with sbγPLIs from Viperidae than to sbγPLIs from non-venomous species from Asia. The physiological role played by sbγPLIs in non-venomous snake species remains to be understood. Further investigation is needed.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Viperidae , Venenos Elapídicos , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2Resumo
Background:Endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitors from snake blood (sbPLIs) have been isolated from several species around the world, with the primary function of self-protection against the action of toxic phospholipases A2. In American snakes, sbPLIs were solely described in pit vipers, in which the natural protection role is justified. In this study, we described a sbPLI in Boa constrictor (popularly known as jiboia), a non-venomous snake species from America.Methods:PLA2 inhibitory activity was tested in the blood plasma of B. constrictor using C. d. terrificus venom as the enzyme source. Antibodies developed against CNF, a sbγPLI from Crotalus durissus terrificus, were used to investigate the presence of homologues in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. A CNF-like molecule with a PLA2 inhibitory activity was purified by column chromatography. The encoding gene for the inhibitor was cloned from B. constrictor liver tissue. The DNA fragment was cloned, purified and sequenced. The deduced primary sequence of interest was aligned with known sbγPLIs from the literature.Results:The blood plasma of B. constrictor displayed PLA2 inhibitory activity. A CNF-like molecule (named BcNF) was identified and purified from the blood plasma of B. constrictor. Basic properties such as molecular mass, composing amino acids, and pI were comparable, but BcNF displayed reduced specific activity in PLA2 inhibition. BcNF showed highest identity scores (ISs) with sbγPLIs from pit vipers from Latin America (90-100%), followed by gamma inhibitors from Asian viperid (80-90%). ISs below 70% were obtained for BcNF and non-venomous species from Asia.Conclusion:A functional sbγPLI (BcNF) was described in the blood plasma of B. constrictor. BcNF displayed higher primary identity with sbγPLIs from Viperidae than...(AU)
Animais , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2/análise , Boidae , Fosfolipases A2 , Venenos de Crotalídeos/análise , Venenos de Crotalídeos/químicaResumo
A ultrassonografia possibilita avaliações que resultam em informações relevantes para a manutenção das espécies em cativeiro. Desse modo, realizou-se um estudo com 15 exemplares de Boa constrictor, de ambos os sexos, a fim de caracterizar a aparência ultrassonográfica das estruturas reprodutivas, fígado e vesícula biliar desses animais, pela técnica da janela lateral. Além disso, avaliou-se a influência dos fatores intervalo entre alimentações e o tamanho dos indivíduos na caracterização ultrassonográfica das estruturas. Folículos pré-vitelogênicos foram caracterizados por formato arredondado, preenchidos basicamente por conteúdo anecoico e com ecotextura homogênea e grosseira e folículos vitelogênicos apresentaram conteúdo anecogênico e hipoecogênico, ambos com margens finas e regulares. Os testículos foram caracterizados por formato alongado, parênquima com média ecogenicidade, margens regulares e ecotextura homogênea. O fígado apresentou formato alongado, parênquima com ecogenicidade mista (hipoecoico a levemente hiperecoico), margens ecogênicas, ecotextura homogênea e tamanho médio de 27,6 cm. A vesícula biliar apresentou formato arredondado, preenchida por conteúdo anecoico, envolvida por uma margem fina hiperecogênica. Dos fatores avaliados, o intervalo entre alimentações foi o que mais influenciou na caracterização ultrassonográfica das estruturas. O tamanho das serpentes não exerceu nenhuma influência. Foi possível concluir que o ultrassom, por meio da técnica da janela lateral, é eficaz na avaliação dos órgãos estudados.
The ultrasonography enables assessments which result in relevant information for the maintenance of the species in captivity. Thus, we conducted a study with 15 specimens of Boa constrictor of both sexes, in order to characterize the ultrasonographic appearance, of reproductive structures, liver and gall bladder of these animals, through the side window technique. Besides that, we evaluate the influence of the factors fasting interval and size of the individual in the ultrasonographic characterization of structures. Pre-vitellogenic follicles were characterized by rounded shape, filled primarily by anechoic content and homogeneous and coarse echotexture and vitellogenic follicles showed anechogenic and hypoechoic content, both with fine and regular margins. Testes were characterized by elongated shape, parenchymal with echogenicity mean, regular margins and homogeneous echotexture. The liver showed elongated shape, parenchyma with mixed echogenicity (hypoechoic to hyperechoic), echogenic margins, homogeneous echotexture and average size of 27,6 cm. The gallbladder showed rounded shape, filled with anechoic content, surrounded by a thin hyperechoic margin. Of the factors evaluated, fasting interval was the one that interfered the most in the ultrasonographic characterization of the organs. The size of the snakes did not exert any influence. It was concluded that ultrasound, through the side window technique, is effective in the evaluation of the organs studied.
La ecografía permite evaluaciones que resultan en informaciones relevantes para el mantenimiento de las especies en cautiverio. Siendo así, este estudio se realizó con 15 individuos de Boa constrictor, de ambos los géneros, con el objetivo de caracterizar la apariencia ecográfica de los órganos reprodutivos, hígado y vesicula biliar de los animales, por la tecnica de ventana lateral. Además, se evaluó la influencia de los factores como intervalo entre una alimentación y otra y el tamaño de los individuos en la caracterización ecográfica de los órganos. Foliculos vitelogénicos primordiales se caracterizarón por el formato redondeado, rellenos con contenido anecoico y ecotextura homogénea y grosera y foliculos vitelogénicos presentaron contenido anecogénico y hipoecoico, ambos con márgenes refinadas y regulares. Los testículos se caracterizáron por la forma alargada, parénquima ecogénico, margenes regulares y ecotextura homogénea. El hígado se mostró alargado, com ecogenicidad de parénquima mixta (entre hipoecoico a ligeramente hiperecoico), con márgenes ecogénicas, ecotextura homogénea y tamaño promedio de 27,6 cm. La vesicula biliar se mostró con forma redondeada, rellena por contenido anecoico, envolvida por una margen delgada hiperecoica. Entre los factores evaluados, el espacio entre una alimentación y otra se mostró mas influente en la caracterización ecográfica de las estruturas. El tamaño de las serpientes no ejerció ninguna influencia. Así, se concluyó que la ultrasonografía a través de la ventana lateral es eficaz en la evaluación de los órganos analizados.
Animais , Boidae/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/diagnóstico por imagem , Genitália/diagnóstico por imagem , Vesícula Biliar/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
The increasing urbanization of the Amazonian biome has promoted the creation of several forest fragments surrounded by an urban matrix, but the relationship of animal assemblages to the urban environment, especially in forest fragments, is poorly known. Here we aimed to 1) determine the composition of the squamate fauna of the largest urban forest fragment from central Amazonia, in the Brazilian city of Manaus, and 2) evaluate the influence of environmental parameters on assemblage diversity. We sampled 10 standardized riparian plots through visual search in six surveys between 2008/09 and 2015, totaling 360 observer-hours. We found 15 species of lacertoids (lizards and amphisbaenians) and seven species of snakes through active search. After considering occasional encounters and search in museum collections, we recorded a total of 24 lacertoid and 22 snake species. Multiple regression models indicated that species richness and abundance of individuals increased with the distance from the edge of the fragment, while other structural parameters of the environment did not affect the assemblage. We conclude that this forest fragment 1) consists of a subset of the regional species pool, and 2) undergoes reduction of species richness and abundance of individuals from the center to the borders. This and additional urban forest fragments should be continually monitored in order to evaluate their long-term role in maintaining the tropical biodiversity.(AU)
A crescente urbanização do bioma amazônico promoveu a criação de vários fragmentos florestais cercados por uma matriz urbana, mas a relação das assembleias de animais com o ambiente urbano, especialmente nos fragmentos florestais, é pouco conhecida. Aqui, objetivamos 1) determinar a composição da fauna de répteis escamados do maior fragmento de floresta urbano da Amazônia Central, na cidade brasileira de Manaus, e 2) avaliar a influência de parâmetros ambientais sobre a diversidade desta assembleia. Foram amostradas 10 parcelas ripárias padronizadas por meio de busca visual em seis amostragens entre 2008/09 e 2015, totalizando 360 horas-observador. Encontramos 15 espécies de lacertóideos (lagartos e anfisbenas) e sete espécies de serpentes por meio de busca ativa. Após considerar encontros ocasionais e coleções científicas, registramos um total de 24 espécies de lacertóideos e 22 espécies de serpentes. Modelos de regressão múltipla indicaram que a riqueza de espécies e abundância de indivíduos aumentaram com a distância da borda do fragmento, enquanto outras variáveis estruturais do ambiente não afetaram a assembleia. Concluímos que este fragmento florestal 1) consiste em um subamostra do conjunto regional de espécies, e 2) sofre redução da riqueza de espécies e abundância de indivíduos do centro para as bordas. Este e outros fragmentos de floresta urbana deveriam ser monitorados continuamente para avaliar seus papéis a longo prazo na manutenção da biodiversidade tropical.(AU)
Animais , Répteis , EcologiaResumo
A ultrassonografia possibilita avaliações que resultam em informações relevantes para a manutenção das espécies em cativeiro. Desse modo, realizou-se um estudo com 15 exemplares de Boa constrictor, de ambos os sexos, a fim de caracterizar a aparência ultrassonográfica das estruturas reprodutivas, fígado e vesícula biliar desses animais, pela técnica da janela lateral. Além disso, avaliou-se a influência dos fatores intervalo entre alimentações e o tamanho dos indivíduos na caracterização ultrassonográfica das estruturas. Folículos pré-vitelogênicos foram caracterizados por formato arredondado, preenchidos basicamente por conteúdo anecoico e com ecotextura homogênea e grosseira e folículos vitelogênicos apresentaram conteúdo anecogênico e hipoecogênico, ambos com margens finas e regulares. Os testículos foram caracterizados por formato alongado, parênquima com média ecogenicidade, margens regulares e ecotextura homogênea. O fígado apresentou formato alongado, parênquima com ecogenicidade mista (hipoecoico a levemente hiperecoico), margens ecogênicas, ecotextura homogênea e tamanho médio de 27,6 cm. A vesícula biliar apresentou formato arredondado, preenchida por conteúdo anecoico, envolvida por uma margem fina hiperecogênica. Dos fatores avaliados, o intervalo entre alimentações foi o que mais influenciou na caracterização ultrassonográfica das estruturas. O tamanho das serpentes não exerceu nenhuma influência. Foi possível concluir que o ultrassom, por meio da técnica da janela lateral, é eficaz na avaliação dos órgãos estudados.(AU)
The ultrasonography enables assessments which result in relevant information for the maintenance of the species in captivity. Thus, we conducted a study with 15 specimens of Boa constrictor of both sexes, in order to characterize the ultrasonographic appearance, of reproductive structures, liver and gall bladder of these animals, through the side window technique. Besides that, we evaluate the influence of the factors fasting interval and size of the individual in the ultrasonographic characterization of structures. Pre-vitellogenic follicles were characterized by rounded shape, filled primarily by anechoic content and homogeneous and coarse echotexture and vitellogenic follicles showed anechogenic and hypoechoic content, both with fine and regular margins. Testes were characterized by elongated shape, parenchymal with echogenicity mean, regular margins and homogeneous echotexture. The liver showed elongated shape, parenchyma with mixed echogenicity (hypoechoic to hyperechoic), echogenic margins, homogeneous echotexture and average size of 27,6 cm. The gallbladder showed rounded shape, filled with anechoic content, surrounded by a thin hyperechoic margin. Of the factors evaluated, fasting interval was the one that interfered the most in the ultrasonographic characterization of the organs. The size of the snakes did not exert any influence. It was concluded that ultrasound, through the side window technique, is effective in the evaluation of the organs studied.(AU)
La ecografía permite evaluaciones que resultan en informaciones relevantes para el mantenimiento de las especies en cautiverio. Siendo así, este estudio se realizó con 15 individuos de Boa constrictor, de ambos los géneros, con el objetivo de caracterizar la apariencia ecográfica de los órganos reprodutivos, hígado y vesicula biliar de los animales, por la tecnica de ventana lateral. Además, se evaluó la influencia de los factores como intervalo entre una alimentación y otra y el tamaño de los individuos en la caracterización ecográfica de los órganos. Foliculos vitelogénicos primordiales se caracterizarón por el formato redondeado, rellenos con contenido anecoico y ecotextura homogénea y grosera y foliculos vitelogénicos presentaron contenido anecogénico y hipoecoico, ambos con márgenes refinadas y regulares. Los testículos se caracterizáron por la forma alargada, parénquima ecogénico, margenes regulares y ecotextura homogénea. El hígado se mostró alargado, com ecogenicidad de parénquima mixta (entre hipoecoico a ligeramente hiperecoico), con márgenes ecogénicas, ecotextura homogénea y tamaño promedio de 27,6 cm. La vesicula biliar se mostró con forma redondeada, rellena por contenido anecoico, envolvida por una margen delgada hiperecoica. Entre los factores evaluados, el espacio entre una alimentación y otra se mostró mas influente en la caracterización ecográfica de las estruturas. El tamaño de las serpientes no ejerció ninguna influencia. Así, se concluyó que la ultrasonografía a través de la ventana lateral es eficaz en la evaluación de los órganos analizados.(AU)
Animais , Boidae/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/diagnóstico por imagem , Vesícula Biliar/diagnóstico por imagem , Genitália/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
This study addresses the clinical and epidemiological aspects of envenoming cases resulting from snakebites treated at a hospital in Cruzeiro do Sul, in the upper Juruá River region, western Brazilian Amazonia. The specific identity of snakes that caused the envenomings was inferred (a) from the diagnosis of patient symptoms and signs upon hospital admission, (b) by enzyme immunoassay for detection of Bothrops atrox and Lachesis muta venom from serum samples taken from patients before antivenom therapy, or (c) by direct identification of the snake, when it was brought along to the hospital or photographed. There were 133 snakebites (76.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants) registered during one year (July 2017 to June 2018). Most snakebites (88.7%) were caused by Bothrops spp., and the rest by non-venomous snakes or dry bites. Snakebites tended to occur more often during the rainy season, coinciding with the period of greater reproductive activity of the snakes and greater availability of their prey. In addition, the increase in the water level of rivers and lakes during the rainy season tends to concentrate snakes in dry places and, thus, to increase encounters with humans. Information campaigns on prevention and first aid, specially among the most vulnerable groups (indigenous people, farmers, and children and teenagers in rural areas), and the importance of using protective equipment (boots, leggings, leather gloves) in certain high risk activities (e.g. agriculture and extractivism in forests) are fundamental for the reduction of snakebite morbidity.(AU)
Este estudo aborda os aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos dos envenenamentos ofídicos tratados em um hospital em Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, resultantes de acidentes que ocorreram na região do Alto Juruá, no oeste da Amazônia brasileira. A identidade específica das serpentes que causaram os envenenamentos foi inferida (a) pelos sinais e sintomas apresentados pelo paciente na admissão hospitalar, (b) por imunoensaio enzimático para detecção de veneno de Bothrops atrox e Lachesis muta em amostras de soro retiradas de pacientes antes da soroterapia, e (c) pela identificação direta da serpente, quando esta foi levada para o hospital ou fotografada. Houve 133 casos (76,2 casos por 100.000 habitantes) de acidentes ofídicos registrados durante um ano (julho 2017 a junho 2018). A maioria das picadas de serpentes (88,7%) foi causada por Bothrops spp., e o restante por espécies não peçonhentas ou picadas secas. Os acidentes ofídicos tenderam a ocorrer com maior frequência durante a estação chuvosa, coincidindo com o período de maior atividade reprodutiva das serpentes e maior disponibilidade de suas presas. Além disso, o aumento dos níveis de rios e lagos pode fazer com que esses animais procurem locais mais secos, aumentando a frequência de encontro com seres humanos. Campanhas educativas sobre prevenção e primeiros socorros, principalmente entre os grupos mais vulneráveis (indígenas, agricultores, crianças e adolescentes em áreas rurais), e sobre a importância da utilização de equipamentos de proteção (botas, perneiras, luvas de couro) em determinadas atividades de maior risco (e.g., agricultura e extrativismo em florestas), são fundamentais para reduzir a morbidade de picadas de serpentes.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes/fisiologia , Venenos de Serpentes/análise , Imunoensaio/veterinária , Bothrops , Métodos EpidemiológicosResumo
Background: Stomatitis is an infectious disease common in serpents and responsible for high mortality rates. It is characterized by the infection of the oral mucosa and neighboring tissues, related to the opportunistic character of bacteria presentin the normal microbiota, pathogenic in stressful situations. Few studies have described the profile of sensibility of theseagents in serpents of the Brazilian fauna. Therefore, this study has aimed at describing the isolation and identification ofthe infectious agents involved in the clinic stomatitis in a specimen of green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), and the profileof sensibility and resistance to antimicrobial agents.Case: The serpent has been rescued in an urban environment, without previous records and featured erosive injuries inits oral cavity, with the presence of secretion. In a clinical evaluation, it has been assessed that the specimen had erosiveinjuries in its oral cavity, with hyperemic points in its mucosa and serous secretion. Then the specimen went through acollection of the secretion from its oral cavity for microbiological analysis. Typical colonies of Enterococcus, Citrobacterand Enterobacter were identified by the colony morphology and their typical odor. The results of these tests were able toconfirm and identify the Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter and Enterococcus species. The profile of sensibility to antimicrobials of the isolated microorganisms has been determined through the method of diffusion in the disk of Kirby-Bauer.There was not any sensitive antimicrobial for the three agents. For treatment, based on the antimicrobial profile presented,was used Ciprofloxacin® associated to daily washings with solution of chlorhexidine 0.12% for 10 days. Clinical cure wasobserved at the end of this treatment.Discussion: Despite the high frequency of this disease...
Animais , Citrobacter/isolamento & purificação , Enterobacter/isolamento & purificação , Enterococcus/isolamento & purificação , Estomatite/diagnóstico , Estomatite/fisiopatologia , Estomatite/veterinária , Serpentes , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana/veterináriaResumo
Background: Stomatitis is an infectious disease common in serpents and responsible for high mortality rates. It is characterized by the infection of the oral mucosa and neighboring tissues, related to the opportunistic character of bacteria presentin the normal microbiota, pathogenic in stressful situations. Few studies have described the profile of sensibility of theseagents in serpents of the Brazilian fauna. Therefore, this study has aimed at describing the isolation and identification ofthe infectious agents involved in the clinic stomatitis in a specimen of green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), and the profileof sensibility and resistance to antimicrobial agents.Case: The serpent has been rescued in an urban environment, without previous records and featured erosive injuries inits oral cavity, with the presence of secretion. In a clinical evaluation, it has been assessed that the specimen had erosiveinjuries in its oral cavity, with hyperemic points in its mucosa and serous secretion. Then the specimen went through acollection of the secretion from its oral cavity for microbiological analysis. Typical colonies of Enterococcus, Citrobacterand Enterobacter were identified by the colony morphology and their typical odor. The results of these tests were able toconfirm and identify the Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter and Enterococcus species. The profile of sensibility to antimicrobials of the isolated microorganisms has been determined through the method of diffusion in the disk of Kirby-Bauer.There was not any sensitive antimicrobial for the three agents. For treatment, based on the antimicrobial profile presented,was used Ciprofloxacin® associated to daily washings with solution of chlorhexidine 0.12% for 10 days. Clinical cure wasobserved at the end of this treatment.Discussion: Despite the high frequency of this disease...(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Estomatite/diagnóstico , Estomatite/fisiopatologia , Estomatite/veterinária , Enterococcus/isolamento & purificação , Citrobacter/isolamento & purificação , Enterobacter/isolamento & purificação , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana/veterináriaResumo
Atualmente o mercado de animais exóticos movimenta bilhões de dólares, seja com o comércio de animais vivos ou produtos para sua manutenção. O aumento da popularidade das serpentes como animal de estimação é evidente, entretanto, tal explosão de popularidade não foi simultânea à evolução científica do manejo reprodutivo em cativeiro desses animais. O manejo reprodutivo de jiboias possui diversas particularidades que podem ser aplicadas para otimizar o desempenho da espécie, sempre buscando um manejo condizente. Os mecanismos fisiológicos da reprodução das serpentes não são totalmente elucidados, porém diversas características conhecidas devem ser exploradas para uma reprodução eficiente. A utilização de um manejo reprodutivo adequado, resulta em animais com alto grau de bem-estar, aumento de produção, possibilita o atendimento à demanda de mercado com animais legais nascidos em cativeiro e, portanto, colabora para a redução do tráfico e comercialização ilegal de animais.(AU)
Nowadays the exotic pet market represents a billionaire market worldwide, considering live animals sell and maintenance products. The increase in popularity of snakes as pets is evident, but this popularity increase was not simultaneous with scientific data production regarding husbandry of these species in captivity. The reproductive management of boas presents many particularities that must be considered for an adequate husbandry to optimize their reproductive performance. The reproductive physiological pathways of snakes are not completely elucidated; however the known characteristics may be explored for an efficient reproduction. The use of adequate techniques results in animals with improved welfare, increase in offspring production, and supply the demand for legal animals, therefore contributing against animal traffic and illegal commercialization.(AU)
Animais , Boidae/fisiologia , Serpentes/fisiologia , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
Atualmente o mercado de animais exóticos movimenta bilhões de dólares, seja com o comércio de animais vivos ou produtos para sua manutenção. O aumento da popularidade das serpentes como animal de estimação é evidente, entretanto, tal explosão de popularidade não foi simultânea à evolução científica do manejo reprodutivo em cativeiro desses animais. O manejo reprodutivo de jiboias possui diversas particularidades que podem ser aplicadas para otimizar o desempenho da espécie, sempre buscando um manejo condizente. Os mecanismos fisiológicos da reprodução das serpentes não são totalmente elucidados, porém diversas características conhecidas devem ser exploradas para uma reprodução eficiente. A utilização de um manejo reprodutivo adequado, resulta em animais com alto grau de bem-estar, aumento de produção, possibilita o atendimento à demanda de mercado com animais legais nascidos em cativeiro e, portanto, colabora para a redução do tráfico e comercialização ilegal de animais.
Nowadays the exotic pet market represents a billionaire market worldwide, considering live animals sell and maintenance products. The increase in popularity of snakes as pets is evident, but this popularity increase was not simultaneous with scientific data production regarding husbandry of these species in captivity. The reproductive management of boas presents many particularities that must be considered for an adequate husbandry to optimize their reproductive performance. The reproductive physiological pathways of snakes are not completely elucidated; however the known characteristics may be explored for an efficient reproduction. The use of adequate techniques results in animals with improved welfare, increase in offspring production, and supply the demand for legal animals, therefore contributing against animal traffic and illegal commercialization.
Animais , Boidae/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Serpentes/fisiologiaResumo
The present study reports the occurrence of stomatitis caused by Proteus sp. in jiboia. Stomatitis is a pathology that affects snakes and is usually related to stress, or secondary to other diseases. Clinical signs are usually anorexia, oral edema, excessive mucus production, and formation of cases. Proteus sp., is a common anaerobic bacterium of the snake microbiota and has been described in several cases of stomatitis. Diagnosis was based on clinical examination, culture examination, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. An antibiotic therapy with amikacin was then performed to treat the disease. Animal has obtained clinical cure and can confirm the success of the therapy used.
Animais , Amicacina/uso terapêutico , Boidae , Estomatite/tratamento farmacológico , Estomatite/veterinária , Infecções por Proteus/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por Proteus/veterináriaResumo
The present study reports the occurrence of stomatitis caused by Proteus sp. in jiboia. Stomatitis is a pathology that affects snakes and is usually related to stress, or secondary to other diseases. Clinical signs are usually anorexia, oral edema, excessive mucus production, and formation of cases. Proteus sp., is a common anaerobic bacterium of the snake microbiota and has been described in several cases of stomatitis. Diagnosis was based on clinical examination, culture examination, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. An antibiotic therapy with amikacin was then performed to treat the disease. Animal has obtained clinical cure and can confirm the success of the therapy used.(AU)