Altitudinal migration in birds comprises seasonal movements between breeding and non-breeding areas in mountainous regions, attributed to biotic and abiotic factors. Different authors have suggested the existence of altitudinal migration between high and low areas of the mountains of the Atlantic Forest, with movement from high to low during the winter when birds would be fleeing the cold and in search of food, but there is no documented evidence. Through recaptures of understory birds, we investigated possible altitudinal migration in a region of the Atlantic Forest in Southeast Brazil. Twenty mist-nets were set at four locations between 15 and 729 m a.s.l. during 143 days of field work, distributed over 54 months and covering all seasons of the year. A total of 1946 birds (98 species) were captured/banded with 558 being recaptured (28.6%; 45 species). However, only 42 of the recaptures were at a different elevation. Most of the movements were of short distances and performed only once by birds, showing no seasonal pattern. These movements may be better interpreted as daily movements undertaken by birds of mixed-species flocks looking for food or moving around their respective home-ranges. Our results show that mist-nets may not be an effective tool in detecting altitudinal movements of birds and that other methods should be evaluated for this purpose.
Animais , Aves , Migração Animal , Sistemas de Identificação Animal , BrasilResumo
Leptopanchax opalescens (Myers, 1942) is a small seasonal killifish endemic to coastal drainages in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Leptopanchax opalescens was recaptured in temporary open vegetation pools (22°42.35S, 43°41.59W) in the hydrographic basin of the Guandu River, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after eight years without records. Information on habitat and population parameters (Capture per unit area (CPUA), size, sex ratio and length-weight relationship (LWR)) are given to provide subsidies for the conservation of this species. Specimens were captured during the rainy season (January-April 2020) in shallow pools (mean depth = 21 ± 12 s.d. cm), with relatively acidic pH (5.2 ± 0.8) and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (3.5 ± 1 mg/L). The estimated CPUA of the population was 0.89 fish/m2. The total length (TL) of males ranged from 21.1 to 28.8 cm, and females ranged from 17.0 to 31.2 mm. Males were significantly larger (t-test = 2.04, p 0.05) than females, which were in greater proportion (2.83Female: 1Male, p 0.001). A positive allometric coefficient (b = 3.19) was found through length-weight relationship curve, indicating that individuals of the species gain proportionally more increment in weight than in length. Leptopanchax opalescens is a critically endangered species, and the results of this study contribute to the knowledge of the distribution, population structure and conservation of the species and its natural habitats.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , PeixesResumo
Leptopanchax opalescens (Myers, 1942) is a small seasonal killifish endemic to coastal drainages in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Leptopanchax opalescens was recaptured in temporary open vegetation pools (22°42.35S, 43°41.59W) in the hydrographic basin of the Guandu River, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after eight years without records. Information on habitat and population parameters (Capture per unit area (CPUA), size, sex ratio and length-weight relationship (LWR)) are given to provide subsidies for the conservation of this species. Specimens were captured during the rainy season (January-April 2020) in shallow pools (mean depth = 21 ± 12 s.d. cm), with relatively acidic pH (5.2 ± 0.8) and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (3.5 ± 1 mg/L). The estimated CPUA of the population was 0.89 fish/m2. The total length (TL) of males ranged from 21.1 to 28.8 cm, and females ranged from 17.0 to 31.2 mm. Males were significantly larger (t-test = 2.04, p 0.05) than females, which were in greater proportion (2.83Female: 1Male, p 0.001). A positive allometric coefficient (b = 3.19) was found through length-weight relationship curve, indicating that individuals of the species gain proportionally more increment in weight than in length. Leptopanchax opalescens is a critically endangered species, and the results of this study contribute to the knowledge of the distribution, population structure and conservation of the species and its natural habitats.(AU)
Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Peixes , BiodiversidadeResumo
The Brazilian codling Urophycis mystacea (Phycidae-Gadiformes) is a demersal-benthic species, present at the outer shelf and slope of Southeastern Brazil. Its stock has been declining since 2001, when it became a target species for the bottom trawling fleet, which went fishing between the outer shelf and the upper slope. In this study, we present results on the annual periodicity and deposition time of otolith rings, age, growth parameters and, relationships between otolith morphometric variables and age. Males were 1 to 6 years old, and females were 1 to 12 years old. The maximum likelihood ratio test proved that von Bertalanffy growth equations obtained for males and females were significantly different; respectively, Ct =419.33[1-exp-0.35(t-(-0.55))] and Ct=629.89[1-exp-0.17(t-(-0.89))]. The Potential Model presented the best fit for the relationship between the otolith morphometric variables and the fish age and its robustness, verified by the coefficient of determination values (R2). The otolith weight, followed by length, was the most adequate variables to estimate age.
A Abrótea-de-profundidade, Urophycis mystacea, é uma espécie demersal-bentônica, presente na plataforma externa e no talude da Região Sudeste-Sul do Brasil. Seu estoque vem diminuindo desde 2001, quando se tornou alvo da frota de arrasto de fundo, que passou a operar entre a plataforma externa e o talude superior. No presente estudo, investigamos o crescimento da espécie apresentando resultados sobre: periodicidade anual e época de formação dos anéis nos otólitos, idade e parâmetros de crescimento, além de relações entre variáveis morfométricas dos otólitos e idade. Foram encontrados machos com 1 a 6 anos e fêmeas com 1 a 12 anos de idade. A equação de crescimento de von Bertalanffy obtida para machos foi Ct = 419,33[1-exp-0,35(t-(-0,55))] e, para fêmeas, Ct = 629,89[1-exp-0,17(t-(-0,89))]. O teste da razão de máxima verossimilhança revelou diferenças significativas no crescimento entre sexos. A relação entre variáveis morfométricas dos otólitos e idade foi melhor representada pelo Modelo Potencial, e sua robustez, verificada através do valor do coeficiente de determinação (R2). O peso do otólito, seguido do comprimento, foram as mais adequadas para predizer a idade dos exemplares.
Animais , Gadiformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Membrana dos Otólitos , Pesos e Medidas Corporais , Fauna BentônicaResumo
The Brazilian codling Urophycis mystacea (Phycidae-Gadiformes) is a demersal-benthic species, present at the outer shelf and slope of Southeastern Brazil. Its stock has been declining since 2001, when it became a target species for the bottom trawling fleet, which went fishing between the outer shelf and the upper slope. In this study, we present results on the annual periodicity and deposition time of otolith rings, age, growth parameters and, relationships between otolith morphometric variables and age. Males were 1 to 6 years old, and females were 1 to 12 years old. The maximum likelihood ratio test proved that von Bertalanffy growth equations obtained for males and females were significantly different; respectively, Ct =419.33[1-exp-0.35(t-(-0.55))] and Ct=629.89[1-exp-0.17(t-(-0.89))]. The Potential Model presented the best fit for the relationship between the otolith morphometric variables and the fish age and its robustness, verified by the coefficient of determination values (R2). The otolith weight, followed by length, was the most adequate variables to estimate age.(AU)
A Abrótea-de-profundidade, Urophycis mystacea, é uma espécie demersal-bentônica, presente na plataforma externa e no talude da Região Sudeste-Sul do Brasil. Seu estoque vem diminuindo desde 2001, quando se tornou alvo da frota de arrasto de fundo, que passou a operar entre a plataforma externa e o talude superior. No presente estudo, investigamos o crescimento da espécie apresentando resultados sobre: periodicidade anual e época de formação dos anéis nos otólitos, idade e parâmetros de crescimento, além de relações entre variáveis morfométricas dos otólitos e idade. Foram encontrados machos com 1 a 6 anos e fêmeas com 1 a 12 anos de idade. A equação de crescimento de von Bertalanffy obtida para machos foi Ct = 419,33[1-exp-0,35(t-(-0,55))] e, para fêmeas, Ct = 629,89[1-exp-0,17(t-(-0,89))]. O teste da razão de máxima verossimilhança revelou diferenças significativas no crescimento entre sexos. A relação entre variáveis morfométricas dos otólitos e idade foi melhor representada pelo Modelo Potencial, e sua robustez, verificada através do valor do coeficiente de determinação (R2). O peso do otólito, seguido do comprimento, foram as mais adequadas para predizer a idade dos exemplares.(AU)
Animais , Gadiformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Membrana dos Otólitos , Pesos e Medidas Corporais , Fauna BentônicaResumo
Lelegeis Champion, 1886 occurs only in the Neotropical region and comprises four species: L. aeneipennis Champion, 1886 from Mexico; L. apicalis Laporte & Brullé, 1831 from Cuba; L. hispaniolae Triplehorn, 1962 from Haiti and the Dominican Republic; and L. nigrifrons (Chevrolat, 1878) occurring in Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. Here, Lelegeis pytanga sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, and the first detailed description of the sclerites of the male and female terminalia of Lelegeis is produced. The new species can be easily distinguished from the other Lelegeis by its dull reddish brown to reddish orange elytral coloration, while the remaining body surface is dull black. The morphology of Lelegeis and its generic boundaries within Diaperinae are discussed.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Floresta Úmida , Brasil , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Lelegeis Champion, 1886 occurs only in the Neotropical region and comprises four species: L. aeneipennis Champion, 1886 from Mexico; L. apicalis Laporte & Brullé, 1831 from Cuba; L. hispaniolae Triplehorn, 1962 from Haiti and the Dominican Republic; and L. nigrifrons (Chevrolat, 1878) occurring in Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. Here, Lelegeis pytanga sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, and the first detailed description of the sclerites of the male and female terminalia of Lelegeis is produced. The new species can be easily distinguished from the other Lelegeis by its dull reddish brown to reddish orange elytral coloration, while the remaining body surface is dull black. The morphology of Lelegeis and its generic boundaries within Diaperinae are discussed.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Floresta Úmida , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
Color pattern is recognized as an important characteristic for diagnosing Trichomycterus species and for elucidating their relationships. An analysis based on morphological and molecular data confirms the existence of a single species of Trichomycterus in the rio Itatinga, a costal river drainage on the escarpment of the Serra do Mar and the rio Claro on the upper course of the rio Tietê. The only species found, Trichomycterus iheringi, shows two clearly distinct patterns of body pigmentation and intermediate color patterns related to body size and microhabitat preference.(AU)
O padrão de coloração é reconhecido como uma característica importante para a diagnose das espécies do gênero Trichomycterus e no reconhecimento de suas relações de parentesco. A análise baseada em dados morfológicos e moleculares confirma a existência de uma única espécie de Trichomycterus no rio Itatinga, drenagem litorânea da Serra do Mar e no rio Claro, curso superior do rio Tietê. A única espécie do gênero encontrada, Trichomycterus iheringi, apresenta dois padrões de pigmentação do corpo bastante distintos e padrões de coloração intermediários relacionados ao tamanho corporal e ao micro-habitat.(AU)
Animais , Classificação , Peixes , Pigmentação , Pesos e Medidas CorporaisResumo
Ear cannals of 145 domestic goats including the breeds Saanen, Toggenburg, Anglobian, Alpine, Moxoto (native) and crossbred goats from 10 smallholder farms were examined by flushing for the presence of ear mites. Prevalence of Raillietia caprae Quintero, Bassols and Acevedo, 1980 was much more higher than Psoroptes ovis (Hering, 1838) in the studied area, respectively 62% ( 90/145) and 4% ( 6/145). The youngest animal parasitized was eight months old and the oldest was 10 years old. Subclinical otitis is a common feature of infestation by both species but increase of wax and the presence of pus were detected in the flushed material in approximately 10% of the goats examined.
Os condutos auditivos de 145 caprinos das raças Saanen, Toggenburg, Anglobian, Alpine, Moxoto (native) e mestiços provenientes de 10 pequenos criadores foram examinados pela técnica de lavagem para diagnosticar a infestação por ácaros. A prevalência de Raillietia caprae Quintero, Bassols and Acevedo, 1980 foi muito mais alta do que Psoroptes ovis (Hering, 1838) - 62% (90/145) e 4% (6/145), respectivamente. O animal parasitado mais jovem tinha oito meses de idade e o mais velho 10 anos. Otite subclínica é comum nas infestações por ambas espécies mas aumento de cerume e presença de pus foram diagnosticados no material da lavagem em aproximadamente 10% dos caprinos examinados.
Bay whiffs, Citharichthys spilopterus, were sampled in Mamanguá Inlet between March 1990 and March 1992 for evaluation of its reproductive dynamic. Bay whiffs presented a crescent gradient of abundance from the deepest to the shallowest stations. The mean total length by oceanographic station showed a clear tendency of a relationship between bigger sizes and higher depths. Males predominated along the studied period and on the smallest length groups. Higher values of alometric condition factor, gonadosomatic relationship and spawning stage of maturity indicated a higher degree of development of the gonads on March and November. Histological analysis showed spawning females in March and May 1990 in the stations closer to the mouth of the Inlet, and spawned females with old post-ovulatory follicles and high frequency of atresia at shallow stations, suggesting a migration to shallow and protected areas after spawning. Length of first gonadal maturation was 117 mm TL. We could conclude that C. spilopterus completes its life cycle within the Mamanguá Inlet, spawning during autumn (March to May) and possibly November.
Espécimes de Citharichthys spilopterus foram coletados no saco do Mamanguá entre março de 1990 e março de 1992 para avaliação de sua dinâmica populacional e reprodutiva. Os linguados apresentaram um gradiente crescente de abundância da estação mais profunda para a mais rasa. A média do comprimento total por estação oceanográfica mostrou uma tendência de relação entre maiores tamanhos e maiores profundidades. Os machos foram predominantes durante o período de estudo e nas menores classes de comprimento. Altos valores de fator de condição alométrico, relação gonadossomática e estádios mais adiantados de maturidade gonadal indicaram alto grau de desenvolvimento das gônadas em março e novembro. Análises histológicas mostraram fêmeas desovantes em março e maio nas estações próximas à boca do saco, e fêmeas desovadas com folículos pós-ovulatórios velhos e alta freqüência de atresia em estações rasas, sugerindo a migração para áreas rasas e protegidas após a desova. O comprimento de primeira maturação gonadal foi 117 mm de comprimento total. Podemos concluir que C. spilopterus completa seu ciclo de vida no saco do Mamanguá, desovando durante o outono (entre março e maio) e possivelmente também em novembro.
Bay whiffs, Citharichthys spilopterus, were sampled in Mamanguá Inlet between March 1990 and March 1992 for evaluation of its reproductive dynamic. Bay whiffs presented a crescent gradient of abundance from the deepest to the shallowest stations. The mean total length by oceanographic station showed a clear tendency of a relationship between bigger sizes and higher depths. Males predominated along the studied period and on the smallest length groups. Higher values of alometric condition factor, gonadosomatic relationship and spawning stage of maturity indicated a higher degree of development of the gonads on March and November. Histological analysis showed spawning females in March and May 1990 in the stations closer to the mouth of the Inlet, and spawned females with old post-ovulatory follicles and high frequency of atresia at shallow stations, suggesting a migration to shallow and protected areas after spawning. Length of first gonadal maturation was 117 mm TL. We could conclude that C. spilopterus completes its life cycle within the Mamanguá Inlet, spawning during autumn (March to May) and possibly November.
Espécimes de Citharichthys spilopterus foram coletados no saco do Mamanguá entre março de 1990 e março de 1992 para avaliação de sua dinâmica populacional e reprodutiva. Os linguados apresentaram um gradiente crescente de abundância da estação mais profunda para a mais rasa. A média do comprimento total por estação oceanográfica mostrou uma tendência de relação entre maiores tamanhos e maiores profundidades. Os machos foram predominantes durante o período de estudo e nas menores classes de comprimento. Altos valores de fator de condição alométrico, relação gonadossomática e estádios mais adiantados de maturidade gonadal indicaram alto grau de desenvolvimento das gônadas em março e novembro. Análises histológicas mostraram fêmeas desovantes em março e maio nas estações próximas à boca do saco, e fêmeas desovadas com folículos pós-ovulatórios velhos e alta freqüência de atresia em estações rasas, sugerindo a migração para áreas rasas e protegidas após a desova. O comprimento de primeira maturação gonadal foi 117 mm de comprimento total. Podemos concluir que C. spilopterus completa seu ciclo de vida no saco do Mamanguá, desovando durante o outono (entre março e maio) e possivelmente também em novembro.
The study reports the changes ocurred in feeding ecology of fish species during a tropical river reservoir formation. It was analysed the stomachal contents of 399 individuals belonging to four species of genus Leporinus (L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1849, n=157; L.friderici (Bloch, 1794), n=87; L. octofasciatus Steindachner, 1917, n=107; L.amblyrhynchus Garavello & Britski, 1987, n=48) during formation of Nova Ponte reservoir, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1993 and 1994. Specimens were separated by sampling period, according with the rate of filling of the reservoir, and standard lenght classes. The species had included in diet vegetal and animal items of autochtone and alochtone origin in several proportions. L. amblyrhynchus fed on basically dipterans in all the sampling periods and length classes. L. elongatus had presented a diverse diet, with predominance of dipterans and vegetal items, and changed the consumed items proportions along the sampling periods and between lenght classes. L. friderici diet was composed mainly by terrestrial insects during the rapid filling period, that were later substituted by fishes and vegetal items. Ontogenetic trophic changes were observed in this species. L. octofasciatus presented a well characterized herbivorous diet, without trophic ontogeny, but with a opportunistic character. Just three pair-species, L. amblyrhynchus-L. elongatus, L. friderici-L. octofasciatus and L. elongatus-L. octofasciatus, have presented some high value of trophic overlap in at least one sampling period. In spite of the fishes of the genus Leporinus being classified like omnivorous in a general way, the differences found between diets of these four species suggest that there is structuration of trophic niches in the reservoir.
The study reports the changes ocurred in feeding ecology of fish species during a tropical river reservoir formation. It was analysed the stomachal contents of 399 individuals belonging to four species of genus Leporinus (L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1849, n=157; L.friderici (Bloch, 1794), n=87; L. octofasciatus Steindachner, 1917, n=107; L.amblyrhynchus Garavello & Britski, 1987, n=48) during formation of Nova Ponte reservoir, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1993 and 1994. Specimens were separated by sampling period, according with the rate of filling of the reservoir, and standard lenght classes. The species had included in diet vegetal and animal items of autochtone and alochtone origin in several proportions. L. amblyrhynchus fed on basically dipterans in all the sampling periods and length classes. L. elongatus had presented a diverse diet, with predominance of dipterans and vegetal items, and changed the consumed items proportions along the sampling periods and between lenght classes. L. friderici diet was composed mainly by terrestrial insects during the rapid filling period, that were later substituted by fishes and vegetal items. Ontogenetic trophic changes were observed in this species. L. octofasciatus presented a well characterized herbivorous diet, without trophic ontogeny, but with a opportunistic character. Just three pair-species, L. amblyrhynchus-L. elongatus, L. friderici-L. octofasciatus and L. elongatus-L. octofasciatus, have presented some high value of trophic overlap in at least one sampling period. In spite of the fishes of the genus Leporinus being classified like omnivorous in a general way, the differences found between diets of these four species suggest that there is structuration of trophic niches in the reservoir.
The study reports the changes ocurred in feeding ecology of fish species during a tropical river reservoir formation. It was analysed the stomachal contents of 399 individuals belonging to four species of genus Leporinus (L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1849, n=157; L.friderici (Bloch, 1794), n=87; L. octofasciatus Steindachner, 1917, n=107; L.amblyrhynchus Garavello & Britski, 1987, n=48) during formation of Nova Ponte reservoir, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1993 and 1994. Specimens were separated by sampling period, according with the rate of filling of the reservoir, and standard lenght classes. The species had included in diet vegetal and animal items of autochtone and alochtone origin in several proportions. L. amblyrhynchus fed on basically dipterans in all the sampling periods and length classes. L. elongatus had presented a diverse diet, with predominance of dipterans and vegetal items, and changed the consumed items proportions along the sampling periods and between lenght classes. L. friderici diet was composed mainly by terrestrial insects during the rapid filling period, that were later substituted by fishes and vegetal items. Ontogenetic trophic changes were observed in this species. L. octofasciatus presented a well characterized herbivorous diet, without trophic ontogeny, but with a opportunistic character. Just three pair-species, L. amblyrhynchus-L. elongatus, L. friderici-L. octofasciatus and L. elongatus-L. octofasciatus, have presented some high value of trophic overlap in at least one sampling period. In spite of the fishes of the genus Leporinus being classified like omnivorous in a general way, the differences found between diets of these four species suggest that there is structuration of trophic niches in the reservoir.