The genus Baruscapillaria Moravec, 1982 has six valid species recorded in birds Phalacrocoracidae, namely Baruscapillaria appendiculata Freitas, 1933, B. spiculata Freitas, 1933, B. carbonis (Dubinin & Dubinina, 1940), B. jaenschi (Johnston & Mawson, 1945), B. phalacrocoraxi (Borgarenko, 1975) and B. rudolphii Moravec, Scholz and Nasincová, 1994. Helminthological tests carried out on cormorants of the species Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gmelin), a migratory bird that occurs in the northeast of the State of Pará, Brazil, demonstrate B. appendiculata parasitizing the cloaca of these birds, through light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and molecular biology. These studies allowed a redescription of males and females of this nematode in these hosts and in this geographical area through integrative taxonomy. The occurrence of lesions in the cloaca caused by this nematode parasite was registered using histological analysis. This is a new geographic report for this nematode.(AU)
O gênero Baruscapillaria Moravec, 1982 possui seis espécies válidas registradas em aves Phalacrocoracidae, sendo Baruscapillaria appendiculata Freitas, 1933, B. spiculata Freitas, 1933, B. carbonis (Dubinin & Dubinina, 1940), B. jaenschi (Johnston & Mawson, 1945), B. phalacrocoraxi (Borgarenko, 1975) e B. rudolphii Moravec, Scholz & Nasincová, 1994. Exames helmintológicos realizados em mergulhões da espécie Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gmelin), aves migratórias que ocorrem no nordeste do Estado do Pará, Brasil, demonstram B. appendiculata parasitando a cloaca dessas aves, através de microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e biologia molecular. Estes estudos permitiram uma redescrição de machos e fêmeas deste nematódeo, neste hospedeiro e nesta área geográfica, através da taxonomia integrativa. Foi registrada a ocorrência de lesões na cloaca causadas pelo parasitismo desse nematódeo, por meio de análise histológica, sendo um novo registro geográfico elw.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/parasitologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita/fisiologia , Nematoides/parasitologia , BrasilResumo
Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is one of the places with the highest richness of seabirds in Brazil; however, little information about the breeding biology of many species is available. Here we report a breeding colony of the Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra) in the main island of Fernando de Noronha, and present new data about the natural history and breeding biology of this species.
Animais , Aves , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil , Ilhas AtlânticasResumo
ABSTRACT Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is one of the places with the highest richness of seabirds in Brazil; however, little information about the breeding biology of many species is available. Here we report a breeding colony of the Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra) in the main island of Fernando de Noronha, and present new data about the natural history and breeding biology of this species.
Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is one of the places with the highest richness of seabirds in Brazil; however, little information about the breeding biology of many species is available. Here we report a breeding colony of the Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra) in the main island of Fernando de Noronha, and present new data about the natural history and breeding biology of this species.(AU)
Animais , Aves , Especificidade da Espécie , Ilhas Atlânticas , BrasilResumo
ABSTRACT Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is one of the places with the highest richness of seabirds in Brazil; however, little information about the breeding biology of many species is available. Here we report a breeding colony of the Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra) in the main island of Fernando de Noronha, and present new data about the natural history and breeding biology of this species.
A neotype is designated for Pelecanus aquilus Linnaeus, 1758 (currently Fregata aquila ; Aves, Fregatidae) to fix the identity of this nominal species.
Animais , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Aves/classificação , Terminologia como Assunto , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
A neotype is designated for Pelecanus aquilus Linnaeus, 1758 (currently Fregata aquila ; Aves, Fregatidae) to fix the identity of this nominal species.(AU)