ABSTRACT: Supplemental irrigation during dry spells could reduce maize yield losses in tropical semi-arid regions, notably in small farms. However, good quality water reserves are not sufficient to meet the demands of farming communities. Consequently, our objective was to evaluate the productivity and profitability of maize under different simulated rainfall scenarios, with and without supplemental irrigation (SI) with brackish water. The field experiments were carried out during the cropping seasons of 2018 and 2019 on Ultisol. The experiment followed a randomized block design in the split-plot scheme with four replicates. The plots were formed by simulating the water supply in the soil corresponding to four water scenarios (rainy, normal, drought and severe drought), and the sub-plots with or without SI with brackish water (Electrical conductivity of 4.5 dS m1). Mean yields of green maize ears were 13,083, 11,532, 10,358 and 9,609 kg ha1 for rainy, normal, drought and severe drought scenarios, as supplemented with brackish water. For the same treatments without SI the values were 11,394, 7,896, 3,913 and 1,374 kg ha1, respectively. Data on farmer's income showed that under normal, drought and severe drought supplementation with brackish water becomes economically advantageous from 0.9, 1.0 and 2.4 ha, respectively, while maize cultivation without SI is not advantageous under the last two scenarios. For severe drought conditions, however, SI using brackish water reduced commercial yield by 27 % with negative effects on the farmers profitability. In this case, it is necessary to use water with either lower salinity or select salt tolerant crops.
Supplemental irrigation during dry spells could reduce maize yield losses in tropical semi-arid regions, notably in small farms. However, good quality water reserves are not sufficient to meet the demands of farming communities. Consequently, our objective was to evaluate the productivity and profitability of maize under different simulated rainfall scenarios, with and without supplemental irrigation (SI) with brackish water. The field experiments were carried out during the cropping seasons of 2018 and 2019 on Ultisol. The experiment followed a randomized block design in the split-plot scheme with four replicates. The plots were formed by simulating the water supply in the soil corresponding to four water scenarios (rainy, normal, drought and severe drought), and the sub-plots with or without SI with brackish water (Electrical conductivity of 4.5 dS m−1). Mean yields of green maize ears were 13,083, 11,532, 10,358 and 9,609 kg ha−1 for rainy, normal, drought and severe drought scenarios, as supplemented with brackish water. For the same treatments without SI the values were 11,394, 7,896, 3,913 and 1,374 kg ha−1, respectively. Data on farmer's income showed that under normal, drought and severe drought supplementation with brackish water becomes economically advantageous from 0.9, 1.0 and 2.4 ha, respectively, while maize cultivation without SI is not advantageous under the last two scenarios. For severe drought conditions, however, SI using brackish water reduced commercial yield by 27 % with negative effects on the farmers profitability. In this case, it is necessary to use water with either lower salinity or select salt tolerant crops.
Indicadores Econômicos , Irrigação Agrícola , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Zea mays/fisiologia , Águas Salinas/análiseResumo
Supplemental irrigation during dry spells could reduce maize yield losses in tropical semi-arid regions, notably in small farms. However, good quality water reserves are not sufficient to meet the demands of farming communities. Consequently, our objective was to evaluate the productivity and profitability of maize under different simulated rainfall scenarios, with and without supplemental irrigation (SI) with brackish water. The field experiments were carried out during the cropping seasons of 2018 and 2019 on Ultisol. The experiment followed a randomized block design in the split-plot scheme with four replicates. The plots were formed by simulating the water supply in the soil corresponding to four water scenarios (rainy, normal, drought and severe drought), and the sub-plots with or without SI with brackish water (Electrical conductivity of 4.5 dS m−1). Mean yields of green maize ears were 13,083, 11,532, 10,358 and 9,609 kg ha−1 for rainy, normal, drought and severe drought scenarios, as supplemented with brackish water. For the same treatments without SI the values were 11,394, 7,896, 3,913 and 1,374 kg ha−1, respectively. Data on farmer's income showed that under normal, drought and severe drought supplementation with brackish water becomes economically advantageous from 0.9, 1.0 and 2.4 ha, respectively, while maize cultivation without SI is not advantageous under the last two scenarios. For severe drought conditions, however, SI using brackish water reduced commercial yield by 27 % with negative effects on the farmers profitability. In this case, it is necessary to use water with either lower salinity or select salt tolerant crops.(AU)
Águas Salinas/análise , Irrigação Agrícola , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Zea mays/fisiologia , Indicadores EconômicosResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar as características agronômicas, composição química e digestibilidade ruminal in situ de oito variedades de cana-de-açúcar (CV-4, RB-041443, RB-855035, RB-867515, RB-92579, RB-931011, RB-951541 e RB-962962) cultivados em regime de irrigação suplementar, com vistas a alimentação de bovinos leiteiros. O experimento foi delineado em blocos casualizados com oito tratamentos e três repetições, totalizando 24 parcelas experimentais. As análises biométricas foram realizadas aos 360 dias após o plantio e 360 dias após o corte, onde foram avaliados: comprimento do colmo (CC), diâmetro do colmo (DC), número de folhas verdes (NFV) e área foliar (AF). A produtividade em toneladas de colmos por hectare (TCH) e a concentração de açúcares solúveis em ºbrix foram avaliadas na cana-planta e cana-soca1. Amostras de colmos de cada variedade foram trituradas e pré-secadas em estufa, para determinação de sua composição química: matéria seca (MS), matéria mineral (MM), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e lignina (Lig). Para a avaliação da digestibilidade ruminal in situ em 24h da MS e da FDN utilizou-se três vacas da raça Girolando, canuladas no rúmen, com peso médio de 510± 20 kg. Amostras contendo 5 g de matéria pré-seca do colmo e planta inteira da cana-planta foram pesadas em saquinhos de tecido não tecido (TNT) e incubadas no rúmen dos animais. A digestibilidade ruminal da MS foi calculada com o desaparecimento de MS em 24 horas de incubação, proporcionalmente a MS originalmente incubada e calculada o resíduo de MS após 72h de incubação (RES 72h). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% probabilidade, por meio do software estatístico InfoStat 12.0. A TCH da cana-planta não apresentou diferença entre as variedades, com média de 104,20 t ha -1 de colmos. Para a TCH da cana-soca não houve diferença entre os genótipos, com média obtida de 155,8 t ha -1. Não houve diferença entre variedades quanto os valores médios da bromatologia do colmo integral, MS (27,34%), MM (1,52%), FDN (40,62%), FDA (22,28%) e LIG (3,50%). Já a composição química da cana em planta inteira apresentou diferenças (P<0,05) entre variedades, quanto aos teores de MS (27,03%), MM (1,91%), FDN (39,59%), FDA (27,95%) e LIG (4,38%). A DEG MS após 24 horas de incubação para as partes colmo integral não foi diferente entre as variedades, com média de 46,20%, para o componente planta inteira houve diferença estatística (P<0,05) e a variedade com desempenho superior foi a RB92579 (65%) e o menor desempenho foi obtido pelas variedades RB931011 (50%) e RB951541 (50,33%). Os valores de DEG FDN para colmo integral variaram de 18,23 a 25,33% com média de 21,25%, já para a variável planta inteira de 18,6 a 24,3% com média 20,7%, em ambas as partes da cana a DEG FDN não apresentou diferença estatística. Sob irrigação suplementar os oito genótipos de cana-de-açúcar apresentaram similaridade quanto às produtividades de colmos, valores de brix e digestibilidade ruminal in situ 24h da MS e da FDN na cana-planta.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics, chemical composition and ruminal digestibility in situ of eight varieties of sugarcane (CV-4, RB-041443, RB-855035, RB-867515, RB-92579, RB-931011, RB -951541 and RB-962962) grown under supplementary irrigation, with a view to feeding dairy cattle. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with eight treatments and three replications, totaling 24 experimental plots. Biometric analyzes were performed 360 days after planting and 360 days after cutting, where the following were evaluated: stem length (CC), stem diameter (DC), number of green leaves (NFV) and leaf area (AF). The productivity in tons of stalks per hectare (TCH) and the concentration of soluble sugars in ºbrix were evaluated in cane-plant and cane-soca1. Stem samples of each variety were crushed and pre-dried in an oven to determine their chemical composition: dry matter (MS), mineral matter (MM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (FDA) and lignin (Lig). For the evaluation of ruminal digestibility in situ in 24h of DM and NDF, three Girolando cows, cannulated in the rumen, with an average weight of 510 ± 20 kg were used. Samples containing 5 g of pre-dry stem material and the entire plant of the cane-plant were weighed in bags of non-woven fabric (TNT) and incubated in the rumen of the animals. The ruminal digestibility of DM was calculated with the disappearance of DM in 24 hours of incubation, in proportion to the DM originally incubated and the DM residue after 72h of incubation (RES 72h). The data were submitted to analysis of variance by the F test and the means compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability, using the InfoStat 12.0 statistical software. The TCH of cane-plant did not show any difference between the varieties, with an average of 104.20 t ha -1 of stalks. There was no difference between the genotypes for the TCH of the cane, with an average of 155.8 t ha -1. There was no difference between varieties in terms of the average values of the stem stem bromatology, MS (27.34%), MM (1.52%), NDF (40.62%), FDA (22.28%) and LIG (3 , 50%). The chemical composition of sugarcane in whole plant showed differences (P <0.05) between varieties, in terms of DM (27.03%), MM (1.91%), NDF (39.59%), FDA (27.95%) and LIG (4.38%). The DEG MS after 24 hours of incubation for the whole stem parts was not different between the varieties, with an average of 46.20%, for the whole plant component there was a statistical difference (P <0.05) and the variety with superior performance was a RB92579 (65%) and the lowest performance was obtained by the varieties RB931011 (50%) and RB951541 (50.33%). The values of DEG NDF for whole stem ranged from 18.23 to 25.33% with an average of 21.25%, whereas for the whole plant variable from 18.6 to 24.3% with an average of 20.7%, in both the sugarcane parts the DEG FDN did not present statistical difference. Under supplementary irrigation, the eight sugarcane genotypes showed similarity in stalk productivity, brix values and ruminal digestibility in situ 24h of DM and NDF in plant cane.