To verify if strategies to reduce the height of Marandu grass pasture at beginning of the deferral period change intake and metabolic parameters in sheep during the dry season, 18 crossbred females, ½ Dorper + ½ Santa Inês were used, distributed in 9 Marandu grass paddock handles to 3 drawdown strategies at the beginning of deferral period: 1) maintenance of grass with 15cm for 5 months before deferral start (15/15cm); 2) maintenance of marandu grass with 25 cm for 5 months, but at the beginning of deferral it was reduced to 15cm (25/15cm); 3) maintenance of 35 cm grass for 5 months, but at the beginning of deferral it was reduced to 15cm (35/15cm). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD), with 6 repetitions and repeated measures over time. Strategies to reduce the height of Marandu grass pasture, at the beginning of the deferral period, do not change nutrient intake and energy and protein metabolism. However, changes occurring in the pasture during the dry season alter these variables, and deferral is an interesting strategy to be used for forage production in winter, however, to optimize its use, it is necessary to use supplementation with concentrated rich in fermentable carbohydrates.
Para verificar se estratégias de redução da altura do pasto de capim-marandu, no início do período de diferimento, alteram consumo e parâmetros metabólicos em ovinos durante o período seco, foram utilizadas 18 fêmeas, mestiças, ½ Dorper + ½ Santa Inês, que foram distribuídas em nove piquetes de capim-marandu, com três estratégias de rebaixamento no início do período de diferimento: 1) manutenção do capim com 15cm, por cinco meses, antes do início do diferimento (15/15cm); 2) manutenção do capim-marandu com 25cm, por cinco meses, rebaixado, no início do diferimento, para 15cm (25/15cm); e 3) manutenção do capim com 35cm durante cinco meses, rebaixado, no início do diferimento, para 15cm (35/15cm). O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso (DIC), com seis repetições e medidas repetidas no tempo. Estratégias de redução da altura do pasto, no início do período de diferimento, não alteram o consumo de nutrientes e metabolismo energético e proteico. Porém, as mudanças no pasto durante o período seco alteram essas variáveis, sendo o diferimento uma estratégia interessante para utilizar na produção de forragem no inverno. Para otimizar seu uso, faz-se necessária, entretanto, a utilização da suplementação com concentrados ricos em carboidratos rapidamente fermentáveis.
Animais , Ureia/análise , Ovinos/metabolismo , Pastagens , Albuminas/análise , Proteínas/análise , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of salinity and plant-based diet or animal-plant combination diet on the performance and metabolic status of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The experimental design was completely randomized in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme with four replicates. The treatments were established by the combination of salinities of 0, 10, 20, and 30 g L-1 with an animal-plant combination diet (AP) or plant-based diet (P). The replicates were 60 L tanks with 12 fish per tank. Diets were provided for 32 days, and the fish were fed three times a day (8, 12, and 17 h) until apparent satiety. Daily feed intake (DFI) was measured, body weight (BW) was recorded at the beginning and end of the trial, and total length (TL) and standard length (SL) were measured at the end of the trial. Average daily gain (ADG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and survival rate were calculated. After the biometric measurements were made at the end of the trial, blood samples were collected to determine the plasma concentrations of total protein (TP), glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides (TG). The fish were euthanized, and the hepatopancreas was collected and weighed; thereafter, the hepatosomatic index (HSI) was calculated. An interaction was detected between salinity and diet type for final BW, ADG, TL, and SL. These traits were not influenced by salinity when it was associated with the AP diet, but reduced linearly with salinity in the P diet. DFI and survival rate were independently affected by salinity: DFI reduced linearly with salinity levels and survival rate was higher at a salinity of 10 g L-1. HSI increased linearly with salinity levels and was lower in the P diet than in the AP diet. Salinity had a quadratic effect on plasma TP, and the maximum value for this metabolite (2.96 g dL-1) is attained at a salinity of 10.26 g L-1. There was an independent effect of diet on the plasma concentrations of cholesterol and TG, which were lower in the P diet than in the AP diet. The salinity of 10 g L-1 associated with diet composed of animal and plant ingredients led to a better performance, higher survival rate, and less stressful environmental conditions for juvenile Nile tilapia.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da salinidade e de dietas compostas por ingredientes de origem vegetal, ou por ingredientes de origem animal e vegetal no desempenho e na condição metabólica de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 × 2 com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram estabelecidos pela combinação das salinidades 0, 10, 20 e 30 g L-1 com dietas contendo apenas ingredientes de origem vegetal (V) ou ingredientes de origem animal e vegetal (AV). As repetições foram caixas de 60 L contendo 12 peixes por caixa. As dietas foram fornecidas durante 32 dias e os peixes foram alimentados três vezes ao dia (8, 12 e 17 h) até saciedade aparente. O consumo de ração foi mensurado diariamente (CRD), o peso corporal (PC) foi registrado no início e no final do experimento, e o comprimento total (CT) e comprimento padrão (CP) foram mensurados no final do experimento. O ganho médio diário (GMD), a taxa de crescimento específico (TCE), a conversão alimentar (CA) e a taxa de sobrevivência também foram calculadas. Após a obtenção das medidas biométricas ao final do experimento, amostras de sangue foram coletadas para determinar as concentrações plasmáticas de proteínas totais (PT), glicose, colesterol e triglicerídeos (TG). Posteriormente, os peixes foram eutanasiados e o hepatopâncreas foi coletado, pesado e o índice hepatossomático (IHS) foi calculado. Houve interação entre salinidade e tipo de dieta para PC final, GMD, CT e CP. Essas variáveis não foram influenciadas pela salinidade quando associada com a dieta AV, mas reduziram linearmente com a salinidade na dieta V. O CRD e a taxa de sobrevivência foram influenciados exclusivamente pela salinidade, onde o CRD reduziu linearmente com a salinidade, e a taxa de sobrevivência foi maior na salinidade de 10 g L-1. O IHS aumentou linearmente com a salinidade, e foi menor da dieta V comparado com a dieta AV. Houve efeito quadrático da salinidade na concentração plasmática de PT, em que o máximo valor para este metabólito (2.96 g dL-1) pode ser alcançado com a salinidade de 10.26 g L-1. As concentrações plasmáticas de colesterol e TG foram exclusivamente influenciadas pelo tipo de dieta, apresentando menores valores na dieta V comparados com a dieta AV. A salinidade de 10 g L-1 associada com dieta composta por ingredientes de origem animal e vegetal proporcionou melhor desempenho, maior taxa de sobrevivência e condições ambientais menos estressantes aos juvenis de tilápia do Nilo.(AU)
Animais , Triglicerídeos , Peso Corporal , Ciclídeos/metabolismo , Dieta , Ingestão de Alimentos , Salinidade , Proteínas , Ração AnimalResumo
First colostrum is an important source of nutrients and immune factors which are necessary for calves in the first weeks of life. Despite these benefits, colostrum can also represent one of the earliest potential exposures of dairy calves to infectious agents which these patogens can act directly on growth and cause diseases such as scours or septicemia. With recent increased interest in pasteurized milk feeding systems, producers have been curious to learn if there may also be benefits from feeding pasteurized colostrum. This study was realized to determine the effects of feeding heat-treated colostrum or unheated colostrum on passive transfer of immunity, immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration, total plate count, health and performance of neonatal dairy calves. First-milking colostrum was collected from Holstein cows and frozen at -20°C to accumulate a large batch. Pooled batches of colostrum were mixed and divided equally: One half was fed unheated colostrum; whereas the other half was fed after heat treatment at 60°C for 30 min. Forty newborn male Holstein dairy calves were fed either unheated (n = 20) and heat-treated colostrum (n = 20), 10% of their birth weight. Calves received 4 L within 1 to 2h after birth and residuals was fed 6h after birth. Serum samples collected from calves and were assayed for serum total protein (STP) and IgG. Feed intake recorded weekly and body weight and skeletal growth measures recorded at d 3 and d 63 (weaning). Every day, calves clinically diagnosed either as being healthy or suffering from respiratory disease and neonatal calf diarrhea. Heat-treated colostrum resulted in lower colostrum bacterial concentration (2.01 vs. 3.96 cfu mL-1 ). Calves fed heat treated colostrum had greater STP in 24, 72h and 23d, IgG concentrations at 24 and 72h plus unheated colostrum. Also weaning weight and average daily gain were greater in calves feed heated colostrum. There were no differences in starter intake and feed efficiency between two groups. Calves fed heat-treated colostrum had lower fecal scores, diarrhea and pneumonia incidence. There were not differences in skeletal growth measurements except body barrel. These results shows that feeding heated colostrum can provide better growth and health in neonatal calves.(AU)
Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Colostro/química , Colostro/enzimologia , Imunoglobulina G/análise , DesmameResumo
First colostrum is an important source of nutrients and immune factors which are necessary for calves in the first weeks of life. Despite these benefits, colostrum can also represent one of the earliest potential exposures of dairy calves to infectious agents which these patogens can act directly on growth and cause diseases such as scours or septicemia. With recent increased interest in pasteurized milk feeding systems, producers have been curious to learn if there may also be benefits from feeding pasteurized colostrum. This study was realized to determine the effects of feeding heat-treated colostrum or unheated colostrum on passive transfer of immunity, immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration, total plate count, health and performance of neonatal dairy calves. First-milking colostrum was collected from Holstein cows and frozen at -20°C to accumulate a large batch. Pooled batches of colostrum were mixed and divided equally: One half was fed unheated colostrum; whereas the other half was fed after heat treatment at 60°C for 30 min. Forty newborn male Holstein dairy calves were fed either unheated (n = 20) and heat-treated colostrum (n = 20), 10% of their birth weight. Calves received 4 L within 1 to 2h after birth and residuals was fed 6h after birth. Serum samples collected from calves and were assayed for serum total protein (STP) and IgG. Feed intake recorded weekly and body weight and skeletal growth measures recorded at d 3 and d 63 (weaning). Every day, calves clinically diagnosed either as being healthy or suffering from respiratory disease and neonatal calf diarrhea. Heat-treated colostrum resulted in lower colostrum bacterial concentration (2.01 vs. 3.96 cfu mL-1 ). Calves fed heat treated colostrum had greater STP in 24, 72h and 23d, IgG concentrations at 24 and 72h plus unheated colostrum. Also weaning weight and average daily gain were greater in calves feed heated colostrum. There were no differences in starter intake and feed efficiency between two groups. Calves fed heat-treated colostrum had lower fecal scores, diarrhea and pneumonia incidence. There were not differences in skeletal growth measurements except body barrel. These results shows that feeding heated colostrum can provide better growth and health in neonatal calves.
Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Colostro/enzimologia , Colostro/química , Desmame , Imunoglobulina G/análiseResumo
The objective this study is to evaluate colloid osmotic pressure (COP) fluctuations in adult and senile dogs during surgical interventions. Thirty-six healthy dogs to surgical interventions, distributed in two groups, A and B, according to their age, and were all subjected to the same anesthetic protocol. Values of albumin, total plasmatic protein and COP were evaluated from samples collected before pre-anesthetic medication, fifteen minutes after pre-anesthetic medication, and shortly after the end of the intervention. Results were tested using t-test to compare among groups and ANOVA for repeated measures followed by Tukey's test to compare different moments within the same group. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. In both groups, significant decreases were observed in colloid osmotic pressure, as well as albumin and total proteins (p<0.001). Despite slightly lower COP values for the group of adult animals, this difference was not significant as there was a high individual variation within groups. The results therefore indicate no difference in colloid osmotic pressure values or fluctuation patterns among adult and senile dogs (p=0.124). The observed results indicate that colloid osmotic pressure decreases significantly during surgical procedures, due to hypotension caused by the anesthetic drugs and to hemodilution caused by the fluid administration but there is no difference between groups. However, in both adult and senile dogs, these variables recover gradually after the animals awaken, through increased urine production and recovery of vascular tonus, indicating the successful reestablishment of homeostasis.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as flutuações da pressão coloidosmótica (PCO) em cães adultos e idosos durante a intervenção cirúrgica. Foram utilizados 36 cães hígidos submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica, distribuídos em dois grupos de acordo com a idade e submetidos ao mesmo protocolo anestésico. Os valores de albumina, proteína plasmática total e PCO foram avaliados de amostras coletadas antes da medicação pré-anestésica, 15 minutos após e ao final do procedimento cirúrgico. Os dados obtidos foram analisados através do teste-t para comparação entre os grupos e ANOVA para medidas repetidas seguido do teste de Tukey para comparar diferentes momentos dentro do mesmo grupo. Foram considerados estastisticamente diferentes com p<0.05. Em ambos os grupos foram observados decréscimo dos valores da pressão coloidosmótica, como os valores de albumina e proteína total (p<0.001). Apesar de ligeiramente inferior, os valores de PCO para o grupo adulto não apresentaram diferença significativa. Os resultados indicam que não houve diferença nos valores da pressão oncótica ou padrão de flutuação entre adultos e idosos (p=0,124). Os resultados observados indicam significativo decréscimo da pressão coloidosmótica durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos devido à hipotensão causada pelos fármacos anestésicos e pela hemodiluição causada pela administração de fluídos, mas não houve diferença entre os grupos. Entretanto, tanto em cães adultos como idosos, essas variações retornaram gradualmente após a recuperação dos animals, através do aumento da produção de urina e da recuperação do tônus vascular, indicando restabelecimento da homeostase.(AU)
Animais , Adulto , Idoso , Cães , Coloides , Pressão Osmótica , Proteínas , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterináriaResumo
The objective this study is to evaluate colloid osmotic pressure (COP) fluctuations in adult and senile dogs during surgical interventions. Thirty-six healthy dogs to surgical interventions, distributed in two groups, A and B, according to their age, and were all subjected to the same anesthetic protocol. Values of albumin, total plasmatic protein and COP were evaluated from samples collected before pre-anesthetic medication, fifteen minutes after pre-anesthetic medication, and shortly after the end of the intervention. Results were tested using t-test to compare among groups and ANOVA for repeated measures followed by Tukey's test to compare different moments within the same group. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. In both groups, significant decreases were observed in colloid osmotic pressure, as well as albumin and total proteins (p<0.001). Despite slightly lower COP values for the group of adult animals, this difference was not significant as there was a high individual variation within groups. The results therefore indicate no difference in colloid osmotic pressure values or fluctuation patterns among adult and senile dogs (p=0.124). The observed results indicate that colloid osmotic pressure decreases significantly during surgical procedures, due to hypotension caused by the anesthetic drugs and to hemodilution caused by the fluid administration but there is no difference between groups. However, in both adult and senile dogs, these variables recover gradually after the animals awaken, through increased urine production and recovery of vascular tonus, indicating the successful reestablishment of homeostasis.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as flutuações da pressão coloidosmótica (PCO) em cães adultos e idosos durante a intervenção cirúrgica. Foram utilizados 36 cães hígidos submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica, distribuídos em dois grupos de acordo com a idade e submetidos ao mesmo protocolo anestésico. Os valores de albumina, proteína plasmática total e PCO foram avaliados de amostras coletadas antes da medicação pré-anestésica, 15 minutos após e ao final do procedimento cirúrgico. Os dados obtidos foram analisados através do teste-t para comparação entre os grupos e ANOVA para medidas repetidas seguido do teste de Tukey para comparar diferentes momentos dentro do mesmo grupo. Foram considerados estastisticamente diferentes com p<0.05. Em ambos os grupos foram observados decréscimo dos valores da pressão coloidosmótica, como os valores de albumina e proteína total (p<0.001). Apesar de ligeiramente inferior, os valores de PCO para o grupo adulto não apresentaram diferença significativa. Os resultados indicam que não houve diferença nos valores da pressão oncótica ou padrão de flutuação entre adultos e idosos (p=0,124). Os resultados observados indicam significativo decréscimo da pressão coloidosmótica durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos devido à hipotensão causada pelos fármacos anestésicos e pela hemodiluição causada pela administração de fluídos, mas não houve diferença entre os grupos. Entretanto, tanto em cães adultos como idosos, essas variações retornaram gradualmente após a recuperação dos animals, através do aumento da produção de urina e da recuperação do tônus vascular, indicando restabelecimento da homeostase.(AU)
Animais , Adulto , Idoso , Cães , Coloides , Pressão Osmótica , Proteínas , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: The objective this study is to evaluate colloid osmotic pressure (COP) fluctuations in adult and senile dogs during surgical interventions. Thirty-six healthy dogs to surgical interventions, distributed in two groups, A and B, according to their age, and were all subjected to the same anesthetic protocol. Values of albumin, total plasmatic protein and COP were evaluated from samples collected before pre-anesthetic medication, fifteen minutes after pre-anesthetic medication, and shortly after the end of the intervention. Results were tested using t-test to compare among groups and ANOVA for repeated measures followed by Tukeys test to compare different moments within the same group. Statistical significance was set at p 0.05. In both groups, significant decreases were observed in colloid osmotic pressure, as well as albumin and total proteins (p 0.001). Despite slightly lower COP values for the group of adult animals, this difference was not significant as there was a high individual variation within groups. The results therefore indicate no difference in colloid osmotic pressure values or fluctuation patterns among adult and senile dogs (p=0.124). The observed results indicate that colloid osmotic pressure decreases significantly during surgical procedures, due to hypotension caused by the anesthetic drugs and to hemodilution caused by the fluid administration but there is no difference between groups. However, in both adult and senile dogs, these variables recover gradually after the animals awaken, through increased urine production and recovery of vascular tonus, indicating the successful reestablishment of homeostasis.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as flutuações da pressão coloidosmótica (PCO) em cães adultos e idosos durante a intervenção cirúrgica. Foram utilizados 36 cães hígidos submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica, distribuídos em dois grupos de acordo com a idade e submetidos ao mesmo protocolo anestésico. Os valores de albumina, proteína plasmática total e PCO foram avaliados de amostras coletadas antes da medicação pré-anestésica, 15 minutos após e ao final do procedimento cirúrgico. Os dados obtidos foram analisados através do teste-t para comparação entre os grupos e ANOVA para medidas repetidas seguido do teste de Tukey para comparar diferentes momentos dentro do mesmo grupo. Foram considerados estastisticamente diferentes com p 0.05. Em ambos os grupos foram observados decréscimo dos valores da pressão coloidosmótica, como os valores de albumina e proteína total (p 0.001). Apesar de ligeiramente inferior, os valores de PCO para o grupo adulto não apresentaram diferença significativa. Os resultados indicam que não houve diferença nos valores da pressão oncótica ou padrão de flutuação entre adultos e idosos (p=0,124). Os resultados observados indicam significativo decréscimo da pressão coloidosmótica durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos devido à hipotensão causada pelos fármacos anestésicos e pela hemodiluição causada pela administração de fluídos, mas não houve diferença entre os grupos. Entretanto, tanto em cães adultos como idosos, essas variações retornaram gradualmente após a recuperação dos animals, através do aumento da produção de urina e da recuperação do tônus vascular, indicando restabelecimento da homeostase.
O estudo das interações orgânicas da gestação e as mudanças fisiológicas que estão ocorrendo nesta fase são de extrema importância para a avaliação clínica da fêmea gestante ou para estabelecer o diagnóstico de processos patológicos em andamento. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar o perfil das diversas proteínas sanguíneas (frações protéicas do soro - albumina, a1, a2, b, g globulinas e proteína total) durante o período gestacional e no diestro em cadelas. Foram utilizadas 40 fêmeas caninas da raça Dogue Alemão, em idade variando entre 2 a 7 anos, clinicamente saudáveis. Os animais foram separados em dois grupos, denominados Grupo não gestante (NG) e Grupo gestante (G), constituídos por 20 fêmeas em diestro e 20 fêmeas gestantes, respectivamente. Preconizou-se colheita de sangue semanalmente de cada animal durante 9 semanas. Nas fêmeas do grupo NG, as amostras foram colhidas a partir do início do diestro, até a detecção do início do anestro; no grupo G, as amostras foram colhidas do início do diestro até o momento da parição. A partir do soro sanguíneo, foram determinadas as concentrações de proteína total, albumina, a1, a2, b e g globulinas. Não houve diferença significativa quanto aos resultados de proteína sérica total entre a 1ª e 6ª semanas de gestação e diestro, havendo decréscimo gradual em ambos grupos. Já ao final da gestação (entre a 7ª e 9ª semanas), houve acréscimo significativo dos valores de proteína total, sugerindo ação anabólica. Os níveis de albumina sofreram queda da 1ª a 9ª semana, tanto no grupo gestante, como não-gestante, com diferença estatística entre os dois grupos na 7ª, 8ª e 9ª semanas. As concentrações de α1 globulina nas fêmeas gestantes sofreram acréscimo significativo a partir da 2ª semana, contudo, diferença estatística entre os grupos NG e G ocorreu somente na 8ª e 9ª semanas, coincidindo com a fase de preparação à parição. Houve aumento no perfil de α2 globulina entre a 2ª e 3ª semanas de gestação, porém tais valores não diferiram das fêmeas em diestro. Diferença significativa de α2 globulina foi observada apenas durante a 4ª, 5ª, 6ª, 8ª e 9ª semanas entre os dois grupos avaliados. As concentrações séricas de ß globulina nas cadelas não-gestantes foi superior às das fêmeas gestantes durante a 2ª, 4ª e 7ª semanas. Durante o primeiro terço da gestação (1ª a 3ª semana), foi observado queda dos valores de γ globulina, coincidente ao período pré implantacional e durante a formação dos sítios de implantação. Entre a 8ª e 9ª semanas de gestação, houve acréscimo significativo de γ globulina, possivelmente conseqüente ao aumento da produção de imunoglobulinas direcionadas à glândula mamária, como constituinte do colostro. Em conclusão, as proteínas alteram-se de forma evidente durante o período de gestação. Foi possível inferir diferenças nas funções biológicas das proteínas sanguíneas em cadelas gestantes e não gestantes. As proteínas determinadas estão envolvidas com o estímulo inflamatório durante a gestação, além dos mecanismos de regulação hormonal e preparação do organismo materno à lactação.(AU)
The study of the organic interaction and physiological adaptations during pregnancy is of utmost importance for clinical evaluation and diagnosis of pathological conditions of pregnant bitches. The aim of the present study was to compare the serum protein profile (total protein, albumin, a1, a2, b and g globulin) of pregnant and diestrous bitches. For this purpose, 40 healthy 2 to7-year-old Great Dane bitches were used. The bitches were allocated in two experimental groups: Non-pregnant group (NP; n=20) and pregnant group (P; n=20). From each female, blood was drawn weekly during 9 weeks, from the diestrous onset until the beginning of anestrus or parturition, respectively from NP and P groups. The concentration of total protein, albumin and a1, a2, b and g globulins were determined from serum samples. No statistical difference was found for total protein between 1st and 6th weeks of pregnancy or diestrus. In both groups, there was a progressive decline in total protein concentration. At the end of pregnancy (7th to 9th week), a significant increase in total protein was verified, suggesting an anabolic process. Albumin concentration decreased between the 1st and 9th week in both groups, however, more markedly in the P group (with significant difference between groups at 7th, 8th and 9th week). The levels of α1 globulin in pregnant bitches increased significantly from the 2nd week on. Statistical difference was observed between groups only at the 8th and 9th week, during which a preparatory phase for parturition occurs. A significant rise in α2 globulin was shown between the 2nd and 3rd week of gestation, however without difference from the NP group. There was significant difference for α2 globulin between groups at the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th week. Serum concentration of b globulin in diestrous bitches was superior than pregnant bitches at the 2nd, 4th and 7th week. During early gestation (1st to 3rd week) there was a decrease in g globulin, simultaneously to the preimplantation period and formation of implantation sites. An increase in g globulin was shown between the 8th and 9th week in pregnant bitches, possibly due to the increase in immunoglobulin synthesis targeting the mammary gland to form the colostrum. In conclusion, markedly changes in protein profile occur during gestation. It was possible to state different biological function of blood proteins in pregnant and diestrous bitches. The determined proteins are enrolled in the inflammatory stimulus during gestation, as well as in the hormonal regulatory mechanisms and maternal preparatory process to lactation.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Albuminas/análise , Proteínas Sanguíneas/análise , Diestro , Globulinas/análise , Gravidez/fisiologia , Fenômenos FisiológicosResumo
O estudo das interações orgânicas da gestação e as mudanças fisiológicas que estão ocorrendo nesta fase são de extrema importância para a avaliação clínica da fêmea gestante ou para estabelecer o diagnóstico de processos patológicos em andamento. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar o perfil das diversas proteínas sanguíneas (frações protéicas do soro - albumina, a1, a2, b, g globulinas e proteína total) durante o período gestacional e no diestro em cadelas. Foram utilizadas 40 fêmeas caninas da raça Dogue Alemão, em idade variando entre 2 a 7 anos, clinicamente saudáveis. Os animais foram separados em dois grupos, denominados Grupo não gestante (NG) e Grupo gestante (G), constituídos por 20 fêmeas em diestro e 20 fêmeas gestantes, respectivamente. Preconizou-se colheita de sangue semanalmente de cada animal durante 9 semanas. Nas fêmeas do grupo NG, as amostras foram colhidas a partir do início do diestro, até a detecção do início do anestro; no grupo G, as amostras foram colhidas do início do diestro até o momento da parição. A partir do soro sanguíneo, foram determinadas as concentrações de proteína total, albumina, a1, a2, b e g globulinas. Não houve diferença significativa quanto aos resultados de proteína sérica total entre a 1ª e 6ª semanas de gestação e diestro, havendo decréscimo gradual em ambos grupos. Já ao final da gestação (entre a 7ª e 9ª semanas), houve acréscimo significativo dos valores de proteína total, sugerindo ação anabólica. Os níveis de albumina sofreram queda da 1ª a 9ª semana, tanto no grupo gestante, como não-gestante, com diferença estatística entre os dois grupos na 7ª, 8ª e 9ª semanas. [...] (AU)
The study of the organic interaction and physiological adaptations during pregnancy is of utmost importance for clinical evaluation and diagnosis of pathological conditions of pregnant bitches. The aim of the present study was to compare the serum protein profile (total protein, albumin, a1, a2, b and g globulin) of pregnant and diestrous bitches. For this purpose, 40 healthy 2 to7-year-old Great Dane bitches were used. The bitches were allocated in two experimental groups: Non-pregnant group (NP; n=20) and pregnant group (P; n=20). From each female, blood was drawn weekly during 9 weeks, from the diestrous onset until the beginning of anestrus or parturition, respectively from NP and P groups. The concentration of total protein, albumin and a1, a2, b and g globulins were determined from serum samples. No statistical difference was found for total protein between 1st and 6th weeks of pregnancy or diestrus. In both groups, there was a progressive decline in total protein concentration. At the end of pregnancy (7th to 9th week), a significant increase in total protein was verified, suggesting an anabolic process. Albumin concentration decreased between the 1st and 9th week in both groups, however, more markedly in the P group (with significant difference between groups at 7th, 8th and 9th week). The levels of α1 globulin in pregnant bitches increased significantly from the 2nd week on. Statistical difference was observed between groups only at the 8th and 9th week, during which a preparatory phase for parturition occurs. A significant rise in α2 globulin was shown between the 2nd and 3rd week of gestation, however without difference from the NP group. There was significant difference for α2 globulin between groups at the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th week. [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Proteínas Sanguíneas/análise , Diestro , Albuminas/análise , Globulinas/análise , Gravidez/fisiologia , Fenômenos FisiológicosResumo
Background: Neonatal period in bovine presents important variations in hematologic and immunologic parameters, and the resulting mortality rates may be due to increased susceptibility to disease. Race, age, environmental, climate and management factors are sources of CBCs parameters variation in cattle. The objective of this study is to evaluate and compare the CBC variables and concentrations of total protein (PTP) and plasma fibrinogen calves of Criolo Lageano Breed variety hornless and Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus) in the first six months of life, which are produced under extensive management at the Planalto Serrano Catarinense (southern Brazil). Materials, Methods & Results: Two groups were selected, comprising 11 calves of Hornless Criolo Lageano and 14 calves of the Aberdeen Angus breed (Red Angus). Blood samples were collected for complete blood count and determination of total protein concentrations, and plasma fibrinogen in the periods between 24 h and 36, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days of life. The statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance for repeated measures (ANOVA) and Tukeys test (P 0.05). During the experimental period infestations by ticks in both races were observed. In the first month of life, blood smears revealed the presence of blood parasites of the genus Babesia spp. and Anaplasma sp. The fluctuations seen for erythrocy[...](AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Fibrinogênio/análise , Proteínas Sanguíneas/análise , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia , Padrões de Referência/análise , Contagem de Leucócitos/veterinária , Contagem de Eritrócitos/veterináriaResumo
Um dos herbicidas mais comumente usados na agricultura é o ácido 2,4 diclorofenoxiacético, seu uso indiscriminado tem gerado aumento da poluição das águas, causando grandes preocupações ambientais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar os efeitos toxicológicos do herbicida 2,4-D em juvenis de Rhamdia quelen (jundiá). Para tal, 96 exemplares de Rhamdia quelen foram submetidos a um teste agudo (96h) de exposição ao herbicida 2,4 D nas concentrações crescentes de 0,0 (grupo controle); 15; 30 e 45 mg/L. Para cada concentração foram feitas 4 réplicas, com 6 exemplares cada. Após 96 horas, os animais foram pesados, medidos e anestesiados para a coleta de sangue para as análises hematológicas, sendo quantificados: o número de eritrócitos, leucócitos, trombócitos e monócitos. Em seguida, os animais foram eutanasiados e laparatomizados para a coleta dos músculos e fígados destinados às análises histomorfométricas e bioquímicas. Para histomorfometria, fígado e músculo foram isolados limpos e pesados sendo submetidos a técnicas histológicas de rotina, corados e avaliados quanto ao Índice hepatossomático (IHS) e Fator de condição (FC). Um fragmento hepático, foi destinado análise enzimática da Lipoperoxidação oxidativa (LPO), Acetilcolinesterase (AChE) e Proteínas totais (PT). As análises hematológicas mostraram que o 2,4-D provoca alteração no número de leucócitos, monócitos e trombócitos, em todas as concentrações em comparação ao grupo controle (não exposto). Já o valor médio de eritrócitos foi de 1,6x106µL-1 . O 2,4-D não alterou significativamente o diâmetro das fibras musculares, porém o herbicida nas concentrações de 30 e 45mg/L reduziu e aumentou, respectivamente, o número de hepatócitos quando comparado ao grupo controle (não exposto). A atividade da LPO hepática não foi alterada pelo 2,4-D em nenhuma concentração utilizadas. Similarmente, não foi evidenciada inibição da atividade da Acetilcolinesterase (AChE) hepática nos animais expostos ao 2,4-D. Todavia, nas concentrações de 30 e 45mg/L do 2,4-D foi observada redução da proteína total. As alterações encontradas em Rhamdia quelen expostos a 2,4-D indicam que, agudamente a exposição ao herbicida promove principalmente danos hepáticos e hematológicos, indicando maior vulnerabilidade destes tecidos ao herbicida a curto prazo. É provável que a exposição crônica possa elevar o dano e provocar maiores alterações em outros tecidos. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstrarão o grau de toxicidade do herbicida e serão apresentados em dois capítulo que irão contribuir com novas pesquisas desenvolvidas com ensaios toxicológicos utilizando o herbicida 2,4-D, os dados irão auxiliar na compreensão dos comportamentos morfométricos, histológicos, hematológicos e bioquímicos de juvenis da espécie Rhamdia quelen, expostos a uma contaminação aguda pelo herbicida 2,4-D.
One of the most commonly used herbicides in agriculture is 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, its indiscriminate use has generated an increase in water pollution, causing great environmental concerns. The aim of the present study was to determine the toxicological effects of the 2.4-D herbicide on juveniles of Rhamdia quelen (jundiá). For this purpose, 96 specimens of Rhamdia quelen were submitted to an acute test (96h) of exposure to the 2.4-D herbicide at increasing concentrations of 0.0 (control group); 15; 30 and 45 mg/L. For each concentration, 4 replicates were made, with 6 copies each. After 96 hours, the animals were weighed, measured and anesthetized for blood collection for hematological analysis, and the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes and monocytes was quantified. Then, the animals were euthanized and laparatomized to collect the muscles and livers for histomorphometric and biochemical analysis. For histomorphometry, liver and muscle were isolated clean and weighed and subjected to routine histological techniques, stained and evaluated for hepatosomatic index (HSI) and condition factor (CF). A liver fragment was destined for enzymatic analysis of Oxidative Lipoperoxidation (OLP), Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and Total Proteins (TP). Hematological analysis showed that 2.4-D causes changes in the number of leukocytes, monocytes and thrombocytes at all concentrations compared to the control group (not exposed). The mean value of erythrocytes was 1.5x106µL-1 . 2.4-D did not significantly change the diameter of muscle fibers, but the herbicide at concentrations of 30 and 45mg/L reduced and increased, respectively, the number of hepatocytes when compared to the control group (no exposed). The activity of hepatic LPO was not altered by 2.4-D at any of the concentrations used. Similarly, there was no evidence of inhibition of hepatic Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in animals exposed to 2.4-D. However, at concentrations of 30 and 45mg/L of 2.4-D, a reduction in total protein was observed. The changes found in Rhamdia quelen exposed to 2.4- D indicate that acute exposure to the herbicide mainly promotes liver and hematological damage, indicating greater vulnerability of these tissues to the herbicide in the short term. It is likely that chronic exposure can increase the damage and cause greater changes in other tissues. The results obtained in this work will demonstrate the degree of toxicity of the herbicide and will be presented in two chapters that will contribute to new researches developed with toxicological tests using the 2.4-D herbicide, the data will help to understand the morphometric, histological, hematological behaviors and biochemicals of juveniles of the species Rhamdia quelen, exposed to an acute contamination by the 2.4-D herbicide.
Background: Neonatal period in bovine presents important variations in hematologic and immunologic parameters, and the resulting mortality rates may be due to increased susceptibility to disease. Race, age, environmental, climate and management factors are sources of CBCs parameters variation in cattle. The objective of this study is to evaluate and compare the CBC variables and concentrations of total protein (PTP) and plasma fibrinogen calves of Criolo Lageano Breed variety hornless and Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus) in the first six months of life, which are produced under extensive management at the Planalto Serrano Catarinense (southern Brazil). Materials, Methods & Results: Two groups were selected, comprising 11 calves of Hornless Criolo Lageano and 14 calves of the Aberdeen Angus breed (Red Angus). Blood samples were collected for complete blood count and determination of total protein concentrations, and plasma fibrinogen in the periods between 24 h and 36, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days of life. The statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance for repeated measures (ANOVA) and Tukeys test (P 0.05). During the experimental period infestations by ticks in both races were observed. In the first month of life, blood smears revealed the presence of blood parasites of the genus Babesia spp. and Anaplasma sp. The fluctuations seen for erythrocy[...]
Animais , Bovinos , Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Fibrinogênio/análise , Proteínas Sanguíneas/análise , Contagem de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Contagem de Leucócitos/veterinária , Padrões de Referência/análiseResumo
Avaliou-se o efeito da suplementação proteica no período final da gestação sobre a transferência de imunidade passiva e desempenho das vacas Canchim e bezerros no pós-parto. Foram utilizadas 24 vacas da raça Canchim, com seus respectivos bezerros, entre os meses de julho e dezembro de 2019 durante o período médio de 51,04 ± 19,07 dias pré-parto até os 60 dias pós-parto. As vacas foram submetidas à dois tratamentos, sendo um tratamento constituído de dieta que atendia 75% da exigência proteica e o segundo tratamento constituído de dieta que atendia 100% da exigência proteica da vaca no período pré-parto. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso com 12 repetições. Os blocos foram montados em função do momento do parto e a idade das vacas foi utilizada como covariável. Foram analisadas características de peso e consumo de suplemento das matrizes. Para os bezerros avaliaram-se desempenho até os 60 dias do nascimento, proteína total, imunoglobulina A (IgA), imunoglobulina G (IgG) e albumina em soro sanguíneo nas primeiras 24 horas de vida. As características avaliadas foram submetidas à análise de variância, utilizando animal como unidade experimental, e incluído no modelo estatístico os efeitos de tratamento, bloco e covariável. Observou-se consumo de suplemento abaixo do esperado pelas matrizes (87 e 57% da exigência proteica, para os tratamentos 100 e 75%, respectivamente). Houve maior consumo de suplemento e ingestão de nutrientes pelas matrizes que receberam o tratamento que atendia 100% da exigência proteica. Não houve diferença significativa quanto ao peso da matriz 24h após o parto. Além disso, as matrizes que receberam 100% da exigência proteica apresentaram maior peso aos 30 dias pós-parto. Não houve diferença significativa no desempenho dos bezerros ao nascimento e, 30 e 60 dias após o nascimento e nos valores deproteína total, IgA, IgG e albumina em soro sanguíneo dos bezerros 24 horas após o nascimento. Sendo assim, o efeito da suplementação proteica que atenda 100% da exigência nutricional durante o préparto promoveu maior ganho de peso nas matrizes. Além disso, a suplementação proteica que atenda 75% da exigência nutricional das matrizes não interferiu no desempenho dos bezerros até os 60 dias de vida.
The effect of protein supplementation in the final period of gestation on the transfer of passive immunity and performance of Canchim cows and calves in the postpartum period was evaluated. Twenty-four cows were used, with their respective calves between the months of July and December 2019 during the average period of 51.04 ± 19.07 days pre-calving to 60 days post-calving. The cows were subjected to two treatments, one treatment consisting of a diet that met 75% (T1) of the protein requirement and the second treatment consisting of a diet that met 100% (T2) of the cow's protein requirement in the pre-calving period. The design was in randomized blocks with 12 repetitions. The blocks were assembled according to the time of calving, and the age of the cows was used as a covariate. Cows weight characteristics and morphological parameters and calf weight gain were analyzed. For calves performance was evaluated up to 60 days of birth, total protein using the Bradford methodology, and immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin G (IgG) and Albumin through SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis in blood serum in the first 24 hours of life. The evaluated characteristics were subjected to analysis of variance, using animal as an experimental unit, and the effects of treatment, block and covariate were included in the statistical model. Was observed supplement consumption lower than expected by the cows (87 and 57% of the protein requirement, for treatments 100 and 75%, respectively). There was higher supplement consumption and nutrient intake by the cows that received the treatment that met 100% of the protein requirement. Was not significant difference for the weight of the mother 24h after delivery. In addition, the matrices that received 100% of the protein requirement had greater weight at 30 days postpartum. For calves, there were no significant differences for morphophysiological parameters at birth, 30 and 60 days after birth and weight gain. For total protein, IgA, IgG and serum albumin in calves, no significant differences were observed at birth and 24 hours after birth. Thus, the effect of protein supplementation that meets 100% of the nutritional requirement during pre-partum promoted greater weight gain in the cows. And the protein supplementation that meets 75% of the nutritional requirement of the cows, does not interfere with the performance of the calves, making this supplementation more economically viable for the producer.
Objetivou-se determinar a concentração do inibidor tecidual de metaloprotease-1 (TIMP-1) e do ácido hialurônico (AH) em membranas amnióticas (MAs) caninas criopreservadas por diferentes períodos. Os resultados de defeitos corneais de cães reparados com MAs armazenadas por diferentes períodos também foram avaliados. Dez MAs foram utilizadas em meio modificado de Dulbecco e glicerina (1:1) a 80°C. As MAs foram criopreservadas por curto (estocadas por 2-50 dias), médio (92-210 dias), ou longo prazo (256-357 dias). A TIMP-1, e o AH foram quantificados por ELISA. Registros de 21 olhos de cães submetidos ao transplante de MA para reparar perfurações ou ulcerações corneais foram revisados. Os dados obtidos entre as avaliações das MAs das doadoras e os resultados clínicos foram comparados estatíticamente entre os períodos. Possíveis correlações entre os tempos de estocagem e com os resultados obtidos nos olhos reparados com MAs de diferentes períodos também foram avaliados (P<0,05). Os níveis do TIMP-1 foram maiores comparando-se, MAs estocadas a curto prazo com as de médio (p=0,02) e a longo prazo (p=0,0009). As concentrações de AH não diferiram entre os tempos de estocagem (p=0,18). As concentrações do TIMP-1 se correlacionaram negativamente com o tempo de estocagem (r=-0,65; p<0,0001), enquanto que as de AH não (r=-0,15; p=0,41). Defeitos reparados com MAs estocadas a curto prazo se epitelizaram mais cedo que aqueles reparados com MAs estocadas a médio (p<0,01) e longo prazo (p=0,02). Ademais, observou-se correlação entre a concentração de TIMP-1 e a epitelização corneal (r=0,62; p=0,002). A opacidade corneal foi considerada moderada em 55% dos casos. Todavia, observou-se correlação negativa entre opacidade corneal e a concetração de AH nas MAs (r=- 0,47; p=0,03). Boa visão foi observada em mais pacientes com úlceras profundas e descemetoceles que em olhos com perfuração (p=0,004). Diante dos resultados, conclui-se que a concentração da TIMP-1 de MAs caninas diminuem significativamente em um ano, enquanto que as de AH não se alteram. Defeitos corneais complicados reparados com MA criopreservadas por curto prazo cicatrizam mais cedo e tendem a serem mais transparentes, porém, resultados variando de satisfatório a ótimo são obtidos em olhos reparados com MAs preservadas a médio e longo prazo.
This study aimed to determine the concentrations of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and hyaluronic acid (HA) in canine amniotic membranes (AMs) cryopreserved for different time points. The outcomes of complicated corneal defects of dogs repaired with AM stored for the same time points were also evaluated. Ten canine AMs were stored in Dulbeccos´s Modified Eagle Medium with glycerol (1:1) at 80°C. AMs were cryopreserved for short (stored for 2- 50 days), medium (92-210 days), or long term (256-357 days). TIMP-1 and HA were quantified by ELISA. Twenty-one dogs that had an AM transplantation to restore deep or perforating corneal wounds were selected. Data obtained between donor AM evaluations and clinical results were compared statistically between storage times and with the results obtained in the eyes repaired with AMs stored for different periods (P<0.05). TIMP-1 levels decreased in AMs stored for medium (P=0.02) and long term (P=0.0009). HA concentrations did not differ among the storage time (P=0.18). TIMP-1 concentration in AMs correlated with storage time (R=0.65, P<0.0001), while HA concentration did not (R=0.15, P= 0.41). Corneal defects repaired with AM cryopreserved for short term healed sooner than the ones repaired with the ones stored for medium (P<0.01) and long term (P=0.02). Additionally, TIMP-1 levels in AMs correlated negatively with the epithelization time (R=0.62, P=0.002). Graft opacity was severe in 55% of cases. However, the HA levels in AMs correlated negatively with the opacification score (R =0.47, P= 0.03). Good vison was observed in more patients that presented deep ulcers and descemetoceles, than in the ones with perforations (P=0.004). From our results is possible to conclude that TIMP-1 concentration in canine AMs significantly decreases over a year, while HA concentrations do not change during the same period. Our results also suggest that the concentration of TIMP-1 and HA are correlated with the epithelial healing time and the corneal transparency, respectively. Additionally, it may be assumed that complicated corneal defects repaired with AMs cryopreserved for short term healed sooner, however, satisfactory to optimal outcomes are achieved even in the eyes repaired with AMs stored for longer periods.
Background: Machine milking can induce both physical and psychological stimuli, with physiological adjustments, including adrenocortical, haematochemical and haematological changes, particularly in dairy farms. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the physiological patterns of cortisol responses and total protein and haematocrit changes in pregnant dairy cows before and after morning and early afternoon machine milking, by taking into account the effect of different milking times and breed.Materials, Methods & Results: This was a comparative and observational study on the adaptive responses of circulating cortisol concentrations, total protein and haematocrit values to machine milking evaluated in 36 healthy multiparous lactating dairy cows, 5.2 ± 2.54 years of age, at the 4th-5th month of pregnancy, stabled in stall. The animals were divided in three groups according to different breed (group A: 10 Holstein Friesian dairy cows; group B: 10 Swedish Red dairy cows; group C: 16 crossbred (Friesian-cross) dairy cows and were submitted to machine milking 2 times daily at 06:30 a.m. and at 03:30 p.m. Blood samples were collected via the coccygeal vessels in the tail, in the morning: in baseline conditions (before milking) at 06:00 a.m., and after milking at 07:00 a.m.; and in the early afternoon: in baseline conditions, at 03:00 a.m., and after milking at 04:00 p.m. for two consecutive days. One-way RM ANOVA showed significant effects of the machine milking on the cortisol (F=29.66 and F=11.50; P < 0.001), total protein (F=27.24 and F=30.34; P < 0.001) and haematocrit (F=19.44 and F=13.50; P < 0.01) changes in Holstein Friesian dairy cows, both at morning and at afternoon.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Utilização de Equipamentos e Suprimentos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos , Leite , Hematócrito/veterinária , HidrocortisonaResumo
Background: Machine milking can induce both physical and psychological stimuli, with physiological adjustments, including adrenocortical, haematochemical and haematological changes, particularly in dairy farms. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the physiological patterns of cortisol responses and total protein and haematocrit changes in pregnant dairy cows before and after morning and early afternoon machine milking, by taking into account the effect of different milking times and breed.Materials, Methods & Results: This was a comparative and observational study on the adaptive responses of circulating cortisol concentrations, total protein and haematocrit values to machine milking evaluated in 36 healthy multiparous lactating dairy cows, 5.2 ± 2.54 years of age, at the 4th-5th month of pregnancy, stabled in stall. The animals were divided in three groups according to different breed (group A: 10 Holstein Friesian dairy cows; group B: 10 Swedish Red dairy cows; group C: 16 crossbred (Friesian-cross) dairy cows and were submitted to machine milking 2 times daily at 06:30 a.m. and at 03:30 p.m. Blood samples were collected via the coccygeal vessels in the tail, in the morning: in baseline conditions (before milking) at 06:00 a.m., and after milking at 07:00 a.m.; and in the early afternoon: in baseline conditions, at 03:00 a.m., and after milking at 04:00 p.m. for two consecutive days. One-way RM ANOVA showed significant effects of the machine milking on the cortisol (F=29.66 and F=11.50; P < 0.001), total protein (F=27.24 and F=30.34; P < 0.001) and haematocrit (F=19.44 and F=13.50; P < 0.01) changes in Holstein Friesian dairy cows, both at morning and at afternoon.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos , Hematócrito/veterinária , Leite , Utilização de Equipamentos e Suprimentos , HidrocortisonaResumo
Dietas suplementadas com óleo essencial de manjericão Ocimum basilicum (OEOB) podem melhorar o crescimento dos peixes. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da OEOB na dieta sobre o desempenho de crescimento e variáveis plasmáticas de juvenis de pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) submetidos a condições estressantes (densidade de estocagem de 7,56 kg m-3 por tanque e espaço limitado). Quatro dietas (em triplicata) foram avaliadas com concentrações crescentes de OEOB (0,0 controle; 0,5; 1,0; e 2,0 mL kg de dieta1) durante 48 dias. O linalool foi o principal constituinte do OEOB (54,19%). A adição de 2,0 mL de OEOB kg de dieta-1 melhorou peso final, ganho de peso, taxa de crescimento específico, fator de condição e conversão alimentar aparente; também diminuiu os níveis plasmáticos de ureia e aumentou os níveis de albumina plasmática e proteínas totais. Os níveis plasmáticos de glicose, cortisol e ácido úrico não foram influenciados pela adição de OEOB na dieta dos peixes. Em conclusão, a adição de 2,0 mL de OEOB kg de dieta-1 é recomendada para juvenis de pirarucu, devido ao melhor desempenho de crescimento, e esta suplementação não comprometeu a homeostase da criação de peixes em uma densidade de estocagem muito alta.
Diet supplementation with essential oil from sweet basil Ocimum basilicum (EOOB) can increase fish growth. So, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of EOOB in the diet on growth performance and plasmatic variables of pirarucu juveniles (Arapaima gigas) submitted to stressful condition (stocking density of 7.56 kg m3 per tank and limited space). Four diets (in triplicates) were evaluated with increasing levels of EOOB (0.0 control; 0.5; 1.0; and 2.0 mL kg diet1) over 48 days. Linalool was the major constituent of EOOB (54.19 %). The addition of 2.0 mL EOOB kg diet1 improved final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, condition factor and feed conversion ratio; it also, decreased plasma urea levels and increased plasma albumin and total proteins levels. Plasma glucose, cortisol, and acid uric levels were not influenced by the addition of EOOB the fish diet. In conclusion, the addition of 2.0 mL EOOB kg diet1 is recommended for pirarucu juveniles, due to improved growth performance, and this supplementation did not compromise the homeostasis of fish rearing in a very high stocking density.
A Medicina Veterinária na modalidade esportiva equina vem ganhando grande espaço devido a maior utilização destes animais em diversos esportes equestres. A vaquejada é um esporte muito popular e difundida no Nordeste do país, sendo raros os estudos sobre os efeitos das provas de vaquejada nos equinos. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito do exercício de um ciclo da prova de vaquejada, composta por um conjunto de três corridas, no perfil bioquímico de equinos de puxada. Foram utilizados 14 equinos, da raça Quarto de Milha, 11 machos e 3 fêmeas. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, o grupo local (GL) formado por animais que competem esporadicamente na região da prova e outro grupo transportado (GT), formado por animais que competem de modo regular e foram submetidos ao transporte. Foi realizada a avaliação dos parâmetros fisiológicos como frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR) e temperatura retal (TR) e coletas de sangue para análises laboratoriais nos momentos: basal, com o animal em repouso (M0); logo após um ciclo de três corridas (M1); 30 minutos (M2) e, 120 minutos após o ciclo de três corridas (M3). As análises bioquímicas incluíram a dosagem sérica de: ácido úrico, proteína total, albumina, creatina quinase, lactato desidrogenase, ferro e capacidade latente de ligação do ferro (CLLF) e plasmática de: lactato, glicose, magnésio e aspartato aminotransferase. Foram calculados a capacidade total de ligação do ferro (CTLF), o índice de saturação da transferrina (IST) e concentração estimada de transferrina. Foi realizado o teste de Wilcoxon Mann Whitney para verificar diferenças entre os animais do GL e GT, e o teste de Friedman com comparação múltipla de Kruskal Wallis para verificar diferenças entre os momentos, com nível de significância de 5%. Houve aumento significativo (p<0,05) no M1 em relação ao M0 para a FC e FR no GT e TR no GL, sem diferença estatística entre grupos. O exercício promoveu alterações na maior parte dos parâmetros bioquímicos, verificadas pela comparação dos momentos pós-exercício com o M0, que foi significativa (p<0,05) apenas para o ácido úrico (M1), albumina (M2) e lactato (M2) ambos do GT. O efeito metabólico do exercício de vaquejada mostrou-se diferente entre os grupos (p<0,05), no M0 para as variáveis: ácido úrico, albumina, CLLF, IST e proteína total, no M1 para a CLLF, IST e glicose, no M2 apenas para IST e no M3 para glicose. Conclui-se que as alterações dos parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos induzidas pelo exercício de um ciclo de três corridas da vaquejada são discretas, transitórias e ocorrem dentro do intervalo de normalidade para a espécie. Equinos competidores profissionais que deslocam-se por mais de 400 km para participarem das competições apresentam alterações mais expressivas que equinos competidores esporádicos que participam de vaquejadas na sua região.
Veterinary Medicine in equine sports has been gaining a lot of space due to the greater use of these animals in several equestrian sports. The vaquejada is a very popular and widespread sport in the Northeast of the country, being rare the studies on the effects of the tests of vaquejada in equines. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the vaquejada exercise test cycle, composed of three races, in biochemical profile of pull horses. Fourteen horses were used, Quarter Horse, 11 males and 3 females. The animals were divided into two groups, the local group (GL) composed of animals that competed sporadically in the same region of the test and another group transported (GT), formed by animals that competed regularly and were submitted to transport. Evaluations of physiological parameters such heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RF) and rectal temperature (RT) and blood samples for laboratory analysis were carried at moments: basal, with the animal at rest (M0); after a cycle of three races (M1); 30 minutes (M2) and, 120 minutes after three-race cycle (M3). Biochemical analyzes included serum levels of uric acid, total protein, albumin, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, iron and unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) and plasma lactate, glucose, magnesium and aspartate aminotransferase. Total iron binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin saturation (TS%) and estimated concentration of transferrin were calculated. Wilcoxon - Mann Whitney test was performed to verify differences between GL and GT animals, and Friedman 's Kruskal Wallis multiple comparison test to verify differences between moments, with significance level of 5%. There was significant (p <0.05) increase in M1 in relation to M0 for HR and RR in GT and TR in GL, with no statistical difference between groups. The exercise promoted alterations in most of biochemical parameters, verified by the comparison of post-exercise moments with M0, which was significant (p <0.05) only for uric acid (M1), albumin (M2) and lactate (M2) both from GT. The metabolic effect of the vaquejada exercise was different between the groups (p <0.05), in M0 for variables: uric acid, albumin, UIBC, TS% and total protein, in M1 for UIBC, TS% and glucose, in M2 only for TS% and in M3 for glucose. We concluded that changes in the physiological and biochemical parameters induced by three race of vaquejada exercise are discrete, transient and occur within the range of normality for species. Equine professional competitors moving for more than 400 km to participate in competitions present more expressive changes than equine sporadic competitors who participate in vaquejadas in their region.
Protein profile of twelve healthy adult dogs averaging 14.2±5.4kg was evaluated after the inoculation of yellow scorpion venom (Tityus serrulatus). The animals were randomly divided in two experimental groups (G) (n= 6): GI control, which received 0.5mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) subcutaneously in the medial side of the left thigh (MSLT), and GII which received T. serrulatus venom (250μg/kg), diluted in 0.5mL of PBS subcutaneously in the MSLT. Blood samples were collected before the venom inoculation (time zero) and after 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72h to obtain serum for measurement of total proteins. The fractionated protein profile was done by electrophoresis on agarose films using Tris and Amido Black staining and quantification of albumin and globulin fractions by software. The results showed no changes in the levels of total proteins, albumin and α, β and γ globulin or reversal of the albumin:globulin ratio between the groups, concluding that the dose of 250μg/kg of Tityus serrulatus venom did not induce acute phase proteins in dogs.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Proteínas , Cães , Sangue , Escorpiões , Venenos de Escorpião/intoxicação , Venenos de Escorpião/toxicidade , Ensaio de Desvio de Mobilidade Eletroforética/veterináriaResumo
This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of the liquid diet on the blood metabolites profile related to the protein and energy status of calves receiving different liquid diets. Twenty-four calves of Holstein x Gir breed were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replications: Whole milk (Control); 50% whole milk + 50% of whey of cheese in natura; 50% whole milk + 50% of cheese whey in natura + one egg in natura; 50% whole milk + 50% of cheese whey in natura + one egg in natura + of biotin. The adaptation of the animals to the experimental diets occurred ten days before the beginning of the treatments. The animals received concentrate, Tifton-85 (Cynodon sp.) hay and water ad libitum from the birth to wean. Samples of blood were weekly collected in the morning, before the supply of the liquid diet and two hours after the ingestion. The concentrations of glucose, urea, creatinin, total proteins and albumin found in the serum of the calves, between liquid diets tested, were within normal limits when compared to reference levels in the literature. Only the values of urea differ significantly between treatments, but without harming the performance of the animals, soon it can be used the cheese whey in substitution to the whole milk, in the proportion of 50%, without egg or biotin addition, for a redution on the production cost.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência de diferentes dietas líquidas sobre os perfis dos metabólitos séricos relacionados ao status proteico e energético de bezerros até 60 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 24 bezerros mestiços, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições: leite integral (controle); 50% leite integral + 50% de soro de queijo in natura; 50% leite integral + 50% de soro de queijo in natura + um ovo integral in natura; 50% leite integral + 50% de soro de queijo in natura + um ovo integral in natura + biotina. A adaptação dos animais às dietas compreendeu os dez dias que antecederam o início da pesquisa. Os animais tiveram à disposição concentrado farelado, feno de capim Tifton-85 (Cynodon sp.) e água ad libitum. Semanalmente, foram coletadas amostras de sangue por punção da veia jugular externa, no período da manhã, antes do fornecimento da dieta líquida e duas horas após a ingestão desta. As concentrações médias de glicose, ureia, creatinina, proteínas séricas totais e albumina mostraram-se dentro dos limites normais para bezerros e, apenas os valores de ureia diferiram estatisticamente entre os tratamentos, sem prejudicar, porém, o desempenho normal dos animais. Assim, pôde-se utilizar o soro em substituição ao leite integral, na proporção de 50%, sem adição de ovo ou biotina, uma vez que os mesmos também não acarretaram alterações nas concentrações séricas dos metabólitos estudados.