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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 14(2): 442-451, Apr.-June.2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461269


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) on experimental unilateral varicocele-induced in rats. Sixty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into six experimental groups (n = 10).The Control group had no received any medications and surgery. The Sham group had noreceived any medication, abdominal cavity was opened without varicocele-induced. Varicocele group: abdominal cavity was opened, varicocele done without any medication treatment. In group abdominal cavity was opened, varicocele-induced then animals orally treated with MgSO4 (25mg/kg) for 42 days. The groups 5 and 6 were similar to group 4, except animals received 50 and 100 mg/kg of MgSO4, respectively. At the end of days 21 and 42, the abdomen was opened, the left testis extracted for histopathological studies. Also, from the cauda epididymis semen samples were collected to determine malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase values. According to the results, there was a significant difference in testis damage grade in Varicocele group compared to the Control group (P < 0.05). The MgSO4 significantly improved testis damage grade on day 42 (P < 0.05). The MgSO4 treatment, dose dependently improved seminiferous tubules with many spermatocytes in the seminiferous tubules in experimental unilateral varicocele established rats after 21 and 42 days (P< 0.05). Also, administration of the MgSO4 via a dose dependent manner significantly normalized malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase values to the physiologic level in varicocele-induced rats after 21 and 42 days (P< 0.05).These results suggest administration of the MgSO4 protects testis against unilateral varicocele in rat.

Animais , Ratos , Ratos/anatomia & histologia , Ratos/classificação , Varicocele/veterinária , Sulfato de Magnésio/administração & dosagem
Anim. Reprod. ; 14(2): 442-451, Apr.-June.2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15955


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) on experimental unilateral varicocele-induced in rats. Sixty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into six experimental groups (n = 10).The Control group had no received any medications and surgery. The Sham group had noreceived any medication, abdominal cavity was opened without varicocele-induced. Varicocele group: abdominal cavity was opened, varicocele done without any medication treatment. In group abdominal cavity was opened, varicocele-induced then animals orally treated with MgSO4 (25mg/kg) for 42 days. The groups 5 and 6 were similar to group 4, except animals received 50 and 100 mg/kg of MgSO4, respectively. At the end of days 21 and 42, the abdomen was opened, the left testis extracted for histopathological studies. Also, from the cauda epididymis semen samples were collected to determine malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase values. According to the results, there was a significant difference in testis damage grade in Varicocele group compared to the Control group (P < 0.05). The MgSO4 significantly improved testis damage grade on day 42 (P < 0.05). The MgSO4 treatment, dose dependently improved seminiferous tubules with many spermatocytes in the seminiferous tubules in experimental unilateral varicocele established rats after 21 and 42 days (P< 0.05). Also, administration of the MgSO4 via a dose dependent manner significantly normalized malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase values to the physiologic level in varicocele-induced rats after 21 and 42 days (P< 0.05).These results suggest administration of the MgSO4 protects testis against unilateral varicocele in rat.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Ratos/anatomia & histologia , Ratos/classificação , Varicocele/veterinária , Sulfato de Magnésio/administração & dosagem
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 39(1): 27-31, 2002. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-12608


A bovine, Bos indicus, with bilateral varicocele diagnosticed by palpation and ultrasound observation was observed during 24 months measuring scrotal circumference, semen quality, testosterone concentrations comparing with seasonal variation and other animals of the same species. The abnormal morphology of major defects and minor defects didn't change between the bull and the other animals, however, the total defects were higher during the summer in the bull with varicocele (49,9 percent±6,9) when compared with the other bulls (27,9 percent±2,9). The animal showed higher percentage of major defects during the summer, comparing with the other seasons of the year. For the animal with varicocele testosterone levels were significantly higher during the different season's of the year, whereas decreasing levels in the summer were seen in all Bos indicus. The clinical diagnostic was confirmed by necropsy. This pathology, characterized by a bilateral varicocele with thrombosis of the spermatic cord vessels, showed that the thermoregulation suffered establishing severe testicular degeneration. As seric testosterone increased suggesting lack of steroid retention at the testicle by the pampiniform plexus, the sperm production was abnormal.(AU)

Um reprodutor bovino, Bos indicus, com varicocele bilateral detectado por palpação e ultra-sonografia foi acompanhado por um período de 24 meses quanto à biometria testicular, valores espermáticos e concentração de testosterona comparados entre as estações do ano e outros animais da mesma espécie. As alterações morfológicas dos defeitos maiores e menores não variaram entre o touro com a patologia e os demais touros, no entanto, durante o verão o touro com varicocele apresentou maior percentual de defeitos totais se comparado aos demais touros da mesma espécie (49,86%±6,9 e 27,91%±2,9). O animal apresentou maior percentual de defeitos maiores no verão se comparado às outras estações do ano. Os achados de necrópsia confirmaram o diagnóstico clínico. Pode-se concluir que esta patologia, caracterizada por trombose nos vasos do cordão espermático, comprometeu a termoregulação determinando degeneração testicular severa. O aumento das concentrações de testosterona sérica sugerem a diminuição da retenção de esteroides nos testículos pelo plexo pampiniforme, a produção espermática estava anormal.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Varicocele/veterinária , Testosterona/análise , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Exame Físico/veterinária
Acta cir. bras. ; 18(4)2003.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-448489


PURPOSE: This case-control study was aimed at evaluating testicular volume, puberal and genital development, and the prevalence of varicocele in adolescents and young adults with shistosomiasis in the hepatosplenic form associated with bleeding esophageal varices. METHODS: The study involved 22 young males with schistosomiasis as described, submitted to splenectomy, left gastric vein ligature and auto-implant of splenic tissue in the greater omentum during childhood. The mean follow-up period was 4 years after surgery. The control group included healthy volunteers from a school in the same region where the cases lived. They were randomly selected, matched by age and epidemiological characteristics, and had schistosomiasis ruled out. All participants had complete history taken and were submitted to a thorough clinical and ultrasonographic examinations. Special attention was given to sexual characteristics, testicular ultrasonography and dopplerfluxometry of spermatic veins. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Patients with schistosomiasis had significant deficits in puberal and genital development, testicular volume, specially the left one, and a high prevalence of varicocele (61.5%) without a straight association with testicular atrophy.

OBJETIVO: Avaliar o volume testicular e a prevalência de varicocele em adolescentes e adultos jovens portadores de esquistossomose na forma hepatoesplênica associada a varizes sangrentas de esôfago. MÉTODOS: O estudo envolveu 22 adolescentes masculinos com esquistossomose na forma descrita, submetidos à esplenectomia, ligadura da veia gástrica esquerda e auto-implante de tecido esplênico no grande omento quando crianças. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 4 anos após a intervenção. O grupo de voluntários sadios foi de adolescentes de uma escola na mesma região onde os casos operados viviam. Eles foram selecionados de forma randomizada, considerando a faixa de idade, características epidemiológicas e não serem infestados por equistossomose. Todos os participantes possuíam história clínica completa e foram submetidos a exame físico e ultra-sonográfico. Foi dado atenção especial as características sexuais, ultra-sonografia testicular e dopplerfluxometria das veias espermáticas. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes classificados como adultos pela idade cronológica, 53,8% tinham genitais com características infantis. A incidência de varicocele foi igual a 61,5% no grupo afetado e 40% no grupo controle, sem diferença estatística entre os grupos (x 2 =1,77; g.1.=1; p=0,18 3 p Fisher=0,16), acometendo predominantemente o testículo esquerdo, em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com doença esquistossomótica cirúrgica tinham significante déficit no desenvolvimento puberal e genital, no volume testicular, especialmente do lado esquerdo, e alta prevalência de varicocele (61.5%) sem uma associação direta com atrofia testicular.