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Sci. agric ; 80: e20220171, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427895


Black pepper is widely produced in Brazil, though there are few studies related to its water requirements and the effects of water deficit (WD) applied under tropical conditions. The growth, sensitivity to WD, and first-year productivity of irrigated plants from the Bragantina cultivar were evaluated, employing an irrigation system with automatic management. The plants were cultivated in plastic pots installed in the field for 391 days using emitters with different flow rates (2.2 [T1], 3.3 [T2], 4.3 [T3], and 5.3 L h­1 [T4 ­ control]). Fresh weight of the leaves, stems, and shoots, and dry weight of the leaves, stem, roots, and shoots as well as the total dry weight of the plant, were evaluated. Productivity was determined by evaluating the grains and spikes from a single harvest. Yield results and the actual versus maximum evapotranspiration rate for the entire growing season was used for calculating the Ky coefficient. Despite 1,346 mm of rainfall, the irrigation system was activated 165 times, distributing a mean volume of 19.0 (T1), 28.5 (T2), 37.1 (T3), and 45.8 L per plant (control). All traits were negatively affected by the WD, and the Ky values obtained (from 1.72 to 2.96) indicate the high sensitivity of black pepper to WD. In general, the spikes produced with at least 81 % of the crop water demand were larger and more numerous than those subjected to inferior treatments. WD occurring during the flowering stage severely hampers the size, weight, and quality of the spikes and grains of black pepper.(AU)

Piper nigrum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desidratação/diagnóstico , Irrigação Agrícola/métodos
Sci. agric ; 80: e20220038, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427795


A study was undertaken comparing the water requirements of two common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars to generate specific recommendations aimed at optimizing water use. To accomplish this work, the agronomic performance, responsiveness to water and water productivity of these two common bean cultivars of determinate and indeterminate growth habits were identified. The 2-year experiment was carried out during the winter growing season in the southeast of Brazil. Cultivars IAC Imperador, with an early season of determinate growth habit, and IPR Campos Gerais, having a mid-season of indeterminate growth habit, were subjected to five irrigation levels (54, 70, 77, 100, and 132 % of the crop evapotranspiration). Water deficit affected agronomic performance, reducing plant height (by up to 29 %), leaf area index (by up to 40 %), soil cover fraction (by up to 28 %), and grain yield (GY - by up to 31 %), in both cultivars. In contrast, excess water was more detrimental to cultivar IAC Imperador. Cultivar IPR Campos Gerais produced 18 % more than GY, showing superior water productivity and response to irrigation depth than IAC Imperador. Out of all the variables evaluated, the soil cover fraction correlated the most with grain yield in both common bean cultivars during the 2-year study. In other words, cover fraction evaluation in common bean allows for estimating crop production potential, which helps producers and technicians in their decision making regarding management practices. Thus, a cultivar directly affects water use in common bean production, thereby suggesting the need for a or water conservation strategy and sustainability of irrigated common bean production.(AU)

Phaseolus/fisiologia , Irrigação Agrícola/métodos , 24444 , Recursos Hídricos
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54975, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370322


The objective was to evaluate the production of Megathyrsus maximusgenotypes (Syn. Panicum maximum), under different levels of water in the soil. This was a 5x5 factorial completely randomized design conducted in a greenhouse, combining five genotypes of M. maximus(B55, C10 and PM30, cv. Massai and cv. BRS Tamani) and five levels of soil field capacities (20%, 40%, 60%, 100% and 140%), with three replications. Dry matter production was evaluated: leaf, stem, dead material, root, shoot and total dry matters, as well as the number of tillers and leaf:stem and aboveground:root ratios. The qualitative factor (genotypes) was subjected to Duncan test at 5% probability. The quantitative factor (% field capacity) was subjected to regression, adopting 5% as a critical level of probability. There was no interaction between the factors for any of the evaluated characteristics. Significant differences amongthe genotypes were detected for tiller number, dead material dry mass, root and total dry mass and leaf:stem ratio. There was no significant effect of the percentage of field capacity on most of the characteristics, except for leaf:stem and aboveground:root ratios. Cultivar Massai showed the best forage production compared to the other genotypes, regardless of the percentage of field capacity evaluated. In general, the evaluated genotypes were more tolerant to excess water stress than to water deficit.(AU)

Desidratação/diagnóstico , Inundações , Genótipo , Panicum/genética
Colloq. Agrar ; 18(4): 1-11, jul.-dez. 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1432775


The agriculture economic viabilityis a result ofa correct planning and knowledge of the crop production environment. The level of meteorological information in the region canbe improved through the water balance, making the agricultural planning more accurate. The objective of this study was to characterize the West of the São Paulo State through the agrometeorological water balance. Historical daily data from 1992 to 2021,from the meteorological station of the University of WestPaulista in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, were used in the study. The sequential water balance (deficit and excess of water in the soil) was evaluated during the agricultural season (from October to March) and off-season (from April to September). The annual water deficit was-303.2 mm, being -125.2 mm in the agricultural season and -178.0 mm in the off-season. The frequent occurrence of deficit in the region, in the beginning of spring and mainly during the autumn-winter, makes it necessary to adopt special management practices and to use irrigation in order to reach high agricultural productivity in West Paulista.(AU)

A viabilidade econômica da agricultura se dá em função de um correto planejamento e conhecimento do ambiente de produção de cultivo. Através do balanço hídrico é possível aumentar o nível de informações meteorológicas da região, tornando o planejamento agrícola mais preciso. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a caracterização do Oeste do Estado de São Paulo através do balanço hídrico agrometeorológico.Utilizou-se no estudo os dadosdiárioshistóricos de 1992 a 2021 da estação meteorológica da Universidade do Oeste Paulista de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo. Foi avaliado o balanço hídrico sequencial (déficit e excesso de água no solo) nos períodos da safra agrícola (outubro a março) e da entressafra (abril a setembro).O déficit de água anual foide -303.2 mm, sendo -125.2 mm no período da safra agrícola e -178.0 mm na entressafra.A frequente ocorrência de déficit na região, no início da primavera e principalmente durante o outono-inverno, faz com queseja necessáriaa adoção de práticas especiais de manejo e a necessidadedo uso da irrigação para que se atinjam elevadas produtividades agrícolasno Oeste Paulista.(AU)

Balanço Hidrológico , Irrigação Agrícola , 24444
Colloq. Agrar ; 18(1): 87-95, jan.-fev. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399089


The study aimed to verify the water stress indicators of garlic (Allium sativum L.) submitted to water deficit levels, simulating the effects of possible climatic changes. Considering that A. sativum is a crop known worldwide for its medicinal, culinary properties and applications in the ecological management of agricultural pests and, knowing that the planet is undergoing constant climatic changes, this study becomes essential to understand the influence of these changes on this species cultivation. The treatments were established with water conditions of 100, 75, 50, and 25% of the pot capacity (PC). According to the pot capacity, three bulbils were planted per pot (5 L) containing Plantmax® substrate, irrigated every two days. During the first and last week of the greenhouse treatments, the chlorophyll index was evaluated using a porometer with a seven-day interval between the analysis. The first analysis was performed in the first week of water stress and the last one in the last days of stress. Garlic plants showed sensitivity to water deficit, resulting in lower conductance and transpiration compared to treatments 50% and 75% water deficit, apparently without causing changes in production. In view of the results of this study, it is concluded that Allium sativum L. will not be totally harmed by the climate changes expected in the future according to atmospheric changes in the region of Laranjeiras do Sul.

O objetivo do estudo foi verificar os indicadores de estresse hídrico do alho (Allium sativum L.) submetido a níveis de déficit hídrico, simulando os efeitos de possíveis mudanças climáticas. Considerando que A. sativum é uma cultura conhecida mundialmente pelas suas propriedades medicinais, culinárias e aplicações no manejo ecológico de pragas agrícolas e, sabendo que o planeta está passando por constantes alterações climáticas, este estudo torna-se fundamental para entender a influência destas mudanças sobre o cultivo destas plantas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos com condição hídrica de 100; 75; 50 e 25% da capacidade de pote (CP). Foram plantados três bulbilhos por vaso (5 L) contendo substrato Plantmax®, irrigados a cada dois dias, de acordo com a capacidade de pote. Avaliou-se o índice de clorofila durante a primeira e última semana da realização dos tratamentos em casa de vegetação, e análise com porômetro com sete dias de intervalo entre uma análise e outra. A primeira análise foi realizada na primeira semana de estresse hídrico e, a última análise, nos últimos dias de estresse. As plantas de alho demonstraram sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico, resultando da condutância e transpiração nos tratamentos 50% e 75% do déficit hídrico, porém sem causar alterações na produção. Diante desse estudo, conclui-se que a o A. sativum não será totalmente prejudicado pelas mudanças climáticas previstas futuramente.

Transpiração Vegetal/fisiologia , Desidratação/complicações , Estômatos de Plantas/fisiologia , Alho/fisiologia , Plantas Medicinais
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-9, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468478


Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-¹), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-¹), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.

O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-¹), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-¹), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.

Salvia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Salvia/efeitos dos fármacos , Soluções para Reidratação/administração & dosagem , Umidade do Solo , Ácido Salicílico/administração & dosagem
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468665


Abstract Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-1), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-1), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.

Resumo O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-1), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-1), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(2): 491-508, mar.-abr. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368796


The initial development of pitayas may be limited by a few factors, among them, water deficit. Agricultural hydrogels can be used as an alternative to enhance the retention and availability of water and nutrients in the soil. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of irrigation frequency and hydrogel doses on the development of white pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) seedlings to establish a time interval in days between irrigations that provides better seedling development and determine the hydrogel dose that provides a reduction of water consumption without damaging seedling development. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks in a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement, in which the treatments corresponded to 4 hydrogel doses (0, 2, 4, and 6 g/plant of Biogel Hidro Plus) incorporated into the substrate and four irrigation frequencies (1, 3, 5, and 7 days of interval). The biometric characteristics, photosynthetic pigments, and organic and inorganic solutes of the plants were evaluated after 120 days. The use of daily irrigation negatively influenced the growth and biomass accumulation of the aerial part of the seedlings and, consequently, provided the lowest values of cladodes of the pitaya seedlings. Pitaya seedlings had greater development when using an irrigation frequency of around 3 days. The application of 6 g/plant of hydrogel provided the highest averages for accumulation of dry biomass, photosynthetic pigments, and organic and inorganic solutes at irrigation levels of 3.6, 4, and about 3.8 days of intervals, respectively. Hydrogel incorporation allowed increasing the interval between irrigations by 1 day without damages to the seedling development.(AU)

O desenvolvimento inicial das pitayas pode ser limitado por alguns fatores, entre eles, a escassez de água. Os hidrogeis agrícolas podem ser usados como alternativa para aumentar a retenção e a disponibilidade de água e nutrientes no solo. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da frequência de irrigação e das doses de hidrogel no desenvolvimento de mudas de pitaya branca (Hylocereus undatus) para estabelecer um intervalo de tempo em dias entre as irrigações que proporcione melhor desenvolvimento das mudas e determinar a dose de hidrogel que proporcione uma redução de consumo de água sem prejudicar o desenvolvimento das mudas. O delineamento experimental consistiu em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, em que os tratamentos corresponderam a 4 doses de hidrogel (0, 2, 4 e 6 g/ planta de Biogel Hidro Plus) incorporados ao substrato e quatro frequências de irrigação (1, 3, 5 e 7 dias de intervalo). As características biométricas, pigmentos fotossintéticos e solutos orgânicos e inorgânicos das plantas foram avaliados após 120 dias. O uso da irrigação diária influenciou negativamente no crescimento e no acúmulo de biomassa da parte aérea das mudas e, consequentemente, proporcionou os menores valores de cladódios das mudas de pitaya. As mudas de pitaya tiveram maior desenvolvimento com a frequência de irrigação em torno de 3 dias. A aplicação de 6 g/planta de hidrogel proporcionou as maiores médias de acúmulo de biomassa seca, pigmentos fotossintéticos e solutos orgânicos e inorgânicos em níveis de irrigação de 3,6, 4 e cerca de 3,8 dias de intervalo, respectivamente. A incorporação do hidrogel permitiu aumentar o intervalo entre as irrigações em 1 dia sem prejuízo ao desenvolvimento das mudas.(AU)

Biometria , Biomassa , Hidrogéis , Cactaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(3): 1017-1036, maio.-jun. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369324


The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of four machine learning models, as well as multitask learning, to predict soybean root variables from simpler variables, under two water availability conditions. In order to do so, 100 soybean cultivars were conducted in a greenhouse under a control condition and a stress condition. Aerial part and root variables were evaluated. The machine learning models used to predict complex root variables were artificial neural network (ANN), random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (EGBoost) and support vector machine (SVM). A linear model was used for comparison purposes. Multitask learning was employed for ANN and RF. In addition, feature importance was defined using RF and XGBoost algorithms. All the machine learning models performed better than the linear model. In general, SVM had the greatest potential for the prediction of most of the root variables, with better values of RMSE, MAE and R2. Dry weight of the aerial part and root volume exhibited the greatest importance in the predictions. The models developed using multitask learning performed similarly to the ones conventionally developed. Finally, it is concluded that the machine learning models evaluated can be used to predict root variables of soybean from easily measurable variables, such as dry weight of the aerial part and root volume.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de quatro modelos de machine learning, bem como multitask learning, para predizer variáveis radiculares de soja a partir de variáveis simples, em duas condições de disponibilidade hídrica. Para isso,100 cultivares de soja foram conduzidas em casa de vegetação sob uma condição controle e uma condição estresse. Foram avaliadas as variáveis da parte aérea e da raiz. Os modelos machine learning usados para predizer variáveis complexas do sistema radicular foram rede neural artificial (RNA), random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (EGBoost) e support vector machine (SVM). O modelo linear foi usado para fins de comparação. O multitask learning foi empregado para RNA e RF. Além disso, a importância das variáveis foi definida usando algoritmos RF e XGBoost. Todos os modelos de machine learning apresentaram melhor desempenho do que o modelo linear. Em geral, SVM apresentou o maior potencial de predição da maioria das variáveis raiz, com melhores valores de RMSE, MAE e R2. O peso seco da parte aérea e o volume da raiz exibiram as maiores importâncias nas predições. Os modelos desenvolvidos por meio do multitask learning apresentaram desempenhos semelhantes aos desenvolvidos convencionalmente. Por fim, conclui-se que os modelos de machine learning avaliados podem ser usados para predizer variáveis radiculares de soja a partir de variáveis facilmente mensuráveis, como massa seca da parte aérea e volume radicular.(AU)

Glycine max , Modelos Lineares , Desidratação , Glicina
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e260420, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394098


Silicon (Si) is a beneficial element that can mitigate effects of water stress on photosynthetic metabolism and plant growth. Thus, the aimed was to evaluate the effect of Si in mitigating the stressful effect of water deficit and flooding in Eugenia myrcianthes Nied. seedlings. The seedlings received three silicon doses (0, 2, and 4 mmol) and were subjected to two water regimes (I - continuous irrigation and S - water fluctuation, characterized as water stress obtained by two cycles of water regimes: irrigation suspension and flooding). Each cycle was ended when the seedlings had a photosynthetic rate close to zero (P0) when the stressful irrigation condition was normalized until the photosynthetic rate reached the values of the control seedlings (REC). The evaluations were carried out in five periods: T0 - initial seedling condition; 1st and 2nd P0; and 1st and 2nd REC. The E. myrcianthes seedlings reached P0 at 22 and 50 days under water deficit and flooding, respectively. Water stress caused damage to photochemical activities in photosystem II. E. myrcianthes is a species sensitive to water stress, but capable of adjusting to water fluctuation, and the application of 2 mmol Si contributed to the regulation of gas exchange, photochemical yields, and growth of this species at the deficit and flooding phases. We emphasize that E. myrcianthes seedlings have potential for resilience due to physiological plasticity, regardless of the silicon application.

O silício (Si) é um elemento benéfico que pode mitigar os efeitos do estresse hídrico sobre o metabolismo fotossintético e crescimento das plantas. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar o potencial do Si na mitigação do efeito estressante do déficit hídrico e alagamento em mudas de Eugenia myrcianthes Nied. As mudas receberam aplicação de três doses de silício: 0, 2 e 4 mmol e foram submetidas a dois regimes hídricos: (I) - irrigação contínua e (E) flutuação hídrica, caracterizada como estresse hídrico obtido por dois ciclos de regimes hídricos: suspensão da irrigação e alagamento. Cada ciclo foi encerrado quando as mudas apresentaram taxa fotossintética próxima de zero (F0), momento que a condição de irrigação estressante foi normalizada até que a taxa fotossintética alcançasse os valores das mudas controle (REC). As avaliações foram realizadas em cinco períodos: T0 - condição inicial das mudas; 1ª e 2ª F0; 1ª e 2ª REC. As mudas de E. myrcianthes atingiram F0 aos 22 e 50 dias sob déficit hídrico e alagamento, respectivamente. O estresse hídrico promoveu danos nas atividades fotoquímicas no fotossistema II. E. myrcianthes é uma espécie sensível ao estresse hídrico, mas capaz de se ajustar à flutuação hídrica e a aplicação de 2 mmol de Si contribuiu na regulação das trocas gasosas, rendimentos fotoquímicos e crescimento dessa espécie na fase de déficit e alagamento. Ressaltamos que mudas de E. myrcianthes apresentam potencial de resiliência por plasticidade fisiológica independente da aplicação de silício.

Silício , Desidratação , Eugenia/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-9, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32879


Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-¹), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-¹), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.(AU)

O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-¹), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-¹), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.(AU)

Salvia/efeitos dos fármacos , Salvia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Soluções para Reidratação/administração & dosagem , Ácido Salicílico/administração & dosagem , Umidade do Solo
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e233547, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249284


Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-1), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-1), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.

O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-1), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-1), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.

Salvia , Desidratação , Sementes , Estresse Fisiológico , Brasil , Água , Germinação , Plântula
Sci. agric ; 78(2): e20190093, 2021. ilus, map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497931


Cocoa plantations in Brazil have been expanding beyond the borders of traditional regions by implementing a strategy based on irrigation and the establishment of crops exposed to full sunlight. The quantification of transpiration is essential to the establishment and management of crops, and is the main factor in the determination of water demand. This study had as its objective the estimating of transpiration of young cocoa trees as a function of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and soil matric potential (Ψw). Two experiments were conducted, one in a greenhouse and the other in the field, using clones and seminal plants. Soil water content, plant transpiration and reference evapotranspiration were monitored. Cocoa trees were subjected to soil moisture reduction and their transpiration decreased linearly both in the field and in the greenhouse, due to decreases in the soil matric potential beyond a critical point. In the greenhouse average transpiration could be linearly estimated as a function of ETo when Ψw was higher than –24.89 kP. Drying soil conditions resulted in a reduction in transpiration by approximately a 2 % per unit decrease in Ψw. Under field conditions; clonal plant transpiration decreased linearly beyond the critical matric potential of –65.02 kPa, while in seminal plants this reduction occurred beyond –79.48 kPa. Clonal plants were more sensitive to soil water variations with average transpiration lower than that of seminal cocoa tree plants.

Cacau/fisiologia , Condições do Solo , Desidratação , Transpiração Vegetal
Sci. agric. ; 78(2): e20190093, 2021. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27750


Cocoa plantations in Brazil have been expanding beyond the borders of traditional regions by implementing a strategy based on irrigation and the establishment of crops exposed to full sunlight. The quantification of transpiration is essential to the establishment and management of crops, and is the main factor in the determination of water demand. This study had as its objective the estimating of transpiration of young cocoa trees as a function of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and soil matric potential (Ψw). Two experiments were conducted, one in a greenhouse and the other in the field, using clones and seminal plants. Soil water content, plant transpiration and reference evapotranspiration were monitored. Cocoa trees were subjected to soil moisture reduction and their transpiration decreased linearly both in the field and in the greenhouse, due to decreases in the soil matric potential beyond a critical point. In the greenhouse average transpiration could be linearly estimated as a function of ETo when Ψw was higher than –24.89 kP. Drying soil conditions resulted in a reduction in transpiration by approximately a 2 % per unit decrease in Ψw. Under field conditions; clonal plant transpiration decreased linearly beyond the critical matric potential of –65.02 kPa, while in seminal plants this reduction occurred beyond –79.48 kPa. Clonal plants were more sensitive to soil water variations with average transpiration lower than that of seminal cocoa tree plants.(AU)

Cacau/fisiologia , Desidratação , Transpiração Vegetal , Condições do Solo
Sci. agric ; 78(2): e20190112, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497933


Water deficit and iron nutritional deficiency (iron chlorosis) are frequent environmental stresses affecting grapevine production in the Mediterranean region. The objectives of this work were (i) to study the combined effects of both stresses on aromatic profile of Tempranillo grapes, occurring simultaneously in the vineyard, and (ii) to evaluate the viability of foliar chlorophyll content at veraison (Chl) to early assess aromatic quality potential of grapes in those conditions. Twenty non-irrigated vineyard subzones (10 m × 10 m each), affected and non-affected by iron chlorosis, were monitored in Ribera del Duero Appellation of Origin (North-Central Spain) during two consecutive seasons. Factorial ANOVA was performed to study the effects of predawn leaf water potential and Chl measured at veraison on the must composition parameters and, specifically, on the concentrations of free and bound aromatic compounds. Water deficit tended to increase color intensity and extractable anthocyanin content of the grapes, whereas the incidence of iron deficiency enhanced total phenolic compound content within subzones with better water status. More water or iron stressed subzones restricted C6-alcohols contents than less stressed subzones. Without significant effects on vine vigor, yield or berry size, the incidence of iron chlorosis increased the concentrations of some specific terpenes, C13-norisoprenoids, volatile acids and volatile phenols. These results showed that low to moderate iron stress can have positive effects on grape aromatic quality, and demonstrated that Chl can be a useful tool in precision viticulture to map the aromatic potential within rainfed vineyards affected by iron chlorosis.

Anemia Hipocrômica , Deficiências de Ferro , Desidratação , Odorantes , Vitis/química , Clorofila
Sci. agric. ; 78(2): e20190112, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29122


Water deficit and iron nutritional deficiency (iron chlorosis) are frequent environmental stresses affecting grapevine production in the Mediterranean region. The objectives of this work were (i) to study the combined effects of both stresses on aromatic profile of Tempranillo grapes, occurring simultaneously in the vineyard, and (ii) to evaluate the viability of foliar chlorophyll content at veraison (Chl) to early assess aromatic quality potential of grapes in those conditions. Twenty non-irrigated vineyard subzones (10 m × 10 m each), affected and non-affected by iron chlorosis, were monitored in Ribera del Duero Appellation of Origin (North-Central Spain) during two consecutive seasons. Factorial ANOVA was performed to study the effects of predawn leaf water potential and Chl measured at veraison on the must composition parameters and, specifically, on the concentrations of free and bound aromatic compounds. Water deficit tended to increase color intensity and extractable anthocyanin content of the grapes, whereas the incidence of iron deficiency enhanced total phenolic compound content within subzones with better water status. More water or iron stressed subzones restricted C6-alcohols contents than less stressed subzones. Without significant effects on vine vigor, yield or berry size, the incidence of iron chlorosis increased the concentrations of some specific terpenes, C13-norisoprenoids, volatile acids and volatile phenols. These results showed that low to moderate iron stress can have positive effects on grape aromatic quality, and demonstrated that Chl can be a useful tool in precision viticulture to map the aromatic potential within rainfed vineyards affected by iron chlorosis.(AU)

Vitis/química , Odorantes , Deficiências de Ferro , Anemia Hipocrômica , Desidratação , Clorofila
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e55992, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460996


The discontinuous seed hydration enables the acquisition of tolerance to environmental stresses, causing a stress imprint. It may modify metabolic patterns and lead to improved stress responses. This study aims to evaluate the effects of discontinuous hydration on germination and on seedling growth of Triplaris gardneriana Wedd. under intermittent drought. The seeds have gone through cycles (0, 1, 2 and 3) of hydration and dehydration (HD). The seedlings produced were subjected to water deficit (daily watering and intervals of seven and fourteen days between watering). Seed germinability parameters and, relative growth rate (RGR) of seedling, leaf area, dry matter yield and leaf relative water content (RWC) were evaluated. The HD cycles did not benefit germination, but two HD cycles induced a better biomass accumulation and increased leaf area in seedlings under moderate water deficit, while three HD cycles promoted an increase in RGR and influenced the RWC values. Severe stress affects seedling growth, but subjection to HD cycles minimizes the deleterious effects of drought, suggesting discontinuous hydration acts leading stress imprint in plants.

Desidratação , Hidratação , Polygonaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sementes/fisiologia
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 43: e55992, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764605


The discontinuous seed hydration enables the acquisition of tolerance to environmental stresses, causing a stress imprint. It may modify metabolic patterns and lead to improved stress responses. This study aims to evaluate the effects of discontinuous hydration on germination and on seedling growth of Triplaris gardneriana Wedd. under intermittent drought. The seeds have gone through cycles (0, 1, 2 and 3) of hydration and dehydration (HD). The seedlings produced were subjected to water deficit (daily watering and intervals of seven and fourteen days between watering). Seed germinability parameters and, relative growth rate (RGR) of seedling, leaf area, dry matter yield and leaf relative water content (RWC) were evaluated. The HD cycles did not benefit germination, but two HD cycles induced a better biomass accumulation and increased leaf area in seedlings under moderate water deficit, while three HD cycles promoted an increase in RGR and influenced the RWC values. Severe stress affects seedling growth, but subjection to HD cycles minimizes the deleterious effects of drought, suggesting discontinuous hydration acts leading stress imprint in plants.(AU)

Hidratação , Sementes/fisiologia , Polygonaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desidratação
Ci. Rural ; 50(6): e20190581, May 18, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28253


The objective of this paper was to test the effects of water deficit, saturation and salinity in individuals of Toona ciliata. Seven treatments were tested: the control group, the complete suspension of irrigation, the permanent saturation of the pot soil and four doses of NaCl (50, 100, 200 and 400 µmol). The experimental design was completely randomized, with 8 repetitions in each treatment. Physiologic evaluations were carried out during the experiment, and morphologic evaluations at the end. The plants were responsive to the applied stresses comparatively to the control group. Reductions were observed in morphological and physiological variables in all treatments under stress. All individuals under stress recovered slightly in the end of the experiment, and began to sprout again, representing a probable adaptation to the conditions.(AU)

O trabalho teve como objetivo mensurar os efeitos de déficit hídrico, saturação e efeito da salinidade em mudas de Toona ciliata. Foram testados sete tratamentos: controle, suspensão completa de irrigação, saturação permanente do solo no vaso e quatro diferentes doses de NaCl (50, 100, 200 e 400 µmol). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com oito repetições. Foram realizadas avaliações fisiológicas ao longo do experimento e ao final, avaliações morfológicas. As plantas foram responsivas aos estresses aplicados comparativamente ao controle. Havendo redução em variáveis morfológicas e fisiológicas em todos os tratamentos sobre estresse. Todos os indivíduos sob estresse tiveram uma pequena recuperação ao final do experimento, iniciando a rebrotar, representando uma possível adaptação ao estresse.(AU)

Desidratação , Estresse Salino , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Desenvolvimento Vegetal
Ci. Rural ; 50(1): e20190074, Jan. 10, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24988


Considering that water is extremely important in agricultural production, but with restricted availability in some Brazilian regions, this research sought to identify the water limit for the rootstocks: Cleóptra tangerine (Citrus reshni hort. Ex Tan), Volkamer lime (Citrus Volkameriano Pasquale), Citrandarin ‘indio (TSK X TRENG 256), Santa Cruz Rangpur lime (Citrus × limonia) and Sunki Tropical tangerine (Citrus sunki HORT. EX TAN) grafted orange ‘Pera (Citrus sinensis), obtained by two methods: the traditional method of determining the permanent wilting point described by SHANTZ & BRIGGS (1912) recovery of plants with saturated environment and by irrigating recovery method. The experimental design used was in a completely randomized design with four replications totaling 20 experimental plots. It was verified that the rootstocks Cravo Santa Cruz lemon and Volkamerian lemon were the most resistant in initial conditions of water restriction, evaluated by the method of BRIGGS & SHANTZ (1912), with recording of humidity of 0.0488 and 0.0489 respectively. Under more severe conditions of water restriction, determined by the irrigation method, Volkamerian lemon presented the highest resistance, with a humidity of 0.0371.(AU)

Considerando que a água é extremamente importante na produção agrícola, mas com restrita disponibilidade em algumas regiões brasileiras, é que esse trabalho buscou identificar o limite hídrico inferior para os porta-enxertos: tangerina Cleóptra (Citrus reshni hort. Ex Tan), limão Volkameriano (Citrus Volkameriano Pasquale), citrandarin ‘Indio -TSK X TRENG 256, limão Cravo Santa Cruz (Citrus × limonia) e tangerina Sunki Tropical (Citrus sunki HORT. EX TAN) enxertadas em laranja ‘Pêra (Citrus sinensis), obtidos por dois métodos: o método tradicional de determinação do ponto de murchamento permanente descrito por BRIGGS & SHANTZ (1912) com recuperação das plantas em ambiente saturado e o método de recuperação por rega. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, totalizando 20 parcelas experimentais. Verificou-se que os porta-enxertos limão Cravo Santa Cruz e o limão Volkameriano foram os mais resistentes em condições iniciais de restrição hídrica, avaliado pelo método de BRIGGS & SHANTZ (1912), com registro das umidades de 0,0488 e 0,0489, respectivamente. Em condições mais severas de restrição hídrica, determinado pelo método de rega, o limão Volkameriano foi o que apresentou maior resistência, com a umidade de 0,0371.(AU)

Desidratação , Secas , Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Irrigação Agrícola , Recursos Hídricos