Tem sido comum a presença de plantas voluntárias de soja em lavouras de crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis) cultivada em segunda safra, necessitando assim a adoção de estratégias para o seu manejo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficáciae a seletividade dos herbicidas pyrithiobac-sodium e ethoxysulfuron aplicados isoladamente em pós-emergência da crotalária visando ao controle de soja voluntária. Para tanto, foram instalados dois experimentos a campo, um avaliando a viabilidade de uso doherbicida pyrithiobac-sodium e outro do ethoxysulfuron. Em ambos os experimentos foi utilizado o delineamento de blocos casualizados, estando os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 2x4+2, com quatrorepetições. No primeiro fator alocou-se à aplicação em pós-emergência dos herbicidas em doisestádios fenológicos distintos V3 e 3 folhas verdadeiras e V7 e 6 folhas verdadeiras, respectivamente paraa soja e a crotalária. No segundo fator foi disposto doses crescentes dos herbicidas, sendoutilizadas asdoses 14,0; 22,4; 30,8; e 39,2 g ha-1parapyrithiobac-sodium e 18,0; 30,0; 42,0; e 54,0 g ha-1para ethoxysulfuron. Os tratamentos adicionais corresponderam a uma testemunha infestada e outra capinada. Foram realizadas avaliações de controle visual da soja voluntária, bem como da fitointoxicação,estande, altura e massa seca de parte aérea das plantas de crotalária. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o pyrithiobac-sodium na dose de 30,8 g ha-1, pode ser recomendado para aplicações quando as plantas de soja voluntária estiverem em V3 e as plantas de crotalária com 3 folhas verdadeiras, bem como o herbicida ethoxysulfuron na dose 18 g ha-1, pode ser recomendado para aplicações quando as plantas de soja voluntária estiverem em V3 ou V7 e as plantas de crotalária com trêsfolhas verdadeiras. Esses dois herbicidas nas respectivas doses apresentam potencial para serem registrados para uso em áreas de cultivo de crotaláriaem sucessão à cultura da soja.(AU)
The presence of volunteer soybean plants in showy crotalaria (Crotalaria spectabilis) crops grown in the second crop has been common, thus necessitating the adoption of strategies for their management. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness and selectivity of the herbicides pyrithiobac-sodium and ethoxysulfuron applied isolated in post-emergence of showy crotalaria in order to control volunteer soybean. Forthis purpose, two field experiments were set up, one evaluating the feasibility of using the herbicide pyrithiobac-sodium and the other using ethoxysulfuron. In both experiments, a randomized completely block design was used, with treatments arranged in a2x4+2 factorial scheme, with fourreplications. The first factor was allocated to the post-emergence application of herbicides at two distinct phenological stages V3 and 3 true leaves and V7 and 6 true leaves, respectively for soybean and showy crotalaria. In the second factor, increasing doses of herbicides were arranged, using doses 14.0; 22.4; 30.8; and 39.2 gha-1for pyrithiobac-sodium, and 18.0; 30.0; 42.0; and 54.0 g ha-1for ethoxysulfuron. The additional treatments corresponded to an infested check and a weeded check. Visual control evaluations of volunteer soybean were carried out, as well as phytointoxication, stand, height and dry mass of shoots of showy crotalaria plants. According to the results obtained, pyrithiobac-sodium at a dose of 30.8 gha-1, can be recommended for applications when volunteer soybean plants are in V3 and showy crotalaria plants with 3true leaves, as well as the herbicide ethoxysulfuron in dose 18 g ha-1, can be recommended for applications when volunteer soybean plants are at V3or V7 and showy crotalaria plants owns threetrue leaves. These two herbicides at the respective doses have the potential to be registered for use in areas where showy crotalaria is grown in succession to soybean crop.(AU)
Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crotalaria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Herbicidas/efeitos adversos , 24444Resumo
A utilização de plantas de cobertura de solo, em especial de verão em janelas entressafras, é uma prática pouco comum por competirem com as culturas de importância econômica. O objetivo foi avaliar o uso de plantas de cobertura, na cobertura do soloe supressão de plantas espontâneas na entressafra milho-trigo no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Para isso, utilizou-se crotalária espectabilis, mucuna-cinza, feijão-de-porco, tremoço, trigo-mourisco, milheto, consórcio de milheto e crotalária (50%) e pousio (testemunha). As espécies foram semeadas após a colheita do milho safra com 0,45 m de espaçamento entre linhas em blocos ao acaso com seis repetições. A taxa de cobertura do solo foi analisada aos 30, 45, 60, 75 e 90 dias após a semeadura. A matéria seca foi determinada na plena floração de cada cultura, separada em talos/colmos e folhas e secos a 65ºC. A incidência de plantas espontâneas foi avaliada no momento de plena floração. No período entressafra o milheto, consórcio de milheto + crotalária, mucuna-cinza e feijão-de-porco apresentam maior eficiência de cobertura do solo, ambos atingindo 100% de cobertura de solo. Os maiores acúmulos de matéria seca foram do milheto (11.204 kg.ha-1) e consórcio (9291 kg.ha-1). As culturas mais eficientes para a supressão de plantas espontâneas foram o milheto, o consórcio e a mucuna-cinza. A crotalária e trigo-mourisco apresentarambaixo desempenho, logo, não são recomendadas para cultivo solteiro na entressafra milho-trigo.(AU)
The use of cover crops, especially in summer in off-season, is an uncommon practice because they compete with crops of economic importance. The objective was to evaluate the use of cover crops, soil cover and suppression of weeds in the corn-wheat off-season in northwest of Rio Grande do Sul. For this, sunn hemp, gray mucuna, jack bean, lupine, buckwheat, millet, millet, and sunn hemp intercrop (50%) and fallow (control) were used. The species were sown after harvesting the corn crop with 0.45 m spacing between rows in randomized blocks with six replications. The soil cover rate was analyzed at 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after sowing. Dry matter was determined at full flowering of each crop, separated into stalks/stems and leaves, and dried at 65ºC. The incidence of weeds was evaluated at the time of full flowering. In the off-season, millet, millet + crotalaria, gray mucuna and jack bean intercropped have greater soil cover efficiency, both reaching 100% soil cover. The highest accumulations of dry matter were from millet (11,204 kg.ha-1) and intercropped (9291 kg.ha-1). The most efficient crops for the suppression of weeds were pearl millet, intercropped and gray mucuna. Sunn hemp and buckwheat showed low performance; therefore, they are not recommended for single cultivation in the corn-wheat off-season.(AU)
24444 , Usos do Solo , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Nutrientes/análiseResumo
A total of twentymixtures of weed, B-Lac and molasses were prepared in orderto evaluate an accelerated liquid fertilizer (ALF) based on these plants. A mixture of 85% weed: water (1:1), 10% molasses and 5% B-Lac showed the best characteristics and was reproduced at a pilot scale. ALF was applied to lettuce using the following treatments: one foliar application per week of 10 mL L-1 (FA1), two foliar applications per week of 10 mL L-1 (FA2), one drench application of 50 mL L-1 every week (DA1), a drench application of 50 mL L-1 every two weeks (DA2) and a control without application (CWA). The variables evaluated were total yield, commercial yield, fresh weight, height, head diameter, percentage of dry matter and the concentration of foliar nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.The mixtures in the laboratoryand pilot phase were evaluated in a completely randomized design. The field phase was assessed in a completely randomized block design with five treatments and four replications. No significant differences were found between the treatments, except in the percentage of dry matter and potassium content, where FA2 showed the best results (2.35% and 541 mg plant-1, respectively). The highest total yield (26.4 t ha-1) and commercial (24.11 t ha-1) were achieved with DA2; however, the nutritional content was lower than that in the other treatments. Using homolactic fermentation it was possible to recycle weeds and produce ALF, which has potential as a biofertilizer according to its chemical characterization and effects shown on lettuce cultivation.(AU)
Foram preparadas vinte misturas de ervas daninhas, B-Lac e melaço para avaliar um fertilizante líquido acelerado (ALF) baseado nessas plantas. Uma misturade 85% erva:água (1:1), 10% melaço e 5% B-Lac apresentou as melhores características e foi reproduzida em escala piloto. A ALF foi aplicada à alface utilizando os seguintes tratamentos: uma aplicação foliar por semana de 10 mL L-1(AF1), duas aplicações foliares por semana de 10 mL L-1(AF2), uma aplicação via drench de 50 mL L-1a cada semana (AD1), uma aplicação via drench de 50 mL L-1a cada duas semanas (AD2) e um controle sem aplicação (CSA). As variáveis avaliadas foram produtividade total, produtividade comercial, massa fresca, altura, diâmetro da cabeça, porcentagem de matéria seca e concentração foliar de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. As misturas na fase de laboratório e piloto foram avaliadas em delineamentos inteiramente casualizados. A fase decampo foi avaliada em blocos casualizados com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, exceto no percentual de matéria seca e no teor de potássio, onde o AF2 apresentou os melhores resultados (2,35% e 541 mg planta-1, respectivamente). As maiores produtividades total (26,4 t ha-1) e comercial (24,11 t ha-1) foram obtidas com AD2; no entanto, o teor nutricional foi inferior aos demais tratamentos. Utilizando a fermentação homolática foi possível reciclar as ervas daninhas e produzir FLA, que tem potencial como biofertilizante de acordo com sua caracterização química e efeitos demonstrados no cultivo de alface.(AU)
Lactuca/fisiologia , Fermentação/fisiologia , Fertilizantes/análiseResumo
Sumatran fleabane (Conyza sumatrensis [Retz.] E. Walker) can be found in many different agricultural environments and impact different crops, such as soybeans and corn. It is believed that the application of burndown and preemergence herbicides in the off-season are effective in controlling Sumatran fleabane in soybean crops. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of burndown and preemergence herbicides in the off-season, with one or two applications, in the control of Sumatran fleabane in soybean cultivation. Five field experiments were conducted in Maripá, state of Paraná (PR), Brazil. The treatments consisted of the application of burndown herbicides in combinations with preemergence ones, with one or two applications. Control of Sumatran fleabane and soybean yield were evaluated. With the set of experiments, it is highlighted that the strategy combining more applications, with different herbicides, burndown and preemergence, is more promising in the control of Sumatran fleabane. When comparing synthetic auxins, dicamba and triclopyr stand out. For sequential application, worse performance was observed for diquat. Combinations between burndown and preemergence herbicides were effective in controlling Sumatran fleabane, for pre sowing application in soybean. With emphasis on managements with sequential applications of saflufenacil with glufosinate or glyphosate. The strategy combining more applications, with different herbicides, burndown and preemergence herbicides, is more promising in the control of Sumatran fleabane.
Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas/análise , Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Conyza/efeitos dos fármacos , Protoporfirinogênio Oxidase/antagonistas & inibidores , Herbicidas , Plantas DaninhasResumo
Rice is commonly used in degraded pasture area renovation. In this process, the rice is set up simultaneously with the forage plants, which increases the difficulty to control post-emerged weeds. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate rice crop development intercropped with Urochloa under the herbicides pendimethalin and trifluralin application. The experimental design used was a 2x3 factorial composed of 1) absence or 2) presence of the herbicides pre-plant incorporated (PPI) x 1) control (no additional herbicides); 2) pendimethalin and 3) trifluralin. For the intercrop with rice, two forage grass were used, Urochloa ruziziensis and U. brizantha. The rice was sowed on the same day as the application of the herbicide. The control level determination was performed by counting the remaining weeds. In the rice crop, were evaluated: tiller number, viable panicle, and grain yield. In the forage grass, was evaluated shoot dry mass yield. An interaction between herbicide application and incorporation was observed. On weed the joyweed (Alternanthera tenella) control was affected by treatments, under herbicide incorporation, the weed was better controlled. Thus, the improved control provided better conditions for shoot dry weight biomass production. The highest rice yield was observed under intercrop with U. ruziziensi and pendimethalin application. The trifluralin incorporation decreased the shoot biomass of the forage grass plants. The use of pre-emergence herbicides provide weed control and increased rice yield without reducing the grass dry weight and not affecting the intercropping system.
A cultura do arroz é frequentemente utilizada na reforma de pastagens degradadas. Nesse processo a implantação do arroz ocorre concomitantemente com as forrageiras, fato que dificulta o controle de plantas daninhas em pós emergência. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da cultura de arroz em consorcio com Urochloa sob o efeito da aplicação do herbicidas pendimethalin e trifluralin incorporados ou não ao solo. O delineamento experimental foi um fatorial 2x3. O primeiro fator foi composto pela incorporação ou não dos herbicidas PPI (Pré-plantio incorporado) e três tratamentos, sendo o 1) controle (sem uso de herbicida) 2) pendimethalin 3) trifluralin. Foi o usado em consorcio com o arroz duas forrageiras a Urochloa ruziziensis e Urochloa brizantha. A semeadura do arroz, cultivar BRS Sertaneja, foi realizada no mesmo dia da aplicação dos herbicidas. A determinação do nível de controle foi realizada contando-se as plantas daninhas remanescentes. Na cultura do arroz as avaliações realizadas foram perfilhos e panículas viáveis e produtividade de grãos. As forrageiras foram avaliadas pela produção de biomassa seca da parte aérea. Os dados apresentaram distribuição normal, e, portanto, submetidos à análise de variância e teste F com probabilidade de 5%, quando significativo foram comparados ao teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O controle do apaga-fogo (Alternanthera tenella) com Pendimethalin e Trifluralin com incorporação foi superior a 90%. O controle das plantas daninhas favoreceu a produção de biomassa seca da parte aérea. A produtividade do arroz foi obtida no consórcio com Urochloa ruziziensis com aplicação do herbicida Pendimenthalin sem incorporação.
Oryza , Brachiaria , Plantas Daninhas , HerbicidasResumo
Abstract A significant level of yield losses in the vegetable and fruit farms are attributed to the weed populations of the area. This study was conducted for eighteen months during 2019-2020 to assess the presence of various weed families, related species, and their densities in the vegetable (CROP A) and fruit (CROP B) farms of Taif, Saudi Arabia. During the study, fourteen and ten weed families were noted in the vegetable and fruit farms of the studied area, respectively. Poaceae family weeds (729) were significantly higher in numbers followed by the families Asteraceae (414), Chenopodiaceae (338), and Gisekiaceae (153). In the vegetable farms, two weed species of the family Poaceae including Setaria viridis (437) and Eleusine indica ssp (277) were present in the higher numbers followed by Chenopodium murale (166) of the Chenopodiaceae family. In the fruit farms, the weed species Cynodon dactylon of the family Poaceae represented the highest weed density (172) followed by Gisekia pharnaceoides L. species (153) of family Gisekiaceae and Portulaca oleracea (59) belonging to the family Portulacaceae. The vegetable and fruit farms of the Taif region face severe weed pressure that affects the cultivated crops. This study depicts a comprehensive picture of weed diversity and density in the vegetable and fruit farms of the area. The results of this study will be beneficial in developing effective weed management practices for better crop production.
Resumo Um nível significativo de perdas de rendimento nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas é atribuído às populações de ervas daninhas da área. Este estudo foi conduzido por dezoito meses durante 2019-2020 para avaliar a presença de várias famílias de ervas daninhas, espécies relacionadas e suas densidades nas fazendas de vegetais (CROP A) e frutas (CROP B) de Taif, Arábia Saudita. Durante o estudo, catorze e dez famílias de plantas daninhas foram observadas nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da área estudada, respectivamente. As plantas daninhas da família Poaceae (729) foram significativamente maiores em número, seguidas pelas famílias Asteraceae (414), Chenopodiaceae (338) e Gisekiaceae (153). Nas hortas, duas espécies de plantas daninhas da família Poaceae, incluindo Setaria viridis (437) e Eleusine indica ssp (277), estavam presentes em maior número, seguidas por Chenopodium murale (166) da família Chenopodiaceae. Nas fruticulturas, a espécie de plantas daninhas Cynodon dactylon da família Poaceae representou a maior densidade de plantas daninhas (172) seguida das espécies Gisekia pharnaceoides L. (153) da família Gisekiaceae e Portulaca oleracea (59) pertencentes à família Portulacaceae. As fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da região de Taif enfrentam uma forte pressão de ervas daninhas que afeta as culturas cultivadas. Este estudo apresenta um quadro abrangente da diversidade e densidade de plantas daninhas nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da região. Os resultados deste estudo serão benéficos no desenvolvimento de práticas eficazes de manejo de plantas daninhas para uma melhor produção das culturas.
A significant level of yield losses in the vegetable and fruit farms are attributed to the weed populations of the area. This study was conducted for eighteen months during 2019-2020 to assess the presence of various weed families, related species, and their densities in the vegetable (CROP A) and fruit (CROP B) farms of Taif, Saudi Arabia. During the study, fourteen and ten weed families were noted in the vegetable and fruit farms of the studied area, respectively. Poaceae family weeds (729) were significantly higher in numbers followed by the families Asteraceae (414), Chenopodiaceae (338), and Gisekiaceae (153). In the vegetable farms, two weed species of the family Poaceae including Setaria viridis (437) and Eleusine indica ssp (277) were present in the higher numbers followed by Chenopodium murale (166) of the Chenopodiaceae family. In the fruit farms, the weed species Cynodon dactylon of the family Poaceae represented the highest weed density (172) followed by Gisekia pharnaceoides L. species (153) of family Gisekiaceae and Portulaca oleracea (59) belonging to the family Portulacaceae. The vegetable and fruit farms of the Taif region face severe weed pressure that affects the cultivated crops. This study depicts a comprehensive picture of weed diversity and density in the vegetable and fruit farms of the area. The results of this study will be beneficial in developing effective weed management practices for better crop production.
Um nível significativo de perdas de rendimento nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas é atribuído às populações de ervas daninhas da área. Este estudo foi conduzido por dezoito meses durante 2019-2020 para avaliar a presença de várias famílias de ervas daninhas, espécies relacionadas e suas densidades nas fazendas de vegetais (CROP A) e frutas (CROP B) de Taif, Arábia Saudita. Durante o estudo, catorze e dez famílias de plantas daninhas foram observadas nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da área estudada, respectivamente. As plantas daninhas da família Poaceae (729) foram significativamente maiores em número, seguidas pelas famílias Asteraceae (414), Chenopodiaceae (338) e Gisekiaceae (153). Nas hortas, duas espécies de plantas daninhas da família Poaceae, incluindo Setaria viridis (437) e Eleusine indica ssp (277), estavam presentes em maior número, seguidas por Chenopodium murale (166) da família Chenopodiaceae. Nas fruticulturas, a espécie de plantas daninhas Cynodon dactylon da família Poaceae representou a maior densidade de plantas daninhas (172) seguida das espécies Gisekia pharnaceoides L. (153) da família Gisekiaceae e Portulaca oleracea (59) pertencentes à família Portulacaceae. As fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da região de Taif enfrentam uma forte pressão de ervas daninhas que afeta as culturas cultivadas. Este estudo apresenta um quadro abrangente da diversidade e densidade de plantas daninhas nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da região. Os resultados deste estudo serão benéficos no desenvolvimento de práticas eficazes de manejo de plantas daninhas para uma melhor produção das culturas.
Verduras/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Plantas Daninhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fazendas , Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Arábia SauditaResumo
Chemical management is the most widely adopted technique to control weeds in sugarcane crops. Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) is among the most difficult species to control. Herbicides need to be absorbed and translocated in a sufficient amount for the tuber chain to be effective. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the herbicides sulfentrazone, diclosulam, imazapic, imazapyr, halosulfuron, ethoxysulfuron, monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in controlling C. rotundus and reducing the viability of its tubers. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design, with nine treatments and four replications. The herbicides sulfentrazone (800 g active ingredient ai·ha?1), diclosulam (193.17 g ai·ha?1), imazapic (133 g ai·ha?1), and imazapyr (500 g acid equivalent ae·ha?1) were applied in preemergence at five days after planting the tubers, while halosulfuron (112.5 g ai·ha?1), ethoxysulfuron (135 g ai·ha?1), MSMA (1,975 g ai·ha?1), and 2,4-D (1,340 g ae·ha?1) were applied in postemergence (4 to 5 leaves). The parameters visual control, shoot dry matter, number of tubers and bulbs, weight of tubers + bulbs, number of epigeal manifestations, and tuber viability were analyzed. The herbicides diclosulam, halosulfuron, and ethoxysulfuron provided 100% control of the shoot at 90 days after application (DAA). All herbicides reduced the number of bulbs, weight of tubers + bulbs, and shoot dry matter. The herbicides sulfentrazone, imazapic, halosulfuron, ethoxysulfuron, and MSMA provided the highest reduction in tuber viability.(AU)
O manejo químico é o mais adotado para o controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da cana-de-açúcar. Entre as espécies de difícil controle está a tiririca (Cyperus rotundus L.). Os herbicidas utilizados precisam ser absorvidos e transportados para a cadeia de tubérculos em quantidades suficientes para serem eficazes. Assim, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a eficácia dos herbicidas sulfentrazona, diclosulam, imazapique, imazapir, halossulfurom, etoxissulfurom, metano arseniato ácido monossodico (MSMA) e ácido diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) no controle de C. rotundus e na redução da viabilidade de seus tubérculos. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente randomizado, com nove tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os herbicidas sulfentrazone (800 g ingrediente ativo i.a.·ha-1), diclosulam (193,17 g i.a.·ha-1), imazapique (133 g i.a.·ha-1) e imazapir (500 g equivalente e.a.·ha-1) foram aplicados cinco dias após o plantio dos tubérculos em pré-emergência, enquanto que o halossulfurom (112,5 g i.a.·ha-1), etoxissulfurom (135 g i.a.·ha-1), MSMA (1.975 g i.a.·ha-1) e 2,4-D (1.340 g e.a.·ha-1) foram aplicados em pós-emergência (4 a 5 folhas). Foram feitas avaliações visuais de controle, massa seca da parte aérea, número de tubérculos e bulbos, peso de tubérculos + bulbos, número de manifestações epígeas e viabilidade de tubérculos. Aos 90 dias após a aplicação (DAA) os herbicidas diclosulam, halossulfurom e etoxissulfurom propiciaram 100% de controle da parte aérea. Todos os herbicidas reduziram o número de bulbos, peso de tubérculos + bulbos e massa seca da parte aérea. Sulfentrazona, imazapic, halossulfurom, etoxissulfurom e MSMA foram os herbicidas que mais reduziram a viabilidade dos tubérculos.(AU)
Saccharum , Plantas Daninhas , Controle de Plantas Daninhas , Herbicidas , Controle de Pragas , Cyperus , Tubérculos , InseticidasResumo
Chemical management is the most widely adopted technique to control weeds in sugarcane crops. Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) is among the most difficult species to control. Herbicides need to be absorbed and translocated in a sufficient amount for the tuber chain to be effective. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the herbicides sulfentrazone, diclosulam, imazapic, imazapyr, halosulfuron, ethoxysulfuron, monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in controlling C. rotundus and reducing the viability of its tubers. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design, with nine treatments and four replications. The herbicides sulfentrazone (800 g active ingredient ai·ha?1), diclosulam (193.17 g ai·ha?1), imazapic (133 g ai·ha?1), and imazapyr (500 g acid equivalent ae·ha?1) were applied in preemergence at five days after planting the tubers, while halosulfuron (112.5 g ai·ha?1), ethoxysulfuron (135 g ai·ha?1), MSMA (1,975 g ai·ha?1), and 2,4-D (1,340 g ae·ha?1) were applied in postemergence (4 to 5 leaves). The parameters visual control, shoot dry matter, number of tubers and bulbs, weight of tubers + bulbs, number of epigeal manifestations, and tuber viability were analyzed. The herbicides diclosulam, halosulfuron, and ethoxysulfuron provided 100% control of the shoot at 90 days after application (DAA). All herbicides reduced the number of bulbs, weight of tubers + bulbs, and shoot dry matter. The herbicides sulfentrazone, imazapic, halosulfuron, ethoxysulfuron, and MSMA provided the highest reduction in tuber viability.(AU)
O manejo químico é o mais adotado para o controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da cana-de-açúcar. Entre as espécies de difícil controle está a tiririca (Cyperus rotundus L.). Os herbicidas utilizados precisam ser absorvidos e transportados para a cadeia de tubérculos em quantidades suficientes para serem eficazes. Assim, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a eficácia dos herbicidas sulfentrazona, diclosulam, imazapique, imazapir, halossulfurom, etoxissulfurom, metano arseniato ácido monossodico (MSMA) e ácido diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) no controle de C. rotundus e na redução da viabilidade de seus tubérculos. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente randomizado, com nove tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os herbicidas sulfentrazone (800 g ingrediente ativo i.a.·ha-1), diclosulam (193,17 g i.a.·ha-1), imazapique (133 g i.a.·ha-1) e imazapir (500 g equivalente e.a.·ha-1) foram aplicados cinco dias após o plantio dos tubérculos em pré-emergência, enquanto que o halossulfurom (112,5 g i.a.·ha-1), etoxissulfurom (135 g i.a.·ha-1), MSMA (1.975 g i.a.·ha-1) e 2,4-D (1.340 g e.a.·ha-1) foram aplicados em pós-emergência (4 a 5 folhas). Foram feitas avaliações visuais de controle, massa seca da parte aérea, número de tubérculos e bulbos, peso de tubérculos + bulbos, número de manifestações epígeas e viabilidade de tubérculos. Aos 90 dias após a aplicação (DAA) os herbicidas diclosulam, halossulfurom e etoxissulfurom propiciaram 100% de controle da parte aérea. Todos os herbicidas reduziram o número de bulbos, peso de tubérculos + bulbos e massa seca da parte aérea. Sulfentrazona, imazapic, halossulfurom, etoxissulfurom e MSMA foram os herbicidas que mais reduziram a viabilidade dos tubérculos.(AU)
Saccharum , Plantas Daninhas , Controle de Plantas Daninhas , Herbicidas , Controle de Pragas , Cyperus , Tubérculos , InseticidasResumo
The genetic variability and genetic versatility of plants belonging to Poaceae provide morphophysiological responses that allow these individuals to adapt to environmental changes, especially in relation to soil moisture. Urochloa plantaginea and U. platyphylla are grasses typical of dry environment, also found as weeds in rice fields, where there are high amounts of water in the soil. The objective of this work is to analyze the development of these two species in different environments, subjecting them to three different amounts of water in the soil. Morphological parameters were analyzed in order to verify and quantify which suffered alteration with respect to water variation. Caryopsis of the two species were collected in a commercial irrigated rice crop. Seeds were sown in pots containing a substrate-sand system, and housed in a greenhouse, where during the experiment the control of different moisture contents (shallow water table, 100% of field capacity and 50% of field capacity) took place. Weekly evaluations were carried out according to the parameters analyzed. The following parameters were evaluated: duration of the vegetative and reproductive life cycle, number of the inflorescences per plant, number of branches per inflorescence, number of spikelets per branch, number of seeds per plant, and dry mass production. The U. plantaginea cycle had shorter duration under the shallow water table, while for U. platyphylla the shorter duration was under the condition 50% of field capacity. Both species produced higher dry mass of shoots under the condition of 100% of field capacity. The main responses observed for both species, due to the flooding, were the change of the cycle, reduced dry matter production, and reduced seed production.
Brachiaria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Brachiaria/genética , Desperdício de ÁguaResumo
The genetic variability and genetic versatility of plants belonging to Poaceae provide morphophysiological responses that allow these individuals to adapt to environmental changes, especially in relation to soil moisture. Urochloa plantaginea and U. platyphylla are grasses typical of dry environment, also found as weeds in rice fields, where there are high amounts of water in the soil. The objective of this work is to analyze the development of these two species in different environments, subjecting them to three different amounts of water in the soil. Morphological parameters were analyzed in order to verify and quantify which suffered alteration with respect to water variation. Caryopsis of the two species were collected in a commercial irrigated rice crop. Seeds were sown in pots containing a substrate-sand system, and housed in a greenhouse, where during the experiment the control of different moisture contents (shallow water table, 100% of field capacity and 50% of field capacity) took place. Weekly evaluations were carried out according to the parameters analyzed. The following parameters were evaluated: duration of the vegetative and reproductive life cycle, number of the inflorescences per plant, number of branches per inflorescence, number of spikelets per branch, number of seeds per plant, and dry mass production. The U. plantaginea cycle had shorter duration under the shallow water table, while for U. platyphylla the shorter duration was under the condition 50% of field capacity. Both species produced higher dry mass of shoots under the condition of 100% of field capacity. The main responses observed for both species, due to the flooding, were the change of the cycle, reduced dry matter production, and reduced seed production.(AU)
Brachiaria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desperdício de Água , Brachiaria/genéticaResumo
The use of herbicide underdoses allows minimizing the competition of grasses on annual crops, enabling simultaneous cultivation. In this context, the objective of this study was to investigate glyphosate underdoses on the suppression of the initial growth of three Panicum maximum cultivars aiming at the integrated cultivation, in addition to the effects of forage species on the incidence and development of weeds. Three field experiments were conducted. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications and eight treatments consisting of increasing glyphosate doses (0, 54, 108, 270, 378, 540, 756, and 1,080 g a.e. ha−1). An atrazine dose of 1,200 g a.i. ha−1 was added to each treatment. Plant phytotoxicity assessments were performed at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after application. At 80 and 125 days after sowing, the assessments of total dry matter production, leaf dry matter, stem dry matter, and leaf to stem ratio were carried out, in addition to density and dry matter production of weed community. Glyphosate underdoses below 215, 65, and 90 g a.e. ha-1 have a potential to be investigated aiming at the management of P. maximum cv. Atlas, P. maximum cv. Mombasa, and P. maximum cv. Tanzania under intercropping. The three forage species are effective in suppressing weeds.(AU)
A utilização de subdoses de herbicidas permite amenizar a competição exercida pelas gramíneas sobre a cultura anual, viabilizando o cultivo simultâneo. Neste contexto, objetivou-se pesquisar subdoses de glifosato na supressão do crescimento inicial de três cultivares de Panicum maximum, almejando o cultivo integrado, além dos efeitos das forrageiras sobre a incidência e o desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas. Foram conduzidos três ensaios em campo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e oito tratamentos, formados por doses crescentes do herbicida glifosato (0; 54; 108; 270; 378; 540; 756 e 1.080 g de e.a. ha-1). Em todos os tratamentos foram adicionados 1.200 g de i.a. ha-1 de atrazine. Foram realizadas avaliações de fitointoxicação de plantas aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a aplicação. Aos 80 e 125 dias após a semeadura foram realizadas avaliações de produção de matéria seca total, matéria seca de folha, matéria seca de colmos e relação folha: colmo, além da densidade e produção de matéria seca da comunidade de plantas daninhas. Subdoses de glifosato abaixo de 215, 65 e 90 g de e.a. ha-1 possuem potencial para serem pesquisadas visando ao manejo de Panicum maximum cv. Atlas, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça e Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia em consórcio. As três forrageiras são eficientes na supressão de plantas daninhas.(AU)
Plantas Daninhas , Herbicidas , Poaceae , PanicumResumo
The use of herbicide underdoses allows minimizing the competition of grasses on annual crops, enabling simultaneous cultivation. In this context, the objective of this study was to investigate glyphosate underdoses on the suppression of the initial growth of three Panicum maximum cultivars aiming at the integrated cultivation, in addition to the effects of forage species on the incidence and development of weeds. Three field experiments were conducted. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications and eight treatments consisting of increasing glyphosate doses (0, 54, 108, 270, 378, 540, 756, and 1,080 g a.e. ha−1). An atrazine dose of 1,200 g a.i. ha−1 was added to each treatment. Plant phytotoxicity assessments were performed at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after application. At 80 and 125 days after sowing, the assessments of total dry matter production, leaf dry matter, stem dry matter, and leaf to stem ratio were carried out, in addition to density and dry matter production of weed community. Glyphosate underdoses below 215, 65, and 90 g a.e. ha-1 have a potential to be investigated aiming at the management of P. maximum cv. Atlas, P. maximum cv. Mombasa, and P. maximum cv. Tanzania under intercropping. The three forage species are effective in suppressing weeds.(AU)
A utilização de subdoses de herbicidas permite amenizar a competição exercida pelas gramíneas sobre a cultura anual, viabilizando o cultivo simultâneo. Neste contexto, objetivou-se pesquisar subdoses de glifosato na supressão do crescimento inicial de três cultivares de Panicum maximum, almejando o cultivo integrado, além dos efeitos das forrageiras sobre a incidência e o desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas. Foram conduzidos três ensaios em campo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e oito tratamentos, formados por doses crescentes do herbicida glifosato (0; 54; 108; 270; 378; 540; 756 e 1.080 g de e.a. ha-1). Em todos os tratamentos foram adicionados 1.200 g de i.a. ha-1 de atrazine. Foram realizadas avaliações de fitointoxicação de plantas aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a aplicação. Aos 80 e 125 dias após a semeadura foram realizadas avaliações de produção de matéria seca total, matéria seca de folha, matéria seca de colmos e relação folha: colmo, além da densidade e produção de matéria seca da comunidade de plantas daninhas. Subdoses de glifosato abaixo de 215, 65 e 90 g de e.a. ha-1 possuem potencial para serem pesquisadas visando ao manejo de Panicum maximum cv. Atlas, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça e Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia em consórcio. As três forrageiras são eficientes na supressão de plantas daninhas.(AU)
Plantas Daninhas , Herbicidas , Poaceae , PanicumResumo
Um dos entraves à produção de feijão-caupi é a intensidade de infestações de plantas daninhas que podem interferir na sua produtividade. O uso de herbicidas é tido como a estratégia de controle mais eficiente, pelas respostas satisfatórias, rápidas e facilidade de aplicação. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a tolerância do feijão-caupi, cultivar BRS Guariba, aos herbicidas Linurom e Quizalofope-P-etílico, na fase inicial de desenvolvimento da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido em regime de sequeiro, com irrigação de salvação, sob condições de campo, em delineamento experimental com blocos ao acaso, nove tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: 50% de Quizalofope-P-etílico; 50% de Linurom; 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico; 100% de Linurom; 50% de Quizalofope-P-etílico+ 50% de Linurom; 50% de Quizalofope-P-etílico + 100% de Linurom; 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico+ 50% de Linurom; 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico+ 100% de Linurome Capina manual (testemunha). Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle de plantas daninhas, fitotoxidez, altura de planta, número de folhas e diâmetro do caule. As plantas de feijão-caupi, cultivar BRS Guariba, apresentam elevada tolerância aos herbicidas Quizalofope-P-etílico e Linurom à 50% em aplicações pós-emergência. O herbicida Linurom à 100% e a formulação do Quizalofope-P-etílico + Linurom provocam danos severos ao desenvolvimento da cultura do feijão-caupi. A mistura entre os herbicidas à 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico e 100% de Linurom potencializa o efeito dos herbicidas sobre a cultura da feijão-caupi, ocasionando a morte das plantas.
One of the obstacles to the production of cowpea is the intensity of weed infestations that may interfere with its productivity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the tolerance of cowpea, cultivar BRS Guariba, to the herbicides Linurom and Quizalofope-P Etílico, in the initial stage of development of the crop. The experiment was conducted in sequestration system, emergency irrigation under field conditions in experimental design with randomized blocks, nine treatments and four replicates. The treatments evaluated were: 50% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl; 50% of Linurom; 100% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl; 100% of Linurom; 50% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 50% Linurom; 50% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 100% Linurom; 100% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 50% Linurom; 100% of Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 100% of Linurom, and Manual weeding (control). Visual evaluations of weed control, phytotoxicity, plant height, number of leaves and stem diameter were performed. The cowpea plants, BRS Guariba cultivar, presented high tolerance to the herbicides 50% and 50% in the post-emergence applications. The herbicide 100% Linurom and the formulation of the Quizalofope-P-Ethyl + Linurom cause severe damage to the development of cowpea. The herbicides blended with 100% of Quizalofope-P-Ethyland 100% of Linurom potentiates the effect of the herbicides on the cowpea crop, causing the death of the plants.
The last destination of most herbicides used in agricultural systems is the soil. This is a dynamic interaction; herbicides can remain in the soil solution or be carried through the soil profile, reaching the water table. The objective of this work was to evaluate the leaching potential of the tebuthiuron herbicide using bioindicator plants grown in an Oxisol of sandy loam texture and in an Entisol of clay texture, after the occurrence of natural rainfall events. A complete randomized experimental design was used, in a 3×8 factorial arrangement, with four replications. The treatments consisted of three accumulated natural rainfall depths (30-40, 60-80, and 100-120 mm) and eight soil profile layers (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, 15-20, 20-25, and 25-30 cm). Soil samples were collected after the tebuthiuron herbicide application - 750 for clayey soil, and 600 g ha-1 for the sandy loam soil -and the rainfall events. PVC pipes with length of 30 cm and diameter of 15 cm were introduced into the soil profile for sampling. The pipes with soil columns were carefully removed by digging around them, to maintain the soil original integrity during collection and, subsequently, cut longitudinally for sowing the bioindicator species - cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Then, the phytotoxicity in the bioindicator plants grown in these soils were evaluated at 5, 7, 10, and 12 days after sowing, using a grading scale of 0 to 100%. The mobility of the tebuthiuron herbicide was low in both soils, regardless of the rainfall depth, and the cucumber was the most suitable plant species to use as a bioindicator.(AU)
O solo é o destino final da maioria dos herbicidas utilizados no sistema agrícola e, sendo esta relação dinâmica, eles podem permanecer na solução ou ser carregados no perfil do solo, podendo atingir o lençol freático. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de lixiviação do herbicida tebuthiuron por meio de plantas bioindicadoras e após a ocorrência de precipitações pluviométricas naturais, em solos com texturas franco arenoso (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo) e argiloso (Neossolo Litólico). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em um esquema fatorial 3 x 8 com quatro repetições, sendo três níveis de precipitação pluviométrica (30-40, 60-80 e 100-120 mm) e oito de profundidade do perfil do solo (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, 15-20, 20-25 e 25-30 cm). As coletas das amostras ocorreram após a aplicação do herbicida tebuthiuron nas doses de 750 e 600 g ha-1 para o solo argiloso e arenoso, respectivamente, e posterior acúmulo das precipitações. Para a coleta das amostras foram introduzidas, no perfil do solo, colunas de PVC com 30 cm de altura e 15 cm de diâmetro. As colunas foram retiradas cuidadosamente escavando-se ao seu redor, mantendo a integridade original do solo durante a coleta. Posteriormente, as colunas foram separadas com corte longitudinal, para a semeadura das espécies bioindicadoras pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) e alface (Lactuca sativa L.). Para as avaliações das plantas bioindicadoras nas colunas, adotou-se a escala de notas de 0 a 100% de fitotoxicidade, aos 5, 7, 10 e 12 dias após a semeadura. A mobilidade do herbicida tebuthiuron mostrou-se reduzida em ambos os tipos de solo estudado, independentemente da precipitação pluvial, e as plantas de pepino mostraram-se mais adequadas para serem utilizadas como espécie bioindicadora.(AU)
Solo , Percolação , Biomarcadores Ambientais , Herbicidas , Plantas , Chuva , Plantas DaninhasResumo
The last destination of most herbicides used in agricultural systems is the soil. This is a dynamic interaction; herbicides can remain in the soil solution or be carried through the soil profile, reaching the water table. The objective of this work was to evaluate the leaching potential of the tebuthiuron herbicide using bioindicator plants grown in an Oxisol of sandy loam texture and in an Entisol of clay texture, after the occurrence of natural rainfall events. A complete randomized experimental design was used, in a 3×8 factorial arrangement, with four replications. The treatments consisted of three accumulated natural rainfall depths (30-40, 60-80, and 100-120 mm) and eight soil profile layers (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, 15-20, 20-25, and 25-30 cm). Soil samples were collected after the tebuthiuron herbicide application - 750 for clayey soil, and 600 g ha-1 for the sandy loam soil -and the rainfall events. PVC pipes with length of 30 cm and diameter of 15 cm were introduced into the soil profile for sampling. The pipes with soil columns were carefully removed by digging around them, to maintain the soil original integrity during collection and, subsequently, cut longitudinally for sowing the bioindicator species - cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Then, the phytotoxicity in the bioindicator plants grown in these soils were evaluated at 5, 7, 10, and 12 days after sowing, using a grading scale of 0 to 100%. The mobility of the tebuthiuron herbicide was low in both soils, regardless of the rainfall depth, and the cucumber was the most suitable plant species to use as a bioindicator.(AU)
O solo é o destino final da maioria dos herbicidas utilizados no sistema agrícola e, sendo esta relação dinâmica, eles podem permanecer na solução ou ser carregados no perfil do solo, podendo atingir o lençol freático. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de lixiviação do herbicida tebuthiuron por meio de plantas bioindicadoras e após a ocorrência de precipitações pluviométricas naturais, em solos com texturas franco arenoso (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo) e argiloso (Neossolo Litólico). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em um esquema fatorial 3 x 8 com quatro repetições, sendo três níveis de precipitação pluviométrica (30-40, 60-80 e 100-120 mm) e oito de profundidade do perfil do solo (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, 15-20, 20-25 e 25-30 cm). As coletas das amostras ocorreram após a aplicação do herbicida tebuthiuron nas doses de 750 e 600 g ha-1 para o solo argiloso e arenoso, respectivamente, e posterior acúmulo das precipitações. Para a coleta das amostras foram introduzidas, no perfil do solo, colunas de PVC com 30 cm de altura e 15 cm de diâmetro. As colunas foram retiradas cuidadosamente escavando-se ao seu redor, mantendo a integridade original do solo durante a coleta. Posteriormente, as colunas foram separadas com corte longitudinal, para a semeadura das espécies bioindicadoras pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) e alface (Lactuca sativa L.). Para as avaliações das plantas bioindicadoras nas colunas, adotou-se a escala de notas de 0 a 100% de fitotoxicidade, aos 5, 7, 10 e 12 dias após a semeadura. A mobilidade do herbicida tebuthiuron mostrou-se reduzida em ambos os tipos de solo estudado, independentemente da precipitação pluvial, e as plantas de pepino mostraram-se mais adequadas para serem utilizadas como espécie bioindicadora.(AU)
Solo , Percolação , Biomarcadores Ambientais , Herbicidas , Plantas , Chuva , Plantas DaninhasResumo
Um dos entraves à produção de feijão-caupi é a intensidade de infestações de plantas daninhas que podem interferir na sua produtividade. O uso de herbicidas é tido como a estratégia de controle mais eficiente, pelas respostas satisfatórias, rápidas e facilidade de aplicação. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a tolerância do feijão-caupi, cultivar BRS Guariba, aos herbicidas Linurom e Quizalofope-P-etílico, na fase inicial de desenvolvimento da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido em regime de sequeiro, com irrigação de salvação, sob condições de campo, em delineamento experimental com blocos ao acaso, nove tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: 50% de Quizalofope-P-etílico; 50% de Linurom; 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico; 100% de Linurom; 50% de Quizalofope-P-etílico+ 50% de Linurom; 50% de Quizalofope-P-etílico + 100% de Linurom; 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico+ 50% de Linurom; 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico+ 100% de Linurome Capina manual (testemunha). Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle de plantas daninhas, fitotoxidez, altura de planta, número de folhas e diâmetro do caule. As plantas de feijão-caupi, cultivar BRS Guariba, apresentam elevada tolerância aos herbicidas Quizalofope-P-etílico e Linurom à 50% em aplicações pós-emergência. O herbicida Linurom à 100% e a formulação do Quizalofope-P-etílico + Linurom provocam danos severos ao desenvolvimento da cultura do feijão-caupi. A mistura entre os herbicidas à 100% de Quizalofope-P-etílico e 100% de Linurom potencializa o efeito dos herbicidas sobre a cultura da feijão-caupi, ocasionando a morte das plantas.(AU)
One of the obstacles to the production of cowpea is the intensity of weed infestations that may interfere with its productivity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the tolerance of cowpea, cultivar BRS Guariba, to the herbicides Linurom and Quizalofope-P Etílico, in the initial stage of development of the crop. The experiment was conducted in sequestration system, emergency irrigation under field conditions in experimental design with randomized blocks, nine treatments and four replicates. The treatments evaluated were: 50% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl; 50% of Linurom; 100% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl; 100% of Linurom; 50% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 50% Linurom; 50% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 100% Linurom; 100% Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 50% Linurom; 100% of Quizalofope-P-Ethyl+ 100% of Linurom, and Manual weeding (control). Visual evaluations of weed control, phytotoxicity, plant height, number of leaves and stem diameter were performed. The cowpea plants, BRS Guariba cultivar, presented high tolerance to the herbicides 50% and 50% in the post-emergence applications. The herbicide 100% Linurom and the formulation of the Quizalofope-P-Ethyl + Linurom cause severe damage to the development of cowpea. The herbicides blended with 100% of Quizalofope-P-Ethyland 100% of Linurom potentiates the effect of the herbicides on the cowpea crop, causing the death of the plants.(AU)
Background The search for new inhibitors of snake venom toxins is essential to complement or even replace traditional antivenom therapy, especially in relation to compounds that neutralize the local effects of envenomations. Besides their possible use as alternative to traditional antivenom therapy, some plant species possess bioactive secondary metabolites including essential oils, which can be extracted from weeds that are considered substantial problems for agriculture, such as Hedychium coronarium.Methods The essential oils of leaves and rhizomes from H. coronarium were extracted by hydrodistillation, and their potential inhibitory effects on the coagulant and fibrinogenolytic activities induced by the venoms of Lachesis muta,Bothrops atrox and Bothrops moojeniwere analyzed. Citrated human plasma was used to evaluate the clotting time whereas changes in fibrinogen molecules were visualized by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The experimental design used for testing coagulation inhibition was randomized in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement (concentration × essential oils), with three replications. The essential oils were compared since they were extracted from different organs of the same botanical species, H. coronarium.Results The results suggest that the oils interact with venom proteases and plasma constituents, since all oils evaluated, when previously incubated with venoms, were able to inhibit the clotting effect, with less inhibition when oils and plasma were preincubated prior to the addition of venoms.Conclusions Thus, after extensive characterization of their pharmacological and toxicological effects, the essential oils can be used as an alternative to complement serum therapy, especially considering that these plant metabolites generally do not require specific formulations and may be used topically immediately after extraction.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Serpentes , Fibrinogênio , Antivenenos , Lachesis muta , BothropsResumo
The search for new inhibitors of snake venom toxins is essential to complement or even replace traditional antivenom therapy, especially in relation to compounds that neutralize the local effects of envenomations. Besides their possible use as alternative to traditional antivenom therapy, some plant species possess bioactive secondary metabolites including essential oils, which can be extracted from weeds that are considered substantial problems for agriculture, such as Hedychium coronarium. The essential oils of leaves and rhizomes from H. coronarium were extracted by hydrodistillation, and their potential inhibitory effects on the coagulant and fibrinogenolytic activities induced by the venoms of Lachesis muta, Bothrops atrox and Bothrops moojeni were analyzed. Citrated human plasma was used to evaluate the clotting time whereas changes in fibrinogen molecules were visualized by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The experimental design used for testing coagulation inhibition was randomized in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement (concentration × essential oils), with three replications. The essential oils were compared since they were extracted from different organs of the same botanical species, H. coronarium. The results suggest that the oils interact with venom proteases and plasma constituents, since all oils evaluated, when previously incubated with venoms, were able to inhibit the clotting effect, with less inhibition when oils and plasma were preincubated prior to the addition of venoms. Thus, after extensive characterization of their pharmacological and toxicological effects, the essential oils can be used as an alternative to complement serum therapy, especially considering that these plant metabolites generally do not require specific formulations and may be used topically immediately after extraction.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Serpentes , Antivenenos/análise , Zingiberaceae , Bothrops/classificaçãoResumo
The search for new inhibitors of snake venom toxins is essential to complement or even replace traditional antivenom therapy, especially in relation to compounds that neutralize the local effects of envenomations. Besides their possible use as alternative to traditional antivenom therapy, some plant species possess bioactive secondary metabolites including essential oils, which can be extracted from weeds that are considered substantial problems for agriculture, such as Hedychium coronarium. The essential oils of leaves and rhizomes from H. coronarium were extracted by hydrodistillation, and their potential inhibitory effects on the coagulant and fibrinogenolytic activities induced by the venoms of Lachesis muta, Bothrops atrox and Bothrops moojeni were analyzed. Citrated human plasma was used to evaluate the clotting time whereas changes in fibrinogen molecules were visualized by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The experimental design used for testing coagulation inhibition was randomized in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement (concentration × essential oils), with three replications. The essential oils were compared since they were extracted from different organs of the same botanical species, H. coronarium. The results suggest that the oils interact with venom proteases and plasma constituents, since all oils evaluated, when previously incubated with venoms, were able to inhibit the clotting effect, with less inhibition when oils and plasma were preincubated prior to the addition of venoms. Thus, after extensive characterization of their pharmacological and toxicological effects, the essential oils can be used as an alternative to complement serum therapy, especially considering that these plant metabolites generally do not require specific formulations and may be used topically immediately after extraction.