The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance and carcass characteristics of confined Santa Inêssheep, fed different diets, in a Semiarid environment. Twenty whole sheep with 5 ± 0.5 months of age and 27 ± 2.0 kg were used, receiving two different diets for 72 experimental days, one composed of defatted soybean meal and the other of protein-enrichedcactus meal. They were evaluated for different diets, consumption, production, carcass characteristics, morphometric measures and edible components. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with two treatments and 10 replications. Performance dataand carcass characteristics were evaluated by analysis of variance and means compared by t test at 5% probability level using Statistical Analysis System [SAS]®(1999). Thus, the use of emulsified palm forage protein in the feeding of Santa Inês male lambs proved to be an excellent protein source when compared to the use of defatted soybean meal, since the results of performance and carcass characteristics were similar, being the use of this alternative source advised as it presents the best benefit-cost ratio.(AU)
Animais , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Aumento de Peso , Cactaceae/químicaResumo
This study evaluated the productive performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed diets containing prilled fats of palm oil (PFPO) or calcium soaps of palm oil (CaSPO) replacing vegetable oils (VO). A total of two hundred 1-day-old male Ross 308 chickens were allocated in a 2 × 2 randomized factorial design. Diets included 2 PFPO levels (0 and 50%) and 2 CaSPO levels (0 and 50%). The level was the percentage of substitution of VO by granulated fats. The study had two phases (starter and finisher), each lasting 21 days. In the starter phase, PFPO did not influence (main effects; p>0.05) feed intake and body weight gain, but improved (main effect; p=0.03) feed conversion. In the finisher phase and the total study, PFPO had no effect (p>0.05) on these productive variables. Throughout the study, CaSPO did not influence feed intake (main effect; p>0.50), but decreased weight gain and had a negative effect on feed conversion (main effects; p<0.05). There was no influence of fats (PFPO or CaSPO) on carcass yield, breast, drumsticks plus thighs, and wings (main effects; p>0.05). Chickens fed CaSPO had lower (main effect; p=0.02) carcass weight. The only PFPO × CaSPO interaction (p=0.04) was for back yield. Results showed that PFPO or CaSPO could be employed in formulating broiler chicken diets, as they are less expensive than conventional VO. Partial substitution of VO for PFPO had minimal effect on productive variables, although partial dietary inclusion of CaSPO might slightly reduce the production of broiler chickens.(AU)
Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Óleo de Palmeira/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologiaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different sealing strategies on aerobic stability and feed value of corn silage supplied to finishing lambs. The treatments were set up according to the silo sealing strategy: BP (black polyethylene film), BP + Bagasse (black polyethylene film + sugarcane bagasse) and BP + Silostop (Silostop® Orange oxygen barrier film + black polyethylene film). Six lambs per treatment were used, totaling 18 animals in an experimental period of 63 days. The silage from LP treatment presented the highest aerobic stability, however with lower dry matter digestibility coefficients. No significant differences were detected among treatments for intake and performance of lambs. But for final body weight, weight gain, daily average gain, feed efficiency and dry matter intake, the best results, in absolute value, were found for lambs fed with silage from LP + Bagasse treatment. The silage sealed exclusively with black polyethylene film showed greater aerobic stability. The different sealing strategies used in this experiment did not influence the performance of finishing Dorper x Santa Inês lambs.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de differentes estratégias de vedação sobre a estabilidade aeróbia e o valor alimentício da silagem de milho fornecida para cordeiros em terminação. Os tratamentos foram definidos de acordo com a estratégia de vedação do silo: LP (lona preta de polietileno), LP + Bagaço (lona preta de polietileno + bagaço de cana) e LP + Silostop (lona preta de polietileno + filme de barreira de oxigênio Silostop® Orange). Foram utilizados seis cordeiros por tratamento, totalizando 18 animais, em um período experimental de 63 dias. A silagem do tratamento LP apresentou maior estabilidade aeróbia, porém proporcionou menor coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para o consumo e desempenho dos cordeiros. Todavia, para o peso corporal final, ganho de peso, ganho médio diário, eficiência alimentar e consumo de matéria seca, os melhores resultados, em valor absoluto, foram encontrados para os cordeiros alimentados com dieta à base da silagem coberta com LP + Bagaço. A silagem vedada exclusivamente com a lona preta de polietileno apresentou maior estabilidade aeróbia. As diferentes estratégias de vedação utilizadas nesse experimento não influenciaram o desempenho de cordeiros Dorper x Santa Inês em terminação.(AU)
Animais , Silagem , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Zea mays/fisiologia , Valor NutritivoResumo
Determining what and how much each environmental factor affects pregnancy is crucial to the sustainability and management of beef cow herds. The study evaluated through logistic regression the effect of environmental variables on the increase or reduction in the pregnancy rate of beef cows. The average pregnancy rate in the cows was 73 %, with an average age for the herd of 3.7 years. An increase in age of one year represented a 30 % increase in pregnancy, while a reduction of one year reduced the odds of pregnancy in the cows by 23 %. During the lactation period, an extra seven days' lactation reduced the odds of pregnancy by 12 %. For every seven days that weaning was brought forward, the cows' pregnancy odds increased by 14 %. An increase of 0.1 kg in average daily gain represented an increase of 17 % and 15 % in the odds of pregnancy during the first 60 days post-partum and 60 days to the end of the reproductive period. On the other hand, the loss of 0.1 kg in average daily gain resulted in a 14 % and 13 % reduction in the cows' pregnancy odds, respectively. Factors such as age, the precocity of calving in the calving season, the time the calf remains with the cow and better performance in cows between calving and the end of the mating are strategies that increase the chances of pregnancy in beef cows.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Prenhez , Comportamento Sexual Animal , LactaçãoResumo
The aim of study was to determine the relationship between metabolic parameters, body weight and body growth of piglets at birth and weaning. The experiment included 80 piglets obtained from F1 generation sows. Body weight was measured at birth (BW0), 24h (BW1) after birth and on day 25 (at weaning, BW2). Blood sampling was performed at the beginning of life (3rd day after birth) and at weaning (21st day after birth). BW0 and BW1 positively correlated with cholesterol and negatively with urea values at the beginning of life and RBC values at weaning. BW2 positively correlates with albumin and cortisol values at the beginning of life, total proteins, and globulins at weaning, and negatively correlates with erythrocyte values at weaning. Piglet growth from birth to weaning (BWG2-0) correlates positively with total proteins, albumin, and cortisol at the beginning of life and total proteins at weaning. ROC analysis shows that MCHC, TPROT, GLOB, CHOL and AST at the beginning of life can distinguish fast-growing from slow-growing piglets from birth to weaning period. The use of blood parameters enables early recognition of growth rate in piglets, which can help to optimize all further steps to achieve the best possible growth.
O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a relação entre parâmetros metabólicos, peso corporal e crescimento corporal de leitões ao nascimento e desmame. A experiência incluiu 80 leitões obtidos de porcas da geração F1. O peso corporal foi medido ao nascimento (BW0), 24h (BW1) após o nascimento e no dia 25 (no desmame, BW2). A amostragem de sangue foi realizada no início da vida (3º dia após o nascimento) e no desmame (21º dia após o nascimento). BW0 e BW1 correlacionaram-se positivamente com o colesterol e negativamente com os valores de uréia no início da vida e com os valores de hemácias no desmame. BW2 correlaciona-se positivamente com os valores de albumina e cortisol no início da vida, proteínas totais e globulinas no desmame, e negativamente com os valores de eritrócitos no desmame. O crescimento do leitão desde o nascimento até o desmame (BWG2-0) se correlaciona positivamente com as proteínas totais, albumina e cortisol no início da vida e com as proteínas totais no desmame. A análise ROC mostra que MCHC, TPROT, GLOB, CHOL e AST no início da vida pode distinguir leitões de crescimento rápido de leitões de crescimento lento desde o nascimento até o desmame. O uso de parâmetros sanguíneos permite o reconhecimento precoce da taxa de crescimento em leitões, o que pode ajudar a otimizar todas as etapas posteriores para alcançar o melhor crescimento possível.
Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/sangue , Peso Corporal , Aumento de PesoResumo
The objective was to evaluate the productive performance, apparent digestibility of the diet and ingestive behavior of beef cattle finished in feedlot under the effect of the inclusion of yeast culture or enzyme complex. The treatments were: diet without additives (control); diet with enzyme complex (7 g animal day-1); diet with yeast culture (7g animal day-1) and diet with the association of enzymatic complex (7 g animal day-1) and yeast culture (7g animal day-1). The experimental design was completely randomized, with five replications. Forty ½ Angus ½ Nellore steers, with an average initial body weight of 362 kg ± 6 kg, were used. Regardless of the evaluation period, non-supplementation caused the animals to gain less weight (0 to 21 days: 1.267 kg day-1; 0 to 42 days: 1.377 kg day-1; 0 to 63 days: 1.368 kg day-1) compared to supplemented animals, feed conversion for non-supplemented animals was also worse. Starch apparent digestibility showed higher averages when steers were supplemented with yeast culture alone and yeast culture combined with enzyme complex (97.30% and 97.07%, respectively). Supplementation using a combination of yeast culture with enzyme complex did not cause additional effects on weight gain, but resulted in the lowest averages for feed conversion.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo, digestibilidade aparente da dieta e comportamento ingestivo de bovinos de corte terminados em confinamento sob efeito da inclusão de cultura de leveduras ou de complexo enzimático. Os tratamentos foram assim constituídos: dieta sem aditivos (controle); dieta com complexo enzimático (7 g animal dia-1); dieta com cultura de levedura (7g animal dia-1) e dieta com a associação de complexo enzimático (7 g animal dia-1) e cultura de levedura (7g animal dia-1). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições. Utilizou-se 40 novilhos inteiros, ½ sangue Angus ½ sangue Nelore, com peso vivo médio inicial de 362 kg ± 6kg. Independente do período de avaliação, a não suplementação fez com que os animais ganhassem menos peso (0 a 21 dias: 1,267 kg dia-1; 0 a 42 dias: 1,377 kg dia-1; 0 a 63 dias: 1,368 kg dia-1) em relação aos animais suplementados, a conversão alimentar para os animais não suplementados também foi pior. A digestibilidade aparente do amido apresentou maiores médias quando os novilhos foram suplementados com cultura de levedura isolada e com cultura de levedura associada com complexo enzimático (97,30% e 97,07% respectivamente). A suplementação na forma de associação da cultura de leveduras ao complexo enzimático não apresentou efeitos adicionais sobre o ganho de peso, mas possui as menores médias para conversão alimentar.(AU)
Leveduras/química , Bovinos/fisiologia , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Ensaios Enzimáticos/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to determine the efficacy and parasite resistance of levamisole (LV) and ivermectin (IVM) in beef cattle naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes, as well as the effect on the liveweight gain in a tropical wet region of Oaxaca, Mexico. From November 2019 to January 2020, sixty-six grazing calves were randomly allocated into three groups of twenty-two animals each, treated with LV or IVM or an untreated control group (day 0). Feces were collected 1 day before treatment and 15 days after treatment. The liveweight gain from each animal was recorded at days 0, 15, 30 and 45 post treatment. The LV group presented the highest reduction of eggs per gram (EPG) of feces, followed by the IVM group. Resistance to IVM was detected, although LV resistance was also suspected. The IVM group had significantly higher effective treatment at 93.5%, resulting in an increase (P<0.05) of liveweight gain of 16.1kg, followed by the LV group (92.4%) with 17.1kg, compared to the untreated control group. A signiï¬cant (P < 0.05) negative correlation was observed between EPG and weight gain for the LV (r = -0.46) and IVM groups (r = -0.32). LV and IVM showed a lack of efficacy against gastrointestinal nematodes, as well as an adequate capacity for EPG reduction but with IVM resistance and detrimental effects on growth performance in grazing beef cattle.
Os nematódeos gastrointestinais do gado de pastoreio causam perdas econômicas substanciais em todo o mundo. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a eficácia e a resistência parasitária do levamisol (LV) e da ivermectina (IVM) em bovinos de corte naturalmente infectados com nematódeos gastrointestinais, bem como o efeito no ganho de peso vivo, em uma região tropical úmida de Oaxaca, México. De novembro de 2019 a janeiro de 2020, 66 bezerros de pasto foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de 22 animais cada um, tratados com LV ou IVM, ou em um grupo controle sem tratamento (dia 0). As fezes foram coletadas 1 dia antes do tratamento e 15 dias após o tratamento. O ganho de peso vivo de cada animal foi registrado nos dias 0, 15, 30 e 45 pós-tratamento. O grupo do LV apresentou a maior redução de ovos por grama de fezes (EPG), seguido pelo grupo IVM. A resistência à IVM foi detectada, embora também se suspeitasse de resistência ao LV. O grupo IVM teve um tratamento eficaz significativamente maior, com 93,5%, resultando em um aumento (P < 0,05) do ganho de peso vivo de 16,1kg, seguido pelo grupo LV (92,4%), com 17,1kg, em comparação com o grupo controle sem tratamento. Foi observada uma correlação negativa (P < 0,05) entre o EPG e o ganho de peso para os grupos LV (r = -0,46) e IVM (r = -0,32). LV e IVM mostraram falta de eficácia contra nematódeos gastrointestinais, assim como uma capacidade adequada de redução de EPG, mas com resistência IVM e efeitos prejudiciais no desempenho de crescimento em gado de corte em pastagem.
Animais , Bovinos , Resistência a Medicamentos , Aumento de Peso , Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Anti-Helmínticos , Nematoides/patogenicidade , MéxicoResumo
This study examined the effect of different supplementation strategies for ewes in the last third of gestation, kept on a deferred Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture, on their performance and the growth curve of their lambs. A total of 54 ewes, of no defined breed, with an average weight of 41.10±3.10 kg, were used in a completely randomized design, divided into three groups (18 ewes per treatment). In total, 61 lambs were born, 28 females and 33 males, with 3.70±0.55 and 3.68±0.69 kg birth weight, respectively. Treatments were as follows: multiple mixture ad libitum, concentrate supplement at 0.4% live weight (LW), and concentrate supplement at 0.8% LW. Average daily weight gain (ADG, g/animal/day) and total weight gain (TWG, kg/animal) were evaluated in ewes and lambs. Reproductive efficiency indices were measured in the ewes and biometric variables in the lambs. The ADG and TWG of ewes in the last third of gestation were higher in animals supplemented at 0.8% LW. Reproductive efficiency results were superior in ewes supplemented at 0.4% LW. The effect of ewe supplementation on lamb growth curve as estimated by the Gompertz model did not reveal differences between the curves of lambs born to ewes that received supplementation at 0.4 and 0.8% LW. However, supplementing ewes with a multiple mixture induced a reduction in the growth curve parameters of their lambs. The use of concentrated supplementation, at levels of 0.4 and 0.8% of LW, provides greater productive and reproductive performance for ewes and lambs.(AU)
Animais , Gravidez , Ovinos/fisiologia , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Brachiaria/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do Lactente/fisiologia , PastagensResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the productive performance and carcass characteristics of lambs fed diets with different types of carbohydrates associated with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thirty castrated male lambs (20.5 ± 7.6 kg) were used, distributed in a randomized block design under three experimental diets: High proportion of non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) diet; High NFC diet + spineless cactus (high proportion of NFC and spineless cactus) and Low NFC diet (low proportion of NFC), in a 60 day experimental period. The variables of nutrient intake, performance, and carcass characteristics were evaluated. The animals fed the High NFC + spineless cactus diet presented a higher dry matter intake, organic matter, mineral matter, crude protein, and total carbohydrates intake (p <0.05). Carcass characteristics and weight of commercial cuts were improved in High NFC and High NFC + spineless cactus diets (p <0.05), on the other hand we observed a total fat weight reduction in animals fed with High NFC + spineless cactus. The results indicate that high levels of NFC positively influence animal performance, where the type of carbohydrate influences nutrient intake, also affecting carcass characteristics.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Carne/análise , Carboidratos/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais , Ácidos Graxos Insaturados/fisiologiaResumo
Currently, feed formulations for quail are based on foreign data or data from other species; this undermines productivity with the use of excessive or deficient levels of some nutrients. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the nutritional requirement levels of calcium (Ca) and supplementation vitamin D in meat-type quail from 1 to 14 d of age. The experiment was a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments (levels of Ca: 0.42, 0.58, 0.74 and 0.90% and levels of vitamin D: 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 IU) with 3 replicate pens and 43 quails per pen. Weight gain increased quadratically with increased levels of Ca and vitamin D; this variable yielded estimated levels of 0.73% Ca and 2,883 IU vitamin D. There was no Ca x vitamin D interaction effect on bone variables. Bone Ca, bone phosphorus, bone ash, femoral bone strength, tibial bone strength and the femoral Seedor index increased quadratically with an increase in Ca levels. These variables yielded estimated values of 0.78, 0.71, 0.78, 0.77, 0.83, and 0.71% Ca, respectively. It is concluded that the requirements of Ca and vitamin D for the maximum weight gain of meat-type quails, in the period from one to 14 days of age, were 0.73% Ca (p=0.001) and 2,883 IU vitamin D (p=0.02), respectively.(AU)
Animais , Carne/análise , Cálcio , Vitamina D , Aumento de Peso , Valor Nutritivo , Coturnix/metabolismo , Coturnix/fisiologiaResumo
Currently, feed formulations for quail are based on foreign data or data from other species; this undermines productivity with the use of excessive or deficient levels of some nutrients. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the nutritional requirement levels of calcium (Ca) and supplementation vitamin D in meat-type quail from 1 to 14 d of age. The experiment was a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments (levels of Ca: 0.42, 0.58, 0.74 and 0.90% and levels of vitamin D: 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 IU) with 3 replicate pens and 43 quails per pen. Weight gain increased quadratically with increased levels of Ca and vitamin D; this variable yielded estimated levels of 0.73% Ca and 2,883 IU vitamin D. There was no Ca x vitamin D interaction effect on bone variables. Bone Ca, bone phosphorus, bone ash, femoral bone strength, tibial bone strength and the femoral Seedor index increased quadratically with an increase in Ca levels. These variables yielded estimated values of 0.78, 0.71, 0.78, 0.77, 0.83, and 0.71% Ca, respectively. It is concluded that the requirements of Ca and vitamin D for the maximum weight gain of meat-type quails, in the period from one to 14 days of age, were 0.73% Ca (p=0.001) and 2,883 IU vitamin D (p=0.02), respectively.
Animais , Aumento de Peso , Carne/análise , Cálcio , Valor Nutritivo , Vitamina D , Coturnix/fisiologia , Coturnix/metabolismoResumo
A total of 1,296 broiler chicken were housed, distributed in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 6 repetitions. The treatments consisted of a control diet formulated with corn considered adequate and without the addition of adsorbent, a diet formulated with corn naturally contaminated with mycotoxin (CCM) and four diets formulated with CCM and added with different commercial adsorbents. At the end of the first week and at 21 days of age of the birds, it was observed that the control diet resulted in greater (p < 0.05) live weight and weight gain in relation to the inclusion of CCM. The relative weight of the liver was lower for the control group compared to the groups receiving a diet with CCM and CCM + ads D. The relative weight of the proventriculus and cloacal bursa was lower for the control group compared to those who received a diet with CCM + ads B and CCM + ads C. There was no significant effect (p > 0.05) of the diets on the analysis of serum biochemistry and the occurrence of fatty and hydropic degeneration in the liver of broilers. The use of adsorbents can mitigate the harmful effects of mycotoxins, however, these products have specific binding capacity to the type of mycotoxin present in food.
A total of 1,296 broiler chicken were housed, distributed in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 6 repetitions. The treatments consisted of a control diet formulated with corn considered adequate and without the addition of adsorbent, a diet formulated with corn naturally contaminated with mycotoxin (CCM) and four diets formulated with CCM and added with different commercial adsorbents. At the end of the first week and at 21 days of age of the birds, it was observed that the control diet resulted in greater (p < 0.05) live weight and weight gain in relation to the inclusion of CCM. The relative weight of the liver was lower for the control group compared to the groups receiving a diet with CCM and CCM + ads D. The relative weight of the proventriculus and cloacal bursa was lower for the control group compared to those who received a diet with CCM + ads B and CCM + ads C. There was no significant effect (p > 0.05) of the diets on the analysis of serum biochemistry and the occurrence of fatty and hydropic degeneration in the liver of broilers. The use of adsorbents can mitigate the harmful effects of mycotoxins, however, these products have specific binding capacity to the type of mycotoxin present in food.
A total of 1,296 broiler chicken were housed, distributed in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 6 repetitions. The treatments consisted of a control diet formulated with corn considered adequate and without the addition of adsorbent, a diet formulated with corn naturally contaminated with mycotoxin (CCM) and four diets formulated with CCM and added with different commercial adsorbents. At the end of the first week and at 21 days of age of the birds, it was observed that the control diet resulted in greater (p < 0.05) live weight and weight gain in relation to the inclusion of CCM. The relative weight of the liver was lower for the control group compared to the groups receiving a diet with CCM and CCM + ads D. The relative weight of the proventriculus and cloacal bursa was lower for the control group compared to those who received a diet with CCM + ads B and CCM + ads C. There was no significant effect (p > 0.05) of the diets on the analysis of serum biochemistry and the occurrence of fatty and hydropic degeneration in the liver of broilers. The use of adsorbents can mitigate the harmful effects of mycotoxins, however, these products have specific binding capacity to the type of mycotoxin present in food.(AU)
Animais , Alimentos Formulados/análise , Galinhas/fisiologia , Fumonisinas/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/toxicidade , Zea mays/microbiologia , Micotoxinas/efeitos adversosResumo
A total of 1,296 broiler chicken were housed, distributed in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 6 repetitions. The treatments consisted of a control diet formulated with corn considered adequate and without the addition of adsorbent, a diet formulated with corn naturally contaminated with mycotoxin (CCM) and four diets formulated with CCM and added with different commercial adsorbents. At the end of the first week and at 21 days of age of the birds, it was observed that the control diet resulted in greater (p < 0.05) live weight and weight gain in relation to the inclusion of CCM. The relative weight of the liver was lower for the control group compared to the groups receiving a diet with CCM and CCM + ads D. The relative weight of the proventriculus and cloacal bursa was lower for the control group compared to those who received a diet with CCM + ads B and CCM+ ads C. There was no significant effect (p > 0.05) of the diets on the analysis of serum biochemistry and the occurrence of fatty and hydropic degeneration in the liver of broilers. The use of adsorbents can mitigate the harmful effects of mycotoxins, however, these products have specific binding capacity to the type of mycotoxin present in food.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Micotoxinas/análise , Micotoxinas/química , Zea mays , FumonisinasResumo
Broilers maintenance at high stocking density impacts uncomfortable conditions; this increases the potential for stress, reduces feed consumption, and reduces production performance and health in broiler chickens. This study aims to evaluate the effect of clove leaf extract on growth performance and microbial population in the digestive tract of broiler chickens reared at high density. From the eighth day, five treatment groups, T0 (negative control with a typical density of 10 birds/m2 ), T1 (positive control with a high density of 16 birds/m2 ), T2, T3, and T4 with a high density of 16 birds/m2, were randomly assigned from 444 broilers (bodyweight of 129.78±0.75 g) with six repetitions each on the eighth day. The feed includes clove leave extract as much as 0.5, 0.75, and 1 ml/kg for T2, T3, and T4, respectively. The weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio were tracked weekly. One chicken from each replicate was taken randomly, slaughtered, and feathered on day 35. The digesta was taken from the ileum and cecum to measure the intestinal bacterial population and put into a sterile container. Digesta from the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and cecum were also collected to determine pH levels. MRS agar was used to determine the amount of LAB in the digesta. The findings revealed that giving clove leaf extract of feed to broiler chickens kept at high stocking density could higher body weight gain (P < 0.05), higher feed consumption (P < 0.05), decreased the pH of the ileum and cecum (P < 0.05), increased lactic acid bacteria and decreased coliform bacteria in the ileum and cecum (P < 0.05).
Animais , Extratos Vegetais/administração & dosagem , Aumento de Peso , Galinhas/microbiologia , Syzygium/química , Abrigo para AnimaisResumo
This study evaluated the effect of essential oil (ESOL) of Mentha piperita and Melaleuca alternifolia on meat-type quails. To examine performance, a completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and eight repetitions each, using seven birds per repetition. To assess lipidemia, a completely randomized design in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme was used, with four treatments and two collection conditions using eight repetitions and one bird per repetition. Weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, carcass yield, cholesterol, high-density lipoporteins, triglycerides, pH, and brightness of quail breast meat were assessed. The data were analyzed for homoscedasticity and normality, and the means were subjected to analysis of variance. Adding M. piperita and M. alternifolia ESOL to the diets of meat-type quails can improve performance, carcass yield, and meat quality characteristics, comparable to the use of performance-enhancing antibiotics. The use of zinc bacitracin, M. piperita, and M. alternifolia under different collection conditions did not increase the serum levels of low-density and very low-density lipoproteins. The variation coefficients measured after 12 hours of fasting were 86% lower than without fasting.
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito do uso dos óleos essenciais (OLES) de Mentha piperita e Melaleuca alternifolia em codornas de corte. Para o estudo do desempenho foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatrotratamentos e oito repetições, sendo sete aves por repetição. Para o estudo da lipidemia utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial: 4x2, consistindo em quatro tratamentos e duas condições de coleta, com oito repetições, sendo uma ave por repetição. As variáveis analisadas foram: ganho de peso, consumo ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça, colesterol, HDL, triglicerídeos, pH, capacidade de retenção de água, perda de peso por cozimento, luminosidade na carne do peito de codornas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados quanto à homocedasticidade e normalidade, as médias foram submetidas à análise de variância. O uso de OLES de M. piperita e M. alternifolia na dieta de codornas de corte pode proporcionar desempenhos zootécnicos, rendimentos de carcaça e características de qualidade da carne comparáveis ao uso de antibióticos melhoradores de desempenho. A redução no nível de colesterol HDL foi notada nas aves tratadas com Bacitracina de zinco e com os OLES de M. piperita e M. alternifolia, em 8,12; 16,52 e 3,36% respectivamente. O uso da Bacitracina de zinco, da M. piperita e da M. alternifolia associado às diferentes condições de coleta não aumentaram os valores séricos de LDL, VLDL. Os coeficientes de variação aferidos na condição "após 12 horas de jejum" apresentaram-se 86% inferiores à condição "sem jejum".
Animais , Aumento de Peso , Mentha piperita , Coturnix/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Melaleuca , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Hiperlipidemias/veterináriaResumo
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of net energy levels in diets for barrows, from 70 to 100 kg, on performance, plasma parameters and carcass characteristics. Two experiments were carried out: in the first (Experiment I), a metabolism assay was carried out to estimate the net energy (NE) of experimental diets. Twelve crossbred barrows, averaging 85.74 ± 6.80 kg initial body weight, were distributed in a randomized block design with two metabolizable energy (ME) levels (3100 and 3500 kcal kg¹) with six replicates and one animal per experimental unit. In the second (Experiment II), 45 castrated male pigs were used, averaging 70.10 ± 1.26 kg of initial body weight distributed in a randomized block design, with five NE levels (2345, 2425, 2505, 2585, 2665 kcal kg¹), nine replicates and one animal per experimental unit. The increase in diet NE levels provided a linear reduction (p ≤ 0.00039) in average daily feed intake (ADFI). There was a quadratic effect on NE efficiency (p ≤ 0.0027), average daily gain (ADG), (p ≤ 0.0352) and the feed:gain ratio (F:G), (p ≤ 0.0024), the optimal levels being estimated at 2485, 2493 and 2533 kcal kg¹, respectively. Drip loss (DL) decreased (p ≤ 0.0001) as NE levels increased. There was also a linear decrease (p ≤ 0.0462) in the Minolta color parameter (+a*), due to the NE levels. Plasma parameters were not affected (p > 0.05) by NE levels. The dietary net energy levels affected the performance and meat quality of finishing pigs and the level of 2493 kcal kg¹ provided the best ADG.
Masculino , Animais , Dieta/veterinária , Ingestão de Energia , Metabolismo Energético , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/metabolismoResumo
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of net energy levels in diets for barrows, from 70 to 100 kg, on performance, plasma parameters and carcass characteristics. Two experiments were carried out: in the first (Experiment I), a metabolism assay was carried out to estimate the net energy (NE) of experimental diets. Twelve crossbred barrows, averaging 85.74 ± 6.80 kg initial body weight, were distributed in a randomized block design with two metabolizable energy (ME) levels (3100 and 3500 kcal kg1) with six replicates and one animal per experimental unit. In the second (Experiment II), 45 castrated male pigs were used, averaging 70.10 ± 1.26 kg of initial body weight distributed in a randomized block design, with five NE levels (2345, 2425, 2505, 2585, 2665 kcal kg1), nine replicates and one animal per experimental unit. The increase in diet NE levels provided a linear reduction (p ≤ 0.00039) in average daily feed intake (ADFI). There was a quadratic effect on NE efficiency (p ≤ 0.0027), average daily gain (ADG), (p ≤ 0.0352) and the feed:gain ratio (F:G), (p ≤ 0.0024), the optimal levels being estimated at 2485, 2493 and 2533 kcal kg1, respectively. Drip loss (DL) decreased (p ≤ 0.0001) as NE levels increased. There was also a linear decrease (p ≤ 0.0462) in the Minolta color parameter (+a*), due to the NE levels. Plasma parameters were not affected (p > 0.05) by NE levels. The dietary net energy levels affected the performance and meat quality of finishing pigs and the level of 2493 kcal kg1 provided the best ADG.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Suínos/metabolismo , Carne de Porco/análise , Peso Corporal/fisiologiaResumo
ABSTRACT The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of net energy levels in diets for barrows, from 70 to 100 kg, on performance, plasma parameters and carcass characteristics. Two experiments were carried out: in the first (Experiment I), a metabolism assay was carried out to estimate the net energy (NE) of experimental diets. Twelve crossbred barrows, averaging 85.74 ± 6.80 kg initial body weight, were distributed in a randomized block design with two metabolizable energy (ME) levels (3100 and 3500 kcal kg1) with six replicates and one animal per experimental unit. In the second (Experiment II), 45 castrated male pigs were used, averaging 70.10 ± 1.26 kg of initial body weight distributed in a randomized block design, with five NE levels (2345, 2425, 2505, 2585, 2665 kcal kg1), nine replicates and one animal per experimental unit. The increase in diet NE levels provided a linear reduction (p 0.00039) in average daily feed intake (ADFI). There was a quadratic effect on NE efficiency (p 0.0027), average daily gain (ADG), (p 0.0352) and the feed:gain ratio (F:G), (p 0.0024), the optimal levels being estimated at 2485, 2493 and 2533 kcal kg1, respectively. Drip loss (DL) decreased (p 0.0001) as NE levels increased. There was also a linear decrease (p 0.0462) in the Minolta color parameter (+a*), due to the NE levels. Plasma parameters were not affected (p > 0.05) by NE levels. The dietary net energy levels affected the performance and meat quality of finishing pigs and the level of 2493 kcal kg1 provided the best ADG.
This study aimed to assess the growth performance and nutritional status of sheep under intermittent water supply by means of performance, intake, apparent digestibility of nutrients, water balance and nitrogen. Thirty-two intact male sheep (20.7 ± 2.63 kg, 8 months of age) were distributed in a completely randomized design with 4 water supply intervals via drinking trough (0h00, 24h00, 48h00, and 72h00), with 8 replicates. The extension in the water restriction period caused a reduction in the intake of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, digestible energy, and metabolizable energy (P < 0.05). The digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber showed a linear decrease with increasing periods of water restriction (P < 0.05). Water intake via food, total water intake, and water excretion via feces showed a linear increase in response to an increase in the water supply interval (P < 0.05). Water intake via drinking, metabolic water, total water excretion and water balance presented a linear decrease, with increasing periods of water restriction (P < 0.05). Nitrogen intake and absorbed nitrogen were influenced by water restriction, presenting a linear decreasing trend according to water supply periods (P < 0.05). Final weight, daily weight gain, and total weight gain, were influenced by the periods of water restriction, showing a linear reduction (P < 0.05). Feed conversion increased as the water restriction period increased (P=0.004). Intermittent water supply at intervals of up to 72h00 reduced nutrient intake and digestibility, resulting in a decrease in weight gain of the studied animals.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo e o estado nutricional de ovinos de ovinos submetidos à oferta intermitente de água, através do desempenho, consumo, digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, balanço hídrico e balanço de nitrogênio. Trinta e dois ovinos machos inteiros (20,7 ± 2,63 kg e idade de 8 meses) foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 4 intervalos de abastecimento de água via bebedouro (0h00, 24h00, 48h00 e 72h00), com 8 repetições. O aumento do período de restrição hídrica proporcionou redução nos consumos de matéria seca, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro, energia digestível e energia metabilizável (P < 0,05). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro reduziram linearmente (P < 0,05) com o aumento do período de restrição hídrica. A ingestão de água via alimento, a ingestão total de água e a excreção de água pelas fezes apresentaram um aumento linear em resposta ao aumento do intervalo de fornecimento de água (P < 0,05). A ingestão de água via bebedouro, água metabólica, excreção total de água e balanço hídrico apresentaram decréscimo linear, com o aumento do período de restrição hídrica (P < 0,05). O consumo de nitrogênio e o nitrogênio absorvido foram influenciados pela restrição hídrica, apresentando comportamento linear decrescente de acordo com os períodos de abastecimento de água (P < 0,05). O peso final, ganho de peso diário e ganho de peso total, foram influenciados pelos períodos de restrição hídrica, decrescendo linearmente (P < 0.05). A conversão alimentar aumentou com o aumento do período de restrição hídrica (P=0,004). O fornecimento intermitente de água em intervalos de até 72h reduziu a ingestão e a digestibilidade de nutrientes, promovendo diminuição no ganho de peso dos animais estudados.(AU)