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Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262037, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396185


The morphology of the first zoeal stage of Pilumnus vinaceus is described and compared with the zoea I of Pilumnus all species in the literature. Two ovigerous females of P. vinaceus were maintained in the aquarium facilities until the larvae hatch. The larvae of each ovigerous female were dissected using a stereoscopic microscope. The zoea I of P. vinaceus has common characteristics among the Pilumnidae as: [1] antenna of type 2; [2] maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 setae on the basis and with 3,2,1,2,5 setae in the endopod; [3] maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1+1 setae on the basis and 1,1,6 setae on the endopod; [4] telson with furcal rami armed with dorsal and lateral spines. Considering the species of Pilumnus that occur in the western Atlantic, it becomes possible to identify P. vinaceus zoea I by means of the verification of the following characteristics: [1] pleonites with mediolateral processes; [2] number of setae on the antennule. It is however, important to consider that there is still a great deficit in the knowledge about the morphology of the larval forms of the species assigned to Pilumnus and we argue in favor of new descriptions to build a more robust dataset on zoeal morphology characters and use it in a phylogenetic context on the genus.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Larva/fisiologia , Forma do Núcleo Celular
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(2): e200109, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31215


The fishes of the Haemulidae family are currently allocated to 19 genera with a worldwide distribution in the tropical and subtropical waters of the world's oceans. Brachygenys and Haemulon are important genera of reef fish in Brazil, as they occur in large shoals, which are both ecologically and commercially valuable. This study identified the Brazilian species of the genera Brachygenys and Haemulon using DNA barcodes. While we found only a single lineage in Brachygenys chrysargyrea, Haemulon melanurum, H. parra, and H. squamipinna, more than one molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU) was identified in H. atlanticus, H. aurolineatum, and H. plumieri, indicating the possible existence of discrete populations or cryptic species.(AU)

Os peixes da família Haemulidae estão atualmente distribuídos em 19 gêneros, com distribuição mundial em águas oceânicas tropicais e subtropicais. Brachygenys e Haemulon são importantes gêneros de peixes recifais do Brasil, visto que ocorrem em grandes cardumes, de valores ecológicos e comerciais. Este estudo identificou as espécies brasileiras dos gêneros Brachygenys e Haemulon usando o código de barras de DNA. Embora apenas uma única linhagem de Brachygenys chrysargyrea, Haemulon melanurum, H. parra e H. squamipinna tenha sido encontrada em nosso conjunto de dados, mais de uma unidade taxonômica operacional molecular (MOTU) foi identificada em H. atlanticus, H. aurolineatum e H. plumieri, indicando a possível existência de populações discretas ou espécies crípticas.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes , Distribuição de Produtos , Biologia Molecular , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Peixes
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(2): e200109, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279484


The fishes of the Haemulidae family are currently allocated to 19 genera with a worldwide distribution in the tropical and subtropical waters of the world's oceans. Brachygenys and Haemulon are important genera of reef fish in Brazil, as they occur in large shoals, which are both ecologically and commercially valuable. This study identified the Brazilian species of the genera Brachygenys and Haemulon using DNA barcodes. While we found only a single lineage in Brachygenys chrysargyrea, Haemulon melanurum, H. parra, and H. squamipinna, more than one molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU) was identified in H. atlanticus, H. aurolineatum, and H. plumieri, indicating the possible existence of discrete populations or cryptic species.(AU)

Os peixes da família Haemulidae estão atualmente distribuídos em 19 gêneros, com distribuição mundial em águas oceânicas tropicais e subtropicais. Brachygenys e Haemulon são importantes gêneros de peixes recifais do Brasil, visto que ocorrem em grandes cardumes, de valores ecológicos e comerciais. Este estudo identificou as espécies brasileiras dos gêneros Brachygenys e Haemulon usando o código de barras de DNA. Embora apenas uma única linhagem de Brachygenys chrysargyrea, Haemulon melanurum, H. parra e H. squamipinna tenha sido encontrada em nosso conjunto de dados, mais de uma unidade taxonômica operacional molecular (MOTU) foi identificada em H. atlanticus, H. aurolineatum e H. plumieri, indicando a possível existência de populações discretas ou espécies crípticas.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes , Distribuição de Produtos , Biologia Molecular , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Peixes
Pap. avulsos zool ; 59: e.20195937, 25 mar. 2019. ilus, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487209


Two species of bopyrid isopods from the subfamily Athelginae are recorded from new localities in northeastern Brazil. Parathelges foliatus Markham, 1972 was recorded for the first time from Brazil, in the state of Ceará, parasitising the hermit crab Clibanarius symmetricus (Randall, 1840). Pseudostegias atlantica Lemos de Castro, 1965 is recorded from the state of Ceará, parasitising Clibanarius antillensis Stimpson, 1859. Illustrations, species diagnosis and an updated distribution map are given for each species.

Animais , Anomuros/anatomia & histologia , Especificidade da Espécie , Isópodes/anatomia & histologia , Isópodes/classificação , Brasil
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 59: e.20195937, Sep. 3, 2019. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24648


Two species of bopyrid isopods from the subfamily Athelginae are recorded from new localities in northeastern Brazil. Parathelges foliatus Markham, 1972 was recorded for the first time from Brazil, in the state of Ceará, parasitising the hermit crab Clibanarius symmetricus (Randall, 1840). Pseudostegias atlantica Lemos de Castro, 1965 is recorded from the state of Ceará, parasitising Clibanarius antillensis Stimpson, 1859. Illustrations, species diagnosis and an updated distribution map are given for each species.(AU)

Animais , Isópodes/anatomia & histologia , Anomuros/anatomia & histologia , Especificidade da Espécie , Isópodes/classificação , Brasil
Pap. avulsos zool ; 59: e20195925, 25 mar. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487179


Previously known only from Argentina and Uruguay, Anacalliax argentinensis is herein reported for the first time from Rio de Janeiro, representing the first occurrence of genus Anacalliax in the Brazilian coast and the northernmost record of the species in the Atlantic Ocean. Morphological variations on the third maxilliped and first pereopods are discussed based in our material.

Animais , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Decápodes/classificação , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Especificidade da Espécie
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 59: e20195925, June 13, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21090


Previously known only from Argentina and Uruguay, Anacalliax argentinensis is herein reported for the first time from Rio de Janeiro, representing the first occurrence of genus Anacalliax in the Brazilian coast and the northernmost record of the species in the Atlantic Ocean. Morphological variations on the third maxilliped and first pereopods are discussed based in our material.(AU)

Animais , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Decápodes/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Biodiversidade , Brasil
Pap. avulsos zool ; 59: e.20195958, 25 mar. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487188


Porcellana paivacarvalhoi Rodrigues da Costa, 1968, described from southeastern Brazil (São Sebastião, São Paulo), is morphologically similar to the eastern Atlantic P. platycheles (Pennant, 1777), and also to the west African P. africana Chace, 1956. The synonymy between P. paivacarvalhoi and P. platycheles was proposed by previous authors without examination of any specimens of P. platycheles, nor did they considered the morphological similarities between P. paivacarvalhoi and P. africana. This synonymy has been implicitly accepted without further analysis. The recent discovery of one male and two females syntypes of P. paivacarvalhoi has prompted new investigations into the status of P. paivacarvalhoi as a junior synonym either of P. platycheles or P. africana. Porcellana paivacarvalhoi is redescribed and illustrated based upon its lectotype herein designated. It is confirmed to be a junior synonym of P. platycheles; all evidence suggests that P. africana is a distinct, separate species. All previous records of P. platycheles from the Brazilian coast are reviewed. Its presence in southeastern Brazil in the late 1960’s most probably represents an historical case of human-mediated introduction by shipping activities. Porcellana platycheles did not manage to establish itself in São Sebastião, nor has it been recorded subsequently elsewhere in Brazil.

Animais , Anomuros/anatomia & histologia , Anomuros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 59: e.20195958, Nov. 28, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24629


Porcellana paivacarvalhoi Rodrigues da Costa, 1968, described from southeastern Brazil (São Sebastião, São Paulo), is morphologically similar to the eastern Atlantic P. platycheles (Pennant, 1777), and also to the west African P. africana Chace, 1956. The synonymy between P. paivacarvalhoi and P. platycheles was proposed by previous authors without examination of any specimens of P. platycheles, nor did they considered the morphological similarities between P. paivacarvalhoi and P. africana. This synonymy has been implicitly accepted without further analysis. The recent discovery of one male and two females syntypes of P. paivacarvalhoi has prompted new investigations into the status of P. paivacarvalhoi as a junior synonym either of P. platycheles or P. africana. Porcellana paivacarvalhoi is redescribed and illustrated based upon its lectotype herein designated. It is confirmed to be a junior synonym of P. platycheles; all evidence suggests that P. africana is a distinct, separate species. All previous records of P. platycheles from the Brazilian coast are reviewed. Its presence in southeastern Brazil in the late 1960s most probably represents an historical case of human-mediated introduction by shipping activities. Porcellana platycheles did not manage to establish itself in São Sebastião, nor has it been recorded subsequently elsewhere in Brazil.(AU)

Animais , Anomuros/anatomia & histologia , Anomuros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(1): e180024, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22036


The sciaenid genus Bairdiella comprises a group of relatively small fishes found in inshore waters and estuaries of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific. Despite recent analyses of the phylogenetic relationships of Bairdiella, there has been no comprehensive revision of the alpha taxonomy of the species of the genus. Bairdiella ronchus from the western Atlantic, has a complex taxonomic history, with four junior synonyms recognized. Based on morphological and molecular evidence, this study indicates that B. ronchus represents a species complex. The species is therefore redescribed and its geographic range is redefined. Bairdiella veraecrucis, which is currently recognized as a junior synonym of B. ronchus, is revalidated, and a new species of the genus is described from the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Finally, inferences are made on the diversity and biogeography of the B. ronchus species complex.(AU)

O gênero Bairdiella compreende um grupo de peixes relativamente pequenos encontrados em águas costeiras e estuários do Atlântico ocidental e leste do Pacífico. Apesar das análises recentes das relações filogenéticas de Bairdiella, não houve revisão abrangente da taxonomia alfa das espécies do gênero. Bairdiella ronchus, do Atlântico ocidental, tem uma história taxonômica complexa, com quatro sinônimos juniores reconhecidos. Baseado em evidências morfológicas e moleculares, este estudo indica que B. ronchus representa um complexo de espécies. A espécie é, portanto, redescrita e seu alcance geográfico é redefinido. Bairdiella veraecrucis, atualmente reconhecida como sinônimo júnior de B. ronchus, é revalidada, e uma nova espécie do gênero é descrita na costa atlântica do Brasil. Finalmente, inferências são feitas sobre a diversidade e biogeografia do complexo de espécies de B. ronchus.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes/classificação , Filogeografia
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(1): e180024, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1002714


The sciaenid genus Bairdiella comprises a group of relatively small fishes found in inshore waters and estuaries of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific. Despite recent analyses of the phylogenetic relationships of Bairdiella, there has been no comprehensive revision of the alpha taxonomy of the species of the genus. Bairdiella ronchus from the western Atlantic, has a complex taxonomic history, with four junior synonyms recognized. Based on morphological and molecular evidence, this study indicates that B. ronchus represents a species complex. The species is therefore redescribed and its geographic range is redefined. Bairdiella veraecrucis, which is currently recognized as a junior synonym of B. ronchus, is revalidated, and a new species of the genus is described from the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Finally, inferences are made on the diversity and biogeography of the B. ronchus species complex.(AU)

O gênero Bairdiella compreende um grupo de peixes relativamente pequenos encontrados em águas costeiras e estuários do Atlântico ocidental e leste do Pacífico. Apesar das análises recentes das relações filogenéticas de Bairdiella, não houve revisão abrangente da taxonomia alfa das espécies do gênero. Bairdiella ronchus, do Atlântico ocidental, tem uma história taxonômica complexa, com quatro sinônimos juniores reconhecidos. Baseado em evidências morfológicas e moleculares, este estudo indica que B. ronchus representa um complexo de espécies. A espécie é, portanto, redescrita e seu alcance geográfico é redefinido. Bairdiella veraecrucis, atualmente reconhecida como sinônimo júnior de B. ronchus, é revalidada, e uma nova espécie do gênero é descrita na costa atlântica do Brasil. Finalmente, inferências são feitas sobre a diversidade e biogeografia do complexo de espécies de B. ronchus.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes/classificação , Filogeografia
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 109: e2019001, 20190114. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762690


La mortalidad por pesca ha sido pocas veces estudiada aislando el efecto causado por las capturas. En este estudio se analizó este aspecto usando como modelo biológico al camarón fantasma Callichirus major (Say, 1818), el cual es colectado intensamente en varias regiones de la costa de Brasil. Para ello, la densidad de las galerías y la demografía poblacional de C. major fue analizada en las playas de Gonzaga e Itararé, dos playas contiguas del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La playa de Gonzaga fue considerada como control debido a que desde 1992 una ley municipal impide las capturas de C. major, mientras que Itararé fue considerada como tratamiento ya que en este lugar este camarón es recolectado durante todo el año. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad de las galerías y el tamaño de las hembras fueron significativamente mayores en la playa de Gonzaga que en Itararé. En Itararé, la proporción sexual no mostró diferencias significativas de la relación 1:1, lo cual no se ajustó a lo observado en el área sin mortalidad por pesca y al patrón general reportado en otras especies de camarones fantasma del mundo en donde las hembras predominan sobre los machos. El potencial reproductivo fue significativamente menor en Itararé, como efecto del menor número de hembras presentes en esta área sometida a la pesca intensiva de camarones. De acuerdo con una estimativa inicial, un 71% de los individuos murieron por efecto de la pesca en Itararé. Esto hace inviable el sostenimiento ambiental de C. major en esta área dada la actual presión de extracción. La presencia de C. major en la playa de Itararé y probablemente en otras áreas próximas donde es capturada, estaría favorecida por el permanente suministro de larvas procedentes de la playa de Gonzaga, en Santos, que está protegida por ley y fiscalización municipal.(AU)

Studies on mortality due to fishing based on isolating the effect caused by catches are scarce. The present study analyzed this aspect using the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818) as a biological model, which is heavily harvested along the Brazilian coast. For that purpose, density of burrows and population structure of C. major was examined at two adjacent beaches, Gonzaga and Itararé, from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Gonzaga beach was considered as control because since 1992 a municipal law prevents the capture of C. major, whereas Itararé as treatment since in this place the species is harvested throughout the year. Burrow density and female CL size were significantly higher in Gonzaga than that Itararé. Sex-ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 in Itararé, differing from the observed in the area without fishing mortality and also to the general pattern reported in other species of ghost shrimps in which females outnumbered than males. Reproductive potential was significantly smaller in Itararé than Gonzaga, as result of the reduced number of females present in this area relative to Gonzaga. A preliminary estimation indicates that 71 % of shrimps in Itararé died as result of fishing. This information suggests non-viability of C. major in this area given the current pressure of fishing. Presence of C. major in the beach of Itararé and probably in other nearby areas where exploitation occurs would be favored by the permanent supply of larvae from Gonzaga beach where the species is protected by and municipal surveillance.(AU)

Animais , Artemia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Mortalidade
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 109: e2019001, 20190328. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483278


La mortalidad por pesca ha sido pocas veces estudiada aislando el efecto causado por las capturas. En este estudio se analizó este aspecto usando como modelo biológico al camarón fantasma Callichirus major (Say, 1818), el cual es colectado intensamente en varias regiones de la costa de Brasil. Para ello, la densidad de las galerías y la demografía poblacional de C. major fue analizada en las playas de Gonzaga e Itararé, dos playas contiguas del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La playa de Gonzaga fue considerada como control debido a que desde 1992 una ley municipal impide las capturas de C. major, mientras que Itararé fue considerada como tratamiento ya que en este lugar este camarón es recolectado durante todo el año. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad de las galerías y el tamaño de las hembras fueron significativamente mayores en la playa de Gonzaga que en Itararé. En Itararé, la proporción sexual no mostró diferencias significativas de la relación 1:1, lo cual no se ajustó a lo observado en el área sin mortalidad por pesca y al patrón general reportado en otras especies de camarones fantasma del mundo en donde las hembras predominan sobre los machos. El potencial reproductivo fue significativamente menor en Itararé, como efecto del menor número de hembras presentes en esta área sometida a la pesca intensiva de camarones. De acuerdo con una estimativa inicial, un 71% de los individuos murieron por efecto de la pesca en Itararé. Esto hace inviable el sostenimiento ambiental de C. major en esta área dada la actual presión de extracción. La presencia de C. major en la playa de Itararé y probablemente en otras áreas próximas donde es capturada, estaría favorecida por el permanente suministro de larvas procedentes de la playa de Gonzaga, en Santos, que está protegida por ley y fiscalización municipal.

Studies on mortality due to fishing based on isolating the effect caused by catches are scarce. The present study analyzed this aspect using the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818) as a biological model, which is heavily harvested along the Brazilian coast. For that purpose, density of burrows and population structure of C. major was examined at two adjacent beaches, Gonzaga and Itararé, from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Gonzaga beach was considered as control because since 1992 a municipal law prevents the capture of C. major, whereas Itararé as treatment since in this place the species is harvested throughout the year. Burrow density and female CL size were significantly higher in Gonzaga than that Itararé. Sex-ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 in Itararé, differing from the observed in the area without fishing mortality and also to the general pattern reported in other species of ghost shrimps in which females outnumbered than males. Reproductive potential was significantly smaller in Itararé than Gonzaga, as result of the reduced number of females present in this area relative to Gonzaga. A preliminary estimation indicates that 71 % of shrimps in Itararé died as result of fishing. This information suggests non-viability of C. major in this area given the current pressure of fishing. Presence of C. major in the beach of Itararé and probably in other nearby areas where exploitation occurs would be favored by the permanent supply of larvae from Gonzaga beach where the species is protected by and municipal surveillance.

Animais , Artemia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Mortalidade
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483306


RESUMEN La mortalidad por pesca ha sido pocas veces estudiada aislando el efecto causado por las capturas. En este estudio se analizó este aspecto usando como modelo biológico al camarón fantasma Callichirus major (Say, 1818), el cual es colectado intensamente en varias regiones de la costa de Brasil. Para ello, la densidad de las galerías y la demografía poblacional de C. major fue analizada en las playas de Gonzaga e Itararé, dos playas contiguas del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La playa de Gonzaga fue considerada como control debido a que desde 1992 una ley municipal impide las capturas de C. major, mientras que Itararé fue considerada como tratamiento ya que en este lugar este camarón es recolectado durante todo el año. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad de las galerías y el tamaño de las hembras fueron significativamente mayores en la playa de Gonzaga que en Itararé. En Itararé, la proporción sexual no mostró diferencias significativas de la relación 1:1, lo cual no se ajustó a lo observado en el área sin mortalidad por pesca y al patrón general reportado en otras especies de camarones fantasma del mundo en donde las hembras predominan sobre los machos. El potencial reproductivo fue significativamente menor en Itararé, como efecto del menor número de hembras presentes en esta área sometida a la pesca intensiva de camarones. De acuerdo con una estimativa inicial, un 71% de los individuos murieron por efecto de la pesca en Itararé. Esto hace inviable el sostenimiento ambiental de C. major en esta área dada la actual presión de extracción. La presencia de C. major en la playa de Itararé y probablemente en otras áreas próximas donde es capturada, estaría favorecida por el permanente suministro de larvas procedentes de la playa de Gonzaga, en Santos, que está protegida por ley y fiscalización municipal.

ABSTRACT Studies on mortality due to fishing based on isolating the effect caused by catches are scarce. The present study analyzed this aspect using the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818) as a biological model, which is heavily harvested along the Brazilian coast. For that purpose, density of burrows and population structure of C. major was examined at two adjacent beaches, Gonzaga and Itararé, from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Gonzaga beach was considered as control because since 1992 a municipal law prevents the capture of C. major, whereas Itararé as treatment since in this place the species is harvested throughout the year. Burrow density and female CL size were significantly higher in Gonzaga than that Itararé. Sex-ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 in Itararé, differing from the observed in the area without fishing mortality and also to the general pattern reported in other species of ghost shrimps in which females outnumbered than males. Reproductive potential was significantly smaller in Itararé than Gonzaga, as result of the reduced number of females present in this area relative to Gonzaga. A preliminary estimation indicates that 71 % of shrimps in Itararé died as result of fishing. This information suggests non-viability of C. major in this area given the current pressure of fishing. Presence of C. major in the beach of Itararé and probably in other nearby areas where exploitation occurs would be favored by the permanent supply of larvae from Gonzaga beach where the species is protected by and municipal surveillance.

Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 35: 1-7, 2018. map, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504489


A new species of the erect cheilostome bryozoan Cellaria Ellis & Solander, 1786 is described from Bahia, NE Brazil. Cellaria oraneae sp. nov. is the first formally characterized species of the genus reported from Northeastern coast of Brazil, distinguished from all congeners by the combination of hexagonal autozooids and rhomboid fertile zooids, hexagonal interzooidal avicularium with sagittate foramen, completely immersed ovicell with oval aperture and proximal rectangular lip. A brief discussion of the diversity of Cellaria from the Atlantic Ocean and a tabular identification key to these species are also provided.

Animais , Briozoários/anatomia & histologia , Briozoários/classificação , Fauna Marinha/classificação , Brasil , Especificidade da Espécie , Oceano Atlântico
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 35: 1-7, 2018. mapas, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18395


A new species of the erect cheilostome bryozoan Cellaria Ellis & Solander, 1786 is described from Bahia, NE Brazil. Cellaria oraneae sp. nov. is the first formally characterized species of the genus reported from Northeastern coast of Brazil, distinguished from all congeners by the combination of hexagonal autozooids and rhomboid fertile zooids, hexagonal interzooidal avicularium with sagittate foramen, completely immersed ovicell with oval aperture and proximal rectangular lip. A brief discussion of the diversity of Cellaria from the Atlantic Ocean and a tabular identification key to these species are also provided.(AU)

Animais , Briozoários/anatomia & histologia , Briozoários/classificação , Fauna Marinha/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil , Oceano Atlântico
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 108: e2018020, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19035


Se examinó la distribución espacial y la producción de huevos de langostillas depositados en la colección del Museu de Zoologia de la Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Brasil. Para ello, se analizaron 1.346 ejemplares, de los cuales 169 correspondieron a hembras ovígeras. Las hembras ovígeras estuvieron distribuidas en diez especies de Munididae y tres de Munidopsidae. Once de las trece especies estudiadas se distribuyeron en la costa brasilera, mientras que dos en otras regiones marinas. El análisis de la distribución batimétrica reveló la presencia de cuatro especies de langostillas sobre la plataforma continental ( 200 m: M. spinifrons, M. pusilla, M. irrasa, M. flinti), dos en la primera franja del talud continental (200-500 m: Munida forceps, A. longipes) y cinco distribuidas entre 500 y 1048 m de profundidad (M. erinacea, M. constricta, M. valida, M. microphthalma, M. transtridens). En general, las especies de Munididae produjeron una alta cantidad de huevos (554 ± 619 huevos) de pequeño tamaño (0,48 ± 0,120 mm) comparado con las especies de Munidopsidae (13 ± 10 huevos; 1,12 ± 0,337 mm, respectivamente). Esta tendencia es consistente con la filogenia de ambos clados cuyo origen en común se refleja en similitudes morfológicas tanto en las formas larvales como en las adultas, pero no así en la estrategia reproductiva que claramente separa las especies pertenecientes a estas familias. Nuestros resultados también demuestran que el tamaño del huevo en langostillas está correlacionado con la profundidad, sugiriendo una estrecha relación entre el hábitat y la duración del desarrollo larval de estas especies.(AU)

Spatial distribution and egg production of squat lobsters is examined from specimens deposited in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia of the Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Brazil. A total of 1,346 specimens of squat lobsters were analyzed, out of which 169 were ovigerous females. Ovigerous females contained ten species of Munididae (n = 165) and three of Munidopsidae (n = 4). Eleven of the thirteen studied species were distributed along the Brazilian coast, while two of the remaining species in other marine regions. The analysis of bathymetric distribution revealed the presence of four species on the continental shelf ( 200 m depth: M. spinifrons, M. pusilla, M. irrasa, M. flinti), two on the first layer of the continental slope (200-500 m: Munida forceps, A. longipes) and five distributed between 500 and 1,048 m (M. erinacea, M. constricta, M. valida, M. microphthalma, M. transtridens). Overall, species belonging to Munididae produced a higher number of eggs (554 ± 619 eggs) but of minor size (0.48 ± 0.120 mm) than species of Munidopsidae (13 ± 10 eggs; 1.12 ± 0.337 mm, respectively). Such tendency is consistent with the phylogeny of both clades whose common origin is reflected in morphological similarities both in larval and adult forms, but not in terms of the reproductive strategy that clearly separates the species belonging to these families. Results also demonstrated that egg size in squat lobsters is strongly associated with depth, which suggests the strong influence of habitat on the duration of larval development of these species.(AU)

Animais , Decápodes/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Oceano Atlântico , Fertilidade , Brasil
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 108: e2018020, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483194


Se examinó la distribución espacial y la producción de huevos de langostillas depositados en la colección del Museu de Zoologia de la Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Brasil. Para ello, se analizaron 1.346 ejemplares, de los cuales 169 correspondieron a hembras ovígeras. Las hembras ovígeras estuvieron distribuidas en diez especies de Munididae y tres de Munidopsidae. Once de las trece especies estudiadas se distribuyeron en la costa brasilera, mientras que dos en otras regiones marinas. El análisis de la distribución batimétrica reveló la presencia de cuatro especies de langostillas sobre la plataforma continental ( 200 m: M. spinifrons, M. pusilla, M. irrasa, M. flinti), dos en la primera franja del talud continental (200-500 m: Munida forceps, A. longipes) y cinco distribuidas entre 500 y 1048 m de profundidad (M. erinacea, M. constricta, M. valida, M. microphthalma, M. transtridens). En general, las especies de Munididae produjeron una alta cantidad de huevos (554 ± 619 huevos) de pequeño tamaño (0,48 ± 0,120 mm) comparado con las especies de Munidopsidae (13 ± 10 huevos; 1,12 ± 0,337 mm, respectivamente). Esta tendencia es consistente con la filogenia de ambos clados cuyo origen en común se refleja en similitudes morfológicas tanto en las formas larvales como en las adultas, pero no así en la estrategia reproductiva que claramente separa las especies pertenecientes a estas familias. Nuestros resultados también demuestran que el tamaño del huevo en langostillas está correlacionado con la profundidad, sugiriendo una estrecha relación entre el hábitat y la duración del desarrollo larval de estas especies.

Spatial distribution and egg production of squat lobsters is examined from specimens deposited in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia of the Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Brazil. A total of 1,346 specimens of squat lobsters were analyzed, out of which 169 were ovigerous females. Ovigerous females contained ten species of Munididae (n = 165) and three of Munidopsidae (n = 4). Eleven of the thirteen studied species were distributed along the Brazilian coast, while two of the remaining species in other marine regions. The analysis of bathymetric distribution revealed the presence of four species on the continental shelf ( 200 m depth: M. spinifrons, M. pusilla, M. irrasa, M. flinti), two on the first layer of the continental slope (200-500 m: Munida forceps, A. longipes) and five distributed between 500 and 1,048 m (M. erinacea, M. constricta, M. valida, M. microphthalma, M. transtridens). Overall, species belonging to Munididae produced a higher number of eggs (554 ± 619 eggs) but of minor size (0.48 ± 0.120 mm) than species of Munidopsidae (13 ± 10 eggs; 1.12 ± 0.337 mm, respectively). Such tendency is consistent with the phylogeny of both clades whose common origin is reflected in morphological similarities both in larval and adult forms, but not in terms of the reproductive strategy that clearly separates the species belonging to these families. Results also demonstrated that egg size in squat lobsters is strongly associated with depth, which suggests the strong influence of habitat on the duration of larval development of these species.

Animais , Decápodes/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Oceano Atlântico , Brasil , Fertilidade
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483240


RESUMEN: Se examinó la distribución espacial y la producción de huevos de langostillas depositados en la colección del Museu de Zoologia de la Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Brasil. Para ello, se analizaron 1.346 ejemplares, de los cuales 169 correspondieron a hembras ovígeras. Las hembras ovígeras estuvieron distribuidas en diez especies de Munididae y tres de Munidopsidae. Once de las trece especies estudiadas se distribuyeron en la costa brasilera, mientras que dos en otras regiones marinas. El análisis de la distribución batimétrica reveló la presencia de cuatro especies de langostillas sobre la plataforma continental ( 200 m: M. spinifrons, M. pusilla, M. irrasa, M. flinti), dos en la primera franja del talud continental (200-500 m: Munida forceps, A. longipes) y cinco distribuidas entre 500 y 1048 m de profundidad (M. erinacea, M. constricta, M. valida, M. microphthalma, M. transtridens). En general, las especies de Munididae produjeron una alta cantidad de huevos (554 ± 619 huevos) de pequeño tamaño (0,48 ± 0,120 mm) comparado con las especies de Munidopsidae (13 ± 10 huevos; 1,12 ± 0,337 mm, respectivamente). Esta tendencia es consistente con la filogenia de ambos clados cuyo origen en común se refleja en similitudes morfológicas tanto en las formas larvales como en las adultas, pero no así en la estrategia reproductiva que claramente separa las especies pertenecientes a estas familias. Nuestros resultados también demuestran que el tamaño del huevo en langostillas está correlacionado con la profundidad, sugiriendo una estrecha relación entre el hábitat y la duración del desarrollo larval de estas especies.

ABSTRACT: Spatial distribution and egg production of squat lobsters is examined from specimens deposited in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia of the Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Brazil. A total of 1,346 specimens of squat lobsters were analyzed, out of which 169 were ovigerous females. Ovigerous females contained ten species of Munididae (n = 165) and three of Munidopsidae (n = 4). Eleven of the thirteen studied species were distributed along the Brazilian coast, while two of the remaining species in other marine regions. The analysis of bathymetric distribution revealed the presence of four species on the continental shelf ( 200 m depth: M. spinifrons, M. pusilla, M. irrasa, M. flinti), two on the first layer of the continental slope (200-500 m: Munida forceps, A. longipes) and five distributed between 500 and 1,048 m (M. erinacea, M. constricta, M. valida, M. microphthalma, M. transtridens). Overall, species belonging to Munididae produced a higher number of eggs (554 ± 619 eggs) but of minor size (0.48 ± 0.120 mm) than species of Munidopsidae (13 ± 10 eggs; 1.12 ± 0.337 mm, respectively). Such tendency is consistent with the phylogeny of both clades whose common origin is reflected in morphological similarities both in larval and adult forms, but not in terms of the reproductive strategy that clearly separates the species belonging to these families. Results also demonstrated that egg size in squat lobsters is strongly associated with depth, which suggests the strong influence of habitat on the duration of larval development of these species.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(1): e160022, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-841873


ABSTRACT This study estimates and analyses the reproductive parameters and cycle of Sympterygia bonapartii in San Matías Gulf, northern Patagonia, Argentina. A total of 827 males and 1,299 females were analysed. Males ranged from 185 to 687 mm of total length (TL) and females from 180 to 742 mm TL. Sexual dimorphism was detected; females were larger, heavier, exhibited heavier livers, wider discs and matured at lager sizes than males. Immature females ranged from 180 to 625 mm TL, maturing females from 408 to 720 mm TL, mature ones from 514 to 742 mm TL and females with egg capsules from 580 to 730 mm TL. Immature males ranged from 185 to 545 mm TL, maturing ones from 410 to 620 mm TL and mature males from 505 to 687 mm TL. Size at which 50% of the skates reached maturity was estimated to be 545 mm TL for males and 594 mm TL for females. According to the reproductive indexes analysed, S. bonapartii exhibited a seasonal reproductive pattern. Mating may occur during winter-early spring and the egg-laying season, during spring and summer.

RESUMEN El presente estudio estima y analiza los parámetros reproductivos y el ciclo reproductivo de Sympterygia bonapartii en el Golfo San Matías, Patagonia norte, Argentina. Se analizaron 827 machos y 1.299 hembras. Los machos midieron entre 185 y 687 mm de largo total (LT) y las hembras entre 180 y 742 mm LT. Se detectó dimorfismo sexual; las hembras fueron más grandes y pesadas que los machos y presentaron anchos de disco, pesos de hígado y tallas de madurez sexual mayores a los de los machos. Las hembras inmaduras midieron entre 180 y 625 mm LT, las hembras en maduración entre 408 y 720 mm LT, las maduras entre 514 y 742 mm LT y las hembras con cápsulas entre 580 y 730 mm LT. Los machos inmaduros midieron entre 185 y 545 mm LT, los machos en maduración entre 410 y 620 mm LT y los maduros entre 505 y 687 mm LT. La talla media de madurez sexual fue estimada en 545 mm LT para los machos y 594 mm LT para las hembras. De acuerdo con los índices reproductivos analizados, S. bonapartii se reproduce estacionalmente. El apareamiento ocurriría durante el invierno y la primavera y la temporada de puesta durante la primavera y el verano.

Animais , Elasmobrânquios/anatomia & histologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo/classificação , Caracteres Sexuais , Comportamento Sexual Animal