Faunal inventories contribute to our understanding of regional diversity, and are fundamental for policy and de-cision-making regarding the management and conservation of large natural areas. This study aimed to inventory and com-pile information on amphibian species occurring in the North Pantanal region, in the municipal limits of Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil. We used three methods to inventory amphibian species: (1) fieldwork, (2) analysis of specimens deposited in scientif-ic collections, and (3) literature reviews. We registered 49 amphibian species in Cáceres. Of them, 48 species belonged to the Anura order and were distributed across eight families and 20 genera, and one species belonged to the Gymnophiona order (Siphonops paulensis). The families Leptodactylidae (20 spp.) and Hylidae (17 spp.) were dominant in terms of richness, ac-counting for 75.5% of all species found in Cáceres. The remaining families had between four and one species each. The mu-nicipality is strongly influenced by non-forested formations (e.g., the Cerrado and Pantanal) and presents a high species rich-ness for a non-forested location in Brazil. Our findings highlight Cáceres as one of the richest areas in amphibian species in the North Pantanal region, expanding our knowledge regarding frog diversity. This study provides a foundation for future conser-vation strategies and additional assessments of amphibian species in light of potential population declines and other emerg-ing threats.(AU)
Biodiversidade , Anfíbios/anatomia & histologia , Anfíbios/classificação , Brasil , Áreas AlagadasResumo
This study aims to evaluate the dynamics of fish trophic guilds according to the longitudinal gradient of the Paraguay River, northern Pantanal, Brazil. Three river segments were sampled: plateau, confluence and plain. These segments have different physical and biological characteristics, with high water flow in forest areas in plateau and slow flow in meanders, with Pantanal typical vegetation. In total, 26,542 individuals distributed in 130 fish species were collected. The sampled species were characterized in seven trophic guilds. From the seven trophic guilds identified, only three were statistically related to the type of the environment; herbivores were more abundant in the plateau, piscivores in the confluence, and invertivores in the plain. According to values of corrected Akaike Information Criteria, the environmental variable that best explains the abundance of piscivorous fishes in the segments sampled in the Paraguay River was water transparency. For herbivores, the model that explained the variation in abundance was composed by temperature, altitude and dense forest proportion. The variable altitude best represented the abundance of invertivores. Water transparency, temperature, altitude, river width and dense forest proportion were determining factors for the distribution of piscivorous, herbivorous and invertivorous fishes as a response to an environmental gradient that meets its ecological requirements. Understanding the trophic relationships is fundamental for management actions, contributing to the maintenance of ecosystem services of different species. Therefore, future research must be taken into account regarding management and ecological relationships.(AU)
Animais , Ecologia da Nutrição , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Peixes/fisiologia , Brasil , EcossistemaResumo
Giant otters are territorial semi-aquatic mammals. It is common to find several individuals exhibiting wounds and scars due to intraspecific conflicts. Myiasis is a parasitic infestation on living tissues of vertebrates caused by dipterous larvae, that usually develops in freshly open wounds and can seriously threaten the host's health. Ectoparasites seem to be rare among giant otters and myiasis had not been recorded in this species until now. Here, is presented one record of myiasis in a free-ranging giant otter found dead in the Pantanal, Brazil. An ulcerative lesion was found in the frontoparietal region, from which 22 larvae were recovered and identified as Cochliomyia hominivorax. The low occurrence of ectoparasites in giant otters might reflect their semi-aquatic habits and their grooming behavior, which makes it difficult for parasites to remain on the skin. The injured otter probably got the larvae after an intraspecific fight. Agonistic encounters between groups of giant otters have been reported before and these fights can result in serious wounds or even death. It was hypothesized that the myiasis caused by C. hominivorax deteriorated the health of the infested giant otter, which prevented recovery and accelerated its death.(AU)
As ariranhas são mamíferos semiaquáticos habitantes do território brasileiro. É comum encontrar vários indivíduos apresentando feridas e cicatrizes devido a conflitos intraespecíficos. A miíase é uma infestação parasitária em tecidos vivos de vertebrados, causada por larvas de dípteros que, geralmente, se desenvolvem em feridas recém-abertas, podendo ameaçar seriamente a saúde do hospedeiro. Ectoparasitos parecem ser raros em ariranhas e, até o presente, não há relatos de miíase nesta espécie. Aqui, é apresentado um registro de miíase em uma ariranha de vida livre, encontrada morta no Pantanal, Brasil. Foi encontrada uma lesão ulcerativa na região frontoparietal, na qual foram recuperadas 22 larvas identificadas como Cochliomyia hominivorax. A baixa ocorrência de ectoparasitos em ariranhas pode refletir seus hábitos semiaquáticos e seu comportamento de limpeza, o que dificulta a permanência dos parasitos na pele. A ariranha ferida, provavelmente, se infestou com as larvas após uma briga intraespecífica. Encontros agonísticos entre grupos de ariranhas já foram relatados antes, e essas lutas podem resultar em ferimentos graves ou até mesmo em morte. Foi hipotetizado que a miíase causada por C. hominivorax deteriorou a saúde da ariranha infestada, o que impediu a recuperação e acelerou sua morte.(AU)
Lontras/parasitologia , Infecção por Mosca da Bicheira/epidemiologia , Miíase/epidemiologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Brasil , CalliphoridaeResumo
The largest feline in the Americas and the third largest in the world, the jaguar is an apex predator in the food chain and a key species in the ecosystems where it occurs, developing important ecological functions in maintaining ecosystem balance. In Brazil, the Pantanal is considered an important refuge for the species, and protected areas such as the Taiamã Ecological Station (TES) are relevant for conservation of pristine ecosystem where the species persist. Thus, considering that this area is located in one of the regions with the highest concentration of this large cat in the Pantanal, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection given by the TES for the jaguar population. The station is a flooded island in the middle of the Paraguay river and surrounded by extensive wetlands. We monitored ten jaguars using GPS collar at the TES and its surroundings. The samples were separated into high-water season (January to June) and low-water season (July to December), and the estimated home ranges were grouped as: 1) residents only and 2) all monitored individuals. The stabilization of the home ranges of eight jaguars, considered residents, was determined through variograms. When all jaguars were analysed together there was 55% overlap between the clustered areas of the two analysed seasons. In the analysis excluding non-resident individuals there was 72% overlap between the clustered areas. The type of land cover inside these areas was very similar between these periods. The range of this protected area is not sufficient to effectively protect these jaguar populations, since the grouped home ranges of the resident animals studied are 3.5(wet)/2.5(dry) times larger than the area of the TES. However...
Animais , Panthera , Áreas Protegidas/análise , Áreas Protegidas/métodos , Brasil , Estação Chuvosa , Estação Seca , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Abstract The largest feline in the Americas and the third largest in the world, the jaguar is an apex predator in the food chain and a key species in the ecosystems where it occurs, developing important ecological functions in maintaining ecosystem balance. In Brazil, the Pantanal is considered an important refuge for the species, and protected areas such as the Taiamã Ecological Station (TES) are relevant for conservation of pristine ecosystem where the species persist. Thus, considering that this area is located in one of the regions with the highest concentration of this large cat in the Pantanal, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection given by the TES for the jaguar population. The station is a flooded island in the middle of the Paraguay river and surrounded by extensive wetlands. We monitored ten jaguars using GPS collar at the TES and its surroundings. The samples were separated into high-water season (January to June) and low-water season (July to December), and the estimated home ranges were grouped as: 1) residents only and 2) all monitored individuals. The stabilization of the home ranges of eight jaguars, considered residents, was determined through variograms. When all jaguars were analysed together there was 55% overlap between the clustered areas of the two analysed seasons. In the analysis excluding non-resident individuals there was 72% overlap between the clustered areas. The type of land cover inside these areas was very similar between these periods. The range of this protected area is not sufficient to effectively protect these jaguar populations, since the grouped home ranges of the resident animals studied are 3.5(wet)/2.5(dry) times larger than the area of the TES. However, the surroundings of the TES have low human impact and no deforestation and, in this way, the landscape context of the station may have a significant effect on the persistence of a large carnivore like the jaguar. However, it is necessary to create more protected areas in order to prevent possible future environmental changes in the areas surrounding TES.
The largest feline in the Americas and the third largest in the world, the jaguar is an apex predator in the food chain and a key species in the ecosystems where it occurs, developing important ecological functions in maintaining ecosystem balance. In Brazil, the Pantanal is considered an important refuge for the species, and protected areas such as the Taiamã Ecological Station (TES) are relevant for conservation of pristine ecosystem where the species persist. Thus, considering that this area is located in one of the regions with the highest concentration of this large cat in the Pantanal, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection given by the TES for the jaguar population. The station is a flooded island in the middle of the Paraguay river and surrounded by extensive wetlands. We monitored ten jaguars using GPS collar at the TES and its surroundings. The samples were separated into high-water season (January to June) and low-water season (July to December), and the estimated home ranges were grouped as: 1) residents only and 2) all monitored individuals. The stabilization of the home ranges of eight jaguars, considered residents, was determined through variograms. When all jaguars were analysed together there was 55% overlap between the clustered areas of the two analysed seasons. In the analysis excluding non-resident individuals there was 72% overlap between the clustered areas. The type of land cover inside these areas was very similar between these periods. The range of this protected area is not sufficient to effectively protect these jaguar populations, since the grouped home ranges of the resident animals studied are 3.5(wet)/2.5(dry) times larger than the area of the TES. However...(AU)
Animais , Panthera , Áreas Protegidas/análise , Áreas Protegidas/métodos , Áreas Alagadas , Brasil , Estação Chuvosa , Estação SecaResumo
Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) was registered in South America in 2010. The aim of this paper is to report the first record of E. aztecus in the Brazilian Pantanal. Two female individuals of E. aztecus were collected in the northern portion of the Brazilian Pantanal in Mato Grosso State during November 2015. This new record of E. aztecus represents a range extension for the species.(AU)
Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) foi registrado para a América do Sul em 2010. O objetivo deste estudo é relatar o primeiro registro de E. aztecus para o Pantanal brasileiro. Duas fêmeas de E. aztecus foram coletadas na parte norte do Pantanal brasileiro no estado de Mato Grosso, em novembro de 2015. O novo registro de E. aztecus representa uma extensão da distribuição de ocorrência para esta espécie.(AU)
Equine pythiosis is an ulcerative and granulomatous disease of the skin, caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum (Pythiaceae). The objective of this study was to describe seven cases of equine pythiosis that occurred from 2012 to 2017 in the eastern region of Uruguay. Six of the seven cases occurred in the eastern wetland ecosystems of the Merin basin, and the remaining case occurred in the wetland fluvial plains of the Tacuarembó River. Lesions consisted of a large, rapidly growing ulcerated tumor with abundant granulation tissue, serosanguineous secretion, and fistulous tracts containing large concretions or kunkers. The animals presented intense pruritus, claudication and loss of body condition, with death or euthanasia in extremis in six cases. The main histological lesions consisted of an eosinophilic and pyogranulomatous inflammatory process, with numerous foci of eosinophilic necrosis (kunkers), collagenolysis, and a Splendore-Hoeppli reaction. In all cases, silver coloration (Grocott) showed intralesional hyphae compatible with P. insidiosum, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry in three cases. A horse in the terminal phase of the disease was treated with triamcinolone acetonide (50mg IM every 15 days), and fully recovered after 1 year. It is concluded that equine pythiosis is prevalent in the wetland ecosystems of eastern Uruguay and that treatment with triamcinolone is auspicious.(AU)
Pitiose é uma doença granulomatosa e ulcerativa da pele dos equinos causada pelo oomyceto Pythium insidiosum (Pythiaceae). O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever sete casos de pitiose equina que ocorreram de 2012 a 2017 na região leste do Uruguai. Seis dos sete casos ocorreram no ecossistema de áreas pantanosas da bacia da bacia da Lagoa Mirim Merin e o restante nas planícies fluviais pantanosas do rio Tacuarembó. As lesões se caracterizaram por tumores ulcerados de crescimento rápido com abundante tecido de granulação, secreção serossanguinolenta e presença de tratos fistulosos contendo material coraloide ou kunkers. Os equinos apresentavam prurido intenso, claudicação e perda da condição corporal e seis morreram ou foram eutanasiados in extremis. As principais lesões histológicas consistiam de um processo inflamatório piogranulomatoso com numerosos focos de necrose eosinofílicos (kunkers), colagenólise e reação de Splendori-Hoepli. Em todos os casos a impregnação pela prata (Grocott) revelou a presença de hifas intralesionais compatíveis com P. insidiosum, o que foi confirmado pela imuno-histoquímica em três casos. Um equino em fase terminal da doença foi tratado com triamcinolona acetonida (50mg, IM, a cada 15 dias), recuperando-se completamente após um ano. Conclui-se que a pitiose é uma enfermidade presente em áreas úmidas na região leste do Uruguai e o tratamento com triamcinolona pode ser uma alternativa promissora.(AU)
Animais , Pythium/isolamento & purificação , Pitiose/epidemiologia , Cavalos/microbiologia , Uruguai/epidemiologia , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Equine pythiosis is an ulcerative and granulomatous disease of the skin, caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum (Pythiaceae). The objective of this study was to describe seven cases of equine pythiosis that occurred from 2012 to 2017 in the eastern region of Uruguay. Six of the seven cases occurred in the eastern wetland ecosystems of the Merin basin, and the remaining case occurred in the wetland fluvial plains of the Tacuarembó River. Lesions consisted of a large, rapidly growing ulcerated tumor with abundant granulation tissue, serosanguineous secretion, and fistulous tracts containing large concretions or kunkers. The animals presented intense pruritus, claudication and loss of body condition, with death or euthanasia in extremis in six cases. The main histological lesions consisted of an eosinophilic and pyogranulomatous inflammatory process, with numerous foci of eosinophilic necrosis (kunkers), collagenolysis, and a Splendore-Hoeppli reaction. In all cases, silver coloration (Grocott) showed intralesional hyphae compatible with P. insidiosum, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry in three cases. A horse in the terminal phase of the disease was treated with triamcinolone acetonide (50mg IM every 15 days), and fully recovered after 1 year. It is concluded that equine pythiosis is prevalent in the wetland ecosystems of eastern Uruguay and that treatment with triamcinolone is auspicious.(AU)
Pitiose é uma doença granulomatosa e ulcerativa da pele dos equinos causada pelo oomyceto Pythium insidiosum (Pythiaceae). O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever sete casos de pitiose equina que ocorreram de 2012 a 2017 na região leste do Uruguai. Seis dos sete casos ocorreram no ecossistema de áreas pantanosas da bacia da bacia da Lagoa Mirim Merin e o restante nas planícies fluviais pantanosas do rio Tacuarembó. As lesões se caracterizaram por tumores ulcerados de crescimento rápido com abundante tecido de granulação, secreção serossanguinolenta e presença de tratos fistulosos contendo material coraloide ou kunkers. Os equinos apresentavam prurido intenso, claudicação e perda da condição corporal e seis morreram ou foram eutanasiados in extremis. As principais lesões histológicas consistiam de um processo inflamatório piogranulomatoso com numerosos focos de necrose eosinofílicos (kunkers), colagenólise e reação de Splendori-Hoepli. Em todos os casos a impregnação pela prata (Grocott) revelou a presença de hifas intralesionais compatíveis com P. insidiosum, o que foi confirmado pela imuno-histoquímica em três casos. Um equino em fase terminal da doença foi tratado com triamcinolona acetonida (50mg, IM, a cada 15 dias), recuperando-se completamente após um ano. Conclui-se que a pitiose é uma enfermidade presente em áreas úmidas na região leste do Uruguai e o tratamento com triamcinolona pode ser uma alternativa promissora.(AU)
Animais , Pythium/isolamento & purificação , Pitiose/epidemiologia , Cavalos/microbiologia , Uruguai/epidemiologia , Áreas AlagadasResumo
ABSTRACT: Equine pythiosis is an ulcerative and granulomatous disease of the skin, caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum (Pythiaceae). The objective of this study was to describe seven cases of equine pythiosis that occurred from 2012 to 2017 in the eastern region of Uruguay. Six of the seven cases occurred in the eastern wetland ecosystems of the Merin basin, and the remaining case occurred in the wetland fluvial plains of the Tacuarembó River. Lesions consisted of a large, rapidly growing ulcerated tumor with abundant granulation tissue, serosanguineous secretion, and fistulous tracts containing large concretions or kunkers. The animals presented intense pruritus, claudication and loss of body condition, with death or euthanasia in extremis in six cases. The main histological lesions consisted of an eosinophilic and pyogranulomatous inflammatory process, with numerous foci of eosinophilic necrosis (kunkers), collagenolysis, and a Splendore-Hoeppli reaction. In all cases, silver coloration (Grocott) showed intralesional hyphae compatible with P. insidiosum, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry in three cases. A horse in the terminal phase of the disease was treated with triamcinolone acetonide (50mg IM every 15 days), and fully recovered after 1 year. It is concluded that equine pythiosis is prevalent in the wetland ecosystems of eastern Uruguay and that treatment with triamcinolone is auspicious.
RESUMO: Pitiose é uma doença granulomatosa e ulcerativa da pele dos equinos causada pelo oomyceto Pythium insidiosum (Pythiaceae). O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever sete casos de pitiose equina que ocorreram de 2012 a 2017 na região leste do Uruguai. Seis dos sete casos ocorreram no ecossistema de áreas pantanosas da bacia da bacia da Lagoa Mirim Merin e o restante nas planícies fluviais pantanosas do rio Tacuarembó. As lesões se caracterizaram por tumores ulcerados de crescimento rápido com abundante tecido de granulação, secreção serossanguinolenta e presença de tratos fistulosos contendo material coraloide ou kunkers. Os equinos apresentavam prurido intenso, claudicação e perda da condição corporal e seis morreram ou foram eutanasiados in extremis. As principais lesões histológicas consistiam de um processo inflamatório piogranulomatoso com numerosos focos de necrose eosinofílicos (kunkers), colagenólise e reação de Splendori-Hoepli. Em todos os casos a impregnação pela prata (Grocott) revelou a presença de hifas intralesionais compatíveis com P. insidiosum, o que foi confirmado pela imuno-histoquímica em três casos. Um equino em fase terminal da doença foi tratado com triamcinolona acetonida (50mg, IM, a cada 15 dias), recuperando-se completamente após um ano. Conclui-se que a pitiose é uma enfermidade presente em áreas úmidas na região leste do Uruguai e o tratamento com triamcinolona pode ser uma alternativa promissora.
Abstract Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) was registered in South America in 2010. The aim of this paper is to report the first record of E. aztecus in the Brazilian Pantanal. Two female individuals of E. aztecus were collected in the northern portion of the Brazilian Pantanal in Mato Grosso State during November 2015. This new record of E. aztecus represents a range extension for the species.
Resumo Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) foi registrado para a América do Sul em 2010. O objetivo deste estudo é relatar o primeiro registro de E. aztecus para o Pantanal brasileiro. Duas fêmeas de E. aztecus foram coletadas na parte norte do Pantanal brasileiro no estado de Mato Grosso, em novembro de 2015. O novo registro de E. aztecus representa uma extensão da distribuição de ocorrência para esta espécie.
Abstract Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) was registered in South America in 2010. The aim of this paper is to report the first record of E. aztecus in the Brazilian Pantanal. Two female individuals of E. aztecus were collected in the northern portion of the Brazilian Pantanal in Mato Grosso State during November 2015. This new record of E. aztecus represents a range extension for the species.
Resumo Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) foi registrado para a América do Sul em 2010. O objetivo deste estudo é relatar o primeiro registro de E. aztecus para o Pantanal brasileiro. Duas fêmeas de E. aztecus foram coletadas na parte norte do Pantanal brasileiro no estado de Mato Grosso, em novembro de 2015. O novo registro de E. aztecus representa uma extensão da distribuição de ocorrência para esta espécie.
La caracterización de los rasgos funcionales de las especies es un paso importante en la comprensión y descripción de las comunidades en hábitats naturales. La clasificación de especies en grupos funcionales es una herramienta útil para identificar la redundancia y la especialización. Se estudió la comunidad de peces de un humedal prístino de agua dulce en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka'an, analizando dos funciones multidimensionales: adquisición de alimento y la locomoción. Analizamos los cambios en la estructura de los grupos funcional entre hábitats (permanentes y temporales) y temporadas (lluvias y secas). Seis grupos funcionales con características ecológicas distintas fueron detectados, dos de los cuales presentaron una alta redundancia funcional y tres de ellos están representados únicamente por una especie con una función ecológica particular. En las pozas permanentes durante la temporada de secas, la riqueza y diversidad de grupos funcionales fueron menores; mientras que la equitatividad de grupos funcionales fue mayor. Durante la temporada de lluvias se detectaron todos los grupos funcionales y la estructura de los grupos fue similar entre los hábitat. Estos resultados sugieren que los filtros ambientales tienen un efecto durante la temporada de secas y la complementariedad de nicho durante la temporada de lluvias.(AU)
The characterization of species' functional traits is a major step in the understanding and description of communities in natural habitats. The classification of species into functional groups is a useful tool to identify redundancy and uniqueness. We studied the fish community of a pristine freshwater wetland in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve by analysing two multidimensional functions: food acquisition and locomotion. We investigated changes in the functional group structure between habitats (permanent and temporary pools) and seasons (dry and wet). Six functional groups with different ecological characteristics were detected, two of which had high functional redundancy and three of them were represented by single species with unique ecological functions. In permanent pools during the dry season, functional group richness and diversity were lower, while evenness was higher. During the wet season, all functional groups were detected and similar functional group structure was found between habitats. These results suggest an effect of environmental filtering during the dry season and niche complementarity during the wet season.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecologia , EcossistemaResumo
Pseudoryzomys simplex is a small to medium sized terrestrial rodent confined to lowland open areas with strong seasonal rainfall throughout the Chaco, Cerrado and Caatinga. Despite its extensive range, the species is difficult to trap. In this report we provide the first record of P. simplex in the Pantanal, where three specimens were collected in a pasture of exotic grass. The specimens are morpometrically similar to the population from Paraguay (Chaco). In this sense, our report shows how interesting a taxonomic review of the species would be to better understand the real significance of the geographic variation herein observed.(AU)
Pseudoryzomys simplex é um roedor terrestre de pequeno a médio porte que ocorre em áreas abertas de planícies com fortes precipitações sazonais ao longo dos Chaco, Cerrado e Caatinga. Apesar de sua extensa distribuição, a espécie é difícil de ser capturada. No presente estudo, fornecemos o primeiro registro de P. simplex no Pantanal, onde três espécimes foram coletados em uma pastagem de capim exótico. Os espécimes são morfometricamente semelhantes à da população do Paraguai (Chaco). Neste sentido, o nosso relatório mostra quão interessante seria uma revisão taxonômica das espécies para melhor compreender o significado real da variação geográfica aqui observada.(AU)
Animais , Cricetinae , Roedores/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Áreas AlagadasResumo
The diaspore bank is an important component of biological diversity acting mainly as storage and source of diaspores, which also indicate dynamics and patterns of maintenance of plant diversity. We tested the hypothesis that the diaspore bank would be the responsible factor for the maintenance of the aquatic plant species, used two techniques to evaluate the diaspore bank: seedling emergence and direct counting of field samples. Density and richness of the diaspore bank were correlated with plant cover of the aquatic macrophyte communities and also with the euphotic zone radiation in different phases of the hydrological cycle. The diaspore bank is a key factor in maintenance of aquatic macrophyte assemblages in this pond. Nymphaea amazonum was one of the dominant species in the pond and presented temporally peaks of plant cover. Furthermore, depth allowed induction of germination of stored diaspores. Therefore, the diaspore bank may predict which species colonizes a site when environmental characteristics are favorable and allows inferring which processes are linked to changes in structure of aquatic macrophyte assemblages. These mechanisms are the means for recovery of macrophyte species under natural disturbances, represented by water level oscillations in floodplains.(AU)
O banco de diásporos é um componente importante da diversidade biológica atuando principalmente como armazenamento e fonte de diásporos, que também indicam a dinâmica e os padrões de manutenção da diversidade vegetal. Testamos a hipótese de que o banco de diásporos seria o fator responsável pela manutenção das espécies de plantas aquáticas, utilizando duas técnicas para avaliar o banco diásporo: emergência das plântulas e contagem direta de amostras de campo. Densidade e riqueza do banco de diásporos foram correlacionadas com cobertura vegetal das comunidades de macrófitas aquáticas e também com a radiação da zona eufótica em diferentes fases do ciclo hidrológico. O banco de diásporos é um fator chave na manutenção das assembleias de macrófitas aquáticas nesta lagoa. Nymphaea amazonum foi uma das espécies dominantes na lagoa temporalmente, apresentou picos de cobertura vegetal. Além disso, a profundidade permitiu a indução da germinação de diásporos armazenados. Portanto, o banco de diásporo é um preditor de quais espécies colonizarão um local quando as características ambientais são favoráveis e permite inferir que os processos estão ligados a mudanças na estrutura das assembleias de macrófitas aquáticas. Estes mecanismos são os meios para a recuperação de espécies de macrófitas sob as perturbações naturais, representados por oscilações do nível de água nas planícies aluviais.(AU)
Macrófitas/análise , Macrófitas/estatística & dados numéricos , Banco de Sementes , BiodiversidadeResumo
Fields of murundus (FM) are wetlands that provide numerous ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the chemical [organic carbon (OC), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and H+Al] and physical [texture and bulk density (Bd)] soil attributes and calculate the organic matter (OM) and nutrient stock (P, Ca, Mg, and K) in soils of FM located in the Guapore River basin in Mato Grosso. Thirty-six sampling points were selected, and soil samples were collected from two environments: the murundu and plain area surrounding (PAS). At each sampling point, mini trenches of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.4 m were opened and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m. In the Principal Component Analysis the variables H+Al (49%) and OM (4%) were associated with the F1 component and sand content (47%) with the F2 component. The FM had lower pH values and higher concentrations of K+, P, and H+Al than PAS at all depths (p < 0.05). Additionally, FM stocked up to 433, 360, 205, and 11 kg ha-1 of Ca, Mg, K, and P, respectively, for up to a depth of 0.2 m. The murundu stored two times more K and three times more P than that in the PAS. Our results show that the FM has high sand content and Bd greater than 1.5 Mg m-3, high acidity, low OC content, and low nutrient concentrations. Thus, special care must be taken to preserve FM such that human intervention does not trigger environmental imbalances.
Campos de murundus (CM) são áreas úmidas que prestam inúmeros serviços ecossistêmicos. Os objetivos desse estudo foram avaliar atributos químicos [carbono orgânico (CO), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ e H+Al] e físicos [textura e densidade do solo (Ds)] e calcular os teores de matéria orgânica (MO) e estoques dos nutrientes P, Ca, K e Mg em solos de CM localizados na bacia do Rio Guaporé em Mato Grosso. Foram selecionados 36 pontos de amostragem e coletadas amostras de solo em dois ambientes: murundu e área plana circunvizinha (APC). Em cada ponto foram abertas minitrincheiras de 0,5 × 0,5 × 0,4 m e coletadas amostras de solo deformadas e indeformadas nas profundidades de 0-0,1; 0,1-0,2; e 0,2-0,4 m. Na Análise de Componentes Principais as variáveis H+Al (49%) e MO (4%) foram associados com o componente F1 e o teor de areia (47%) com o componente F2. O murundu apresenta menor pH e maiores teores de K+, P e H+Al que a APC em ambas profundidades (p < 0,05). Até 0,2 m esses CM estocam 433; 360; 205; e 11 kg ha-1 de Ca, Mg, K e P, respectivamente. No entanto, o murundu estoca duas vezes mais K e três vezes mais P que a APC. Estes CM apresentam altos teores de areia, Ds superior a 1,5 Mg m-3, elevada acidez, baixo teor de CO e pobreza em nutrientes. Dessa forma, necessitam de cuidados especiais para que a intervenção antrópica não desencadeie desequilíbrios ambientais.
Características do Solo , Solos Saturados , Umidade do Solo , Cálcio , Fósforo , Magnésio , Potássio , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Fields of murundus (FM) are wetlands that provide numerous ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the chemical [organic carbon (OC), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and H+Al] and physical [texture and bulk density (Bd)] soil attributes and calculate the organic matter (OM) and nutrient stock (P, Ca, Mg, and K) in soils of FM located in the Guapore River basin in Mato Grosso. Thirty-six sampling points were selected, and soil samples were collected from two environments: the murundu and plain area surrounding (PAS). At each sampling point, mini trenches of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.4 m were opened and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m. In the Principal Component Analysis the variables H+Al (49%) and OM (4%) were associated with the F1 component and sand content (47%) with the F2 component. The FM had lower pH values and higher concentrations of K+, P, and H+Al than PAS at all depths (p < 0.05). Additionally, FM stocked up to 433, 360, 205, and 11 kg ha-1 of Ca, Mg, K, and P, respectively, for up to a depth of 0.2 m. The murundu stored two times more K and three times more P than that in the PAS. Our results show that the FM has high sand content and Bd greater than 1.5 Mg m-3, high acidity, low OC content, and low nutrient concentrations. Thus, special care must be taken to preserve FM such that human intervention does not trigger environmental imbalances.(AU)
Campos de murundus (CM) são áreas úmidas que prestam inúmeros serviços ecossistêmicos. Os objetivos desse estudo foram avaliar atributos químicos [carbono orgânico (CO), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ e H+Al] e físicos [textura e densidade do solo (Ds)] e calcular os teores de matéria orgânica (MO) e estoques dos nutrientes P, Ca, K e Mg em solos de CM localizados na bacia do Rio Guaporé em Mato Grosso. Foram selecionados 36 pontos de amostragem e coletadas amostras de solo em dois ambientes: murundu e área plana circunvizinha (APC). Em cada ponto foram abertas minitrincheiras de 0,5 × 0,5 × 0,4 m e coletadas amostras de solo deformadas e indeformadas nas profundidades de 0-0,1; 0,1-0,2; e 0,2-0,4 m. Na Análise de Componentes Principais as variáveis H+Al (49%) e MO (4%) foram associados com o componente F1 e o teor de areia (47%) com o componente F2. O murundu apresenta menor pH e maiores teores de K+, P e H+Al que a APC em ambas profundidades (p < 0,05). Até 0,2 m esses CM estocam 433; 360; 205; e 11 kg ha-1 de Ca, Mg, K e P, respectivamente. No entanto, o murundu estoca duas vezes mais K e três vezes mais P que a APC. Estes CM apresentam altos teores de areia, Ds superior a 1,5 Mg m-3, elevada acidez, baixo teor de CO e pobreza em nutrientes. Dessa forma, necessitam de cuidados especiais para que a intervenção antrópica não desencadeie desequilíbrios ambientais.(AU)
Solos Saturados , Umidade do Solo , Características do Solo , Áreas Alagadas , Cálcio , Magnésio , Potássio , FósforoResumo
The efficiency of a series of wetland colonized with Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia molesta to treat the effluent of a giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) broodstock pond was evaluated in this study. The experimental design was completely randomized and was performed in 9 rectangular tanks (1.6 m3) with three treatments (constructed wetlands) and three replicates. The treatment types included: a wetland colonized with E. crassipes and S. molesta (EcSm) arranged sequentially, a wetland with E. crassipes only (Ec) and a wetland with S. molesta only (Sm). The means of suspended particulate material (SPM), total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), P-orthophosphate (PO4-P) and total phosphorus (TP) of the treated effluents were compared using ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (P<0.05). The effluent treated in Ec and EcSm wetlands exhibited lower SPM concentrations. The Ec wetland reduced TIN, TKN, PO4-P and TP by 46.0, 43.7, 44.4 and 43.6%, respectively. In the EcSm wetland, the reduction of TIN (23.0%), TKN (33.7%) and PO4-P (26.7%) was similar to the Sm wetland (19.8% TIN, 30.9% TKN and 23.8% PO4-P). The Ec wetland was more efficient in treating pond effluent due likely to the higher root surface of E. crassipes, which forms an extensive area favorable to retention and adsorption of debris and absorption of nutrients.(AU)
Neste estudo foi avaliada a eficiência de uma wetland povoada com Eichhornia crassipes e Salvinia molesta para o tratamento do efluente de um viveiro de manutenção de reprodutores do camarão-da-malásia (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Um experimento totalmente casualizado foi realizado em 9 tanques retangulares (1,6 m3) com 3 tratamentos (wetlands construídas) e 3 repetições. Os tratamentos foram: wetland povoada com E. crassipes e S. molesta (EcSm) dispostas nesta sequência, wetland somente com E. crassipes (Ec) e wetland somente com S. molesta (Sm). Os valores de material particulado em suspensão (MPS), nitrogênio inorgânico total (NIT), nitrogênio Kjeldahl total (NKT), P-ortofosfato (P-PO4) e fósforo total (PT) dos efluentes tratados foram comparados pela ANOVA seguida do teste de Tukey (P<0,05). A wetland Ec reduziu a concentração de NIT, NKT, P-PO4 e PT em 46,0%, 43,7%, 44,4% e 43,6%. Na wetland EcSm a redução de NIT (23,0%), NKT (33,7%) e P-PO4 (26,7%) foi semelhante à observada na wetland Sm (19,8% para NIT, 30,9% para NKT e 23,8% para P-PO4). A wetland povoada com E. crassipes é mais eficiente no tratamento do efluente do viveiro, provavelmente devido a maior superfície radicular da macrófita que permite a formação de uma extensa área propícia à retenção e adsorção dos detritos e à absorção dos nutrientes.(AU)
Animais , Nitrogênio/análise , Palaemonidae/fisiologia , Fósforo/análise , Áreas Alagadas , Aquicultura , Eichhornia , Palaemonidae/classificaçãoResumo
The particulate organic carbon (POC) is an important energy source present in the food chain of detritivorous fish. Considering its importance, this study aimed to investigate the effect of the flood pulse on the composition of the POC in a neotropical floodplain. For this, we analyzed the seasonal variations of the carbon isotopic composition (13C) and nitrogen (15N) in two different hydrological periods in the years 2000 and 2009. Sampling of potential sources of primary producers, as well as the POC, was held in different subsystems of the floodplain of the upper Paraná river (subsystems of the rivers Parana, Baía and Ivinheima). In 2000, there were significant differences on isotopic signature (13C) of the POC, unlike what was seen in 2009, where the values of 13C were depleted us three subsystems, and showed significant differences both in the Paraná and Baia rivers. As this isotopic variation was attributed to the presence of flooding in 2009, that may be incorporated into new sources of the ecosystem. This is contrary to what was observed in 2000, when they were filled with recorded values below3.5 m fluviometric. Thus, it can be concluded that the flood event has an effect on the composition of POC and therefore can directly influence the structure of fish food chains scavengers of the basin.(AU)
O carbono orgânico particulado (COP) é uma fonte de energia importante presente na cadeia alimentar de peixes detritívoros. Considerando sua importância, esse estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito do pulso de inundação sobre a composição do COP em uma planície de inundação neotropical. Para isso, foi analisado as variações sazonais da composição isotópica de carbono (13C) e nitrogênio (15N) em dois períodos hidrológicos distintos, verificados para os anos de 2000 e 2009. As amostragens das potenciais fontes de produtores primários, bem como o COP, foram realizadas em diferentes subsistemas da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná (subsistemas dos rios Paraná, Baía e Ivinheima). Constatou-se que em 2000 não foram registradas diferenças significativas na composição isotópica de carbono (13C) do COP, diferentemente do verificado em 2009, em que os valores de 13C foram deplecionados nos três subsistemas, apresentando diferenças significativas tanto no rio Paraná como Baia. A essa variação isotópica atribuiu-se a presença de cheias em 2009, que pode ter incorporado novas fontes ao ecossistema, ao contrário do que foi verificado em 2000, quando foram registradas cheias com valores fluviométricos inferiores a 3,5 m. Assim, pode-se concluir que o evento de inundação apresenta efeito sobre a composição do COP e que, por conseguinte, pode influenciar a estrutura das cadeia(AU)
Carbono/efeitos adversos , Carbono/análise , Zoneamento de Áreas de InundaçãoResumo
Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857), during its invasion process in South America, has caused severe impacts both on natural environments altering native biodiversity, ecosystem structure and function-, and on man-made structures causing economic looses. Twenty-one samples were taken from the right bank of the Uruguay River, from tributaries of the Uruguay and Paraná Rivers, the drainage of the Esteros del Ibera Wetland. Based on this fieldwork, the presence of larvae and adults of L. fortunei was determined. Also, through the comparison of environmental characteristic with the known tolerance limits for the species, the possibility of its establishment in environments not yet invaded was determined. Most of the sampling stations have features that allow the development of stable populations L. fortunei, including the rivers that drain the Esteros del Ibera, allowing access of this invasive species to this important wetland.