Teratoma is a rare neoplasia with differentiation in two or three germ cell lines. Intracranial teratoma in birds has rarely been reported, especially affecting the brain. This is the first report of a brain teratoma in a mallard with neurological clinical signs. The neoplasm was characterized as a mature brain teratoma, extending from the cerebellum to the brainstem, and with one nodule in the cortex.(AU)
O teratoma é uma neoplasia rara, com diferenciação em duas ou três linhagens de células germinativas. Teratomas intracranianos, em aves, são raramente relatados, principalmente, com localização cerebral. Este é o primeiro relato de teratoma cerebral em um pato-real com sinais clínicos neurológicos. A neoplasia foi caracterizada como um teratoma cerebral maduro, estendendo do cerebelo ao tronco encefálico e com um nódulo no córtex.(AU)
Animais , Teratoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Patos , Animais SelvagensResumo
ABSTRACT: Amphisbenians are limbless reptiles that belong to the order Squamata. Due to their fossorial and secrevie habits, little is known about their morphology, ecology and pathological conditions that may affect them. In this manuscript, we present a brief guide for identification of normal structures as well as traumatic injuries on radiography and necropsy of Amphisbaena alba. From April to September 2019, three cases of A. alba with suspected trauma were referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). In the clinical evaluation, traumatic injuries were observed, and support therapy was instituted, but they did not resist and died shortly after. Bone fractures and organ ruptures, in addition to specific structures of this species were identified on radiography. A systematic necropsy was performed of all amphisbaenians in order to evaluate external and internal structures, not only to identify lesions but also to investigate the morphological aspects of amphisbenids. Macroscopically, multiple organ fractures and ruptures observed in radiographs were confirmed, in addition to the presence of the cestodes Semenoviella amphisbaenae in the large intestine. Histologically, it was possible to identify normal characteristics and microscopic lesions in the tissues. This is the first study to incorporate morphological, clinical, and pathological aspects of A. alba. This manuscript brings essential information for wildlife veterinarians and pathologists who may have to treat or perform a necropsy on these unique reptiles.
RESUMO: Anfisbenas são répteis desprovidos de membros que pertencem a ordem Squamata. Devido a seus hábitos fossoriais e reclusos, pouco se conhece sobre sua morfologia, ecologia e condições patológicas que possam afetá-las. Neste artigo, um guia sucinto para a necropsia, identificação de tecidos e órgãos e lesões encontradas em Amphisbaena alba, é apresentado. Durante março e dezembro de 2019, três casos de A. alba com suspeita de trauma foram encaminhados ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Na avaliação clínica foram observadas lesões traumáticas e instituído um suporte terapêutico, porém não resistiram e morreram em seguida. Foram realizadas projeções radiográficas onde identificaram fraturas e ruptura de órgãos, além de identificar estruturas específicas dessa espécie. Uma avaliação completa de estruturas externas e internas foi conduzida para investigar aspectos morfológicos dos anfisbenídeos. Macroscopicamente foram confirmadas múltiplas fraturas e rupturas de órgãos observadas anteriormente nas radiografias, além disso evidenciou no intestino grosso presença de parasitos anoplocéfalos denominados Semenoviella amphisbaenae. Na histologia foi possível identificar características normais e lesões microscópicas nos tecidos. Esse é o primeiro estudo a incorporar aspectos morfológicos, clínicos e patológicos de A. alba. Esse manuscrito traz informações essenciais para clínicos e patologistas de animais selvagens que podem se deparar com casos clínicos ou de necropsia de Amphisbaena alba.
Amphisbenians are limbless reptiles that belong to the order Squamata. Due to their fossorial and secrevie habits, little is known about their morphology, ecology and pathological conditions that may affect them. In this manuscript, we present a brief guide for identification of normal structures as well as traumatic injuries on radiography and necropsy of Amphisbaena alba. From April to September 2019, three cases of A. alba with suspected trauma were referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). In the clinical evaluation, traumatic injuries were observed, and support therapy was instituted, but they did not resist and died shortly after. Bone fractures and organ ruptures, in addition to specific structures of this species were identified on radiography. A systematic necropsy was performed of all amphisbaenians in order to evaluate external and internal structures, not only to identify lesions but also to investigate the morphological aspects of amphisbenids. Macroscopically, multiple organ fractures and ruptures observed in radiographs were confirmed, in addition to the presence of the cestodes Semenoviella amphisbaenae in the large intestine. Histologically, it was possible to identify normal characteristics and microscopic lesions in the tissues. This is the first study to incorporate morphological, clinical, and pathological aspects of A. alba. This manuscript brings essential information for wildlife veterinarians and pathologists who may have to treat or perform a necropsy on these unique reptiles.(AU)
Anfisbenas são répteis desprovidos de membros que pertencem a ordem Squamata. Devido a seus hábitos fossoriais e reclusos, pouco se conhece sobre sua morfologia, ecologia e condições patológicas que possam afetá-las. Neste artigo, um guia sucinto para a necropsia, identificação de tecidos e órgãos e lesões encontradas em Amphisbaena alba, é apresentado. Durante março e dezembro de 2019, três casos de A. alba com suspeita de trauma foram encaminhados ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Na avaliação clínica foram observadas lesões traumáticas e instituído um suporte terapêutico, porém não resistiram e morreram em seguida. Foram realizadas projeções radiográficas onde identificaram fraturas e ruptura de órgãos, além de identificar estruturas específicas dessa espécie. Uma avaliação completa de estruturas externas e internas foi conduzida para investigar aspectos morfológicos dos anfisbenídeos. Macroscopicamente foram confirmadas múltiplas fraturas e rupturas de órgãos observadas anteriormente nas radiografias, além disso evidenciou no intestino grosso presença de parasitos anoplocéfalos denominados Semenoviella amphisbaenae. Na histologia foi possível identificar características normais e lesões microscópicas nos tecidos. Esse é o primeiro estudo a incorporar aspectos morfológicos, clínicos e patológicos de A. alba. Esse manuscrito traz informações essenciais para clínicos e patologistas de animais selvagens que podem se deparar com casos clínicos ou de necropsia de Amphisbaena alba.(AU)
Animais , Répteis/lesões , Autopsia/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões , Radiografia , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos/mortalidade , Animais SelvagensResumo
Amphisbenians are limbless reptiles that belong to the order Squamata. Due to their fossorial and secrevie habits, little is known about their morphology, ecology and pathological conditions that may affect them. In this manuscript, we present a brief guide for identification of normal structures as well as traumatic injuries on radiography and necropsy of Amphisbaena alba. From April to September 2019, three cases of A. alba with suspected trauma were referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). In the clinical evaluation, traumatic injuries were observed, and support therapy was instituted, but they did not resist and died shortly after. Bone fractures and organ ruptures, in addition to specific structures of this species were identified on radiography. A systematic necropsy was performed of all amphisbaenians in order to evaluate external and internal structures, not only to identify lesions but also to investigate the morphological aspects of amphisbenids. Macroscopically, multiple organ fractures and ruptures observed in radiographs were confirmed, in addition to the presence of the cestodes Semenoviella amphisbaenae in the large intestine. Histologically, it was possible to identify normal characteristics and microscopic lesions in the tissues. This is the first study to incorporate morphological, clinical, and pathological aspects of A. alba. This manuscript brings essential information for wildlife veterinarians and pathologists who may have to treat or perform a necropsy on these unique reptiles.(AU)
Anfisbenas são répteis desprovidos de membros que pertencem a ordem Squamata. Devido a seus hábitos fossoriais e reclusos, pouco se conhece sobre sua morfologia, ecologia e condições patológicas que possam afetá-las. Neste artigo, um guia sucinto para a necropsia, identificação de tecidos e órgãos e lesões encontradas em Amphisbaena alba, é apresentado. Durante março e dezembro de 2019, três casos de A. alba com suspeita de trauma foram encaminhados ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Na avaliação clínica foram observadas lesões traumáticas e instituído um suporte terapêutico, porém não resistiram e morreram em seguida. Foram realizadas projeções radiográficas onde identificaram fraturas e ruptura de órgãos, além de identificar estruturas específicas dessa espécie. Uma avaliação completa de estruturas externas e internas foi conduzida para investigar aspectos morfológicos dos anfisbenídeos. Macroscopicamente foram confirmadas múltiplas fraturas e rupturas de órgãos observadas anteriormente nas radiografias, além disso evidenciou no intestino grosso presença de parasitos anoplocéfalos denominados Semenoviella amphisbaenae. Na histologia foi possível identificar características normais e lesões microscópicas nos tecidos. Esse é o primeiro estudo a incorporar aspectos morfológicos, clínicos e patológicos de A. alba. Esse manuscrito traz informações essenciais para clínicos e patologistas de animais selvagens que podem se deparar com casos clínicos ou de necropsia de Amphisbaena alba.(AU)
Animais , Répteis/lesões , Autopsia/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões , Radiografia , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos/mortalidade , Animais SelvagensResumo
A free living female adult of Myrmecophaga tridactyla was captured in an area of deforestation in Salta Province of northwest Argentina, for subsequent relocation in Iberá Park. Three days after entering the quarantine it died with clinical signs of anorexia and ascites. It presented severe hypochromic microcytic anemia, hypoproteinemia and increase of CPK, AST and LDH on blood analysis. Grossly, there were ascites, hydrothorax, pulmonary congestion and severe catarrhal hyperplasic gastritis. The gastric mucosa was diffusely hyperemic with two clusters of numerous Physaloptera magnipapilla attached in the fundic region. Fundic mucosa was irregular with convoluted surface and covered with abundant brown-yellow catarrhal exudates. Microscopically, the gastric mucosa had well described punctate areas (pit-like structures) at points of P. magnipapilla attachment. Additionally, there were mucous hyperplasia of gastric glands and focal fibrosis with scarce infiltration of plasma cells, lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells and eosinophils in the underlying lamina propria. This report describes a case of anemia and hyperplastic gastritis due to Physaloptera magnipapilla parasitism in a free-living Myrmecophaga tridactyla.
Feminino , Animais , Anemia Hipocrômica/veterinária , Gastrite/veterinária , Spiruroidea/parasitologia , Xenarthra/parasitologia , Anorexia/veterinária , Argentina , Ascite/veterináriaResumo
A 5-year-old African hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) was presented to the veterinarian with history of anorexia and progressive weight loss. On clinical examination the mucous membranes were pale, and the skin exhibited extensive alopecia with crusting in all four limbs and tail. A large subcutaneous mass was palpated on the left lateral femur which subsequently was diagnosed histopathologically as a squamous cells carcinoma. The owner declined further tests and the patient returned home where it continued to deteriorate and finally died 90 days after initial presentation. The carcass was submitted for postmortem examination. Necropsy finding included an enlarged spleen with rounded borders and meaty pulp, hyperplastic bone marrow and multiple white foci in both kidneys. Tissues were submitted for cytology, histopathology and electron microscopy. Splenic cytology revealed a monomorphic population of granulocytes with cellular atypia which were most consistent with neoplastic eosinophils. Similar myeloid cells were also seen histologically in kidneys, liver, intestine, heart, skin and brain. The bone marrow was completely effaced with similar cellular infiltrates. Luna stain for eosinophils was positive in all tissues. Electron microscopy showed that neoplastic cells had granules and electron-lucent crystalloid characteristic of eosinophils. Based on these finding chronic eosinophilic leukemia wasdiagnosed, and to our knowledge, eosinophilic leukemia in hedgehogs is rarely reported in the literature.
Animais , Ouriços , Síndrome Hipereosinofílica/diagnóstico , Síndrome Hipereosinofílica/veterinária , Anorexia/veterinária , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Redução de PesoResumo
A 5-year-old African hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) was presented to the veterinarian with history of anorexia and progressive weight loss. On clinical examination the mucous membranes were pale, and the skin exhibited extensive alopecia with crusting in all four limbs and tail. A large subcutaneous mass was palpated on the left lateral femur which subsequently was diagnosed histopathologically as a squamous cells carcinoma. The owner declined further tests and the patient returned home where it continued to deteriorate and finally died 90 days after initial presentation. The carcass was submitted for postmortem examination. Necropsy finding included an enlarged spleen with rounded borders and meaty pulp, hyperplastic bone marrow and multiple white foci in both kidneys. Tissues were submitted for cytology, histopathology and electron microscopy. Splenic cytology revealed a monomorphic population of granulocytes with cellular atypia which were most consistent with neoplastic eosinophils. Similar myeloid cells were also seen histologically in kidneys, liver, intestine, heart, skin and brain. The bone marrow was completely effaced with similar cellular infiltrates. Luna stain for eosinophils was positive in all tissues. Electron microscopy showed that neoplastic cells had granules and electron-lucent crystalloid characteristic of eosinophils. Based on these finding chronic eosinophilic leukemia wasdiagnosed, and to our knowledge, eosinophilic leukemia in hedgehogs is rarely reported in the literature.(AU)
Animais , Síndrome Hipereosinofílica/diagnóstico , Síndrome Hipereosinofílica/veterinária , Ouriços , Anorexia/veterinária , Redução de Peso , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterináriaResumo
A free living female adult of Myrmecophaga tridactyla was captured in an area of deforestation in Salta Province of northwest Argentina, for subsequent relocation in Iberá Park. Three days after entering the quarantine it died with clinical signs of anorexia and ascites. It presented severe hypochromic microcytic anemia, hypoproteinemia and increase of CPK, AST and LDH on blood analysis. Grossly, there were ascites, hydrothorax, pulmonary congestion and severe catarrhal hyperplasic gastritis. The gastric mucosa was diffusely hyperemic with two clusters of numerous Physaloptera magnipapilla attached in the fundic region. Fundic mucosa was irregular with convoluted surface and covered with abundant brown-yellow catarrhal exudates. Microscopically, the gastric mucosa had well described punctate areas (pit-like structures) at points of P. magnipapilla attachment. Additionally, there were mucous hyperplasia of gastric glands and focal fibrosis with scarce infiltration of plasma cells, lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells and eosinophils in the underlying lamina propria. This report describes a case of anemia and hyperplastic gastritis due to Physaloptera magnipapilla parasitism in a free-living Myrmecophaga tridactyla.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Xenarthra/parasitologia , Gastrite/veterinária , Spiruroidea/parasitologia , Anemia Hipocrômica/veterinária , Argentina , Anorexia/veterinária , Ascite/veterináriaResumo
A 4-year-old gray brocket deer was submitted to bilateral orchiectomy for enlargement of the right testicle, which measured 10 x 7 x 6 cm. The testicular tumor consisted of multiple cysts containing pilosebaceous brown material and translucent mucin. Histologically, the cysts showed keratinized stratified squamous epithelium over dermal tissue with hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands; pseudostratified cylindrical ciliated epithelium with goblet cells, ciliated columnar epithelium and secretory columnar epithelium. Among cysts, disorganized areas of adipose tissue, arteries, nerves, neurons, smooth muscle, dense connective tissue and cartilage tissue were observed. Epithelial and mesenchymal tissues were found well differentiated. The macro and microscopic examination of the testis allowed the diagnosis of benign cystic teratoma.
Masculino , Animais , Cervos , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Teratoma/veterinária , Testículo/patologiaResumo
A 4-year-old gray brocket deer was submitted to bilateral orchiectomy for enlargement of the right testicle, which measured 10 x 7 x 6 cm. The testicular tumor consisted of multiple cysts containing pilosebaceous brown material and translucent mucin. Histologically, the cysts showed keratinized stratified squamous epithelium over dermal tissue with hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands; pseudostratified cylindrical ciliated epithelium with goblet cells, ciliated columnar epithelium and secretory columnar epithelium. Among cysts, disorganized areas of adipose tissue, arteries, nerves, neurons, smooth muscle, dense connective tissue and cartilage tissue were observed. Epithelial and mesenchymal tissues were found well differentiated. The macro and microscopic examination of the testis allowed the diagnosis of benign cystic teratoma.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cervos , Teratoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Testículo/patologiaResumo
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are two retroviruses that are deadly to the domestic cat (Felis catus) and important to the conservation of the threatened wild felids worldwide. Differences in the frequencies of occurrence and the existence of varying related viruses among felid species have incited the search for understanding the relationships among hosts and viruses into individual and population levels. Felids infected can die of related diseases or cope with the infection but not show pathognomonic or overt clinical signs. As the home range for eight species of neotropic felids and the home to hundreds of felids in captivity, Brazil has the challenge of improving its diagnostic capacity for feline retroviruses and initiating long term studies as part of a monitoring program.
Animais , Infecções por Lentivirus/epidemiologia , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina , Vírus da Leucemia Felina , Infecções por Retroviridae/epidemiologia , Felidae/virologia , BrasilResumo
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are two retroviruses that are deadly to the domestic cat (Felis catus) and important to the conservation of the threatened wild felids worldwide. Differences in the frequencies of occurrence and the existence of varying related viruses among felid species have incited the search for understanding the relationships among hosts and viruses into individual and population levels. Felids infected can die of related diseases or cope with the infection but not show pathognomonic or overt clinical signs. As the home range for eight species of neotropic felids and the home to hundreds of felids in captivity, Brazil has the challenge of improving its diagnostic capacity for feline retroviruses and initiating long term studies as part of a monitoring program.