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Ci. Rural ; 49(12): e20190370, Nov. 4, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-24756


Socio-demographic and economic indicators are very important clues to scientists and institutions to direct development programs for the empowerment of rural women. The goal of this study is to determine the status of rural women living in the Taurus mountainous villages of Turkey according to socio-demographic and economic indicators as related to gender structure. In this research area, there is not enough official data related to socio-demographic and economic indicators about mountainous rural women, like in most developing countries. For this study, the authors collected data from 146 women and 133 men using questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. In this research area, we found that women occupy positions of low power compared to men when taking socio-demographic and economic indicators into account. Women tend to define themselves as housewives instead of farmers, and their tendency to migrate to cities were higher than mens.(AU)

Os indicadores sócio-demográficos e econômicos são muito importantes, não só para o cientista, para o empoderamento das mulheres rurais, mas também para que as instituições direcionem os programas de desenvolvimento relacionados com as mulheres rurais. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o status de mulheres rurais com indicadores sócio-demográficos e econômicos em termos de estrutura de gênero que vivem em aldeias Taurus Mountainous Villages da Turquia. Na área de pesquisa, dados oficiais relacionados a indicadores sociodemográficos e econômicos sobre estas mulheres não são suficientes, como na maioria dos países em desenvolvimento. Os dados foram coletados de 146 mulheres e 133 homens, por meio de questionário e entrevista presencial dos autores. Na área de pesquisa, as mulheres estão atrás de indicadores sócio-demográficos e econômicos relacionados aos homens e têm posição secundária de acordo com os dados obtidos. As mulheres se definem como uma dona de casa em vez de agricultoras e a tendência de migração das mulheres para as cidades são maiores do que a dos homens.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Status Econômico , População Rural/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos de Gênero , Indicadores Sociais , Indicadores Econômicos , Turquia
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-213260


Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de descrever as patologias uterinas encontradas no sistema reprodutivo feminino. Os dados referentes a estas enfermidades são relacionados aos casos diagnosticados entre os anos de 2017 e 2018, de úteros encaminhados para exame anatomopatológico. Com base nesses achados foi elaborado um artigo científico. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas as lesões encontradas em corpos uterinos, sendo 30 da espécie canina e 30 da espécie humana. As patologias observadas nas cadelas foram: hiperplasia endometrial cística (36,66%), adenomiose (13,33%) e leiomioma (3,33%). Nas mulheres, foram: hiperplasia simples sem atipia (36,66%), hiperplasia simples com atipia (10,00%), hiperplasia complexa sem atipia (6,66%), hiperplasia complexa com atipia (13,33%), adenocarcinoma endometrióide grau I (13,33%) e grau II (10,00%), adenomiose e miomatose (10,00%). Concluiu-se que a principal alteração uterina em ambas espécies foi a hiperplasia endometrial. Não há estudos que compare as patologias dos sistemas reprodutivos dessas espécies, porém há similaridade dessas patologias, em muitos casos, mostrando a importância de um estudo que as correlacione.

This dissertation was developed with the purpose of describing the uterine pathologies found in the female reproductive system. The data referring to these diseases are related to the cases diagnosed between the years 2017 and 2018, of uterus referred for anatomopathological examination. Based on these findings, a scientific article was elaborated. In this work the lesions found in uterine bodies were evaluated, being 30 of the canine species and 30 of the human species. The pathologies observed in dogs were cystic endometrial hyperplasia (36.66%), adenomyosis (13.33%) and leiomyoma (3.33%). In women, they were: simple hyperplasia without atypia (36.66%), simple hyperplasia with atypia (10.00%), complex hyperplasia without atypia (6.66%), complex hyperplasia with atypia (13.33%), adenocarcinoma endometrioid grade I (13.33%) and grade II (10.00%), adenomyosis and myomatosis (10.00%). It is concluded that the main uterine alteration in both species was endometrial hyperplasia. There are no studies that compare the pathologies of the reproductive systems of these species, but to the similarity of these pathologies, in many cases, showing the importance of a study that correlates them.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 10(4): 657-661, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461084


A possible explanation for endometritis in mares is ascendant contamination from the vagina. The presence of Lactobacillus spp. is considered to be important in women for a healthy vaginal environment; however, there are few studies in mares related to the presence of Lactobacillus in the vaginal flora of healthy mares. The present work aims to determine the occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in the vaginal micro-environment of mares. A total of 35 crossbred multiparous mares, aged between 4 and 12 years, with no history of reproductive problems and with healthy reproductive tracts, were used. Two vaginal swabs were obtained from the mares during estrus for Lactobacillus isolation and PCR evaluation. Ten human female volunteers, aged between 24 and 35 years, sexually active, with no history of gynecological diseases and treatments in the past two years were used. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated from 5.7% of the mares’ vaginal samples and from 90% of the women’s vaginal samples. Lactobacillus DNA was detected by PCR in 22.9% of the mares’ vaginal samples and in all of the vaginal samples from the healthy women. The primers used here were demonstrated to have in silico specificity for the detection of L. equi (AB425924.1), L. pantheris (DQ471798.1) and L. mucosae (DQ471799.1), but they did not anneal on Enterococcus faecalis (EU887827.1) or E. faecium (EU887814.1). In conclusion, this study showed a low occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in mares, suggesting that this bacterium may not play a fundamental role in the equilibrium of the vaginal micro-environment of normal mares.

Animais , Benchmarking , Lactobacillus/metabolismo , Transferência Embrionária , Equidae , Mulheres
Anim. Reprod. ; 10(4): 657-661, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9890


A possible explanation for endometritis in mares is ascendant contamination from the vagina. The presence of Lactobacillus spp. is considered to be important in women for a healthy vaginal environment; however, there are few studies in mares related to the presence of Lactobacillus in the vaginal flora of healthy mares. The present work aims to determine the occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in the vaginal micro-environment of mares. A total of 35 crossbred multiparous mares, aged between 4 and 12 years, with no history of reproductive problems and with healthy reproductive tracts, were used. Two vaginal swabs were obtained from the mares during estrus for Lactobacillus isolation and PCR evaluation. Ten human female volunteers, aged between 24 and 35 years, sexually active, with no history of gynecological diseases and treatments in the past two years were used. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated from 5.7% of the mares vaginal samples and from 90% of the womens vaginal samples. Lactobacillus DNA was detected by PCR in 22.9% of the mares vaginal samples and in all of the vaginal samples from the healthy women. The primers used here were demonstrated to have in silico specificity for the detection of L. equi (AB425924.1), L. pantheris (DQ471798.1) and L. mucosae (DQ471799.1), but they did not anneal on Enterococcus faecalis (EU887827.1) or E. faecium (EU887814.1). In conclusion, this study showed a low occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in mares, suggesting that this bacterium may not play a fundamental role in the equilibrium of the vaginal micro-environment of normal mares.(AU)

Animais , Benchmarking , Lactobacillus/metabolismo , Transferência Embrionária , Equidae , Mulheres
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 18(4): 462-466, 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-658995


We report a case in which a 21-week pregnant woman was stung by a Euscorpius flavicaudis (De Geer, 1778) scorpion. Symptoms and signs experienced by the patient were the same as those documented in the literature and with no ill-effects for the pregnancy. Envenoming was local and of low degree of intensity. It is important to emphasize that the patient was stung in her home, which differs from stings in most other parts of the world, in which scorpionism is mostly a risk in outdoor areas.(AU)

Escorpiões , Sinais e Sintomas , Gestantes , Picadas de Escorpião
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 18(4): 462-466, 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-9219


We report a case in which a 21-week pregnant woman was stung by a Euscorpius flavicaudis (De Geer, 1778) scorpion. Symptoms and signs experienced by the patient were the same as those documented in the literature and with no ill-effects for the pregnancy. Envenoming was local and of low degree of intensity. It is important to emphasize that the patient was stung in her home, which differs from stings in most other parts of the world, in which scorpionism is mostly a risk in outdoor areas.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Venenos de Escorpião/análise , Gravidez/metabolismo , Sinais e Sintomas/métodos
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 5(3): 264-269, 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414328


Cães são capazes de discriminar vários comportamentos humanos, comportando-se de maneira correspondente. Alguns estudos demonstraram que os cães possuem propensões a serem mais sociáveis e menos estressados quando manipulados por mulheres em relação aos cães manipulados por homens. Investigou-se neste estudo se os cães acompanhados mulheres ou homens, respondiam emocionalmente de forma diferente mas de acordo com o nível de ativação emocional dos seus donos. O estudo ocorreu em um ambiente pouco familiar, na ante-sala de atendimento hospitalar, avaliando-se a reação ao estresse de humanos e seus cães. Investigou-se nas proprietárias e nos proprietários dados demográficos e afinidades em relação aos cães através de questionários. Mensurou-se ainda a pulsação e a pressão arterial. Nos cães avaliou-se o comportamento emocional e alguns parâmetros fisiológicos relacionados ao estresse: batimento cardíaco, temperatura timpânica e hemograma completo. Os resultados indicam que há uma correspondência entre o nível de ativação emocional das proprietárias e dos proprietários e seus respectivos cães. Ademais os cães de mulheres pareceram mais saudáveis do que os cães de homens. Conclui-se que as mulheres e os homens influenciam diferentemente os seus cães conforme suas propensões comportamentais e fisiológicas na resposta ao estresse.

Dogs are able of discriminate several human behaviors, behaving of corresponding way. Some studies showed that the dogs possess propensities to be more sociable and less stressed when manipulated by women regarding the dogs manipulated by men. We investigated in this study if the dogs accompanied women or men, showed a similar level of emotional reactions in agreement with the level of emotional reaction of his owners. The study occurred in an unfamiliar environment, in the attendant room of a veterinary hospital, where we evaluated the physiological, behavioral and psychological reaction to the stress of humans and his dogs. Owners answered three questionnaires about demographic data and affinities regarding the dogs themselves. We recorded pulse and blood pressure of the owners. We evaluated the emotional behavior of dogs for ten minutes. Physiological parameters related to the stress were recorded in dogs: cardiac rate and tympanic temperature. After that, we carried on a venopunction to complete hemogram. The results were suggestive of there could be a relationship between the level of emotional reaction of the owners and his respective dogs. Dogs of women were emotionally less reactive than men's dogs. Therefore, the women's dogs seem healthier than the dogs of men. We concluded that women and men influence its dogs differently in agreement its behavioral and physiological responses to stress.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cães , Ansiedade/diagnóstico , Estresse Psicológico/etiologia , Comportamento Animal , Vínculo Humano-Animal , Hospitais Veterinários