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Clín. Vet. (São Paulo, Ed. Port.) ; 28(164): 44-55, mai.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434776


Um lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) macho com 15 anos de idade apresentou dificuldade ao se levantar e deitar, relutância ao caminhar e aspecto arqueado da coluna vertebral. Após contenção química, o paciente foi examinado e submetido a exames radiográficos e colheita de material biológico para análises laboratoriais. Os resultados dos exames apontaram um animal saudável, porém visualizaram-se espondiloses em coluna vertebral na região cervical e torácica. Foi iniciado protocolo para controle de dor, inflamação e uso de regenerador articular, a fim de estabilizar o quadro do paciente. Novo manejo foi agendado para implante de filamentos de ouro em pontos de acupuntura. Após essa terapia, o paciente foi acompanhado pela equipe veterinária, e alguns dias após o tratamento houve melhora do quadro clínico o animal deixou de apresentar dificuldade para caminhar, deitar, levantar e ficar em estação. O paciente retornou ao recinto, dividindo o local com a fêmea, e até o momento está assintomático.(AU)

A 15-year-old male maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) showed difficulty getting up and lying down, reluctance to walk and an arched aspect of the spine. After chemical containment, the patient underwent physical examination and was submitted to radiographic examens and collection of biological material for laboratory analysis. The test results indicated a healthy animal, but spondylosis was seen in the cervical and thoracic spine. A protocol was started to pain control, inflammation, and use of condroprotective to stabilize the patient's condition. A new management was scheduled for the implantation of gold filaments in acupuncture points. After this therapy, the patient was followed up by the veterinary team, and days after the treatment, there was an improvement in the clinical condition- the animal had no more difficulty walking, lying down, getting up and standing still. The patient returned to the enclosure, sharing the place with the female, and so far, the clinical signs presented are absent and/or reduced.(AU)

Un aguará guazú (Chrysocyon brachyurus) macho de 15 años mostró dificultad para levantarse y acostarse, renuencia a caminar y un aspecto arqueado de la columna vertebral. Después de la contención química, el paciente fue examinado y sometido a exámenes radiográficos y recolección de material biológico para análisis de laboratorio. Los resultados de la prueba indicaron un animal sano, pero se observó espondilosis en la columna cervical y torácica. Se inició protocolo de control del dolor, inflamación y uso de protectores articulares, con el fin de estabilizar el estado del paciente. Con el objetivo de brindar una mejor calidad de vida, ya que se trata de un animal salvaje, incapaz de realizar ordinariamente terapias invasivas, se implantaron filamentos de oro en puntos de acupuntura. Posteriormente a esta terapia, el paciente fue acompañado por el equipo veterinario, y dias después del tratamiento hubo una mejoría en el estado clínico - el animal no tuvo dificultad para caminar, acostarse, levantarse y estar de pie. El paciente regresó al recinto, compartiendo el lugar con una hembra, y hasta el momento los signos clínicos anteriormente presentados están ausentes y/o reducidos.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Canidae , Espondilose/veterinária
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 43: e52609, ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32072


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of homeopathic products in diets of quails in the egg quality when submitted to different storage periods. In the trial we used 200 Japanese quails in a completely randomized design with 4 diets: reference diet, vehicle used in homeopathic products and 2 homeopathic products - Fertsigo® and Ovosigo® with ten replicates of three eggs in each. Egg quality parameters were evaluated during 3 storage periods. Data were evaluated as repeated measures in time, the effects of the interactions between treatments and time as well as their isolated effects were verified. There was the interaction between homeopathic products and storage time in the parameters of albumen and yolk height, Haugh unit, and yolk index, in which a reduction was obtained over time. For egg weight, yolk, albumen and shell, percentage of albumen, and percentage of eggshell there was a significant effect only for homeopathy. The inclusion of homeopathic additives increased egg weight. It is indicated the addition of the product with homeopathic basis Ovosigo® and FertSigo® in diets of Japanese quails in the laying phase resulting in better egg and components but did not influence the quality maintenance of eggs of Japanese quails in the periods evaluated.(AU)

Animais , Ovos/análise , Homeopatia , Coturnix
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 43: e52609, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459957


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of homeopathic products in diets of quails in the egg quality when submitted to different storage periods. In the trial we used 200 Japanese quails in a completely randomized design with 4 diets: reference diet, vehicle used in homeopathic products and 2 homeopathic products - Fertsigo® and Ovosigo® with ten replicates of three eggs in each. Egg quality parameters were evaluated during 3 storage periods. Data were evaluated as repeated measures in time, the effects of the interactions between treatments and time as well as their isolated effects were verified. There was the interaction between homeopathic products and storage time in the parameters of albumen and yolk height, Haugh unit, and yolk index, in which a reduction was obtained over time. For egg weight, yolk, albumen and shell, percentage of albumen, and percentage of eggshell there was a significant effect only for homeopathy. The inclusion of homeopathic additives increased egg weight. It is indicated the addition of the product with homeopathic basis Ovosigo® and FertSigo® in diets of Japanese quails in the laying phase resulting in better egg and components but did not influence the quality maintenance of eggs of Japanese quails in the periods evaluated.

Animais , Coturnix , Homeopatia , Ovos/análise
MEDVEP. Rev. cient. Med. Vet. ; 12(39): 62-74, jan.-mar. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-10733


A terapia floral é um método alternativo de cura que ressurgiu na década de 30 através do médico inglês Dr. Edward Bach, e pode ser usado isoladamente ou em associação com a medicina alopática. Ela é utilizada para tratar questões do bem-estar emocional e da saúde do corpo-mente. Esta técnica baseia-se num sistema de cura através da ressonância magnética; isto é, da natureza vibracional das flores, e segundo bibliografias consultadas, não causam nenhum impacto sobre a bioquímica do corpo, tais como os medicamentos farmacêuticos e psicoativos. Desta maneira surgem dificuldades na sua comprovação científica já que essa “energia” é de difícil quantificação. Assim, muitos críticos ao tratamento argumentam que os florais de Bach são na realidade simplesmente placebos. A terapia floral, através do reequilíbrio energético que traz aos seres vivos tem crescido muito no campo da medicina veterinária, pois além do retorno positivo sem causar efeitos colaterais, ela é um exemplo de medicina ecologicamente sustentável, já que se utiliza da natureza das flores para criar um sistema de medicamento de cura. Os florais de Bach são divididos em sete grupos, de acordo com as características comuns: grupo do medo, grupo da incerteza e da insegurança, grupo da falta de interesse no presente, grupo da solidão, grupo da hipersensibilidade a influências e a opiniões externas, grupo do desalento e desespero e grupo do cuidado excessivo com os outros. Os remédios florais de Bach são reconhecidos como tratamento natural pela OMS desde 1956.AU

The flower therapy is an alternative method of healing that emerged in the 30s through the English physician Dr. Edward Bach, and can be used alone or in combination with allopathic medicine. It is used to address issues of emotional well-being and health of the body-mind. This technique is based on a curing system by magnetic resonance imaging, e.g., the vibrational nature of the flowers, and the second consulted bibliography does not cause any impact on the biochemistry of the body, such as the pharmaceutical and psychoactive drugs. Thus there are difficulties in its scientific proof now that this “energy” is difficult to quantify. Thus, many critics argue that the treatment Bach flower remedies are actually just placebos. The floral therapy by restoring energy that brings to life has grown a lot in the field of veterinary medicine, because besides the positive feedback without causing side effects, it is an example of ecologically sustainable medicine, since it uses natures flowers to create a system of medicine to cure. Bach flower remedies are divided into seven groups according to common characteristics: Group of fear, uncertainty and group insecurity, the groups lack of interest in the present group of loneliness, a group of hypersensitivity to external influences and opinions, Group of discouragement and despair and excessive care group with others. The Bach flower remedies are recognized as natural treatment by WHO since 1956.AU

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Alopecia/terapia , Alopecia/veterinária , Essências Florais , Cães , Gatos
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485028


A terapia floral é um método alternativo de cura que ressurgiu na década de 30 através do médico inglês Dr. Edward Bach, e pode ser usado isoladamente ou em associação com a medicina alopática. Ela é utilizada para tratar questões do bem-estar emocional e da saúde do corpo-mente. Esta técnica baseia-se num sistema de cura através da ressonância magnética; isto é, da natureza vibracional das flores, e segundo bibliografias consultadas, não causam nenhum impacto sobre a bioquímica do corpo, tais como os medicamentos farmacêuticos e psicoativos. Desta maneira surgem dificuldades na sua comprovação científica já que essa “energia” é de difícil quantificação. Assim, muitos críticos ao tratamento argumentam que os florais de Bach são na realidade simplesmente placebos. A terapia floral, através do reequilíbrio energético que traz aos seres vivos tem crescido muito no campo da medicina veterinária, pois além do retorno positivo sem causar efeitos colaterais, ela é um exemplo de medicina ecologicamente sustentável, já que se utiliza da natureza das flores para criar um sistema de medicamento de cura. Os florais de Bach são divididos em sete grupos, de acordo com as características comuns: grupo do medo, grupo da incerteza e da insegurança, grupo da falta de interesse no presente, grupo da solidão, grupo da hipersensibilidade a influências e a opiniões externas, grupo do desalento e desespero e grupo do cuidado excessivo com os outros. Os remédios florais de Bach são reconhecidos como tratamento natural pela OMS desde 1956.

The flower therapy is an alternative method of healing that emerged in the 30s through the English physician Dr. Edward Bach, and can be used alone or in combination with allopathic medicine. It is used to address issues of emotional well-being and health of the body-mind. This technique is based on a curing system by magnetic resonance imaging, e.g., the vibrational nature of the flowers, and the second consulted bibliography does not cause any impact on the biochemistry of the body, such as the pharmaceutical and psychoactive drugs. Thus there are difficulties in its scientific proof now that this “energy” is difficult to quantify. Thus, many critics argue that the treatment Bach flower remedies are actually just placebos. The floral therapy by restoring energy that brings to life has grown a lot in the field of veterinary medicine, because besides the positive feedback without causing side effects, it is an example of ecologically sustainable medicine, since it uses nature’s flowers to create a system of medicine to cure. Bach flower remedies are divided into seven groups according to common characteristics: Group of fear, uncertainty and group insecurity, the group’s lack of interest in the present group of loneliness, a group of hypersensitivity to external influences and opinions, Group of discouragement and despair and excessive care group with others. The Bach flower remedies are recognized as natural treatment by WHO since 1956.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Alopecia/terapia , Alopecia/veterinária , Essências Florais , Cães , Gatos
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-443049


Numerous plants are used as snakebite antidotes in Brazilian folk medicine, including Casearia sylvestris Swartz, popularly known as guaçatonga. In this study, we examined the action of a hydroalcoholic extract from C. sylvestris on the neuromuscular blockade caused by bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I), a myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu venom, in mouse isolated phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations. Aqueous (8 and 12 mg/ml, n=4 and 5, respectively) and hydroalcoholic (12 mg/ml, n=12) extracts of the leaves of C. sylvestris caused facilitation in PND preparations followed by partial neuromuscular blockade. BthTX-I (20 µg/ml, n=4) caused 50% paralysis after 65±15 min (mean ± S.E.M). Preincubation (30 min at 37° C) of BthTX-I (20 µg/ml, n=4) with a concentration of the hydroalcoholic extract (4 mg/ml) that had no neuromuscular activity, such as the control (n=5), prevented the neuromuscular blockade caused by the toxin. This protection may be mediated by compounds such as flavonoids and phenols identified by thin-layer chromatography and colorimetric assays.