A Osteopatia craniomandibular (OCM) é uma doença rara, autolimitante que acomete animais jovens, entre três a oito meses e não tem caráter neoplásico. É caracterizada pela proliferação óssea que atinge os ossos da mandíbula, mas também pode envolver outras estruturas como articulação temporomandibular, ossos do crânio e ossos longos, causando dor e desconforto. Foi atendido um cão, fêmea com quatro meses de idade com algia mandibular antes e após ter sofrido queda de altura. Com os exames foram observadas alterações condizentes com OCM. Diante do caso, foi estabelecido tratamento analgésico e acompanhamento com exames de imagem e exames de sangue. O animal teve boa resposta ao tratamento e não necessitou de outras intervenções.(AU)
Craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO) is a rare, non-neoplastic self-limiting disease, that affects young animals, aged between three to eight months.It is characterized by bone proliferation that reaches the jaw bones, but it can also involve other structures such as temporomandibular joint, skull and long bones, causing pain and discomfort. A four-month-old female dog was treated with mandibular pain before and after having suffered a fall from height. With the exams, alterations consistent with CMO were observed.The treatment was set by usinganalgesicand the follow-up with imaging and blood tests were established. The animal had a good response to the treatment and did not need other interventions.(AU)
La Osteopatía Craneomandibular (OMC) es una enfermedad rara, autolimitada, que afecta a animales jóvenes, con edades comprendidas entre los tres y los ocho meses y no es neoplásica. Se caracteriza por una proliferación ósea que alcanza los huesos de la mandíbula, pero también puede comprometer otras estructuras como la articulación temporomandibular, los huesos del cráneo y los huesos largos, causando dolor y molestias. Una perra de cuatro meses de edad fue atendida por dolor mandibular antes y después de haber sufrido una caída desde una altura. Con los exámenes se observaron alteraciones compatibles con OCM. Ante el caso se instauró tratamiento analgésico y seguimiento con estudios de imagen y hemograma. El animal respondió bien al tratamiento y no necesitó de otras intervenciones.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Transtornos Craniomandibulares/tratamento farmacológico , Osteopatia/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , CãesResumo
Background: The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exert their analgesic effect through peripheral inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and a variety of other peripheral and central mechanisms. However, NSAIDs are associated with some adverse effects, mainly related to the gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic systems, highlighting the need for research to develop safer drugs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of preoperative oral administration of carprofen or grapiprant in female cats submitted to elective ovariohysterectomy on the quality of perioperative analgesia and the need for hypnotic and analgesic drugs. Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty-three adult female cats were selected, without defined breed and healthy based on physical examination, routine laboratory analyses (complete blood count, total protein, Heinz body investigation and serum quantification of alanine transaminase [ALT], aspartate transaminase [AST], gamma glutamyl transpeptidase [GGT], alkaline phosphatase [ALP], urea, frutosamine, and glucose) and negative tests for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV). After 3 days of adaptation, they were submitted to ovariohysterectomy by celiotomy and randomly allocated into 2 groups according to the preoperative drug used: GCAR [carprofen - 4 mg/kg, VO, 2 h before surgery; n = 11] and GGRA (grapiprant - 2 mg/kg IV, 2 h before surgery; n = 21]. The cats were pre-medicated with acepromazine 0.05 mg/ kg IV and later submitted to general anesthesia with propofol intravenously. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in 100% oxygen. After anesthetic induction, a continuous infusion of remifentanil at a rate of 10 µg/kg/h was initiated. During the transanesthetic period, the parameters of heart rate; respiratory rate; systolic, mean, and diastolic arterial pressure using the oscillometric method; electrocardiogram; rectal temperature; partial pressure of CO2 at the end of expiration: and partial saturation of O2 in hemoglobin were continuously monitored. The evaluation of nociception was based on the changes in the aforementioned physiological parameters. The rate of remifentanil used did not change over time with the use of carprofen. However, animals that received grapiprant required a lower remifentanil dose at 20, 25, and 30 min during the procedure. The female cats that received carprofen showed an increase in mean heart rate at 30 min compared to that at 20 and 25 min. In the Grapiprant group, the heart rate at 35 min was higher only than that observed at 25 min. Discussion: The remifentanil rate did not differ between the groups, even between the times for GCAR. However, the remifentanil rate was lower from 20 min of the procedure for GGRA. This decrease may be related to a decrease in the need for anesthetics and analgesics by decreasing temperature, which causes decreases in metabolism and surgical stimulation. The increase in systolic, mean, diastolic, and heart rate arterial pressure parameters observed in both treatments after 15 min of anesthesia is related to the nociceptive stimulus resulting from traction and ligation of the ovarian pedicles and maneuvers for exteriorization of the uterus. These are considered the moments of greater surgical stimulus during ovariohysterectomy, evidenced by the greater release of cortisol and increase in physiological parameters. The results of this study show that the administration of carprofen or grapiprant was clinically similar when used preemptively for perioperative analgesia in cats submitted to elective ovariohysterectomy.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/administração & dosagem , Histerectomia/veterinária , Carbazóis/análise , Dinoprostona , NociceptividadeResumo
Different anesthetic agents are commonly used during procedures performed in aquaculture to minimize stress and maximize fish welfare during handling. A Kinguio fish was treated with a history of a mass near the left eye. In the clinical evaluation, a pedunculated neoformation was found in the periocular region. The fish was submitted to anesthesia for surgical removal of the mass, which was later referred to histopathological evaluation, revealing myxoma. The anesthesia protocol used 1% propofol at a concentration of 5 mg/liter of water and morphine at a dose of 5 mg/kg, intramuscularly. Immediately after the end of the procedure, the fish was returned to the aquarium and its anesthetic recovery was observed. The objective of this report is to describe a surgical procedure in kinguio fish and to determine the efficacy of propofol associated with morphine in this species. As a result, complete immobilization of the fish was obtained with propofol, reaching the fourth stage of anesthesia and the administration of morphine suggested being able to provide effective and long-lasting analgesia. It is concluded that despite the positive results obtained, anesthesia in fish still needs to be extensively investigated to refine analgesia protocols during procedures that cause pain and stress.
Diferentes agentes anestésicos são usados durante procedimentos realizados na aquicultura para minimizar o estresse e maximizar o bem-estar dos peixes durante o processo de manejo. Um peixe kinguiu foi atendido com histórico de presença de uma massa próxima ao olho esquerdo. Na avaliação clínica, constatou-se uma neoformação pedunculada na região periocular. O peixe foi submetido à anestesia para remoção cirúrgica da massa, que posteriormente foi encaminhada para avaliação histopatológica, a qual revelou mixoma. Como protocolo de anestesia, utilizou-se propofol 1% diluído em água, na concentração de 5mg/litro, e morfina, na dose de 5mg/kg, na concentração de 10mg/mL, intramuscular. Imediatamente após o procedimento, o peixe foi devolvido ao aquário para observação da recuperação anestésica. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um procedimento cirúrgico em peixe kinguio e determinar a eficácia do propofol associado à morfina nessa espécie. Como resultados, obteve-se a imobilização completa do peixe com o uso do propofol, atingindo o quarto estágio da anestesia, e a administração da morfina sugeriu ser capaz de proporcionar analgesia eficaz e duradoura. Conclui-se que, apesar dos resultados positivos obtidos, a anestesia em peixes precisa ainda ser bastante investigada para refinar os protocolos de analgesia durante os procedimentos que causam dor e estresse.
Animais , Carpas/cirurgia , Propofol/administração & dosagem , Doenças dos Peixes , Anestesia/veterinária , Morfina/administração & dosagemResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the thermal response of the eyelids and lacrimal gland of the left eye (LETG) through infrared thermography (IRT), cardiorespiratory parameters, and their association with nociception and pain in bitches undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy (OVH) anesthetized with isoflurane and epidural analgesia. Twenty-one healthy bitches of different breeds were randomized into three groups receiving epidural blocks: GL (n=7), lidocaine (2 mg Kg-1 ); GLF (n=7), lidocaine (2 mg Kg-1 ) and fentanyl (3 µg Kg-1 ); and GLM (n=7), lidocaine (2 mg Kg-1 ) with morphine (0.1 mg Kg-1 ). IRT and cardiorespiratory parameters were evaluated at baseline (Ebasal), thirty minutes before anesthetic premedication, and at different surgical events: first incision (EInc), ligature and section of the left (ELoV), and right (ERoV) ovarian pedicle, ligature, and re-section of the cervix (EUt), and skin suture (ESut). The assessment of acute pain in the immediate post-operative period was registered at E1h, E2h, and E3h using IRT, the Dynamic Interactive Visual Analogic Scale (DIVAS), and the University of Melbourne Pain Scale (UMPS) scales. The results showed a statistically significant decrease in the lower eyelid surface temperature (LELT) during EInc for GL (32.9°C ± 0.62), in comparison to GLF (34.2°C ± 0.62) and GLM (35.3°C ± 0.62) (P = 0.006). Regarding LETG, a significant increase (P = 0.03) in the IRT of Ebasal (36.8°C ± 0.63) and EInc (36.1°C ± 0.63) for GLM was observed in comparison to the thermographic values for both perioperative events and groups. The GLM showed a significant decrease in IRT values of ERoV at E3h in the upper and lower eyelids (P = 0.03 and P = 0.01, respectively). A progressive and significant reduction of the IRT values of LETG was also recorded in GLM, with differences in ERoV (35.2 °C ± 0.63) (P = 0.02) and E3h (35.3 °C ± 0.63) (P = 0.01). The cardiovascular parameters (SAP, DAP, and MAP) did not differ between treatments, but in GL, there was a significant difference (P = 0.01) during EInc and ESut, compared to Ebasal. In the body temperature, EInc and ESut gradually decreased in all treatment groups (P = 0.01). In conclusion, hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory stability was associated with IRT readings and the absence of nociception. Changes in superficial temperature in the immediate post-operative period were lessened using isoflurane and epidural analgesia of lidocaine alone or in combination with pure opioids. These findings were clinically validated to the DIVAS and UMPS acute pain assessment scales.
Animais , Cães , Ovário/cirurgia , Doenças do Cão , Histerectomia/veterinária , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Anestesia Epidural/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios da dexmedetomidina isolada e associada à morfina em pacientes submetidas à anestesia geral inalatória com isoflurano e submetidas à ovariohisterectomia eletiva. Vinte cadelas saudáveis foram selecionadas a partir de exames físico e laboratoriais. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: dexmedetomidina (10 µg/Kg) (GD) e dexmedetomidina (10 µg/Kg) associado com morfina 0,3 mg/Kg (GDM), administrados pela via intramuscular (IM). Ato contínuo, o paciente foi induzido com propofol (à efeito) e mantido com isoflurano diluído em oxigênio 100% e administrado através de vaporizador calibrado. Foram aferidos os parâmetros fisiológicos: frequências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (f), temperatura corporal (T°C), pressões arteriais sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM), saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SpO2), pressão parcial de gás carbônico no final da expiração (ETCO2) e isoflurano expirado (ETISO). A hemogasometria arterial foi utilizada para a análise do potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), bicarbonato (HCO3-) e pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono (PaCO2). O procedimento cirúrgico teve duração máxima de 45 minutos. Os parâmetros demonstraram diferença estatística entre os tempos e grupos avaliados, de acordo com os testes de Tukey e Bonferroni (p<0,05). Observou-se bradicardia 30 minutos após a aplicação da medicação pré-anestésica e acidemia no período trans-anestésico. Apesar disto, tanto a dexmedetomidina isolada quanto associada, conferiram estabilidade hemodinâmica e respiratória, apesar da bradicardia e acidemia observada.(AU)
This study aimed to evaluate the cardiorespiratory effects of dexmedetomidine alone and associated with morphine. Twenty healthy dogs were selected from physical and laboratory exams. The animals were randomly distributed into two groups: 10 µg/Kg dexmedetomidine (DG) and 10 µg/Kg dexmedetomidine group associated with 0.3 mg/Kg morphine (GDM), administered intramuscularly (IM). The patients were induced with propofol (to effect) and maintained with isoflurane diluted in 100% oxygen and administered through a calibrated vaporizer. Physiological parameters were measured: heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), body temperature (T°C), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP), oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SpO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure (ETCO2) and end-tidal isoflurane concentration (ETISO). Arterial blood gas analysis was used to analyze hydrogen potential (pH), bicarbonate (HCO3-) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2). The surgical procedure lasted up to 45 minutes. The parameters showed a statistical difference between the times and groups evaluated, according to the Tukey and Bonferroni tests (p<0.05). Bradycardia was observed 30 minutes after the application of pre-anesthesic medication and acidemia in the trans-anesthetic period. Despite this, both dexmedetomidine alone and associated, provided good hemodynamic and respiratory stability, despite the bradycardia and acidemia observed.(AU)
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los efectos cardiorrespiratorios de la dexmedetomidina sola y asociada con la morfina en pacientes sometidas a anestesia general por inhalación con isoflurano y sometidas a ovariohisterectomía electiva. Se seleccionaron veinte perras sanas a partir de exámenes físicos y de laboratorio. Los animales se dividieron aleatoriamente en dos grupos: dexmedetomidina (10 µg/kg) (GD) y dexmedetomidina (10 µg/kg) asociada con 0,3 mg/kg de morfina (GDM), administrada por vía intramuscular (IM). Posteriormente, el paciente fue inducido con propofol (en efecto) y mantenido con isoflurano diluido en oxígeno al 100% y administrado mediante de un vaporizador calibrado. Se midieron parámetros fisiológicos: frecuencia cardíaca (FC) y respiratoria (f), temperatura corporal (T°C), presión arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) y media (PAM), saturación de oxígeno de hemoglobina (SpO2), presión parcial de carbono dióxido al final de la expiración (ETCO2) e isoflurano expirado (ETISO). Se utilizó gasometría arterial para analizar el potencial de hidrógeno (pH), el bicarbonato (HCO3-) y la presión parcial de dióxido de carbono (PaCO2). El procedimiento quirúrgico tuvo una duración máxima de 45 minutos. Los parámetros mostraron diferencia estadística entre los tiempos y grupos evaluados, según las pruebas de Tukey y Bonferroni (p <0.05). Se observó bradicardia 30 minutos después de la aplicación de medicación preanestésica y acidemia en el período transnestésico. A pesar de esto, tanto la dexmedetomidina aislada como la asociada proporcionaron estabilidad hemodinámica y respiratoria, a pesar de la bradicardia y acidemia observadas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Sistema Respiratório/efeitos dos fármacos , Sistema Cardiovascular/efeitos dos fármacos , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Cães/fisiologia , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Anestesia/efeitos adversos , MorfinaResumo
Os ruminantes, como todos os animais, têm capacidade de sentir dor, a qual pode ser causada por doenças ou procedimentos frequentemente praticados, como a descorna e a orquiectomia. Todavia, nesses animais, o uso de analgésicos ainda é menos comum do que o ideal, sendo necessária uma maior conscientização, além de estudos com fármacos e protocolos, capazes de aliviar a dor de maneira eficaz nessas espécies. Neste contexto, destacam-se os opioides, potentes fármacos analgésicos, sendo ótima opção para o controle da dor; entretanto, seu uso ainda é pouco frequente em ruminantes, os estudos são limitados e encontram resultados variáveis. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi revisar os benefícios do controle da dor em ruminantes, através do uso de opioides, elucidando as possibilidades analgésicas com diferentes fármacos desta classe e vias de administração, a fim de incentivar o uso pelos médicos veterinários de ruminantes, com base na literatura já publicada sobre este assunto; uma vez que, mesmo com alguns resultados variáveis, diversos estudos têm demonstrado o potencial antinociceptivo dos opioides em ruminantes, além dos efeitos sedativos, destacando o potencial analgésico principalmente por vias de administração alternativas, como o fentanil transdérmico e a via epidural para diversos opioides, os quais tornam-se opções importantes a serem consideradas nos protocolos analgésicos para ruminantes.
Ruminants, as all other animals, feel pain, which can be caused by diseases or frequently practiced procedures, such as dehorning and orchiectomy. However, in these animals the use of analgesics is still less common than ideal, requiring greater awareness, in addition to studies with drugs and protocols capable of effectively relieving pain in these species. In this context, opioids, potent analgesic drugs, are highlighted as a great option for pain control. Nevertheless, their use is still infrequent in ruminants, where studies are limited and show varied results. Therefore, the objective of this study was to review the benefits of pain control in ruminants through opioids, elucidating the analgesic possibilities with different drugs of this class and administration routes to encourage the use by veterinarians of ruminants, based on the literature already published on this subject. Even with some variable results, several studies have demonstrated the antinociceptive potential of opioids in ruminants, in addition to the sedative effects, highlighting the analgesic potential mainly through alternative routes of administration, such as transdermal fentanyl and the epidural route for various opioids, which become important options to be considered in analgesic protocols for ruminants.
Animais , Dor/tratamento farmacológico , Ruminantes , Analgésicos Opioides , Hipnóticos e SedativosResumo
O presente trabalho avaliou os efeitos analgésicos do carprofeno associado ou não à condroitina com glicosamina no tratamento de 26 cães com osteoartrite, distribuídos nos grupos: GT carprofeno (Carproflan®); GTP carprofeno e glicosaminoglicanos (Carproflan® e Procart®); e GC somente analgésico (dipirona). A evolução dos pacientes foi classificada na escala de claudicação no dia do primeiro atendimento e aos 7, 14 e 21 dias. No GT, 60% dos animais apresentou melhora clínica a partir do 7º dia, 30% não alterou seu escore de claudicação e 10% apresentou êmese a partir do 7º dia, com suspensão da medicação. No GTP, 60% dos animais apresentou melhora clínica a partir do 7º dia, 30% não alterou seu escore de claudicação, 5% apresentou êmese a partir do 7º dia e 5% a partir do 14º dia, com suspensão da medicação. No GC, nenhum animal apresentou melhora clínica. Conclui-se que os animais submetidos ao tratamento com carprofeno apresentaram melhora na claudicação, principalmente quando associado aos glicosaminoglicanos.(AU)
The analgesic effects of carprofen associated or not with chondroitin with glucosamine were evaluated in the treatment of 26 dogs with osteoarthritis, distributed into groups: TG carprofen (Carproflan®); PTG carprofen and glycosaminoglycans (Carproflan® and Procart®); and CG only analgesic (dipyrone). The evolution of patients was classified on the lameness scale on the first day of care and at 7, 14 and 21 days. In the TG, 60% of the animals showed clinical improvement from the 7th day, 30% did not change their lameness score and 10% had emesis from the 7th day, with discontinuation of the medication. In the PTG, 60% of the animals showed clinical improvement from the 7th day, 30% did not change their lameness score, 5% had emesis from the 7th day and 5% from the 14th day, with discontinuation of the medication. In the CG, no animal showed clinical improvement. It was concluded that animals undergoing treatment with carprofen showed improvement in lameness, especially when associated with glycosaminoglycans.(AU)
Animais , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Claudicação Intermitente/diagnóstico , Medição da Dor/veterinária , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/efeitos adversos , Glicosaminoglicanos/efeitos adversosResumo
Os bloqueios locorregionais são considerados padrão-ouro para a analgesia perioperatória. Sendo assim, este trabalho apresenta o efeito da associação do bloqueio do plano transverso do abdome com o bloqueio do plano serrátil em um felino de 11 anos, fêmea, que foi submetido à mastectomia unilateral. Foi utilizada a metadona 0,3 mg/kg via intramuscular (IM) na medicação pré-anestésica e propofol dose-efeito via intravenosa (IV) para indução, enquanto a manutenção foi feita com isoflurano. O TAP Block e o SP-Block foram realizados unilateralmente utilizando a associação de bupivacaína 0,3mL/kg, em cada ponto, diluída a 0,25% com solução fisiológica. A frequência cardíaca (FC), a frequência respiratória (f), a pressão arterial não invasiva (Método Doppler), a temperatura esofágica (oC), a saturação de oxigênio (SpO2), a capnografia (EtCO2) e o eletrocardiograma foram monitorados continuamente e registrados a cada dez minutos. A paciente foi monitorada por cinco horas, após a extubação, quanto à dor, sendo utilizada, para isso, a Escala Multidimensional de Dor Aguda (UNESP-Botucatu). A recuperação anestésica da paciente foi rápida e sem complicações. Durante a avaliação de dor, o animal apresentou escore zero, não manifestando qualquer desconforto pós-operatório. A associação das técnicas foi eficaz no bloqueio anestésico das paredes torácica e abdominal, sugerindo a inclusão destas nos protocolos de analgesia multimodal para esse tipo de cirurgia.
Locoregional blocks are considered the gold standard for perioperative analgesia. Thus, this paper presents the effect of the association of transverse abdominal plane block with serratus plane block in an 11-year-old female feline submitted to unilateral mastectomy. Methadone 0.3 mg/kg via intramuscular (IM) was used as pre anesthetic medication and dose-effect propofol via intravenous (IV) was used for induction, while the maintenance was done with isofluorane. TAP Block and SP-Block were performed unilaterally using an association of Bupivacaine 0.3 ml/kg at each point, diluted to 0.25% with saline solution. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f), non-invasive blood pressure (Doppler method), esophageal temperature (oC), oxygen saturation (SpO2), capnography (EtCO2), and electrocardiogram were monitored continuously and recorded every 10 minutes. The patient was monitored for pain during five hours after extubation using the Multidimensional Scale of UNESP-Botucatu. The anesthetic recovery of the patient was fast and without complications. During pain assessment, the animal presented a score of zero and did not present any postoperative discomfort. The association of techniques was effective in the anesthetic blockade of the thoracic and abdominal walls, suggesting their inclusion in multimodal analgesia protocols for this type of surgery.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Bupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Mastectomia Simples/veterinária , Parede Abdominal , Parede TorácicaResumo
A anestesia locorregional, em pequenos animais, está em crescente utilização como forma de promover analgesia para procedimentos cirúrgicos, através do bloqueio reversível da condução do impulso nervoso. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o uso do bloqueio locorregional do plano serrátil (SP block) associado ao bloqueio locorregional do plano transverso do abdômen (TAP block) em uma cadela da raça Lhasa Apso. A associação de tais bloqueios visou à insensibilização da musculatura na região da cadeia mamária para um procedimento cirúrgico de mastectomia unilateral total. A cadela castrada, foi encaminhada para a mastectomia unilateral total direita, apresentando nódulos nas glândulas mamárias torácica caudal e inguinal. Os bloqueios foram realizados com a paciente em decúbito dorsal, utilizando-se bupivacaína a 0,25%. Em seguida, a paciente foi liberada para o procedimento, o qual foi monitorado. Os parâmetros de eletrocardiografia, frequência respiratória, frequência cardíaca, oximetria de pulso, pressão arterial oscilométrica (composta por pressão arterial sistólica, pressão arterial diastólica e pressão arterial média), capnografia e temperatura esofágica foram anotados a cada dez minutos em uma ficha de avaliação anestésica. Durante a recuperação pós-operatória, foi realizada a avaliação de dor aguda por meio da escala de dor da Universidade de Melbourne. Os resultados demonstram que a associação do TAP block com o SP block foi eficiente em promover analgesia para uma mastectomia total unilateral de cadela.
Locoregional anesthesia in small animals is increasingly used as a way to promote analgesia for surgical procedures, through a reversible block of nerve impulse conduction. Thus, the objective of this study was to report the use of locoregional block of the serratus plane (SP block) associated with the locoregional block of the transverse abdominis plane (TAP block) in a bitch of the Lhasa Apso breed. The association of such blocks aimed to desensitize the musculature in the region of the mammary chain for a surgical procedure of total unilateral mastectomy. The castrated bitch was referred for total right unilateral mastectomy, showing nodules in the caudal thoracic and inguinal mammary glands. The blocks were performed with the patient in dorsal decubitus, using 0.25% bupivacaine. Then, the patient was released for the procedure, which was monitored. The parameters of electrocardiography, respiratory rate, heart rate, pulse oximetry, oscillometric blood pressure (composed of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean blood pressure), capnography, and esophageal temperature were recorded every 10 minutes in an anesthetic evaluation form. During the postoperative recovery, acute pain was evaluated using the pain scale of the University of Melbourne. The results demonstrate that the association of TAP block with SP block was efficient in promoting analgesia for a total unilateral mastectomy in a bitch.
Animais , Cães , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Mastectomia/métodos , Mastectomia/veterinária , Bloqueio Nervoso/métodosResumo
Background: Postoperative care after thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy in dogs generally includes rest, physical therapy,and analgesics such as opioids. Currently, there is no established standard for the management of postoperative pain inpatients undergoing hemilaminectomy. Ideally, an analgesic protocol should provide adequate pain relief with limited sedation, low adverse effects, and postoperative patient comfort. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate postoperative analgesiausing transdermal fentanyl or intramuscular methadone in dogs undergoing thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy associatedwith intervertebral disc fenestration (HT) for the treatment of intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE).Materials, Methods & Results: Eight dogs from the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of a Veterinary TeachingHospital, submitted to HT for the treatment of IVDE, were included. The dogs were randomly distributed into 2 groups ofequal numbers, namely the transdermal fentanyl (FT) group and the intramuscular methadone (IM) group. At the end ofthe surgical procedure, a fentanyl adhesive patch was applied to the animals in the FT group, which remained there for 72h. In the IM group, analgesia was induced by intramuscular administration of methadone at intervals of 6 h until 72 h aftersurgery. The animals were evaluated using the short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pains Scale (CMPS-SF).Evaluations of physiological parameters, side effects, and pain were performed by 2 assessors who had experience usingthe pain scale and were blinded to the analgesic protocol. Pain evaluations were performed every 2 h (from T4) until 24h after the surgical procedure. Evaluations were performed every 4 h from 24 h to 48 h after the surgical procedure and...
Animais , Cães , Cuidados Pós-Operatórios/veterinária , Disco Intervertebral/cirurgia , Disco Intervertebral/patologia , Fentanila/administração & dosagem , Manejo da Dor/veterinária , Metadona/administração & dosagem , Administração Cutânea , Injeções Intramusculares/veterináriaResumo
Os bloqueios locorregionais vêm sendo cada vez mais estudados na medicina veterinária, principalmente em pets não-convencionais e animais silvestres. O bloqueio do plano transverso do abdômen (TAP block) é uma técnica de anestesia locorregional capaz de promover anestesia e analgesia em regiões da pele, musculatura e peritônio parietal, as quais fazem parte da estratégia de analgesia multimodal. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o bloqueio do plano transverso em um coelho doméstico de quatro anos de idade submetido à mastectomia regional e ovariohisterectomia. Foram realizados dois pontos bilateralmente de bloqueio do espaço TAP guiado por ultrassom com 2mg/kg de bupivacaína a 0,25%, padronizando um volume total injetado de 2,4mL. Foram utilizados dexmedetomidina (5É¥g/kg) e midazolam (0,5mg/kg) por via intramuscular como medicação pré-anestésica, indução com isoflurano na máscara de oxigênio 100% e manutenção por anestesia inalatória com isoflurano. Os parâmetros fisiológicos mantiveram-se estáveis, sem necessidade de resgate analgésico, com extubação rápida e despertar tranquilo. Desta forma, conclui-se que o TAP block foi eficaz na analgesia para mastectomia regional e ovariohisterectomia como protocolo multimodal, aumentando o índice de segurança, além de ser de fácil execução mesmo com transdutores de baixa frequência.
The locoregional blocks have been increasingly studied in veterinary medicine, especially in non-conventional pets and wild animals. The transverse abdominis plane block (TAP block) is a locoregional anesthesia technique capable of promoting anesthesia and analgesia in the skin, muscle, and parietal peritoneum regions, which are is part of the multimodal analgesia strategy. This study aims to report the transverse plane block in a four-year-old domestic rabbit submitted to regional mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy. Two ultrasound-guided TAP space blocks were performed bilaterally with 2mg/kg of bupivacaine 0.25%, standardizing a total injected volume of 2.4mL. Dexmedetomidine (5É¥g/kg) and midazolam (0.5mg/kg) were used intramuscularly as pre-anesthetic medication, induction with isoflurane in a 100% oxygen mask, and maintenance by inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane. Physiological parameters remained stable, with no need for analgesic rescue, rapid extubation, and peaceful awakening. Thus, it is concluded that the TAP block was effective in analgesia for regional mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy as a multimodal protocol, increasing the safety index. Moreover, it is easy to perform even with low-frequency transducers.
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Midazolam/administração & dosagem , Bupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Combinados/uso terapêutico , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Mastectomia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To analyze the effect and mechanism of dexmedetomidine (DEX) analgesia pretreatment on functional chronic visceral pain in rats. Methods: Rats were divided into six groups: W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, and W6. The behavioral changes and electrophysiological indexes of rats in each group before and after DEX treatment were detected. Results: The levels of abdominal withdrawal reflex (AWR) in W5 and W6 groups were significantly lower than those in group W3, while the levels of thermal withdrawal latency (TWL) and mechanical withdrawal threshold (MWT) were significantly higher than those in group W3 (p < 0.05). The electromyographic signals of W1, W5, and W6 groups showed little fluctuation, while those of groups W2, W3, and W4 showed obvious fluctuation. TLR4 mRNA expression, IRF3, P65, and phosphorylation levels in W4, W5, and W6 groups were significantly lower than those in group W2 (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine epidural anesthesia pretreatment could significantly inhibit visceral pain response in rats with functional chronic visceral pain, and its mechanism was related to the activation of TLR4 in spinal dorsal horn tissue of rats and the activation inhibition of IRF3 and P65 in the downstream key signals.
Animais , Ratos , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Receptor 4 Toll-Like/análise , Dor Visceral/tratamento farmacológico , Analgesia/métodos , Fenômenos EletrofisiológicosResumo
Background: The South American coatis (Nasua nasua) are capable of adapting to different habitats, which allowed themto exchange between domestic and wild areas, increasing the occurrence of traumas. Procedures performed in this speciesdemand anesthetic protocols that take comorbidities into account and cause minimal cardiorespiratory depression as wellas rapid recovery. It is in such context that locoregional anesthesia has become an essential tool. Thus, we aim to reportthe use of two techniques of locoreginal block: brachial plexus block and lumbosacral epidural block, in a Nasua nasuasubmitted to osteosynthesis of the radius and caudectomy due to trauma.Case: A adult male coati weighing 2.3 kg was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UniversidadeFederal do Paraná (UFPR) - Setor Palotina with a history of trauma. Physical examination showed crackling in the radius and ulnar region, and also abnormal angulation in the distal portion of the tail. After taking x-rays, fractures wereconfirmed in the distal radius and in the distal portion of the tail. The patient was referred for surgery. After 8 h of waterand food withdrawal, the animal was premedicated with a combination of ketamine (10 mg/kg), midazolam (0.3 mg/kg)and methadone (0.2 mg/kg), intramuscularly (IM). Induction of anesthesia was performed with propofol titrated to effect(total dose 4 mg/kg) and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in spontaneous ventilation using a non-rebreathingcircuit (Baraka). It was evaluated heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RF), end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2), expired isoflurane fraction (FE´Iso), oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2), electrocardiography (ECG), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and coretemperature (CT) using a multiparametric monitor. After the stabilization period, the animal was positioned in lateral...
Masculino , Animais , Bloqueio Nervoso/veterinária , Procyonidae/cirurgia , Procyonidae/lesões , Fentanila , Isoflurano , Ketamina , Lidocaína , Metadona , Midazolam , PropofolResumo
Background: The South American coatis (Nasua nasua) are capable of adapting to different habitats, which allowed themto exchange between domestic and wild areas, increasing the occurrence of traumas. Procedures performed in this speciesdemand anesthetic protocols that take comorbidities into account and cause minimal cardiorespiratory depression as wellas rapid recovery. It is in such context that locoregional anesthesia has become an essential tool. Thus, we aim to reportthe use of two techniques of locoreginal block: brachial plexus block and lumbosacral epidural block, in a Nasua nasuasubmitted to osteosynthesis of the radius and caudectomy due to trauma.Case: A adult male coati weighing 2.3 kg was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UniversidadeFederal do Paraná (UFPR) - Setor Palotina with a history of trauma. Physical examination showed crackling in the radius and ulnar region, and also abnormal angulation in the distal portion of the tail. After taking x-rays, fractures wereconfirmed in the distal radius and in the distal portion of the tail. The patient was referred for surgery. After 8 h of waterand food withdrawal, the animal was premedicated with a combination of ketamine (10 mg/kg), midazolam (0.3 mg/kg)and methadone (0.2 mg/kg), intramuscularly (IM). Induction of anesthesia was performed with propofol titrated to effect(total dose 4 mg/kg) and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in spontaneous ventilation using a non-rebreathingcircuit (Baraka). It was evaluated heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RF), end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2), expired isoflurane fraction (FE´Iso), oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2), electrocardiography (ECG), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and coretemperature (CT) using a multiparametric monitor. After the stabilization period, the animal was positioned in lateral...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Procyonidae/lesões , Procyonidae/cirurgia , Bloqueio Nervoso/veterinária , Metadona , Midazolam , Ketamina , Propofol , Isoflurano , Fentanila , LidocaínaResumo
A utilização do sulfato de magnésio (MgSO4) está crescendo gradativamente na Medicina Veterinária, principalmente na anestesiologia, pois é um fármaco que possui propriedades analgésicas e sedativas com potencial para neuro e cardioproteção. Apresenta um grande papel na anestesia e analgesia multimodal, principalmente para controle de dor no trans e pós-operatório, reduzindo a necessidade e a dose de outros fármacos analgésicos, sendo efetivo para o tratamento do controle de dor. Este relato descreve o caso de um cão, fêmea, da raça fox paulistinha, com onze anos de idade, que foi submetido à mastectomia parcial bilateral, tendo sido anestesiada com o emprego da técnica total intravenosa com o Propofol, associada à infusão contínua do sulfato de magnésio com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do mesmo em relação à analgesia no transoperatório e pós-operatório, redução na taxa de infusão do fármaco indutor e necessidade de resgate analgésico.
The use of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is gradually increasing in Veterinary Medicine, mainly in anesthesiology, as it is a drug that has analgesic and sedative properties with potential for neuro and cardioprotection. It plays a great role in anesthesia and multimodal analgesia, mainly for pain control in the trans and postoperative period, reducing the need and dose of other analgesic drugs, being effective for the treatment of pain control. This report describes the case of a female fox paulistinha dog, 11 years old, who underwent bilateral partial mastectomy where she was anesthetized using the Total Intravenous Technique with Propofol associated with the continuous infusion of magnesium sulphate with objective of evaluating the efficacy of the same in relation to analgesia in the intraoperative and postoperative period, reduction in the rate of infusion of the inducing drug and need for analgesic rescue.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Anestesia Intravenosa/métodos , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Mastectomia Segmentar/veterinária , Sulfato de Magnésio/administração & dosagem , Sulfato de Magnésio/análiseResumo
Os bloqueios locorregionais vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados na medicina veterinária. O bloqueio do plano transverso do abdômen (TAP Block) é uma técnica de anestesia locorregional, faz parte da estratégia de analgesia multimodal, capaz de promover anestesia e analgesia em regiões de pele, musculatura e peritônio parietal. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o bloqueio do plano transverso em um felino macho de dois anos de idade submetido a mastectomia regional. Foram feitos dois pontos de bloqueio do espaço TAP guiado por ultrassom, em cada lado do abdômen: um na parte caudal da região abdominal média, cranial a crista ilíaca, e o outro ponto, caudal a última costela, com 0,5mg/kg de bupivacaína a 0,25% em cada ponto, padronizando um volume injetado de 0,6mL. Foi utilizado acepromazina (0,05mg/kg), petidina (3mg/kg), cetamina (2mg/kg) e midazolam (0,3mg/kg) como medicação pré-anestésica, indução com propofol (3mg/kg) e manutenção por anestesia inalatória com isoflurano. Conclui-se que o TAP block foi eficaz para mastectomia regional abdominal, com alto índice de segurança e de fácil execução com treinamento adequado, mesmo com transdutores de baixa frequência.
Locoregional blocks have been increasingly used in veterinary medicine. Blocking the transverse plane of the abdomen (TAP Block) is a technique of locoregional anesthesia, it is part of the multimodal analgesia strategy, capable of promoting anesthesia and analgesia in regions of skin, musculature and parietal peritoneum. The aim of this study is to report the transverse plane block in a two-year-old male cat undergoing regional mastectomy. Two ultrasound-guided TAP space block points were made on each side of the abdomen: one in the caudal part of the middle abodminal region, cranial to the iliac crest, and the other point, caudal to the last rib, with 0.5mg/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine at each point, standardizing an injected volume of 0.6mL. Acepromazine (0.05mg/kg), pethidine (3mg/kg), ketamine (2mg/kg) and midazolam (0.3mg/kg) were used as pre-anesthetic medication, induction with propofol (3mg/kg) and maintenance by inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane. It is concluded that the TAP block was effective for regional abdominal mastectomy, with a high safety index and easy to perform with adequate training, even with less frequent transducers.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Músculos Abdominais/cirurgia , Anestesia/métodos , Anestesia/veterinária , Midazolam , Bupivacaína , Propofol , Isoflurano , Ketamina , Acepromazina , Mastectomia/veterinária , MeperidinaResumo
A utilização do sulfato de magnésio (MgSO4) está crescendo gradativamente na Medicina Veterinária, principalmente na anestesiologia, pois é um fármaco que possui propriedades analgésicas e sedativas com potencial para neuro e cardioproteção. Apresenta um grande papel na anestesia e analgesia multimodal, principalmente para controle de dor no trans e pós-operatório, reduzindo a necessidade e a dose de outros fármacos analgésicos, sendo efetivo para o tratamento do controle de dor. Este relato descreve o caso de um cão, fêmea, da raça fox paulistinha, com onze anos de idade, que foi submetido à mastectomia parcial bilateral, tendo sido anestesiada com o emprego da técnica total intravenosa com o Propofol, associada à infusão contínua do sulfato de magnésio com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do mesmo em relação à analgesia no transoperatório e pós-operatório, redução na taxa de infusão do fármaco indutor e necessidade de resgate analgésico.(AU)
The use of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is gradually increasing in Veterinary Medicine, mainly in anesthesiology, as it is a drug that has analgesic and sedative properties with potential for neuro and cardioprotection. It plays a great role in anesthesia and multimodal analgesia, mainly for pain control in the trans and postoperative period, reducing the need and dose of other analgesic drugs, being effective for the treatment of pain control. This report describes the case of a female fox paulistinha dog, 11 years old, who underwent bilateral partial mastectomy where she was anesthetized using the Total Intravenous Technique with Propofol associated with the continuous infusion of magnesium sulphate with objective of evaluating the efficacy of the same in relation to analgesia in the intraoperative and postoperative period, reduction in the rate of infusion of the inducing drug and need for analgesic rescue.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Anestesia Intravenosa/métodos , Anestesia Intravenosa/veterinária , Sulfato de Magnésio/administração & dosagem , Sulfato de Magnésio/análise , Mastectomia Segmentar/veterinária , Cães/cirurgiaResumo
Background: The taxonomic order Anura is composed of frogs and toads, with approximately 6,000 species worldwide, of which 900 species are found in Brazil. Rhinella marina, popularly known as "sapo-cururu," is the most commonly found frog in Brazil. Although most of these animals are found in research laboratories and zoos, they are increasingly being reared as pets. Therefore, sedation or anesthesia is often necessary for these animals to facilitate medical care, complementary examinations, or surgical procedures. However, there are only a few reports of anesthesia in frogs. Therefore, the present report aimed to describe the anesthetic protocol for femoral osteosynthetic surgery in an adult cane toad. Case: An adult cane toad presented with a history of difficulty in moving the left hindlimb and loss of limb movements. Radiography showed a simple, complete, transverse, and closed average shaft of the left femur and bone shaft fracture deviation. The animal was referred for an osteosynthetic surgery to stabilize the fracture. Animal restraint was performed using humidified gloves on the operating table. As premedication, ketamine, meloxicam, and morphine were administered, and general anesthesia was induced with isoflurane through a face mask. The anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane through a drip on the animal's back for cutaneous absorption. Lidocaine (2%) anesthetic gel was applied on the incision line to complement the somatic analgesia. The fracture was fixed using an intramedullary Kirschner pin. The heart rate was measured based on the beep of the arterial pulse using a Doppler ultrasonic device, respiratory rate was recorded by visual observation of the animal's respiratory motion, and body temperature was assessed using an esophageal digital thermometer - all of these remained stable during the procedure. Morphine, enrofloxacin, and meloxicam were administered postoperatively. The animal was discharged from the hospital seven days after the surgery, and 14 days later, the animal was deemed clinically stable with favorable wound healing. Discussion: Toads use their skin to breathe and maintain osmotic balance. Therefore, their skin is extremely sensitive to dehydration, requiring constant wetting. General anesthesia in amphibians is recommended for prolonged and painful procedures, as in the present case. Different anesthetics, analgesics, and associated drugs may be used. Ketamine is often used for chemical restraint in amphibians, and the induction and recovery times may vary due to sensitivity and drug resistance. Inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane may also be effective; in the present case, the anesthetic was administered using a mask placed on the frog's skin, without any irritation. Analgesia is essential for any animal, and amphibians have opioid receptors that may be used as targets of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. As indicated for all species, the animal was monitored throughout the procedure. Assessment of heartbeat is the simplest way to monitor anesthesia using Doppler (on the heart or throat); in the present case, was placed on the axillary artery for clear auscultation. In addition, other parameters, such as temperature and primary respiratory movements, were monitored. Anesthetic recovery can take hours or even days, whereas excretion depends on the metabolic rate of each animal. In the present case, recovery was observed 4 h after completion of the procedure, using fresh water on the animal's body to accelerate recovery, as indicated in the literature. This case demonstrated that anesthesia and medications used for anesthesia induction, maintenance, and recovery are safe in toads. For cane toads, during femoral osteosynthesis, this anesthetic procedure has never been described previously in the literature. Finally, such information can aid veterinarians in performing safe and adequate analgesic and anesthetic procedures for the wellbeing of animals.
Animais , Absorção Cutânea , Bufo marinus/cirurgia , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Anestesia por Inalação/veterinária , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Fixação de Fratura/veterináriaResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Analgésicos , Cães/lesões , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Metadona/uso terapêutico , Queimaduras/veterinária , Tramadol/uso terapêutico , Cães/cirurgia , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...(AU)