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Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434113


There are no records of autochthonous cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the city of Curitiba, Paraná state, Brazil. In 2020, a male French bulldog (CW01), approximately 2 years old was taken by its owners to a private veterinarian clinic. The suspicion of CVL was confirmed by means of a serology test (ELISA/IFAT reagent), rapid chromatographic immunoassay (DPP®) (ELISA - Biomanguinhos®), parasitological culture and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The animal routinely frequented parks in Curitiba and was taken on several trips to the municipalities of Bombinhas and Balneário Camboriú (Santa Catarina) and to Matinhos (Paraná) where CVL had not previously been reported. Treatment was initiated orally with Milteforan™ which resulted in a significant reduction in the parasitic load. The suspicion of autochthony was investigated through entomological research. A total of 10 traps were installed, one at the animal's home, seven in adjacent city blocks and two in a forest edge. No sandflies were trapped in the dog's home and adjacent houses. The traps in the forest edge caught one Migonemyia migonei female and five Brumptomyia spp. females. This case serves as a warning of the possible introduction of CVL in the city of Curitiba.(AU)

Não há registros de casos autóctones de leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) no município de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Em 2020, um "bulldog" francês macho (CW01), com aproximadamente 2 anos de idade, foi levado por seus donos a uma clínica veterinária particular. A suspeita de LVC foi confirmada por meio de teste sorológico (reagente ELISA/IFAT), imunoensaio cromatográfico rápido (DPP®) (ELISA - Biomanguinhos®), cultura parasitológica e reação quantitativa em cadeia da polimerase (qPCR). O animal frequentava, rotineiramente, parques de Curitiba e foi levado em diversas viagens para Bombinhas e Balneário Camboriú (Santa Catarina) e para Matinhos (Paraná), onde a LVC não havia sido relatada anteriormente. O tratamento foi iniciado por via oral com Milteforan™ (Virbac) o que resultou em redução significativa da carga parasitária. A suspeita de autóctone foi investigada por meio de pesquisa entomológica. Foram instaladas 10 armadilhas, uma na casa do animal, sete em quarteirões adjacentes e duas na borda da mata. Nenhum inseto foi capturado na casa do proprietário do animal e nas casas adjacentes. As armadilhas na borda da mata capturaram uma fêmea de Migonemyia migonei e cinco Brumptomyia spp. fêmeas. Este caso serve de alerta para a possível introdução da LVC na cidade de Curitiba.(AU)

Animais , Doenças Negligenciadas/veterinária , Leishmaniose Visceral/diagnóstico , Brasil
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(1): 111-116, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374385


This study aimed to isolate and select in vitro bacteria with probiotic potential for the Amazon ornamental fish Nannostomus beckfordi. For isolate, twelve fish underwent surgery procedure to remove their intestinal tract, macerate and then inoculate in the plate petri containing de Man Rugosa Sharped Agar (MRS). After bacterial growth (48 hours at 35ºC), selected strains were inoculated in MRS broth and submitted to resistance test with NaCl (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0%), pH (4, 5, 6, 8 and 9) and bile salts (5% w/v). Inhibition test against pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Streptococcus agalactiae and Aeromonas Jandaei was also performed. Within the isolated strains group (23 strains), only six (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6) showed probiotic potential. Strains S1 and S6 showed the greater resistance for NaCl (0.5% and 1%) and pH (5 and 6), but only S1 obtained better results to resist the bile salts. Even against pathogenic bacteria, the S1 showed the best results with inhibition halos greater than 9 mm. In the end, this bacterial strain (S1) was identified as Enterococcus faecium 11037CHB. Thus, this is the first report regarding isolated autochthonous bacterium E. faecium with probiotic potential of N. beckfordi.

O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar e selecionar in vitro bactérias com potencial probiótico do peixe ornamental Amazônico Nannostomus beckfordi. Para o isolamento, retirou-se o intestino de 12 espécimes, que foram macerados, homogeneizados e semeados em placa de petri contento Ágar Man Rogosa e Sharpe (MRS). Posteriormente ao crescimento bacteriano (48 horas a 35ºC), as cepas selecionadas foram mantidas em caldo MRS e submetidas a testes de resistência a NaCl (0,5, 1,0, 1,5, 2,0 e 2,5 e 3,0%), pH (4, 5, 6, 8 e 9) e sais biliares (5% p/v). O antagonismo foi realizado frente as bactérias patogênicas Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Streptococcus agalactiae e Aeromonas jandaei. Das cepas isoladas (23 cepas), apenas seis (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 e C6) apresentaram potencial probiótico. As cepas C1 e C6 tiveram maior resistência (p<0,05) para o NaCl (0,5 e 1%) e pH (5 a 6), na presença de sais biliares somente a C1 teve a melhor resistência de crescimento. Para o antagonismo frente as bactérias patogênicas, a C1 apresentou halo de inibição maior que 9 mm. Sendo esta cepa bactéria (C1) identificada como Enterococcus faecium 11037 CHB. Portanto, este é o primeiro relato do isolamento da bactéria autóctone E. faecium em N. beckfordi com potencial probiótico.

Animais , Probióticos/isolamento & purificação , Characidae/microbiologia , Enterococcus faecium/isolamento & purificação
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 610, 27 fev. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31118


Background: Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a zoonosis of variable clinical presentation, either in systemic orcutaneous form. Clinical signs include anorexia, ophthalmopathies, and chronic kidney disease. In the state of Santa Catarina, the foci are concentrated in the capital and its adjacencies, in the east side of the state. The objective of this studyis to outline the first three reported cases of CVL in the municipality of Curitibanos, since there are no reports to date inthe region of the mountainous plateau, in the middle west of Santa Catarina.Cases: All dogs were treated at the Veterinary Clinic School of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Curitibanos. The animals, two males and one female, belonged to the same tutor, resided in Curitibanos, and were attendedbetween 2016 and 2020. In the first case, attended in 2016, the complaint was of eye and skin changes about three monthsago. The animal lived in an urban environment and came from Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul. On physical examination,the animal presented skin peeling, wet and crusty lesions, bloody discharge in the ears and nasal hyperkeratosis, as wellas signs suggestive of uveitis. In this case, euthanasia was carried out. The second case had complaints of respiratory, eyechanges, hyporexia, and polydipsia. The dog was prostrate, dehydrated, with lymphadenomegaly and respiratory disorders, compatible with bacterial pneumonia. Bilateral corneal edema confirmed uveitis. Upon return, the animal remaineddehydrated with enlarged lymph nodes. In the aspiration of the lymph nodes, suggestive forms of Leishmania sp. wereobserved. The recommended confirmatory tests were performed, leading to a definitive diagnosis of CVL. The patientwas treated with miltefosine, but later died. The third case was attended for general evaluation after a positive diagnosisfor CVL during an epidemiological survey of the second case. The animal was alert, tachycardic, and tachypneic with...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Cães/parasitologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/diagnóstico , Leishmaniose Visceral/tratamento farmacológico , Anemia/veterinária , Imidocarbo/uso terapêutico , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.610-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458473


Background: Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a zoonosis of variable clinical presentation, either in systemic orcutaneous form. Clinical signs include anorexia, ophthalmopathies, and chronic kidney disease. In the state of Santa Catarina, the foci are concentrated in the capital and its adjacencies, in the east side of the state. The objective of this studyis to outline the first three reported cases of CVL in the municipality of Curitibanos, since there are no reports to date inthe region of the mountainous plateau, in the middle west of Santa Catarina.Cases: All dogs were treated at the Veterinary Clinic School of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Curitibanos. The animals, two males and one female, belonged to the same tutor, resided in Curitibanos, and were attendedbetween 2016 and 2020. In the first case, attended in 2016, the complaint was of eye and skin changes about three monthsago. The animal lived in an urban environment and came from Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul. On physical examination,the animal presented skin peeling, wet and crusty lesions, bloody discharge in the ears and nasal hyperkeratosis, as wellas signs suggestive of uveitis. In this case, euthanasia was carried out. The second case had complaints of respiratory, eyechanges, hyporexia, and polydipsia. The dog was prostrate, dehydrated, with lymphadenomegaly and respiratory disorders, compatible with bacterial pneumonia. Bilateral corneal edema confirmed uveitis. Upon return, the animal remaineddehydrated with enlarged lymph nodes. In the aspiration of the lymph nodes, suggestive forms of Leishmania sp. wereobserved. The recommended confirmatory tests were performed, leading to a definitive diagnosis of CVL. The patientwas treated with miltefosine, but later died. The third case was attended for general evaluation after a positive diagnosisfor CVL during an epidemiological survey of the second case. The animal was alert, tachycardic, and tachypneic with...

Animais , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/diagnóstico , Leishmaniose Visceral/tratamento farmacológico , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Imidocarbo/uso terapêutico , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária
Braz. J. Biol. ; 80(4): 860-871, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30973


Twelve species of indigenous plants have been studied in order to valorize some natural resources of Burundi (Eastern Africa) to investigate possibilities of vegetable oil production. Physicochemical properties and oil contents were determined from seeds harvested through five ecogeographic zones. From oilcake extracts, total sugars contents, proteins (TPrC), polyphenolic (TPhC), and flavonoids were quantified using spectrophotometry. Furthermore, antioxidant activity of oilcake extracts was assessed by 2, 2-diphenyl-b-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. All oil contents obtained were found to be quite similar to those of common oleaginous seeds. The two highest were found in Parinari curatellifolia (61.44 ± 4.81% Dry Matter) and Myrianthus arboreus (48.26 ± 5.96% DM). More than half of the species have shown TPrC ranging from 10 to 24% dry matter of oilcake (DM). Brachystegia longifolia was revealed exceptionally stronger antioxidant potential: effectiveness antiradical of 163.06 ± 26.29 mL/g.min (DPPH assay) and reducing power of 2618.21 ± 161.22 GAE/100 g DM (FRAP assay). TPhC were positively correlated (p 0.05) to the antioxidant activity. This pioneering work on these wild species highlight the potential for producing vegetable oil and valuable biomolecule sources likely for food, cosmetics, pharmacy and industry.(AU)

Doze espécies de plantas indígenas foram estudadas para valorizar alguns recursos naturais do Burundi (África Oriental), para investigar as possibilidades de produção de óleo vegetal. As propriedades físico-químicas e o conteúdo de óleo foram determinados com base em sementes colhidas em cinco zonas ecogeográficas. A partir de extratos de bagaço de óleo, os teores de açúcares totais, proteínas (TPrC), polifenólicos (TPhC) e flavonoides foram quantificados por espectrofotometria. Além disso, a atividade antioxidante dos extratos de bagaços foi avaliada por ensaios de 2,2-difenil-b-picrilhidrazil (DPPH) e antioxidante redutor de ferro (FRAP). Todos os conteúdos de óleo obtidos foram encontrados para ser bastante semelhantes aos das sementes oleaginosas comuns. Os dois maiores foram encontrados em Parinari curatellifolia (61,44 ± 4,81% de matéria seca [MS]) e Myrianthus arboreus (48,26 ± 5,96% de MS). Mais da metade das espécies mostrou TPrC variando de 10% a 24% de MS de tortas. Brachystegia longifolia revelou um potencial antioxidante excepcionalmente mais forte: eficácia antirradical de 163,06 ± 26,29 mL/g.min (DPPH assay) e poder redutor de 2.618,21 ± 161,22 GAE/100 g de MS (ensaio FRAP). TPhC correlacionaram-se positivamente (p 0,05) com a atividade antioxidante. Este trabalho pioneiro sobre essas espécies selvagens destaca o potencial para a produção de óleo vegetal e fontes valiosas de biomoléculas para alimentos, cosméticos, farmácia e indústria.(AU)

Óleos de Plantas , Antioxidantes , Burundi
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(4): 1260-1268, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038602


O estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade seminal de caprinos das raças Canindé (autóctone) e Alpina Britânica (exótica) no Nordeste brasileiro. O experimento foi realizado nos períodos de julho a setembro dos anos de 2015 e 2016. As coletas seminais foram realizadas com auxílio de vagina artificial, de machos das raças Canindé (n = 4) e Alpina Britânica (n = 7). Após a coleta, o sêmen foi avaliado quanto a: volume (ml), concentração (sptz/ml), motilidade (%) e vigor (1-5). Em seguida, diluído em ACP-101c e criopreservado em máquina TK3000TM. Posteriormente, foram analisados os parâmetros cinéticos, através do software SCA®, e a atividade mitocondrial. No sêmen fresco, as duas raças apresentaram valores de motilidade e concentração dentro do preconizado para a espécie. Entretanto, os valores de volume e circunferência escrotal foram superiores na raça Alpina Britânica (0,73 ml ± 0,32; 27,35 cm ± 2,09) do que na raça Canindé (0,36 ml ± 0,07; 23,25 cm ± 0,95) (p < 0,05). Já no sêmen descongelado, os parâmetros motilidade total - MT (36,96% ± 11,16 vs. 20,50% ± 14,15), motilidade progressiva - MP (26,67% ± 11,13 vs. 11,29% ± 9,42), vigor (2,91 ± 0,90 vs. 1,88 ± 0,67), velocidade curvilinear - VCL (78,12 µm/s ± 12,41 vs. 59,28 µm/s ± 15,57), velocidade linear - VSL (49,23 µm/s ± 9,87 vs. 29,9 µm/s ± 9,48), velocidade média da trajetória - VAP (66,08 µm/s ± 12,77 vs. 45,70 µm/s ± 12,20), linearidade - LIN (62,97% ± 6,96 vs. 49,54%±9,50), retilinearidade - STR (74,63% ± 6,44 vs. 65,77% ± 8,92), e oscilação - WOB (84,32% ± 5,94 vs. 74,42% ± 7,31) foram superiores para a raça Canindé em detrimento à Alpina Britânica (p < 0,05). Portanto, o sêmen fresco das duas raças podem ser utilizados em biotécnicas reprodutivas. Já o sêmen pós-descongelação da raça Canindé apresentou melhor qualidade, provavelmente pelos animais estarem mais adaptados às condições adversas da região Nordeste, sendo recomendado para programas de inseminação artificial.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the sperm quality of Canindé (native) and British Alpine (exotic) goats in the Northeast of Brazil. The experiment was carried out from July to September of the years 2015 and 2016. Sperm collections of Canindé (n = 4) and British Alpine (n = 7) males were performed using artificial vagina. After collection, the sperm was evaluated for volume (ml), concentration (sptz/ml), motility (%), and vigor (1-5). Then diluted in ACP-101c and cryopreserved in TK3000TM machine. Subsequently, kinetic parameters were analyzed through SCA TM software and mitochondrial activity. In fresh sperm, the two races presented values of motility and concentration within the recommended for the specie. However, volume and scrotal circumference values were higher in the British Alpine breed (0.73 mL ± 0.32; 27.35 cm ± 2.09) than in the Canindé breed (0.36 mL ± 0.07; 23 , 25 cm ± 0.95) (p <0.05). In the thawed sperm, the parameters total motility - TM (36.96% ± 11.16 vs. 20.50% ± 14.15), progressive motility - PM (26.67% ± 11.13 vs. 11.29 % ± 9.42), vigor (2.91 ± 0.90 vs. 1.88 ± 0.67), curvilinear velocity - VCL (78.12 µm/s ± 12.41 vs. 59.28 µm/s ± 15.57), linear velocity - VSL (49.23 µm/s ± 9.87 vs. 29.9 µm/s ± 9.48), mean velocity of the trajectory - VAP (66.08 µm/s ± 12.77 vs. 45.70 µm/s ± 12.20), linearity - LIN (62.97% ± 6.96 vs. 49.54% ± 9.50), rectilinearity - STR (74.63% ± 6.44 vs. 65.77% ± 8.92), and oscillation -WOB (84.32% ± 5.94 vs. 74.42% ± 7.31) were higher for Canindé breed than for British Alpine ( p < 0.05). Therefore, fresh sperm from both breeds can be used in reproductive biotechniques. On the other hand, the post-thawed sperm of the Canindé breed showed better quality, probably because the animals were more adapted to the adverse conditions of the Northeast region and are recommended for artificial insemination programs.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ruminantes , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Especificidade da Espécie , Criopreservação/veterinária , Mitocôndrias/ultraestrutura
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(4): 1260-1268, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25194


O estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade seminal de caprinos das raças Canindé (autóctone) e Alpina Britânica (exótica) no Nordeste brasileiro. O experimento foi realizado nos períodos de julho a setembro dos anos de 2015 e 2016. As coletas seminais foram realizadas com auxílio de vagina artificial, de machos das raças Canindé (n = 4) e Alpina Britânica (n = 7). Após a coleta, o sêmen foi avaliado quanto a: volume (ml), concentração (sptz/ml), motilidade (%) e vigor (1-5). Em seguida, diluído em ACP-101c e criopreservado em máquina TK3000TM. Posteriormente, foram analisados os parâmetros cinéticos, através do software SCA®, e a atividade mitocondrial. No sêmen fresco, as duas raças apresentaram valores de motilidade e concentração dentro do preconizado para a espécie. Entretanto, os valores de volume e circunferência escrotal foram superiores na raça Alpina Britânica (0,73 ml ± 0,32; 27,35 cm ± 2,09) do que na raça Canindé (0,36 ml ± 0,07; 23,25 cm ± 0,95) (p < 0,05). Já no sêmen descongelado, os parâmetros motilidade total - MT (36,96% ± 11,16 vs. 20,50% ± 14,15), motilidade progressiva - MP (26,67% ± 11,13 vs. 11,29% ± 9,42), vigor (2,91 ± 0,90 vs. 1,88 ± 0,67), velocidade curvilinear - VCL (78,12 µm/s ± 12,41 vs. 59,28 µm/s ± 15,57), velocidade linear - VSL (49,23 µm/s ± 9,87 vs. 29,9 µm/s ± 9,48), velocidade média da trajetória - VAP (66,08 µm/s ± 12,77 vs. 45,70 µm/s ± 12,20), linearidade - LIN (62,97% ± 6,96 vs. 49,54%±9,50), retilinearidade - STR (74,63% ± 6,44 vs. 65,77% ± 8,92), e oscilação - WOB (84,32% ± 5,94 vs. 74,42% ± 7,31) foram superiores para a raça Canindé em detrimento à Alpina Britânica (p < 0,05). Portanto, o sêmen fresco das duas raças podem ser utilizados em biotécnicas reprodutivas. Já o sêmen pós-descongelação da raça Canindé apresentou melhor qualidade, provavelmente pelos animais estarem mais adaptados às condições adversas da região Nordeste, sendo recomendado para programas de inseminação artificial.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the sperm quality of Canindé (native) and British Alpine (exotic) goats in the Northeast of Brazil. The experiment was carried out from July to September of the years 2015 and 2016. Sperm collections of Canindé (n = 4) and British Alpine (n = 7) males were performed using artificial vagina. After collection, the sperm was evaluated for volume (ml), concentration (sptz/ml), motility (%), and vigor (1-5). Then diluted in ACP-101c and cryopreserved in TK3000TM machine. Subsequently, kinetic parameters were analyzed through SCA TM software and mitochondrial activity. In fresh sperm, the two races presented values of motility and concentration within the recommended for the specie. However, volume and scrotal circumference values were higher in the British Alpine breed (0.73 mL ± 0.32; 27.35 cm ± 2.09) than in the Canindé breed (0.36 mL ± 0.07; 23 , 25 cm ± 0.95) (p <0.05). In the thawed sperm, the parameters total motility - TM (36.96% ± 11.16 vs. 20.50% ± 14.15), progressive motility - PM (26.67% ± 11.13 vs. 11.29 % ± 9.42), vigor (2.91 ± 0.90 vs. 1.88 ± 0.67), curvilinear velocity - VCL (78.12 µm/s ± 12.41 vs. 59.28 µm/s ± 15.57), linear velocity - VSL (49.23 µm/s ± 9.87 vs. 29.9 µm/s ± 9.48), mean velocity of the trajectory - VAP (66.08 µm/s ± 12.77 vs. 45.70 µm/s ± 12.20), linearity - LIN (62.97% ± 6.96 vs. 49.54% ± 9.50), rectilinearity - STR (74.63% ± 6.44 vs. 65.77% ± 8.92), and oscillation -WOB (84.32% ± 5.94 vs. 74.42% ± 7.31) were higher for Canindé breed than for British Alpine ( p < 0.05). Therefore, fresh sperm from both breeds can be used in reproductive biotechniques. On the other hand, the post-thawed sperm of the Canindé breed showed better quality, probably because the animals were more adapted to the adverse conditions of the Northeast region and are recommended for artificial insemination programs.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ruminantes , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Especificidade da Espécie , Criopreservação/veterinária , Mitocôndrias/ultraestrutura
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-744074


Abstract Twelve species of indigenous plants have been studied in order to valorize some natural resources of Burundi (Eastern Africa) to investigate possibilities of vegetable oil production. Physicochemical properties and oil contents were determined from seeds harvested through five ecogeographic zones. From oilcake extracts, total sugars contents, proteins (TPrC), polyphenolic (TPhC), and flavonoids were quantified using spectrophotometry. Furthermore, antioxidant activity of oilcake extracts was assessed by 2, 2-diphenyl-b-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. All oil contents obtained were found to be quite similar to those of common oleaginous seeds. The two highest were found in Parinari curatellifolia (61.44 ± 4.81% Dry Matter) and Myrianthus arboreus (48.26 ± 5.96% DM). More than half of the species have shown TPrC ranging from 10 to 24% dry matter of oilcake (DM). Brachystegia longifolia was revealed exceptionally stronger antioxidant potential: effectiveness antiradical of 163.06 ± 26.29 mL/g.min (DPPH assay) and reducing power of 2618.21 ± 161.22 GAE/100 g DM (FRAP assay). TPhC were positively correlated (p 0.05) to the antioxidant activity. This pioneering work on these wild species highlight the potential for producing vegetable oil and valuable biomolecule sources likely for food, cosmetics, pharmacy and industry.

Resumo Doze espécies de plantas indígenas foram estudadas para valorizar alguns recursos naturais do Burundi (África Oriental), para investigar as possibilidades de produção de óleo vegetal. As propriedades físico-químicas e o conteúdo de óleo foram determinados com base em sementes colhidas em cinco zonas ecogeográficas. A partir de extratos de bagaço de óleo, os teores de açúcares totais, proteínas (TPrC), polifenólicos (TPhC) e flavonoides foram quantificados por espectrofotometria. Além disso, a atividade antioxidante dos extratos de bagaços foi avaliada por ensaios de 2,2-difenil-b-picrilhidrazil (DPPH) e antioxidante redutor de ferro (FRAP). Todos os conteúdos de óleo obtidos foram encontrados para ser bastante semelhantes aos das sementes oleaginosas comuns. Os dois maiores foram encontrados em Parinari curatellifolia (61,44 ± 4,81% de matéria seca [MS]) e Myrianthus arboreus (48,26 ± 5,96% de MS). Mais da metade das espécies mostrou TPrC variando de 10% a 24% de MS de tortas. Brachystegia longifolia revelou um potencial antioxidante excepcionalmente mais forte: eficácia antirradical de 163,06 ± 26,29 mL/g.min (DPPH assay) e poder redutor de 2.618,21 ± 161,22 GAE/100 g de MS (ensaio FRAP). TPhC correlacionaram-se positivamente (p 0,05) com a atividade antioxidante. Este trabalho pioneiro sobre essas espécies selvagens destaca o potencial para a produção de óleo vegetal e fontes valiosas de biomoléculas para alimentos, cosméticos, farmácia e indústria.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467372


Abstract Twelve species of indigenous plants have been studied in order to valorize some natural resources of Burundi (Eastern Africa) to investigate possibilities of vegetable oil production. Physicochemical properties and oil contents were determined from seeds harvested through five ecogeographic zones. From oilcake extracts, total sugars contents, proteins (TPrC), polyphenolic (TPhC), and flavonoids were quantified using spectrophotometry. Furthermore, antioxidant activity of oilcake extracts was assessed by 2, 2-diphenyl-b-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. All oil contents obtained were found to be quite similar to those of common oleaginous seeds. The two highest were found in Parinari curatellifolia (61.44 ± 4.81% Dry Matter) and Myrianthus arboreus (48.26 ± 5.96% DM). More than half of the species have shown TPrC ranging from 10 to 24% dry matter of oilcake (DM). Brachystegia longifolia was revealed exceptionally stronger antioxidant potential: effectiveness antiradical of 163.06 ± 26.29 mL/g.min (DPPH assay) and reducing power of 2618.21 ± 161.22 GAE/100 g DM (FRAP assay). TPhC were positively correlated (p 0.05) to the antioxidant activity. This pioneering work on these wild species highlight the potential for producing vegetable oil and valuable biomolecule sources likely for food, cosmetics, pharmacy and industry.

Resumo Doze espécies de plantas indígenas foram estudadas para valorizar alguns recursos naturais do Burundi (África Oriental), para investigar as possibilidades de produção de óleo vegetal. As propriedades físico-químicas e o conteúdo de óleo foram determinados com base em sementes colhidas em cinco zonas ecogeográficas. A partir de extratos de bagaço de óleo, os teores de açúcares totais, proteínas (TPrC), polifenólicos (TPhC) e flavonoides foram quantificados por espectrofotometria. Além disso, a atividade antioxidante dos extratos de bagaços foi avaliada por ensaios de 2,2-difenil-b-picrilhidrazil (DPPH) e antioxidante redutor de ferro (FRAP). Todos os conteúdos de óleo obtidos foram encontrados para ser bastante semelhantes aos das sementes oleaginosas comuns. Os dois maiores foram encontrados em Parinari curatellifolia (61,44 ± 4,81% de matéria seca [MS]) e Myrianthus arboreus (48,26 ± 5,96% de MS). Mais da metade das espécies mostrou TPrC variando de 10% a 24% de MS de tortas. Brachystegia longifolia revelou um potencial antioxidante excepcionalmente mais forte: eficácia antirradical de 163,06 ± 26,29 mL/g.min (DPPH assay) e poder redutor de 2.618,21 ± 161,22 GAE/100 g de MS (ensaio FRAP). TPhC correlacionaram-se positivamente (p 0,05) com a atividade antioxidante. Este trabalho pioneiro sobre essas espécies selvagens destaca o potencial para a produção de óleo vegetal e fontes valiosas de biomoléculas para alimentos, cosméticos, farmácia e indústria.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 14(1)apr. 2016. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-339458


Rivulidae includes non-annual fish of perennial habitats and annual fish of temporary wetlands. The objective of this research was to investigate the trophic strategy of Atlantirivulus riograndensis in a perennial environment. Sampling occurred in an environmental conservation unit in the Pampa biome, Brazil. Quantification of the diet followed the volumetric method. Consumption of autochthonous material as the main food source of the species followed the pattern of Rivulidae. Species is zooplanktonic when young. Food spectrum is broadened and insectivorousness increases with ontogeny, revealing a specialist trend in the feeding strategy of A. riograndensis. The most diverse feeding occurs in the spring and summer seasons in which the presence of larger fish was more frequent than in other seasons. The increased consumption of microcrustaceans in the fall was related to smaller individuals, captured in greater quantities in this post-reproductive period. The lowest diversity of dietary items occurs during the winter and may reflect the lower diversity of food resources available in this season or the transition from juvenile to adult diet, with consumption of autochthonous Diptera by medium sized fish. (AU)

Rivulidae inclui peixes não anuais de habitats perenes e peixes anuais de alagados temporários. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a estratégia trófica de Atlantirivulus riograndensis em um ambiente perene. A amostragem ocorreu em uma unidade de conservação ambiental no bioma Pampa, Brasil. A quantificação da dieta seguiu o método volumétrico. O consumo de material autóctone como principal recurso alimentar da espécie seguiu o padrão da família Rivulidae. A espécie é zooplanctívora quando juvenil. O espectro alimentar é ampliado e a tendência à insetivoria aumenta com a ontogenia, revelando traços especialistas na estratégia alimentar de A. riograndensis. A alimentação mais diversificada ocorreu na primavera e no verão, estações em que a presença dos peixes maiores foi frequente que em outras estações. O aumento no consumo de microcrustáceos no inverno foi relacionado aos indivíduos menores, capturados em maior quantidade neste período pós-reprodutivo. A menor diversidade de itens alimentares ocorreu durante o inverno e pode refletir uma menor diversidade de recursos alimentares disponíveis nesta época do ano ou a transição da dieta de juvenil para adulto, com consumo de Diptera autóctone por peixes de tamanho médio. (AU)

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Níveis Tróficos/análise
Braz. J. Biol. ; 75(3): 650-654, Aug. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-341466


The aim of this study was to compare the food composition of Rhamdia quelen in four distinct order rivers. It was performed at a low part at the basin of the Sorocaba river in systems classified as first (Anastácio stream), second (Nego stream), fifth (Tatuí river) and sixth (Sorocaba river) orders. Collections were performed every month between January and December of 2011. The stomach contents were examined by using the alimentary index (IAi) and compared by the non-parametric method non-metric multidimensional scale ranking (NMDS) with the Spearman rank correlation. A diet difference was observed for individuals of the smaller systems (Anastácio and Nego streams) and the larger ones (Tatui and Sorocaba rivers), represented respectively by allochthonous and autochthonous organisms compounding their diets. Marginal vegetation and its interaction with the water conditions may respond to these composition differences.(AU)

Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a alimentação de Rhamdia quelenem quatro diferentes ordens de sistemas lóticos. O estudo foi realizado em um trecho da parte baixa da bacia do rio Sorocaba, em sistemas de primeira (Anastácio stream), segunda (Nego stream), quinta (Tatuí river) e sexta (Sorocaba river) ordens. As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente entre janeiro a dezembro de 2011. Os conteúdos estomacais foram analisados pelo índice alimentar (IAi) e comparados pelo método de escalonamento multidimencional não-metrico (NMDS), juntamente com a correlação de Spearman. Foi percebida uma diferença na dieta dos indivíduos dos sistemas menores, córregos Anastácio e Nego e os rios maiores, rios Tatuí e Sorocaba. Nos córregos Nego e Anastácio houve maior incidência de itens de origem alóctone na dieta, enquanto que nos rios Tatuí e Sorocaba foi observado o inverso. A diferença nos itens consumidos pode depender da ordem dos sistemas lóticos e da interação entre a vegetação marginal com o sistema aquático.(AU)

Animais , Peixes-Gato/fisiologia , Dieta , Ecossistema , Rios , Brasil , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-212199


A carne ovina em Portugal com o selo DOP (denominação de origem protegida), garante ao consumidor um produto elaborado em uma determinada região sob um tradicional sistema de produção, em defesa das raças autóctones. Entretanto, a existência de diferenças em termos de qualidade sensorial da carne destes animais está pouco estudada, sobretudo à aceitação sensorial pelo consumidor. Objetivando contribuir para o desenvolvimento das informações referentes à qualidade sensorial, bem como o desenvolvimento de produtos mais competitivos no mercado de acordo com a aceitação do consumidor, estudou-se os efeitos da raça e sexo sobre os atributos sensoriais referentes ao sabor, textura, suculência e apreciação global da carne de cordeiros com DOP. Para esse estudo, utilizou-se um banco de dados de análise sensorial do Laboratório de Tecnologia da Qualidade da Carcaça e da Carne (LTQCC) do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) oriundos de projetos de investigação anteriores. Entre machos e fêmeas, 99 cordeiros dentro das especificações DOP (Borrego Terrincho DOP, Cordeiro Bragançano DOP e Cordeiro Mirandês/Canhono Mirandês DOP) foram considerados. Para obtenção da variável resposta (aceitação), utilizou-se uma escala hedônica (0-10 pontos). Ao final, obteve-se um banco de dados com 17 sessões de provas com participação de 157 consumidores e um total de 2.143 observações para cada atributo sensorial estudado. A variável resposta para os atributos do sabor, textura, suculência e apreciação global, considerando os efeitos da raça dos animais e sexo foram submetidos a uma análise univariada de variância com comparação de médias pelo teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, utilizando-se o método Pairwise através do programa SPSS versão 23. A equipe sensorial de consumidores considerou que o efeito raça dos cordeiros diferiu entre todos os atributos (sabor, textura, suculência e apreciação global) sendo, o produto do Cordeiro Mirandês / Canhono Mirandês DOP o melhor aceito pela equipe de provadores consumidores, obtendo notas de aceitação na escala hedônica de 6,52, 6,63, 6,52 e 6,77 respectivamente. Já para o efeito sexo, houve diferenças para textura, suculência e apreciação global, com notas respectivas de 6,54, 6,39 e 6,63, nos quais os cordeiros machos foram os melhores aceitos. E ainda, quando se avaliou a interação raça*sexo, verificou-se diferenças para o sabor, textura e apreciação global, sendo as notas respectivamente 6,75, 6,90 e 7,1 para os cordeiros machos Mirandês DOP melhores apreciados e em contrapartida, os produtos menos aceitos pelos consumidores para o sabor foram os cordeiros Bragançano DOP machos (6,25 pontos), Borregos Terrincho machos (6,25 pontos) e Bragançanos fêmeas com pontuação na escala hedônica de 6,10 para a suculência e 6,40 para a apreciação global.

The sheep meat in Portugal with the DOP (protected designation of origin) seal guarantees the consumer a product prepared in a certain region under a traditional production system, in defense of the native breeds. However, the existence of differences in the sensorial quality of the meat of these animals is not well studied yet, mainly the sensorial acceptance by the consumer. Aiming to contribute to the development of information regarding sensorial quality, as well as the development of more competitive products in the market according to consumer preference, was studied the effects of race and sex on the sensorial attributes related to flavor texture, succulence and global appreciation of lambs with DOP. For this study, a sensorial analysis database was used at the Laboratory of Technology of the Beef and Meat (LTQCC) of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) of previous research projects. Between males and females, 99 lambs within the DOP collections (Borrego Terrincho DOP, Cordeiro Bragançano DOP and Cordeiro Mirandês / Canhono Mirandês DOP) were used. To obtain the variable response (acceptance), a hedonic scale (0-10 points) was used. In the end, was obtained a database with 17 sessions of tests with participation of 157 consumers and a total of 2.143 observations for each sensory recording studied.The response variable for the taste, texture, juiciness and overall appreciation attributes, considering animal breed and sex,were submitted to a univariate analysis of variance with the compared means by the Tukey test at 5%, using the Pairwise method through the SPSS version 23 program. The consumer group considered that the breed effect of the lambs differed among all the attributes (flavor, texture, succulence and overall appreciation), being the product of Cordeiro Mirandês / Canhono Mirandês - DOP the best accepted by consumer taster team, obtaining acceptance notes in the hedonic scale of 6,52, 6,63, 6,52 and 6,77 respectively. For the sex effect, there were differences for texture, succulence and overall appreciation, with respective scores of 6,54, 6,39 and 6,63, in which male lambs were the best accepted. Also, when evaluating the breed * sex interaction, there were differences for the taste, texture and overall appreciation, with the notes respectively 6,75, 6,90 and 7,1 for the best-appreciated male Miranda-DOP lambs. on the other hand, the products that were less accepted by consumers for flavor were male Bragançano -DOP lambs (6,25 points), male lambs (6,25 points) and Bragançanos females with a score on the hedonic scale of 6,10 for succulence and 6,40 for the overall appreciation.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690511


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690499


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504212


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441471


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441459


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 22(3): 424-426, July-Sept. 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-688712


In Brazil, American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) is caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi and its main vector is Lutzomyia longipalpis. Cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in non-endemic areas have been reported over the last few years throughout the country. The objective of this research note is to describe an autochthonous case of CVL that occurred in the municipality of Volta Redonda, state of Rio de Janeiro, an area where the disease is not endemic, alerting veterinarians and the scientific community to the expansion of this important zoonosis and advising veterinary practitioners on how to deal with a suspicion of CVL. Canine visceral leishmaniasis can be misdiagnosed within a broad spectrum of canine diseases based on clinical and laboratory findings. Therefore, knowledge of its clinical manifestations, specific and sensitive laboratory diagnostic tests and parasitological procedures are of the utmost importance for rapid confirmation and notification of a case, thus contributing directly to the control of a focus.

No Brasil a leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA) é causada por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi e tem como seu principal vetor Lutzomyia longipalpis. Nos últimos anos vêm sendo relatados casos de leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) em áreas não endêmicas em todo país. O objetivo desta nota é descrever um caso autóctone de LVC no município de Volta Redonda, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, área não endêmica para essa doença e assim, chamar a atenção dos clínicos veterinários e da comunidade científica para a expansão dessa importante zoonose, além de orientar os médicos veterinários, como proceder frente a um caso suspeito de LVC. A LVC pode ser clínica e laboratorialmente confundida com uma ampla gama de patologias caninas e o conhecimento de suas manifestações clínicas e de procedimentos laboratoriais específicos e sensíveis para esse diagnóstico, são de grande importância para uma rápida confirmação e notificação do caso, contribuindo assim diretamente para o controle do foco.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Brasil
Sci. agric. ; 70(2): 125-136, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-2501


In Europe, many autochthonous grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) are only cultivated at local scale, but play a very important economic role due to their strict relation with terroir and wine tipicity. In this study, it was pursued to evaluate the influence of several factors on performance of Moll, the main autochthonous white variety of Majorca, by means of the database coming from a clonal preselection. The effects of multiple virus infections, vintage and vineyard components were studied by univariate linear models and principal component analysis, starting from measurement of production and must quality parameters of several vines located in 14 vineyards belonging to two appellations during four consecutive years (2001-2004). Absence of multiple virus infections, double cordon system, high clay content and Useful Water Reserve in soils have enhanced vine production without inducing considerable alterations in sugar accumulation in berries and acidity. Moll variety presented great viticultural and oenological potentials. Fertile and deep soils should be preferred in order to maximize production. Also, the use of certified propagation material is strongly recommended. However, further investigations are required to optimize must quality by opportune managements. This study does not provide only essential information to improve Moll cultivation in Majorca, but it also represents a useful example to analyze grapevine varieties that are endemically infected by viruses. In fact, in such situations, it may be supposed an insidious interference by viruses on terroir and wine tipicity.(AU)

Vitis/classificação , Vírus/patogenicidade , Células Clonais
Sci. agric ; 70(2): 125-136, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497332


In Europe, many autochthonous grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) are only cultivated at local scale, but play a very important economic role due to their strict relation with terroir and wine tipicity. In this study, it was pursued to evaluate the influence of several factors on performance of Moll, the main autochthonous white variety of Majorca, by means of the database coming from a clonal preselection. The effects of multiple virus infections, vintage and vineyard components were studied by univariate linear models and principal component analysis, starting from measurement of production and must quality parameters of several vines located in 14 vineyards belonging to two appellations during four consecutive years (2001-2004). Absence of multiple virus infections, double cordon system, high clay content and Useful Water Reserve in soils have enhanced vine production without inducing considerable alterations in sugar accumulation in berries and acidity. Moll variety presented great viticultural and oenological potentials. Fertile and deep soils should be preferred in order to maximize production. Also, the use of certified propagation material is strongly recommended. However, further investigations are required to optimize must quality by opportune managements. This study does not provide only essential information to improve Moll cultivation in Majorca, but it also represents a useful example to analyze grapevine varieties that are endemically infected by viruses. In fact, in such situations, it may be supposed an insidious interference by viruses on terroir and wine tipicity.

Vitis/classificação , Vírus/patogenicidade , Células Clonais