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Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2021-1599, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419077


This study described changes in the serum biochemistry, morphology of genital organs, long bone, and eggshell during the daily egg formation cycle in Japanese quails. Sixty quails (18-wk) were distributed in 6 groups according to hours post-oviposition (POV): 0 hr POV (16h00), 2 hrs POV (egg in magnum), and 4, 8, 14, and 20 hrs POV (egg in uterus). The magnum had higher relative weight before the next ovulation (20 and 0 hr POV), and its tubular glands showed functional variation through periods: abundant eosinophilic, PAS+, and negative Alcian blue secretion at 0 and 2 hrs, empty glands aspect at 4 hrs, and filled again at 20 hrs POV. Serum albumin and total Ca had the highest value in the 2 hrs group, and the lowest in 8 and 14 hrs groups. Egg-cycle period affected the Ca% of the medullar bone of the femur and tibiotarsus, with the lowest mean at 14 hrs POV (06h00), and the highest mean after oviposition (0 hr POV), showing the recovery of Ca stores in long bones for the next egg cycle. Analysis of the eggshell using scanning electron microscopy evidenced that palisade layer formation starts during the night (8­14 hrs POV), and most parts are secreted during the day period. In conclusion, eggshell secretion in light periods, high magnum activity and medullary bone Ca deposition during midday and afternoon, as well as the ovulation/oviposition in the afternoon, are the main characteristics of the distinct physiological aspects of the egg cycle in quails.(AU)

Animais , Bioquímica/métodos , Ovos/análise , Coturnix/fisiologia , Tubas Uterinas/química
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 139-143, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509624


Bone fractures are a frequent cause of limp in cattle, being pre-existing bone lesions among the predisposing factors. However, there is scant information about the natural occurrence of bone disease. This report aimed to describe an outbreak of spontaneous fractures associated with hypocuprosis in pen-backgrounded calves. Hind limp and irreversible recumbency were noticed in 9-month-old calves of a dairy farm from Córdoba province (Argentina). The issue was only evident in males fed a diet composed (DM) of 57% wet corn, 24% dry corn distiller grains, and 19% corn silage. No mineral mix was supplied. Accumulated morbidity and fatality rates were 5.8 and 100%, respectively. Two autopsies were performed, observing multiple femoral and rib fractures. Severe hypocupremia, very low copper levels in the liver and plasma, deficient dietary copper levels, normocalcemia, marginal hypophosphatemia, and high sulfate concentrations in the water supply were determined. Except for the decreased bone quantity and the multiple fractures, no bone lesion was observed, confirming osteoporosis as the pathological diagnosis, and hypocuprosis as the etiology.(AU)

Animais , Osteoporose/veterinária , Bovinos/lesões , Fraturas Espontâneas/diagnóstico , Argentina
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(1): 46-50, mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425330


The article describes the case of a 3 year 6 months old Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) that was assisted at the Wildlife and Exotic Animal Practice of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of Asunción. The patient presented a hard mass in the right hind limb extending from the proximal portion of the femur, projecting caudally to the proximal tuberosity of the calcaneus, with an increase in temperature, and a marked increase in sensitivity. Radiographic diagnosis refers to a mass with amorphous areas of mineral density. Fine needle aspiration puncture revealed an undifferentiated malignant proliferative process, requiring histopathological analysis to characterize the process. Disarticulation was performed and subsequent histopathologic diagnosis under hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome stain revealed fibroblastic osteosarcoma.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico , Cobaias , Paraguai , Hematoxilina/análogos & derivados
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 874, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434865


Background: Osteosarcoma is the most observed primary bone tumor in dogs, and may affect the appendicular and axial skeletons. In addition, it may be present in extraskeletal form, accounting for only 1% of cases. As shown by few reports in the literature, the involvement of the intestinal region by is rare. The objective of this study was to report the case of a 13-year-old Yorkshire dog, submitted to an exploratory laparotomy for suspected partial intestinal obstruction, diagnosed with extraskeletal osteosarcoma. Case: A 13-year-old dog, Yorkshire Terrier, male, presented clinical signs of gastrointestinal abnormalities. An ultrasound examination was performed and was found a mass in small intestine region with wall and lumen invasion. Then, was realized exploratory laparotomy and detected intestinal obstruction due to a mass with approximately 5.0 x 6.0 x 4.4 cm localized in duodenum. Surgical removal was performed and the sample sent to the veterinary diagnostic laboratory for histopathological examination. The sample had an irregular surface and firm consistency. In addition, when cut, the mass enveloped the intestinal layers and sometimes obstructed the lumen. Then, the sample were processed routinely for histopathology. After that, in microscopy evaluation was detected cell proliferation, affecting all layers of intestine. In detail, cells were elongated with pleomorphism marked and atypical mitosis. In addition, there was production of cartilage and bone matrix. So, due the absence of others sites, the neoplasm was considered primary of intestine. After that, to evaluate the expression of KI-67 and COX-2 was performed, and the cell proliferation index was 54.0% and the COX-2 expression was moderate in less than 10% of neoplastic cells. After the surgery, the patient was hospitalized for a week and continue the treatment in home. Afterwards, the tutor received the diagnosis, but even though he was instructed on the severity of the case, he chose not to undergo chemotherapy. After three months, the patient presented abdominal fluid and nodules in your liver, suggesting metastasis, but without diagnosis confirmation. The patient died five months after the diagnosis of extraskeletal osteosarcoma. However, no necropsy was realized, impossibility the diagnosis confirm. Discussion: The frequency of extraskeletal osteosarcoma in dogs remains unknown, with the mammary glands being the most affected site. In the present study, osteosarcoma affects the duodenal region and no reports of this neoplasm in the duodenum of dogs have been found in the literature. The clinical sign of dyschezia was important for the tutor to refer the animal to the veterinarian and perform the ultrasound in an attempt to elucidate the case, as the tumor mass is not always palpable. Histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry were necessary for the differential diagnosis and to establish the prognosis, although after the surgery the tutor chose not to perform chemotherapy. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma are usually highly metastatic, mainly affecting the lymph nodes and liver. In this case, the patient presented a liver nodule three months after the tumor removal surgery, but unfortunately, there was no diagnostic confirmation. Such neoplastic type is rarer and more aggressive than appendicular and axial osteosarcoma, with an average survival of 1 to 3 months. In this case, as a necropsy was not obtained, we cannot attribute the survival time to the disease. The survival rates of osteosarcomas in dogs are few months, but in the present case, although the patient died five months after surgery, the failure to perform a necropsy compromises the attribution of survival time to extraskeletal osteosarcoma.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Duodeno/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 161-166, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434539


Fraturas ósseas e luxações são mais comuns em animais jovens e, na maioria das vezes, essas fraturas ocorrem devido ao manejo incorreto desses animais, podendo levar a uma queda de produção a curto ou longo prazo, gerando perdas econômicas e produtivas de animais de alto padrão genético. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência de uma fratura na região metacarpiana do membro torácico esquerdo de uma bezerra Gir de 12 dias de idade, causada por uma contenção ineficaz durante a pesagem. O animal proveniente de uma fazenda em Umirim/CE foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais do Centro Universitário INTA em Sobral/CE. Ao passar pelo exame radiográfico, foi constatada a fratura na região metacarpiana do membro torácico esquerdo. O animal foi imobilizado de forma manual, seguindo-se métodos semiológicos para minimizar o estresse. Para a imobilização do membro, foi utilizada a muleta de Thomas modificada e bandagens, associadas ao controle da dor com as drogas Flunixin meglumine (1,1mg/kg) e Fenilbutazona (4,4mg/kg). Depois da imobilização, o animal seguiu internado no HOVET-GA e, após 18 dias, foi realizada uma nova radiografia para ver o progresso a partir do tratamento adotado. Constatou-se a formação de um calo ósseo, com a ossificação da fratura, não sendo necessário o encaminhamento cirúrgico do animal. Assim, o tratamento com muleta de Thomas modificada foi efetivo para a recuperação do membro fraturado, além de ser um tratamento de baixo custo e fácil aplicação, tendo o animal apresentado uma boa resposta ao tratamento terapêutico para controle da dor.

Bone fractures and dislocations are more common in young animals and mostly occur due to incorrect handling of these animals, which can lead to a short or long-term drop in production, generating economic and productive losses of animals of high genetic standard. This study aimed to report the occurrence of a fracture in the metacarpal region of the left thoracic limb of a 12-day-old Gir heifer, caused by an ineffective restraint during weighing. The animal from a farm in Umirim/CE was sent to the Veterinary Hospital of Large Animals of the University Center INTA in Sobral/CE. The radiographic examination found a fracture in the metacarpal region of the left thoracic limb. The animal was manually immobilized following semiological methods to minimize stress. For the limb immobilization, a modified Thomas crutch and bandages associated with pain control with the drugs Flunixin meglumine (1.1mg/kg) and Phenylbutazone (4.4mg/kg) were used. After immobilization, the animal remained hospitalized at HOVET-GA and after 18 days a new radiograph was performed to evaluate the progress achieved with the treatment adopted. It was found the formation of a bone callus with the ossification of the fracture, not requiring the surgical referral of the animal. Thus, the treatment with the modified Thomas crutch was effective for the recovery of the fractured limb, in addition to being a low-cost and easy-to-apply treatment. The animal showed a good response to the therapeutic treatment for pain control.

Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Extremidade Superior/lesões , Ossos Metacarpais/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2022-1701, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418345


The present study was executed to evaluate the effect of lighting programs for meat quails on their bone growth and development. A total of 1500 sexed European quails (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) were distributed using a completely randomized design in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, with two sexes and three lighting programs (natural, intermittent, and continuous) with five replicates of 50 quails. The lighting programs were applied in the period from 7 to 49 d of age. Weekly slaughterings were performed to remove the tibiotarsus and femur and subsequently determine weight, length, dry and mineral matter content. The growth and deposition curves of dry and mineral matter in the bones were obtained using the Gompertz model. There was no significant interaction between lighting programs and sex for the estimates of the Gompertz curve parameters of all variables studied. There was an effect of the lighting programs only on the time needed to reach the maximum deposition rate of the growth curve and dry and mineral matter deposition. Females showed higher weight and deposition of mineral matter at maturity, and took longer to reach the maximum deposition rate value for these variables. There was influence of the lighting programs on resistance and bone deformity of the tibiotarsus. For quails raised in the tropical region, a natural or intermittent lighting program must be used, as it does not compromise the development of bones and assures bone quality.(AU)

Animais , Desenvolvimento Ósseo , Carne/análise , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Fotoperíodo , Coturnix
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468939


Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.

Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.

Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Chumbo/toxicidade , Cádmio/toxicidade , Osteocalcina/análise , Osteoporose/sangue , Vitamina D/análise
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469155


Abstract Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p 0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.

Resumo Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248828, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339354


Abstract Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.

Resumo Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Osteoporose/epidemiologia , Chumbo , Arábia Saudita/epidemiologia , Absorciometria de Fóton , Osteocalcina , Incidência
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 879, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434950


Background: Multilobular tumor of bone (MTB) is an unusual neoplasm with variable biologic behavior which originates primarily in bone tissues. Radiographs computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are useful in diagnoses and surgical planning. Tumor removal with wide surgical margins is the treatment of choice. Immunohistochemistry has been shown as an important tool in veterinary oncology to define therapeutic and prognostic decisions. The goal of this study was to report 2 distinct cases of multilobular tumor of bone, their Cox-2 and Mib-1 immunohistochemical profile and its impact on overall survival. Case: Two bitches were presented at the Oncology Department of the Veterinary Hospital in the Veterinary School of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Both had a history of a progressive, painless, circumscribed, and firm facial mass. The 1st patient was a 8-year-old intact bitch mixed breed, weighing 50 kg, that presented a fast growing right infraorbital 3-cm mass, causing eye displacement. The 2nd patient was a 7-year-old spayed bitch Labrador retriever, weighing 28 kg, that presented a left temporal 8-cm mass. Neurologic examination of both bitches was normal. Skin over the nodules was strained, but with no ulceration. Radiographic exams of the head revealed lytic and proliferative bone reaction, with loss of cortical definition in both cases. These alterations were seen on the left zygomatic arch of the retrobulbar region, involving part of the mandible and of the nasal sinus lateral frontal bone in 1st patient, and on the right temporal process of the zygomatic bone in 2nd patient. The last one, also showed a granular solid mass with little contact with skull bones. Complete blood count, biochemistry profile, electrocardiogram, and 3-view thoracic radiographs were performed. Results were within normal ranges for the species and no signs of metastasis was seen on the radiographs. Location, size, and density of the mass, adjacent tissue compression, absence of cranial invasion, and lymph node size were rigorously evaluated with CT, allowing an individualized surgical planning to achieve complete mass removal and maintenance of the function of adjacent structures. Both animals were submitted to surgery. Both tumors were fixed on 10% neutral buffered formalin and sent to the Animal Pathology Department of UFMG for histopathological examination and margin assessment. Both tumors were diagnosed as grade I MTB. Tumor immunohistochemistry was performed to identify prognostic factors that could be used to better define therapeutic treatments and to try to clarify the discrepancy in disease progression between both tumors. The 1st patient expressed 20% of Mib-1 and was considered score 2 of Cox-2. The 2nd one expressed 5% of Mib-1 and was considered score 1 of Cox-2. Considering the diagnoses and histological characteristics of the tumors, it was decided for clinical follow-up of patients without additional therapeutic complementation. Even considering incomplete surgical margins in 2nd patient, adjuvant chemotherapy was not performed, due to low mitotic index and low histological grade. The 1st patient had an overall survival of 240 days, and death was due to recurrence and disease progression; and the 2nd did not show recurrence nor metastasis after 1200 days. Discussion: Proper and individualized surgical planning and histopathological evaluation are extremely important to guide treatment decisions. However, immunohistochemistry can be important in MTB cases, to help define which patients should be submitted to surgery alone and which patients could be benefited from adjuvant chemotherapy.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias de Tecido Ósseo/veterinária , Antígeno Ki-67/análise , Ciclo-Oxigenase 2/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 74519, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439867


Most genetic diseases affect purebred animals and are inherited as recessive genes. Cranioschisis refers to dysraphism, which occurs in the midline of the skull due to failure to close the cranial symphysis, which can lead to herniation of the meninges filled with cerebrospinal fluid (meningocele), where there is usually a projection of the meningeal tissue. Diagnosis is performed based on clinical examination, characteristic anatomopathological data, and complementary imaging tests. The surgical approach for correction of cranioschisis is the only described as a therapeutic solution and is indicated in cases in which the cranial synthesis defect does not allow for brain protrusion and there is only the occurrence of meningocele, in addition to the absence of severe signs of neurological alteration. This paper reports a case of the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plaque to treat cranioschisis associated with meningocele in a Girolando heifer. The surgical opening of the frontonasal sacculation allowed draining a total liquid content of 488 mL, inspection, and suture of the envelope membrane. APMMA plaque, molded to the bone surface and anchored in the adjacent soft tissue, was used to cover the evidenced frontonasal bone opening. Despite the unfavorable prognosis of the disease, the cranioplasty surgery for the treatment of cranioschisis associated with meningocele using PMMA plaque obtained satisfactory results relative to the quality and maintenance of this animal's life, evaluated at 19 months postoperatively.(AU)

A maioria das doenças genéticas acometem animais de raça pura e herdados como genes recessivos.Acraniosquise refere-se à disrafia, que acontece na linha média do crânio pelo não fechamento da sínfise craniana, podendo levar a herniação das meninges repletas de líquido cefalorraquidiano (meningocele), onde geralmente existe projeção do tecido meningeal. O diagnóstico é realizado a partir do exame clínico, dados anatomopatológicos característicos e através da realização de exames complementares de imagem. Como solução terapêutica, a abordagem cirúrgica para correção das craniosquises é a única descrita, e é indicada em casos em que o defeito de síntese craniana não permita a protrusão encefálica e exista a ocorrência apenas da meningocele, além da inexistência de sinais graves de alteração neurológica. O artigo relata um caso de uso de placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) no tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele em uma bezerra Girolando. Instituiu-se a abertura cirúrgica da saculação fronto-nasal, permitindo a drenagem de conteúdo líquido total de 488 mL, inspeção e rafia de membrana envoltória. Para recobrimento da abertura óssea fronto-nasal evidenciada, utilizou-se uma placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA), moldada à superfície óssea e ancorada em tecido mole adjacente. Concluiu-se que, apesar do prognóstico desfavorável da enfermidade, a cirurgia de cranioplastia para tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele, com a utilização de placa de PMMA, neste caso, obteve resultados satisfatórios em relação a qualidade e manutenção da vida deste animal, avaliando-se em 19 meses pós-operatório.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Disrafismo Espinal/tratamento farmacológico , Polimetil Metacrilato/uso terapêutico , Meningocele/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças Genéticas Inatas/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e380623, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419861


Purpose: To evaluate the in vivo efficiency of commercial polymeric membranes for guided bone regeneration. Methods: Rat calvarial critical size defects was treated with LuminaCoat (LC), Surgitime PTFE (SP), GenDerm (GD), Pratix (PR), Techgraft (TG) or control (C-) and histomorphometric analysis determined the percentage of new bone, connective tissue and biomaterial at 1 or 3 months. Statistical analysis used ANOVA with Tukey's post-test for means at same experimental time and the paired Student's t test between the two periods, considering p < 0.05. Results: New bone at 1 month was higher for SP, TG and C-, at 3 months there were no differences, and between 1 and 3 months PR had greater increase growthing. Connective tissue at 1 month was higher for C-, at 3 months for PR, TG and C-, and between 1 and 3 months C- had sharp decline. Biomaterial at 1 month was higher for LC, in 3 months for SP and TG, and between 1 and 3 months, LC, GD and TG had more decreasing mean. Conclusion: SP had greater osteopromotive capacity and limitation of connective ingrowth, but did not exhibit degradation. PR and TG had favorable osteopromotion, LC less connective tissue and GD more accelerated biodegradation.

Animais , Ratos , Polímeros/uso terapêutico , Crânio/anormalidades , Materiais Biocompatíveis/análise , Regeneração Óssea , Colágeno , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada/veterinária
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765516


Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.(AU)

Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Osteoporose/sangue , Chumbo/toxicidade , Cádmio/toxicidade , Vitamina D/análise , Osteocalcina/análise
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07275, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1507034


Traumatic injuries are a significant cause of death for birds worldwide, as they are at an increased risk of collisions and other injuries due to man-made environments. This study examined the frequency and morphological characteristics of fatal traumatic injuries in endemic and migratory Passeriformes and Psittaciformes from the Cerrado Biome, a biodiverse but threatened area in Brazil. Results showed that fatal traumatic injuries were found in 21.8% of birds (285/1305), mainly in spring and summer, during the birds' reproductive period. The yellow-chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri) and Passeriformes from the Thraupidae family were the most affected. Nearly 70% of the fatal injuries observed were to the thoracic, pelvic limbs, and skull, and types of fractures and affected bones were thoroughly evaluated. Blunt traumas were one of the most frequent causes of injuries. Injuries affecting the appendicular skeleton and head represented significant causes of traumatic death for Passeriformes and Psittaciformes. The frequency of these fatal injuries has been increasing in recent years, which may be related to the remarkable environmental changes in the Cerrado Biome and jeopardize the survival of many bird species.

As lesões traumáticas são uma causa significativa de morte nas aves em todo o mundo, pois apresentam um risco maior de colisões e outras lesões devido aos ambientes degradados e criados pelo homem. Este estudo examinou a frequência e as características morfológicas das lesões traumáticas fatais em Passeriformes e Psittaciformes endêmicos e migratórios do Bioma Cerrado, uma área com rica biodiversidade, mas ameaçada no Brasil. Os resultados demostraram que as lesões traumáticas fatais foram observadas em 21,8% das aves (285/1305), principalmente na primavera e verão, durante a época reprodutiva das aves. O periquito-do-encontro-amarelo (Brotogeris chiriri) e Passeriformes da família Thraupidae foram as aves mais frequentemente acometidas. Por volta de 70% das lesões fatais observadas foram nos membros torácicos e pélvicos, e crânio, e os tipos de fraturas e ossos afetados foram minuciosamente avaliados. Os traumas contudentes foram as principais causas das lesões. As injúrias que afetaram o esqueleto apendicular e a cabeça representaram as mais importantes causas de morte traumática para Passeriformes e Psittaciformes. A frequência dessas lesões fatais vem aumentando nos últimos anos, o que pode estar relacionado às mudanças ambientais marcantes no Bioma Cerrado e colocar em risco a sobrevivência de muitas espécies de aves.

Animais , Psittaciformes/lesões , Passeriformes/lesões , Fraturas Ósseas/mortalidade , Fraturas Ósseas/epidemiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/mortalidade , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pradaria , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 30: [001-010], 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434192


The aim of this report is to describe a presumptive diagnosis of spina bifida in a mixed breed dog, due to previous diagnostic inconsistencies. Spina bifida is an uncommon congenital anomaly characterized by poor bone formation due to incomplete closure orthe absence of the dorsal arch of the vertebral structure during the process of embryogenesis. Animals with this condition may have difficulties in the locomotion process, which constantly threatens the quality and survival of those affected. Spina bifidacan present itself in four different forms and degrees. A 5-month-old mixed breed dog was assisted at a veterinary clinic in Conselheiro Lafaiete/MG with difficulties in the locomotion process and previous diagnostic inconsistencies in other veterinary services. On physical examination, he had kyphosis in the thoracic region and decreased proprioceptive capacity in the hind limbs. After radiographs were taken, morphological thoracic alterations were observed in the segment between the T5 to T9 vertebrae, with duplicated spinous processes and a decrease in the dimensions of the intervertebral space. The radiographic examination suggested presumptive evidence of thoracic spina bifida due to the unavailability of the tutor to perform more sensitive exams such as tomography and magnetic resonance. Therefore, drugs for pain and neuropathic control such as gabapentin and pregabalin were prescribed, at different times, until new recommendations, which have shown therapeutic efficacy to the patient. Currently, the patient uses a wheelchair adapted for locomotion due to the loss of movement of the hind limbs, in addition to weekly physical therapy follow-up and acupuncture sessions.(AU)

O objetivo do presente relato é descrever um diagnóstico presuntivo de espinha bífida em um cão sem raça definida, mediante inconsistências diagnósticas prévias. A espinha bífida é uma anomalia congênita incomum, caracterizada pela má formação óssea mediante o fechamento incompleto ou a inexistência do arco dorsal da estrutura vertebral durante o processo de embriogênese. Os animais portadores dessa condição podem apresentar principalmentedificuldades no processo de locomoção, o que ameaça constantemente a qualidade e a sobrevida dos afetados. A espinha bífida pode se apresentar de quatro diferentes formas e em graus variados. Um cão sem raça definida de 5 meses foi atendido em uma clínicaveterinária em Conselheiro Lafaeite/MG com dificuldades no processo de locomoção e inconsistências diagnósticas prévias em outros serviços veterinários. No exame físico, ele apresentava cifose em região torácica e diminuição da capacidade proprioceptiva nos membros posteriores. Após a realização de radiografias, foram observadas alterações morfológicas torácicas no segmento entre as vértebras T5 a T9, com processos espinhosos duplicados e decréscimo nas dimensões do espaço intervertebral. O exame radiográfico sugeriu evidências presuntivas de espinha bífida torácica, em virtude da indisponibilidade financeira da tutora para a realização de exames mais sensíveis como tomografia e ressonância. Diante dos sinais clínicos e exames apresentados, prescreveu-se fármacos para controle álgico e neuropático como gabapentina e pregabalina, em momentos distintos, até novas recomendações, sendo que estes demonstraram eficácia terapêutica ao paciente. Atualmente, o paciente faz uso de cadeirinha adaptada para locomoção devido à perda da movimentação dos membros posteriores, além do acompanhamento fisioterápico semanal e sessões de acupuntura.(AU)

El objetivo de este informe es describir un diagnóstico presuntivo de espina bífida en un perro sin raza definida, debido a inconsistencias diagnósticas previas. La espina bífida es una anomalía congénita poco frecuente caracterizada por una mala formación ósea debido a un cierre incompleto o la ausencia del arco dorsal de la estructura vertebral durante el proceso de embriogénesis. Los animales con esta condición pueden tener dificultades en el proceso de locomoción, lo que amenaza constantemente la calidad y supervivencia de los afectados. La espina bífida puede presentarse en cuatro formas diferentes y en diversos grados. Un perro mestizo de 5 meses de edad fue atendido en una clínica veterinaria en Conselheiro Lafaiete/MG con dificultades en el proceso de locomoción e inconsistencias diagnósticas previas en otros servicios veterinarios. Al examen físico presentaba cifosis en región torácica y disminución de la capacidad propioceptiva en miembros posteriores. Después de la toma de radiografías, se observaron alteraciones morfológicas torácicas en el segmento entre las vértebras T5 a T9, con procesos espinosos duplicados y disminución de las dimensiones del espacio intervertebral. El examen radiográfico sugirió evidencia presuntiva de espina bífida torácica debido a la falta de disponibilidad del tutor para realizar exámenes más sensibles como tomografía y resonancia magnética. Por ello, fármacos para el control del dolor y neuropático como la gabapentina y la pregabalina fueron prescritos, en diferentes momentos, hasta nuevas recomendaciones, que han demostrado eficacia terapéutica al paciente. Actualmente el paciente utiliza una silla de ruedas adaptada para la locomoción debido a la pérdida de movimiento de los miembros posteriores, además de seguimiento semanal de fisioterapia y sesiones de acupuntura.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Anormalidades Congênitas/diagnóstico , Disrafismo Espinal/diagnóstico , Cães/anormalidades , Osteogênese/fisiologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07130, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1440726


This study aimed to evaluate phosphorus (P) concentration in serum and bone, the percentage of ash and the specific bone density of buffaloes on Ilha de Marajó before and after mineral supplementation. For this study, 14 crossbred buffaloes of Murrah and Mediterranean descent aged between 18 and 36 months were used. The average values of P before supplementation in serum and bone, the percentage of bone ash and the specific bone density were 5.68mg/dL±1.18, 16.53%±0.53, 59.95%±1.96 and 1.52g/cm3±0.32, respectively, which demonstrated P deficiency in animals raised on Ilha de Marajó. After supplementation with P for a period of seven months, the values were 6.61mg/dL±0.87, 16.90%±0.56 and 60.30%±0.95 and 1.71g/cm3±0.21, respectively. These results showed a significant increase in P concentration in blood serum, specific bone density and percentage of P in ash (P<0.05), but there was no significant increase in the percentage of ash. The average increase in P in the serum and ash did not reach normal levels in all animals; however, 28.6% of the animals had normal values of P in serum and 50% in the ash, and 64.3% had normal specific bone density values. The nonre-establishment, in some of the animals, of the variables of P serum and bone after supplementation for seven months may have occurred as a result of the low intake of the mineral mixture and by the low concentration of P in the Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu used for feeding animals during the experiment.

Objetivou-se avaliar as concentrações de fósforo (P) no soro e no osso, o percentual de cinzas e a densidade óssea específica em búfalas da Ilha de Marajó antes e após suplementação mineral seletiva. Foram utilizadas 14 búfalas mestiças de Murrah com Mediterrânea, com idades entre 18 e 36 meses. Os valores médios de P, antes da suplementação, no soro, no osso, o percentual de cinzas e a densidade óssea específica foram de 5,68mg/dL±1,18, 16,53%±0,53, 59,95%±1,96 e 1,52g/cm3±0,32, respectivamente, o que demonstra deficiência de P nos animais criados na Ilha de Marajó. Após a suplementação com P por um período de sete meses os valores foram 6,61mg/dl±0,87, 16,90%±0,56 e 60,30%±0,95 e 1,71g/cm3±0,21 respectivamente. Esses resultados caracterizam um aumento significativo nas concentrações de P no soro sanguíneo, na densidade óssea específica e no percentual de P nas cinzas (P<0,05), porém não houve um aumento significativo no percentual de cinzas. O aumento médio nos valores de P no soro e nas cinzas não alcançou patamares de normalidade em todas as búfalas, entretanto 28,6% delas tinham valores normais de P no soro e 50% nas cinzas, 64,3% tinham valores normais da densidade óssea específica. O não restabelecimento, em parte dos animais, das variáveis ósseas e sanguíneas após suplementação com P durante sete meses pode ter ocorrido em virtude da baixa ingestão da mistura mineral e da baixa concentração de P em Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu utilizada para alimentação dos animais durante o experimento.

Animais , Feminino , Fósforo/análise , Fósforo/deficiência , Búfalos , Suplementos Nutricionais
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210056, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360567


The association of scaffolds to repair extensive bone defects can contribute to their evolution and morphophysiological recomposition. The incorporation of particulate biomaterials into three-dimensional fibrin bioproducts together with photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) has potential and can improve regenerative medicine procedures. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of PBM therapy on critical size defects filled with xenogenic bone substitute associated with fibrin biopolymer. Methods: A critical defect of 8 mm was performed in 36 Wistar male adult rats that were divided into four groups. Groups BC and BC-PBM were defined as controls with defects filled by a clot (without or with PBM, respectively) and groups XS and XS-PBM that comprised those filled with biocomplex Bio-OssTM in association with fibrin biopolymer. PBM was applied immediately after the surgery and three times a week every other day, with the parameters: wavelength of 830 nm, energy density 6.2 J/cm2, output power 30 mW, beam area of 0.116 cm2, irradiance 0.258,62 W/cm2, energy/point 0.72 J, total energy 2.88 J. Fourteen and 42 days after the surgery, animals were euthanatized and subjected to microtomography, qualitative and quantitative histological analysis. Results: The BC-PBM and XS-PBM groups had a similar evolution in the tissue repair process, with a higher density of the volume of new formed bone in relation to the groups without PBM (p = 0.04086; p = 0.07093, respectively). Intense vascular proliferation and bone deposition around the biomaterial particles were observed in the animals of the groups in which biocomplex was applied (XS and XS-PBM). Conclusion: PBM therapy allowed an improvement in the formation of new bone, with a more organized deposition of collagen fibers in the defect area. Biocomplex favored the insertion and permanence of the particulate material in bone defects, creating a favorable microenvironment for accelerate repair process.(AU)

Materiais Biocompatíveis , Biopolímeros , Colágeno , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484791


Abstract Background: The association of scaffolds to repair extensive bone defects can contribute to their evolution and morphophysiological recomposition. The incorporation of particulate biomaterials into three-dimensional fibrin bioproducts together with photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) has potential and can improve regenerative medicine procedures. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of PBM therapy on critical size defects filled with xenogenic bone substitute associated with fibrin biopolymer. Methods: A critical defect of 8 mm was performed in 36 Wistar male adult rats that were divided into four groups. Groups BC and BC-PBM were defined as controls with defects filled by a clot (without or with PBM, respectively) and groups XS and XS-PBM that comprised those filled with biocomplex Bio-OssTM in association with fibrin biopolymer. PBM was applied immediately after the surgery and three times a week every other day, with the parameters: wavelength of 830 nm, energy density 6.2 J/cm2, output power 30 mW, beam area of 0.116 cm2, irradiance 0.258,62 W/cm2, energy/point 0.72 J, total energy 2.88 J. Fourteen and 42 days after the surgery, animals were euthanatized and subjected to microtomography, qualitative and quantitative histological analysis. Results: The BC-PBM and XS-PBM groups had a similar evolution in the tissue repair process, with a higher density of the volume of new formed bone in relation to the groups without PBM (p = 0.04086; p = 0.07093, respectively). Intense vascular proliferation and bone deposition around the biomaterial particles were observed in the animals of the groups in which biocomplex was applied (XS and XS-PBM). Conclusion: PBM therapy allowed an improvement in the formation of new bone, with a more organized deposition of collagen fibers in the defect area. Biocomplex favored the insertion and permanence of the particulate material in bone defects, creating a favorable microenvironment for accelerate repair process.

Acta cir. bras ; 37(2): e370207, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374069


Purpose: To analyze the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on bone mineral density (BMD) in a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Thirty-two male, adult, 12-week-old rats (Rattus norvegicus), of the Wistar lineage, were used. The animals induced to the experimental model received a high fat diet for 10 days and, after that period, intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (40 mg·kg­1), dissolved in 20 mmol·L­1 sodium citrate solution (pH = 4.5). The experimental group of diabetes was formed by the animals that, 48 h after the injection of streptozotocin, had fasting blood glucose > 250 mg·dL­1). The animals were randomly divided into four groups with eight animals each: HIIT experimental diabetes; HIIT control; sedentary experimental diabetes and sedentary control. The animals in the HIIT group performed an aerobic exercise protocol on a treadmill inclined at an angle of 15° to the horizontal, with interspersed intensity. Five weekly sessions, lasting 49 min each, were held for 6 weeks. The analysis of cortical bone density (CBD) and BMD were performed by X-ray images using the In-Vivo Xtreme II/Bruker system. Results: For CBD and BMD, when comparing diabetes and control groups, a significant difference was seen between groups in relation to HIIT (p = 0.007). Animals submitted and not submitted to HIIT in the same group showed a significant difference between groups in relation to diabetes (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The HIIT experimental diabetes group had increased CBD and BMD in comparison with the sedentary experimental diabetes group.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Osteoporose/etiologia , Densidade Óssea , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/complicações , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicações , Treinamento Intervalado de Alta Intensidade/veterinária , Ratos Wistar
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1454, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1382035


Bone mineralization is considered an essential source of minerals for metabolic needs that provide strength and hardness to the bone tissues and in birds its development can be enhanced by the use of dietary supplements. The present study was executed to evaluate the influence of prebiotic, probiotic and antibiotic on the morphometric aspects of tibia bone in broilers. One-hundred and sixty-one-day-old broiler chick were divided randomly into four groups (n=40) with 4 replicates (n=10 in each replicate). Group-I fed with only corn based basal diet and served as controlled group. Group-II with antibiotic supplement (Zinc bacitracin 0.04%), Group-III with probiotic supplement (lactobacillus 0.1%) & Group-IV with prebiotic supplement (mannan oligosaccharide 0.1%). On the 35th day, two birds were selected randomly from each replicate and slaughtered to record the morphometric parameters of both right and left tibia bones from each bird. The findings showed that the length, weight, thickness of lateral and medial wall, tibiotarsal index of bone and bone ash percentage of supplemented groups have had significant (p<0.05) difference when compared to that of the controlled group. The weight/length index in birds supplemented with prebiotic and probiotic was significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the antibiotic supplemented and control group. Medullary canal diameter of all the supplemented groups was significantly lower (p<0.05) than the control group. No significant (p>0.05) difference of robusticity index and diaphysis diameter was observed among various groups. A significant (p<0.05) low level of Alkaline Phosphatase while higher level of Calcium and Phosphorus was recorded in the supplemented groups compared to that of the control group. In conclusion, the use of prebiotic and probiotic as growth promoter can exhibit some underline mechanisms in the form of enhancement of bone quality, density and characteristics in broiler chicks as compared to common antibiotics.(AU)

Animais , Tíbia/química , Fenômenos Bioquímicos/fisiologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Probióticos/efeitos adversos , Prebióticos/efeitos adversos , Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos