Forty-six bottled water samples representing 16 brands from Dhaka, Bangladesh were tested for the numbers of total coliforms, fecal indicator bacteria (i.e., thermotolerant Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.) and potential bacterial pathogens (i.e., Aeromonas hydrophil, Pseudomonas aeruginos, Salmonella spp., and Shigella spp.). Among the 16 brands tested, 14 (86%), ten (63%) and seven (44%) were positive for total coliforms, E. coil and Enterococcus spp., respectively. Additionally, a further nine (56%), eight (50%), six (37%), and four (25%) brands were PCR positive for A. hydrophila lip, P. aeruginosa ETA, Salmonella spp. invA, and Shigella spp. ipaH genes, respectively. The numbers of bacterial pathogens in bottled water samples ranged from 28 ± 12 to 600 ± 45 (A. hydrophila lip gene), 180 ± 40 to 900 ± 200 (Salmonella spp. invA gene), 180 ± 40 to 1,300 ± 400 (P. aeruginosa ETA gene) genomic units per L of water. Shigella spp. ipaH gene was not quantifiable. Discrepancies were observed in terms of the occurrence of fecal indicators and bacterial pathogens. No correlations were observed between fecal indicators numbers and presence/absence of A. hydrophila lip (p = 0.245), Salmonella spp. invA (p = 0.433), Shigella spp. ipaH gene (p = 0.078), and P. aeruginosa ETA (p = 0.059) genes. Our results suggest that microbiological quality of bottled waters sold in Dhaka, Bangladesh is highly variable. To protect public health, stringent quality control is recommended for the bottled water industry in Bangladesh.(AU)
Água/análise , Coliformes/análise , Bactérias/ultraestrutura , Saúde Pública/normas , Poluição da Água , Escherichia coli/ultraestrutura , Enterococcus/ultraestruturaResumo
Water is an important source of fluoride intake and considering the mineral water consumption increase, and of the prevalence of dental fluorosis, this study evaluated the concentration of fluoride in bottled mineral water, and compared to those values reported on the packaging label. Thirty-nine mineral water samples from different brands were purchased at several supermarkets, ; grocery stores, and highly frequented restaurants in São José do Rio Preto, SP. The fluoride concentration was determined on duplicate analysis, using a potentiometer with selective-ion electrode. The concentration of fluoride ranged from 0.05 to0.82 mg/L, and no significant difference was observed between the values reported on the labels and those found in the present investigation in samples from the majority of brands. In spite of the fluoride contents found to be safe for not causing a risk for dental fluorosis, there was no significant preventive meaning for tooth cavity. The levels of fluoride in analyzed bottled mineral water samples were in conformity with the specific legislation in force.
A água é importante fonte de ingestão de flúor e considerando-se o aumento no consumo de água mineral e da prevalência de fluorose dentária, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a concentração de flúor na água mineral engarrafada comercializada, comparando-a aos valores declarados no rótulo da embalagem. Foram adquiridas 39 amostras água mineral de diferentes marcas disponíveis em diversos supermercados, mercearias e lanchonetes de grande circulação do município de São José do Rio Preto, em 2008. A concentração de flúor foi determinada por análise em duplicata, utilizando-se potenciômetro com eletrodo íon-seletivo. A concentração de flúor variou entre 0,05 e 0,82 mg/L, com diferenças pouco significativas entre os valores estipulados nos rótulos da maioria das marcas de água mineral e aqueles determinados na presente investigação. Os valores de flúor encontrados nas amostras analisadas mostram ser livres de risco em causar fluorose dental, porém em teor sem indicativo de ação preventiva anticárie. Os teores de flúor nas amostras de água mineral analisadas estavam em conformidade com a legislação específi ca vigente.