The objective of this work was to evaluate several attempts to knock down neats and to correlate the success obtained with actions performed by the horse/rider sets through an analysis of public domain videos of vaquejadas. Approximately 300 videos were considered, and the groups were evaluated according to the competition category, that is, amateur/aspirant and professional, and the animals used in the test, that is, pulling or tracking of the neat. It was found that for the pull set in the professional competition category, only the characteristics of directing the cow on the track, and the guiding behavior and positioning in the pull were significant (p<0.01), while for the amateur/aspirant category, the characteristics of remaining in the pull after falling of the cattle and of the behavior at the gate had an effect (p<0.01). The characteristic of remaining in the pull after the fall of the neats, in the category of professional pulling athletes, exists in greater prevalence during the competition with 85.3%, while the characteristic of directing the neat to the side of the track is performed by 87.6% of the competitors. For the set used to track the cattle, the values of the dimensions 1 and 2 were 96.56% and 3.43%, respectively, which is 99.9% of the total variance of the data based on those selected for the final result of "earn the ox". The use of multiple diversity analysis in this study of variables associated with the vaquejada set proved to be quite advantageous, and there was not much variation in the elements obtained with a greater weight in the determination of the final result.(AU)
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar por meio de análise de vídeos de domínio público de competições de vaquejadas, diversas tentativas de derrubada de rezes e correlacionar o êxito obtido com ações desempenhadas pelos conjuntos cavalo/ cavaleiro. Foram considerados aproximadamente 300 vídeos, sendo os grupos avaliados quanto à categoria de competição, Amador/Aspirante e Profissional, e aos animais utilizados na prova, Puxar ou Esteirar a rês. Verificou-se que para o conjunto de puxar, da categoria profissional de competição, apenas as características de direcionamento da rês na pista, comportamento na condução e posicionamento na puxada foram significativos (p<0,01), enquanto para a categoria amador/ aspirante houve efeito (p<0,01) para a característica de permanecer ou não na puxada após queda da rês e para o comportamento na porteira. A característica, permanecer na puxada após a queda da rês, na categoria de atletas puxadores profissionais, existe em maior prevalência em ações durante a prova com 85,3% dos casos, enquanto a característica de direcionar a rês para a lateral da pista é realizada por 87,6% dos competidores. Para o conjunto utilizado para esteirar a rês, os valores das dimensões 1 e 2 foram de 96,56% e 3,43%, respectivamente, totalizando 99,9% da variância total dos dados com base nos critérios selecionados para o resultado final de "Valeu o boi". O uso da análise de correspondência múltipla no estudo de variáveis associadas ao sucesso em competições de vaquejada mostrou-se bastante eficaz, no que tange a diminuição do universo de elementos com maior peso de determinação no resultado final obtido.(AU)
Animais , Atletismo/fisiologia , Esforço Físico/fisiologia , Cavalos , Comportamento AnimalResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect the Pessoa training aid (PTA) exercise program exerts in some physical conditioning predictors. Eight detrained adult horses were evaluated in 12 sessions of work with PTA (3 sessions per week). All horses used a heart rate monitor and GPS (V800, Polar Electro) and data was used to calculate energy expenditure (EE), net cost of transport (COT), metabolic energy requirement (Pmet), oxygen pulse, oxygen utilization, heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV). The horses were weighted, and the thoracolumbar shape were measured at the level of the 18th (T18), 13th (T13) and 8th (T8) thoracic vertebrae with a flexible ruler before and after the experimental period. Data obtained weekly were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p≤0.05). Data obtained just before and after the experimental period were submitted to paired t test. There was a decrease in left-right asymmetry. In the third week there was an increase in HR, EE, oxygen pulse and oxygen utilization followed by a decrease in the fourth week. The biomechanics related parameters, COT and Pmet decreased week by week. The HRV showed a sympathetic stimulus in the third week followed by a shift to parasympathetic in the fourth week. We conclude that 12 sessions of lunge exercise with PTA contributed to physical condition improvement.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito que um programa de exercício com Rédea Pessoa exerce sobre algumas variáveis de condicionamento físico. Oito cavalos adultos destreinados foram avaliados em 12 sessões de exercício de chão com Rédea Pessoa. Todos os cavalos trabalharam com frequencímetro cardíaco e GPS para a obtenção das frequências cardíacas (HR) e variabilidade de frequência cardíaca (HRV) e cálculos de gasto energético (EE), custo de transporte metabólico (COT), requerimento de energia metabólica (Pmet), pulso de oxigênio e utilização de oxigênio. Também foram avaliadas medidas na altura das vértebras torácicas T18, T13 e T8 com régua flexível antes e depois do experimento quando os animais foram pesados. Os dados obtidos semanalmente foram analisados por ANOVA e Tukey teste (p≤0.05). Os dados obtidos somente antes e após o período experimental foram analisados pelo teste t pareado. Houve diminuição da assimetria entre os lados direito e esquerdo. Na terceira semana houve aumento da FC, EE, pulso de oxigênio e utilização de oxigênio seguido de diminuição na quarta semana. Os parâmetros relacionados à biomecânica, COT e Pmet diminuíram semana a semana. A VFC apresentou estímulo simpático na terceira semana seguido de desvio para parassimpático na quarta semana. Concluiu-se que 12 sessões de exercício com a Rédea Pessoa contribuíram para melhora do condicionamento físico.
Animais , Condicionamento Físico Animal , Desenvolvimento Muscular , CavalosResumo
The endurance discipline has the shortest history in Bulgaria compared with other disciplines of equestrian sports. Endurance competitions are held over distances from 40 km to 160 km. The present study focused on the effect of exercise on horses over a distance of 120 km. Changes in the following hematological parameters were investigated:Leukocytes (WBC, g/l); Erythrocytes (RBC, T/l); Platelets (PLT, g/l); Hemoglobin (Hb, g/l); Hematocrit (HCT,%); Mean corpuscular volume(MCV, fl); Mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH, pg); Mean cell hemoglobin concentration(MCHC, g/l), Leukogram (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lym; Mon,%) as well as some electrolytes and hormone concentration. The study aimed to establish the changes in these indicators' values before and after the competition. Analysis of the haemogram showed a significant increase in the mean values of 4 of the indicators under study. No significant differences were established in MCV, MCH and MCHC. A decrease was found in the number of Lym, Eos, and Mon and a significant increase in Neu after the competition. The concentration of electrolytes (Ca, Na and K) in the blood serum decreased, and the levels of CK and LDH significantly increased.(AU)
A disciplina de resistência tem a história maiscurta na Bulgária em comparação com outras disciplinas de esportes equestres. As competições de resistência são realizadas em distâncias de 40 km a 160 km. O presente estudo focou no efeito do exercício em cavalos em uma distância de 120 km. Foram investigadas alterações nos seguintes parâmetros hematológicos: Leucócitos (g/l); Eritrócitos (T/l); Plaquetas (g/l); Hemoglobina (g/l); Hematócrito (%); Volume corpuscular médio (VCM, fl); Hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM, pg); Concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média(CHCM, g/l), Leucograma (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lin; Mon,%), bem como alguns eletrólitos e concentração hormonal. O estudo teve como objetivo estabelecer as mudanças nos valores desses indicadores antes e depois da competição. A análise do hemograma mostrou um aumento significativo nos valores médios de 4 dos indicadores estudados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no VMC, HCM e CHCM. Foi encontrada uma diminuição no número de Lin, Eos e Mon e um aumento significativo em Neu após a competição. A concentração de eletrólitos (Ca, Na e K) no soro sanguíneo diminuiu e os níveis de Creatina Quinase (CK) e Lactato Desidrogenase (LDH) aumentaram significativamente.(AU)
Animais , Resistência Física/fisiologia , Cavalos/sangue , Eletrólitos/efeitos adversos , Hematologia/métodosResumo
The present study investigated the influence of oral health on horses' facial expression, reactivity of the acupuncture points and the perception of trainers and owners. We investigated 87 adult horses involved in sports or working activities. Pain was scored in person and by photography by an evaluator "blinded" to the animals' dental condition, using the Horse Grimace Scale (HGS). The acupuncture examination was performed by the same evaluator. Animals were evaluated before (T0) and 15 days (T1) after dental treatment. All horses included in the study had dental disorders. Statistically significant results were seen in median HGS scoring (3 vs. 1, p = 0.001) and number of reactive acupoints (11.2±5.6 vs. 4±2.9, p = 0.001). Additionally, complaints by the trainers/owners were lower at T1 compared with T0. There was a reduction in the pain reaction to application of pressure on following acupoints: dental point (44 vs. 4), Stomach-7 (31 vs. 3), Tiple-Heater (TH)-17 (27 vs. 4), and TH-16 (22 vs. 4). We concluded that acupuncture can be an adjunct method for diagnosis of dental disorders and treatment follow-up.
Este estudo avaliou a influência da saúde bucal na saúde geral de cavalos, por meio da expressão facial, do exame de acupuntura e da percepção geral dos treinadores/proprietários. Avaliaram-se 87 cavalos adultos, envolvidos em atividades esportivas ou de trabalho. A dor foi avaliada pela Horse Grimace Scale, presencialmente e por fotografia, por um avaliador que desconhecia a condição dos animais. Os exames de acupuntura foram realizados sempre pelo mesmo avaliador. As avaliações ocorreram antes (T0) e 15 dias (T1) após o tratamento odontológico. Todos os cavalos estudados apresentavam alterações odontológicas. Observou-se redução significativa na mediana do escore de dor (3 vs. 1, P = 0,001), no número de acupontos reativos (11,2±5,6 vs. 4±2,9, P = 0,001) e nas reclamações dos responsáveis em T1 em relação a T0. Também houve redução na sensibilidade nos acupontos 'ponto do dente' (44 vs. 4), estômago-7 (31 vs. 3), triplo aquecedor (TA)-17 (27 vs. 4) e TA-16 (22 vs. 4). Concluindo, o presente estudo mostrou que a acupuntura pode auxiliar no diagnóstico de problemas odontológicos e no acompanhamento pós-tratamento da cavidade bucal.
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Saúde Bucal , Acupuntura , Expressão Facial , CavalosResumo
A study was designed to compare two sedation protocols to be used in horses undergoing orchiectomy when standing. In both protocols, the induction to the sedative state was performed with bolus detomidine at a dose of 10 µg/kg, intravenously (IV). In the first protocol (eight horses), the sedative state was maintained with 1% glyceryl guaiacol ether (GGE) in continuous infusion, at a dose of 1ml/kg/hour IV. In the second protocol (eight horses) this sedative effect was maintained with detomidine in continuous infusion at the same dose and induction route. Orchiectomy was performed on all animals. The two protocols allowed the surgeries to be performed when standing. However, horses kept under sedation by the GGE showed greater relaxation and a more intense degree of sedation. It should be noted that the use of GGE to maintain the sedative state in horses is unprecedented in the literature. The drug is used in anesthetic protocols in the species, but only in pre-anesthetic medication in general anesthesia. It was concluded that the two sedation protocols allowed the performance of orchiectomy with the horses when standing. However, the protocol in which 1% GGE was used showed more profound sedation, without adverse effects.
Foi realizado um estudo para comparar dois protocolos de sedação a serem utilizados em equinos submetidos à orquiectomia em estação. Em ambos os protocolos, a indução ao estado sedativo foi realizada com bolus de detomidina, na dose de 10µg/kg, por via intravenosa (IV). No primeiro protocolo (oito cavalos), o estado sedativo foi mantido com 1% de éter gliceril guaiacol (GGE) em infusão contínua, na dose de 1mL/kg/hora IV. No segundo protocolo (oito cavalos), esse efeito sedativo foi mantido com detomidina, em infusão contínua, na mesma dose e via de indução. Foi realizada orquiectomia em todos os animais. Os dois protocolos permitiram que as cirurgias fossem realizadas em estação No entanto, os cavalos mantidos sob sedação pelo GGE apresentaram maior relaxamento e grau de sedação mais intenso. Ressalta-se que o uso de GGE para manutenção do estado sedativo em equinos é inédito na literatura. O fármaco é utilizado em protocolos anestésicos na espécie, mas apenas na medicação pré-anestésica em anestesia geral. Concluiu-se que os dois protocolos de sedação permitiram a realização da orquiectomia com os cavalos em estação. No entanto, o protocolo em que foi utilizado GGE 1% apresentou sedação mais profunda, sem efeitos adversos.
Animais , Orquiectomia/veterinária , Guaifenesina/administração & dosagem , Doenças dos Cavalos , Hipnóticos e SedativosResumo
ABSTRACT: The study evaluated the effect of sex and slaughter weight on carcass traits and non-carcass components of 1,489 horses (739 geldings and 750 females, classified into eight groups according to their weight). Data were analyzed under a completely randomized design. Geldings had a higher (P < 0.05) hot carcass yield (HCY) and cold carcass yield (CCY) than females; however, fat yellowness values (b*) were greater (P < 0.05) in females. Slaughter weight (SW) affected the carcass characteristics. Hot carcass weight (HCW), cold carcass weight (CCW), HCY, and CCY increased (P < 0.05) in accordance with slaughter weight, while cool loss percentage (CL%) was lower (P < 0.05) in horses weighing more than 300 kg. In addition, the non-carcass components decreased (P < 0.05) as the weight of the horses increased. In conclusion, sex and body weight are factors to consider in the production of equine meat since they affect carcass characteristics and non-carcass components.
RESUMO: O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do sexo e do peso ao abate sobre as características de carcaça e componentes não-carcaça de 1.489 cavalos (739 machos castrados e 750 fêmeas, classificados em oito grupos de acordo com o peso). Os dados foram analisados em um desenho inteiramente casualizado. Os semeadores apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça quente (HCY) e fria (CCY) do que as fêmeas, porém o amarelecimento da gordura (b*) foi maior nas fêmeas. O peso ao abate (SW) afetou as características de carcaça. HCW, CCW, HCY e CCY aumentaram de acordo com o peso de abate, enquanto CL% foi menor em equinos com peso superior a 300 kg. Além disso, os componentes não-carcaça diminuíram com o aumento do peso dos cavalos. Em conclusão, sexo e peso corporal são fatores a serem considerados na produção de carne equina, uma vez que afetam as características da carcaça e seus componentes.
The study evaluated the effect of sex and slaughter weight on carcass traits and non-carcass components of 1,489 horses (739 geldings and 750 females, classified into eight groups according to their weight). Data were analyzed under a completely randomized design. Geldings had a higher (P < 0.05) hot carcass yield (HCY) and cold carcass yield (CCY) than females; however, fat yellowness values (b*) were greater (P < 0.05) in females. Slaughter weight (SW) affected the carcass characteristics. Hot carcass weight (HCW), cold carcass weight (CCW), HCY, and CCY increased (P < 0.05) in accordance with slaughter weight, while cool loss percentage (CL%) was lower (P < 0.05) in horses weighing more than 300 kg. In addition, the non-carcass components decreased (P < 0.05) as the weight of the horses increased. In conclusion, sex and body weight are factors to consider in the production of equine meat since they affect carcass characteristics and non-carcass components.
O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do sexo e do peso ao abate sobre as características de carcaça e componentes não-carcaça de 1.489 cavalos (739 machos castrados e 750 fêmeas, classificados em oito grupos de acordo com o peso). Os dados foram analisados em um desenho inteiramente casualizado. Os semeadores apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça quente (HCY) e fria (CCY) do que as fêmeas, porém o amarelecimento da gordura (b*) foi maior nas fêmeas. O peso ao abate (SW) afetou as características de carcaça. HCW, CCW, HCY e CCY aumentaram de acordo com o peso de abate, enquanto CL% foi menor em equinos com peso superior a 300 kg. Além disso, os componentes não-carcaça diminuíram com o aumento do peso dos cavalos. Em conclusão, sexo e peso corporal são fatores a serem considerados na produção de carne equina, uma vez que afetam as características da carcaça e seus componentes.
Animais , Peso Corporal , Abate de Animais , CavalosResumo
We evaluated 28 horses from a squad applied in public safety in Paraná (Brazil), in order to check the incidence of gastric ulcers and its correlation with mounted policing activity, considering the initial and maintenance training to which such animals are submitted. Horses were divided in two groups, one named control with 14 individuals, used in policing community activities, and the 14 others named as target group, these were used in restoration and maintenance of public order. Both groups have differentiated maintenance training protocols, and all had been evaluated for fecal occult blood, clinical evaluation, gastroscopy and histopathological. There were no significant changes that proved the development of gastric ulcers in horses used in public safety due to initial and maintenance training, and the main factor for prevention was the diversified diet with emphasis in hayed alfalfa.
Foram avaliados 28 equinos do plantel de animais aplicados na segurança pública do estado do Paraná, com o objetivo de verificar as incidências de úlceras gástricas e a correlação da manifestação de tal doença com a atividade de policiamento montado, considerando o treinamento inicial e o de manutenção aos quais tais animais são submetidos. Os equinos foram divididos em dois grupos: controle, com 14 indivíduos, aplicados na atividade de policiamento montado comunitário, e grupo-alvo, com os outros 14 animais, utilizados em ações de restabelecimento e manutenção da ordem pública, ambos os grupos com protocolos de treinamentos de manutenção diferenciados. Todos os animais foram submetidos à avaliação de sangue oculto em fezes, à avaliação clínica, à gastroscopia, à avaliação odontológica e comportamental, ao escore corporal e à histopatológica de mucosa gástrica. Não foram encontradas alterações significativas que comprovam o desenvolvimento de úlceras gástricas, em consequência do treinamento inicial e o de manutenção, nos equinos utilizados na segurança pública, cujo fator primordial preventivo foi a matriz alimentar diversificada com ênfase na alfafa fenada.
Animais , Úlcera Gástrica/diagnóstico , Úlcera Gástrica/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Cavalos , Úlcera Gástrica/veterinária , Bem-Estar do Animal , Medicago sativaResumo
Ionóforos são substâncias que foram inicialmente utilizadas como coccidiostáticos na produção de frangos de corte e, posteriormente, passaram a ser adicionados como aditivos na dieta de ruminantes. A intoxicação por ionóforos pode ocorrer em diversas espécies animais, no entanto, a espécie equina é especialmente sensível. O quadro clínico e anatomopatológico relacionado à intoxicação em equinos é caracterizado por sinais clínicos decorrentes de cardiomiopatia e miopatia da musculatura esquelética devido a necrose causada nestes tecidos. Não existe tratamento específico para os quadros de intoxicação por ionóforos, sendo assim, a prevenção deve ser preconizada de modo a evitar exposição dos equinos a alimentos que contenham ionóforos, especialmente nas criações em que bovinos e equinos compartilham do mesmo ambiente de criação. O objetivo deste artigo é abordar os principais aspectos relacionados aos ionóforos, bem como a intoxicação por estas substâncias em equinos.(AU)
Ionophores are substances that were initially used as coccidiostats in the production of broilers and later were added as additives in the diet of ruminants. Ionophores poisoning can occur in several animal species, however, horses are especially sensitive. The clinical and anatomopathological features related to poisoning in horses are characterized by clinical signs resulting from cardiomyopathy and myopathy of the skeletal musculature due to necrosis caused in these tissues. There is no specific treatment for ionophores poisoning conditions, therefore, prevention must be advocated in order to avoid exposure of horses to feed containing ionophores, especially in breeding where cattle and horses share the same rearing environment. The aim of this article is to address the main aspects related to ionophores, as well as poisoning by these substances in horses.(AU)
Animais , Intoxicação/prevenção & controle , Cavalos/fisiologia , Ionóforos/toxicidade , Cardiomiopatias/diagnóstico , Monensin , Morte Súbita Cardíaca/veterinária , Necrose/diagnósticoResumo
A ocorrência de processos fisiopatológicos que cursam com desidratação da ingesta no trato gastrointestinal dos equinos é comum na rotina clínica. Fatores como diminuição da motilidade intestinal e sobrecarga intraluminal de conteúdo desidratado podem levar a compactação em segmentos como estômago, ceco e cólons. Este estudo objetivou realizar a comparação entre soluções eletrolíticas enterais hipotônica (SeHIPO) e isotônica (SeISO) e a solução Ringer com lactato de sódio (RL IV) sobre o teor de umidade das fezes de equinos submetidos a um período de desidratação experimental (PD). Foram utilizados seis equinos adultos, todas fêmeas com idades entre 10 e 15 anos, média de 440 kg de peso corpóreo. O PD constou de 36 horas de jejum hídrico e alimentar associadas a duas administrações intravenosas de furosemida, sendo a primeira imediatamente no início (T-36) e a segunda 12 horas após o início do PD. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: SeHIPO e SeISO, ambas administradas por via nasogástrica em fluxo contínuo (HETfc), e RL IV administrada pela via intravenosa. Todos os tratamentos foram administrados a uma taxa de infusão contínua de 15mL kg-1 h-1 durante 8 horas consecutivas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o crossover6x3, onde cada animal foi submetido, em sistema de rodízio, aos três tratamentos em momentos distintos. As soluções eletrolíticas enterais demonstraram maior eficácia na recomposição do teor de umidade das fezes quando comparadas à terapia RL IV. A hidratação enteral com soluções isotônicas e hipotônicas administrada em fluxo contínuo são eficazes em restaurar o teor de umidade das fezes, podendo ofertar uma opção econômica, segura e eficiente na reidratação de pacientes e nas afecções que cursam como obstruções intraluminais simples.
The occurrence of pathophysiological processes that curse with digesta dryness in the gastrointestinal tract of horses is common in clinical routine, factors such as decreased intestinal motility and intraluminal overload of dry content can lead to compaction in segments such as cecum and colon. This study aimed to compare a hypotonic enteral solution (SeHIPO), an isotonic enteral solution (SeISO) and a Ringer with sodium lactate solution (RL IV) over the moisture content of equine feces submitted to an experimental dehydration protocol. Six adult horses were used, all females aged between 10 and 15 years, average body weight of 440 kg. The PD consisted of a 36 hours period of water and food fasting associated with two intravenous administrations of furosemide, the first immediately at the beginning (T-36) and the second 12 hours after the beginning of the PD. The treatments used were: SeHIPO (hypotonic enteral solution administered via nasogastric), SeISO (enteral isotonic solution administered via nasogastric) and RL IV (Ringer's solution with sodium lactate administered intravenously), all treatments were administered by continuous infusion at a rate of 15mL kg-1 h-1 for 8 consecutive hours. The experimental design used was the 6x3 crossover, where each animal is submitted, in a rotation system, to the three treatments at different times. Enteral fluid therapy with isotonic and hypotonic solutions administered in continuous flow are effective in restoring the moisture content of feces, and may offer an economical, safe, and efficient option for rehydrating patients and in conditions that progress as simple intraluminal obstructions.
Animais , Equilíbrio Hidroeletrolítico , Desidratação/veterinária , Hidratação/veterinária , Lactato de Ringer/uso terapêutico , Cavalos/metabolismo , Soluções Hipotônicas/uso terapêutico , Soluções Isotônicas/uso terapêutico , Trato Gastrointestinal , Fezes , Administração Intravenosa/veterináriaResumo
The aim of the present study is to describe the surgical technique and complications of uterine elevation by laparoscopic surgery, using the broad uterine ligament plication with toogles. Five mares of different breeds, weight and age were selected, presenting poor perineal conformation and pendulous uterus. The surgical technique was performed with a toogle applicator, 0.6mm sterile nylon thread and toogles, using three portals on each side of the flank. After one month, a new laparoscopy was performed, with only one portal on each side, to observe uterine positioning and healing. The average surgical time reached in this study was 82 minutes per procedure, and the uterus of all mares was successfully raised, remaining in a more horizontal orientation and presenting satisfactory healing. There are only two articles published with uteropexy in mares, where the proposed techniques take longer, which consequently increases the surgical risk.
O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever a técnica cirúrgica e as complicações da elevação uterina por cirurgia laparoscópica, utilizando-se a plicatura do ligamento uterino com aplicação de toogles. Foram selecionadas cinco éguas de diferentes raças, peso e idade, as quais apresentavam baixa conformação perineal e útero pendular. A técnica cirúrgica foi realizada com aplicador de toogles, fio de nylon estéril de 0,6mm e toogles, sendo utilizados três portais de cada lado do flanco. Após um mês, uma nova laparoscopia foi realizada, com apenas um portal de cada lado, para observar o posicionamento uterino e a cicatrização. O tempo cirúrgico médio alcançado neste estudo foi de 82 minutos por procedimento, e o útero de todas as éguas foi elevado com sucesso, permanecendo em uma orientação mais horizontal e apresentando cicatrização satisfatória. Existem apenas dois artigos publicados com a utilização da uteropexia em éguas, porém nestes as técnicas propostas demoram mais, o que, consequentemente, aumenta o risco cirúrgico.
Animais , Feminino , Útero/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/métodos , Cavalos , Laparoscopia/veterináriaResumo
The effects on human beings of tear gas (CS) used by police forces during the control of civil disturbances are widely known and amply described in numerous scientific papers. However, the advent of the concepts of animal welfare raises the question of whether animals exposed to CS in such events, specifically horses, would suffer the same effects as those described for humans. The purpose of this study was to determine whether mounted police horses exposed to CS exhibit the same symptoms as humans. In this study, 12 horses of the Military Police of Paraná, healthy and with no history of respiratory tract disorders, were led through a gas cloud caused by the detonation of six teargas grenades. The horses' physiological parameters of respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, and color of the eye mucosa were evaluated 24 hours before exposure, 30 min, and 24 hours after exposure. Blood samples were collected for complete blood count (CBC) and blood gas analysis and samples of eye mucosa were obtained using sterile swabs. The analysis of these parameters did not reveal effects analogous to those described in humans.
Os efeitos sobre seres humanos do gás lacrimogêneo (CS) utilizado pelas forças policiais no controle de distúrbios civis são amplamente conhecidos e largamente descritos em numerosos artigos científicos. No entanto, com o advento dos conceitos de bem-estar animal, levanta-se a questão se animais expostos ao CS em tais eventos, especificamente cavalos, sofreriam os mesmos efeitos descritos em seres humanos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se cavalos da polícia montada expostos ao CS apresentam os mesmos sintomas descritos em seres humanos. Neste estudo, 12 cavalos da Polícia Militar do Paraná, saudáveis e sem histórico de doença do trato respiratório, foram conduzidos por uma nuvem de gás causada pela detonação de seis granadas de gás lacrimogêneo. Os parâmetros fisiológicos de frequência respiratória, frequência cardíaca, temperatura retal e coloração das mucosas foram avaliados 24 horas antes da exposição, 30 min e 24 horas após a exposição. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para realização de hemograma completo e hemogasometria, e amostras da mucosa ocular foram obtidas por meio de swabs estéreis. A análise desses parâmetros não revelou efeitos análogos aos descritos em seres humanos.
Animais , Gases Lacrimogênios/toxicidade , o-Clorobenzilidenomalonitrila/toxicidade , Cavalos , Segurança , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Occlusal ridges of equines appeared in the evolutionary process of the species to increase its capacity of grazing and trituration. The difference in hardness of dental tissues (cementum, dentin, and enamel) and masticatory pressure on the occlusal surface of the hypsodont tooth promote the appearance of sharp occlusal ridges. The aim of this study was to measure and compare the height of the occlusal ridges (HOR) of the fourth premolar (Triadan 408) before and after odontoplasty. Ten Mangalarga Marchador mares aged 5 to 12 years, under extensive management, were evaluated by measuring the HOR in Triadan 408, using plaster models before, immediately after (D0), 15 days (D15) and 50 days (D50) after odontoplasty. Immediately after the procedure the HOR was only 21.9% of the HOR before the occlusal equilibration; however, in 15 days after odontoplasty, 65.9% of HOR was already reestablished and 80.3% after 50 days of the procedure. HOR in the buccal side resurfaced before the lingual HOR, suggesting a higher masticatory pressure of these buccal points. Results of the present study indicate that 15 days after the dental treatment, equines already have food trituration capacity, since HOR is apparent on the occlusal surface of the premolars that underwent odontoplasty.
Cristas oclusais de equinos surgiram no processo evolutivo da espécie para aumentar sua capacidade de pastejo e trituração. A diferença na dureza dos tecidos dentários (cemento, dentina e esmalte) e a pressão mastigatória na superfície oclusal do dente hipsodonte promovem o aparecimento de cristas oclusais afiadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi medir e comparar a altura das cristas oclusais (HOR) do quarto pré-molar (Triadan 408) antes e após a odontoplastia. Dez éguas Mangalarga Marchador de cinco a 12 anos, sob manejo extensivo, foram avaliadas pela mensuração da HOR no Triadan 408, utilizando-se modelos de gesso antes, imediatamente após (D0), 15 dias (D15) e 50 dias (D50) após a odontoplastia. Imediatamente após o procedimento, a HOR era de apenas 21,9% da HOR antes do equilíbrio oclusal; entretanto, em 15 dias após a odontoplastia, 65,9% da HOR já estava restabelecida e 80,3% após 50 dias do procedimento. HOR na face vestibular ressurgiu antes da HOR lingual, sugerindo maior pressão mastigatória nestes pontos vestibulares. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que 15 dias após o tratamento odontológico, os equinos já apresentam capacidade de trituração dos alimentos, uma vez que a HOR é aparente na superfície oclusal do pré-molar que foi submetido à odontoplastia.
Animais , Feminino , Ajuste Oclusal/veterinária , Cavalos , Má Oclusão/terapia , Má Oclusão/veterinária , Dente Pré-Molar , MastigaçãoResumo
Background: Laminitis is characterized by an inflammation of the laminar structures of the hoof, which results in lamellar degradation of the suspensory apparatus of the distal phalanx. Despite being a common disease in the equine clinic, it is a medical emergency, which can lead the affected animals not return to sports activities. Due to the severity of laminitis and the poor prognosis, the objective was to report the case of a horse with chronic laminitis with sole perforation in all limbs treated with therapeutic shoeing using a type of horseshoe that has a horizontal crossbar and is filled with mass. Fast-drying epoxy, which has its use little described in the literature Case: A 4-year-old Crioula horse, weighing 325 kg, used in long noose competitions, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of UFPR with chronic laminitis. The animal had reluctance to move, walk on a trestle position, grade V lameness and phalanx rotation of all limbs. The treatment of laminitis was carried out in the field, for two months, which consisted of trimming and shoeing with a horseshoe in the shape of a heart, and due to the failure of the treatment instituted, the patient presented clinical worsening. The treatment in the HV consisted of cleaning the perforated region of the sole with hydrogen peroxide and 10% iodine and dressing with cotton boots with EVA rubber on the sole to provide comfort. Corrective trimming was performed in order to remove excess forceps, lower the heel, and align the distal phalanx with the hoof wall, using a rasp. Orthopedic shoeing was performed with a normal horseshoe with a horizontal crossbar in the central region. The sole was filled with a quick-drying epoxy putty (Poxilina®), with the aim of preventing sole movement, blocking the rotation of the phalanges and improving the concavity of the hoof. Discussion: In chronic laminitis, the signs observed are claudication and deformation of the hoof, flat sole, enlargement of the white line, uneven growth of the hoof wall, hemorrhage in the abaxial white line, cracks in the hoof wall, which are observed parallel to the coronary band, in addition to phalanx rotation; in this clinical case, all these signs were observed. The trimming of horses with laminitis consists of removing the heels and decreasing the dorsal wall of the hoof, in this case, the trimming performed improved the clinical improvement of the animal five days after the procedure. The horseshoe used in the treatment of this animal has the objective of creating a weight-bearing surface on the middle of the sole, close to the tip of the frog, in this way the weight is not on the supporting edge of the clamp and, in this way, it reduces the pressure. over the most affected area. Despite the scarcity of reports on the use of this type of horseshoe, in this case it played a fundamental role in the treatment of laminitis. In this way, it is an alternative that must be taken into account when choosing the treatment, in view of its effectiveness and lower cost when compared to other methods. This case demonstrates the severity of laminitis in all limbs, especially as it presents a perforation of the sole. It is important to highlight that trimming and shoeing performed at the recommended interval (30-45 days) contributes a lot to the success of the treatment and the return of the animal to sports practice. The horseshoe with a horizontal crossbar was effective in the treatment of chronic laminitis of the forelimbs and pelvic limbs in the reported animal, with progressive improvement of the patient who returned to normal daily activities, without the presence of signs of pain or signs of laminitis after treatment.
Animais , Resinas Epóxi/uso terapêutico , Doenças do Pé/reabilitação , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Casco e Garras/patologia , CavalosResumo
A urolitíase é uma condição rara, mas considerada de emergência na rotina de equinos. Este trabalho relata um caso de correção de urolitíase vesical em equino pela técnica cirúrgica de laparocistotomia parainguinal a campo. Para isso, foi realizado atendimento de um equino macho, sem raça definida, com histórico de disúria e hematúria exacerbada após exercício. Após realização de exame clínico, a suspeita diagnóstica de urolitíase vesical foi confirmada por meio de ultrassonografia transretal, sendo indicado o tratamento cirúrgico. Diante da impossibilidade de realização do procedimento em centro cirúrgico, optou-se por operá-lo em condições a campo. Para o acesso à cavidade abdominal, optou-se pela laparotomia parainguinal. A bexiga foi localizada e esvaziada por punção. Procedeu-se cistotomia para remoção do urólito, seguida da lavagem da bexiga com solução fisiológica para remoção de possíveis detritos. A cistorrafia foi realizada em dois planos de sutura do tipo Schmieden-Cushing, com fio absorvível sintético, seguida pela laparorrafia. O pós-operatório consistiu em curativos diários da ferida cirúrgica, duchas e administração de antimicrobiano e anti-inflamatório. Conclui-se que o exame ultrassonográfico foi fundamental para o correto diagnóstico e que a escolha da técnica cirúrgica de laparocistotomia parainguinal realizada a campo oferece resultados satisfatórios para o tratamento de equino com urolitíase vesical.
Urolithiasis is a rare condition, but it is considered an emergency in the equine routine. The present work reports a correction case of vesical urolithiasis in equines by the surgical technique of parainguinal laparocystotomy in the field. A male horse, of mixed breed, with a history of dysuria and exacerbated hematuria after exercise was treated. After performing the clinical examination, the diagnostic suspicion of bladder urolithiasis was confirmed through transrectal ultrasonography and the surgical treatment was indicated. Given the impossibility of performing the procedure in the operating room, it was decided to operate the animal in field conditions. For access to the abdominal cavity, parainguinal laparotomy was chosen. The bladder was located and emptied by puncture. A cystotomy was performed to remove the urolith, followed by washing the bladder with saline solution to remove possible debris. The cistorrhaphy was performed in two planes of Schmieden-Cushing suture, with synthetic absorbable suture, followed by laparorrhaphy. The postoperative period consisted of daily dressings of the surgical wound, showers, and administration of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It is concluded that the ultrasound examination was essential for the correct diagnosis and that the choice of the surgical technique of parainguinal laparocystotomy performed in the field offers satisfactory results for the treatment of horses with bladder urolithiasis.
Animais , Masculino , Cálculos da Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Urolitíase/cirurgia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cutaneous neoplasms in horses treated at the Center for the Development of Livestock at the Federal University of Bahia, as well as to correlate it with the coat color, breed, and age of the animal. For that, the attendance records for the last ten years were reviewed. When evaluating the files, 13 cases of cutaneous tumor in horses confirmed by histopathology and cytology were observed. The most prevalent skin tumors were sarcoid (38.5%), melanoma (23%), and fibrosarcoma (15.4%). Regarding the equine coat color, gray and sorrel horses were the most frequent with 30.7% and 23.1% of cases, respectively. As for the equine breed, the mangalarga marchador was the most prevalent (38.4%). Regarding age, 38.46% of the horses were up to 5 years old, 30.77% of the animals were between 4 and 10 years old, and 30.76% were between 11 and 16 years old. In the end, it can be concluded that sarcoid and melanoma were the most prevalent neoplasms.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a prevalência de neoplasias cutâneas em equinos atendidos no Centro de Desenvolvimento da Pecuária da Universidade Federal da Bahia, bem como correlaciona-la com a pelagem, raça e idade do animal. Para tanto revisou-se as fichas de atendimento dos últimos dez anos. Ao avaliar as fichas, observou-se 13 casos de tumor cutâneo em equinos confirmado por histopatologia ou citologia. Os tumores cutâneos mais prevalentes foram sarcoide (38,5%), melanoma (23%) e fibrossarcoma (15,4%). Com relação a pelagem, equinos tordilhos e alazões foram os mais frequentes com 30,7% e 23,1% dos casos, respectivamente. Quanto as raças, a mangalarga marchador foi a mais prevalente (38,4%). Em relação a idade, 38,46% dos equinos possuíam até 5 anos de idade, 30,77% dos animais apresentavam idade entre 4 e 10 anos e, 30,76% apresentavam idade entre 11 e 16 anos. Ao fim, pode-se concluir que o sarcoide e o melanoma foram as neoplasias mais prevalentes.
Animais , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Pelo Animal/citologia , Cavalos/anormalidades , Melanoma/veterináriaResumo
Clostridial myonecrosis is a highly fatal infectious disease of the muscle that is caused by pathogenic clostridia. When it occurs in equine muscle, the infection can cause a variety of clinical signs. The present report described a case of acute myonecrosis caused by Clostridium septicum in a horse, which had a favorable clinical evolution. A 6-year-old mare was admitted to a veterinary hospital due to increased volume and lameness in the left pelvic limb after an intramuscular injection of an anti-inflammatory drug. The diagnosis of myonecrosis caused by C. septicum was based on clinical and laboratory findings. The animal showed significant improvement after 5 months of treatment and was discharged from the hospital. There is very limited information regarding myonecrosis caused by C. septicum in horses in Brazil; our study showed that early diagnosis and prompt appropriate treatment can ensure significant improvement and recovery of affected animals.
Mionecroses clostridiais são doenças altamente fatais, causadas por uma ou mais espécies de Clostridium sp. patogênicos. Entretanto, no músculo equino, a infecção pode produzir uma variedade de lesões e sinais clínicos. O presente relato descreve um caso de mionecrose aguda em um cavalo causada por Clostridium septicum, que apresentou uma evolução clínica favorável. Uma égua de seis anos foi internada em um hospital veterinário devido a um aumento de volume e claudicação no membro pélvico esquerdo, observado após injeção intramuscular de anti-inflamatório. O diagnóstico de mionecrose por C. septicum foi baseado nos achados clínicos e laboratoriais. Houve uma melhora significativa do animal após cinco meses de tratamento, permitindo que o mesmo fosse liberado do hospital veterinário. Considerando que as informações sobre C. septicum causadores de mionecroses em cavalos no Brasil são muito limitadas, este relato demonstra que o diagnóstico precoce e a implementação adequada do tratamento podem garantir uma melhora significativa e a recuperação dos animais afetados.
Animais , Feminino , Clostridium septicum/isolamento & purificação , Cavalos/microbiologia , Injeções Intramusculares/veterinária , Doenças Musculares/veterinária , Necrose/veterináriaResumo
Background: Wounds that occur with tissue necrosis and that result from the application of medications through the most diverse accesses are described as drug skin medical embolism or Nicholas syndrome in human medicine, with wide description. In veterinary medicine, this subject has not yet been described extensively and specifically in veterinary medicine, especially regarding to wounds that occurred after the application of non-intravenous medications in horses, even though these lesions are recurrent in the clinical routine. This report aims to describe a case of skin necrosis in a horse, due to phenylbutazone infection. Case: A 7 year-old Mangalarga Marchador horse, weighing 400 kg, was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital for Large Animals of the Universiade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), with a history of phenylbutazone injection to the left side of the neck. The animal had an extensive wound on the neck and face on the left side and was characterized by the presence of cold and devitalized skin, with a hardened and parched appearance and that easily detached. During the anamnesis, a single administration of 10 mL of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on phenylbutazone was reported intramuscularly for about 10 days to control the pain resulting from the claudication present for 14 days. The medication was administered in the region of the lateral border of the neck, on the left side. After drug administration, the animal presented an increase in volume at the application site. After 24 h, the lesion spread from the inoculation region, extending to the head and chest of the animal. During debridement, it was found that the lesion did not reach the underlying muscle tissue. In addition to the wound, the animal had upper eyelid palsy, lower lip, and auricular ptosis. Treatment with surgical debridement of devitalized tissue, topical application of ozonated sunflower oil, ketanserin, and a free skin graft was instituted. During hospitalization, the animal had a corneal ulcer in the left eye with an unfavorable prognosis due to paralysis of the upper eyelid, with enucleation of the affected eyeball. The animal was under veterinary care for 180 days and was discharged when his wound was already in an advanced stage of healing. Discussion: The history of the application of phenylbutazone intramuscularly and the location and characteristics of the lesion presented by the patient in the present report suggest that this animal presented aseptic tissue necrosis resulting from the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, phenylbutazone. Although aseptic tissue necrosis, better known as Nicolau's syndrome or drug embolism cutis, is widely characterized and described in this species, there are studies in the literature that reproduce the syndrome in pigs and rabbits. Phenylbutazone was able to cause arterial damage, mainly in the tunica intima of the artery in which the medication was administered, with perivascular inflammatory infiltrate and subsequent skin necrosis at the site of administration. In addition to the skin lesion, the animal started to show signs compatible with the left facial nerve lesion, evidenced by the immobility of the upper eyelid and labial and ear ptosis. This resulted in corneal ulceration and subsequent enucleation. The animal also developed chewing difficulty in the first months of hospitalization. This dysfunction may be due to a lesion of the mandibular nerve, responsible for innervating the masticatory muscles and the oral mucosa. However, the animal showed improvement in this aspect, no longer showing this condition after 90 days of hospitalization. The treatment used was successful in healing the wound.
Animais , Fenilbutazona/efeitos adversos , Gangrena/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Síndrome de Nicolau/veterinária , Doença Iatrogênica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Equine colic syndrome comprises numerous conditions associated with abdominal pain in horses. Impaction, a common cause of this manifestation, is strongly related to these animals' diet. Highly fibrous diets such as sugarcane can predispose horses to colic. The clinical condition can be worsened by fermentative processes, which lead to dysbiosis, circulatory disorders and even endotoxemia. The aim of this study was to report 4 cases of colic syndrome among 8 horses that underwent an experiment to adapt them to a sugarcane-based diet, and to correlate the animals' clinical conditions to the forage they ingested. Cases: Eight male castrated Mangalarga Marchador horses, between 5.5 and 7 years old, were subjected to an experiment to test the feasibility of sugarcane as forage. Four of these horses were taken to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital (HVGA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro for treatment of abdominal signs of discomfort a few days after the exclusive consumption of sugarcane, in a proportion of 1.75% of live weight in dry matter. The animals' symptoms ranged from behavioral signs indicative of pain to changes in vital parameters and structure of the feces, as well as changes revealed by transrectal palpation. Three of the 4 cases presented impaction in the small colon, and 1 of the horses also presented impaction in the right dorsal colon and rostral displacement of the pelvic flexure, with accumulation of contents in the right ventral colon and sternal flexure. Two of the cases were treated medically, while the other 2 required surgical intervention. The clinical condition of all the patients evolved favorably and they were discharged between 2 and 18 days. Discussion: Colic originating in the digestive system is a syndrome strongly associated with management, especially with respect to confinement, nutrition, and parasite control. During the experiment, 4 of the 8 horses fed with sugarcane presented with colic syndrome. The low quality of sugarcane fiber is due to the high degree of lignification of the plant cell wall, which favors accumulation of ingesta. The poor digestibility and sweet taste of this roughage favor increased consumption. Furthermore, its high sucrose content, associated with an increased rate of passage in the small intestine, alters the intestinal microbiome, and hence, the fermentation byproducts and pH of the ingesta. High intestinal content, allied to longer retention times in the colon and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, promote greater dryness of the ingesta, predisposing the occurrence of impactions in the most distal portion of the large intestine. Intestinal distension and mesenteric traction caused by the accumulation of contents and gases trigger pain, which can worsen due to displacement of the large colon. Small colon impaction, which is easily identified by transrectal palpation, evolves gradually and its treatment, both clinical and surgical, tends to have a favorable prognosis. The need for alternative food sources for horses is a growing demand; however, sugarcane as an exclusive roughage has been shown to be unsafe for horses. The low quality of the fiber and the high sucrose content of this forage can alter the digestive physiology of horses through changes in the passage rate, microbiome and motility of digesta, predisposing them to intestinal dysfunction, ingesta compaction and displacement of the large colon.
Animais , Masculino , Fibras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Cólica/veterinária , Saccharum/efeitos adversos , Cavalos , Doenças do Sistema Digestório/veterináriaResumo
Vitiligo is a dermatological disease affecting both animals and humans. It is characterized by depigmented macules of varying shape and size, originated from melanocyte destruction. Even though there are some theories tackling causation, disease etiopathology is not yet certain. Moreover, lesion areas can either increase or diminish over time, and therefore, available treatment alternatives tend to prove inconsistencies. No epidemiological data or registered cases were found for equines in Brazil. The horse in this case description displayed depigmentation areas in facial regions, including upper lip, nose and lips. However, the individual did not happen to develop any systemic alteration. Through clinical evaluation, backed by a histopathological exam, a definitive vitiligo diagnosis was obtained. However, no therapeutic plan was stipulated. The animal was accompanied for four years, during which period some affected areas diminished while others increased in size. In addition, emergence of new skin lesions was also observed during the time the animal was studied. Overall, this disease does not display alterations to organism functionality, only aesthetic changes. Therefore, treatment plans may vary from case to case, occasionally being even ruled out.(AU)
O vitiligo é uma doença dermatológica que pode afetar animais e humanos. Caracteriza-se por áreas despigmentadas, de formas e tamanhos variáveis, que surgem devido a destruição dos melanócitos. Existem algumas teorias que tentam explicar a etiopatogenia da doença, entretanto ainda não é totalmente esclarecida. As lesões podem aumentar ou diminuir com o tempo, por isso os tratamentos disponíveis são inconsistentes. Não foram encontrados dados epidemiológicos ou relatos de vitiligo em cavalos no Brasil. O equino deste relato apresentava lesões despigmentadas na região da face, incluindo pálpebras, narina e lábios, sem alterações sistêmicas. Por meio da avaliação clínica em conjunto com o exame histopatológico obteve-se o diagnóstico definitivo de vitiligo. Não foi instituído nenhuma terapia, e o equino foi acompanhado durante quatro anos. Durante esse período algumas lesões diminuíram e outras aumentaram de tamanho sendo também observado o aparecimento de novas lesões. O vitiligo não traz alterações sistêmicas, apenas mudanças estéticas, por isso a escolha pelo tratamento dependerá de cada caso.(AU)